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City of Johannesburg

Public Safety
Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department
Village Road, between Loveday PO Box 4068 Tel +27(0) 11 490 1590
and Eloff Extention Selby Johannesburg Tel +27(0) 11 490 1583
Johannesburg South Africa Fax+27(0) 11 490-1864


GIVEN BY ________ ___

(Full Name – Please Print)

In his/her capacity as _______________________________________________________________________

Of ____________________________________________________________________________________ (“the Applicant”)

He/she being duly authorised hereto, in favour of the City of Johannesburg Council (hereinafter referred to as “the Council”).

WHEREAS the Applicant has requested the approval of the Council to use certain streets, sidewalks or public places under the control
of the Council for the purpose of



AND WHEREAS the Council has approved the application subject to the requirements of the:

Regulation of Gatherings Act;

The National Road Traffic Act;
The Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act and
Other applicable legislation

The Applicant further agrees as follows:

- to indemnify and holds harmless the Council against all or any loss, costs, damage to property or person or injury that
may be incurred or sustained by the Council (including the Council’s employees) and also against any actions, legal
proceedings and claims of whatsoever nature which may be instituted or made against the Council, arising out of, or in
any way connected with the exercise by the Applicant of the rights granted by the Council;

- to indemnify the Council in respect of all legal and other expenses (including all attorney and client costs) incurred by the
Council in examining, settling or defending any such actions, legal proceedings or claims.

THUS done and signed on behalf of the Applicant at JOHANNESBURG

ON THIS ___________ DAY OF _______________________________ 20______

________________________________ _________________________________
Approval of use of Roads, Streets, Sidewalks of City of Johannesburg, etc.

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