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The Ecology of Plants
The Ecology of Plants

Jessica Gurevitch Samuel M. Scheiner Gordon A. Fox

Stony Brook University University of New Mexico
University of South Florida



The Ecology of Plants, Third Edition
Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the
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“Shades of Green”

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
Peyto Lake and surrounding slopes in
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Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada
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(image reversed). The trees in the
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(Engelmann spruce); the high elevation Inquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the
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lasiocarpa (subalpine fir), and likely Pinus
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Top left: Epilobium angustifolium (fire-
weed, Onagraceae)
Top center: Peonia suffruticosa (Chinese
tree peony, Paeoniaceae)
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Top right: Chondrosum gracile or Boutel-
oua gracilis (blue grama, Poaceae)
Center left: Crinum americanum Names: Gurevitch, Jessica, 1952– author. | Scheiner, Samuel M., 1956– author. |
(swamp lily, Amaryllidaceae) Fox, Gordon A., 1952– author.
Center: Banksia paludosa (marsh or Title: The ecology of plants / Jessica Gurevitch, Samuel M. Scheiner, Gordon A. Fox.
swamp banksia, Proteaceae)
Description: Third edition. | New York : Sinauer Associates/Oxford University Press,
Bottom left: Gazania lichtensteinii
[2021] | Includes bibliographical references and index.
(yellow calendula or geelgousblom,
Asteraceae) Identifiers: LCCN 2020005892 (print) | LCCN 2020005893 (ebook) | ISBN
Bottom center: Leucospermum reflexum 9781605358291 (paperback) | ISBN 9781605358307 (epub)
(rocket pincushion, or perdekop- Subjects: LCSH: Plant ecology.
speldekussing, Proteaceae)
Classification: LCC QK901 .G96 2021 (print) | LCC QK901 (ebook) | DDC 581.7--dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2020005892
LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2020005893
Spatial pattern in spring wildflowers at
Namaqua National Park, South Africa.
Photo courtesy of Gordon Fox.

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Printed in the United States of America
From the Authors:
This book is dedicated to Andrew Sinauer,
who planted the seed and nurtured it into being.

In memory of my parents, Esther and Louis Gurevitch,
and my teachers and students, for educating me.

To my mentors, Mike Wade, Jim Teeri, and Conrad Istock,
whose fingerprints are all over this book.

To Kathy, who has been with me for the whole journey.
Brief Contents
CHAPTER 1 The Science of Plant Ecology 1

PART I Individuals and Their Environments 19

CHAPTER 2 Photosynthesis and Light 21
CHAPTER 3 Water Relations and Thermal Energy Balance 53
CHAPTER 4 Soil and Terrestrial Plant Life 83
CHAPTER 5 Ecosystem Processes 111

PART II From Individuals to Populations 141

CHAPTER 6 Individual Growth and Reproduction 143
CHAPTER 7 Plant Life Histories 177
CHAPTER 8 Population Structure, Growth, and Decline 199
CHAPTER 9 Evolution: Processes and Change 231

PART III Population Interactions and Communities 259

CHAPTER 10 Competition and Other Plant Interactions 261
CHAPTER 11 Herbivory and Other Trophic Interactions 297
CHAPTER 12 Community Diversity and Structure 333
CHAPTER 13 Community Dynamics and Succession 371
CHAPTER 14 Local Abundance, Diversity, and Rarity 397

PART IV From Landscapes to Planet Earth 419

CHAPTER 15 Landscapes: Pattern and Scale 421
CHAPTER 16 Climate, Plants, and Climate Change 447
CHAPTER 17 Paleoecology 495
CHAPTER 18 Biomes and Physiognomy 513
CHAPTER 19 Global Biodiversity Patterns, Loss, and Conservation 543
1 The Science of Plant Ecology 1 Science is ultimately consistent, but getting to
consistency is a challenge 12
1.1 Ecology Is a Science 2 1.2 Ecological Phenomena Are Heterogeneous
Where does scientific knowledge come from? 2 in Many Ways 12
Scientific research involves objectivity, subjectivity, 1.3 Plant Ecology Has Developed through the
choice, and chance 5 Interaction of Observation, Measurement,
Observational studies detect and quantify patterns 5 Analysis, Technology, and Theory 14
Experiments are central to research 5 Plant ecology is situated in the more general theoretical
In ecology, “controls” are what you are using framework of ecology 16
for baseline comparisons 8 Ecology has a range of subdisciplines 17
How do we test theories? 10 Science is a human endeavor 18
Studies can lead to specific results but contribute
to general understanding 12

PART I Individuals and Their Environments 19

2 Photosynthesis and Light 21 Photosynthesis first evolved about 2.5 billion years ago
and has continued to evolve over Earth’s history 39
2.1 Photosynthesis Is the Engine of Life on Earth 22 2.5 C3, C4, and CAM Plants Each Have Distinct
BOX 2A The Discovery and Elucidation Growth Forms, Phenology, and Distributions 42
of Photosynthetic Carbon Reduction 26 The three photosynthetic types dominate in different
habitats and differ in growth form 42
2.2 Photosynthesis Is Affected by the Environment C3 and C4 plants grow most actively in different
and by Plant Adaptations 28 seasons 43
The amount of light available limits photosynthesis 28 C3, C4, and CAM species have different geographic
Carbon uptake is limited by the ways plants respond to distributions 44
their environments 31
2.6 Plants Possess Many Different Adaptations
Photosynthetic rates can vary among species in different
to Their Light Environments 46
habitats 32
Many plants can detect the length of daylight and how
2.3 There Are Three Photosynthetic Pathways: it is changing seasonally 46
C3, C4, and CAM 33 Leaves grown in sunlit and shaded conditions can differ
C3 photosynthesis is the most common and original type in structure and function 47
of photosynthesis 33
BOX 2D Blue Color and Iridescence, Structural
BOX 2B Photorespiration 34 Coloration, and Anthocyanin Pigments 50
C4 photosynthesis is a specialized adaptation for rapid
carbon uptake in warm, bright environments 35
3 Water Relations and Thermal
BOX 2C Stable Isotopes and Photosynthesis 37
Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM photosynthesis) is
Energy Balance 53
a specialized adaptation for minimizing water loss The ancestors of modern plants evolved to live in
but at the cost of reduced photosynthesis and slow terrestrial environments 54
growth 38
3.1 Water Potential Provides a Framework for
2.4 C3 Photosynthesis Is the Foundation for the Understanding How Plants Interact with
Evolution of C4 and CAM 39 Water in Their Environment 55
C4 and CAM evolved from C3 photosynthesis many BOX 3A Measuring Photosynthesis, Transpiration,
different times in many different plant families 39
and Water Potential 56
viii Contents

3.2 Water Moves through a Soil-Plant-Atmosphere 4.4 The Basic Building Blocks of Plants are C, H, and
Continuum 57 O from Air and Water, and Macronutrients and
3.3 Plants Manage Transpiration and Water Loss 59 Micronutrients from the Soil 101
Plants have different strategies for adapting to The stoichiometry of elements in plants and soils
water availability 60 regulates many ecological processes 104
Water use efficiency is a measure of carbon gain versus Nitrogen is often the limiting nutrient for
water loss 62 plant growth 104
Plants have different adaptations for coping with In some plants nitrogen comes from fixation
reduced water availability 62 by symbiotes 105
Plants have complex physiological adaptations BOX 4C Symbioses and Mutualisms 105
to drought 65 Phosphorus is limiting for plant growth in many
The anatomy and physiology of stomata shape plant environments 108
responses to water loss 67
Leaf anatomy can be adaptive for survival and growth
in arid environments 68
5 Ecosystem Processes 111
Roots, stems, and their tissues have adaptations for 5.1 Ecosystem Processes Set the Stage for Life

controlling plant water relations 71 in a Salt Marsh 112
3.4 Everything in the Universe Has a Thermal Energy 5.2 Ecosystem Pools and Fluxes Form Cycles
Balance 75 of Nutrients and Energy 114
Radiant energy is always being exchanged between BOX 5A Biogeochemical Cycles: Quantifying
plants and their surroundings 76
Pools and Fluxes 114
BOX 3B Why the Sky Is Blue and the Setting Sun
5.3 Carbon Is the Foundation of Life on Earth 116
Is Red 77
Productivity measures how carbon moves between
Energy flows between plants and air, water and soil via living things and their nonliving environment 116
conduction and convection 77
Carbon is stored in the living and nonliving components
Water loss is accompanied by latent heat loss 78 of ecosystems 119
Putting it all together: what determines leaf and Soil food webs are the recycling engine of terrestrial
whole-plant temperature? 78 ecosystems 122
Plants may have adaptations to extreme temperature Soil organic matter revisited: Bacteria are an essential
regimes 80 component of soil organic matter 125
Primary productivity can be measured or estimated
4 Soil and Terrestrial in a variety of ways 125
Plant Life 83 BOX 5B Using Remote Sensing and Eddy
Covariance Methods to Estimate NPP 126
4.1 Soils Have Distinct and Varied Composition,
5.4 The Nitrogen Cycle Is an Essential
Characteristics, and Structure 84
It takes many thousands of years to create soil 85
Component of Ecosystems 127
Bacteria mineralize organic N to inorganic forms taken
BOX 4A Serpentine Soils 85 up by plants 129
Soil texture determines many of the properties Nitrogen is lost from ecosystems through denitrification
of soils that affect plants 89 and leaching 131
Soil pH has profound but indirect effects 92 Decomposition can immobilize soil nitrogen when NO3–
Soils are characterized by horizons—layers with or NH4+ are sequestered in bacterial biomass 132
distinctive properties 94
5.5 Nitrogen Deposition and Acid Precipitation Can
BOX 4B Soil Conservation Is a Major Global Alter Ecosystems 132
Environmental Issue 96 BOX 5C The Haber Process, the Green Revolution,
Soils are the unique product of living organisms acting and Nitrogen in Ecosystems 134
on soil parent material 97
5.6 Cycles of Phosphorus and Other Elements
4.2 The Rhizosphere Is a Unique Environment
Play Important Roles in Ecosystems 135
Created by Roots and Their Interaction
Microorganisms make phosphorus available
with Microorganisms 98
for plants 135
4.3 Water Moves through the Soil to Reach Plants 99 Sulfur is critical for certain plant compounds 136
Contents ix

Calcium is necessary for many plant processes Water cycles at local and regional scales 137
and structures 136 Local water cycles can affect global cycles 139
5.7 The Water Cycle Is Central to Life and Climate 137

PART II From Individuals to Populations 141

6 Individual Growth and 6.7 Fruit and Seed Characteristics Affect Dispersal
across Space and Time 170
Reproduction 143 The structures of seeds and fruits affect their
dispersal 170
6.1 Growth Begins with Seed Germination 144
Plants can disperse across time via seed banks 174
6.2 Plants Grow by Adding Repeated Units
to Their Bodies 144
7 Plant Life Histories 177
6.3 Plant Growth Affects Resource Acquisition 146
Shoot architecture determines light interception 146 7.1 Trade-Offs Are a Central Cause of Variation
The growth of clonal plants affects their ability in Life History Patterns 178
to take up patchy resources 147 Trade-offs are difficult to measure 178
An important trade-off is in the size and number
6.4 Plants Reproduce both Sexually and Asexually 149
of seeds 179
Many plants reproduce vegetatively 149
Some plants produce seeds asexually 150 7.2 Evolution Acts on the Schedule of Survival
and Reproduction 181
The sexual life cycles of plants involve alternation
of generations 150 How long a plant lives and when it does its growing is
part of its life history strategy 182
6.5 The Movement of Pollen Is an Important Aspect
of a Plant’s Life Cycle 153 7.3 Several Theories Address Life History
Strategies 184
The pollen of many plants is moved by the wind 153
Demographic life history theory is based on
Visual displays are important for attracting
evolutionary principles 184
animal visitors 154
r- and K-selection theory was influential in earlier
Animal visitors are attracted to plants with floral odors
thinking about life histories 184
or acoustic guides 156
r- and K-strategy theory was extended to the
Plants often need to limit unwanted visits 158
ecology of plants 185
How strongly are floral characteristics associated with
Grime’s triangular model focuses on the ecological
particular pollinators? 158
conditions favoring different life history
BOX 6A Specialized Plants and Pollinators 159 strategies 185
BOX 6B Some Complex Plant-Pollinator Demographic life history theory has been tied to
patterns of reproductive allocation 186
Interactions 160
Other theories of life history strategies are based
Aquatic plants have special adaptations
on examining plant traits 188
for pollination 161
7.4 Year-to-Year Variation in the Environment Shapes
BOX 6C Is There a Pollinator Crisis? 161
Life Histories 189
6.6 Plants Have Complicated Mating Systems 162 Among-year demographic variation reduces fitness 189
Inbreeding is mating between close relatives 162 Bet-hedging strategies can reduce the variance
Plants may vary in gender 163 in fitness 190
BOX 6D Pollination Experiments 164 Seed germination is triggered by many factors 191
Competition occurs among plants and among Masting can result in synchronization of flowering
pollen grains 165 among individuals 192
Most mating is between neighboring individuals 166 7.5 Phenology Is the Within-Year Schedule
Plants may mate preferentially with individuals with of Growth and Reproduction 193
similar phenotypes 166 The timing of growth is driven by both abiotic
Fitness can depend on a population’s composition 167 and biotic factors 194
Mating systems have other important consequences 168 The timing of reproduction may be due
to abiotic factors 195
x Contents

The timing of reproduction may be due 8.5 Population Growth Fluctuates Randomly

to biotic factors 196 over Time 222
There are two general types of random variation 223
8 Population Structure, Growth, Random fluctuations reduce long-term growth rates 225
and Decline 199 Studying variable population growth requires data
recorded over many years 227
8.1 Plant Biology Creates Special Issues for 8.6 Demographic Models Have Strengths and
Population Studies 200

Limitations 228
BOX 8A Genets and Ramets: What Is
an Individual? 201 9 Evolution: Processes and

8.2 Plant Populations Are Structured by Age, Change 231
Size, and Developmental Stage 202
Plant population structure is complicated because 9.1 Natural Selection Is a Primary Cause

plants can change size or form at variable rates 203 of Evolutionary Change 232
8.3 Studying Population Growth Usually Involves Variation in phenotype is necessary for natural
selection 233
Models of Changes in Population Structure 205
Three conditions are necessary for evolution
Life cycle graphs are useful models of plant demography
by natural selection 234
and its relationship to data acquisition 206
Estimating vital rates can be done several ways 207 9.2 Heritability Measures the Genetic Basis
of Phenotypic Variation 235
BOX 8B How to Construct a Life Table 208
Heritability is a measure of resemblances
BOX 8C Borrowing the Mark-Recapture among relatives 235
Method from Animal Ecology 209 BOX 9A A Simple Genetic System and the
BOX 8D Obtaining Data for Survival Studies 210 Resemblance of Relatives 237
There are several approaches to building models BOX 9B Using Genes to Track Pollen and Seeds
for structured populations 211
and to Identify Species 238
BOX 8E Constructing Matrix Models 212 Phenotypic variation can be partitioned into genetic and
Analyzing demographic models gives information nongenetic components 238
on population growth rates and population The environment can interact with the genome to
composition 213 determine the phenotype 239
BOX 8F Demography of an Endangered Genotypes are often nonrandomly distributed
Cactus 213 among environments 240

BOX 8G Multiplying a Population Vector 9.3 Patterns of Adaptation Are the Result
by a Matrix 214 of Natural Selection 240
Measuring lifetime reproduction gives us the net Heavy-metal tolerance is an example of genetic
reproductive rate of the population 215 differentiation 241
Reproductive value is the contribution of each Adaptation to different light conditions is an example of
stage to population growth 215 adaptive plasticity 243
Environmental effects can extend over generations 245
BOX 8H Reproductive Value 216
Phenotypic plasticity is important for understanding
Sensitivity and elasticity indicate how individual matrix other ecological concepts 245
elements affect population growth 217
Life table response experiments can examine the 9.4 Natural Selection Can Occur at Levels Other
demographic differences among populations 218 Than the Individual 246
BOX 8I How Do Changes in Transition Probabilities 9.5 Other Processes Can Cause Evolutionary
Affect the Population Growth Rate? 219 Change 247
Ecologists are beginning to study demography Mutation, migration, and sexual reproduction
at larger spatial scales 219 are processes that increase genetic variation 248
There are additional approaches to modeling Genetic drift is a process that decreases genetic
plant demography 220 variation 248
Plant populations are heterogeneous 220 These evolutionary processes have important
conservation implications 250
8.4 Demographic Studies of Long-Lived Plants
Require Creative Methods 221
Contents xi

9.6 Evolutionary Processes Can Affect Variation 9.8 Natural Selection Can Cause the Origin
among Populations 250 of New Species 254
9.7 Ecotypes Are Different Forms of a Species That 9.9 Adaptation and Speciation Can Happen through
Are Adapted to Different Environments 250 Hybridization 256

PART III Population Interactions and Communities 259

10 Competition and Other Models of plant competition can help us to better
understand competitive processes and the role of
Plant Interactions 261 competition in species coexistence 289
Modern coexistence theory is a framework
10.1 Individuals Compete for Limited Resources 262 for understanding how competition affects
What are the mechanisms of resource competition? 263 coexistence 290
Resource competition often depends Models within the framework of modern coexistence
on plant size 266 theory have stimulated research and discovery 291
Plant competition frequently occurs between New research can extend our understanding
seedlings 266 of coexistence 293
Seedling competition can lead to self-thinning 269
10.2 There Are Several Approaches to Experiments 11 Herbivory and Other Trophic
for Studying Competition 270 Interactions 297
How we quantify competition can affect
experimental results 270 11.1 The Effects of Herbivores on Individual
Competition experiments were originally conducted Plants Depend on What Is Eaten 298
in greenhouse or garden environments 271 11.2 Herbivores Can Alter Plant Population
10.3 Interactions among Species Range from Composition and Dynamics 300
Competition to Facilitation 273 Herbivores can change where plants grow 302
Different theories attempt to explain how competitive Herbivory on seeds has both negative and
trade-offs lead to strategies 274 positive consequences for plant populations 303
Are there fixed competitive hierarchies? 275 People use insect herbivores for biological control 303
BOX 10A Plant Traits and the Worldwide Leaf 11.3 Herbivores Affect Plant Communities
Economic Spectrum: Attempts to Simplify in Different Ways 305
Understanding of Plant Diversity 276 Herbivore behavior can change plant community
Does allelopathy between species explain patterns composition 305
in nature? 276 Herbivory might result in apparent competition among
Plants can change the environment to the advantage plants 308
of other plants 279 Domesticated and introduced herbivores can
Competitive exclusion sometimes determines shape plant communities 308
species distributions 281 How important is herbivory in shaping the
10.4 Competition and Facilitation May Vary natural world? 310
along Environmental Gradients 282 11.4 Plants Defend Themselves against Herbivores by
There are conflicting models of how productivity affects Different Means 310
the importance of competition and facilitation 282 Plants use a variety of physical defenses
Experimental evidence provides a mixed picture about to protect themselves 310
the roles of competition and facilitation along Plants have evolved a wide range of chemical defenses
productivity gradients 284 against herbivores 312
Research syntheses provide some help in interpreting Plant chemical defenses can be constant or be induced
the evidence 286 by herbivory 314
Can we resolve the conflicting results? 287 Evolutionary consequences of plant-herbivore
interactions 316
BOX 10B Research Synthesis, Systematic Reviews,
and Meta-Analysis: Tools for Summarizing 11.5 Plants Are Involved in Many Kinds of Trophic
Results across Studies 289 Interactions 317
Some plants are parasites of other plants 317
xii Contents

11.6 Plants Interact with Pathogens, Endophytes, Phylogenetic diversity is variation in

and Mycorrhizae in Complex Ways 318 evolutionary relationships 345
Functional diversity is variation in traits 347
BOX 11A “Broken” Tulips and the Tulip Mania
Different types of biodiversity information can
of the 1600s 319
be combined 349
Plants are attacked by many different disease-causing
organisms 319 12.3 Communities Can Be Measured

in Many Ways 349
BOX 11B Effects of Plant Disease on Humans:
Measuring species richness can involve simple sampling
Potato Blight and the Irish Potato Famine procedures or complex mathematical estimates 349
(the Great Famine) 319 There are many ways to sample communities 354
Plants have immediate defenses and long-term
One measure of a plant community is its
evolutionary responses to pathogens 321
physiognomy 357
Pathogens can shape plant populations and
Long-term studies are important for measuring
communities 322
communities 357
Plant pathogens can interact in complex ways with
other organisms 324 BOX 12D The Long-Term Ecological Research
Endophytes are symbiotic organisms that live inside Network 358
plant cells 324 12.4 Plant Communities Can Be Compared

Mycorrhizae are essential for terrestrial life 325 by Many Methods 358
Arbuscular mycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae are the Non-numerical techniques were the first methods
two most ecologically important groups 326 for comparing communities 359
Specialized mycorrhizal interactions include those Communities can be compared by single factors using
associated with the Ericaceae and Orchidaceae 328 univariate techniques 360
Mycorrhizae function in other ways in addition to Most community comparisons use multivariate
nutrient uptake 329 techniques 360
Are mycorrhizal fungi mutualists or parasites? 329 12.5 Communities Are Distributed across
The influence of mycorrhizae can depend on plant-
Landscapes 362
plant interactions as well as on soil nutrients 330
Ordination is a group of techniques for describing
landscape patterns 362
12 Community Diversity and Patterns of species difference among communities
Structure 333 are caused by variation in the environment 364
What types of data are used? 365
12.1 There Are Many Ways of Thinking about Classification is an alternative approach to describing
Communities 334 communities in a landscape 366
BOX 12A Communities, Taxa, Guilds, and
Functional Groups 335 13 Community Dynamics
The debate between Henry Gleason and Frederic and Succession 371
Clements shaped modern ideas about plant
communities 336 13.1 Conflicting Theories Have Attempted to Explain
Today’s ecologists have a different perspective on the the Mechanisms of Succession 372
issues in contention 338 Are communities dynamic mosaics or regulated
BOX 12B A Deeper Look at Some Definitions: by predictable processes? 372
Abiotic Factors and Emergent Properties 340 BOX 13A History of the Development
The concept of communities is useful but has often of Modern Succession Theory 373
been debated 340 Scientific understanding can be influenced
12.2 Biodiversity Describes Variation in Biological by methodology 374
Organisms and Systems 341 13.2 Successional Change Has Three General
Biodiversity metrics can be built from different Causes 377
types of information 342 Disturbance size affects which species can colonize 377
Inventory diversity is the variation of types Fire can cause disturbance 379
of objects 342 Wind can cause disturbance 381
BOX 12C A Unified Measure of Diversity 344 Water can cause disturbance 381
Differentiation diversity is the variation Animals can cause disturbance 382
among units 345 Earthquakes and volcanoes can cause disturbance 382
BOX 13B The Dust Bowl of the 1930s 383
Contents xiii

Disease can cause disturbance 384 Being rare can vary over space and time 399
Humans can cause disturbance 384 What makes a species common or rare? 402
13.3 Which Species Are Available for Colonization 14.2 Biological Invasions Are a Worldwide
Affects Succession 385 Concern 403
The dispersal capacity of species affects their Why do some species become invasive? 404
colonization capability 385 What makes a community susceptible
Species can emerge from the propagule pool 387 to invasion? 405
13.4 Species Performance Determines the Pattern of Efforts have been made to integrate explanations
Successional Change 390 for invasiveness and susceptibility to invasion 409
Species vary in their life histories 390 Invasive species may alter many community properties
and threaten biodiversity 410
Species interactions are central to species replacement
during succession 391 14.3 Species Richness and Abundances Differ Greatly
Resource availability can change during succession 392 among Communities 411
Abundance curves illustrate community
13.5 The Pathway of Succession Can Vary 393
structure graphically 411
Succession may or may not be predictable 393
Productivity and diversity are related in complex ways
Understanding successional processes is critical for within communities 412
community restoration 394
Trade-offs and specialization contribute to diversity in
13.6 Ecologists Have Reconsidered the Concept heterogeneous environments 414
of Climax 395 Disturbances might maintain community diversity 415
14.4 Does Increased Diversity Enhance Community
14 Local Abundance, Diversity, Productivity or Stability? 416
and Rarity 397 Community dominance and diversity can affect
ecosystem processes 417
14.1 Are Dominant Species Competitively Diversity has been hypothesized to increase
Superior? 398 stability 417
There are many ways to be rare but few ways Diversity, rarity, and commonness vary with
to be common 398 spatial extent 417

PART IV From Landscapes to Planet Earth 419

15 Landscapes: Pattern and How one analyzes landscape data affects whether the
landscape appears to be continuous or discrete 430
Scale 421 15.3 Ecological Processes Occur across
15.1 Understanding Scale Is Critical to Understanding Landscapes 431
Ecological Processes 422 Island biogeography theory 431
Patterns and processes can vary with scale 422 Ecologists have debated whether there is a set of
rules that determines how communities are put
Scale interacts with environmental heterogeneity 424
together 433
Processes and patterns may vary as grain and
Metapopulation theory 434
extent change 425
Spatial pattern and scale can be analyzed using BOX 15B Metapopulation Models 435
graphical and statistical methods 426 Demographic processes occur across landscapes 436
15.2 Landscape Ecology Involves Measuring Spatial Metacommunity theory 437
Patterns and Looking at Their Effects 427 15.4 Ecological Processes at the Level of Landscapes
Defining patches is a key step in measuring Is Important for Plant Conservation 439
patterns 427 Fragmentation of landscapes is a major threat to
BOX 15A Differentiating Vegetation Based biodiversity 439
on Spectral Quality 428 Key landscape characteristics are edges, connectivity,
and nestedness 443
Patches can be quantified by their sizes, shapes,
and spatial arrangement 429 Ecological theory can help guide reserve design 445
Spatial patterns determine many ecological
processes 430
xiv Contents

16 Climate, Plants, and 17 Paleoecology 495

Climate Change 447 17.1 Plants Invaded the Land in the Paleozoic

Era 496
16.1 There Are Important Differences between
Climate and Weather 448 17.2 The Mesozoic Era Was Dominated by

Gymnosperms and Saw the Origin of the
16.2 The Kinetic Energy of Molecules Determines
Angiosperms 499
Heat and Temperature 448
Gymnosperms were the first group of dominant
The sun’s angle is the main factor determining the
seed plants 499
radiant energy received at Earth’s surface 451
The breakup of Pangaea happened as the angiosperms
There are long-term cycles in Earth’s path around the
rose to dominance 501
sun that affect radiant energy at Earth’s surface 455
The boundary between the Cretaceous and
16.3 Precipitation Patterns Vary across the Earth 457 Tertiary periods resulted in big changes in the
Global patterns are determined by air moving in three flora and fauna 503
dimensions at huge spatial scales 457
17.3 The Cenozoic Era Was Dominated by

BOX 16A The Coriolis Effect 460 Angiosperms 503
Continental-scale movement of air and water explain 17.4 Many Different Methods Are Used to Uncover
regional differences in snow and rain 464

the Past 504
Seasonal variation in precipitation is an important
component of climate 465 17.5 Vegetation Change in the Recent Past Has
The El Niño Southern Oscillation affects rainfall at large Been Dominated by the Waxing and Waning of
spatial scales and intermediate time scales 468 Glaciers 505
Temperature and rainfall predictability affect plant At the glacial maximum, climates and habitats were
ecology and evolution 470 very different from today 506
Modern plant communities began to appear as the
16.4 Anthropogenic Global Climate Change Is Caused
glaciers retreated 508
by Humans and Is Affecting Vegetation 471
Climatic fluctuations of the recent past continue
The global carbon cycle is central to Earth’s to shape the vegetation 510
climates 472
Increasing atmospheric CO2 has direct effects on
plants 474 18 Biomes and
The greenhouse effect warms the Earth due to Physiognomy 513
greenhouse gases 475
18.1 Vegetation Can Be Categorized by Its Structure
BOX 16B The Ozone Hole and the Greenhouse
and Function 514
Effect 476
Plant physiognomy varies across the globe 514
16.5 Humans Are Changing the Global Carbon Forests are closed canopy systems dominated
Cycle 477 by trees 516
Fossil fuel combustion is the most important Tree line defines the edge between treed and
factor changing the greenhouse effect 477 treeless landscapes 518
Deforestation and land use change also affect Grasslands and woodlands dominate in areas
climate 481 of lower precipitation 518
16.6 Agriculture Is a Major Source of Greenhouse Shrublands and deserts are found in very dry
Gases 482 or cool regions 519
16.7 Global Climate Change Is Already 18.2 Biomes with Similar Vegetation Forms May
Occurring 483 Be the Result of Convergent Evolution 520
16.8 Large Changes Are Predicted for Earth’s 18.3 Moist Tropical Forests 523
Climates, but Some Impacts Can Still Be Tropical rainforest 523
Mitigated 486 Tropical montane forest 526
BOX 16C Understanding Past Climates and 18.4 Seasonal Tropical Forests and Woodlands 526
Predicting Future Climates 486 Tropical deciduous forest 526
16.9 Changing Climates Are Affecting Species Thorn forest 527
and Ecological Systems 489 Tropical woodland 527
16.10 Responses to Ongoing and Predicted Climate 18.5 Temperate Deciduous Forest 528
Change 492 18.6 Other Temperate Forests and Woodlands 529
Contents xv

Temperate rainforest 529 Continents at the same latitudes differ in species

Temperate evergreen forest 530 diversity 551
Temperate woodland 531 Transition zones may have higher diversity due
to overlaps in species’ distributions 553
18.7 Taiga 532
Mountains and mountainous regions have distinct but
18.8 Temperate Shrubland 533 complex patterns of species diversity 554
18.9 Grasslands 534 19.4 Regional Diversity and Local Diversity Can
Temperate grassland 534 Influence One Another 556
Tropical savanna 536 Endemism, isolation, and global biodiversity
hotspots 557
18.10 Deserts 537
Hot desert 537 19.5 Patterns of Species Diversity May Be Explained
Cold desert 538 in General Terms 561
Null models and the neutral theory of biodiversity
18.11 Alpine and Arctic Vegetation 539 and biogeography pose a different approach to
Alpine grassland and shrubland 539 explaining patterns of species diversity 562
Tundra 540 Other explanations have been posed to explain
variation in biodiversity, but patterns are scale
19 Global Biodiversity Patterns, dependent 562

Loss, and Conservation 543 BOX 19B Explaining Diversity along Ecological
Gradients 564
19.1 Biodiversity Varies Enormously across 19.6 Biodiversity Is Rapidly Being Lost Globally 566
the Earth 544 What is being lost? 566
Global biodiversity increases toward the tropics 545
Biodiversity is threatened by human activity 567
19.2 What Explains Global Biodiversity Does human domination require a new definition of
Patterns? 546 the biomes? 570
Explanations for the latitudinal diversity gradient Both rare and common species face threats in a range
include energy, water, and environmental of communities 570
heterogeneity, but all explanations have Human population growth and land use contribute to
limitations 546 biodiversity loss 570
BOX 19A The Fynbos and the Cape Region 19.7 Ecosystem Services Are One Way of Quantifying
of Africa Have Some of the World’s Highest the Benefits of Natural Systems to Humans 572
Plant Diversity 547 Why should anyone care about plant biodiversity? 572
There are also regional and global patterns Conservation and restoration of biodiversity:
of β-diversity 550 a ray of hope? 573
19.3 There Are Distinctive Regional and Continental
Patterns of Plant Biodiversity 550

Glossary G-1
Index I-1
This book grew out of an informal chat at a conference. A In the case of this book, a circle would be more appropriate.
long time ago (1994) in what seems like a galaxy far away, The three authors of this book all contributed in multiple
at the joint meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolu- overlapping ways to the book; our contributions were dif-
tion and American Society of Naturalists at the University ferent, but not greater or lesser. This book could not have
of Georgia, one of us (GAF) was browsing the books on been written by any one or two of us, and it very strongly
display by Sinauer Associates. Andy Sinauer struck up reflects all our contributions and differing perspectives. It
a conversation that at some point included the question also offers a taste of our various senses of humor, and we
“Who might be a good person to write a textbook on plant hope that it provides at least a few chuckles to students and
ecology?” GAF’s immediate answer was something like, instructors wading through this sometimes intense and
“I don’t know,” while he thought, “Please, not me!” Later rather dense compilation of information and ideas.
that same day, in another of the casual chats that occur at We have been delighted with the response to the second
academic conferences, GAF happened to mention this con- edition of this book and have received many positive and
versation to SMS, who expressed a similar feeling. A while useful comments from both students using the book and
later, as the two walked along, they returned to the topic, professors who have adopted it for their courses. The third
and one of them said something like “Well, we could do it edition is different in a number of respects. Most notably,
if we involved someone else; how about JG?” Eventually the 14 years have elapsed since the previous edition, and much
three of us went to Andy and told him that maybe we were has been learned in plant ecology as well as in ecology
interested after all. Andy encouraged us, but he also made more broadly. We have endeavored to include new devel-
clear what we’d have to do: write him a proposal convincing opments and new ideas, as well as new evaluations of old-
him that we knew what we were doing, and then actually er work. We hope that this edition will be useful in helping
go and write the book. We looked at one another with a bit young ecologists make their way through the enormous
of dismay and trepidation (well-founded, as it turned out). literature of plant ecology and that we are effective in shar-
Eventually we created the first edition. Along the way, ing our continued excitement about the discipline and our
some colleagues told us we were insane to undertake the love for the natural world. We have added many new illus-
project (too much time and effort, too little in the way of trations and photos and have updated and redrawn many
professional or financial reward, they cautioned). Many others. In addition to including work published since the
other colleagues and friends encouraged us. Our goal second edition, we have also reorganized and consoli-
was to provide a comprehensive, readable textbook for dated material and have developed certain sections to in-
an upper-level course in plant ecology, emphasizing a clude a fuller treatment; for example, the material on how
conceptual approach to the subject and an evolutionary to think about and quantify diversity has been updated
focus. Evolutionary biology is essential to how we as sci- and consolidated into a single chapter; the explanations of
entists think about ecology, and we incorporated an evo- Earth’s climate and climate change have been integrated,
lutionary perspective throughout the book, as well as in- sharpened, corrected, and we hope made clearer. Other,
cluding a short introduction to the subject. We think we less central material has been deleted or shortened.
did that again and brought everything up to date, fixed We assume that students using this book will have
some errors, added color illustrations, and published our had an introductory course in biology, but they may or
second edition in 2006. The book brought us into con- may not have had advanced biology courses and per-
tact with many students, instructors, and scientists we haps have not taken a course in general ecology. Recog-
would not have had the opportunity to engage with oth- nizing that plant ecology may be the only ecology course
erwise, and we are grateful for that. Eventually it became a student will take, we have broadly covered the field
apparent that we really were way overdue for bringing of ecology, from individual plants through populations
the book up to date, so 14 years later we are pleased to and communities, to large scale patterns and global is-
present a third edition. sues. Thus, we strive to be comprehensive, albeit from a
Books don’t write (or revise) themselves, and this book uniquely plant perspective. While topics are introduced
is certainly a collaborative effort. The order of authors’ at a basic level, there is sufficient depth, coverage, and
names must necessarily be printed in a linear fashion, and leads to further references and information on the topics
in most cases this implies the order of their contributions. for more advanced students as well.
Preface xvii

Plant ecology touches and builds on many subject new literature and papers we think should be well known
areas that may not be covered in a typical introduc- into the text itself. This edition has a longer bibliography
tory biology course. Therefore, we include background than the previous editions, not only because more has
information that might be considered beyond the sub- been published, but because we believe strongly that sci-
ject of plant ecology in its strictest sense. For example, ence comes from work published in the scientific litera-
we introduce aspects of plant anatomy and physiology, ture, and familiarity with this foundation is essential for
integrating the information on these subjects when we students. Because of the large number of references, they
address herbivory and ecosystem ecology. We include have been collected into a searchable PDF available online
common names, family affinities, and photos or draw- at oup.com/he/gurevitch3e. An appreciation of both clas-
ings to make species more familiar to students. We dis- sic and contemporary work also helps convey some of the
cuss soils and belowground interactions, paleoecology, sense of plant ecology as a vibrant, dynamic, and exciting
evolution, climate, and nutrient cycling in greater depth field of study.
than might ordinarily be expected in an ecology text, Rather than presenting scientific information as a
and we address global climate change from the perspec- static collection of “facts,” we attempt to portray the his-
tive of both the roles and responses of plants and those tory and ongoing process of scientific study and discov-
of people. Every college textbook is a reflection not only ery. By doing so, we hope to convey some of the excite-
of the subject but of what the authors think is important ment and turmoil that that process often involves, while
and interesting, and this one is unabashedly so. showing how scientists learn how nature works. We ex-
Ecology can be taught in many different sequences: it tensively rewrote Chapter 1 to provide a stronger (and
is conceptually a “hypertext” subject rather than a strictly more modern) introduction to the philosophy of science,
linear one in which one topic clearly builds on the other the theoretical underpinnings of the field, and the his-
and leads to the next one. For example, one can begin with tory of plant ecology—topics we think are essential parts
ecophysiology of individuals and proceed to the global of the education of ecologists. Because science is a hu-
ecosystem; but the reverse order is equally valid. While man endeavor, we show the face of science by including
we present the topics in a fairly conventional order start- photos of some of the important scientists (both classical
ing from individuals and moving to global ecology, we and contemporary) whose work we discuss.
recognize that other orders are equally logical and that With the same goal, we include the first names of scien-
different instructors cover the topics in a different order. tists whose work we discuss. While this is an unconven-
In the classic film The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy reaches a tional format, we feel that it not only makes science more
crossroad and wonders aloud which way to go. The Scare- human, but also reveals the wonderful diversity of those
crow (who is still mounted on a post) points one way and doing important work in plant ecology. It adds something,
says, “That way is a very nice way.” Then he adds, point- somehow, in reading about the highly cited work of Wal-
ing in the opposite direction, “It’s pleasant down that way off and Richards (1977), to learn that the first author was
too.” And so it is in ecology, including plant ecology. To fa- Nadia Waloff and to find out that she was a “formidable
cilitate those different approaches, we provide abundant chain-smoking Russian entomologist” at Silwood Park of
cross-references for topics introduced or covered in other the Imperial College of London in the mid-twentieth cen-
chapters. This book should be usable, therefore, in courses tury (Michael Crawley, unpublished); and to see, beyond
that begin with biomes, for instance, rather than with the the many Davids and Johns and Jameses, names that in-
ecology of individual plants. clude Camille, Katherine, Valerie, Lynn, and Suzanne,
Science has a language of its own. Acquiring that and also Vigdis, Xianzhong, Mohamed, Akio, Ignacio,
language can sometimes be daunting. Throughout the Govindan, Avi, Nerre Awana, and Staffan.
book we have placed words that may be unfamiliar in
bold, and we have defined them in the text and in the Acknowledgments
Glossary. Scientific terminology may be tedious to learn, Plant ecology is also a global endeavor. As authors and
but it performs a necessary function: providing a concise scientists, the three of us have learned a great deal and
and precise vocabulary that facilitates clarity and com- benefited enormously from interaction with our colleagues
munication. In some cases, though, these definitions are and friends in many other countries. Our travels and so-
presented not because we approve of the proliferation of journs internationally have been invaluable in expanding
jargon in ecology, but because these terms are commonly our understanding and knowledge about plant ecology
used, and students need to be familiar with them to un- and the natural world, and in providing the opportunity
derstand the scientific literature. to take many of the photographs in this book. JG and GAF
Throughout the book we have provided an entry to the in particular owe their thanks to the Stellenbosch Institute
scientific literature through the use of examples and key for Advanced Studies for hosting us for an invaluable visit
references, incorporating key classic references as well as in 2014. We are delighted to know that students from many
xviii Preface

different countries have learned from the previous editions illustrations and art grace this edition of the textbook and
of this book. We hope that this edition will reach many enhance both the science and the esthetics; it has been a
more people in more places in the future. delight to work with her. Mark Siddall’s keen eye was in-
For the third edition, we received comments, reviews, valuable in obtaining and choosing many of the photo-
and corrections from Laura Aldrich-Wolfe, Peter Alpert, graphs for the book, as well as overseeing the many issues
Mario Bretfeld, Cynthia Chang, Rebecca Cook, Jeffrey about the photography used to illustrate the science and
D. Corbin, Robert D. Cox, Michael Fleming, Zachariah provide context for the words. Many friends, colleagues,
K. Fowler, Suzanne Koptur, Daniel Laughlin, Diane and strangers generously shared their photographs for
Marshall, David McKenzie, Kerrie Sendall, Jeffrey Stone, publication, sharing their passion for the organisms and
Sarah M. Swope, Amy Trowbridge, Alexandra Wright, landscapes they photographed. Michele Beckta meticu-
and several anonymous reviewers; we are much indebted lously oversaw the crucial job of obtaining permissions
to all of them, as well as to our colleagues and students for figures and illustrations. Grant Hackett composed
who have offered comments and suggestions and pointed the very professional and useful index. The book was
out errors on previous editions and along the way as we designed by project leader Meg Britton Clark, who along
worked on this one. JG thanks Alan Robock, who helped with Michele Ruschhaupt created the stunning page lay-
clarify many issues and who answered many pesky ques- outs. The cover was designed by Donna DiCarlo, and
tions about climate for this book and from whom she Joan Gemme provided exceptional support and overall
learned a great deal about the complex subject of climate project management. And we must mention that the final
science. Graham Chapman and his colleagues contribut- production of the book was carried out in the course of a
ed at least one joke. Any errors, flaws, and oversights that global pandemic that had all of us working from home.
remain are of course ours. Thank you all!
Textbooks are much more than just the words they con- We began with a question from Andy Sinauer, and we
tain; a well-produced textbook also includes illustrations want to thank Andy not only for his patience and wise
that are attractive and instructive, has a useful index, and advice about the first two editions of this book, but also
is laid out and assembled in a way that makes it appeal- for his larger contribution to our field. By publishing
ing, readable, and accessible. Sinauer Associates and its high-quality books in ecology and evolution for decades
new parent company, Oxford University Press, have long and by his encouragement and support for their authors
records of publishing scientific texts with these qualities, (including the three of us), Andy provided an enormously
while at the same time managing to make the books ac- valuable contribution for the sciences of ecology and evo-
cessible by keeping prices considerably lower than other lutionary biology. We wish him well in his retirement.
publishers. We are delighted to continue our association Our spouses, children, and colleagues tolerated us
with SA and OUP. But books aren’t produced by a faceless while we were writing and revising this book rather
company pressing buttons; special thanks are due to the than doing all of the things we were supposed to be do-
skilled professionals who have worked so hard to make it ing or that they wished we were doing. We appreciate
happen. Jason Noe was our Aquisitions Editor, and a key their forbearance. To all the students who use this book,
player on our team for this book. We are especially grate- we hope that you enjoy the book and learn a lot from it,
ful to Kathaleen Emerson, the supervising editor who and that some of you will go on to make scientific contri-
provided a quiet and skillful hand to steering the project butions of your own.
to completion; to Chandra Linnell, our skillful, patient,
and driven production editor; and Lou Doucette, our co-
pyeditor, who sometimes knew what we meant (or what SAMUEL M. SCHEINER
we should have meant) even better than we did and who
asked rather penetrating questions when she wasn’t sure
(because we hadn’t made it clear). Jan Troutt’s scientific April, 2020

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The Science of
Plant Ecology

‌he biological science of ecology is the study of the relationships between liv-
ing organisms and their environments, the interactions of organisms with
one another, and the patterns and causes of the abundance and distribution
of organisms in nature. In this book, we consider ecology from the perspective of
terrestrial plants. Plant ecology is both a subset of the discipline of ecology and a
mirror for the entire field. In The Ecology of Plants, we cover some of the same top-
ics that you might find in a general ecology textbook, while concentrating on the
interactions between plants and their environments over a range of scales. We also
include subjects that are unique to plants, such as photosynthesis and the ecology
of plant-soil interactions, and others that have unique aspects in the case of plants,
such as the acquisition of resources and mates. While we focus largely on terres-
trial plants, we include freshwater and wetland plants in some discussions. Our
emphasis is on the seed plants, particularly eudicots and monocots because they
constitute much of the diversity in terrestrial environments, but we also discuss
gymnosperms, which are dominant plants in some environments.

Above: The HMS Beagle sailed from England December 27, 1831, on a 5-year mission to
chart the oceans and collect biological information from around the world.
2 Chapter 1

the relative amount of forest edge will affect the physiol-

1.1 Ecology Is a Science ogy of some of the tree species, how these physiological
Ecologists study the function of organisms in nature changes translate into effects on population growth, and
and the systems they are part of. Applied ecologists and how dispersal between remaining fragments will affect
conservation biologists are particularly concerned with these populations as a whole. By contrast, an aesthetic
the use of ecological principles to solve environmental approach—often seen in popular literature on conserva-
problems, while fundamental ecology is concerned with tion—might emphasize the beauty of the intact forest.
basic knowledge of ecological principles, processes, and There is nothing wrong with this approach—indeed,
patterns. Sometimes the distinction between fundamen- many ecologists speak quite freely about such aesthetic
tal and applied ecology becomes blurred, as when the values. But these values are not science; it is not meaning-
solution to a particular applied problem reveals under- ful to debate whether intact forests or fragmented forests
lying understanding about ecological systems. In both are more beautiful, because there is no evidence that one
fundamental and applied ecology, the rules and proto- could bring to bear that would settle the issue.
cols of science must be rigorously followed. We could make a similar argument if we compared
Ecology is not environmental advocacy or political the scientific approach with moral, religious, or artis-
activism, although ecologists are sometimes environ- tic approaches: the conclusions one might reach with
mental activists in their personal lives, and environ- nonscientific approaches do not depend on testing em-
mental activists may rely on ecological research. Ecol- pirical evidence. This is not to say that only science is
ogy is not about one’s feelings about nature, although worthwhile; indeed, these other ways of interpreting
ecologists may have strong feelings about what they the world play a large and critical role in our individual
study. Ecological systems are complex, with a great lives and in human societies. But they are fundamen-
many parts, each of which contributes to the whole in tally different from science.
different ways. But ecology is indeed a science, and it
works like other scientific disciplines. Where does scientific knowledge come from?
Here it is important for us to call your attention to Throughout this book, we examine how ecologists have
a major point. Much of the content of this chapter con- come to their current knowledge and understanding of
cerns the nature of science and the scientific method. organisms and systems in nature. Ecology has both a
Many students, at this point, may yawn and conclude strong and a rich theoretical basis and has developed
that they do not need to pay much attention because from a foundation based on an enormous collective
they already know about the scientific method, and storehouse of information about nature.
some students may feel that such discussions are dull Ecology, like all of science, is built on a tripod of pat-
and pointless. You might be surprised to know that the tern, process, and theory. Patterns consist of the relation-
scientific method and the nature of science itself have ships between elements or entities of the natural world.
always been the subjects of heated intellectual debate. In Processes are the causes of those patterns. Theories are
recent years it has even led to political controversy and a the explanations of those causes. When ecologists carry
great deal of confusion among the general public about out original scientific research, they seek to document pat-
what is and what is not science and what value science terns, understand processes, test and validate their under-
has. The nature of science and the scientific method is standing of those patterns and processes, and ultimately
the essence of how scientists add to and confirm scien- put together theories that explain what they have learned.
tific knowledge, and doing science, as well as learning There is a distinction between the kind of research a
science, requires a nuanced and thoughtful approach. scientist does and the kind of research done for a term
How do we know whether something is true? Science paper, or by any member of the public trying to gather
is one way of knowing about the world—not the only information about a topic using textbooks (such as this
way, but a spectacularly successful one. In contrast to one), library books, or material posted on the internet. Al-
some of the other ways of knowing that are part of our though there are exceptions, the kind of research carried
lives, the legitimacy of science is not based on authority, out by students or the general public is usually second-
or opinion, or democratic principles, but on the weight ary research: gathering and summarizing facts that are
of credible, repeatable evidence. already known. This kind of research is not only useful,
Why is this characteristic of science so important? Con- but essential: every scientific study must begin by assess-
sider the contrast between a scientific approach to an envi- ing what is already known. But the heart of what research
ronmental issue—say, the consequences of fragmentation scientists do is primary research: gathering information
for the persistence of tropical rainforests—and an aesthetic that no one has ever known before, confirming or refuting
approach. Addressing this issue from a scientific perspec- patterns and explanations from other scientific studies,
tive might involve asking questions about how changes in or coming up with new, testable ideas about how nature
The Science of Plant Ecology 3

works. These experiences of discovery are what make do- The construction of scientific theories is central to the
ing science so incredibly exciting and fun. scientific method. The word theory has a very different
Scientists gain knowledge by using the scientific meaning in science than it does in common usage. A
method. They carry out a series of steps, although not al- scientific theory is a broad, comprehensive explanation
ways in a fixed order (Figure 1.1). In ecology, these steps of a large body of information that, over time, must be
can be summarized as follows: observation, description, supported and ultimately confirmed (or rejected) by
quantification, posing hypotheses, testing those hypoth- the accumulation of a wide range of different kinds of
eses using experiments (in a broad sense of the word, evidence (Table 1.1). In popular usage, the word theory
as discussed below), and verification, rejection, or re- usually refers to a limited, specific conjecture or suppo-
vision of the hypotheses, followed by retesting of the sition, or even a guess or hunch. Equating the meaning
new or modified hypotheses. Throughout this process, of a scientific theory with “a guess” has caused no end
ecologists gather various kinds of information, look of mischief in the popular press and in public debates
for patterns or regularities in their data, and propose on politically charged issues. A well-known example
processes that might be responsible for those patterns. is the theory of evolution by natural selection: While
They often put together some kind of model to help in sometimes portrayed as “just a theory” by creationists
advancing their understanding. They construct theo- and advocates of “intelligent design,” it is actually a
ries, using assumptions, data, models, and the results comprehensive and rigorously tested explanation of an
of many tests of hypotheses, among other things. The enormous amount of evidence from experiments and
building of comprehensive scientific theories proceeds documentation of patterns in nature. In fact, it is one of
simultaneously from multiple directions and involves the best-tested theories in biology.
numerous people, sometimes working in synchrony and When a theory is buttressed over many years by
sometimes at cross-purposes. Science in operation can be the accumulation of strong evidence, with new find-
a messy and chaotic process, but out of this chaos comes ings consistently supporting and amplifying the theory
our understanding of nature. while producing no serious contradictory evidence, it
becomes an accepted framework or pattern
of scientific thought from which new spec-
Make observations ulation can spring. This is what occurred
and record data. with Einstein’s theory of relativity and
Darwin’s theory of evolution. Scientists use
such overarching theories to organize their
Speculate. Apply inductive thinking and derive additional predictions
and deductive reasoning
to observations. Compare
about nature.
with current theories. The ultimate goal is to produce a unified
theory, consisting of a few, general propo-
sitions that characterize a wide domain of
Formulate hypothesis phenomena and from which can be derived
(often phrased as a question). an array of models. The best example in bi-
Reevaluate ology is the unification of Darwin’s theory
and theory. of natural selection with Mendel’s theory of
Predict results assuming particulate inheritance. This unification—
hypothesis to be correct.
largely complete by the 1940s—allowed
Follow up with biologists to derive many specific mod-
more predictions, els and testable predictions and to amass
further experiments, Design experiment(s) to test
further development
a large and coherent body of information
validity of predicted results.
of theory. and knowledge about the natural world,
including many discoveries, both practical
Results support Results do not
hypothesis (predictions support hypothesis
confirmed). (“null hypothesis”).

Figure 1.1 The scientific method. The cycle of specu-

lation, hypothesis, and experimentation is a spiral, with
Seek independent verification our overall understanding of the world increasing as
of results by other researchers:
“reproducible results.” new questions constantly emerge from the answers
scientists obtain.
4 Chapter 1

TABLE 1.1 The components of a scientific theory

Component Description
Assumptions Conditions or structures needed to build a theory or model
Concepts Labeled regularities in phenomena
Confirmed generalizations Condensations and abstractions from a body of facts that have been tested
Definitions Conventions and prescriptions necessary for a theory or model to work with clarity
Domain The scope in space, time, and phenomena addressed by a theory or model
Facts Confirmable records of phenomena
Framework Nested causal or logical structure of a theory or model
Fundamental principle A concept or confirmed generalization that is a component of a general theory
Hypotheses Testable statements derived from or representing various components of the theory or model
Laws Conditional statements of relationship or causation, or statements of process that hold within
a universe of discourse
Model Conceptual construct that represents or simplifies the natural world
Translation modes Procedures and concepts needed to move from the abstractions of a theory to the specifics
of model, application, or test

Source: After S. T. A. Pickett et al 1994. Ecological Understanding. Academic Press. San Diego, CA.

(of benefit to humanity) and fundamental (increasing equations, or complex computer programs. In science,
understanding of living organisms). models are used to define patterns, summarize process-
A scientific hypothesis is a possible explanation for a es, and generate hypotheses. One of the most valuable
particular observation or set of observations. A hypoth- uses of models is to make predictions. Ecologists deal
esis is smaller in scope than a fully developed theory. Hy- almost exclusively with abstract models that can range
potheses must be testable by containing a prediction or from a simple verbal argument to a set of mathemati-
statement that can be verified or rejected using scientific cal equations. One reason their models so often rely on
evidence. Experiments are the heart of science, and we dis- mathematics is that ecologists are often concerned with
cuss their design and use in more detail later in this chap- the numbers of things. (Is a species’ population size
ter. A crucial characteristic of science is the need to revise so small that it is becoming endangered? How rapidly
or reject a hypothesis if the evidence does not support it. In is an invasive species spreading? How many species
science, hypotheses are not accepted based on belief. A sci- can coexist in a community, and how does this number
entist should not say, “I believe in human-caused climate change as conditions change?) Mathematical models
change,” but rather, “I am convinced by the accumulation offer well-defined methods for addressing questions
of abundant evidence for human-caused climate change.” in both qualitative and quantitative terms, and they
Some of the most important tools in the scientist’s require that many assumptions be made explicit. Some
toolkit are models. A model is an abstraction and sim- ecological models are verbal, some rely entirely on
plification that expresses structures or relationships. complex computer simulations, and others use rela-
Models are a way in which the human mind attempts tional diagrams (graphs).
to understand complex structures, whether in science All models are necessarily based on simplifications
or in everyday life. Building a model airplane from a and rest on sets of assumptions. Those simplifications
kit can tell you a lot about the basic form of an airplane; and assumptions (both implicit and explicit) are criti-
similarly, civil engineers often build small models of cal to recognize, because they can alert you to the limi-
structures such as bridges or buildings (earlier, as phys- tations of the model and because faulty assumptions
ical models and now as three-dimensional images on and unjustified simplifications can sink even the most
a computer) before construction begins. You have no widely accepted or elegant model. It is often more clear
doubt seen models of DNA and of chemical reactions, what assumptions are being made in a mathematical or
and you may have heard about global climate models, a simulation model than in other model types, but since
which we discuss at length in Chapter 16. models are just representations of more complex things,
Models can be abstract or tangible, made of words no model ever can state every assumption it requires—
or plastic. They can be diagrams on paper, sets of any more than a sentence can do so.
The Science of Plant Ecology 5

Scientific research involves objectivity, snakes swallowing their own tails leading to his discov-
subjectivity, choice, and chance ery of ring structures in organic chemistry.
When you read a typical scientific paper, it may at first Many scientific discoveries start with casual observa-
seem obscure and difficult to penetrate. The format fol- tions, as with Newton’s proverbial apple. Or an idea may
lows a rigid protocol, designed for efficiently conveying arise as a what-if thought: What if the world works in
essential information to other scientists. Ideas are tightly a particular way? Or a previous experiment may have
packaged, with a clear logical line running from start to raised new questions. Sometimes we ask questions about
finish. It may seem as if the researchers knew exactly what is not present, or what does not exist, rather than
what they would find even before they began. We will noticing what is present. What makes a scientist most suc-
let you in on an open secret: that is not how much of real cessful is the ability to recognize the worth of these casual
science works. The results may not be what was antici- observations, what-if thoughts, and new questions. From
pated at the start of the study. The justifications for the these sources, an ecologist constructs hypotheses and de-
research presented in a paper’s introduction may have signs rigorous, objective experiments to test them.
been thought up or discovered long after the research
project began, or even after the work was finished. Ser- Observational studies detect
endipitous discoveries, surprising natural occurrences, and quantify patterns
or other unplanned happenstance may modify the origi- If we didn’t know what patterns exist, there would not
nal course of a research project. However, this misdirec- be anything to try to explain. Since the earliest humans,
tion is now starting to change. Increasingly, the goals observations of nature and attempts to recognize pat-
and protocols of a project are posted before it is initi- terns of all sorts have been central to human survival.
ated, especially in medical studies. If modifications are Early scientists recognized and documented patterns in
necessary, the reasons are made clear when the results nature, and this work continues to the present. The first
are published. And those justifications that were previ- part of finding patterns is to observe what exists and
ously added to the paper’s introduction should more does not exist, and to attempt to generalize those obser-
properly be placed in the discussion section at the end vations. The next step is to quantify observations. Pat-
of the paper and considered as new hypotheses to be tern detection and quantification included much of the
tested in subsequent studies. work of gradient analyses and ordinations (see Chapter
Ideas in science, especially in ecology, come from a 15). Modern observational studies rely on analysis of
variety of sources. While everyone knows that science remotely sensed images, large databases of plant traits
is held to the standards of being objective and rational, and other variables (see Chapter 10), and spatial dis-
that is only half the story. In order to reach a genuinely tribution data. The goal of such studies is document-
new understanding, subjectivity and creativity must ing and quantifying patterns, rather than hypothesis
also come into play. What one chooses to study is a sub- testing, but the results are often critical to hypothesis
jective decision. Do I pay attention to the entire forest or generation and future tests.
the individual trees? Which forest, and what am I asking
about it? Given those choices, there is usually a range of Experiments are central to research
possible places to look for answers—another subjective A cornerstone of the scientific process is the experiment.
decision. Do I travel to the Arctic or Amazonia, or study We use the term experiment here in its broadest sense: a
urban forests close to home? Such choices depend on the test of an idea. Ecological experiments can be classified
questions one wishes to ask, but the system one chooses into three broad types: manipulative, natural, and ob-
to study also shapes the questions. While determining servational. Manipulative experiments are what most
the answers must be objective, choosing what questions of us think of as experiments: a person alters a system
to ask, and how to ask them, is largely subjective. in some way and looks for a pattern in the response. For
Many scientific endeavors are highly creative as example, an ecologist might be interested in the effects
well. Coming up with a good experiment, looking at of nutrients on the growth of a particular plant species.
a seemingly intractable problem from a new perspec- One can grow plants under different nutrient treatments,
tive, switching gears after a disastrous laboratory failure, replicating the plants exposed to the different treat-
and pulling a large number of disparate facts together ments, measure such things as the height at flowering,
to build a comprehensive theory are all highly creative and ask whether plants under one treatment are taller
activities. Tests and confirmation must be objective and at flowering than under another. If the treatment groups
rational to be science. Starting from the known and leap- differ, you have an answer!
ing across to the unknown requires creative, synthetic, This procedure sounds simple, but planning the
and sometimes other-than-rational thought processes, experiment raises a number of questions. A central
as in the famous example of Kekule’s dreamy vision of question is whether you can perform the experiment
6 Chapter 1

while making sure that the only things that vary are the treatments to different areas (often called blocks in sta-
parameter(s) of interest, such as the amounts of nutri- tistics). When you later analyzed the data, you would
ents received by the plants. Classical scientific experi- use standard techniques that allow you to account for
ments—first laid out by Francis Bacon in the seventeenth the possibility that one block is, perhaps, wetter than
century—vary only a single factor, and you may have others. Randomized experiments
learned that this is how experiments are properly done. were first developed by Ronald A.
Can you do this for a plant growth experiment? You Fisher (one of the founders of both

Courtesy of the University of Adelaide,

might conduct the experiment in a growth chamber or modern statistics and population
greenhouse. You might try to rigorously control all of the genetics) in the early twentieth

Rare Books and Manuscripts

sources of variation in your experiment, but experiments century, and they are a mainstay
on living things invariably incorporate heterogeneity. of ecology and evolutionary biol-
Even controlled-environment growth chambers turn ogy. Their results are more gen-
out to have environmental variation (e.g., some spots eralizable than experiments that
are warmer or cooler than others). You might uninten- attempt to rigorously control all
tionally water plants at the rear less than others, be- variation, because heterogeneity
Ronald A. Fisher
cause they are harder to reach. You might choose to use in responses is taken into account
seeds that are highly inbred and do not vary genetically. in the design and in the analysis of the results, instead
But attempts to control variation have their own prob- of your having to try to eliminate it. Randomized ex-
lems—the results may not be replicable if a greenhouse periments typically require larger samples than those in
experiment is conducted at a different season, when the which you attempt to rigidly control variation. Where
sun is at a different angle and daylight is longer. Even along this continuum of control versus realism ecolo-
more problematic, they may not be replicable by other gists carry out their experiments depends on practical
researchers, whose seeds and growth chambers differ. considerations and on their scientific goals.
There may be no way to easily generalize your results. These kinds of experiments (controlled environment,
Perhaps worse is this problem: plants grown in pots garden experiments, and experiments in natural com-
in artificial environments differ in a number of impor- munities) are called manipulative experiments, and
tant respects from those grown in soil outside, so your they are powerful tools for two major reasons. First, the
results might not really be realistic. In sum, this sort scientist can control which aspects of the natural world
of experiment can be useful, but it is also fraught with will be altered. Second, the experiment can separate fac-
difficulties. It is easy to fool yourself into thinking that tors that typically occur together so they can be tested
you have controlled all variation except in the factor that individually. But there are also difficulties with manipu-
you are studying, and even if you have reduced that lations. One problem is that sometimes they cause arti-
variation greatly, your results might not be generalizable facts—outcomes that are side effects of the manipulation
beyond the conditions of the experiment. What to do? itself, rather than being responses to the experimental
Garden experiments are more realistic ecologically, treatment being tested. For example, an ecologist inter-
with some factors controlled but many uncontrolled, ested in comparing seed production in self-pollinated
and field experiments in nature may be the most realis- versus open-pollinated flowers might place netting
tic but with only the tested factors controlled and many over some flowers to exclude pollinators. Seeds from
other factors varying in an uncontrolled fashion. In a those treated flowers would all be self-pollinated, but
field experiment in a natural community, an ecologist the flowers would also have experienced reductions in
might control one or a few factors—reducing herbivory air flow and light, and this could conceivably affect seed
and adding water, for instance, but factors such as soil, production. A thoughtful experimenter might put net-
competing plants, and pathogens are uncontrolled and ting on the “control” flowers but leave the netting open
varying. One major approach to such experiments is, in- to pollinators as a way to get around this artifact, but it is
stead of attempting to control all variation, to randomize often impossible in a biological system to really change
the variation due to factors other than the experimental only one thing at a time. Good experiments avoid or re-
ones among replicates, and base conclusions on the use duce artifacts, or they include ways to take them into ac-
of statistical inference. For a nutrient experiment in the count when the results are evaluated. As you read about
field, you would need to take into account the fact that experiments, consider what artifacts might be present
the soil probably varies in space, and you might need that might explain some of the results.
to think carefully about how to administer treatments There are also scales on which we cannot do experi-
so that plants with the same treatment receive the same ments. Ecology is often concerned with learning about
doses of nutrients at the same time. The major tool used patterns and processes that occur across large extents
to design and analyze this kind of experiment is ran- of space and time—for example, finding why there
domization. For example, you might assign replicated are differences in the numbers of species on different
The Science of Plant Ecology 7

continents, or predicting the responses of populations increasingly making use of long-term and large-scale
to climate change over the next two centuries. We can- manipulative experiments (Figure 1.2; see Box 5B and
not do manipulative experiments at these great extents Box 12D). Even so, there are often limits to the range of
of time and space, and in many cases, no true replicates possible treatments. Prescribed fire must often be limited
(of continents, for example) could exist. Ecologists are to particular seasons, for example, which may or may

(A) (B) (C)

Prairie Biological Station, and S. Collins

All photos courtesy of A. Knapp, Konza
Ungrazed AL

Grazed by bison 3
Grazed by cattle
Agricultural land AL 3

HQ Headquarters 1
area (small HQ 20 3
experimental plots)
1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 20 = Number 2
of years 4
between 20
burns 1 4
Season of burn treatment: 4
2 1
W, Winter–burned annually 1
Su, Summer–burned every 20
other year 4
F, Fall–burned annually 1

4 1
1 2
4 4
4 4
10 20 Su
F W W 4
1 F
2 1 20
1 2 1
1 2 Su

0 1 2 3

Figure 1.2 Large-scale manipulative experiments are be- which are watershed units, vary in size from approximately
ing carried out at the Konza Prairie Research Natural Area in 3 to 200 ha. In this map, each patch is designated by a code
Kansas (A). Controlled burns (B) are done at various intervals indicating the burn treatment. Patches with the same code
to investigate the effects of fire and fire frequency on prai- are replicates. All burns occur in spring, except for the sea-
rie communities. In addition, areas grazed by bison (C) are sonal burn treatments. (After A. K. Knapp et al. 1998. Grass-
Ecology of Plants 3E
studied and compared with ungrazed areas and with plots land Dynamics: Long-Term Ecological Research in Tallgrass
OUP/Sinauer Associates
subjected to cattle grazing. The experimental patches (D), Prairie. Oxford University Press: New York.)
GUR3E_1.02.ai 3.03.20
8 Chapter 1

not be the seasons in which fire occurred naturally in the variation. Such observations are experiments if an ecolo-
past. A more subtle problem of scale can occur when dif- gist starts with one or more hypotheses (predictions) to
ferent parts of the system respond to the manipulation test. For example, one could measure patterns of species
differently. For example, an ecologist might want to ask diversity across a continent to test hypotheses about the
how much plant mortality is caused by drought in a des- relationship between the number of plant species and
ert plant and might design an experiment in which some productivity (see Chapter 19). A major limitation of this
plots get water added but others do not. Unfortunately, type of experiment is the potential for multiple factors to
creating small patches of growing vegetation during a vary together. For example, if the number of herbivores
drought might well attract large numbers of herbivores, is observed to increase as the number and productiv-
leading to more mortality among the watered plants. ity of plant species increases, the ecologist cannot be
Because only experimental plots, and not the entire re- sure whether the increase in herbivores is a result of in-
gion, would receive more water, the treatment expected creased plant numbers and productivity, or whether the
to reduce mortality might well increase it by attracting increased productivity is a result of increased herbivory.
another source. Screening might exclude the herbivores, As with natural experiments, observational experi-
but it would also shade the plants and reduce wind on ments repeated in space or time add confidence to our
them, causing other responses. conclusions (Figure 1.3). Other sciences, notably geology,
Some types of experiments would be unethical to carry climate science, and astronomy, rely strongly on obser-
out. For example, we would not cause the extinction of a vational experiments because of the spatial or temporal
species just to study the effects of such an event. In such scales of their studies, or because direct manipulation is
cases, ecologists must rely on two other types of studies. impossible. One way around this limitation is to run an
These are natural and observational studies, which may “experiment” using a complex computer model. Variables
be thought of as different kinds of experiments. in the model can be manipulated, and then the output from
A natural experiment is a “manipulation” caused by the model can be compared with empirical observations.
some natural occurrence. For example, a wildfire may Ecological knowledge comes from combining infor-
occur in an area. Volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, and ac- mation gained from many different sources and many
cidental introductions of pathogens are all examples of different kinds of experiments. The ecologist’s use of this
natural experiments whose effects ecologists have stud- complex variety of information makes ecology a chal-
ied. Natural and manipulative experiments represent a lenging and exciting science.
trade-off between realism and precision, similar to the
trade-off between laboratory and field experiments. Just In ecology, “controls” are what you
as with a manipulative experiment, the ecologist com- are using for baseline comparisons
pares the altered system either with the same system All experiments involve comparisons. For example, an
before the change or with a similar, unchanged system. ecologist might compare how much leaf tissue is removed
The major limitation of natural experiments is that there by insects when plants are raised in an environment with
is never just a single difference before and after a change or either enhanced CO2 or ambient CO2. Without the com-
between systems being compared. For example, if we are parison, it would be difficult or impossible to interpret the
comparing sites burned in a wildfire with others that were cause(s) for the amount of herbivory in the enhanced CO2
not, the unburned sites might have been wetter, might environment. Explanations of the scientific method often
have had different vegetation before the fire, or might be state that all experiments require a “control” treatment. A
different in area. Natural experiments are essentially un- classic example is the typical medical experiment: some
replicated. Therefore, it can be difficult to determine the patients are given a pill that contains a drug, and others
true causes of any changes we might measure. are given a placebo, a pill without the active ingredient,
The best natural experiments are ones that repeat to control for psychologically caused effects of taking a
themselves in space or time. If we find similar changes pill, which can be substantial. This is an example of a null
each time, then we gain confidence about the causes of control treatment, one completely missing the studied fac-
those changes. Another approach is to combine natural tor. Null treatments can be useful but are not needed or
experiments with manipulative experiments. For ex- even meaningful in all settings. In an experiment study-
ample, the patches subjected to experimentally manipu- ing the effect of moisture availability on plant growth, it
lated grazing and fire treatments at Konza Prairie (see would not usually be meaningful to include a “no water”
Figure 1.2) are being compared with patches elsewhere, treatment as a control if all of the plants would simply die
some of which are also experiencing grazing and fire but from no water. Instead, “control” treatments should be
are not subjected to experimental manipulation. comparisons chosen to account for some possible cause,
Observational experiments consist of the system- for example, comparing a treatment that just receives nat-
atic tests of hypotheses attempting to explain natural ural rainfall with one that includes additional watering.
The Science of Plant Ecology 9

Colder 1 year 10 years Figure 1.3 Repeated observations over space or time can
130 130 reveal information that is not apparent from one or a few obser­
vations. As an example, records of the duration of ice cover on
Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, have been kept for more than 158
Duration of ice cover (days)

Duration of ice cover (days)

110 110
years. The information for a single year is fairly meaningless, but
expanding the context with increasing numbers of observations
90 90 over time shows that there is a cycle of warmer winters recurring
every few years (now known to be the result of the El Niño South-
ern Oscillation; see Chapter 16); and overall, there is a strong
70 70
trend for winters in Wisconsin to be warmer now than they were in
the 1850s. (Data from B. Benson et al. 2000, updated 2013. Global
50 50 Lake and River Ice Phenology Database, Version 1. [Lake Mendota
duration]. Boulder, Colorado U.S.A. NSIDC: National Snow and
Ice Data Center. Doi: https://doi.org/10.7265/N5W66HP8); Addi-
30 30
1998 1988 1998 tional updated data from E. Hopkins. 2020. Wisconsin Climatolo-
gy Office. http://www.aos.wisc.edu/~sco/lakes/mendota-dur.gif.)

Colder 50 years
some other way than just the treatment. Strict
110 randomization can reduce all sorts of unin-
Duration of ice cover (days)

tended biases, for example, to unconsciously

90 choose the largest plants first for one particu-
lar treatment, or to put all of the plants for a
70 particular treatment in a spot that happens
to have the most moisture. Randomization,
50 in other words, is a technique that should
make our comparisons more meaningful. To
30 then account for those randomized effects, we
need statistics.
10 Statistical analysis of data is an essential
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
tool in ecology and in science more generally.
Ecologists use statistics for at least three rea-
Colder 142 years sons. First, we use statistics to describe data
170 and search for patterns. In the case of pre-
scribed fire, for example, an ecologist might
Duration of ice cover (days)

find that in burned plots the average density

of newly germinating individuals of Pinus
ponderosa (Ponderosa pine, Pinaceae) was
more than three times the density in unburned
plots, but also that the variation in densities
among plots was much greater for those that
50 had burned. Averages and measures of varia-
tion are basic statistical descriptions of data.
They might allow the ecologist to make state-
10 ments about the relationship between fire and
1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 pine regeneration. Making such statements
would involve the second reason ecologists
use statistics: to assess hypotheses. In this
All treatments in a well-designed experiment should case, ecologists might hypothesize that germination in
be chosen to make useful comparisons, and not for any this species depends heavily on fire. The third reason
other reason. Similarly, in randomized experiments, ecologists use statistics is to estimate quantities. For ex-
what one randomizes actually matters. We randomize to ample, how much more germination occurs in burned
reduce possible biases—for example, we randomly as- sites, and how much does it vary? We often need these
sign individual plants to different treatments, to reduce numbers either to evaluate the importance of particular
the chance that plants receiving one treatment differ in processes, or to use in models (say, models of population
Ecology of Plants 3E
OUP/Sinauer Associates
10 Chapter 1

growth or forest cover; see Chapter 8). While ecological processes of competition and herbivory each contribute
statistics is much too large a subject to treat in this book to shaping this community?” So, when we are building
(see Shipley 2000; Scheiner and Gurevitch 2001; Gotelli our theories about plant community structure, our ac-
and Ellison 2004; Lindsey 2004; Fox et al. 2015), notice tivities are more akin to estimating the necessary quanti-
that almost every figure or table about real data includes ties and assembling a complex model than to falsifying
statistics—for example, estimates of means, standard er- a set of propositions.
rors, and confidence intervals. As you read this book, Falsification does play a role in science, but a more
consider what these quantities tell you. limited one than Popper envisaged. Theory construction
is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle from a pile of pieces
How do we test theories? from more than one box. We can ask whether a particu-
The testing of scientific theories, especially ecological lar piece belongs in this spot—yes or no—by erecting
ones, is a more subtle, nuanced, and complicated en- a hypothesis and falsifying it. We may even conclude
deavor than nonscientists or even students of science that this particular piece does not belong in this puzzle.
often realize. The popular image of the scientific method Less often are we attempting to completely throw away
portrays it as a process of falsifying hypotheses. This ap- the piece, saying that it does not belong in any puzzle.
proach was codified by the Austrian-born philosopher Controversy also plays an important part in ecology,
of science Karl Popper (1959). In this framework, we are as it does in all scientific fields. During the process of
taught that we can never prove a scientific hypothesis or amassing evidence regarding the validity of a theory, dif-
theory. Rather, we propose a hypothesis and test it; the ferent interpretations of experimental data, and different
outcome of the test either falsifies or fails to falsify the weights given to different pieces of evidence, will lead
hypothesis. While hypothesis testing and falsification is different scientists to differing opinions. These opinions
an important part of theory testing, it is not the whole may be passionately held and argued forcefully; discus-
story, for two reasons. sion can sometimes become heated. As the evidence sup-
First, the falsification approach fails to recognize porting a theory accumulates, some scientists will be
knowledge accumulation. In a strict Popperian frame- willing to accept it sooner, while others will wait until
work, all theories are held to be potentially false. We the bulk of the evidence is greater (see Box 13A).
never prove anything to be true; we merely disprove ideas If the issue under debate has political or economic
that are false. This assumption goes against our own implications, nonscientists will also contribute to the de-
experience and the history of the accumulation of sci- bate and may be able to offer valuable insight, judgment,
entific understanding. Today we know that the Earth and perspective to the discussion. But when the evi-
revolves around the sun, even though this was once just dence in favor of a scientific theory becomes overwhelm-
a hypothesis. We know that the universe is approximate- ing, and the vast majority of scientists knowledgeable in
ly 15 billion years old (give or take a few billion) and that field are convinced of its validity, then the matter
began with the Big Bang, even if we still do not know becomes settled (unless startling new evidence or a new,
the details of that event. We know that life on Earth as- broader theory forces a reevaluation). When a scientific
sumed its present shape through the process of evolu- consensus has been reached on a scientific theory, it is
tion. We know that many diseases are caused by viral unreasonable to consider that theory to be just another
infections, not by “humours,” and that hereditary traits guess or opinion and to hold that everyone’s opinion is
are conveyed by DNA (or in a few viruses, by RNA), equally valid. That may work for a democratic process,
not by blood. While we may acknowledge that all of but it is not how science works. Opinions not supported
this knowledge has not, in a strictly philosophical sense, by evidence are not the same as those supported by the
been proved to be true but has only failed thus far to be weight of a great deal of evidence; giving them equal
falsified, we also recognize that some knowledge is so weight would be contrary to the way science works. The
firmly established and supported by so many facts—by controversy over teaching creationism or “intelligent de-
the accumulation of evidence—that the chance that we sign” in science classes in American public schools is
are wrong is infinitesimally small (Mayo 1996). interesting in this light: Some have argued that since
Second, and more important, is that the Popperian many Americans are persuaded by one of these view-
framework fails to account for a second type of question points, they should be taught in science classes. Along
that we very commonly ask in ecology. Often the issue is with nearly all scientists, we argue instead that these
not one of falsifying a hypothesis. Rather, we ask about ideas are not scientific ideas (because it is impossible to
the relative importance of different processes. When we prove or disprove the existence and function of a deity,
examine the structure of a plant community, we do not and no evidence can refute a faith) and that their only
ask, “Is it true or false that competition is occurring?” potential place in science classes is to illustrate the dif-
Instead, we ask, “How much, and in what ways, do the ference between science and religion.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
When cooking game, many tribes, both in central and northern
Australia, select a number of large, irregular slabs, which they place
into a shallow hole they burn a fire in. After the oven stones have
been thoroughly heated, the fire is removed and the meat cooked on
the hot stones. The Worora at times cut the carcase open and place
a number of heated pebbles inside.
River-worn pebbles, measuring four or five inches in diameter, are
also extensively used by all central tribes, such as the Dieri, Aluridja,
Wongkanguru, Ngameni, Arunndta, Wongapitcha, and Kukata, in
conjunction with a large flat slab, as a hand-mill. The slabs or nether
stones, which are generally known as “nardoo stones,” are longish-
oval in shape, and up to two feet in length.
The Wongapitcha use slabs of no particular shape, which they call
“tchewa.” The upper surface is flat or concavely worn through
constant use. It is the gin’s lot to work the mill. She kneels in front of
the slab, with its longer axis pointing towards her, and places some
of the seed she wants to grind upon it; then she starts working the
pebble forwards and backwards with her hands, rocking it gently in
the same direction as she does so. When ground to a sufficient
degree of fineness, the flour is scraped by hand into a bark food-
carrier, and more seed placed upon the slab. On account of the
rocking motion, the hand-piece, which the Wongapitcha call “miri,”
eventually acquires a bevelled or convex grinding surface. Fine-
grained sandstones or quartzites are most commonly found in use,
but occasionally diorites and other igneous rocks might be favoured.
The women usually carry the hand-stone around with them when on
the march, but the basal slabs are kept at the regular camping
Along the Darling River, and in the west-central districts of New
South Wales, the nether stones consist of large sandstone pebbles,
in the two less convex surfaces of which perfectly circular and
convex husking holes have been made in consequence of the daily
use they are put to.
Haphazard rock fragments, usually of sandstone, with at least one
broken surface, are extensively made use of for rasping and
smoothing down the sides and edges of boomerangs, and of other
wooden articles during the course of their construction.
Any suitable, flattish-oblong pebbles of hard quartzite, diorite,
dolerite, and other igneous rock of homogeneous and finely
crystalline texture, which have been symmetrically worn by the
weather, are collected by the natives during their excursions and
subsequently worked up into hatchet heads. This is done by
obliquely chipping or grinding that of the smaller sides which is
considered the more suitable, on one or both faces, until a straight or
convex cutting edge results. The chipping is done with another
fragment of hard rock, the grinding against an outcrop or slab of
sufficiently hard stone which happens to be handy. The shape of the
pebble is in most cases improved by chipping it before the cutting
edge is ground, according to whether it is going to be ovate,
triangular, or elongate-oblong when completed. Some patterns, such
as those of Victoria, New South Wales, and the eastern-central
region of South Australia (Strzelecki Creek), have a transverse
groove cut right around the piece, at about two-thirds the whole
length from the cutting edge, which is designed to hold the wooden
haft when the implement is in use.
In many of the tribal districts igneous rocks do not occur naturally,
but they are nevertheless obtained by barter from adjoining friendly
tribes. The Dieri, Wongkanguru, Ngameni, and other Cooper Creek
tribes obtain all their stone axe heads from New South Wales; the
south-eastern tribes of South Australia used to receive their supplies
from the hills tribes of what is now Victoria; and the Aluridja,
Kuyanni, Arrabonna, and Kukata were regularly supplied from the
MacDonnell Ranges and from Queensland through Arunndta
agency. The fortunate tribes who owned outcrops of suitable stone
carried on a regular trade with the surrounding districts and opened
up quarries to meet the demand. The supplies were, however, not
tribe-owned, but usually the property of a limited number of men who
came to them by hereditary influence. Similar conditions are met with
on the north coast; Sunday Island, consisting essentially of coarse-
grained granitic rock, the natives have to import most of the material
they use for making their stone implements from the mainland
opposite; in consequence, they are loth to part with their weapons.
The stone axe head is fixed to a wooden handle after the following
fashion. A long, flat piece of split wood or wiry bark is bent upon itself
and tied together at its ends. The stone is thickly covered at its blunt
end with hot porcupine grass resin and inserted into the loop of the
haft, which is firmly pressed into the resin against the stone and tied
together with human hair-string as near to the stone as possible. The
free ends of the handle are then also tied together; after which the
resin is worked with the fingers to fill up any gaps which may remain
between the handle and the stone. The handle, and often the axe
head as well, is decorated with punctate and banded ochre designs.
The size of the stone axes varies considerably; as two extremes, a
large Arunndta specimen from the Finke River measures nearly eight
and a half inches in length, by three in breadth, and weighs three
and three-quarter pounds, whilst one from King Sound, in the north
of Western Australia, measures three and a half inches by two and a
half, and weighs only six ounces, the handle of the latter being only
six and three-quarter inches long.
The flakes and splinters which fly from the pebble during the
making of an axe head are not all discarded as useless by the
native; among them he often finds one or two pieces which have a
strong sharp edge with a butt opposite, suitable for holding between
two or more fingers. Flakes of this type make useful scrapers with
which he can work the surfaces of his wooden weapons and
The same flaking and chipping process is purposely applied to
rocks of a particularly hard and brittle nature, such as a fine-grained,
porcelainized quartzite or chert, to obtain flakes for cutting, scraping,
and holing purposes. Many of the best operating “knives,” with which
initiation mutilations are performed, are derived in this simple way;
as might be imagined, some of these implements are as sharp as a
One frequently finds a fair-sized block of suitable stone among the
paraphernalia of a native in camp, from which he chips pieces as he
requires them. These blocks have been termed “cores” or “nuclei”;
they are six inches or more cube in the beginning, but by the time a
goodly number of flakes have been removed, the parent piece
becomes much smaller and gradually assumes the shape of a
truncated cone whose surface shows many faces from which flakes
have been knocked off.
When deciding upon a place for removing a flake, a native always
selects a corner, in order that the detached piece might be triangular
in transverse section, and, therefore, without exception, lanceolate in
shape. Thus the simple flakes are obtained which make stone knives
and spear heads. To serve as a knife, the flake is fitted with a handle
in one the following ways. It may be attached by means of porcupine
grass resin in the bend of a folded haft of wood, as described of the
axe above, or its thick end may be held in a cleft, made at the top of
a stick, and secured by a good quantity of resin. The simplest form,
however, is one common throughout the central and northern
regions; it consists of a blade of quartzite embedded at its blunt end
in a round mass of resin. The largest stone knives come from the
tribes immediately north of the MacDonnell Ranges. The Kaitidji
make quartzite blades up to seven inches long and two and a half
inches wide, which they embed in a ball of resin and attach to the top
of a short, thin, and flat slab of wood. The blades of these knives are
protected by keeping them in sheaths of bark when not in use.

Rock-drawings of archer fish (Toxotes), Katherine River, Northern Territory.

The coastal tribes of the Northern Territory, such as the Wogait,

Mulluk-Mulluk, Ponga-Ponga, and Sherait, break similar flakes of
quartzite from a core, which they insert into the split end of a reed
spear and make secure with a mass of resin or wild bees’ wax.
A narrow, oblong fragment, with the two long edges bevelled on
the same surface, such as would be obtained by removing two flakes
from the same spot, and keeping the lower, finds considerable
application in the sense of a spokeshave. The implement is specially
prized when it is slightly curved. Much of the trimming, smoothing,
and rounding of wooden surfaces is accomplished with this tool. The
native sits with his legs straight in front of him and holds the object
he is shaping (like for instance the boomerang shown in Plate LV, 2)
tightly between his heels. He seizes the stone flake with the fingers
of both hands, leaving a clear space of about an inch in the centre,
and laying the cutting edge against the wood, pushes it forwards at
an angle. This process planes down the surface very effectively, and
the ground soon becomes covered with the thin shavings produced.
In former days the River Murray and south-eastern tribes used
pointed splinters of stone for making holes through the skins of
animals they made up into rugs. Nowadays the northern tribes make
awls out of bones which they sharpen at one end; they are used
principally for holing the edges of their bark implements prior to
stitching them together with strips of cane.
By additional chipping, the main flake, whether obtained from a
nucleus or otherwise, is often altered considerably in appearance,
without necessarily improving its effectiveness as an implement or its
deadliness as a weapon.
The south-eastern natives, as, for instance, those of the Victorian
Lakes district, as well as those of central Australia, used to select a
flat fragment of hard rock, into one straight side of which they
chipped a shallow concavity; this instrument answered the purpose
of a rasp when finishing off such articles as spears, waddies, and
clubs which had cylindrical, convex, or curved contours to bring into
The old Adelaide plains tribe were in possession of scrapers which
they constructed out of thin slabs of clay-slate. The implement was
more or less semi-circular, but had a concave surface on the inner
side; occasionally its corners were rounded off, producing a reniform
shape. On an average the diameter was something like four or five
inches. This implement was used exclusively to scrape skins of
animals, after the following fashion: The convex surface was pressed
against the palm of the right hand and securely held between the
body of the thumb and the four fingers. The skin was laid around a
cylindrical rod and held firmly against it with the opposite hand, while
the implement was placed over the skin with its concave surface so
adjusted as to fit over the convexity of the rod. In this position, the
scraper was worked downwards, or towards the native, with its
concave surface running ahead of the hand and shaving the skin.
Thus the skins were thoroughly cleaned, and all adherent pieces of
fat and flesh removed. Slate scrapers of this type are still to be found
in large number in the drift sands along the shores of St. Vincent’s
Gulf, especially in the neighbourhood of Normanville. Vide Plate
Most types of spear-thrower carry a scraper embedded in a mass
of resin or wax at the handle end. The scraper most favoured is
either of quartzite or of flint, about an inch or slightly more square,
and chipped on one or both sides of the cutting edge. It is almost
wholly embedded, with perhaps only the chipped portion showing
below the binding mass which helps to form the handle.
Similar stones are fixed at both ends of a curved or straight piece
of wood, of circular section, which is then used as a scraping or
chopping tool commonly referred to as an adze. Used as a scraper,
the wooden handle is gripped at about one-quarter its length from
the bottom, both hands being at the same level, with their fingers
overlapping and the thumbs lying against the wood on the opposite
side; but when used as a chopper the hands are held one over the
other, each clenching the handle separately. Occasionally one hand
only is used to direct the tool, while the other holds the object to be
worked (Plate LV, 1).
The small, sharp flakes which are chipped from a bigger piece
during the construction of a scraper are carefully examined and the
most shapely of them are collected for the purpose of sticking them
lengthwise, one behind the other, to the two edges of a bladed,
wooden spear head. This type of spear was common along the lower
reaches of the Murray River and Lake Alexandrina.
In Western Australia a special type of knife called “dabba” is
constructed in a like way, but the flakes are larger, three-quarters of
an inch long, and embedded in resin along one side only of the stick.
The implement measures about two feet in length.
The long, single flakes, obtained from a quartzite core, may be
further chipped along the edges to sharpen them. This process is
seen typically along the coastal districts of the Northern Territory, the
Daly and Victoria River districts in particular.
But where the manufacture of stone spear heads is seen to
perfection is in the northern Kimberleys of Western Australia. The
north-western tribes are expert at making lanceolate spear heads
with serrated edges and beautifully facetted sides; some of the
specimens are up to six inches long and are delicately chipped all
over. People who have not had the opportunity of witnessing the
method employed in making them are perplexed to understand how
it is possible to accomplish such delicate work without breaking the
object; the point in particular of these spear heads is often nearly as
fine as that of a needle.
The way it is done is briefly as follows. A rough flake or fragment is
broken from a core, or rock in situ, by holding a bone chisel or stone
adze in much the same way as one clasps a pen or pencil, and
stabbing the block near the sharp edge, or by striking it with another
rock fragment. The size of the flake thus detached will depend
largely upon the purpose to which it is to be put; the fractured
surface is always plane. The fragment is now taken in the left hand,
its flat surfaces lying full length between the thumb and fingers, and
its edges chipped by striking them from above with a sharp stone
hammer held securely in the right hand. The flake is frequently
changed about, so that what is now the bottom surface later
becomes the top. The edge is always struck nearly at right angles to
the flat surface whilst the chips break away into the hand
underneath. The Yampi Sound natives call the rough primary flake
“munna,” and the small chips resulting from the trimming of its edge
The original shaping aims at obtaining a roughly symmetrical leaf-
form, truncated at the base where it is subsequently to be embedded
or held at the end of a spear or haft. The flake is left thick at its base
and made to taper towards its point.
At first the chipping is done by fairly strong, but well-directed blows
from above; later by quicker and lighter taps. Occasionally the edges
are rasped with a flat slab of sandstone at right angles to the plane
of the flake—a process which breaks away small chips from either
side of the edge which is being rubbed. The flake at this stage is
called “ardelgulla” by the Yampi natives, and “arolonnyenna” by the
Sunday Islanders.

Ochre-drawings, Katherine River.

1. Bark-drawing of dead kangaroo.

2. Bark-drawing of emu.
3. Rock-drawing of lizard.

4. Rock-drawing of fish.

When the preliminary shaping has been completed in the way

described, the native first strives to obtain a perfect point, then to
trim the sides. The former item is a very delicate operation which
requires much patience and skill; the latter takes many hours to
The method adopted for this finer secondary chipping process is
after the following principle. A block of stone, about a foot cube, is
used as a working table or anvil, which the Worora call “muna,” and
upon this they lay a cushion consisting of two or three layers of
paper-bark, called “ngali.” The native sits with the stone in front of
him, and in his left hand grips the unfinished spear head (“ardegulla”)
with one of its flat surfaces lying upon the cushion at the near, left-
hand corner of the anvil stone. His thumb, index, and middle fingers
hold the flake, the thumb being on top, the index finger against the
edge, and the middle finger beneath; the two remaining fingers press
against the edge of the block below to steady the flake upon the
cushion. In his right hand he seizes a short rod of bone, which is
sharpened at one end, and is known as “onumongul,” in such a way
that the unsharpened end is securely gripped between the thumb
and index finger, whilst the principal portion of the rod is pressed with
the remaining fingers against the palm of the hand immediately
below the body of the thumb. The sharpened point of the bone thus
points towards the native’s body. Holding the implement in this
position, he rests the small-finger side of his hand near the further
right-hand corner of the basal block of stone, and, after carefully
adjusting the point of the bone against the edge of the flake, he
presses it down with the body of his thumb and skilfully snaps off a
chip. The process is repeated again, and time after time, the position
of the bone being constantly changed as he works along the edge
towards the point. Then the flake is turned on its other side and the
same method applied. As the native works, the whole of his attention
is absorbed. He bites his lips together, and, when he applies
leverage with the bone against the flake, he stiffens his body from
the hips upwards, his eyes being rivetted to the spot from which the
chip is to be removed. He frequently sharpens the point of his
instrument upon the basal block of stone. Vide Plate LIV, 2.
The most delicate final chipping of both the point and margins is
executed with a thinner and more finely pointed bone, which is
usually made out of the radius of a kangaroo. In districts coming
under the influence of European settlement, the bone is often
substituted by a piece of iron, and the stone by bottle glass or
During the operation the native often cuts his fingers on the flake
or razor-sharp splinters; the blood which follows he removes by
passing his fingers through his hair. Even at this stage, when the
flake is assuming a symmetrical, lanceolate shape, and goes by the
name of “tanbellena,” its edge might occasionally be very carefully
rubbed on the basal stone; but the final retouche is invariably given
to it with the bone implement.
At no time during the making of the spear head does the native
use his wrist, the whole of the pressure or movement coming from
his elbow or even from his waist, while his body is kept in the rigid
position referred to above. The finished spear head is called “ngongu
nerbai” or “kolldürr.”
The process described is of such a delicate kind that the point not
infrequently breaks just when the spear head is practically ready for
use; this necessitates not only the construction of a new point, but
the margins on both sides of it have to be chipped back in order that
the point may be a projecting one.
One has to admire the industry of these men, when it is realized
that the spear head in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred will be
good for only one throw, the brittle stone shattering immediately it
comes into contact with a solid body such as the bone of the prey or
the ground.

Talented mimicry—Association of sound with music—Beating time to dance and

music—Musical instruments—Skin drums—Rattles—Clanking boomerangs—
Music sticks—Bamboo trumpet—Artificial fireflies—Vocal productions—
Inflection of voice—Rhythm—Corrobborees and boras—Imitative notes—
Crocodile—Emu—Crow—Frog—Wailing women—Jungle fowl—Clever acting
—Kangaroo—Fight—Man-of-war—The hunting gin—Killing the bandicoot—
Slaying the enemy—Envious of chirping insects—The effects of singing
ensemble—Conversation by song.

An aboriginal is a born mimic. Nothing delights him more than to

reproduce from Nature incidences and scenes before an
appreciative and visionary audience. But in the same sense as detail
of design in his drawings or carvings is often deemed unnecessary
by his vivid imagination, so to the outsider his acting might seem
tainted with an air of becoming vagueness which makes it appear
pantomimic. Yet, as a conversationalist, an aboriginal is usually so
animated by the recollections of his experience that he
unconsciously becomes a dramatist, and his narration an epic.
Granted the necessary perception, however, the feelings and
emotions which actuate the performer are readily grasped by those
observing his dances, and whose sympathy he is courting. He lets
himself go, without mock-modest constraint, endeavouring by every
action to interpret with his body the impulse he has received. Lured
by the glint of an inspiration, his nearer vision is blinded, his
musculature quivers involuntarily, and his only desire is to catch, to
imitate, and to give expression to his exalted feelings. Held in a
rapture, his feelings transcend anything he ordinarily perceives, his
staid personality has vanished, and all that the inner individual
attempts, or can attempt, is to externalize by his movements those
sensuous, but illusive, impressions his soul is imbibing.
To many the real interpretation of such movement would be
impossible; but the aboriginal lives for his dances, of which he
possesses an almost inexhaustible variety, the outcome of tradition
and invention. He has learned to make his dance a medium of
sensual expression, and to combine an instinctive impulse with
movement. By his dancing he impersonates both friend and enemy,
he copies the hopping of a marsupial, or the wriggling of a serpent,
or the strutting of an emu, and he emulates the legendary practices
and sacred ceremonials of his forefathers. In his dances lives the
valour of his warriors, and dies the evil magic of his foes. Through
his dances he endeavours to commune with the spirits of his dead,
he hears the voices of his mythical demigods, and he beseeches his
deities to protect his person and to bless his haunts with an
abundance of game.
The magnetical charm about a tribal dance lies in the rhythmic
motion of the performers, in the harmonious way their naked bodies
sway to the accompaniment of crude but effective music, and in the
clever association of sound with motion and silence with rest. The
dancers are mute during their performance, the music being supplied
by a band or chorus of either men or women, or both, who squat
near by. A performance without musical items is practically unknown.
The dancers keep their movements and steps in such remarkably
true accord with the vocal and instrumental parts that it is difficult to
dissociate one from another; in addition, the rhythm for each new
dance is usually set by the audience and followed by the dancers to
the instant.
The beating of time is usually done by hand, especially if women
are attending the performance. In most tribes, the person squats on
the ground, holding the thighs together, and strikes the cleft thus
produced with the palm of a hand. More commonly both hands are
used together, with the inner side of one laid over the back of the
other, and the fingers of the lower one placed together in such a way
as to form a concave surface. By this means, loud, explosive sounds
are produced.
On Melville and Bathurst Islands, and on the Victoria River, the
palms of both hands are struck against the buttocks, one on either
side of the body, while the person is standing. Along the coast of the
Northern Territory, the natives, as often as not, simply clap the hands
in rhythmic order, or they slap the palms of one or both upon the
ground; occasionally one even notices mothers gently slapping the
buttocks of their babies-in-arms, all under the impulse of a catchy air
which is striking their ears.
A peculiar sort of sound accompaniment is rendered by the
women dancers of the Katherine and Victoria River districts of the
Northern Territory. As each of the dancers hops forwards in a straight
line, with her heels together and her feet turned outwards, she jerks
her body in mid-air and whacks the muscles of her thighs together,
an act which produces a loud, sharp sound. In this way she moves
both forwards and backwards, making a similar noise with every hop,
whilst her feet make a track in the sand which is to represent the
female turtle coming on shore to lay its eggs.
In the same districts, as well as on the Daly River, the dancing
gins use skeins of string stretched between the thumbs of their
hands, which they sway to and fro like the bow of a fiddle. Although
this manoeuvre does not produce a sound, it is here mentioned
because the movement takes place in perfect rhythm and in unison
with the singing which is going on; and one is reminded of a modern
conductor using his stick.
If we now turn our attention to the consideration of the
accompaniment produced with musical instruments, there is a small
choice at our disposal. We find that certain of the southern tribes,
along the River Murray, made use of skins, which they stretched
across their thighs, as they sat upon the ground, and struck with their
hands or a stick like beating a drum.
In the Kimberley district of Western Australia, the large nuts of the
boabab, when dry, are used after the style of the European toy
known as a baby’s rattle by the children, but curiosity soon leads to
the destruction of the shell, when the pithy matrix and the seeds are
eaten. Occasionally these nuts are introduced into ceremonial
dances by the men; they are then elaborately and beautifully carved
as previously referred to.
In the same district, and in fact all along the north coast, large
convoluted sea-shells with a small pebble inside of them, or even a
number of smaller shells threaded upon a string, serve the same
purpose of noise-making.
Bundles of gum leaves, fresh or dry, tied round the ankles or arms
of the performers, produce a rustle which imitates the noise
produced by the wiry feathers of a romping emu. Most of the tribes
adopt this scheme, especially in connection with sacred festivals and
ceremonies having to do with the emu.
Among the central and northern central tribes, the boomerang is
extensively used as a musical instrument. The operator, taking up a
squatting position, holds a boomerang at half-arm’s length in each
hand, so that the concave edges are turned towards his body. Then
by bringing the instruments near each other, with their surfaces
parallel, he claps their ends together in quick succession, and by so
doing produces rhythmic clanks to suit the step of any dance or the
time of any song (Plate LII).
The Larrekiya, Wogait, Berringin, and other Northern Territory
tribes make use of “music sticks.” Two of such are required. One is
of hard “iron-wood,” about nine inches in length, flatly cylindrical, and
bluntly pointed at one end; the other, which is the beating stick, is
simply a smaller rod, of circular section, made of light mangrove
wood. The former stick is held firmly in the left hand, whilst it is
struck by the latter, not far from its end. The beating stick is held in
the right hand with one end of it pressing either against the third or
fifth finger. The sounds produced by the percussion are ringing, sub-
metallic clanks; and any alteration in the length of the free end of the
beating stick naturally tends to vary their pitch.
The instrument which is capable of producing the loudest, and, at
the same time, most weird sound, when correctly manipulated by an
aboriginal, is the bamboo trumpet, otherwise known as the drone-
pipe or “didjeridoo.” This consists of a piece of bamboo, of the stout,
tropical variety, from four to five feet long, the septa of which have all
been burnt out with a fire-stick. The outside surface is decorated with
engraved designs. Drone-pipes are used by all coastal tribes living
between the Gulf of Carpentaria and Cambridge Gulf, and as far
inland as Wave Hill on the Victoria River. Where the bamboo is not
available, the instrument is made out of a long hollow limb of the
woolly-butt eucalyptus; this is the prevailing type in the western
portion of the area mentioned. To serve the requirements of a single
night’s performance, a green stem of a native hybiscus bush might
be cut off and the thick bark removed in toto in the form of a pipe.
When using the “trumpet,” the operator blows into the end having
the smaller diameter, with a vibratory motion of the lips, and at the
same time sputters into the tube indistinct words which frequently
sound like “tidjarudu, tidjarudu, tidjaruda” (Plate LIII). The effect,
though rhythmical, is a monotonous, plaintive, and humming sound
which is continued uninterruptedly throughout the proceedings. The
native, while he is blowing into the pipe, continues to breathe
normally through his nostrils, after the same style as one does when
using a blow-pipe in the laboratory. In the stillness of the tropical
night the droning noise can be heard for miles around. The wording
of the accompaniment on the bamboo trumpet during a Larrekiya
performance sounds much like the following refrain: “Didnodiddo
diduadu didnadiddo diduadu ... didnarib.”
In addition to music and dance, a unique, and certainly most
effective, pyrotechnical embellishment of a nocturnal ceremony is
supplied by the Dieri. Along the Cooper Creek, travellers have
occasion to notice the great number of large beetles which fly
towards the camp-fire at night-time. When a dance is on, a collection
of these beetles is made and short glowing embers inserted into their
anal apertures; whereupon they are released again. As the naked
figures of the men are moving to the sway of song, these little fire-
balls buzz and flit in among them, and, cruel as the invention may
seem, greatly add to the weirdness of the din. The Dieri call these
artificial fire-flies “turapitti.”
Vocal productions consist of recitals of notes which are frequently
encased in articulations without definite meaning or significance, the
notes alone expressing the sentiment which prompts the song. It is
the combination of these notes which gives rise to the simple
melodies, and the repetition of the melodies in regular sequence
makes the song. In his songs the aboriginal portrays the hate for his
foe with vehemence, the love for his child with affection, the spirit of
the chase with lustfulness, the cunning of his prey with counter-
deception, and the dignity of his forbears with veneration. As the
pulsations of his temperament and passion sway his mind, so his
voice rises or falls in harmony with the flush of joy or the gloom of
When singing in chorus, the monotony of a melody is frequently
re-animated by one of the principal singers, who, with a stentorian
inflection of his voice, leads off anew. In this way, the pitch of a
melody is repeatedly altered by one or two of the recognized vocal
experts; but at all times the pitch relations remain in perfect concord
with each other.


1. Cave-drawing of camel, north of Musgrave Ranges, central Australia.

2. Cave-drawing of human figure, Glenelg River, north-western Australia.

It is considered distinctly artistic to be able to frequently change
the pitch of the voice from a deep bass to a shrill falsetto at will, and
only the most experienced singers attempt it. A new tune is
introduced by one of the older men, and the same person will later
infuse new vitality into it by picking up the strain at different stages
by a clever inflection of the voice, after the style of a rondo.
The rhythm throughout the proceedings remains excellent, but
great variations are met with during the rendering of different items; it
is always in keeping with the dance, if the latter is indulged in, even
at the risk of running away momentarily from the time of the music.
Performances which include dances as well as songs in the way of
entertainment are generally called corrobborees; events of a
ceremonial, ritual, or religious nature are termed “boras.”
The notes included in the songs of tribal performances are often
imitative of the voice of Nature, and among them we find allusions to
the calls and cries of birds, animals, reptiles, and mythical creatures.
At the same time, any characteristic actions or attitudes are faithfully
reproduced as special features of the dances.
In the crocodile ceremony of the Cambridge Gulf natives, a
number of men stand in a row, one behind the other, with their arms
extended and their legs asunder, whilst the individual impersonating
the crocodile ancestor wriggles along the ground between their legs.
When he comes abreast of the foremost man, he lies flat on the
ground, with his legs and feet held closely together to imitate the
reptile’s tail. To further mimic the crocodile, he extends his arms
sideways, strongly bent at the elbows, and with the hands flat upon
the ground. Retaining this position, he next elevates his body by
straightening his arms, and, when fully erect, opens his mouth and
emits a harsh, booming note resembling that of a crocodile.
In the same district, the great emu man, during his ceremony,
walks within a human circle, his body prone from the hips, with one
arm held forwards to represent the emu’s neck and the hand of the
other held over his stern to indicate the tail. As he walks around
bowing his body, after the fashion of a strutting emu, he eructates
deep, guttural noises, resembling the grunting note of the bird.
How the caw of a crow is embodied in the musical programme of a
ceremony will be apparent from the following episode which was
transacted at the Forrest River. A number of men stood in a ring,
and, at a given signal, lowered their bodies between their knees.
They let their heads fall forwards, and at the same time lifted their
arms, which they bent in the elbow to resemble wings. The latter
they moved lithely to and fro after much the same way as a young
bird does when it is being, or wants to be, fed. At this moment a
chant was started in imitation of the crow’s call: “A wa, a wa, a weh!”
and was ofttimes repeated. Then they all hopped around like so
many birds in search of food, and two men entered the ring. Still in
the same posture, these two hopped towards each other and
extended their arms until each pair crossed the opposite pair. In that
position they swung their bodies backwards and forwards, whilst
their arms sea-sawed in front of them. Then they re-joined the group,
and all continued the hopping. In the next act, an old man lay flat on
his back, in the centre of the ring, with his arms and legs stretched
from him. He represented a carcase. The “crows” hopped around
him and cried: “A, a, a, la, la, la-la-la,” and it sounded very much like
the caw of a crow. This item was repeated. One of the crow men
then hopped to the “dead” man. He lifted one of the arms from the
ground, held it up, and let it go. The limb fell “lifelessly” to the
ground. Immediately this had happened, all performers jumped into
an upright position, rushed towards the man feigning death, and
carried him from view. Apart from the imitation of the crow’s call, no
regular song accompanied the act, but all the onlookers were
beating time, to correspond with the hopping, by slapping their hands
against their thighs.
The vocal accompaniment at a ceremony of welcome on Bathurst
Island is in the form of a trill, a rapidly repeated “i, i, i, i, i ...,”
changing occasionally to “hi, hi, hi, hi ...,” which is very cleverly
reproduced in imitation of the note of the great stone plover.
In the corrobboree of a frog, the Larrekiya sing the following

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