Logic For Manual and Automated Palletizing v2

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Development Order


Logic for manual and automatic palletizing

Customer: ESTÉE LAUDER Companies

Project: C903A ELC

Consultant: Carina Winkler

Developer: Wolfgang Lazar

Time recording: Realisierung –0113-2021: Logic for manual and automated palletizing

BBP Version: 20190618_ELC_BBP_Outbound_shipping_V2.0

BBP Chapter.: 2.4 Behaviour at station

FRICE ID: 6380

KNAPP IT Solutions GmbH • Parkring 1 • 8074 Grambach bei Graz • Austria • +43 50 495 - 9100
Uni Credit Bank Austria AG • BIC: BKAUATWW • IBAN: AT611200052959159109 • FN: 383109 x • UID: ATU67349648 • DVR number: 4017059

Change log

Version Date Author Remarks

0.1 07.10.2019 WIN Initial version

1.0 30.10.2019 WIN Rework after feedback

2.0 16.04.2020 WIN Reworked after development

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1 Introduction 4
2 US 1: Requesting empty pallets and cartons 4
2.1 Acceptance criteria 4
2.2 Execution flows 4
2.3 Mockups / Use Cases / Processes 5
2.4 Additional information 5
3 US 2: WT creation for empty pallets 7
3.1 Acceptance criteria 7
3.2 Execution flows 8
3.3 Mockups / Use Cases / Processes 8
3.4 Additional information 8
4 US 3: Update HU after label application (Will be developed with MFS FRICE 6396) 8
4.1 Acceptance criteria 8
4.2 Execution flows 8
4.3 Mockups / Use Cases / Processes 9
4.4 Additional information 9
5 Customizing 9
6 Architecture 9
7 Technical implementation 9
7.1 Entry point 9
7.2 Packages 9
7.3 Important classes / function modules 9
7.4 Database tables 9
7.5 Checkpoint groups 10

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1 Introduction
The palletizing process can be either executed by a person at the manual palletizing station or by the
robot at the automated stations. To enable the operator and the robot to process the workload, the
station needs to take care of requesting empty pallets, requesting OSR cartons and M2P cartons. The
station logic must enable a continuous workload at the palletizing stations. Therefore, a program
needs to be implemented, which takes care of those tasks for each work station.

2 US 1: Requesting empty pallets and cartons

Each work station needs to take care, that the required empty pallets and related cartons are pro-
vided before the next pallets must be build up. Hence, the station must request the empty pallet type
in advance and take some rules into consideration. The station will request the cartons pallet by pal-
let. The parameter “Maximum number for requesting empty pallets” drives the number of pallets
which will be requested. SAP EWM will create a warehouse task for every retrieval of an OSR carton
and M2P carton from the M2P buffer. The related WHOs group the WTs into the corresponding pack-

2.1 Acceptance criteria

No AC needed.

2.2 Execution flows

1. The system provides a program for executing the empty pallet and carton request with the
variant to select a work center group or a specific work center.
2. The system starts the program, which will be called by a scheduled job every x minutes.
3. The system checks how many pallets have to be requested for a station.
a. The number is the delta between the ZTLGT_WC_PARAM “Maximum pallets for
request” and the number of pallets which have the empty pallet request status not
“initial”and execution status not “X” in ZTLGT_PAL_POOL.
4. The system writes an error log and does not request the cartons and empty pallet if not all
cartons are placed in storage type 0031 (NO request for the related pallet and all subsequent
5. The system writes an entry in the table ZTLGT_EMPTY_REQ for the actual pallet with the
related data of the table ZTLGT_PAL_POOL, the next sequential number for this station and
the actual time stamp.
6. The system checks for the de-stackers, which have the status “Active” in
ZTLGT_WC_AM_MGMT, with the status “Assigned” or “Cleared” if the assigned empty pallet
type fits to the requested onein the table ZTLGT_DESTACK. If this is not the case, the sys-
tem sets the “X” in the column “Manual infeed” in table ZTLGT_EMPTY_REQ.
7. The system creates the warehouse tasks for all cartons of the pallets with the sequence of
the KiSoft Packmaster result, which will be stored in ZTLGT_O_CAR (PM_SEQUENCE). The
sequence is provided by the “Latest starting time” of the WT.
8. For all warehouse tasks, which have the destination activity area “automated palletizing sta-
tion”, the WHO sequence needs to be the same as the KiSoft Packmaster sequence. KiSoft
SRC needs the sequence for the 100% provision from the Fastbox.
9. The system automatically creates the WHOs with the corresponding WOCR (=warehouse
order creation rule, see chapter 5), which limits the size of the WHO to the defined packages
depending on the source and target of the cartons.
10. The system sets the pallet request status and carton request status of the pallets to “R”.

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2.3 Mockups / Use Cases / Processes

2.4 Additional information

The table ZTLGT_EMPTY_REQ will be needed to control the creation of the warehouse tasks for the
empty pallets from the de-stacker and the manual infeed. The warehouse tasks can only be created
as soon as the empty pallet was created by MFS as a dummy HU.
The table will have the following structure:

Ware- Palletiz- SSC Empt Man- Se- Re- Time stamp

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house ing sta- C y Pal- ual quence quested

tion let infeed by
type (initial, Destacker
CHG1 MPA1 5710 Air X 2 2019102414371
pallet 1
CHG1 MPA2 5713 Euro 2 R 2019102414471
pallet 1
CHG1 MPA1 5800 Air 3 2019102414371
pallet 6
CHG1 APA4 5863 air 2 2019102414371
pallet 8
CHG1 MPA2 5833 Euro 3 2019102414501
pallet 1

The following table explains the different columns of z-table ZTLGT_EMPTY_REQ :

Field name Description Date type /
Warehouse number Number of the warehouse; key field CHAR / 4
Palletizing Station Work center; key field CHAR / 4
SSCC Serial Shipping Container Code; key field CHAR / 18
Empty pallet type Empty pallet type (packaging material) CHAR / 40
Manual infeed Flag to request from manual infeed (initial, “X”) CHAR / 1
Sequence Sequence of processing the pallets CHAR / 4
Time stamp Time stamp of inserting the value DEC / 21
Auto request status WT from destacker bin created CHAR / 1
Provided status Manual infeed provided CHAR / 1

The z-table ZTLGT_DESTACK will be needed to control the assignment of empty pallet types to the
destackers, as well as the status control (non-transportable, directly maintained in the z-node for
destackers in SCWM/MON).

Ware- Destacker De-stacker status Physical Assigned pallet Active/Inactive

house conveyor type
status (MFS)

CHG1 DES1 Assigned Not empty Ind. Pallet Active

CHG1 DES2 Unassigned Empty Plastic pallet Active

CHG1 DES3 Cleared Empty Europallet Active

CHG1 DES4 Paused Not empty Air pallet 1 Active

CHG1 DES5 Unassigned Empty Inactive

CHG1 DES6 Unassigned Empty Inactive

CHG1 DES7 Unassigned Empty Inactive

The following table explains the different columns of z-table ZTLGT_DESTACK:

Field name Description Date type /

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Warehouse number Number of the warehouse; key field CHAR / 4

Destacker Station Work center; key field CHAR / 4
Assigned, unassigned, cleared or paused, set CHAR / 10
De-stacker status by the user
Physical conveyor status “Empty” or “Not empty” CHAR / 9
Assigned pallet type Packaging material CHAR / 40
Status of Destacker read out of table CHAR / 8
Activation status ZTLGT_WC_AM_MGMT

3 US 2: WT creation for empty pallets

To be able to transport the empty pallets from the de-stacker or the manual infeed station to the pal -
letizing stations, or the non-mech pallet picking station (see DO 4010), the system needs a ware-
house task for the dummy HU of the empty pallet. The creation of the warehouse task is only possible
as soon as this dummy HU is available. Therefore, the system needs to provide a program which
checks for the requested empty pallets if related to the sequence a pallet is available.

3.1 Acceptance criteria

a. The system provides a program for the creation of warehouse tasks for empty pallet provi-
b. The system executes the program every 10 sec (6 times in one minute).
c. The system checks which HUs are available for transport. Therefore, following criteria need
to be met:
1. HU need to be placed on one of the bins in front of the 7 de-stackers or the one in
front of the manual infeed station (details see chapter 3.4)
2. HU has no open WT
3. HU has no error set (based on BFC)
4. De-stacker of the bin has status “Active” in ZTLGT_WC_AM_MGMT, and status “As-
signed” or “Cleared” in the table ZTLGT_DESTACK.
d. The system checks for each available HU of the de-stacker bins where it should be trans-
ported to.
1. The system checks all entries with the “manual infeed flag” initial in z-table
2. The system takes the first entry, where the pallet type matches and sequence is “0”
or “1”, and destacker request status “initial” sorted by sequence and timestamp.
3. Checks if an entry with destackerrequest status “X” exists for the same workcenter, if
this is the case the system takes the next entry for another workcenter.
4. For manual palletizing stations, the system creates a warehouse task for the derived
pallet to the lift if the lift is empty and no WT points to the lift. Else create a WT to
station buffer (check ZTLGT_MP_BINS).
5. For automated stations the system creates a WT to the station.
e. The system checks for the available HU of the manual infeed bin where it should be trans-
ported to.
1. The system checks all entries with the “manual infeed flag” “X” in z-table
2. The system takes the first entry, where the pallet type matches, the provided status is
“X”, the request status is “initial” and sequence is “0” or “1”, sorted by sequence and
3. Checks if an entry with request status “X” exists for the same workcenter, if this is the
case the system takes the next entry for another workcenter.
4. For manual palletizing stations, the system creates a warehouse task for the derived
pallet to the lift if the lift is empty and no WT points to the lift. Else create a WT to
station buffer (check ZTLGT_MP_BINS).
5. For automated stations the system creates a WT to the station.

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f. The system writes the HU number of the dummy HU into the field “PAL_HUident” in z-table
g. The system sets the destacker request status to “X”.

3.2 Execution flows

No execution flow needed.

3.3 Mockups / Use Cases / Processes

No mock-ups needed.

3.4 Additional information

De-stacker bins:

The table ZTLGT_PROC_TRGT (described in DO C903A_4013_A_Manual_Pallet_Finishing) will be

extended with the following process to identify the related bins of the de-stackers:


Buffer bins of palletizing robot:

To identify which buffer is related to the palletizing station the table ZTLGT_PROC_TRGT will also be
extended with the process:


The z-table ZTLGT_O_PAL needs to be extended with the following column:

Field name Description Date type /
PAL_HUident HU number CHAR / 20

4 US 3: Update HU after label application (Will be developed

with MFS FRICE 6396)
After provision of the pallet from the de-stacker or the manual infeed, the MFS routes the pallet to the
labelling station. The labelling station applies the pallet routing label (if non is applied). The scanner
afterwards scans the label and the previous dummy HU will be updated with the new HU number of
the label. The MFS needs to call a function, which updates the HU number also in the corresponding

4.1 Acceptance criteria

a) The system provides a function, which will be called by MFS with the dummy HU number and
the HU number of the label after pallet label scanner.
b) The system checks the dummy HU number in the z-table ZTLGT_O_PAL and replaces it with
the HU number of the label in column “PAL_HUident”.
c) The system deletes the entry in the table ZTLGT_EMPTY_REQ.

4.2 Execution flows

No execution flow needed.

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4.3 Mockups / Use Cases / Processes

No mock-ups needed.

4.4 Additional information

No additional information needed.

5 Customizing
1. WOCR: APG1, limit to max. 10 WT
2. WOCR: MPG1, limit to max. 4 WT
3. WOCR: M2P1, limit to max. 1 WT

6 Architecture
NO special architecture needed.

7 Technical implementation

7.1 Entry point

creation for empty pallets
empty pallets and cartons

7.2 Packages

Logic for manual and automatic palletizing C903A-2021
 ZL6300_BASIS O2C-6300-WO-BASIS-1

7.3 Important classes / function modules

Logic for manual and automatic palletizing
define the priority for pallets in palletizing

7.4 Database tables

Outbound Carton
Outbound Pallet
define the priority for pallets in palletizing
Assigns a work center to a work center group
A table with parameters per work center type
Empty Pallet Infeed

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7.5 Checkpoint groups

Checkpointgroup for manual automatic palletizing 6380

7.6 Transactions

 ZLRGT638000
Request empty pallets and cartons
 ZLRGT638001
WT creation for empty pallets

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