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Question 1 – 5: Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) to fill in each blank.

Câu 1: The cutting or replacement of trees downtown arguments recently.
A. has caused. B. have caused. C. are causing. D. caused.
Câu 2: Many places our city are heavily polluted.
A. on. B. in. C. at. D. upon.
Câu 3: There were so negative comments on Tom’s post that he had to remove it.
A. much. B. many. C. a lot of. D. plenty.
Câu 4: His mother is mine, but he is younger than me.
A. more old than. B. old as. C. not as older as. D. older than.
Câu 5: You’re driving _ ! It is really dangerous in this snowy weather.
A. carelessly. B. careless. C. carelessness. D. carefulness
Question 6 – 10: Each of the following sentences has one error (A, B, C or D). Find it and blacken your
choice on your answer sheet.
Câu 6: There were too many participants in the event, so each of them were asked just one question.
A B C D.
Câu 7: Mary works as a journalist for an magazine that specializes in men’s clothes and footwear.

Câu 8: Timmy’s pet dog is so lovely. It always wags it’s tail to greet him whenever he comes home.
A B C D.
Câu 9: France, where is a very beautiful country, has many tourist attractions.
Câu 10: Do not read comics too often. With mostly pictures, it does not help to develop your language skills.
Question 11 – 15: Which of the following best restates each of the given sentences?.
Câu 11: I may buy a piece of land as a way of saving for my old age.
A. To save for my old age, I am advised to buy a piece of land.
B. It is possible that I will save for my old age after buying a piece of land.
C. After I have saved for my old age, I will buy a piece of land.
D. To save for my old age, I am likely to buy a piece of land.
Câu 12: “I am very pleased with how things have turned out.” She said to her employees.
A. She asked her employees how things had turned out and was pleased to know it.
B. She expressed her satisfaction with the ways things had turned out.
C. She complimented her employees for making things turn out.
D. She wanted her employees to tell her how many things had turned out.
Câu 13: Timmy seems to be smarter than all the other kids in his group.
A. Timmy is as smart as all the kids in his group.
B. All the other kids in Timmy’s group are certainly not as smart as him.
C. Other kids are smart, but Timmy is smarter than most of them.
D. It is likely that Timmy is the smartest of all the kids in his group.
Câu 14: When I was sick, my best friend took care of me.
A. I had to look after my best friend, who was sick.
B. I was sick when I cared for my best friend.
C. I was cared for by my best friend when I was sick.
D. My best friend was taken care of by me when getting sick.
Câu 15: Dr. Mary Watson told Jack, “You cannot go home until you feel better.”
A. Dr. Mary Watson advised Jack to stay until he felt better.
B. Dr. Mary Watson did not allow Jack to go home until he felt better.
C. Dr. Mary Watson does not want Jack to go home because he is not feeling well now.
D. Dr. Mary Watson asked Jack to stay at home until he felt better.
Question 16 – 20: Read the passage carefully.
At home, I used to suffer enough with my husband who is a heavy smoker. Now, I am delighted that smoking is
going to be banned in the majority of enclosed public spaces in Britain from July this year. In fact, I cannot wait
for the ban to arrive. When hanging out, I am fed up with sitting in pubs with my eyes and throat hurting because
of all the tobacco smoke in the air. As soon as I leave the pub I always find that my clothes and hair stink of
cigarettes, so the first thing I do when I get home is to have a shower.
It is not my problem if smokers want to destroy their own health, but I hate it when they start polluting my lungs
as well. Passive smoking is a real problem, as a lot of medical studies have shown that nonsmokers who spend a
long time in smoky environments have an increased risk of heart disease and lung cancer.
It is ridiculous when you hear smokers talking about the ban taking away their ‘rights’. If they are in a pub and
they feel the need for a cigarette, obviously they will still be able to go outside in the street and have one. What
is wrong with that? It will certainly be a bit inconvenient for them, but maybe that will help them to quit.
Choose an option (A, B, C or D) that best answer each question.
Câu 16: What is the passage mainly about?
A. Reasons British people suggest the government should ban smoking in public places.
B. How British people oppose the smoking ban in enclosed public spaces.
C. A personal view on British smoking ban in enclosed public areas.
D. Harmful effects of smoking on second-hand smokers in the family.
Câu 17: In paragraph 1, what is the word stink closest in meaning to?
A. smell unpleasantly. B. cover fully. C. pack tightly. D. get dirty.
Câu 18: According to paragraph 2, what does the writer say about smokers?
A. They have risks of heart disease. B. They will certainly have lung cancer.
C. She does not care about their health. D. They have polluted lungs.
Câu 19: In paragraph 3, what does the word one refer to ?
A. need. B. pub. C. cigarette. D. street.
Câu 20: According to the passage, what can be inferred about the writer’s attitude toward the smoking ban?.
A. She thinks it might be helpful to smokers. B. She feels sorry for heavy smokers.
C. She thinks it is unnecessary. D. She expresses no feelings.


Question 1 – 5: Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) to fill in each blank.
Câu 1: Up to now, the discount to children under ten years old.
A. has only been applied. B. only applies.
C. was only applied. D. only applied.
Câu 2: Commercial centres are they were many years ago.
A. as popular than. B. more popular than. C. the most popular. D. most popular than
Câu 3: Keep quiet. You talk so loudly in here. Everybody is working.
A. may. B. must. C. might. D. mustn't.
Câu 4: repeated assurances that the product is safe; many people have stopped buying it.
A. By. B. Despite. C. With. D. For.
Câu 5: When a Vietnamese wants to work part-time in Australia, he needs to get a work .
A. permit. B. permission. C. permissibility. D. permissiveness
Question 6 – 10: Each of the following sentences has one error (A, B, C or D). Find it and blacken your choice
on your answer sheet.
Câu 6: The most common form of treatment it is mass inoculation and chlorination of water sources.
A B C D.
Câu 7: Onyx is a mineral that can be recognized its regular and straight parallel bands of white, black or brown.
Câu 8: Native to South America and cultivated there for thousands of years, peanuts is said to have been
introduced to North America by early explorers.
Câu 9: It came as a nice surprise that the script writer would get married with the movie star.
Câu 10: All of the students in this course will be assessed according to their attendance, performance, and they
work hard.
Question 11-15: Which of the following best restates each of the given sentences?.
Câu 11: The president was reported to have suffered a heart attack.
A. People say that the president had suffered a heart attack.
B. The president was reported to suffer a heart attack.
C. People reported the president to suffer a heart attack.
D. It was reported that the president had suffered a heart attack.
Câu 12: “Why don’t you ask the Council for help?” my neighbor said.
A. My neighbor advised me to ask the Council for help.
B. My neighbor told me not to ask the Council for help.
C. My neighbor recommends asking the Council for help.
D. My neighbor wants to know why I don’t ask the Council for help.
Câu 13: Every soldier will have to use a radio after landing.
A. It is a must of every soldier that they use a radio after they landed.
B. That every soldier needs a radio to use after landing will be necessary.
C. After landing, it will be vital that every soldier uses a radio.
D. Every soldier’s using a radio will be needed once landed.
Câu 14: I’m sure Lusia was very disappointed when she failed the exam.
A. Lusia must be very disappointed when he failed the exam.
B. Lusia must have been very disappointed when she failed the exam.
C. Lusia may be very disappointed when she failed the exam.
D. Lusia could have been very disappointed when she failed the exam.
Câu 15: I will not go abroad to study if I have not enough advice.
A. I have no intention to go abroad to study despite having advice.
B. I have had enough advice to go abroad to study.
C. Unless I have enough advice, I will not go abroad to study.
D. Not any advice given to me can stop me from going abroad to study.
Question 16 – 20: Read the passage carefully.
1, In 1977, a young Harvard graduate named Irene Pepperberg brought a one-year-old African gray parrot into
her lab, and attempted something very unusual. At a time when her fellow scientists thought that animals could
only communicate on a very basic level, Irene set out to discover what was on a creature's mind by talking to it.
The bird, named Alex, proved to be a very good pupil.
2, Scientists at the time believed that animals were incapable of any thought. They believed that animals only
reacted to things because they were programmed by nature to react that way, not because they had the ability to
think or feel. Any pet owner would probably disagree. Pepperberg disagreed, too, and started her work with
Alex to prove them wrong.
3, Pepperberg bought Alex in a pet store. She let the store's assistant pick him out because she didn't want other
scientists saying later that she'd deliberately chosen an especially smart bird for her work. Most researchers
thought that Pepperberg's attempt to communicate with Alex would end in failure.
4, However, Pepperberg's experiment did not fail. In fact, over the next few years, Alex learned to imitate almost
one hundred and fifty English words, and was even able to reason and use those words on a basic level to
communicate. For example, when Alex was shown an object and was asked about its shape, color, or material,
he could label it correctly. He could understand that a key was a key no matter what its size or color, and could
figure out how the key was different from others.
5, Pepperberg was careful not to exaggerate Alex's success and abilities. She did not claim that Alex could
actually “use” language. Instead, she said that Alex had learned to use a two-way communication code. Alex
seemed to understand the turn-taking pattern of communication.
Choose an option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each question.
Câu 16: The reading passage is mainly about.
A. how animals communicate with humans.
B. one woman's successful experiment to communicate with a bird.
C. how parrots are smarter than other animals.
D. how Irene Pepperberg proved her fellow scientists wrong.
Câu 17: According to the reading, other scientists believed that animals.
A. could only communicate in nature.
B. had the ability to communicate with pet owners.
C. could communicate if they were programmed to do so.
D. didn't have the ability to think.
Câu 18: In paragraph 3, "deliberately" is closest in meaning to.
A. naturally. B. intentionally. C. cleverly. D. honestly.
Câu 19: The word "them" in paragraph 2 refers to.
A. animals. B. scientists. C. pet owners. D. things.
Câu 20: Which of the following is NOT true about Irene's parrot Alex?
A. He learned to use almost 150 English words.
B. He could label a number of objects.
C. He was able to have complicated conversations.
D. He could understand how one object was different from others.


Question 11 – 5: Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) to fill in each blank.
Câu 1: Jane is a wonderful singer. Her mother tells me that she professionally since she was four.
A. has been sung. B. was singing. C. is singing. D. has sung.
Câu 2: It’s raining hard, we can’t go to the beach.
A. but. B. so. C. or. D. and.
Câu 3: The teacher wants the children to feel about asking questions when they don't understand.
A. confident. B. confidence. C. confidently. D. confided.
Câu 4: At this time last night, we cards.
A. had been playing. B. play. C. played. D. were playing.
Câu 5: Tom isn't here the moment. He'll be back five minutes.
A. in/ on. B. at/ on. C. in/ in. D. at/ in
Question 6 – 10: Each of the following sentences has one error (A, B, C or D). Find it and blacken
your choice on your answer sheet.
Câu 6: The eighteenth century witnessed the emergence of North American ports, particular Boston, New York,
and Philadelphia, as major commercial centers within the British empire.
Câu 7: The development of the boiler is closely related to those of the steam engine, to which it is a necessary
Câu 8: It was on a beautiful day in November when she accepted his proposal of marriage.
A B C D.
Câu 9: Millions of teenagers around the world is addicted to computers and video games.
A B C D.
Câu 10: Among the symptoms of measles, which takes about twelve days to incubate, are a high fever, swelling
of glands in the neck, a cough, and sensitive to light.
Question 31 – 35: Which of the following best restates each of the given sentences?.
Câu 11: You are in this mess now because you didn't listen to me in the first place.
A. If you listened to my advice in the first place, you wouldn't be in this mess now.
B. If you listen to my advice in the first place, you will not be in this mess now.
C. If you had listened to my advice in the first place, you wouldn't be in this mess now.
D. If you had listened to my advice in the first place, you wouldn't have been in this mess now.
Câu 12: When the unemployment rate is high, the crime rate is usually also high.
A. The unemployment rate is as high as the crime rate.
B. The high rate of unemployment depends on the high rate of crime.
C. The higher the unemployment rate is, the higher the crime rate is.
D. The unemployment rate and the crime rate are both higher.
Câu 13: You should have persuaded him to change his mind.
A. You should persuade him to change his mind.
B. You didn’t persuade him to because of his mind.
C. It was essential to persuade him to change his mind but you didn’t.
D. You persuaded him to change his mind but he didn’t listen.
Câu 14: "I'll call you as soon as I arrive at the airport," he said to me.
A. He promised to call me as soon as he arrived at the airport.
B. He denied calling me as soon as he arrived at the airport.
C. He reminded me to call him as soon as he arrived at the airport.
D. He objected to calling me as soon as he arrived at the airport.
Câu 15: “You must never play truant again,” said their mother.
A. Their mother forbade them from playing truant again.
B. They are not allowed to play truant ever again by their mother.
C. Their mother commanded that they should not play truant again.
D. Never would their mother allow them to play truant again.
Question 36 – 40: Read the passage carefully.
Improve Your Time-Managing Skills
1, It is common for all of us to take more tasks than our desired potential. This can often result in stress and
tiredness. Learn the art of sharing work with your partners based on their skills and abilities.
2, Before the start of the day, make a list of tasks that need your immediate attention as unimportant tasks can
consume much of your precious time. Some tasks need to be completed on that day only while other
unimportant tasks could be carried forward to next day. In short, prioritize your tasks to focus on those that are
more important. 3, Carry a planner or notebook with you and list all the tasks that come to your mind. Make a
simple “To Do” list before the start of the day, prioritize the tasks, and make sure that they are attainable. To
better manage your time-management skills, you may think of making 3 lists: work, home, and personal.
4, Stress often occurs when we accept more work than our ability. The result is that our body starts feeling tired
which can affect our productivity. Instead, share tasks with your partners and make sure to leave some time for
5, Most of the successful men and women have one thing in common. They start their day early as it gives them
time to sit, think, and plan their day. When you get up early, you are more calm, creative, and clearheaded. As
the day progresses, your energy levels start going down, which affects your productivity and your performance
as well.
Choose an option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each question.
Câu 16: Making a list of important tasks can help us.
A. take more tasks than our potential. B. share work with our partners.
C. prioritize important tasks. D. complete all the tasks on that day.
Câu 17: In order to improve your time-management skills, you should.
A. carry a planer with you all the time. B. have separate lists for different categories.
C. make the “To Do” list simple to do. D. prioritize the tasks of time management.
Câu 18: All of the following are true about the effects of stress EXCEPT that.
A. our body starts feeling tired. B. it can affect our productivity.
C. we don’t have enough time for relaxation. D. we accept more work than our ability.
Câu 19: It can be inferred from the passage that starting the day early can help you .
A. complete the tasks much better. B. slow down your energy levels.
C. perform as well as before. D. make the day progress.
Câu 20: The word “attainable” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “ _ ”.
A. being able to attend. B. possible to achieve.
C. impossible to achieve. D. succeeding in managing something
Question 21 – 25: Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) to fill in each blank.
Câu 1: She the piano when our guests _last night.
A. was playing/ arrived. B. played/ arrived.
C. was playing/ were arriving. D. had played/arrived.
Câu 2: she was very hard working, she hardly earned enough to feed her family.
A. In spite of. B. Because. C. Because of. D. Although.
Câu 3: me that she would never speak to me again, she picked up her stuff and stormed out of the house.
A. To have told. B. Telling. C. Having told. D. Told.
Câu 4: I can watch TV and play computer games on Sunday because I _go to school that day.
A. don’t have to. B. oughtn’t to. C. mustn’t. D. shouldn’t.
Câu 5: Privacy seems to have meaning for today’s children and even adults.
A. significantly. B. significance. C. significant. D. signification
Question 26 – 30: Each of the following sentences has one error (A, B, C or D). Find it and blacken
your choice on your answer sheet.
Câu 6: It is much easier for a foreigner to become an American citizen if he has a close relative whoever is
already an American.
Câu 7: New sources of energy have been looking for as the number of fossil fuels continues to decrease.
Câu 8: The majority of countries are very concerned that if whaling does not stop or else nearly all the whales
will disappear.
Câu 9: Half of all Americans aged 12 to 30, ‘if ever, rarely, read a newspaper’.
Câu 10: It is in Hanoi, Vietnam, in the year 2021 where the 31 SEA Games is scheduled to take place.
Question 31 – 35: Which of the following best restates each of the given sentences?.
Câu 11: It’s hard to concentrate when you’re tired.
A. Your being tired makes you unable to concentrate.
B. You’re impossible to concentrate as a result of your being tired.
C. Your tiredness leads to your incapable of concentration.
D. The more tired you are, the harder it is to concentrate.
Câu 12: Many people are afraid of sharks, but they rarely attack people.
A. Rarely attacked by sharks, many people are, therefore, afraid of them.
B. Although sharks rarely attack people, many people are afraid of them.
C. Many people are afraid of sharks because they are dangerous.
D. Sharks rarely attack people because many people are afraid of them.
Câu 13: Mom instructed me to make some bread for the church bazaar.
A. Mom taught me how to make some bread for the church bazaar.
B. The church bazaar gave me instructions in making some bread.
C. Some bread made by me was given to the church bazaar.
D. I helped Mom to make some bread for the church bazaar.
Câu 14: This conference wouldn’t have been possible without your organization.
A. If you didn’t organize, this conference wouldn’t have been possible.
B. Your organization made it possible for this conference to take place.
C. If it had been for your organization, this conference wouldn’t have been possible.
D. It’s possible that your organization made this conference to take place.
Câu 15: You needn’t have taken so many warm clothes there.
A. It’s not necessary for you to take so many warm clothes there.
B. You have taken so many warm clothes that I don’t need.
C. You took a lot of warm clothes there but it turned out not necessary.
D. There is no need for you to take so many warm clothes there.
Question 36 – 40: Read the passage carefully.
1, Bitcoins are a form of virtual currency. In other words, they are a type of money that does not exist in the
actual world. However, they can be used to purchase actual products and services from real companies.
2, The bitcoin system was created in 2009 by an enigmatic person named Satoshi Nakamoto. In fact, no one is
sure if Satoshi Nakamoto is an actual person or a group of people. Bitcoins are designed to serve as an
alternative to national currencies, such as dollars and euros. They can be used to pay for things online instead of
cash or credit cards. When bitcoins are transferred from a buyer to a seller, the transaction is recorded in a
public database. 3, Governments are concerned that bitcoins can easily be stolen by hackers. It has dawned on
them that they might be used for illegal purposes. For example, stolen goods could be purchased without the
government’s knowledge. Although more and more companies are beginning to accept bitcoins, the percentage
of purchases made using bitcoins is minuscule compared to other online payment methods, such as credit
cards. Instead, many bitcoin owners simply keep them as an investment since they believe their bitcoins will be
more valuable in the future.
4, This may or may not be a wise approach. Currently, the value of bitcoins is fluctuating wildly, especially
when compared to highly stable national currencies. Bitcoin investors are gambling on the hope that as this
high-tech money becomes more widely accepted, its value will soar.
(Adapted from:
Choose an option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each question.
Câu 16: Why are bitcoins of great concern to governments?
A. Because most of bitcoin owners are hackers.
B. Because bitcoins may be used in illegal transactions.
C. Because the value of bitcoins is fluctuating wildly.
D. Because bitcoins will eventually replace national currencies.
Câu 17: What is the passage mainly about?
A. The future of bitcoins in the real world.
B. A new kind of currency in the virtual world.
C. A way of doing business in the virtual world.
D. An alternative to bitcoins created by Nakamoto.
Câu 18: The word "they" in paragraph 2 refers to.
A. euros. B. dollars. C. things. D. bitcoins.
Câu 19: Which of the following is defined in the passage?
A. Transactions. B. Public Databases. C. Credit cards. D. Bitcoins.
Câu 20: The word "minuscule" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to.
A. small. B. considerable. C. increasing. D. minimal


Question 21 – 25: Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) to fill in each blank.
Câu 1: By the end of this March, I English for 5 years. And I will take some higher-level courses in
an English centre.
A. have studied. B. have been studying. C. will have been studying. D. will study.
Câu 2: Keep quiet. You talk so loudly in here. Everybody is working.
A. may. B. must. C. might. D. mustn't.
Câu 3: What is longest river in world?
A. the / a. B. a / the. C. a/ a. D. the / the.
Câu 4: Where the 1988 Olympic Games ?
A. was/ hold. B. were/ held. C. was/ held. D. did/hold.
Câu 5: As a young person, he is really about his future career.
A. concerned. B. concern. C. concerning. D. concerns
Question 26 – 30: Each of the following sentences has one error (A, B, C or D). Find it and blacken
your choice on your answer sheet.
Câu 6: The World Health Organization has done much to try to create a more healthiest world.
A B C D.
Câu 7: Two billion dollars are not enough for the victims of the tsunami.
A B C D.
Câu 8: Life insurance, before available only to young, healthy persons, can now be obtained for old people and
even for pets.
Câu 9: John climbed up into the tree and picked all the fruit out reach.
Câu 10: Even though they had been lost in the mountains for three days, they looked strongly and healthy.
Question 31 – 35: Which of the following best restates each of the given sentences?.
Câu 11: She asked us to leave quietly so that we wouldn't disturb her.
A. In order to be disturbed, she asked us to leave quietly.
B. So as not to disturb us, she asked us to leave quietly.
C. So as not to avoid our disturbance, she asked us to leave quietly.
D. In order to avoid our disturbance, she asked us to leave quietly.
Câu 12: Had he known more about the information technology, he would have invested in some computer
A. Not knowing about the information technology help him invest in some computer company.
B. He didn’t know much about the information technology and he didn’t invest in any computer companies.
C. Knowing about the information technology, he would have invested in some computer companies.
D. He would have invested in some computer companies without his knowledge of the information
Câu 13: He last had his eyes tested ten months ago.
A. He didn't have any tests on his eyes in ten months.
B. He hasn't had his eyes tested for ten months.
C. He had tested his eyes ten months ago.
D. He had not tested his eyes for ten months then.
Câu 14: Helen made a lot of phone calls when she had come home.
A. Having made a lot of phone calls, Helen came home.
B. Having come home, Helen made a lot of phone calls.
C. A lot of phone calls had been made by Helen when she came home.
D. A lot of phone calls had been made to Helen when she came home.
Câu 15: People say that at least ten applicants have been selected for the job interview.
A. People say that fewer than ten job interviews have been held so far.
B. I have heard that only ten people have been chosen to have the job interviewed.
C. It is said that well over ten people are interested in having an interview for the job.
D. It is said that no fewer than ten people are going to be interviewed for the job.
Question 36 – 40: Read the passage carefully.
1, An estimated 18,000 people die every day worldwide as a result of air pollution. The great majority of the
world's population breathe air that does not meet World Health Organization guidelines. Air pollution has
become so bad that it's said we now have a “fifth season”: this time of year, when lethal smogs envelop some of
the most populated parts of the world. Delhi's atrocious smogs, which caused an international cricket match to
be halted on Sunday, follow similar ones last year.
2, But 65 years on from the toxic Great Smog of London that descended on 5 December 1952, and led to
ground- breaking anti-pollution laws being passed, the air above the UK still hasn‘t cleared. In London alone
more than one person an hour dies prematurely from a range of conditions such as congestive heart failure,
asthma and emphysema as a result of exposure to particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide. The mayor of
London, Sadiq Khan, has called for a new Clean Air Act that would enshrine a right to clean air.
3, Smog Day marks the anniversary of the Great London Smog, and the middle of the international smog
season. It grew out of an initiative to share the experiences of people living with air pollution in London and
New Delhi, whose air quality is among the worst in the world. In spite of many differences between life in the
two capital cities, there are parallels in the experiences of people who work on the streets, runners who exercise
along them, taxi drivers, parents and children and the doctors who care for those with breathing difficulties.
4, Progress on air pollution is already being made in many places around the world. The recent Lancet
Commission on pollution and health points out that air-quality improvements not only save lives, but have other
Choose an option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each question.
Câu 16: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Successful efforts in making the air less polluted.
B. The comparison of air pollution levels between two big cities.
C. How serious air pollution is worldwide.
D. What Smog Day in London is.
Câu 17: What can be inferred about the “fifth season”?
A. It is the last season of the climatic pattern in a year.
B. During this time outdoor sports games may be cancelled.
C. During this time, lethal smogs attack almost any places in the world.
D. It is the result of overpopulation.
Câu 18: Which word is closest in meaning to the word “enshrine” in paragraph 2?
A. prevent. B. improve. C. maintain. D. authorize.
Câu 19: Which statement is NOT true of London and New Delhi?
A. People from these cities share the same experience of breathing difficulties.
B. People who work on the streets in these cities share the same experience.
C. Air quality in these cities is among the worst.
D. These two capital cities are not completely alike.
Câu 20: Compared to London in 1957, London now.
A. has better air quality. B. has fewer laws passed.
C. sees an increase in nitrogen dioxide. D. has unchanged air pollution level


Question 21 – 25: Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) to fill in each blank.
Câu 1: He his homework before he went to the cinema.
A. has done. B. had done. C. did. D. was doing
Câu 2: The course begins 7th January and ends 10th March.
A. on/on. B. in/in. C. at/at. D. from/to
Câu 3: Susan hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly.
A. mustn't. B. couldn't. C. can't. D. needn't
Câu 4: I regretted _her that letter.
A. to have written. B. written. C. have written. D. having written
Câu 5: A supermarket is a shopping centre.
A. less convenient as. B. not so convenient than.
C. less convenient than. D. the most convenient as
Question 26 – 30: Each of the following sentences has one error (A, B, C or D). Find it and blacken
your choice on your answer sheet.
Câu 6: Upon reaching the destination, a number of personnel is expected to change their reservations and
proceed to Hawaii.
Câu 7: The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GSCE) is the name of a set of Vietnamese
qualifications, generally taking by secondary students at the age of 17 -18 in Viet Nam.
Câu 8: A person who says lies habitually must have a good memory.
Câu 9: Before becoming successful, Charles Kettering, former vice president of General Motors, was so poor
that he has to use the hayloft of a barn as a laboratory.
Câu 10: For thousands of years, man has created sweet-smelling substances from wood, herbs, and flowers and
using them for perfume or medicine.
Question 31 – 35: Which of the following best restates each of the given sentences?
Câu 11: "Why don’t you participate in the volunteer work in summer," said Sophie.
A. Sophie suggested me to participate in the volunteer work in summer.
B. Sophie asked me why not participate in the volunteer work in summer.
C. Sophie suggested me participating in the volunteer work in summer.
D. Sophie made me participate in the volunteer work in summer.
Câu 12: The bad news completely disappointed him.
A. That he found bad news is completely disappointing.
B. To his disappointment, the news he found was bad.
C. The news was bad, which disappoints him completely.
D. What makes him disappointed was the bad news.
Câu 13: She got angry because he broke his promise.
A. If he didn't break his promise, she wouldn't get angry.
B. Had he not broken his promise, she wouldn't have got angry.
C. If she hadn't got angry, he wouldn't have broken his promise.
D. Had it not been for her anger, he wouldn't have broken his promise.
Câu 14: It was careless of you to leave the windows open last night.
A. You mustn’t have left the windows open last night.
B. You needn’t have left the windows open last night.
C. You might have left the windows open last night.
D. You shouldn’t have left the windows open last night.
Câu 15: The mistake in the accounts was not noticed until the figures were re-checked.
A. It was not until the mistake in the accounts was noticed that the figures were re-checked.
B. Once re-checking the figures, the mistake in the accounts noticed.
C. The mistake in the accounts only came to light when the figures were re-checked.
D. When the figures were re-checked they came to light the mistake in the accounts.
Question 36 – 40: Read the passage carefully.
Almon Strowger, an American engineer, constructed the first automatic telephone switching system, which had
a horizontal, bladelike contact arm, in 1891. The first commercial switchboard based on his invention opened in
La Porte, Indiana, a year later and was an instant success with business users. To access the system, the caller
pressed button to reach the desired number and turned the handle to activate the telephone ringer. During the
same year, Strowger’s step-by-step call advancement technology was implemented in the long-distance service
between New York and Chicago when it proved to have the capacity of carrying signals through cable-joint
The first actual dial telephone, patented by Lee De Forest in 1907, was installed in Milwaukee in 1906. In 1912,
their sound transmittal apparatus adapted an electronic tube to function as an amplifier. Transatlantic radio-
telephone service linked New York and London in 1927. However, the long distances coaxial cable, which was
hailed as unprecedented, came on the scene in 1936 connecting New York and Philadelphia. The Bell
Laboratories research facility came up with the transistor to replace the cumbersome vacuum tube, thus
diminishing the size of the electronic switch system to about 10 percent of that of the original. Crossbar
switching, installed in terminals in 1938, operated on the principle of an electromagnetic force, which rotated
horizontal and vertical bars within a rectangular frame and brought contacts together in a split second. A
technological breakthrough in the form of undersea cables between the United States and Hawaii was
implemented almost twenty years later. An extension was connected to Japan in 1964.
Choose an option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each question.
Câu 16: Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A. The Patent History of the Telephone. B. A link between Research and Technology.
C. The Developing Sophistication of the Telephone. D. The Telephone: A Technological Fantasy
Câu 17: It can be inferred from the passage that initially telephones.
A. were limited to businesses. B. did not have a bell.
C. utilized human operators. D. revitalized business in La Porte, Indiana
Câu 18: The word “implemented” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to.
A. used. B. breached. C. broken. D. usurped
Câu 19: The word “that” in paragraph 2 refers to.
A. the system. B. the tube. C. the size. D. the percent
Câu 20: The author of the passage implies that telephone networks expanded because of.
A. the work of a few inventors. B. staunch public and private support.
C. multiple technical blunders. D. a series of breakthroughs


Question 21 – 25: Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) to fill in each blank.
Câu 21: She (play) the piano when our guests (arrive) last night.
A. was playing/ arrived. B. played/ arrived.
C. was playing/ were arriving. D. had played/arrived
Câu 22: The students don't know how to complete the assignments by the teacher yesterday.
A. were given. B. given. C. giving. D. give
Câu 23: For breakfast, I had sandwich and_ apple. The sandwich wasn’t very nice.
A. the / an. B. a / the. C. a / an. D. the / the
Câu 24: She loves comedies, her husband is interested in action films.
A. and. B. for. C. or. D. since
Câu 25: One of the _had finished singing and the usual shower of coins was falling on the hard floor.
A. entertains. B. entertainments. C. entertainer. D. entertainers
Question 26 – 30: Each of the following sentences has one error (A, B, C or D). Find it and blacken
your choice on your answer sheet.
Câu 26: The corals can be divided into three groups, two of which is extinct.
Câu 27: The place which we spent our holiday was really beautiful.
Câu 28: I’ve given talks so many times that now I just make up them as I go along.
Câu 29: As regards sport and leisure activities, our two countries appear to have little in common.
Câu 30: There are as many as 200 million insects for every human beings, and in fact, their total number
that of all of the other animals taken together.
Question 31 – 35: Which of the following best restates each of the given sentences?
Câu 31: Fiona does not like skating and I don't either.
A. I don't like skating, and Fiona doesn't, too. B. Either Fiona or I do not like skating.
C. Neither Fiona nor I like skating. D. Fiona does not like skating as well as me.
Câu 32: It was careless of you not to check your essay before you handed it in to the teacher.
A. You should have checked your essay before you handed it in to the teacher.
B. You must have checked your essay before you handed it in to the teacher.
C. You can’t have checked your essay before you handed it in to the teacher.
D. You needn't have checked your essay before you handed it in to the teacher.
Câu 33: “You’d better work harder if you don’t want to retake the exam!” the teacher said to Jimmy.
A. The teacher reminded Jimmy to work harder if he didn’t want to retake the exam.
B. The teacher advised Jimmy to work harder if he didn’t want to retake the exam.
C. The teacher ordered Jimmy to work harder if he didn’t want to retake the exam.
D. The teacher suggested Jimmy to work harder if he didn’t want to retake the exam.
Câu 34: They got success since they took my advice.
A. They took my advice, and failed.
B. My advice stopped them from getting success.
C. But for my advice, they would not have got success.
D. If they did not take my advice, they would not get success.
Câu 35: Keep your chin up despite your bad exam result.
A. In case of your bad exam result, keep your chin up.
B. In view of the bad exam result, keep your chin up.
C. When your exam result is bad, keep your chin up.
D. However bad your exam result is, keep your chin up.
Question 36 – 40: Read the passage carefully.
An ongoing epidemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2 started in December
2019. It was first identified in Wuhan, capital of Hubei province, China. It is believed to have originated from
another animal and subsequently spread between people. The time between exposure and disease onset is
typically 2 to 14 days. Symptoms may include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Complications may
include pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome. There is no vaccine or specific antiviral treatment,
with efforts typically aiming at managing symptoms and supportive therapy. Hand washing is recommended to
prevent the spread of the disease. Anyone who is suspected of carrying the virus is advised to monitor their
health for two weeks, wear a mask, and seek medical advice by calling a doctor before visiting a clinic.
The first two confirmed cases in Vietnam were hospitalised on 22 January at Chợ Rẫy Hospital, Ho Chi Minh
City. These were a Chinese man travelling from Wuhan to Hanoi to visit his son living in Vietnam, and the son,
who is believed to have contracted the disease from his father. On 29 January, the son was discharged with full
recovery and the father was discharged on 12 February. The National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology
said that on February 7, the research team successfully cultured and isolated a new strain of coronavirus (nCoV)
in the laboratory, facilitating rapid testing of cases. infected and suspected nCoV infection. Moreover, Vietnam
has also cured 16/16 cases of Covid-19 infection in that country. Since February 13, Vietnam has not recorded
new cases. Once again, this small country has demonstrated the strength and talent in Medical field as well as
the serious attitude of the people in their willingness to isolate and protect themselves.
Choose an option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each question.
Câu 36: What is the passage mainly about?
A. An overview of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the evolution of it in Vietnam.
B. Causes, effects and solutions to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
C. How Vietnamese doctors cured their patients.
D. Definition of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and instruction for people.
Câu 37: In paragraph 1, what does the word It refer to?
A. December 2019. B. SARS-CoV-2. C. coronavirus disease 2019. D. Wuhan
Câu 38: In paragraph 2, what is the word contracted closest in meaning to?
A. get well. B. isolated. C. discharged. D. catch disease
Câu 39: According to paragraph 1, what can be complications of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?
A. fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
B. pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome.
C. redness, rash and shock.
D. death
Câu 40: The tone of the passage could be best described as.
A. informative. B. negative. C. supported. D. indifferent


Question 21 – 25: Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) to fill in each
Câu 21: Hanoi bad air pollution since the last few months in 2019. Its air quality index still maintains at
the violet level (very bad) now.
A. suffered. B. had suffered. C. has been suffering. D. suffers
Câu 22: The closing ceremony of the Southeast Asian Games 30 took place at the stadium New Clark
City December 11 .
A. in / on. B. at / in. C. in / in. D. on / in
Câu 23: The Ministry of Health has donated medical masks to district health centers in border provinces
to join hands to combat the disease caused by COVID-19.
A. a large amount of. B. lot of. C. a number of. D. much
Câu 24: Although South Korea is known as a civilized country, the consciousness and behavior of the people
during COVID-19 disease is than that of the Vietnamese.
A. disappointing. B. most disappointing. C. more disappointing. D. disappointinger
Câu 25: Vietnam National Football team especially the U23 has changed the view of many countries in the
world about the and solidarity of the nation.
A. talented. B. talent. C. talently. D. talentness
Question 26 – 30: Each of the following sentences has one error (A, B, C or D). Find it and blacken
your choice on your answer sheet.
Câu 26: As soon as the star arrive in Bangkok, the well-trained reporters will be in the hunt for information
about her tour.
Câu 27: A Oscars award ceremony is one of the most famous ceremonies in the world, and is watched lively on
TV in over 200 countries.
Câu 28: Medical researchers in Vietnam have been trying his best to find the cure vaccine for coronavirus.
Câu 29: His term paper whose was finished before the deadline was delivered to the professor before the class.
Câu 30: Tom looked at Ann; Ann looked at Tom. They looked at each others.
Question 31 – 35: Which of the following best restates each of the given sentences?
Câu 31: “Why don’t you complain to the company, John?” said Peter.
A. Peter asked John why he doesn’t complain to the company.
B. Peter advised John complaining to the company.
C. Peter suggested John to complain to the company.
D. Peter suggested that John should complain to the company.
Câu 32: She is the most intelligent woman I have ever met.
A. I have never met a more intelligent woman than her.
B. She is not as intelligent as the women I have ever met.
C. I have ever met such an intelligent woman.
D. She is more intelligent than I am.
Câu 33: He didn’t take his father’s advice. That’s why he is out of work.
A. If he had taken his father’s advice, he would not have been out of work.
B. If he took his father’s advice, he would not be out of work.
C. If he had taken his father’s advice, he would not be out of work.
D. If he takes his father’s advice, he will not be out of work.
Câu 34: You needn’t have taken so many warm clothes there.
A. It’s not necessary for you to take so many warm clothes there.
B. You have taken so many warm clothes that I don’t need.
C. You took a lot of warm clothes there but it turned out not necessary.
D. There is no need for you to take so many warm clothes there.
Câu 35: It is said that the man was having business difficulties.
A. The man was having business difficulties is said.
B. The man is said to be having business difficulties.
C. People said that the man was having business difficulties.
D. The man is said to have been having business difficulties.
Question 36 – 40: Read the passage carefully.
The 2019–20 Australian bushfire season began with several serious uncontrolled fires in June 2019.
Hundreds of fires have been or are still burning, mainly in the southeast of the country.
As of 14 January 2020, fires this season have burnt an estimated 18.6 million hectares, destroyed over 5,900
buildings (including 2,779 homes) and killed at least 34 people. It was estimated on 8 January 2020 that more
than one billion animals were killed by bushfires in Australia; while more than 800 million animals perished in
New South Wales. Ecologists feared some endangered species were driven to extinction by the fires. The loss
of an estimated 8,000 koalas caused concerns. Fire also damaged 500-year-old rock art at Anaiwan in northern
New South Wales, with the intense and rapid temperature change of the fires cracking the granite rock. This
caused panels of art to fracture and fall off the huge boulders that contain the galleries of art. At the Budj Bim
heritage areas in Victoria the Gunditjmara people reported that when they inspected the site after fires moved
across it, they found ancient channels and ponds that were newly visible after the fires burned much of the
vegetation off the landscape. Air quality has dropped to hazardous levels. The cost of dealing with the
bushfires is expected to exceed the 4.4 billion Australia dollar of the 2009 Black Saturday fires, and tourism
sector revenues have fallen more than 1 billion Australia dollar. By 7 January 2020, the smoke had moved
approximately 11,000 kilometres across the South Pacific Ocean to Chile and Argentina. As of 2 January 2020,
NASA estimated that 306 million tonnes of CO2 was emitted. What is more, several firefighters – called firies
in Australia – were killed or injured. Many firefighters were volunteers and laid-off fire management staffs
asked to go back to work without pay.
As with all disasters and large-scale emergencies, it is most effective to donate money to groups already
engaged and coordinating on the ground at the disaster site. They often have the ability to take that monetary
donation and double or triple its value through their local partnerships. Do not donate hard goods such as
clothing, food and water, medications or other items unless there is a specific request from an organization
already working in Australia. Organizations engaged in this disaster are already stretched beyond their capacity
and they are unable to effectively receive, sort or distribute donated goods at this time.
Choose an option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each question.
Câu 36: According to the passage, Australian bushfire season.
A. has happened since June 2019.
B. first happened in January 2020.
C. happened due to previous fires burning some years ago.
D. only happened in the southeast of the country
Câu 37: Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word hazardous in paragraph 2?
A. out of danger. B. perilous. C. secure. D. unthreatened
Câu 38: It can be inferred from the passage that Australian bushfire has affected.
A. the environment, ecological system and archaeology. B. the environment and ecological system.
C. the air quality. D. animals’ and people’s homes
Câu 39: What is mainly discussed in paragraph 3?
A. Money is the only effective thing to be donated.
B. The importance of hard goods such as clothing, food and water, medications.
C. What we should and shouldn’t do to help deal with the fire’s effects.
D. How Australian got over the serious disaster
Câu 40: What does the word This in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. 500-year-old rock art.
B. northern New South Wales.
C. granite rock.
D. intense and rapid temperature change of the fires


Question 21 – 25: Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) to fill in each blank.
Câu 21: It is not always easy to make a good _at the last minute.
A. decide. B. decision. C. decisive. D. decisively
Câu 22: The more you practise speaking English, .
A. the more fluently you can speak it. B. the more fluent you can speak it.
C. the more you can speak it fluent. D. the more you can speak it fluently
Câu 23: Why are you always so jealous other people?
A. in. B. of. C. with. D. on
Câu 24: Over the past 30 years, the average robot price by half in real terms, and even further relative to
labor costs.
A. is fallen. B. has fallen. C. were fallen. D. have fallen
Câu 25: Would you like coffee? – No, thanks. I am allergic to caffeine.
A. any. B. much. C. some. D. little
Question 26 – 30: Each of the following sentences has one error (A, B, C or D). Find it and blacken
your choice on your answer sheet.
Câu 26: Many living organisms depend largely on the environment for the satisfaction of its needs.
Câu 27: Measles are an infectious disease that causes fever and small red spots.
Câu 28: Scuba diving is usually carried out in the ocean in that people can explore the underwater world.
Câu 29: Children learn primarily by directly experiencing the world around it.
Câu 30: The hospital in Hanoi, Vietnam has successfully transplanted a hand from one living human to another
in the first such instance anywhere in the world.
Question 31 – 35: Which of the following best restates each of the given sentences?
Câu 31: What a silly thing to say!”, Martha said.
A. Martha threatened that it was a silly thing to say.
B. Martha exclaimed that it was a silly thing to say.
C. Martha suggested that it was a silly thing to say.
D. Martha offered that it was a silly thing to say.
Câu 32: It was overeating that caused his heart attack.
A. If he had overeaten, he would have had a heart attack.
B. If he didn’t overeat, he wouldn’t have a heart attack.
C. If he hadn’t overeaten, he wouldn’t have had a heart attack.
D. If he overate, he would have a heart attack.
Câu 33: His parents made him study for his exam.
A. He was obliged to study for the exam by his parents.
B. He is obliged to study for the exam by his parents.
C. He is made to study for the exam by his parents.
D. He was made to study for the exam by his parents.
Câu 34: Children tend to learn English better than adults.
A. Adults tend to be the best at learning English.
B. Children do not learn English as well as adults.
C. Adults tend to learn English worse than children.
D. Children tend to learn English more than adults.
Câu 35: Travelers from South Korea's Daegu province behaved badly when they came to Vietnam. They
did not coordinate with Vietnam's medical team to enter the quarantine area.
A. Travelers from South Korea's Daegu province should have behaved better when being asked to be
quarantined by the Vietnamese medical team.
B. Travelers from South Korea's Daegu province couldn’t have behaved badly when being asked to be
quarantined by the Vietnamese medical team.
C. Travelers from South Korea's Daegu province must have behaved well when they were asked to be
quarantined by the Vietnamese medical team.
D. Travelers from South Korea's Daegu province should behave better when being asked to be
quarantined by the Vietnamese medical team.
Question 36 – 40: Read the passage carefully.
Air pollution levels in Vietnam the past few weeks have reached alarming levels, prompting the government to
issue advisories asking people to stay indoors and limit outdoor activities. While it is common to see people
wearing face masks, the advisory mentioned that masks should be worn along with eye glasses when outside. It
further warned that levels of Particular Matter (PM) 2.5, which are harmful when breathed, would remain high.
The highest Air Quality Index (AQI) levels were recorded in the capital Hanoi, which recorded an AQI on 272
on September 30, exceeding the unhealthy levels, while Ho Chi Minh City recorded an AQI of 153. On
September 27, Hanoi momentarily was recorded as the most polluted city in the world, as per the IQAir
AirVisual monitoring app. Residents complained that Landmark 81, the tallest building in Ho Chi Minh City,
which is usually clearly visible, was shrouded in haze. Several media outlets also discussed the topic and
recorded several pictures of haze shrouding the city. But air pollution is more than just a nuisance. When air
quality conditions deteriorate, the government will take action to curb polluting industries and practices.
Meanwhile, employers need to take additional measures to ensure that their operations and staff are not unduly
If the issue worsens, recruiters may find it more challenging to source top-level talent, particularly in Hanoi and
Ho Chi Minh City, which typically receive the lion’s share of foreign investment. Human resource managers
that treat duty of care seriously may need to educate staff on air pollution risks, provide face masks, and review
sick leave and work from home policies for staff that may be at heightened risks of ill during bouts of severe air
pollution. While pollution levels in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are not at the levels of China’s capital Beijing
and India’s capital Delhi, the health risks are real. The government can be expected to adopt more measures to
regulate industries and business practices that contribute to air pollution. In the meantime, the deteriorating air
quality in Vietnam’s most developed cities could lead some business leaders to consider shifting to less polluted
cities, such as Da Nang or Nha Trang, which are known for their cleaner environments.
Choose an option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each question.
Câu 36: What is the passage mainly about?
A. Air pollution in Vietnam and its impact on the business environment.
B. The evolution of air pollution in Vietnam.
C. How Vietnamese businessmen deal with air pollution.
D. Alarming levels of AQI in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City over the past few week
Câu 37: What does the word which in paragraph 1 refer to?
A. Ho Chi Minh City. B. residents. C. Landmark 81. D. haze
Câu 38: According to the passage, what should human resource managers do to ensure that their operations and
staff are not unduly affected?
A. Ask the government to take action to curb polluting industries and practices.
B. Have bigger investment in sourcing top-level talent.
C. Educate staff on air pollution risks, provide face masks, and review sick leave and work from home policies.
D. Start shifting to less polluted cities, such as Da Nang or Nha Trang.
Câu 39: Which of the following is the phrase lion’s share in paragraph 2 closest in meaning to?
A. large investment. B. worst part. C. least money. D. better number
Câu 40: What can be inferred about the future of some business in big cities if the issue worsens?
A. They will be no longer exist due to alarming levels of AQI.
B. Their staff will surely ask to be able to work from home.
C. They may be located in some cleaner cities such as Da Nang or Nha Trang.
D. Their leaders will shift the company's business to a less polluting business.


Question 21 – 25: Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) to fill in each blank.
Câu 21: Sometimes she does not agree her husband about child reading but they soon find the solutions.
A. with. B. for. C. on. D. of
Câu 22: This is the second time you your door key.
A. are losing. B. lose. C. lost. D. have lost
Câu 23: the shops in the city center close at 5.30.
A. Many. B. Much of. C. Some. D. Most of
Câu 24: The more you study during this semester, the week before the exam.
A. you have to study the less. B. the less you have to study.
C. the least you have to study. D. the study less you have
Câu 25: For example, the in a monkey family, such as between brother and sister, are often very close.
A. relatives. B. relation. C. relate. D. relationships
Question 26 – 30: Each of the following sentences has one error (A, B, C or D). Find it and blacken
your choice on your answer sheet.
Câu 26: Every member of the class were invited to the party by the form teacher.
Câu 27: Education and training are an important steps in getting the kind of job that you would like to have.
Câu 28: One of the keys to the survival of animals is its ability to adapt to changes in the environment.
Câu 29: Photographs from a satellite are frequently used to generate the information is needed to produce a map.
Câu 30: Approximately 80 percent of farm income in Utah it is derived from livestock and livestock products.
Question 31 – 35: Which of the following best restates each of the given sentences?
Câu 31: ''What are you going to do after school, Anne?'' Kevin asked.
A. Kevin asked Anne what was she going to do after school.
B. Kevin asked Anne what she was going to do after school.
C. Kevin wanted to know what Anne would do after school.
D. Kevin wanted to know what would Anne do after school.
Câu 32: Greater use of public transport would cut the amount of pollution from cars.
A. Were more people to use public transport, cars would stop releasing exhaust into the atmosphere.
B. If more people use public transport, it will cut the amount of pollution from cars.
C. If public transport was widely used, people would no longer suffer from pollution from cars.
D. If more people used public transport, there would be less pollution from cars.
Câu 33: If only you told me the truth about the theft.
A. You should have told me the truth about the theft.
B. I do wish you would tell me the truth about the theft.
C. You must have told me the truth about the theft.
D. It is necessary that you tell me the truth about the theft.
Câu 34: The South of England is drier than the North.
A. The South of England is not as dry as the North.
B. It is drier in the North than in the South of England.
C. It is not so dry in the North as in the South of England.
D. It is less dry in the South than in the North of England.
Câu 35: The newspaper reports that James was awarded the first prize.
A. The first prize is reported to award to James.
B. It is reported that James to be awarded the first prize.
C. It is reported that James wins the first prize.
D. James is reported to have been awarded the first prize.
Question 36 – 40: Read the passage carefully.
Marriage is an ancient religious and legal practice celebrated around the world. However, wedding customs
vary from country to country.
The Wedding Dress: In many countries, it is customary for the bride to wear a white dress as a symbol of purity.
The tradition of wearing a special white dress only for the wedding ceremony started around 150 years ago.
Before that most women could not afford to buy a dress that they wear once. Now, bridal dresses can be bought
in a variety of styles.
The Wedding Rings: In many cultures, couples exchange rings, usually made of gold or silver and worn on
the third finger of the left or right hand, during the marriage ceremony.
Flowers: Flowers play an important role in most weddings. Roses are said to be the flowers of love, and
because they usually bloom in June this has become the most popular month for weddings in many countries.
After the wedding ceremony, in many countries the bride throws her bouquet into a crowd of wellwishers -
usually her single female friends. The person who catches this bouquet will be the next one to marry.
Gifts: In Chinese cultures, wedding guests give gifts of money to the newly-weds in small red envelopes.
Money is also an appropriate gift at Korean and Japanese wedding. In many Western countries, for example in
the UK, wedding guests give the bride and groom household items that they may need for their new home. In
Russia, rather than receiving gifts, the bride and groom provide gifts to their guests instead.
With the continued internationalization of the modern world, wedding customs that originated in one part of the
world are crossing national boundaries and have been incorporated into marriage ceremonies in other
countries. Choose an option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each question.
Câu 36: The word "incorporated” in paragraph 6 mostly means.
A. given. B. integrated. C. brought. D. separated
Câu 37: The tradition of wearing a white dress only for one's wedding ceremony is.
A. less than 200 years ago. B. over a century ago.
C. about 150 years ago. D. less than 100 years ago
Câu 38: Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A. Wedding day. B. Wedding ceremonies.
C. Wedding history. D. Wedding customs
Câu 39: The word "this" in paragraph 4 refers to which of the following?
A. rose. B. June. C. love. D. role
Câu 40: According to the passage, what can be inferred about wedding customs?
A. Thanks to globalization, one country's wedding customs may be added to other countries'.
B. It is customary to wear wedding ring on the third finger of the left hand.
C. Nowadays, every bride can afford to buy a wedding dress to wear only once.
D. It is believed that any person who catches the bride's bouquet must be the next to marry.


Question 21 – 25: Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) to fill in each blank.
Câu 21: I and Kenny pen pal friends since I Singapore.
A. are/ visit. B. were/ visited. C. were/ have visited. D. have been/ visited
Câu 22: He's always busy. He has time to relax.
A. much. B. little. C. a little. D. plenty of
Câu 23: The better the weather is, .
A. the most crowded the beaches get. B. the most the beaches get crowded.
C. the more crowded the beaches get. D. the more the beaches get crowded
Câu 24: Paul has just sold his car and intends to buy a new one.
A. black old Japanese. B. Japanese old black.
C. old black Japanese. D. old Japanese black
Câu 25: He is very keen English, but he is not good listening.
A. on/ at. B. at/ at. C. at/ on. D. on/ in
Question 26 – 30: Each of the following sentences has one error (A, B, C or D). Find it and blacken
your choice on your answer sheet.
Câu 26: Teenagers is greatly influenced by not only their parents but also their peers.
Câu 27: The scholarship that Wilson received to study history at Cambridge presented an unique opportunity.
Câu 28: Tom is one of the students which get the worst result in the latest exam.
Câu 29: Animals like frogs have waterproof skin that prevents it from drying out quickly in air, sun, or wind.
Câu 30: Peacocks are among the most exotic birds in nature; its long tail feathers fan out to reveal a profusion of
vivid colors.
Question 31 – 35: Which of the following best restates each of the given sentences?
Câu 31: It’s possible that the plane has been delayed because of the bad weather.
A. The weather must have been very bad, or else their plane wouldn’t have been delayed.
B. It may be the bad weather that has caused the plane to be delayed.
C. The obvious reason for the plane’s being delayed for so long is the bad weather.
D. It’s certainly the bad weather which had resulted in the plane’s being late.
Câu 32: We survived that accident because we were wearing our seat belts.
A. But for our seat belts, we would have survived that accident.
B. Had we not been wearing our seat belts, we wouldn't have survived that accident.
C. Without our seat belts, we could have survived that accident.
D. If we weren't wearing our seat belts, we couldn't have survived that accident.
Câu 33: One of the greatest tennis players in the world is BJ.
A. No tennis players in the world can be defeated by BJ.
B. BJ is among the greatest tennis players in the world.
C. BJ can play tennis as greatly as most of the other players.
D. All tennis players in the world are greater than BJ.
Câu 34: It is believed that modern farming methods have greatly improved farmers' lives.
A. Farmers are believed to have enjoyed a much better life thanks to modern farming methods.
B. Modern farming methods were believed to have greatly improved farmers' lives.
C. Modern farming methods are believed to have had negative effects on farmers' lives.
D. People believe that there is little improvement in farmers’ lives thanks to modern farming methods.
Câu 35: "No, I won't go to work at the weekend," said Sally.
A. Sally refused to go to work at the weekend.
B. Sally promised to go to work at the weekend.
C. Sally apologized for not going to work at the weekend.
D. Sally regretted not going to work at the weekend.
Question 36 – 40: Read the passage carefully.
A letter of application is a sales letter in which you are both salesperson and product, for the purpose of an
application is to attract an employer's attention and persuade him or her to grant you an interview. To do this,
the letter presents what you can offer the employer, rather than what you want from the job.
Like a résumé, the letter of application is a sample of your work and an opportunity to demonstrate your skills
and personality. If it is written with flair and understanding and prepared with professional care,
it is likely to be very effective. While the résumé must be factual, objective, and brief, the letter is your chance
to interpret and expand. It should state explicitly how your background relates to the specific job, and it should
emphasise your strongest and most relevant characteristics. The letter should demonstrate that you know both
yourself and the company.
The letter of application must communicate your ambition and enthusiasm. Yet it must be modest. It should be
neither aggressive nor compliant: neither pat yourself on the back nor ask for sympathy. It should never express
dissatisfaction with the present or former job or employer. And you should avoid discussing your reasons for
leaving your last job.
Finally, it is best that you not broach the subject on salary. Indeed, even if a job advertisement requires that you
mention your salary requirements, it is advisable simply to call them "negotiable." However, when you go on
an interview, you should be prepared to mention a salary range. For this reason, you should investigate both
your field and, if possible, the particular company. You don't want to ask for less than you deserve or more than
is reasonable.
(Adapted from "Select Readings - Intermediate" by Linda Lee and Erik Gundersen)
Choose an option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each question.
Câu 36: What is the passage mainly about?
A. Advice on how to find a good job.
B. Things to avoid during a job interview.
C. Tips for writing an effective letter of application.
D. Differences between a résumé and a letter of application
Câu 37: According to paragraph 1, in a letter of application, the applicant tries to.
A. persuade the employer to grant him/her an interview.
B. get further information about the company.
C. advertise a product to attract more customers.
D. present what he/she wants from the job
Câu 38: The word "it " in paragraph 2 refers to .
A. the letter of application. B. an opportunity. C. your work. D. the résumé
Câu 39: According to the passage, what can be inferred about a letter of application?
A. It should express the applicant's dissatisfaction with his/her former employer.
B. It should refer to the applicant's reasons for leaving his/her previous job.
C. It should be written very briefly, but in a formal style.
D. It should expand upon the information contained in the applicant's résumé.
Câu 40: The word "broach " in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _.
A. avoid. B. investigate. C. introduce. D. understand.


Question 21 – 25: Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) to fill in each
Câu 21: The children their kites in the field when it started to rain heavily.
A. are flying. B. will fly. C. would fly. D. were flying
Câu 22: She put so salt in the soup that she couldn't have it. It was too salty.
A. many. B. little. C. much. D. a little
Câu 23: She sings _than her sister.
A. the most beautiful. B. more beautiful. C. more beautifully. D. the beautifully
Câu 24: The candidate took a breath before he walked into the interview room.
A. deep. B. deeply. C. depth. D. deepen
Câu 25: The manager is directly responsible the efficient running of the office.
A. in. B. for. C. about. D. at
Question 26 – 30: Each of the following sentences has one error (A, B, C or D). Find it and blacken
your choice on your answer sheet.
Câu 26: The assumption that smoking has bad effects on our health have been proved.
Câu 27: Fred Astaire is said to have been the most popular dancer of his time, but he was also a talented actor,
a singer, and choreographer.
Câu 28: Miranda still has trauma from the tragic accident, that took away her closest friend.
Câu 29: John, what is that noise? Is there something on the street?
Câu 30: The hotel has it‟s own swimming pool but it doesn‟t have warm water system in the winter.
Question 31 – 35: Which of the following best restates each of the given sentences?
Câu 31: So big is the Vietnamese bread that the Korean cannot eat it all.
A. The Korean couldn‟t have eaten the whole Vietnamese bread. It was too big.
B. The Korean must have eaten the whole Vietnamese bread. It is not big enough.
C. The Korean can‟t have eaten the whole Vietnamese bread. It is too big.
D. The Korean might have eaten the whole Vietnamese bread. It is too big.
Câu 32: The number of medical masks sold in February 2020 was the highest compared to the same period.
A. The number of medical masks sold in February 2019 was lower than that of February 2020.
B. There was a sharp decline in the number of medical masks sold in February 2020.
C. People bought a larger number of medical masks in 2019 than that in 2020.
D. The number of medical masks sold in February 2019 was as high as that of February 2020.
Câu 33: “Why didn‟t you attend the meeting, Mary?” Tom asked.
A. Tom asked Mary why didn‟t she attend the meeting.
B. Tom asked Mary why she hadn‟t attended the meeting.
C. Tom asked Mary why hadn‟t she attended the meeting.
D. Tom asked Mary why she wasn‟t attending the meeting.
Câu 34: They expect that recent changes will bring about an overall improvement in the quality of the country's
A. Recent changes are expected to lead to an overall improvement in the quality of the country's education.
B. The quality of the country's education is expected to be the consequence of recent changes.
C. It is expected that recent changes are caused by an overall improvement in the quality of the country's
D. It was expected that recent changes would result in an overall improvement in the quality of the country's
Câu 35: The green campaign was strongly supported by the local people. The neighbourhood looks fresh
and clean now.
A. Only if the local people had strongly supported the green campaign would the neighbourhood look fresh and
clean now.
B. Had the local people not strongly supported the green campaign, the neighbourhood wouldn‟t look fresh and
clean now.
C. But for the strong support of the local people for the green campaign, the neighbourhood would look fresh
and clean now.
D. Scarcely had the green campaign been strongly supported by the local people when the neighbourhood
looked fresh and clean.
Question 36 – 40: Read the passage carefully.
African swine fever is one of the most dangerous diseases of swine. Since its first identification in East Africa
in the early 1900s, African swine fever (ASF) spread to Kenya in the 1920s; transcontinental outbreaks in
Europe and South America in the 1960s and in Georgia (Caucasus) in 2007 led to subsequent transmission to
neighboring countries east of Georgia. Along with the outbreaks in the eastern territory of the Russian
Federation, acute ASF outbreaks were reported in China in 2018.
During January 15–31, 2019, a disease outbreak at a family-owned backyard pig farm in Hung Yen Province,
Vietnam, was reported. The farm, about 50 km from Hanoi and 250 km from the China border, housed 20 sows.
In the early stage of the outbreak, 1 piglet and 1 sow exhibited marked redness all over the body, conjunctivitis,
and hemorrhagic diarrhea. Breeding gilts demonstrated anorexia, cyanosis, and fever (>40.5°C).
Since ASF was first recorded in Vietnam on February 1, 2019, the country has culled more than 85,000 pigs,
according to the official reports. However, it has been promptly controlled thanks to the timely response of the
Government; Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc; the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
(MARD); and other relevant ministries, agencies, and localities. Since then, a lot of families have quitted pig
ASF is a fatal animal disease affecting pigs and wild boars with up to 100 percent mortality, and subsequently
damaging trade and causing global economic losses. The ASF virus does not affect humans. The only known
preventative measure is a mass cull of infected livestock. The disease spreads by contact between infected pigs
or other wild animals and can inflict massive economic damage on farms.
Choose an option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each question.
Câu 36: What is the passage mainly about?
A. A general view of African swine fever and its outbreaks and effects in Vietnam.
B. How African swine fever was controlled in Vietnam.
C. Definition and effects of African swine fever.
D. The ways to identify African swine fever based on symptoms
Câu 37: When is a pig identified as infected with African swine fever?
A. When Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc came to a family‟s farm in Hung Yen Province, Vietnam.
B. When it exhibits marked redness all over the body, conjunctivitis, hemorrhagic diarrhea and fever.
C. When the farmer realized it no longer stayed healthy.
D. When localities tell farmers that their pig is infected with African swine fever.
Câu 38: What does the word it in paragraph 3 refer to?
A. the reports. B. February 1st. C. the disease. D. the pig
Câu 39: What does the word subsequently in paragraph 4 mean?
A. early. B. previously. C. formerly. D. afterward
Câu 40: What can be inferred about the food market trends in Vietnam after the African swine fever ends?
A. The price of pork will keep falling.
B. People will try to buy as much pork as possible.
C. There is a high rise in pork‟s price due to the scarcity of pigs.
D. Human health will weaken because of the remnants of the disease.

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