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CAMBRIDGE ‘CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS ‘Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Séo Paulo Cambridge University Press ‘The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK Information on this title: © Cambridge University Press 2006 This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception ‘end to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without ‘the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2006 Printed in Italy by Eurogratica (part of the LxGo group). A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN -13. 978-0-521-61362-0 Student's Book ISBN -10 0-521-61362-0 Student's Book ISBN -13 978-0-521-61363-7 Teacher's Book ISBN -10 0-521-61363-9 Teacher's Book (SBN -13 978-0-521-61364-4 Cassette ISBN -10 0-521-61364-7 Cosserte ISBN -13978-0-521-61365-1 Audio CD ISBN -10 0-521-61365-5 Audio CD Ve TST for. Movers Student's Book * | Ww OnNauAWHN a NNNNNNNBPBawBeBaBaawanaas AuUBWNBOHAVNaAUEWNAT x Animals .. Which animal?. What kind of hair?.. The girl in the red dress... Big or small?. Bigger or smaller? ... The biggest and the smallest..... What's your name?.... My family Which bag is Daisy's? Things we eat and drink... Bottles and boxes Different houses... My home... About me .. At school ... Different sports... My hobbies... My body... What's the matter? ... Where?.... Why do people go there? .. The world around us. What's the weather like? ... Find the differences .... Which one is different? .. The bats are everywhere! .. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 My day ... My week .... How well do you do it? ... What do you think? ... Why is Sally crying?..... On your feet and on your head... What's in Mary's kitchen? ... Where were you? .. What a busy week! What a morning} ...... No they didn't! .... Did you watch TV last night? ..... My birthday ...... Saying yes and no.. My holidays .... A day at the beach. Which day was it? ... Treasure . A day on the island From A toZ Give me a short answer Words you nee Opposites and places... Pairwork activities .. Unit wordlist ..... List of irregular verbs.. cae 1 4 7 10 2 5 8 u 3 6 9 12 B’ @ Listen and write the animals. KERRY LAR & 1 It has a tail, likes catching mice and sounds like ‘hat’. 2 It lives in the sea and sounds like ‘park’. 3 It’s green, jumps very well and sounds like ‘dog’. 4 It sings, sometimes lives in a cage, and sounds like ‘word’ 5 It eats grass and sounds like ‘now’. 6 It doesn’t have legs and sounds like ‘cake’. 7 It’s always hungry, has a little beard and sounds like ‘boat’. 8 It flies at night and sounds like ‘Pat’ 9 It’s very big, swims in the sea, and sounds like ‘tail’. Se 10 It’s very small, eats cheese and sounds like ‘house’. 2A’ Answer the questions. Which animals live... in the sea? .. in the jungle? . in water? - on a farm? can -» Swim? vw fly? .. run? jump? climb? are... pets? . big? «small? ee Quick? ws Slow? have got a tail? Which animals do you like? Are you afraid of any animals? Which one is different and why? cat — horse ~ dog ~ bird sheep - fish - horse ~ cow dolphin - shark ~ cat - whale elephant - giraffe - whale - spider lizard - bat — bird - fly is different because . > UR WN Avnoukindlo hair What colour’s hair has he got? her hair? . Write the answers. to the questions. What kind of hair has she got? ~ ® tisten and tick (v) the box. 1 Which h gil is Kim? Which is the teacher? A B c 3) Which person is Jim’s cousin? Which boy is Paul's friend? io ef Uh B Circle the words for your hair. Vvegot short long curly straight black grey brown ae red orange fair blonde white hair. PE qo Gil Gh a9 crass 2A‘ Find the words for the pictures and write them on the lines. 8 scarfgrtw cereetees) a eahsn I atioh id ™ tere a@ eotkt rs hoe ytrou -B° Find the words in the box for five more things you wear. ~¢ © tisten and draw lines. There is one example. Ann Fred John Lucy Jane Tom Peter HE soo smeae Write the missing adjectives. easy thin cold quiet hot quick slow loud fat difficult fi ay 1 He's : 3 6 It's, 7He's Draw lines between 5 clean ugly the opposites. beautiful short tall dirty weak wrong happy strong right sad Answer the questions. Are your shoes clean or dirty today? Is the weather hot or cold? Do you like loud or quiet music? Is your hair long or short? Is English easy or difficult? wEpwn = GOST OF siiea Yes or no? 1 A baby is younger than a man. A girl is older than a woman. 2 3 A spider is longer than a snake. 4 Aplane is quicker than a motorbike... Read and draw. Mary and Sally are friends. Mary is taller than Sally but Sally’s hair is longer and her eyes are bigger. Mary's got a bigger nose and bigger ears, but her mouth’s smaller than Sally’s. Today, Mary’s wearing jeans and a red T-shirt. Her shoes are black. Sally's got a short green skirt and her favourite green and white T-shirt. She put white sports shoes on this morning. °C Find the differences. Learner A. Look at the picture. WA so bo ong ao coiest 2A Complete the sentences. 1 .. are the tallest " <— animals in the world. ee 2 Blue. .. are the biggest Seo At Pe onimals in the world Snel 3. African... biggest land animals. .. are the 4 The wettest place in the world is Cherrapunji, in... 5 The hottest temperature in the world was 57.8°C/136°F in El Azizia, .... 6 The coldest place in the world is. Libya India._—s whales elephants giraffes. Antarctica > Bi Look and write. a fe comparative superlative short adjectives small smaller (than) the smallest (1 syllable) sfiott aE fat fatter the fattest big ae i 2 syllable -y easy easier the easiest dirty einepanananiE: long adjectives | difficult more difficult the most difficult beautiful irregular bad worse the worst good better the best A‘ Find the 23 names in the box. ANNAJANE®EN Write them here. Li HER MRI AEE —EcoOoFREDOTOM 1 XK IMS AMHIODH 2 SALLYTONYAI 3 BlbLLVICcKYIM 4 HMISSMARYSL 2 EPATPAULBYU : RMRSHISJ IMC ; Ss PETERSOMAY *B- There are seven more words in the box. Find the seven words and write them under he or she. RwWwNn oa © Listen and write the names. 4... HE ap tomy Examples My sister's name is Sue. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Example Name: 1 Age: 2 Address: _Road 3 Father's name 4 Father works at: 5 Teacher’sname: Mr we Bill = Mary John = Anna Sam = Vicky Jane Ben Peter vy Le; ee ~¢ ey) h Who am I? We've got two daughters. We've got two sons. and Peter is my younger brother. I'm the oldest child in my family, I've got two cousins, Ben and Peter. We've got two granddaughters and two grandsons. and Our aunt's name is Vicky. _ and | Our unde isJohn, and Our grandmother is Mary and our grandfather is Bill. and ® listen and write. ALE conte bay w Ooreyge ‘Az @ tisten and write the names. Ben Tom Daisy Mr Moon Bill Jim Write sentences about Ben and the other people. Who is Daisy? Who is Mr Moon? Who is Jim? Who are Tom and Bill? “. @& Listen and draw lines. Put the food and drink in the correct place. coconut — lime burger coffee beans bread _pasta” chicken lemonade carrot mango watermelon apple sausage tea egg milk cake pear _juice— cheese orange icecream __ fish water _ pea onion lemon rice grapes juice Q coconut Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. Eat bananas soup asandwich pineapple — cheese Example You find this yellow fruit on trees. Monkeys like them a lot. en DANANAS 1 Some people put milk and sugar in this hot drink. 2. You can eat this from a bowl or drink it from a cup. 3. You make this with bread and you can put meat or salad inside. Me 4 People make this from milk and it’s often yellow or orange. HEF goss Gr ors “A’ Say how many. 21Bi & Listen and colour and draw. °C? Read and colour and draw. * Draw a big table in the box. Put these things on the table: glasses, bowls, bottles. On the outside of one of the bottles, write what is inside. * Drow a big cake. * Colour the picture. HEF osteo haa, A’ Draw lines between the words and picture A. basement balcony door leaves mat stairs trees wall window Picture A Be Listen and say what. C @ Find the differences between the pictures. Picture B AEE cso tvome ‘A’ Complete the text about you. Draw where you live. Hive in @ flat / a house) in . (a city / a town /a village / the country). It has .. . (an apartment / . rooms: ® Listen and write. There is one example. Ben's house Example | Kind of place: 1 | City name: 2 | Number of rooms: 3 | Address: . Road 4| His bedroom: on the... floor 5 | Shops: big .. Answer the questions about where YOU live. How many bedrooms are there? How many windows are there? How many phones are there? How many floors are there? Have you got a garden? Does it have a lift or stairs? What colour is your bedroom? What's in your bedroom? What's in the living room? What's in the bathroom? Somrur aHrRWN RH B’ @ Listen and write Bills answers. “C! Answer the questions for your friend. Bill your friend How old are you? N How tall are you? w How many brothers and sisters have you got? 5 What kind of hair have you got? w What colour is your hair? a What colour are your bedroom walls? N What's on your bedroom walls? 8 Who do you sit next to in class? 9 What's in your desk? 10 How do you come to school? 11 How do you carry your homework to school? 12 Where do you do your homework? 13 Where do you have lunch? 14 What's your favourite colour? 15 What's your favourite food? 16 What's your favourite drink? 17 What's your favourite film? 18 Can you play the piano? 19 Can you swim? ate 20 Can you play basketball? Choose the right words and write them on the lines. Example You need a .. 1 Jack Paul wa wna to draw straight lines. ruler eraser toothbrush After school, I go home and alphabet homework difference in class, please. 2 understand point put up your hand and ask the teacher. stand up I... _.. my things to school ina big bag. 3 give take off carry | write with a... 4 pencil bookcase wall OF oe ie pen rubber lesson ‘Open your books ct..... 60, please’ 5 floor tick page © @ tisten and draw lines. Find the three sentences with mistakes. The boy with the green T-shirt is reading a book. Both of the boys who are drawing on the board have got white shoes. Two of the boys are wearing yellow sweaters. The closed book is under the table. There's a picture of a train on the wall. uh What did Peter do last week? Listen and draw a line from the day to the correct picture. There is one example. Football Example Ina lot Qf Countries, football isthe of on in 1 favourite sport. In parts ofthe 1 every any some world it is called soccer. In this game you kick the ball with your feet and you can 2 the ball with your head, but 2 hits hit hitting 3. only one can pick the ballup «3 person people men 4 catch it in their hands. Lots of | 4 because than or children learn to play football at school 5 and you can often see oe playground. in the 5 them they their cay ettbtias Write the correct words under the boxes. The first letter is there to help you. Choose words. Write the correct words next to numbers 1-5. There is one example. My brother and sister are very different. My brother Tom is the oldest and my sister Vicky is the youngest. Vicky likes sunny weather because she loves being outside and doing sports like .... POCKeY..... When it snows, Vicky goes ‘, on the lake in the park with her friends. Tom likes being inside and he doesn’t like hot weather. He often listens to the * and at the weekend, he watches ? with his friends. The only sport Tom plays is # in our garage with his friend Bill. When he’s older, Tom wants to draw pictures for °. He's very good at drawing and his pictures are very funny. What's the best name for this text? Tick (V) one box. My brother and sister A day at the park My favourite sport * How many? hands . shoulders. ... eyes necks legs . backs ears _ mouths Write yes or no. Examples One of the monsters is flying. Three girls are watching the game. There are more monsters than children in the picture. The monsters have got more eyes than the children. The man is the tallest person in the picture. The monsters’ arms are shorter than their legs. aERwnea The monsters are fatter than the children. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. teeth stomach feet neck back shoulder nose ears Example These are in your mouth. You must clean them every day. 1. This is the part of your body between your head and your body. 2. These are at the bottom of your legs. You use them to walk and run. This is inside your body. It’s where your food goes. You have two of these and you listen with them. This is between your arm and your neck This is between your neck and your legs. It’s behind you! Nousw This is on your face between your eyes and your mouth. PEF onrst Go manere “A> Look at the pictures in B. Write the words. ta \ 20 >| ] 2a =| 1c 2b —- 1b > ] »B! @ Listen and tick (¥) the box. 1 What's the matter with Ben? 2 What was the matter with Kim today? 4 PAE corre? Write the words under the pictures ashop hill a farm asupermarket the sea river market stairs a hospital bank beach amountain aplayground a lake «a classroom 1 i ye GY G0 REEL Go Greek Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use each word once. vegetables animals books doctors fruit drive play tea food run town coffee 1 a library You go to this place to choose . 2 apork People often go here at weekends to ... 3 abusstation You go to this place when you want to go to another and you don’t want to .. 4 acafé This is a place where people go to have a cup of. 5 a hospital and nurses work at this place. 6 az00 People go and see different .. _.. in this place. 7 amarket This is often outside and people buy .. like carrots or like apples here . 8 supermarket This is a big store where you can buy lots of kinds of © Listen and tick (V) the box. 1 Where does May’s brother work? 2. Where is Kim's dad going? ee c w Where did the children have lunch? 4 me We cremad ws Yes or no? Write yes next to the things you can see and no next to the things you can’t see in the picture below. a farm a field «a flower a forest grass an island a jungle a lake a leaf the moon @ mountain a plant a river a rock the sea a star the sun a village a waterfall ® Listen and colour and draw. Find the differences. BEF conse Ge weather tte? >A’ Draw pictures for the words. a rain b thesun cc arainbow d snow e wind f clouds Write the words on the lines. Example This is cold and white and comes from clouds. 1 This is water and comes from clouds. 2. This has a lot of colours and you see it in the day. 3. You can see these above you. They're white or grey and they carry snow or rain. 4 You can see this above you in the day, but not at night It's yellow and hot. 5 You need this to go sailing and to fly a kite, but it’s not good for badminton. 1 2 °D* Let's talk about you and the weather. 1 What's your favourite kind of weather? 2. Does it often snow in your country? What clothes do you wear when it's cold? 4 Do you go outside when it’s wet? Can you find treasure at the end of a rainbow? 6 Tell me about the weather today. Picture a or b? There is one example. Example There are no leaves on the trees. There's only one cloud. The helicopter is on the ground. The man’s hair is straight. There's a red car. The duck is big. The man is pointing at the helicopter. The mat is square. woyvaunswna The man is wearing a blue shirt. Complete the sentences. Write one word on each line. Example In picture a, there's one cloud, but in picture b, there are ... clouds. 1 In picture b, the man’s hair is straight, but in picture a, his hair’s 2. The mat is square in picture b, but in picture a, it’s . a 3 In picture a, the duck is big, but in picture b, it’s AMICON SIC itferent Draw and colour another picture and then write. Se aa 1 Aplane, a .and a... we) are orange 4 You can find an and a.,, in a living room. Look at these pictures. Which one is different and why? Complete the sentences. Chup . but this is an... 1 All of these pictures show... 2 Three animals are... . the table but here, the bird is the table. || me | BS but here, the boy 3 These people Bk Go OW are examiner B ae Look at the picture. ® Right or wrong? The biggest bat in the picture is flying below the fan. There's a green bat at the bottom of the stairs and it’s sleeping. Two bats are outside the house. You can see a bat in front of the window. In this picture, there’s only one spider. 1 2 3 4 5 The smallest bat in the picture is on top of the phone. 6 7 The bat which is above the hall table is brown. 8 Most of the bats are inside the house. a When do you... ? get up go to bed have lunch watch TV go shopping talk to your family put on your clothes clean your teeth hove supper Complete the sentences. In the morning | always... At school we often . My teacher never .... In the evening I sometimes .... ® listen and write. Example Name: 1 Age: 2. Day: 3 Tennis classes 4 5 Teacher's name: How often do you ... ? Number of children in class: When do you ... go to school a go to sleep have a shower go for a walk come home wake up have a wash get undressed do your homework You and sport Pat Smith gay weak Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. There is one example. skating sings tennis shower river sailing . before breakfast every morning but In the school holidays, | have a... sometimes my brother doesn’t! We're very good at sport so we often play 1 in the mornings. We never 2. movies on TV in the holidays because it’s good to be outside. We like fishing in the 3. the holidays too, but we never catch any big fish! We go to the beach too. Our dog always comes with us and 4. the sea! We have a boat and . with our father in it. | love the holidays! sometimes we go * Which day do you do these things? sing takeabus have breakfastathome do sport watcha DVD go shopping _ listen to music __ write emails do homework getdressed wearacoat ride a bike havea party cook drawpictures go for a walk now Well do gem dp KP 2A’ Complete the sentences. That man sings very .... The cars are moving very . What do you think? Write yes or no. People in my country drive slowly. My family talk quietly, | write carefully. I dance very badly. My friend sings very well I'm learning English quickly. NOaunwno People in my country always talk loudly. Ask and answer questions. Questionnaire Can you swim well? Do you paint carefully? Do you learn quickly? Can you go downstairs quietly? Does your teacher sometimes talk loudly? Do you wake up slowly? Const CS How thre Complete these sentences with words from the box. clever terrible funny ugly boring surprised naughty Example That house is very beautiful, but this house is very aly, The food at that café is great, but the food at this café is Why are you laughing? | don’t think it's That boy is very .. He knows about lots of different things. Our teacher is very angry with us because we were in class. I'm not........ ... Jack isn’t at school today. He’s Gora a bad cold. aunWwn Are there any exciting films on at the cinema? No. They're all ... Read the text and choose the best answer. Paul moved to a new flat last week. He's talking ‘on the phone to his friend, Jane. Example & Jane: Hello Paul. It's Jane. How are you? 3 Paul: (@)Fine, thanks B I'meleven. My name's Paul. Questions 1. Jane: Do you like your new town? 4 Jane: How's your new school? Paul: A He's very loud. Paul: A The school’s right. B It’s very nice. B The teachers are very nice. C She's too busy. C Do you? Me too! 2. Jane: Where's your new flat? 5 Jane: Well, write me lots of emails! Paul: A Opposite the park. A What's the matter? B Abig balcony, B All right! C Lost Thursday, C Well done! 3 Jane: And have you got any new friends? Paul: A Yes, there is. B Yes, they do. P C Yes, |have. C! & Listen and check your answers. oho & Sally autage ei 1 “TH @ listen and colour and write. Look at these pictures. They show a story. Look and read. Examples Write yes or no. Two boys are eating 5 ice creams. 4 til ita LTE | The smallest giraffe is eating leaves. The man sitting down is hot One of the girls is afraid . of the spider. The robot is the one who is bouncing a ball. Three people in the picture are laughing. The boy sitting on the ground is hot and tired. The spider is running up the wall. °D- Now you tell the story. oh 2Be Make sentences. You find outside a house or a flat this on your head in cold weather. You see on beaches. on your feet when you go for a walk. in libraries. You put in the sea or in a lake. ue at the cinema or on television You wear on trees. 2 C2 @ Listen and find the words. cine acne I b e a c h a a boat hdr yop ho ne r g t £ a r m ° ro op ages t ° r s ° f a s ung tas s nos 0 © ce rf bs 2 d ¥ o r e s t What can you see in the kitchen? Write sentences about the picture. There are only There are a lot of There's a lot of There’s not much I can see some AuARwWwna I can’t see any What does Mary need to buy? potatoes pasta cheese Say sentences: coffee oranges _—_ onions She needs to buy . tea apples tomatoes She doesn’t need to buy ... rice anor What's in your kitchen? a little some a lot of we need @ Listen and write where Paul was last week in the table below. Now write where you were last week. Then ask a friend. Tuesday |Wednesday| Thursday | Friday | Saturday Paul You Talk to a friend. Ask and answer the questions. Where were you yesterday morning? Where were you last weekend? Where were you last night? Where were you on Thursday? Where were you in the holidays? CHE © Buy macng A~ Look at the pictures, then complete the sentences. The first letter of each verb is there to help you. ... tennis last Monday, all his friends yesterday, My little sister c.. . six pictures at school this morning ...@ lot at her birthday party last Saturday. a lot at the bank on Tuesday and Wednesday. ; 2 3 4 My big sister d. 5 My father w. 6 a 8 9 My cousin Jack s. .. down the river on Saturday. My cousin Alex I... a lot at the clowns in the circus yesterday. My uncle Tom ¢... lunch for all the family last Sunday. My little brother d. was very angry! ..six eggs on the floor last night. Our mum 10 My parents c. three mountains on their last holiday. 10, B’ Now write the words you found in A under the numbers. ; a Find the sentence! 1 mr ma i LI |_|? | (2 5 89 [ 4 1 Clo Cc] | Crp # GREE © Gnertatag Order the pictures. a ww. Yesterday, Ben got up quickly. He had to walk to school in the rain. When Ben went into the classroom, the teacher was not happy because he didn’t have any books or homework! He put on his clothes and didn’t have breakfast. He ran to catch the bus, but he didn’t catch it. ... He didn’t take his coat and went out of the house. Complete Nick’s story. Write one word on the lines. Yesterday, Nick got up. He put on his clothes and breakfast. He his coat and............. Out of the house. the bus. into the classroom, the teacher . . to the bus stop and he.... When he . ne happy because ... all his books and homework. qo they chin ‘A. Sam was in bed all day yesterday because he had a bad cold and a temperature. Look at the things Sam had to do. Complete the sentences. dam See you at the bus station at 2 pm. Then we can have coffee at that new café. Paul Example Sam had to take his books back to the library. we AN SOME a secesseernseeeeeeensseeeee TOO, 1 He had to buy some 2 He had to meet. °B. Write sentences about the things Sam didn’t do. 1 wrwn C’ @ Listen to the sentences. Then you say them. Dan didn't drink tea Daisy didn’t dance in the dining room. David's dog didn't take its dirty bow! downstairs. D~ Look at these sentences about the Romans. Five of them are not correct. Which ones? 1 The Romans spoke English. 2. People had to write books by hand. 3. Every family lived in a big house. 4 They wrote numbers with seven letters: I, V, X, L, C, D, M. 5 Alot of Romans had baths 1 every day. computer games. tk They had cars and bicycles. They had swimming pools. Romans liked to sleep after lunch. Romans wore trousers and shirts. Soara Roman children played ‘A. Write the names of people in your class. B Searvoan _ watched television last night. . played football last weekend. ... walked to school this morning. . went to the shops yesterday. . listened to the radio this morning. ..tead a story last week played in the park last weekend ... went to a different town on holiday. . went to see his/her grandparents last weekend. ... drew a picture last week. B- How about you? What did you do last week? uswna Did you lose anything? Yes, | did. / No, | didn’t Did you find anything? Yes, | did. / No, | didn’t Did you go out with your friends? Yes, | did. / No, | didn’t. Did you go for a swim? Yes, I did. / No, | didn’t. Did you invite a friend to your house? —_-Yes, I did. / No, | didn’t. Right () or wrong (x)? ZOE aw wirahdey Read the story, Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-6. There is one example. (UU SS See surprised Last weekend was my .. My parents took my sister and me to Forest Farm. Forest Farm is a kind of | ... where you can see and play with lots of different animals. You can watch dogs that work with animals like _and goats. | helped the grown-ups to give the chickens their breakfast. My sister took a lot of photos of all the animals. We had _in the farm café. | ate my favourite cheese and tomato sandwiches and my sister was happy because Mum 4. _.. her sausages and fries. That afternoon, my dad told me to *. my eyes. He took me downstairs to the café basement. ‘Open your eyes,’ he said. | opened them | We had a birthday party at % and saw all my friends. | was very © the farm. It was a very exciting day. eai® 055 ad) qe © Answer the questions about the story. a ©® Draw lines between the sentences and the answers in B. Here are some sandwiches. b Would you like to buy an ice cream? You must take some fruit with you How about some orange juice? Would you like to take some lunch with you? NF cow elteys Ai Read the text and choose the best answer. Jill's aunt is asking her about her holiday. 1 Aunt: Did you enjoy your holiday? A Yes, please. B Yes, OK C Yes, thanks Jill: 4 Aunt: Were there a lot of things to do? Jill A Yes, I'm going to do those things now. B Yes, they were all very busy then. C Yes, there was something different 2 Aunt: Where did you go? every day. Jill: A With my school 5 Aunt: And what was the weather like? friends. Jill: A Thave got my coat. B To the mountains. B We went to the beach. Last Monday € It was hot and sunny. afternoon. 6 Aunt: What did you like best about the 3 Aunt: How did you go there? holiday? Jill: A Fine, thanks. B After lunch. C We took a bus. Jill: A I'd like to have some more, please. B We saw lots of exciting things C Yes, she’s funnier than he is. B’ Answer the questions by circling or writing words. You and your holidays 1 Where did you go for your last holiday? 2. Did you enjoy it? 3 How did you get there? 4 What did you take with you? What was the weather like? 6 What was the food like? What did you do? 8 What did you bring back home? beach country city yes no by plane by car by train by bus by boat maps acamera tickets clothes bags hot sunny cloudy raining cold terrible great good OK not bad terrible shop play swim climb walk see things shells sand photos AGW B the bag Look at the pictures. Write 1, 2, 3 or 4. Look at the pictures and read the story. Last Tuesday, Sam and his brother Nick went to the beach. They put their towels and clothes on the sand next to the water and played football. They wanted to go for a swim, so they stopped playing football and went into the water. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2 or 3 words. 1 Nick has called Sam 2. After they put their things on the beach, they... 3. The boys went into the sea because they ... First, they tried to find shells on the sea floor and sea animals under the rocks. Then, they saw something yellow in the water. Sam caught it and they swam to the rocks to look at it. ‘It’s your towel, Sam!’, laughed Nick. 4 The boys looked under the rocks for . 5 When they were in the sea, a yellow thing. But Nick stopped laughing when he saw his towel and clothes were in the water too. They had to put on their wet clothes and walk to the bus. Sam had no shoes and Nick didn’t have a T-shirt. The people on the bus looked at them and some people started pointing and laughing. Their parents were very angry when they saw the boys. ‘You must be more careful’, they said. 6 Both boys lost some 7 When the boys got on.... some people thought they looked funny. 8 Their parents told them to .. BEE cori Cay was ae “A: & Listen and draw the four pictures. What did Alex do last week? Monday Wednesday Saturday Thursday Friday B’ Complete the sentences. On Monday, | got up and On Tuesday, | had ... for breakfast but | didn’t have .. On Wednesday, | didn’t OF... Last Thursday | went to On Friday | was hungry so I ate.... Het sacawve 2 A> Which is my picture? treasure trees a pirate @ Listen and write the words. Write the sentences in the story. A canes ‘3 We bought the tickets, went inside the cinema and my father gave me some money to buy an ice cream. We sat down and the movie started. The film was about a famous pirate whose name was Bill. He had a black beard and moustache. He was very strong and he had a parrot whose name was Henry. 2 He and the pirates from his boat found some pineapples and coconuts to eat. The parrot found some fruit too. They sang and played music on the beach. Bex They were very happy and danced and sang more songs before they took the treasure back to their boat. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2 or 3 words. 1 After they bought the tickets, the family .. .... the cinema. 2 was called Bill. 3 Bill had a beard 4 The pirates went to an island by 5 Both the pirates and the parrot ate ..... ‘on the island. 6 They were very when they found the box. 7 Before they carried the... .. to the boat, the pirates ae danced and sang songs. REF easy om tho tte “A® J Listen and draw lines. There is one example. "B? Find the differences. Look at this picture and the picture on page 55. Sam Peter Vicky Jack Lucy Alex Sally qrom A GZ A Write the letters. 1 answer a over a wall 2 buy b friends to a party 3. climb © a bus or train 4 drive d acar 5 email e abike 6 give + a shower 7 have g a question 8 invite h aticket 9 jump | a mountain 10 kick j Qpresent 11 laugh at... k aball 12. make | afriend 13. open m a funny story 14 puton n amistake 15 ride © adoor 16 smile p for a photo 17. take q atest 18 wait for r clothes Bi Where do you do the things in A? in the street in the garden in the bathroom inclass in my bedroom in my house inthe playground at the cinema _in the country 2 @ Listen and tick (7) the box. 1 What's Peter doing? 2. Which girl is Jane? Gre MO © share cases Look at the questions. Write the letters of the answers beside the correct person. 9 Are you afraid of 3 Do your friends like 5 Have you got spiders? riding motorbikes? headache again? 1 2 Can your father dance? |4 Did your mum bring you |s Would you like to come to the Jungle Cinema? to school this morning? 7 Was your grandpa a farmer? a Yes, | would. e No, | haven't. 8 Could you b No, he can't. ¥ No, she didn’t. see the ball? c Yes, Lam. g No, they don’t. d_ Yes, he was. h Yes, we could. Example Tom: Hello Jane. What are you reading? Jane: A Upstairs in my bedroom: 3 Tom: Do you like the book? B A book about a famous person. Jane: A Yes, | have. No, I'm not. B Yes, | must. Questions C Yes, I do. 1 Tom: What did the person in the 4 Tom: Isita very long book? book do? Jane: A Yes, it’s got lots of Jane: A She sailed around the world. pages. B Whet a funny game! B Sorry, they aren‘t C I didn’t do my homework. mine. 2 Tom: Wow! That's an exciting thing C No, they aren't. todo! 5 Tom: Can | read it after you? Jane: A Yes, and I'm reading it. Jane: A Yes, please. B Yes, because | like it. B Yes, OK. C Yes, but I couldn't do it. C See you! tk Make sentences with these words. 1 understand /1/ don't 2. please? / again / you / Can / say / that 3) remember / don't / 1 / word / this 4 sit/Can / down /1/ please? 5 do/ How/you / say / this? 6 don’t/I/know Read the text below and choose the best answers. Paula is taking her Movers Speaking Test today. Example 3 Jane Smith: What games do you Jone Smith: Hello Paula. play? Paula: A Good morning Paula: A My computer is at B Thank you. home. C Well done. B | play the piano. 4 Jane Smith: How old are you, We skip and hop. Paula? 4 Jane Smith: What's your favourite Paula: A Fine, thanks. lesson? B I'm ten. Paula: A We're in music C Paula Jones. class. 2 Jane Smith: Let's talk about you B Music's the best. and your school. Who C Mr Green. do you play with at 5 Jane Smith: When do you do your school? homework? Paula: A In the playground. Paula: A After school. B After lessons. B In the library. C My friends. C With my sister. we 2'€: & Listen and choose the best answers. Play Stepping stones. Zz = y not today 5 things you see in the you see animals here country smaller than a town 4 places ina town 3 places children with water play here place with outside QE He ail tho ca crass Learner A Let's talk about you and the clothes you wear. What clothes do you like best? What do you wear when it’s wet? What don’t you wear when it’s cold? oo What do you wear at home? Where do you put your clothes when you take them off at night? uBWwna Learner B Look at the picture. Learner A Now let's talk about you and your family and friends. 1 How many people are there in your family? 2 Who is the youngest in your family? 3. What do you do with your family at weekends? 4 Tell me about your best friend. unees the aigazasp Learner A Which answer goes with which question? 41 Why didn’t Jim come to school today?. 4 Ishe in hospital now? 2 What was the matter with him? 5 Ishe in bed? we 3 How did he hurt it? BAF G2 BSW x evaqyinerel BE Ge Gl to tho wea cress Learner B Let's talk about you and the clothes you wear. What clothes don’t you like? What colour are your favourite clothes? What clothes are you wearing now? What clothes don’t reueu wear when it’s hot? gay tenaly Learner B Now let’s talk about you and your family and friends. wRwn How many cousins have you got? Who is the oldest in your family? Where do you go with your family on holiday? RWNo Tell me about a person in your family. Ged the mamap Learner B Which answer goes with which question? \ ogee He hurt his foot. Gx > No. He's sitting on the sofa with his foot up. Ze Because he had to go to hospital. ~ Not now. He was there for three hours, but then he went home. eanca He stood on a rock. He es 90g 1 Animals: enimal bot bear bird cat .. crocodile .. dog dolphin fly frog goot kangaroo lion .. miceimouse panda parrot .. rabbit. shark snake toll Whale wn Nouns: boat cage cheese . enemy . grass hat house leg park word Adjectives: big hungry smoll Adverbs: always .. now very well .. Verbs: catch Animals: chicken duck elephant fish giraffe hippo horse kitten lizaré monkey pet .. puppy sheep .. spider tiger .. The world around us: farm... home jungle sea water .. Nouns: baby Adjectives: afraid different .. quick slow . Verbs: can climb have got run Conjunctions: because 3 Hair: beard curly .. long moustache short straight Hair colours: black ... blonde brown fair grey . orange red . white Family: brother cousin People: boy .. friend girl. man person .. teacher .. Nouns: lass . drawing football... glasses... 7 holiday ... homework picture school Verbs: do draw YO scan have to need play ... see talk. wear work Names: Mr 4 Clothes and possessions: bag camera clothes coat .. computer dress fan glasses handbag hat jacket jeans sweater Tshirt towel ‘trousers Body: eye foot Nouns: bike book box children ... monster night sister Adjectives: best new pink ... purple... right wet young Verbs: carry . find have got let's like mean put put on ride sit skate take off (clothes) watch 5 Adjectives: beautiful clean cold ... difficult dirty eosy fot fovourite .. hoppy hot .. loud quiet ... sod strong toll thin ugly. weak wrong uellow Nouns: car coffee . colour English hand question ... soup tea tooth weather Verbs: onswer look ot .. read Adverbs: today 6 Adjectives: green old Nouns: ear morning mouth nose sentence sport Names: Mary Sally ? Adjectives: bad good worse worst Nouns: bedroom city country land place temperature thing... world .. Verbs: complete ... 8 People and family: doctor twin Names: Alex Anna Ben Bill Daisy . family name Fred Jack Jane .. si John ingiqueen) Prepositions: behind next to under Personal pronouns: he her hers him .. his she. cousin dod daughter family father Co granddaughter grandfather .. grondmother grandson mother sister address age . work Nouns: child ‘weekend Verbs: sk know spell. tell work 10 Objects: computer game pen pencil phone photo .. picture rubber watch Ordinal numbers: first second third fourth Nouns: birthdoy Verbs: buy Adjectives: last 11 Drinks: coffee juice lemonade milk tea water Foor bread ... cake cheese chips 99 fish fries ice cream .. pasta ... rice salad ... sandwich ... soup Meat: burger ... chicken sausoge Fruit: opple .. banana coconut on ropes lemon .. lime ... mango orange pear pineapple tomato watermelon Vegetables: bean carrot onion pea potato Meals: Verbs: 14 GIN el esses shall Rooms and parts of houses: lunch 2) WON aaancciaraiiamaes “botheoont : dining room Coreen 13 . floor (first) Furniture and objects: hall .... - armchair 0 we» kitchen Nouns: bath BR cece café eee sue bookcase living room .. kind Die room . port cupboard .. upstairs. arop pe Types of homes: street. sew film ed RADIE carvinennnnneninnnnnens MO sos year mirror movi Ms Places: eee rod the county SMOWEE ronnne rood «. rink aa cae make TH sce siceaceecconesn village sto Vid 00 orn A Tilt eres Furniture: Parts of houses: bed. pad balcony lock basement most oe ~“ Nouns: Adverbs: floor creom ‘ago douse garden sexomplet inside stairs ...... ieee often wall... x ree only ... window ... Prepositions: 12 Nouns: opnosie P driver Containers: leaf 15 bows: ~ FUE eccrnceseceascue ae, NOUNS: bow! en . . breakfast ox:saiaceseaaea 2 left ap Verbs: library ... ‘lass dah reser ght Nouns: oe sn “swimming pool .. chair .. ‘i Adjectives: supermarket Preposition: good at ss above _ reat Eyspositions: at the bottom of rele from .. below Question words: near nal es: OUSIEE nines HOWE Adjectives: Where oe closed WhO nn erat MOU cicciicninantioonacts What kind oF Adverbs open seouinenneess What about 16 School: clphabet classroom C1085 es desk eraser... lesson letter line mistake . number .. page .. playground ruler text tick Nouns: difference QUIET on toothbrush stand up take photos understand Prepositions: ot in front of. 17 Sports: ball baseball .... football footballer .. gome go sailing ‘go swimming hockey soil soccer sport toble tenn Nouns: lake .. ‘week Verbs: be called enjoy hit kick lect eee pick up SHOW non Days: Friday Monday Saturday .. Sunday Thursday . Tuesday ‘Wednesday 18 Hobbies: comic (comic book) hobby piano skating . swimming Nouns: garage Verbs: snow Adjectives: funny special. 19 Body and face: orm .. back head neck shoulder ... stomach teeth Nouns: plant Prepositions of place: between .... Verbs: must... paint throw 20 Health: cold cough doctor earache headache .. hospital hurt . stomach-ache temperature toothache ... Nouns: rock Questions: ‘What's the matter? Why 21 Places: bank beach .. bill market, Verbs: move Adverbs: down ..... downstairs up 22 Places: bus station cinema z00 Nouns: picnic Adverbs: yesterday . Adjectives: another ... 23 morning Verbs: The countrysid: night dance field aan td forest ... spon cenive skip ground : {SION omnes Verbs: 31 ae. “ore elean your teeth ..... Adjectives: snecteeiail 2 come home eres boring ; do homework busy Adjectives: get undressed «on clever : famous get up i exciting .. high go for a walk one ROUghty go to bed .. HCE ne 24 G0 10 Sleep aaninnennnnennes suprised Weather: have dinner . ‘aout... Reena Expressions: dloudy «.. -rss HevesuBpe All right! ae How are you? put on your dlothes . aa rainbow woke up : snow .. zhang Adverbs: 32 wate, never Adjectives: vie sometimes owake windy Questions: bl] ous ROW OFEN enn conrnrenen 3 ON vn scvone how old Moai treasure WN shell 25 29 34 Nouns: Ned Verbs: song a ere are / there 15 z get dressed there are / there is ‘Quantifierss {GO SHOPPING eeverevonennnnens Quantifiers: ao have @ party no alittle some hide alot of listen to music lots of 26 ride o bike Objects: take a bus . 35 fan (electric) - watch « DVD No new words, kite .. write emails... Verbs: UE rns 30 oy " Adverbs: laugh boa Nouns: carefully : 27 loudly .. oul Prepositions of place: quickly on top of secs QU sadly 28 slowly Parts of the day: well . 37 afternoon " Nouns: evening bus stop 38 Nouns: grandparent Romans travel 39 Verbs: go for a swim ... invite lose Time: last night this morning 40 Birthdays: party present People: mum grown-up . 4 Objects: ticket Nouns: Ader ementt Making suggestions/offers: How about ... ? Shall |... ? Would you like? Saying yes: Fine! Good! Great! OKs cee Yes please. Thonks. Saying no: No thank you. Oh no! 42 Transport: boat bus .. car PlANE es train Verbs: bring Questions: What was the weather like? 43 Verbs: look for use. Conjun so when 44 Verbs: shall ... stay... 45 Nouns: money parrot pirate story treasure .. 46 Questions: What's the matter with Which one? 47 Expressions: onswer a question buy a ticket limb @ mount drive @ car ‘ly a plane give a present invite friends to a party jump over a wall kick o ball laugh at a funny story make a mistake open a door smile for a photo take a test wait for a train grandpa 49 Useful expressions: | don’t understand Idon‘t remember, Idon’t know. Can | sit down please? Can you say that again please? How do you say this? Sorry? Pardon? How are you? Good morning, Good afternoon. .. Goodbye. 50 Nouns: painting vist of irreguig, verbs Verb Past simple Translation | Verb Past simple Translation be washwere _ | lose lost bring brought make made buy bought mean meant can could put put catch caught put on put on choose chose read read come came ride rode do did run ran draw drew say said dream dreamt/ see saw dreamed sing sang drink drank sit (down) sat drive drove sleep slept eat ate spell spelt! find found spelled fly flew stand (up) stood get got _ swim swam get dressed gotdressed || take took get got take off took off undressed undressed _ | think thought get up got up throw threw ge gave understand understood go went wake up = woke up. have had wear wore have to had to witte wrote hit hit hold held hurt hurt know knew learn learnt’ learned te ceuthor and publishers would like to thank the ELT professionals who ‘on the material at different stages of its development: Pathways School, Hong Kong; Klara Banks; Paul Bress;Alexander Case; Angeles Tebies Cid: Julie Dawes; Margaret Fowler; Rorror Huang; Jones: Calliope Loulcki; Justyna Martin; Rosa Lopart Queralté; Matiz Rodriguez: Diane Reeves; Roger Scott

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