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Centre of Mass, Collision

 Centre of mass is a hypothetical point where all the masses are assumed to be concentrated under the given
 Position of centre of mass for n particles system is given
ur ur
r m1 r1  ...  m n rn Totallinear moment of system
r CM  
m1  ...  m n Total mass

m1 x1  ...  mn x n Totallinear moment along x  direction

x CM  
m1  ...  mn Total mass

m1 y1  ...  m n yn Total linear moment along y  axis

yCM  
m1  ...  m n Total mass
Position of Centre of mass for a rigid body is given by
r  rdm Totallinear moment of the body
r CM  
 dm Total mass

x CM 
 xdm  Totallinear moment along x  axis
 dm Total mass

yCM 
 ydm  Totallinear moment along y  axis
 dm Total mass

 Centre of mass (Mass Centre) is a point which always exist and it is unique. It might lie either inside or outside the
body. If all the external forces are applied at the centre of mass, then there is only translational motion.
 Centre of mass of two particles system lie between the line joining of two masses.
ur ur
uuur uuur mr  m r y
OC  rCM  1 2 2 (m)
m1  m 2 B 2
ur ur C
uuur uuur uuur ur mr  m r r2
1 2 2
CB  OB  OC  r2  A(m)1
m1  m 2
ur ur x
uuur 
m2 r2  r1 O
and CA  
m1  m 2
uuur uuur
CA m 2 uuur uuur CA m2
uuur   m1 CA  m 2 CB  0 and uuur 
CB m1 CB m1
uuur uuur
and if m1 > m2, CA  CB , i.e. centre of mass lies closer to more mass.

Center of mass is the point about which total linear moment is zero

[2] Centre of mass, Collision


Centre of mass and centre of gravity are the same point if gravitational field is uniform, centre of gravity is a point
in a body where the gravitational force acts on it, where body is balanced in all orientation.
r r
Motion of Centre of mass : Consider n particles system of masses m1, ....., mn and position vectors r1 ,......, rn
r r r
M.rCM  m1 r1  ...  m n rn ...(i) M = m1+....+mn = Total mass of the system
r r r ...(ii)
M.vCM  m1 v1  ...  m n v n
r  Total r
r r r dv ...(iii)
M.a CM  m1a 1  ...  m n a n  FExt  M CM
r r
For any system if there is no external force then a CM  0 i.e. v CM  constant.Hence for a system if system is at
rest initially under no external force it means position of centre of mass remains the same during whole observation.


uur r r
r P Pf  Pi
FExt   y y
t t
t  0 t  0 M
uur v
r  M  M  vr  v  Mur   Mvr
  CM u M CM
FExt   
uur x x
v  r r uur  M
 M.
t 

 u  v  v . 
 t

on t  0
r r
dv r r  dM 
FExt  M.   u  v  .   ; (As mass is decreasing with time).
dt  dt 
dv r r dM r d
 M.  FExt  u r ; Fthrust = u r .
dt dt dt
r r r
M.  FExt  Fthrust
FExt taken to be weight in case of rocket motion that can be neglecgted in comparision of thrust imparted to he
r dM
Fthrust  u r  This is momentum transfered by the ejected gas to the system per second.

A process in which there is a mutual foce of intraction of large magnitude for relatively small time.
m1 m2

F12 F21
r r r r
P1  F12 t and P2  F21t
Centre of mass, Collision [3]
ur uur uur uur
So,  P1   P2  F12 t  F21t  0  Total impulse imparted to the system of colliding bodies and it implies total
linear momentum remains conserved.If there is no external force acting on the system, the linear momentum of
system is not changed by the collision.
Elastic and inelastic collision
After collision colliding bodies come to their original shape and size and so no fraction of energy stored as
potential energy hence kinetic energy remains conserved before and after collision.
Head on / oblique collision:
If direction of line of motion is along the line along which the impulse imparted, then collision is head-on otherwise
Head on elastic Collision
normal line m1 m2 m1 v1f m2

v1i v2i

Before Collision At Collision After Collision

 m  m2   2m2   2m1   m 2  m1 
v1f   1  v1i    v 2i ; v 2f    v1i    v 2i
 m1  m 2   m1  m 2   m1  m 2   m1  m 2 
Case I: If m1 = m2, then v1f = v2i and v2f = v1i
After head-on elastic collision they simply exchange their velocities.
Case II: If m1 > > m2, v2i = 0
then v1f = v1i and v2f= 2v1i
Case III: If m1 < < m2, v2i=0
then v1f = –v1i and v2f= 0
Newtons Experimental law of restitution
r r
v v velocity of separation
e  r2f r if 
v 2i  v1i velocity of approach
After perfectly inelastic collision colliding bodies stick together or move together after collision.
0  e  1 ; e is the coefficient of restitution.
e = 0 for perfectly inelastic
e = 1 for perfectly elastic
For inelastic collision
m1 v1i  m 2 v2i  m1 v1f  m 2 v2f ...(i)
v 2f  v1f  e  v 2i  v1i  ...(ii)
Solving, we have,
 m  em2   m2  em 2   m  em1   m1  em1 
v1f   1  v1i    v 2i ; v 2f   2  v 2i    v1i
 m1  m 2   m1  m 2   m1  m 2   m1  m 2 
If m1 = m2 and v2i = 0
1 e  1 e 
then v1f    v1i and v 2f    v1i
 2   2 
Ballistic Pendulum (Perfectly inelastic collision)

u y=height by centre of
M mass raised
[4] Centre of mass, Collision

u is the muzzle speed of bullet.

mu 2  K.E.of bullet beforecollision
 M  m  v  mu  vel.of plank and bullet after collision 
and  M  m  v2   M  m  g.y (Nelecting friction during the time bulled stops in plank)
1 mu 
or  M  m      M  m  g.y
2 Mm
m2u2 Mm
 2  M  m    M  m  gy ; u  2gy
Fractional loss in K.E. in perfectly inelastic collision
1 1
mu 2   M  m  v 2
K 2 2

K 1
mu 2
1  m 
mu 2 1 
2  M  m  M
 
1 mM
mu 2
Moment of the force about a point is the measure of rotation which the product of the applied force and the
normal (i.e. perpendicular) distance of line of application of this force from this point. It is also called torque.
r r
Moment of force F about point O is given by r  p which indicates the rotating tendency of the force about a
point. The anticlockwise forces are generally taken as positive whereas clockwise forces are taken as negative.
r r
Torque is another name for moment of the force. Mathematically, torque r  rr  F ,     r sin   F
where F is applied force and r sin  is perpendicular to the line of force called moment area.


Torque is a vector. Its direction can be found out from right handed screw rule.
SI Unit of torque is Nm. Dimensional formula of torque is [ML2T–2].


In Cartesian co-ordinate system
x  yFz  zFy ;  y  yFx  xFz and z  xFy  yFx
In Polar co-ordinate system
   Fsin   r ,
Centre of mass, Collision [5]

where  is the angle between the force F and the position vector r
In vector form
r ˆ ˆ
   ˆ  rr  F
ˆ  ˆiF  ˆjF  kF
  ix  jy  kz 
x y z
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