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Grade: 11 (Science) Worksheet (2023-24)

Date: 14-08-2023 Subject: Chemistry (043) Duration: 1 Hour


Q.1- Select the correct option for the following -
I) Which of the following is the most reactive element of group 17?

(a) Oxygen (b)Sodium (c) Fluorine (d) Magnesium

II) Element X forms a chloride with the formula XCl2, which is solid with a high melting point. X would most
likely be in the same group of the Periodic Table as:

(a) Na (b) Mg (c) Al (d) Si

III) An element X has the atomic number 9. In which period and group can it be placed in the modern
periodic table?

IV) The atomic orbital is ————–

(a) The circular path of the electron

(b) Elliptical shaped Orbit

(c) Three-dimensional field around nucleus

(d) The region in which there is a maximum probability of finding an electron

V) The percentage of nitrogen in urea is about

(a) 46 (b) 85 (c) 18 (d) 28

In the following questions from (III) to (V). Assertion (A) is followed by a corresponding reason (R) use the
following keys to choose the appropriate answer.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are correct, (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are correct, (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is correct, (R) is incorrect.

(d) (A) is incorrect, (R) is correct.

VI) Assertion (A) : Atomic size increases along a period.

Reason (R) : Effective nuclear charge increases as the atomic number increases resulting
in the increased attraction of electrons to the nucleus.
VII) Assertion (A) : Second ionization enthalpy will be higher the first ionization enthalpy.
Reason (B) : Ionization enthalpy is a quantitative measure of the tendency of an element
to lose electron.
Q. 2- Answer the following in short-
I) Explain the concept of photoelectric effect with the help of well labelled diagram.
II) Differentiate between absorption and emission spectra.

III) The Balmer series in the hydrogen spectrum corresponds to the transition from n₁ = 2 to n₂ = 3,4,… This
series lies in the visible region. Calculate the wave number of the line associated with the transition in the
Balmer series when the electron moves to n = 4 orbit. (RH = 109677 cm-¹)
IV) Arrange the following in increasing order of atomic radii. Be2+ , Na+ , Mg2+ and Cl- .

V) Chlorophyll present in green leaves of plants absorbs light at 4.620 x 10 14 Hz. Calculate the wavelength
of radiation in nanometer. Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum does it belong to ?
VI) Based upon the above information, solve the questions given below :
(a) Which of the following orbitals has the lowest energy?

4d, 4f, 5s, 5p

(b) Which of the following orbitals has the highest energy?
5p, 5d, 5f, 6s, 6p

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