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ObLON OK UMML$!!!! cM6 Lucero

colleJ m 1olenLlno ue Leon and ue Leon !r dlory8aba[anLe noLes and oLher lnLerneL sources
noLe unless oLherwlse sLaLed all ArLlcles referred Lo are provlslons of Lhe Clvll Code

rt 115 ob/iqotio is o juridico/ ecessity to qive to do or ot to

IUkIDICAL NLCLSSI1 [urldlcal Lle connoLes LhaL ln case of
noncompllance Lhere wlll be legal sancLlons

An obllgaLlon ls noLhlng more Lhan Lhe duLy of a person (obllgor) Lo
saLlsfy a speclflc demandable clalm of anoLher person
(obllgee) whlch lf breached ls enforceable ln courL
A conLracL necessarlly glves rlse Lo an obllgaLlon buL an obllgaLlon
does noL always need Lo have a conLracL

A Irom the v|ewpo|nt of "sanct|on"
(a)CIVIL C8LIGA1ICN LhaL deflned ln ArLlcle 1136 an
obllgaLlon lf noL fulfllled when lL becomes due and
demandable may be enforced ln courL Lhrough acLlon based on law
Lhe sancLlon ls [udlclal due process
(b)NA1UkAL C8LIGA1ICN deflned ln ArLlcle 1423 a speclal
klnd of obllgaLlon whlch cannoL be enforced ln courL
buL whlch auLhorlzes Lhe reLenLlon of Lhe volunLary paymenL or
performance made by Lhe debLor based on equlLy
and naLural law (le when Lhere ls prescrlpLlon of duLy Lo pay sLlll Lhe
obllgor pald hls dues Lo Lhe obllgee Lhe
obllgor cannoL recover hls paymenL even Lhere ls prescrlpLlon) Lhe
sancLlon ls Lhe law buL only consclence had
orlglnally moLlvaLed Lhe paymenL
(c) MCkAL C8LIGA1ICN Lhe sancLlon ls consclence or
morallLy or Lhe law of Lhe church (noLe lf a CaLhollc
promlses Lo hear mass for 10 consecuLlve Sundays ln order Lo recelve
1000 Lhls obllgaLlon becomes a clvll

8 Irom the v|ewpo|nt of sub[ect matter
(a) kLAL C8LIGA1ICN Lhe obllgaLlon Lo glve
(b) LkSCNAL C8LIGA1ICN Lhe obllgaLlon Lo do or noL Lo do
(eg Lhe duLy Lo palnL a house or Lo refraln from
commlLLlng a nulsance)

C Irom the aff|rmat|veness and negat|veness of the ob||gat|on
(a) CSI1IVL Ck AIIIkMA1IVL C8LIGA1ICN Lhe obllgaLlon Lo
glve or Lo do
(b) NLGA1IVL C8LIGA1ICN Lhe obllgaLlon noL Lo do (whlch
naLurally lnludes noL Lo glve)

D Irom the v|ewpo|nt of persons ob||ged "sanct|on"
(a) UNILA1LkAL where only one of Lhe parLles ls bound (eg
laLo owes SocraLes 1000 laLo musL pay
(b) 8ILA1LkAL where boLh parLles are bound (eg ln a
conLracL of sale Lhe buyer ls obllged Lo dellver)
may be
(b1) reclprocal
(b2) nonreclprocal where performance by one ls non
dependenL upon performance by Lhe oLher

a) AC1IVL SU8ILC1 (CredlLor / Cbllgee) Lhe person who ls
demandlng Lhe performance of Lhe obllgaLlon
b) ASSIVL SU8ILC1 (uebLor / Cbllgor) Lhe one bound Lo perform
Lhe presLaLlon or Lo fulflll Lhe obllgaLlon or duLy
c) kLS1A1ICN (Lo glve Lo do or noL Lo do) ob[ecL sub[ecL maLLer of
Lhe obllgaLlon conducL requlred Lo be observed by Lhe
d) LIIICILN1 CAUSL Lhe !u8lulCAL 1lL whlch blnds Lhe parLles Lo Lhe
obllgaLlon source of Lhe obllgaLlon

kLS1A1ICN (Cb[ect)
1 1C ClvL dellvery of a Lhlng Lo Lhe credlLor (ln sale deposlL
pledge donaLlon)
2 1C uC covers all klnds of works or servlces (conLracL for
professlonal servlces)
3 nC1 1C uC conslsLs of refralnlng from dolng some acLs (ln
followlng rules and regulaLlons)

kequ|s|tes of restat|on ] Cb[ect
1) llclL (lf llllclL lL ls vold)
2) posslble (lf lmposslble lL ls vold)
3) deLermlnaLe or deLermlnable (or else vold)
4) pecunlary value

INIUk wrongful acL or omlsslon whlch causes loss or harm Lo
DAMAGL resulL of ln[ury (loss hurL harm)

NA1UkAL C8LIGA1ICNS qeero//y

142J Obllqol oe clvll oool clvll bllqol qlve o lqb
ocl cmpel bel pemoce Noool bllqol belq
boeJ pllve low bo epol oJ oool low J qo o
lqb ocl ece bel pemoce bo oe vloo
ollllme b be bllq be ooblze be eel wbo bo
bee JellveeJ eJeeJ b eo bee 5me oool
bllqol oe e b l be llwlq olcle

1424 wbe o lqb oe op o clvll bllqol bo lopeJ b
exlclve peclpl be bllq wb vlooll pem be
coc co ecve wbo be bo JellveeJ be voloe be
evlce be bo eJeeJ

1425 wbe wlbo be kwleJqe oqol be wlll be
Jeb o blJ pe po o Jeb wblcb be bllq l leqoll
boJ po becooe be ocl bee bo peclbeJ bo be
Jeb loe vlooll elmboe be blJ pe be bllq co
ecve wbo be bo polJ

1426 wbe o ml bewee elqbee oJ wee eo
oqe wb bo eeeJ l o coc wlbo be ce be poe
qooJlo oe be oolme be coc vlooll eo
be wble blq plce ecelveJ wlboJlq be oc be be bo
bee beeleJ beeb bee l lqb JemoJ be blq
plce bo eoeJ

1427 wbe o ml bewee elqbee oJ wee eo

oqe wb bo eeeJ l o coc wlbo be ce be poe
qooJlo vlooll po o om me Jellve o oqlble
blq l ollllme be bllqol bee boll be lqb ecve
be ome m be bllqee wb bo pe comeJ l l qJ olb

1428 wbe oe o ocl ece o clvll bllqol bo olleJ
be JeeJo vlooll pem be bllqol be co JemoJ
be eo wbo be bo JellveeJ be pome be voloe be
evlce be bo eJeeJ

1429 wbe o eoe leoe bel vlooll po o Jeb
be JeceJe exceeJlq be voloe be ppe wblcb be ecelveJ b
wlll b be low leoc m be eoe be JeceoeJ be
pome l vollJ oJ co be eclJeJ b be poe

14J0 wbe o wlll l JecloeJ vlJ becooe l bo bee
execoeJ l occJoce wlb be mollle epoleJ b low bo e
be leoe bel oe be eleme be Jeb be JeceoeJ
po o leqoc l cmplloce wlb o clooe l be Jeeclve wlll be
pome l eeclve oJ levcoble

kLSCkI1ICN qeero//y
1106 8 peclpl e ocpole weblp oJ be eol
lqb boqb be lope lme l be moe oJ oJe be
cJll lolJ Jw b low
l be ome wo lqb oJ cJll oe l b peclpl (19J0o%

DLLIVLk qeero//y
15J7 1be veJ l boJ Jellve be blq lJ oJ l
occel oJ occele l be cJll l wblcb be wee op
be peecl be coc

ll be ol boll peol be veJee m be Jo wblcb be
coc wo peeceJ (1468o%

kLSCkI1ICN qeero//y
11J9 cl peclbe b be mee lope lme lxeJ b low

Statutes of L|m|tat|on acLs llmlLlng Lhe Llme wlLhln whlch acLlons
shall be broughL

rescr|pt|on of Act|ons]L|m|tat|on of Act|ons Llme wlLhln whlch an
acLlon may be broughL or some acL done Lo preserve a rlghL
A legal and noL a naLural cause of Lhe exLlngulsmenL of

Laches ls a defense Lo a proceedlng ln whlch a plalnLlff seeks
equlLable rellef and ls lndependenL of prescrlpLlon Cases ln LqulLy are
dlsLlngulshed from cases aL law by Lhe Lype of remedy or [udlclal
rellef soughL by Lhe plalnLlff Cenerally law cases lnvolve a problem
LhaL can be solved by Lhe paymenL of moneLary damages LqulLy cases
lnvolve remedles dlrecLed by Lhe courL agalnsL a parLy (Legal
ulcLlonary by larlex)

rescr|pt|on Laches
Concerned wlLh facLs of delay Concerned wlLh effecLs of delay
rlnclpally a quesLlon of lnequlLy
of permlLLlng a clalm Lo be
enforced Lhls lnequlLy belng
founded on some change of
condlLlon of Lhe properLy or
relaLlon of Lhe parLles
SLaLuLory noL sLaLuLory
Applles Lo law Applles Lo equlLy
8ased on flxed Llme noL based on flxed Llme

1140 cl ecve mvoble boll peclbe elqb eo m
be lme be pel bee l l ole be pe bo
ocpoleJ be weblp b peclpl o le pelJ occJlq
lcle 11J2 oJ wlbo pejoJlce be pvll lcle 559
1505 oJ 11JJ (1962o%

O ln leap years Ieb 28 and 29 are counted separate days noL as
one day ln compuLlng Lhe prescrlpLlve perlod where Lhere ls a
leap year lnvolved
O Lapse of Lhe perlod of prescrlpLlon provlded by law has Lhe
effecL of exLlngulshlng Lhe acLlon 8uL Lhere ls no ext|nct|ve
prescr|pt|on un|ess the per|od prov|ded by |aw exp|res
O rescr|pt|on |s a defense the debtor a|one can p|ead and Lhe
obllgaLlon subslsLs unLll he avalls hlmself Lhereof Lhe courLs of
[usLlce cannoL supply Lhe defense lf Lhe debLor doesn'L hlmself
do lL

1141 keol ocl ve lmmvoble peclbe oe bl eo
1bl pvll l wlbo pejoJlce wbo l eobllbeJ be
ocpolll weblp oJ be eol lqb b peclpl (196J%

1142 mqoqe ocl peclbe oe e eo (1964o%
O lL ls noL posslble Lo separaLe legally Lhe lnLeresL or any parL
Lhereof from Lhe prlnclpal lLself

114J 1be llwlq lqb omq be peclleJ elewbee l
bl cJe oe exlqolbeJ b peclpl
(1% 1 JemoJ o lqb wo eqoloeJ l lcle 649
(2% 1 blq o ocl oboe o pobllc plvoe oloce (%

O no prescrlpLlon shall run ln favor of a coowner or a cohelr
agalnsL hls coowners or cohelrs so long as he expressly or
lmplledly recognlze Lhe coownershlp
O 1he naLure of such ls of a subslsLlng LrusL and consldered Lo be
ln Lhe name of Lhe Lhe oLhers
O lmprescrlbablllLy applles only so long as lL ls admlLLed or
presumed LhaL Lhe coownershlp exlsLs

1144 1be llwlq ocl mo be boqb wlbl e eo m
be lme be lqb ocl occoe
(1% up o wle coc
(2% up o bllqol ceoeJ b low
(J% up o joJqme (%

O Imp||ed trusts when properLy ls reglsLered ln anoLher's
name an lmplled or consLrucLlve LrusL ls creaLed by law ln
favor of Lhe Lrue owner 1he acLlon for reconveyance Lo Lhe
LlLle of Lhe rlghLful owner prescrlbes ln 10 years from Lhe
lssuance of Lhe LlLle
O lf fraud has been commlLLed and Lhls ls Lhe basls of acLlon noL

lmplled LrusL Lhe acLlon wlll be barred afLer 4 years

1145 1be llwlq ocl mo be cmmeceJ wlbl lx eo
(1% up o ol coc
(2% up o poolcoc (%

O ArL 2142 CerLaln lawful volunLary and unllaLeral acLs glve rlse
Lo Lhe [urldlcal relaLlon of quas|contract Lo Lhe end LhaL no
one sha|| be un[ust|y enr|ched or benef|ted at the expense of
another (n)
O ArL 2143 1he provlslons for quaslconLracLs ln Lhls ChapLer do
noL exclude oLher quaslconLracLs whlch may come wlLhln Lhe
purvlew of Lhe precedlng arLlcle (n)
O A quaslconLracL ls LhaL [urldlcal relaLlon resulLlng from cerLaln
lawful volunLary and unllaLeral acLs by vlrLue of whlch Lhe
parLles become bound Lo each oLher Lo Lhe end LhaL no one
wlll be un[usLly enrlched Lo beneflLed aL Lhe expense of
O lL lsn'L a proper conLracL Lhere ls no consenL buL Lhe same ls
supplled by flcLlon of law Lo prevenL ln[usLlce
O ,ore dlscusslons under ArL 1160

1146 1be llwlq ocl mo be lloeJ wlbl o eo
(1% up o ljo be lqb be ploll
(2% up o poolJellc
nweve wbe be ocl ole m o o oc oclvl
cJoc o pobllc lce lvlvlq be execle pwe
oobl ollq m Molol low lcloJlq be oe Jeel
oJ/ lol be ploll be ome mo be boqb wlbl e (1%
eo ( omeJeJ b lu N 1755 uec 24 1980%

O An acLlon based on fraud prescrlbes ln four years from Lhe
dlscovery of Lhe fraud

1147 1be llwlq ocl mo be lleJ wlbl e eo
(1% l clble e oJ Jeole
(2% l Jeomol (%

1148 1be llmlol ocl meleJ l lcle 1140 1142
oJ 1144 1147 oe wlbo pejoJlce be peclleJ l be
po bl cJe l be cJe cmmece oJ l peclol low (%

1149 ll be ocl wbe pelJ oe lxeJ l bl cJe
l be low mo be boqb wlbl lve eo m be lme be lqb
ocl occoe (%

1150 1be lme peclpl oll klJ ocl wbe bee
l peclol pvll wblcb Jol bewle boll be coeJ m
be Jo be mo be boqb (1969%

1151 1be lme be peclpl ocl wblcb bove bel
bjec be eceme bllqol po plclpol wlb lee
ool o m be lo pome be ool be lee

1152 1be pelJ peclpl ocl JemoJ be
ollllme bllqol JecloeJ b o joJqme cmmece m be
lme be joJqme become lol (1971%

115J 1be pelJ peclpl ocl JemoJ occolq
o m be Jo be pe wb bolJ eJe be ome ceoe l
bel ocl
1be pelJ be ocl ollq m be eol be
occolq o m be Joe wbe olJ eol wo ecqlzeJ b
oqeeme be leeeJ pole (1972%

1154 1be pelJ Jolq wblcb be bllqee wo peveeJ b o
olo eve m eclq bl lqb l eckeJ oqol blm
O SLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons ls suspended by war rebelllon or
lnsurrecLlon on|y when the regu|ar course of [ust|ce |s
|nterrupted to such an extent that courts cannot be kept open
and not w|th|n the reach of the peop|e
O All Lerms or perlods flxed by law or regulaLlons shall cease Lo
run from Lhe daLe of desLrucLlon of Lhe records of Lhe case
and shall only begln Lo run agaln on Lhe daLe hen Lhe parLles or
counsel shall have recelved noLlce Lo Lhe effecL LhaL Lhe
records have been reconsLlLuLed

1155 1be peclpl ocl l leopeJ wbe be oe lleJ
bee be co wbe bee l o wle exojoJlclol JemoJ b be
ceJl oJ wbe bee l o wle ockwleJqme be Jeb
b be Jeb (197Jo%

C8LIGA1ICNS qeero//y

rt 1157 Ob/iqotios orise from
{1) Low
{2) cotrocts
{l) uosicotrocts
{4) cts or omissios puished by /ow od
{5) uoside/icts {1089o)

LAW (Cb||gat|on ex |ege) lmposed by law lLself musL be expressly or
lmplledly seL forLh and cannoL be presumed

CCN1kAC1S (Cb||gat|on ex contractu) arlse from sLlpulaLlons of Lhe
parLles meeLlng of Lhe mlnds / formal agreemenL
musL be complled wlLh ln good falLh because lL ls Lhe law"
beLween parLles nelLher parLy may unllaLerally evade hls obllgaLlon
ln Lhe conLracL unless
a) conLracL auLhorlzes lL
b) oLher parLy assenLs

O ArL 1303 A conLracL ls a meeLlng of mlnds beLween Lwo
persons whereby one blnds hlmself wlLh respecL Lo Lhe oLher
Lo glve someLhlng or Lo render some servlce (1234a)
O ArL 1306 1he conLracLlng parLles may esLabllsh such
sLlpulaLlons clauses Lerms and condlLlons as Lhey may deem
convenlenL provlded Lhey are noL conLrary Lo law morals
good cusLoms publlc order or publlc pollcy (1233a)

UASICCN1kAC1S (Cb||gat|on ex quas|contractu) arlse from
lawful volunLary and unllaLeral acLs and whlch are
enforceable Lo Lhe end LhaL no one shall be un[usLly enrlched or
beneflLed aL Lhe expense of anoLher negoLlorlum gesLlo and soluLlon

-eqotiorum qestio volunLary managemenL of Lhe properLy or affalrs

of anoLher wlLhouL Lhe knowledge or consenL of Lhe laLLer !urldlcal
relaLlon doesn'L rlse lf Lhe properLy or buslness ls noL neglecLed or
abandoned or lf Lhe manager has been LaclLly auLhorlzed by Lhe
owner ln whlch case Lhe rules on agency shall govern See ArL 2144
O ArL 2144 Whoever volunLarlly Lakes charge of Lhe agency or
managemenL of Lhe buslness or properLy of anoLher wlLhouL
any power from Lhe laLLer ls obllged Lo conLlnue Lhe same unLll
Lhe LermlnaLlon of Lhe affalr and lLs lncldenLs or Lo requlre Lhe
person concerned Lo subsLlLuLe hlm lf Lhe owner ls ln a
poslLlon Lo do so 1hls [urldlcal relaLlon does noL arlse ln elLher
of Lhese lnsLances (1) When Lhe properLy or buslness ls noL
neglecLed or abandoned (2) lf ln facL Lhe manager has been
LaclLly auLhorlzed by Lhe owner

ln Lhe flrsL case Lhe provlslons of ArLlcles 1317 1403 no 1
and 1404 regardlng unauLhorlzed conLracLs shall govern

ln Lhe second case Lhe rules on agency ln 1lLle x of Lhls 8ook
shall be appllcable (1888a)

O ArL 2143 1he offlclous manager shall perform hls duLles wlLh
all Lhe dlllgence of a good faLher of a famlly and pay Lhe
damages whlch Lhrough hls faulL or negllgence may be suffered
by Lhe owner of Lhe properLy or buslness under managemenL

1he courLs may however lncrease or moderaLe Lhe lndemnlLy
accordlng Lo Lhe clrcumsLances of each case (1889a)

o/utio idebiti undue paymenL 1hls Lakes place when someLhlng ls
recelved when Lhere ls no rlghL Lo demand lL and lL was unduly
dellvered Lhru mlsLake

DLLIC1S (Cb||gat|on ex ma|ef|c|o or ex de||cto) arlse from clvll
llablllLy whlch ls Lhe consequence of a crlmlnal offense Lhe
commlsslon of an offense has a Lwopronged effecL Lhe crlmlnal and
Lhe clvll
O A person noL crlmlnally responslble may sLlll be clvllly llable
O Covernlng rules
1 erLlnenL provlslons of Lhe 8C and oLher penal laws sub[ecL
Lo ArL 2177 (responslblllLy for faulL or negllgence under Lhe precedlng
arLlcle ls enLlrely separaLe and dlsLlncL from Lhe clvll llablllLy arlslng
from negllgence under Lhe enal Code 8uL Lhe plalnLlff cannoL
recover damages Lwlce for Lhe same acL or omlsslon of Lhe defendanL)
and ArL 100 of Lhe 8C (every person crlmlnally llable for a felony ls
also clvllly llable)
2 ChapLer 2 rellmlnary LlLle on Puman 8elaLlons (Clvll Code)
3 1lLle 18 of 8ook lv of Lhe Clvll Code on damages
See ArLlcle 1161

UASIDLLIC1 ] 1Ck1 (Cb||gat|on ex quas|de||cto or ex quas|
ma|ef|c|o) an acL or omlsslon by a person (LorL feasor) whlch causes
damage Lo anoLher ln hls person properLy or rlghLs glvlng rlse Lo an
obllgaLlon for Lhe damage done Lhere belng faulL or negllgence buL
Lhere ls no preexlsLlng conLracLual relaLlon beLween Lhe parLles
O ArL 2176 Whoever by acL or omlsslon causes damage Lo
anoLher Lhere belng faulL or negllgence ls obllged Lo pay for
Lhe damage done Such faulL or negllgence lf Lhere ls no pre
exlsLlng conLracLual relaLlon beLween Lhe parLles ls called a
quasldellcL and ls governed by Lhe provlslons of Lhls ChapLer
kequ|s|tes of uas|De||ct
1 AcL/omlsslon by defendanL
2 laulL/negllgence of defendanL
3 uamage caused Lo plalnLlff
4 ulrecL relaLlon/connecLlon of cause and effecL beLween
acL/omlsslon and damage Lo plalnLlff
3 no preexlsLlng conLracLual relaLlon beLween Lhe parLles

Crlme/uellcL CuasluellcL
Crlmlnal/mallclous lnLenL or
crlmlnal negllgence presenL
Cnly negllgence presenL
AffecLs publlc lnLeresL AffecLs only prlvaLe lnLeresL
Crlmlnal and clvll llablllLles
Cnly clvll llablllLy presenL
urpose punlshmenL urpose lndemnlflcaLlon of Lhe
offended parLy
Crlmlnal llablllLy cannoL be
compromlsed or seLLled by Lhe
parLles Lhemselves
LlablllLy for quasldellcL can be
compromlsed as any oLher clvll
CullL beyond reasonable doubL
musL be proven
laulL/negllgence of Lhe
defendanL need only be proved
by preponderance of evldence
LlablllLy of Lhe person
responslble of Lhe auLhor of
negllgenL acL or omlsslon ls
LlablllLy of Lhe person
responslblefor Lhe auLhor of Lhe
negllgenL acL or omlsslon ls
dlrecL and prlmary

rt 1158 Ob/iqotios derived from /ow ore ot presumed O/y
those express/y determied i this code or i specio/ /ows ore
demodob/e od sho// be requ/oted by the precepts of the /ow which
estob/ishes them od os to whot hos ot bee foresee by the
provisios of this 8ook {1090)
O Legal obllgaLlons or obllgaLlons arlslng from law are noL
presumed as Lhey are consldered a burden upon Lhe obllgor
O Cnly Lhose derlved from lawLhls Code or ln speclal lawsare
O Law can'L exlsL as a source of obllgaLlons unless Lhe acLs Lo
whlch lLs prlnclples may be applled exlsL
O Cnce such exlsLs obllgaLlons arlslng Lherefrom by vlrLue of
express provlslons of Lhe law are enLlrely lndependenL of Lhe
agreemenL of Lhe parLles and are governed by Lhe law by
whlch Lhey're creaLed
O lelo v loo 12 hll 433 lnlaws called Lhe docLor for Lhe
laborlng wlfe who was sundered from hubby wlfe
subsequenLly dled docLor wanLed Lo make slngll CourL holds
LhaL Lhough lL was noL Lhe husband who called Lhe docLor for
medlcal asslsLance buL Lhe lnlaws Lhls ls no bar Lo hls fulfllllng
hls legal obllgaLlon Lo hls wlfe as per law spouses are muLually
bound Lo supporL each oLher (See now ArLs 1943 of lamlly
O ue lo coz v Nbe 1beolcol eple Clnema sekyu
shoL a mad boloman gaLecrasher was accused and had hls
employer pay expenses lncurred ln hls defense CourL holds
LhaL glvlng of legal asslsLance Lo Lhe employee whlle may be a
moral obllgaLlon ls noL a legal obllgaLlon under law Sekyu
can'L recover from employer hls lawyer's fees 8oohoo

rt 1159 Ob/iqotios orisiq from cotrocts hove the force of /ow

betwee the cotroctiq porties od shou/d be comp/ied with i
qood foith {1091o)
O ArL 1303 A conLracL ls a meeLlng of mlnds beLween Lwo
persons whereby one blnds hlmself wlLh respecL Lo Lhe oLher
Lo glve someLhlng or Lo render some servlce (1234a)
O ArL 1306 1he conLracLlng parLles may esLabllsh such
sLlpulaLlons clauses Lerms and condlLlons as Lhey may deem
convenlenL provlded Lhey are noL conLrary Lo law morals
good cusLoms publlc order or publlc pollcy (1233a)
O 1he law wlll noL permlL a parLy Lo be seL free from a llablllLy for
any klnd of mlsperformance of Lhe conLracLual underLaklng or
a conLravenLlon of Lhe Lenor Lhereof
O ,ere proof of Lhe exlsLence of Lhe conLracL and Lhe fallure of
lLs compllance ls prlma facle [usLlfy a correspondlng rlghL of
O vold conLracLs do noL exlsL and no obllgaLlons arlse from
Lhem uuP!!!!!!
O lalslflcaLlon of a conLracL by unauLhorlzed lnserLlon of
addlLlonal sLlpulaLlons doesn'L avold whole conLracL whlch
musL be enforced sLlll sans sald addlLlonal sLlpulaLlons

rt 110 Ob/iqotios derived from quosicotrocts sho// be subject
to the provisios of chopter 1 1it/e xvll of this 8ook {)
O ArL 2142 CerLaln lawful volunLary and unllaLeral acLs glve rlse
Lo Lhe [urldlcal relaLlon of quas|contract Lo Lhe end LhaL no
one sha|| be un[ust|y enr|ched or benef|ted at the expense of
another (n)
O ArL 2143 1he provlslons for quaslconLracLs ln Lhls ChapLer do
noL exclude oLher quaslconLracLs whlch may come wlLhln Lhe
purvlew of Lhe precedlng arLlcle (n)
O A quaslconLracL ls LhaL [urldlcal relaLlon resulLlng from cerLaln
lawful volunLary and unllaLeral acLs by vlrLue of whlch Lhe
parLles become bound Lo each oLher Lo Lhe end LhaL no one
wlll be un[usLly enrlched Lo beneflLed aL Lhe expense of
O lL lsn'L a proper conLracL Lhere ls no consenL buL Lhe same ls
supplled by flcLlon of law Lo prevenL ln[usLlce
-eqotiorum qestio volunLary managemenL of Lhe properLy or affalrs
of anoLher wlLhouL Lhe knowledge or consenL of Lhe laLLer !urldlcal
relaLlon doesn'L rlse lf Lhe properLy or buslness ls noL neglecLed or
abandoned or lf Lhe manager has been LaclLly auLhorlzed by Lhe
owner ln whlch case Lhe rules on agency shall govern See ArL 2144

Art 2144 Whoever volunLarlly Lakes charge of Lhe agency or
managemenL of Lhe buslness or properLy of anoLher wlLhouL any
power from Lhe laLLer ls obllged Lo conLlnue Lhe same unLll Lhe
LermlnaLlon of Lhe affalr and lLs lncldenLs or Lo requlre Lhe person
concerned Lo subsLlLuLe hlm lf Lhe owner ls ln a poslLlon Lo do so 1hls
[urldlcal relaLlon does noL arlse ln elLher of Lhese lnsLances (1) When
Lhe properLy or buslness ls noL neglecLed or abandoned (2) lf ln facL
Lhe manager has been LaclLly auLhorlzed by Lhe owner
ln Lhe flrsL case Lhe provlslons of ArLlcles 1317 1403 no 1
and 1404 regardlng unauLhorlzed conLracLs shall govern
ln Lhe second case Lhe rules on agency ln 1lLle x of Lhls 8ook shall
be appllcable (1888a)

Art 214S 1he offlclous manager shall perform hls duLles wlLh all Lhe
dlllgence of a good faLher of a famlly and pay Lhe damages whlch
Lhrough hls faulL or negllgence may be suffered by Lhe owner of Lhe
properLy or buslness under managemenL
1he courLs may however lncrease or moderaLe Lhe lndemnlLy
accordlng Lo Lhe clrcumsLances of each case (1889a)
o/utio idebiti undue paymenL 1hls Lakes place when someLhlng ls
recelved when Lhere ls no rlghL Lo demand lL and lL was unduly
dellvered Lhru mlsLake
O u51 cpeolve 5e v cl Mollo 15 5ck 656 (1969%
1axexempL coop mlsLakenly belleves lL's llable Lo pay Laxes
may lL recover paymenL? ?es as lL was made under a mlsLake
soluLlon lndeblLl 8awr

rt 111 civi/ ob/iqotios orisiq from crimio/ offeses sho// be
qovered by the peo/ /ows subject to the provisios of rtic/e 2177
od of the pertiet provisios of chopter 2 Pre/imiory 1it/e o
numo ke/otios od of 1it/e xvlll of this 8ook requ/otiq domoqes

O As per ArL 100 of 8C Lvery person crlmlnally llable for a
felony ls also clvllly llable arlses from Lhe duLy everybody
has of maklng good Lhe damages he may occaslon anoLher
by hls acLs whenever Lhese are conLrary Lo law xxx clvll
llablllLy may be exacLed of an lmbeclle or madman xxx or
oLher persons exempL from crlmlnal llablllLy

Stuff Irom kev|sed ena| Code kegard|ng C|v|| L|ab|||ty

Art|c|e 101 kole eqoJlq clvll lloblll l ceol coe 1he
exempLlon from crlmlnal llablllLy esLabllshed ln subdlvlslons 1 2 3 3
and 6 of arLlcle 12 and ln subdlvlslon 4 of arLlcle 11 of Lhls Code does
noL lnclude exempLlon from clvll llablllLy whlch shall be enforced
sub[ecL Lo Lhe followlng rules
llrsL ln cases of subdlvlslons 1 2 and 3 of arLlcle 12 Lhe clvll
llablllLy for acLs commlLLed by an lmbeclle or lnsane person and by a
person under nlne years of age or by one over nlne buL under flfLeen
years of age who has acLed wlLhouL dlscernmenL shall devolve upon
Lhose havlng such person under Lhelr legal auLhorlLy or conLrol unless
lL appears LhaL Lhere was no faulL or negllgence on Lhelr parL
Should Lhere be no person havlng such lnsane lmbeclle or mlnor
under hls auLhorlLy legal guardlanshlp or conLrol or lf such person be
lnsolvenL sald lnsane lmbeclle or mlnor shall respond wlLh Lhelr own
properLy excepLlng properLy exempL from execuLlon ln accordance
wlLh Lhe clvll law
Second ln cases falllng wlLhln subdlvlslon 4 of arLlcle 11 Lhe
persons for whose beneflL Lhe harm has been prevenLed shall be clvllly
llable ln proporLlon Lo Lhe beneflL whlch Lhey may have recelved
1he courLs shall deLermlne ln sound dlscreLlon Lhe
proporLlonaLe amounL for whlch each one shall be llable
When Lhe respecLlve shares cannoL be equlLably deLermlned even
approxlmaLely or when Lhe llablllLy also aLLaches Lo Lhe CovernmenL
or Lo Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe lnhablLanLs of Lhe Lown and ln all evenLs
whenever Lhe damage has been caused wlLh Lhe consenL of Lhe
auLhorlLles or Lhelr agenLs lndemnlflcaLlon shall be made ln Lhe
manner prescrlbed by speclal laws or regulaLlons
1hlrd ln cases falllng wlLhln subdlvlslons 3 and 6 of arLlcle 12 Lhe
persons uslng vlolence or causlng Lhe fears shall be prlmarlly llable and
secondarlly or lf Lhere be no such persons Lhose dolng Lhe acL shall
be llable savlng always Lo Lhe laLLer LhaL parL of Lhelr properLy exempL
from execuLlon

Art|c|e 102 5oblJlo clvll lloblll lkeepe ovekeepe oJ

pple eobllbme ln defaulL of Lhe persons crlmlnally
llable lnnkeepers Lavernkeepers and any oLher persons or
corporaLlons shall be clvllly llable for crlmes commlLLed ln Lhelr
esLabllshmenLs ln all cases where a vlolaLlon of munlclpal ordlnances
or some general or speclal pollce regulaLlon shall have been
commlLLed by Lhem or Lhelr employees
lnnkeepers are also subsldlarlly llable for Lhe resLlLuLlon of
goods Laken by robbery or LhefL wlLhln Lhelr houses from guesLs
lodglng Lhereln or for Lhe paymenL of Lhe value Lhereof provlded LhaL
such guesLs shall have noLlfled ln advance Lhe lnnkeeper hlmself or
Lhe person represenLlng hlm of Lhe deposlL of such goods wlLhln Lhe
lnn and shall furLhermore have followed Lhe dlrecLlons whlch such
lnnkeeper or hls represenLaLlve may have glven Lhem wlLh respecL Lo
Lhe care of and vlgllance over such goods no llablllLy shall aLLach ln
case of robbery wlLh vlolence agalnsL or lnLlmldaLlon of persons unless
commlLLed by Lhe lnnkeepers employees

Art|c|e 103 5oblJlo clvll lloblll be pe 1he subsldlary
llablllLy esLabllshed ln Lhe nexL precedlng arLlcle shall also apply Lo
employers Leachers persons and corporaLlons engaged ln any klnd of
lndusLry for felonles commlLLed by Lhelr servanLs puplls workmen
apprenLlces or employees ln Lhe dlscharge of Lhelr duLles

Art|c|e 104 wbo l lcloJeJ l clvll lloblll 1he clvll llablllLy
esLabllshed ln arLlcles 100 101 102 and 103 of Lhls Code lncludes
1 8esLlLuLlon
2 8eparaLlon of Lhe damage caused
3 lndemnlflcaLlon for consequenLlal damages

Art|c|e 10S kelol Pow made 1he resLlLuLlon of Lhe Lhlng
lLself musL be made whenever posslble wlLh allowance for any
deLerloraLlon or dlmlnuLlon of value as deLermlned by Lhe courL
1he Lhlng lLself shall be resLored even Lhough lL be found ln Lhe
possesslon of a Lhlrd person who has acqulred lL by lawful means
savlng Lo Lhe laLLer hls acLlon agalnsL Lhe proper person who may be
llable Lo hlm
1hls provlslon ls noL appllcable ln cases ln whlch Lhe Lhlng has
been acqulred by Lhe Lhlrd person ln Lhe manner and under Lhe
requlremenLs whlch by law bar an acLlon for lLs recovery

Art|c|e 106 kepool Pow made 1he courL shall deLermlne Lhe
amounL of damage Laklng lnLo conslderaLlon Lhe prlce of Lhe Lhlng
whenever posslble and lLs speclal senLlmenLal value Lo Lhe ln[ured
parLy and reparaLlon shall be made accordlngly

Art|c|e 107 lJemllcol WhaL ls lncluded lndemnlflcaLlon for
consequenLlal damages shall lnclude noL only Lhose caused Lhe ln[ured
parLy buL also Lhose suffered by hls famlly or by a Lhlrd person by
reason of Lhe crlme

Independent C|v|| Act|on
O Cnce clvll acLlon ls flled lL may proceed Lo flnal [udgmenL
lrrespecLlve of Lhe resulL of Lhe crlmlnal acLlon and Lhe flllng
of Lhe crlmlnal acLlon doesn'L suspend Lhe clvll acLlon
Art 31 When Lhe clvll acLlon ls based on an obllgaLlon noL arlslng
from Lhe acL or omlsslon complalned of as a felony such clvll acLlon
may proceed lndependenLly of Lhe crlmlnal proceedlngs and
regardless of Lhe resulL of Lhe laLLer

Art 32 Any publlc offlcer or employee or any prlvaLe lndlvldual
who dlrecLly or lndlrecLly obsLrucLs defeaLs vlolaLes or ln any
manner lmpedes or lmpalrs any of Lhe followlng rlghLs and llberLles
of anoLher person shall be llable Lo Lhe laLLer for damages
(1) lreedom of rellglon
(2) lreedom of speech
(3) lreedom Lo wrlLe for Lhe press or Lo malnLaln a perlodlcal
(4) lreedom from arblLrary or lllegal deLenLlon
(3) lreedom of suffrage
(6) 1he rlghL agalnsL deprlvaLlon of properLy wlLhouL due
process of law
(7) 1he rlghL Lo a [usL compensaLlon when prlvaLe properLy ls
Laken for publlc use
(8) 1he rlghL Lo Lhe equal proLecLlon of Lhe laws
(9) 1he rlghL Lo be secure ln ones person house papers and
effecLs agalnsL unreasonable searches and selzures
(10) 1he llberLy of abode and of changlng Lhe same
(11) 1he prlvacy of communlcaLlon and correspondence
(12) 1he rlghL Lo become a member of assoclaLlons or socleLles
for purposes noL conLrary Lo law
(13) 1he rlghL Lo Lake parL ln a peaceable assembly Lo peLlLlon
Lhe governmenL for redress of grlevances
(14) 1he rlghL Lo be free from lnvolunLary servlLude ln any
(13) 1he rlghL of Lhe accused agalnsL excesslve ball
(16) 1he rlghL of Lhe accused Lo be heard by hlmself and
counsel Lo be lnformed of Lhe naLure and cause of Lhe accusaLlon
agalnsL hlm Lo have a speedy and publlc Lrlal Lo meeL Lhe
wlLnesses face Lo face and Lo have compulsory process Lo secure
Lhe aLLendance of wlLness ln hls behalf
(17) lreedom from belng compelled Lo be a wlLness agalnsL
ones self or from belng forced Lo confess gullL or from belng
lnduced by a promlse of lmmunlLy or reward Lo make such
confesslon excepL when Lhe person confesslng becomes a SLaLe
(18) lreedom from excesslve flnes or cruel and unusual
punlshmenL unless Lhe same ls lmposed or lnfllcLed ln accordance
wlLh a sLaLuLe whlch has noL been [udlclally declared
unconsLlLuLlonal and
(19) lreedom of access Lo Lhe courLs
ln any of Lhe cases referred Lo ln Lhls arLlcle wheLher or noL Lhe
defendanLs acL or omlsslon consLlLuLes a crlmlnal offense Lhe
aggrleved parLy has a rlghL Lo commence an enLlrely separaLe and
dlsLlncL clvll acLlon for damages and for oLher rellef Such clvll
acLlon shall proceed lndependenLly of any crlmlnal prosecuLlon (lf
Lhe laLLer be lnsLlLuLed) and maL be proved by a preponderance of
1he lndemnlLy shall lnclude moral damages Lxemplary
damages may also be ad[udlcaLed
1he responslblllLy hereln seL forLh ls noL demandable from a
[udge unless hls acL or omlsslon consLlLuLes a vlolaLlon of Lhe enal
Code or oLher penal sLaLuLe

Art 33 ln cases of defamaLlon fraud and physlcal ln[urles a clvll
acLlon for damages enLlrely separaLe and dlsLlncL from Lhe crlmlnal
acLlon may be broughL by Lhe ln[ured parLy Such clvll acLlon shall
proceed lndependenLly of Lhe crlmlnal prosecuLlon and shall
requlre only a preponderance of evldence

Art 34 When a member of a clLy or munlclpal pollce force refuses

or falls Lo render ald or proLecLlon Lo any person ln case of danger
Lo llfe or properLy such peace offlcer shall be prlmarlly llable for
damages and Lhe clLy or munlclpallLy shall be subsldlarlly
responslble Lherefor 1he clvll acLlon hereln recognlzed shall be
lndependenL of any crlmlnal proceedlngs and a preponderance of
evldence shall sufflce Lo supporL such acLlon

Art 2176 Whoever by acL or omlsslon causes damage Lo anoLher
Lhere belng faulL or negllgence ls obllged Lo pay for Lhe damage
done Such faulL or negllgence lf Lhere ls no preexlsLlng conLracLual
relaLlons beLween Lhe parLles ls called a quasldellcL and ls
governed by Lhe provlslons of Lhls ChapLer on quasldellcLs

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