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English for Technology

Ryan T. Miller and Enrico Gandolfi

Al Quds Open University

All Rights Reserved
English for Technology
Table of Contents
Unit 1: Welcome to English for Technology ..................................... 1
Unit 2: Introduction to Computer Software ..................................... 14
Unit 3: Operating Systems & Software Applications ....................... 32
Unit 4: Computer Hardware ............................................................ 55
Unit 5: The Internet......................................................................... 78
Unit 6: English for Electronics ...................................................... 101
Unit 7: Social Media ..................................................................... 120
Unit 8: Programming Languages ................................................... 142
Unit 9: Presentation Skills ............................................................. 158
Unit 10: Computer Ethics.............................................................. 176
Unit 11: Innovative Technologies ................................................. 195
Unit 12: Business Communication ................................................ 211
Unit 13: IT Careers ....................................................................... 235

Dear Students,

Welcome to English for Technology! This book focuses on English

language for work and study in areas relating to information
technology fields. You will read about and discuss a variety of topics
that are important in today’s technology-driven world, from hardware
and software fundamentals to networking and gaming. This book, like
the IT field in general, has a strong focus on vocabulary. You will have
opportunities to use the new vocabulary you learn through various
exercises and conversation topics presented. You will also read a
number of case studies of Palestinian IT professionals, Palestinian IT
companies, and the other Palestinian companies with IT needs. We
hope these will help you to understand concrete applications of what
you learn in this textbook in the Palestinian context.

The most important thing to remember as you use this book is to try to
use the English you learn as much as possible. Remember that English,
like any language, has a lot of variation among speakers. Even within
the so-called standards for English (British, North American, or
Australian English, among others) there are many different varieties,
which may cause confusion and even miscommunication. So, when
you have a misunderstanding, use your negotiation skills, request
clarification, and perhaps confirm in writing. Think of English as a
communication tool. The most important thing is to communicate your
ideas, even if there are some small mistakes.

We are thankful to many individuals who assisted us in writing this

textbook. We thank Dr. Waleed Salos and his colleagues, who provided
us feedback and advice as we developed the book. We thank Mr. Adam
Brodsky for his contributions, found in units 10 and 12, and Mr.
Cameron Camp for his contributions to unit 9.

We also thank the authors of the case studies, which help to

contextualize many of the units in the textbook. Reading passages in
units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 13 are used under license from English
4 Work AB. We thank Mr. Larry Zoumas for his assistance with these.
Finally, we thank graduate students in TESL (Teaching English as a
Second/Foreign Language) from Kent State University, who
contributed voice recordings and activity ideas to include in this book,
Abdulaziz Alansari Jesse Aronhalt
Keragen Corpening Jason Gearin
Kelsey Raabe Kathryn Ryan
Isin Sezer

Additional voices for the dialogues come from:

Zainab Al Shareef Ryan Miller
Sarah Rilling

Help on recordings comes from:

Kelsey Raabe

None of the speakers are professional actors, and not all of the speakers
are native speakers of English, but please listen for our voices from the
Midwest of the U.S. speaking to you in Palestine. Any errors in this
book remain the errors of the authors.

Learning a foreign language involves slow but steady progress. We

wish you all the best in achieving your English learning goals, your
academic goals in your field of technology, and, most of all, your
professional goals.


Ryan T. Miller, PhD, Second Language Acquisition

Enrico Gandolfi, PhD, Social and Media Studies
We gratefully acknowledge funding from the U.S. Department of
State Grant number SIS40018GR0029.
English for Technology
Unit 1: Welcome to English for Technology

Table of Contents

Warm-up: What is technology?
Reading 1: App Development Basics
Reading 2: Technology in our Lives
Matching: How do you use technology?
Fill in the Blank
Listening: Explaining technology to grandpa
Role Play: Explaining technology to a novice
Vocabulary Quiz
Discussion: Expectations for this course
Writing: A Testimony from the Future

This unit introduces students to the English for Technology
textbook. Students will read and discuss about what ‘technology’
means, basics of app development, and the role of technology in our
lives now and in the future.

Goals of the Unit

 To discuss the meaning of ‘technology’
 To learn vocabulary related to app development
 To discuss how technology is a part of our lives
 To explain technology to other people
 To think about how technology will affect our lives in the future

Learning Outcomes
After studying this unit, students should be able to:
 Explain what technology is
 Express how technology affects our lives
 Use the new vocabulary words to describe aspects of
technology and their functions
 Discuss how technology has changed our lives and might
change our lives in the future

Unit 1: Welcome to English for Technology

Hello and welcome to English for Technology!

In this course, you will learn to understand, speak, and write in ways
required to function in an English speaking IT job or university
program of study. The course is organized into units covering a wide
variety of IT topics. In each unit, you will learn new vocabulary, read
about ideas and situations in IT, have discussions with classmates, and
complete activities alone or with your peers that will help you develop
new skills and practice what you’ve learned.

In this first unit, we will guide you through the basic format of the units
in the course and the kinds of activities you will do.

Warm-up: What is technology?

Each unit in the course has a number of opportunities to have

discussions with classmates. One of the best ways to learn a language
is by using it, so it is important for you to participate actively in the

discussions. Many of the discussions ask you for your opinion, so there
might not be a right or wrong answer. You should share what you think.

Now, discuss the following questions with a partner or a small group.

1. What makes something ‘technology’?

2. What are some examples of technology?
3. Is technology a good or a bad thing? Why?

Next, watch this video and answer the questions below:


1. How is ‘technology’ defined in the video?

2. What are some examples of technology in the video?
3. Do you agree or disagree with this definition?

Reading 1: App Development Basics

In this first unit, there are not very many vocabulary words you need to
learn. Read through the vocabulary below, which are related to some
basic technology concepts and terms. You might know some of the
words already. Which words are you familiar with, and which are new?
Put a check mark (✔) next to the ones you need to learn (that is, the
ones that you don’t know yet).

1. app (application): a software program which allows a user to

perform specific tasks such as word processing, email, accounting,
database management.
2. component: any device internal to the computer, such as a primary
hard disk drive or motherboard.
3. computer: an electronic, digital device that stores and processes
4. data: raw information of any kind
5. database: an organized, electronic collection of information,
typically consisting of rows, columns, indexes, and keys. A
relational database is a database that includes relationships
between the pieces of information.

6. hardware: physical things that make up a computer, such as a
component or a peripheral
7. internet: the largest known public network in the world,
connecting millions of computers around the world
8. network: a group of connected computers
9. peripheral: an external computer add-on, such as a printer or a
scanner; also known as an 'accessory'
10. software: any program designed to run on a computer

The vocabulary words are normally presented in a short reading or

dialogue format. Here is a short reading as an example:

Good morning students!

Today I’ll talk about application
development. As you know, to
begin you need a fast computer
with good components. Having the
right hardware will help you to
develop quality software that
works without crashing.

I always follow certain rules when I build a new app:

1. The data for the application should be stored in a relational database

2. Customers should be able to buy my application on the Internet
3. The software should work without any extra peripherals
4. The program should be designed to work with or without a reliable
network connection.

By following these simple rules, you can write great

applications that work for everyone.

1. What will help you to develop software that works without
2. What are the author’s four rules when building a new app?
3. Do you agree with these rules? Which do you think are most

Reading 2: Technology in our Lives

Here are some vocabulary words that will be useful in the next reading.
Put a check mark (✔) next to the ones you need to learn.

1. adopt: to choose to use

2. expertise: skill or knowledge in a certain topic or field
3. innovation: a useful creation resulting from study and
4. take a foothold: to get a position that will allow more progress in
the future

After reading, you will have discussions and complete some activities.

Technology is a broad concept

that changes over time. It refers to Search activity
tools and instruments that allow us to
perform certain tasks and actions, Together with a peer or
solve problems, and make life easier. a small group try to find
We live in a world where new what the word
innovations are introduced every “lifestyle” means. You
year; an innovation is a technology can use online search
that sets novel standards and engines like Google or
expectations, modifying our lifestyle Yahoo if you want.
and habits. Sometimes, an innovation
is not a brand-new device but rather a
different way to use an old one. Some technologies spread in some
fields (for instance, entertainment) before others (for instance,
education), and their adoption relies on final users as well.
We depend on technology in different ways, from job duties to
daily chores. Think about how smartphones have changed our lives, or
about how information is spreading across the globe because of the
Internet. Moreover, computers are becoming more and more accessible
and free software is taking a foothold all around the world, reducing
costs and improving technological expertise. We are becoming more
active as technology consumers.

1. What is an innovation?
2. What is making people become more active as technology


Together with a partner or in a small group, discuss the following

questions about your experiences with technology.
1. What is a technology that changed your life? Were you an early
adopter or a late adopter?
2. What are some new technologies right now? Why are they
different from older ones?
3. How do you use technology to gather information (news,
learning materials, etc.)?

Matching: How do you use technology?

How do you use technology? Look at the list of technologies below,

and match each technology with the tasks you use it for. You can have
more than one task assigned to each technology.

Technologies Tasks


Smart phone (Mobile phone)

Learn new things

Laptop (Computer)

Stay updated
and informed

TV (Television)
Stay healthy.

Video game system

Communicate with others

iPod / Portable media player


Many technologies have a wide range of applications. Some

technologies can be used for fun, some may be adopted for work.
Together with a partner or in a small group, discuss your matching
activity results, reflecting on differences and similarities with your
peers. You might find that the same device can be used for different
things even by a single user (that is you!).

Fill in the Blank

Use the vocabulary introduced in this chapter to complete the sentences

1) Examples of popular __________ include Microsoft Word, Adobe
Photoshop, and Mozilla Firefox.
2) A __________ needs to be replaced or upgraded regularly or it will
become obsolete.
3) The international company stored their customer information in a
central __________ in Brussels.
4) __________ today has become such a commodity that it's often
more expensive to repair it than to replace it.
5) Some people refer to the __________ as an information
6) The woman hated the look of all the tangled wires behind her desk,
which were caused by so many __________.

Listening: Explaining technology to grandpa

Next, you’ll listen to a dialogue between two people, a young woman

explaining a technology to her grandfather. Have you ever had to
explain a technology to someone? How did you make the technology
clear to the person?

Next, listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks with words from the
box below. Some of the words are used multiple times.

hardware internet peripheral
computer phone software
app application

Listening Link

Granddaughter: “Ok grandpa, click on the 1) __________ to open


Grandpa: “What is an 2) __________? Do you mean an

appetizer? I don’t see any food! How do I use this

Granddaughter: “Grandpa, don’t be silly! 3)__________stands for

4) __________, not appetizer. There are many
5)__________6) __________that your phone can
use. Like this 7) __________that checks the

Grandpa: 8) __________, what is that?

Granddaughter: 9) __________ is anything designed to run on a

10)_______, like this weather 11) __________or
news 12) __________.

Grandpa: So, is this phone 13) __________?

Granddaughter: No, the phone runs 14)__________, but the phone

is 15) __________. 16)__________is anything
that you can touch, like the 17) __________ itself
or a 18)__________like a keyboard or printer.

Grandpa: So, the phone is 19) __________ because I can

touch it… it runs 20) __________, like the news
app… it uses the 21) __________… but is can’t
make appetizers?”

Granddaughter: “No, it can’t make appetizers, but there is an 22)

__________for that. Let’s order some pizza.”

Grandpa: “As long as it’s 23)‘__________’ and not 24)‘
__________’ pizza.”

1. What is the grandpa learning?
2. What difficulty does the grandpa have?
3. Have you ever had to explain technology to a technology
novice? Was it easy or difficult? Why?

Role Play: Explaining a technology to a novice

Work in a pair with another student.

One of you is a technology expert
(pick a technology that you like and
know well), while the other is a
novice, or someone new to something.
The expert should explain to the
novice why that technology is so
important and relevant. Try to use at
least 4 terms from this unit’s vocabulary. Before you begin your
discussion, make some notes of ideas to support your claims. The
student who is the novice should ask questions about the technology,
putting the expert to the test.

Vocabulary Quiz

Vocabulary Quiz
Choose the best definition for each of the words below.

1. Internet
a. the largest known public network in the world,
connecting millions of computers around the world
b. physical things that make up a computer, such as a
component or a peripheral
c. an electronic, digital device that stores and processes
2. data
a. any program designed to run on a computer
b. any device internal to the computer, such as a primary
hard disk drive or motherboard
c. raw information of any kind
3. component
a. an electronic, digital device that stores and processes
b. any device internal to the computer, such as a primary
hard disk drive or motherboard
c. any program designed to run on a computer
4. database
a. any device internal to the computer, such as a primary
hard disk drive or motherboard
b. an organized, electronic collection of information
optimized for fast access and typically consisting of
rows, columns, indexes, and keys
c. an electronic, digital device that stores and processes

5. hardware
a. an organized, electronic collection of information
optimized for fast access and typically consisting of
rows, columns, indexes, and keys
b. any device internal to the computer, such as a primary
hard disk drive or motherboard
c. physical things that make up a computer, such as a
component or a peripheral

Discussion: Expectations for this course

Together with a partner or in a small group, discuss the following


1. What are your expectations and goals for this course?

2. What topics you would like to cover and explore?
3. What are you planning to do with the knowledge acquired
through this course?

Writing: A Testimony from the Future

It is important to understand that

technology evolves, and we evolve
with it. Now, let’s use our

Pretend you are a time traveler. You

came from 30 years ago, and spent
the last few weeks in the current
present. Now, you have to go back to 30 years ago and explain to your
people what the future is like in terms of technology.

What would be difficult to describe? What would be easy to

communicate? Do you think they will believe you? Think about a
younger yourself and how s/he would react to such news.

Use at least 6 words from the vocabulary in this chapter.

English for Technology
Unit 2: Introduction to Computer Software

Table of Contents

Warm-up: Software discussion

Reading: Software features and bugs
Matching: Features and Bugs
Dialogue: Software comparison
Think and Share: Experiences with software
Reading: Open-source and Closed-source Software
Discussion: Open-source and closed-source software
Fill in the blank
Role Play: Software supporter
Vocabulary Quiz
Listening: Software bugs
Case Study: Sunbula
Writing: Software Heuristic Evaluation

This unit introduces students to the vocabulary and concepts for
discussing software features and bugs and open-source and closed-
source software models. Students will also learn about Sunbula and the
challenges encountered when building a web site. Lastly, students will
learn to write a software heuristic evaluation to evaluate the
functionality and usability of a piece of software.

Goals of the Unit

 To discuss software bugs and features
 To learn vocabulary related to computer software
 To describe personal experiences with software
 To understand differences between open-source and closed-
source software models
 To write a software heuristic evaluation

Learning Outcomes
After studying this unit, students should be able to:
 Recognize and use vocabulary related to software
 Discuss personal experiences with software
 Explain open-source and closed-source software models
 Argue for their opinion about open-source and closed-source
software models
 Write a software heuristic evaluation

Unit 2: Introduction to Computer Software

Warm-up: Software discussion

Before starting with this unit content, let’s do a little warm-up. Discuss
the following questions with a partner or a small group.

1. Have you ever written or modified any software? If so, what were
the challenges you faced? If not, why not?
2. Name three pieces of software you use frequently. Why do you use
them? What would you change about them?
3. What was the worst technical problem you have ever had with
software? How did you solve it?

Reading 1: Software features and bugs

Read through the vocabulary below, which are related to some basic
concepts and terms about software. You might know some of the words
already. Which words are you familiar with, and which are new? Put
a check mark (✔) next to the ones you need to learn (that is, the ones
that you don’t know yet).

1. abort: to end a program or a process before its completion
2. bug: an error in a computer program
3. compatible: capable of being used without modification
4. crash: a computer failure due to faulty hardware or a serious
software bug
5. documentation: text that explains how the software operates or
how to use it
6. end user: a person who uses a product or service on a computer
7. error: an incorrect action attributable to poor judgment, ignorance,
or inattention
8. execute: to start a program on a computer
9. feature: something a computer program is "supposed" to do; these
are often reasons to use a particular program or upgrade to a more
recent version
10. programmer: a person who writes or modifies computer programs
or applications
11. usability: a measure of how easy or efficient a program is to use

Listening Link 1

For as long as there has been computer hardware, there has also
been computer software. But what is software? Software is just
instructions written by a programmer which tells the computer what
to do. Programmers are also known as 'software developers', or just
Nothing much is simple about software. Software programs can
have millions of lines of code. If one line doesn't work, the whole
program could break! Even the process of starting software goes by
many different names in English. Perhaps the most correct technical
term is 'execute', as in "the man executed the computer program." Be
careful, because the term 'execute' also means (in another context) to
put someone to death! Some other common verbs that refer to starting
a software program are 'run', 'launch’, and even 'boot' (when the
software in question is an operating system).
Software normally has both features and bugs. Hopefully more of
the former than the latter! When software has a bug there are a few
things that can happen. The program can crash and terminate with a

confusing message. This is not good. End users do not like
confusing error messages such as:
Site error: the file
content/plugins/seo-blog/core.php requires the
ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so to be
installed by the site administrator.

Sometimes when software stops responding you are forced to

manually abort the program by yourself by pressing some strange
combination of keys such as ctrl-alt-delete.
Because of poor usability, documentation, and strange error
messages, programming still seems very mysterious to most people.
That's too bad, because it can be quite fun and rewarding to write
software. To succeed, you just have to take everything in small steps,
think very hard, and never give up.
Many people studying Information Technology should learn at
least one programming language and write at least one program. Why?
Programming forces you to think like a computer. This can be very
rewarding when dealing with a wide range of IT-related issues from
tech support to setting up PPC (pay-per-click) advertising campaigns
for a client's web site. Also, as an IT professional, you will be dealing
with programmers on a daily basis. Having some understanding of the
work they do will help you get along with them better.
Software programs are normally written and compiled for certain
hardware platforms. It is very important that the software
is compatible with all the components of the computer. For instance,
you cannot run software written for a Windows computer on a
Macintosh computer or a Linux computer. Actually, you can, but you
need to have special emulation software or a virtual machine installed.
Even with this special software installed, it is still normally best to run
a program on the kind of computer for which it was intended.

1. What is software?
2. How is software not simple?
3. Why does programming seem mysterious to most people?
4. Why should people studying IT learn a programming language?

Matching: Features and Bugs

Label the situations on the left with the “feature” or “bug” categories
on the right. In essence, are they useful or a problem to solve?

Situations Category
When I change the font
color, the program crashes

When I click the green

arrow button, the
software sends my message

When I click “next”, I go Feature


When I start program A and

program B at the same time,
program A terminates.

When I click “save”, the

software stores what I did.

Dialogue: Software comparison

Read the dialog below between two friends discussing software.

Complete the dialogue by choosing words from the vocabulary in
Reading 1 and putting them into the dialogue.

Listening Link 2

Omar: I’ve been looking for a new piece of

software for editing photos. Do you know
a good one, Fatima?
Fatima: Well, I’ve tried a few before. My favorites
are PicMaster Pro, Image Magic, and
PhotoMagic Express. Have you ever tried
Omar: No, I haven’t. What _________ do they
Fatima: PicMaster Pro is really good at processing
many different picture file formats. Image
Magic is has the best __________. I think
anyone could use it!
Omar: How about PhotoMagic Express?
Fatima: The best thing about PhotoMagic Express
is its ___________. I can use it on my
Windows PC at home and also my iPad.
Omar: OK, that information is really helpful.
But, have you ever found any _________
when using them?
Fatima: Well, just the other day when I was using
PhotoMagic Express, I was in the middle
of editing a photo when the software
__________ and I lost all of my work!
Omar: Oh no, I don’t think I’ll get that one then!

Think and Share: Experiences with software

Think of a piece of software you use often, and answer the following
questions about it:
1. What is the name of the software?
2. What does the software do?
3. What are the key (most important) features of the software that make
it better than other, similar software?
4. Have you ever encountered any bugs in the software? Has the
software ever crashed?
5. Have you ever used the software’s documentation? Was it easy to
6. How is the software’s usability? Is it easy for the end user to use for
the first time?

Now, share your ideas about the software with a partner or small group.

Reading 2: Open-source and Closed-source Software

Here are some vocabulary words that will be useful in the next reading.
Put a check mark (✔) next to the ones you need to learn.

1. closed source: software in which the license says that the user
cannot see, edit, or manipulate the source code
2. compiler: a program that converts computer code into a machine
code that can be read and executed by a computer
3. debugger: a computer program that assists in finding and
correcting errors in software
4. IDE (integrated development environment): an application
normally consisting of a source code editor, a compiler and/or
interpreter, build-automation tools, and a debugger
5. open source: software in which the code is distributed allowing
programmers to alter and change the original software as much as
they like
6. operating system: the software link between the computer and user
(for example, Microsoft Windows, Apple OSX, or Linux)
7. proprietary: privately developed and owned technology
8. restriction: a rule or law which limits or controls something

There are two basic kinds of software you need to learn about as
an IT professional. The first is closed source or proprietary software,
which you are not free to modify and improve. An example of this kind
of software is Microsoft Windows or Adobe Photoshop. This software
type is so popular that some people believe it's the only type there is.
But there's a whole other world of software out there.
The other kind of software is called open source software,
which is normally free to use and modify (with some restrictions of
course). Examples of this type of software include most popular
programming languages, some operating systems such as Linux, and
thousands of applications such as Mozilla Firefox and Open Office.
But what is the real difference between open source and closed
source software? Is open source software just about saving money?
Let's investigate. Let's say for instance you find a bug in the latest
version of Mozilla Firefox. The bug is causing a major project to fail
and you need to fix it right away. This is not very likely to happen, but
it's just an example. You could take the following steps:
Step 1. Download and unzip (or uncompress) the source code from
Step 2. Use an IDE and a debugger to find and fix the bug in the
source code. You would need to know a little C++ to debug
applications such as this.
Step 3. Test the fix and then use a compiler to turn the source code
into a binary file. This can take a long time for big
programs. Once the source code is compiled then the
program should work!
Step 4. You are almost done. Now send the bug fix back to the
Mozilla Firefox team. They may even use your bug fix in
the next release!
Now imagine you find a bug in a proprietary code base such as
Microsoft Word. What can you do? Not much, just file a bug report
and hope someone fixes it at some point.
This is a rather extreme example, but it illustrates why
programmers generally prefer open source software to closed source
alternatives. Good programmers love code and they want access to it.
Hiding the code from a programmer is like hiding the car engine from
an auto mechanic. We don't like it!

1. What does ‘closed-source’ mean? What does ‘open-source’ mean?
2. What are differences between closed-source and open-source
3. If a programmer finds a bug in a piece of closed-source software,
what can they do? What about if they find a bug in open-source

Discussion: Open-source and closed-source software

Together with a partner or in a small group, discuss the following

questions about your experiences with software.
1. Describe your experiences with closed source software. Have you
ever had to deal with errors and bugs that you were not able to fix?
2. Describe your experiences with open source software. Have you
ever changed or modified open source programs? Why/why not?
3. Is there a closed source software that you would like to be open
source? Why? What features would you want to add?
4. Do you think all software should be open source? Do you think bugs
are better handled by an open-source or closed-source software
model? Why?

Fill in the blank

Use the vocabulary introduced in this chapter to complete the sentences

1. When the word processor application crashed, the user had to
__________ the program and lose all his unsaved changes.
2. I wanted to develop a new feature for the program, but I couldn't
because it was __________.
3. The user was advised to reboot the computer after a serious
__________ in which the computer no longer responded.
4. Developers must maintain a close relationship with __________ if
they want to have a successful career.
5. The program was set to __________every night at midnight.
6. The man upgraded his copy of Word because of a new __________
that allowed him to spell-check documents in Spanish.

Role Play: Software supporter

Work in a pair with another student. One of

you is an open source software supporter,
while the other believes that closed source
programs work better. Before you begin
your discussion, make some notes of ideas
to support your claims. You can make
examples of software and applications that
support your opinion against the other.

Vocabulary Quiz

Choose the best definition for each of the words below.

1. compatible
a) capable of being used without modification
b) the largest known public network in the world, connecting
millions of computers around the world
c) an electronic, digital device that stores and processes

2. closed source
a) something a computer program is "supposed" to do; these are
often reasons to use a particular program or upgrade to a more
recent version
b) software in which the license stipulates that the user cannot see,
edit, or manipulate the source code of a software program
c) a measure of how easy or efficient a program is to use

3. crash
a) privately developed and owned technology
b) a computer failure due to faulty hardware or a serious software
c) to start a program on a computer

4. end user
a) a person who uses a product or service on a computer
b) a person who writes or modifies computer programs or
c) an electronic, digital device that stores and processes

5. restriction
a) a rule or law which limits or controls something
b) an application normally consisting of a source code editor, a
compiler and/or interpreter, build-automation tools, and a
c) a computer failure due to faulty hardware or a serious software

Listening: Software bugs

Next, you’re going to listen to a

conversation between two people, Mahir
and Rami, who are employees at a
company that sells microphones. Rami,
who a customer support engineer, asks
for help from Mahir, an IT engineer,
because the replacement microphone at Rami’s desk is not working and
he can’t call his customers.

Before you listen, answer the following questions:

1. Have you ever had a problem with a peripheral (a device you attach
to your computer) before? If so, what caused the problem?
2. What do you think is the problem with Rami’s microphone?

Next, listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions. Listen
once without reading the script and see if you can answer the questions.
Then, listen again and follow along with the transcript to check your
1. What kind of a problem does Rami have?
2. According to Mahir, what kind of an error is it?
3. Why doesn’t microphone connect to the computer?
4. Is the company’s software “open source”?
5. When is a software called a “closed source”?

Listening Link 3

Rami: Hey Mahir do you have a minute to help me with something?

Mahir: Sure. What’s the problem?
Rami: My microphone at my computer broke, and the IT department
gave me a new microphone as a replacement, but I haven’t been
able to get it to connect it to my computer and I’m getting frustrated
because I have a bunch of important calls that I need to answer.
Mahir: Are you sure you read the documentation on how to connect it
to your computer? You’re supposed to go to our company website
and download some files that allow the computer to work with your
microphone model.
Rami: Yes, I did everything it said and it still does not work.
Mahir: Wow one of OUR microphones that WE made doesn’t work?
*Sigh*, I’m not surprised at all, ninety percent of my job involves
trying to clear up bugs that our programmers miss. I see you
brought your computer, may I take a look?
Rami: Of course. Okay, so I connect the microphone, and I execute
this program that installs the software that runs the microphone, but
before it finishes installing the “drivers”, it gives me a pop-up
saying the drivers failed to install and the microphone software
Mahir: Okay I’ve seen this before, it looks like a compatibility error,
this usually happens when the drivers you are installing aren’t for
the right model. Are you sure you downloaded the most recent
Rami: Yes, I’ve checked the model number on my microphone
multiple times and I’m sure I’m downloading the right stuff

Mahir: Here let me look into it with my Integrated Development
Environment toolkit
Rami: That sounds fancy, what is that?
Mahir: Normally if a program aborts itself and gives an error, it will
just give you a pop up saying it doesn’t work, but with this tool I
can look into the source code and see a more detailed log of what’s
Rami: Do you think you can fix it?
Mahir: Yes, it’s actually very simple. The error it’s giving is because
the model identification number on the microphone does not match
the same number the computer is looking for. When you put the
microphone in the first time, the computer reads the code inside the
microphone to determine what model it is, and then installs the rest
of the code, which are the drivers, that allows the microphone and
computer to exchange information. It looks like the programmers
wrote the ID line of the code wrong so when the computer looks
for the device it can’t find it and connect.
Rami: So our department of highly paid intelligent people misnamed
the device in their own code, and now our computers don’t know
that our microphones are plugged into them?
Mahir: Yes, I can edit it right now for you so you can get to work
Rami: Doesn’t this mean that it won’t be working for the end users as
well, I got this microphone off of our shelves!
Mahir: You’re right, the customers will also be having this problem,
but our software is open source so that our customers have access
to it, and they usually either fix it themselves or give us suggestions
on how to get rid of some bugs and make the product work better.
Rami: I would rather have the company I’m buying from deal with all
of that tech stuff, I just want my microphone to work.
Mahir: That’s called closed-source-software, most of the time the
responsibility of coding only falls on the programmers at the
company, and they make it so that nobody but them can edit their
code. We have to make our products open-source so that everyone
can change it since we advertise our microphones as highly
Rami: I guess that makes sense, those music professionals that we sell
to really want to tweak and customize everything they can.

Mahir: Yeah that doesn’t excuse the lazy mistakes the programmers
make though, I’m going to have to talk to them. Here you go it
looks like it’s working now
Rami: Well thanks a lot for your help, I’m glad I know a little bit more
about what we’re selling, good luck with the rest of your day
Mahir: No problem, I’ll see you around Rami.

Case Study: Sunbula

The vocabulary below will be useful for reading the case study about

General vocabulary:
1. empowerment: giving people skills and resources to be successful
2. fair trade organization: a company that sells products from
developing countries, and buys those products from local producers
for a higher wage and makes sure they have good working
3. freight: the transportation or shipping of goods
4. social justice: fair relationships in a society, especially in terms of
money, opportunities, and privileges

IT vocabulary:
5. (user) account: the place on a computer or server where a person’s
username, password, and other information about the person is
6. admin: the person who is responsible for configuring and
administering a computer system
7. launch: to begin something
8. responsive design: web design that makes sure web pages look
good on different kinds of devices (such as computers, tablets, and
9. user friendly: easy for the end user to use or understand

Sunbula is a Jerusalem based not-for-profit, fair trade

organization committed to promoting social justice and economic
empowerment for the marginalized in Palestine. Sunbula supports
local artisans and traditional handicrafts. It was established in 1988 as
a small project called “Craftaid” during the first Palestinian Intifada

(uprising) inside St. Andrews Guest House in Jerusalem. In 1996,
Sunbula was officially established as a nonprofit organization. In April
of 2010, Sunbula opened its second shop, “House of Palestinian
Crafts,” in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. Sunbula
is a member of the WFTO (World Fair Trade Organization) and
upholds fair trade principles and practices. It currently works with 24
producer groups across Palestine who produce a range of local,
traditional crafts such as embroidery, jewelry, olive oil soap,
olivewood and mother-of-pearl carvings, Bedouin weaving, basketry,
ceramic, felt-wool items, and silk-screen printed garments. Since being
founded, Sunbula has become Palestine’s leading fair trade craft
organization, and is regarded as a trusted provider of the finest quality
traditional crafts while directly supporting hundreds of women and
their families.
Sunbula’s two fair trade stores in Jerusalem are important
means of selling and displaying the work of artisans, and have acted as
an economical support for them and their families. However, the
numbers of customers visiting the stores decreased substantially in
2000 and 2001, and like most Jerusalem establishments depending on
tourism, Sunbula was facing hard times. In 2001 Sunbula reached out
to internet users and launched their first website with an online
The website was programmed using basic HTML programming
language. The catalogue displayed the products and allowed users to
choose the quantities, add the address for the shipment, and checkout.
For security measures Sunbula did not accept payment via its website
at that point; the website would transmit the order via email to Sunbula
admins where they later contacted the customer to arrange for the
order’s payments. Freight information was only displayed on the
website but the catalogue did not automatically add the freight charges
when checking out and finalizing the order. Due to using HTML
programming language, it was not easy for the admins to change and
add information about products on the website without the help of an
IT expert.
The website was redesigned in 2005 and programmed using
Secured HTML Programming Language and PHP language. The
catalogue was programmed using PHP language allowing the
customers to create an account entering their own usernames and
password. The customers were able to add products to the cart, the new

system allowed them to make changes and delete items from the cart.
The website was not easy to use, and hard to update for the admins.
Since 2010 Sunbula partnered with Intertech Co. a Palestinian
information technology company that specializes in portal, web, and
mobile application development. A fully dynamic website using
Intertech’s web content management system was custom designed and
programmed to meet Sunbula’s needs. The admins were able to add
and adjust content on the website, adjust information and images, and
add product and quantities. The system automatically calculated freight
fees according to countries and weights and added to the final cart
visible to the customer. In 2015 using responsive design to
accommodate smart phone and tablets, Sunbula and Intertech launched
the current Sunbula website and online shop with a more secure store
and a more user friendly design. http://www.sunbula.org/

1. What does Sunbula do?
2. What features did Sunbula’s first web site have?
3. What were problems with their first web site? How was its
4. What features were added in the second web site?
5. What features were added in the third web site?

Writing: Software Heuristic Evaluation

A software heuristic evaluation is a
report that describes and evaluates
the usability of a piece of software.
A ‘heuristic’ is a set of rules that
helps you to examine something. In
this case, the software heuristic
evaluation is a set of rules that will
help you examine the usability of a
piece of software. Software heuristic evaluations are often used by user
interface (UI) or user experience (UX) engineers and designers.

To start your software heuristic evaluation, pick a program that you use
and know well. Then, describe it by following the outline below, which
is adapted from Nielson’s (1994) usability heuristic guide. In your

evaluation, you should refer to your personal experience as an end user
of the software. You might need to use the software a bit in order to
answer some of the questions.

Software Name:


Features: What are the main features of the program?

Bugs: Are there any technical issues related to the program?

Error messages: Are they expressed in plain language that tells the
end user what the problem and the solution are? Do error messages use
error codes or other confusing language?

Open vs. closed source: Is the program open or closed source? Would
you change it? Is it easy to report possible bugs to the developers?

Visibility of system status: Does the software keep the user informed
about what is going on? Is there appropriate feedback from the

Match between system and the real world: Does the software use
language that is user friendly, with words, phrases and concepts
familiar to the user, rather than language only understandable by a

Help and documentation: Even though it is better if the software can

be used without documentation, sometimes help and documentation are
necessary. Are the help and documentation easy to search, easy for an
end user to understand, not too large, and generally helpful?

Once you are finished with your software heuristic evaluation, present
your findings to a small group or to your class.

Reference: Nielsen, J. (1994). 10 Usability Heuristics for User

Interface Design. Retrieved from

English for Technology

Unit 3: Operating Systems & Software Applications

Table of Contents

Goals of the Unit
Learning Outcomes
Warm-up Activity: Discussion
Reading: Operating Systems
Fill in the Blank
The Most Popular OSs
Role Play: OS Supporter
Reading: CLI and GUI
Fill in the Blank
Vocabulary Quiz
Reading: The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Before you read
Fill in the Blank
Vocabulary practice: Crossword
Case Study: Events.ps
Writing: Software Development Project Report

This unit introduces students to vocabulary and concepts
related to operating systems, graphical user interface-based OSs and
command line-based OSs, and the software development life cycle.
Students will read a case study about Events.ps, a web site for finding
cultural, social, musical, and other events in Palestine. Lastly, students
will learn to write a software development project report.

Goals of the Unit

 To remember and actively use vocabulary related to operating
systems, command line and graphical user interfaces, and the
software development life cycle.
 To understand the phases of the software development life
 To write a software development report using information from
the Events.ps case study as well as students’ own ideas

Learning Outcomes
After studying this unit, students should be able to:
 Actively use the presented vocabulary in conversations
 Identify and discuss the stages of the software development life
 Write a software development report

Unit 4: Computer Hardware

Warm-up Activity: Discussion

Before starting with this unit content, let’s do a little warm-up. Discuss
the following questions with a partner or a small group.

1. Do you have a computer? Do you know how it works and what its
components are? Name as many components as you can.
2. If you buy a new computer, how do you choose? Why?
3. Have you ever opened a computer and changed its parts? If so, what
did you change and why? If not, why not?

Reading: Personal Computers

Read through the vocabulary below, which are related to some basic
concepts and terms about computer hardware. You might know some
of the words already. Which words are you familiar with, and which

are new? Put a check mark (✔) next to the ones you need to learn (that
is, the ones that you don’t know yet).

General Vocabulary
1. Augment: to add to something in order to improve or complete it
2. Emerge: to become known or apparent
3. Synonymous: having the same meaning

IT Vocabulary
1. Convergence: the evolution of devices towards common
2. Desktop computer: a personal computer typically in the shape of
a tower or box with a connected keyboard, mouse, and monitor
3. Embedded system: a computer using a relatively slow and
specialized processor and ROM chip, normally used to control a
particular device such as a washing machine or an MP3 player
4. Form factor: the size, configuration, or physical arrangement of a
computing device
5. Laptop: a portable computer with a built-in screen, integrated
keyboard, and battery power
6. PC (personal computer): a computer designed for use by one
person at a time
7. Server: a type of computer intended primarily for central
distribution of data to other computers Sn the same network
8. Smartphone: a hand-held multimedia computer optimized for
communication and featuring a touch screen and internet
9. Smartwatch: a portable computer that is work on the wrist, like a
10. Supercomputer: a computer designed to perform intensive tasks
such as weather prediction, big data calculations, or space research
11. Tablet: a portable computer shaped in the form of a notebook and
capable of advanced handwriting recognition via use of a stylus or
on-screen keyboard
12. Wearables: computers designed to be worn on the wrist, head, or
other places on the body often to improve mobility
13. Workstation: a high-quality computer, typically with lots of
RAM, plenty of CPU power, and a high quality video card

PCs are everywhere you look today. At home, at the office, and
everywhere in between. The term PC used to be synonymous with
a desktop computer running Windows, but this is not really true.
Really, any computer you use by yourself for general purposes and is
characterized by a small form factor could be called a PC. When
people think of a PC, they might think of a laptop, desktop computer,
or a workstation, but a smartphone can also be considered a kind of
Besides PCs, there are other types of computers you probably see
at work or school. These include servers, such as file servers, print
servers, web servers, and supercomputers.
But not all types of computers are as obvious as these. There are
still other kinds of computers that fit inside of other devices and control
them. These computers are known as embedded systems. Embedded
systems can be found in traffic lights, TV sets, refrigerators, coffee
machines and many more devices. Embedded systems are typically
controlled by inexpensive, specialized processors which can only
handle very specific tasks. New types of computers are always coming
out and replacing or augmenting existing computer types. Examples
of new types of computers emerging would be netbooks, tablets, and
even wearables, like smartwatches.

Keep in mind that the lines between computer types are constantly
being blurred. This phenomenon is known as convergence.

1. What is a PC?
2. What are embedded systems?
3. What are some emerging types of computers?
4. What is convergence?

Your PC Use

What kinds of PCs do you use? How do you use different kinds of PCs

Some common tasks that people use PCs for are: watching movies/TV,
playing games, doing school work, doing work for your job, reading
news, communicating with friends, or communicating with co-
workers. Which kind of PC do you use for which tasks?

PC What you use it for







Next, share your answers with a partner or a small group. Make sure to
give reasons for your answers. What differences do you see between
how you use PCs and how your classmates use PCs?

Hardware Components

Below is a list of common hardware components. Some of them you

might know already. Put a check mark (✔) next to the ones you need
to learn.
Computer Hardware Components
1. BIOS (basic input output system): This is normally a ROM
program that controls the base functionality of the computer such
as video, hard drives, optical drives, and keyboard
2. Coprocessor: Any computer processor or portion of the CPU
which assists the main processor by performing a highly
specialized task
3. Graphics card: a component of a computer which is designed to
convert a binary image stored in memory to a display medium. A
graphics card has a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), a specialized
coprocessor designed to handle graphics.
4. Hard disk drive (HDD): A type of data storage that can transfer
data at about 100-200 MB/s
5. Microprocessor: an electronic device constructed from
microscopic transistors and other circuit elements on a single
integrated circuit; popular manufactures of these devices include
Intel, AMD, and IBM
6. Motherboard: The main printed circuit board in a computer that
carries the system buses, sockets for processors, memory modules,
7. NIC (network interface card): a wired or wireless device that
connects a computer to a network
8. Power supply: A separate unit or part of a circuit that supplies the
correct amount of electrical current to a computer system.
9. SSD (Solid-State Drive): A hard drive that has no moving parts
and can transfer data at over 500 MB/s
10. Sound card: a component which allows a computer to play and
record audio

11. USB (Universal Serial Bus): A relatively fast and convenient
computer technology allowing the connection of many peripherals
such as digital cameras, scanners, external hard drives, etc.; this is
a much faster replacement for the old serial bus technology

Fill in the Blanks

Choose the word from the box that best fits each blank.

1. The iPhone is a good example of _________, because it has all the

features of a PDA, mobile phone, and an MP3 player in one package.
2. Many electronics you can buy today are controlled by _________
3. A _________ may have up to 100 processors and speeds are
measured in tens of gigaflops.
4. The technician needed to upgrade the _________ before installing a
faster processor in the workstation.
5. The processor, RAM, and PCI cards plug directly into the

BIOS form factor supercomputer

convergence laptop SSHD
desktop computer motherboard tablet
embedded server wearable

Ranking Activity

Which computer hardware components are the most important? Rank

the components below from 1 (the most important) to 6 (the least
important). Then, discuss your choices with a partner or in a small


Graphics card _____ Sound card _____

BIOS _____ Power supply _____

USB _____ Hard drive _____

Reading: Peripherals


Here are some vocabulary words that will be useful in the next reading,
about peripherals. Put a check mark (✔) next to the ones you need to

1. barcode reader: a hardware peripheral designed to 'scan' products

into an inventory tracking system.
2. click: To press and release the primary (left-side) mouse button
3. daisy chain: The man daisy chained 3 portable USB drives to
increase the storage on his laptop to 3 TB.
4. display: an output screen which contains visual information; some
variants include: LED lights, CRT or LCD monitors, and virtual
reality goggles
5. dongle: a hardware device that plugs into a parallel or a USB port,
acting as copy protection for a particular software application.
6. double-click: To depress and release the left mouse button twice
in quick succession
7. fingerprint reader: a device which forms a digitised image of a
human finger print for the purpose of biometric authentication.

8. graphics tablet: an input device or mouse alternative using a
sensitive rectangular surface and a stylus
9. input device: any peripheral used primarily to enter data into a
10. microphone: a hardware device plugged into a computer's sound
card optimized for voice commands or other audio recording
11. modem: a device which converts digital signals into analog
signals, and back again when needed
12. monitor: a visual interface display between the computer and the
operator; normally a large rectangular LCD, LED, or CRT device
13. mouse: a handheld input device used to move an onscreen pointer
by means of sliding on a flat surface
14. mouse pointer: A special icon (normally an arrow) which indicates
the current location of the mouse on the desktop screen.
15. OCR (optical character recognition): the ability of a computer to
determine standard letters and numbers based on fuzzy logic
16. plug and play: a term used to describe the technology where a
peripheral device is automatically recognized and configured when
it is detected
17. printer: a peripheral device that produces a hard copy, normally
paper, from data stored in a computer
18. right-click: to press the right-side mouse button
19. scanner: a device for capturing a binary digital image from a hard
20. speaker: An internal or external device which converts electrical
impulses into audible sound.
21. speech recognition: the ability of a computer to convert spoken
words from a user into usable data.
22. stylus: a part of an input device resembling a pen used to draw on
the surface of a graphics tablet
23. touchpad: an input device consisting of a sensitive rectangular area
in which one uses a finger to move a cursor on a display.
24. touchscreen: a display that also acts as an input device by allowing
a user to navigate a program by pressing specific locations of the
25. trackball: a pointing device consisting of a ball on top of a base
that is rotated to move a cursor on the computer screen
26. webcam: any specialized video camera designed to transmit video
over the internet

Peripherals are a generic name for any device external to a
computer, but still normally associated with its extended functionality.
The purpose of a peripheral is to extend and enhance what a computer
is capable of doing without modifying the core components of the
system. A printer is a good example of a peripheral. It is connected to
a computer, extends its functionality, but is not actually part of the core
Do not confuse computer peripherals with computer
accessories. An accessory can be any device associated with a
computer, such as a printer or a mousepad. A printer is a peripheral,
but a mousepad is definitely not one. A mousepad does not extend the
functionality of a computer, it only enhances the user experience.
Peripherals are meant to be easily interchangeable, although
you may need to install new drivers to get all the functionality you
expect out of a new peripheral device. The technology which allows
peripherals to work automatically when they are plugged in is called
plug and play. A plug and play device is meant to function properly
without configuration as soon as it is connected. This isn't always the
case however. For this reason some people sarcastically refer to the
technology as 'plug and pray'.
Still, plug and play was a big deal when it was introduced in the
1990's. Before then, installing a new peripheral could take hours, and
could even require changing some jumper settings, DIP switches, or
even hacking away at drivers or config files. It was not a fun time
except for real hardware geeks. With plug and play technology, all the
nasty jumpers and DIP switches moved inside the peripheral and were
virtualized into firmware. This was a clear victory for the common,
nontechnical person!
The most common peripheral linking device is probably USB
technology. Why? USB is good because you can daisy chain a lot of
peripherals together quickly, it is quite fast and growing ever faster in
recent editions, and it even provides enough power to supply some
smaller peripheral devices like webcams and flash drives.
Here is a list of common peripherals you should be familiar
with as an IT professional. Keep in mind the list is always changing
due to changing technologies:
- monitors or displays
- scanners
- printers

- external modems
- dongles
- speakers
- webcams
- external microphones
- external storage devices such as USB-based flash drives and portable
hard disk drives
- input devices such as keyboards, mice, etc. are normally considered
peripherals as well
Input devices are a further category of peripherals. We use
input devices every time we use a computer. Simply speaking, it is
these devices which allow us to enter information. Without them, the
computer would not know what we want it to do.
Some of the things we do with input devices are: move a cursor
around the screen, enter alphanumeric text, draw pictures, and even
enter binary data in the form of graphics or audio wave forms.
Input devices have a history as long as computers themselves.
Perhaps the first input device was the simple electronic switch (similar
to a light switch) which turned bits on or off. There were hundreds or
even thousands of these switches on larger computers. It used to take a
team of programmers hours or even days to set up a computer to
perform a single calculation.
Switches are still used today on computers. For instance the power
button on the computer is a switch which is also an input device telling
the computer to power on or power off.
Most likely in front of you right now are two of the most
popular input devices: the keyboard and the mouse. And instead of a
mouse on a laptop computer you normally have a touchpad.
As computers evolved throughout the late 20th century,
computers became more and more interactive. Input devices came and
went. Sufferers of carpal tunnel syndrome (a medical condition that
causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and arm) often prefer
a trackball or stylus to a mouse. Computer users with disabilities have
invented a wide array of input devices designed to replace the mouse,
including devices controlled by foot or even eye movement.
Not only PCs and mainframes use input devices. Almost all
computers feature some kind of input device. Special scanners are used
in many stores and warehouses called barcode readers to enter stock
and sell items at the cashier. These are input devices as well. Even

microphones can technically be called input devices as a computer can
respond to them and interpret them as incoming data.
Corporations and especially government institutions are
already implementing the second generation of input devices to
improve security. These include retina scanners and/or fingerprint
readers to replace or improve accuracy of username and password
authentication. You will be seeing more of this kind of biometric
authentication in the coming years as a general remedy for weak
passwords or leaked passwords.

1. How is a peripheral different from a computer accessory?
2. What is a plug and play device?
3. Why is USB technology useful?
4. What is an input device?
5. What is carpal tunnel syndrome?


Together with a partner or in a small group, discuss the following

questions about your experiences with computer peripherals.
1. Which inputs devices do you tend to use? Do you prefer to use a
mouse, touchpad, or another input device? Why?
2. Have you ever had problems with a scanner or a printer? If yes,
how did you fix them?
3. What do you think about biometric authentication devices? What
are possible advantages and disadvantages of such devices?

Reading: Computer Memory and Storage

Here are some vocabulary words that will be useful in the next reading.
Put a check mark (✔) next to the ones you need to learn.

1. BD (Blu-Ray Disc): an optical read-only disc storage media format

used for data or movie storage with same dimensions as a standard
DVD or CD; holds up to 50 GB or 6 times the storage of a DVD.
2. CD-ROM (compact disc read only memory): an optical storage
medium which can store approximately 650 MB of read-only data
3. DVD (digital versatile disc): a portable storage medium which can
hold between 4.7 and 17 gigabytes of data, often used for storing
movies, games, and operating systems
4. flash drive: A USB device used for portable data storage, typically
between 1 gigabyte and 1 terabyte in size; also known as a USB
drive, jump drive, and even a key drive
5. floppy disk drive: a legacy storage device which can read and
write data slowly from a removable magnetic medium (normally
3.5" in diameter and holding 1.44 MB of data)
6. hard disk drive: a storage device using rotating magnetic platters
to quickly store and retrieve digital data
7. magnetic storage: A storage technique using patterns of charged
particles on a metallic surface to store data; examples include hard
disk drives, tape drives, floppy disk drives
8. non-volatile: long-term, persistent, does not require power to
retain its state
9. optical storage: a data storage technique using a pattern of
markings on a disc that can be read by a laser; examples include
CD-ROM, and DVD-ROM technology
10. What about the future? Expect a gradual convergence where there
is no longer a need for both storage and memory in PCs. Some new
technology such as quantum memory may arrive which has the
advantages of both memory and storage.
11. quantum memory: an interface between light and matter that
allows for the storage and retrieval of entangled photonic qubits
12. RAM (random access memory): a type of computer memory
known for being volatile (temporary) and fast.
13. ROM (read-only memory): a type of memory which is known for
being non-volatile (permanent) and fast

14. semiconductor storage: a type of storage using integrated circuits
to store data; examples include RAM, ROM, and flash memory
15. SAN (storage area network): a cluster of storage devices working
together to provide shared network storage.
16. video memory: This is dedicated or shared memory set aside
specifically for the graphics processor
17. volatile: temporary, requires power to retain its state

Memory and storage are important concepts to master in

Information Technology. The two terms are often used
interchangeably, so it is important to understand the key differences.
Computer memory needs to be quick. It is constantly feeding the CPU
with data to process. Since nobody likes to wait for a computer, high-
quality computers will have fast processors with lots of quick memory.
This type of memory is commonly known as RAM, or random access
memory. This type of memory is volatile which means that the actual
data disappears when the computer loses power.
Because memory needs to be much faster than storage, it is
rather more expensive than storage per GB. A typical desktop computer
today has between 2GB and 32GB of memory running at speeds of
anywhere from 1.2 GHZ to 3.2 GHZ. Speeds tend to go up about 10%
every two years.
If you are a gamer, video editor, or physics geek, you may be
aware of video memory. Video memory is special type of RAM which
is even faster and more expensive than normal system RAM. This
RAM is reserved only for the graphics and is thus kept separate from
the main system RAM, which sits on the motherboard close to the CPU.
A typical dedicated video card will have anywhere between 2GB and
12 GB of dedicated RAM.
But of course computers do not process all the data they have
at once. They also need to save some data for long term use. This is
where storage comes in. Think of all the video files, mp3s, photos, and
documents on your PC. These files are not always being processed by
the CPU. They are mostly just hanging around waiting to be used at
some point. Storage does not need to be as quick as memory, but there
does need to be a lot more of it. And storage of course needs to be non-
volatile, meaning it will not get erased when you power off or restart
your computer. These are the two key differences between memory and
storage.... speed and volatility.

Storage today comes in many different types
including semiconductor storage, magnetic storage, and optical
storage. A typical computer today comes with anywhere between
128GB to 2TB of storage. Low end computers normally come with a
magnetic hard disk drive which reads data at around 75 to 200
MB/sec. These devices use rotating, magnetically-charged platters to
store data. Hard disk drives are still popular because they can store a
lot of data with relatively quick access times very cheaply.
Another type of storage is network storage, typically referred to
as a SAN. This storage is usually found in a datacenter. This type of
storage goes by other names such as "cloud storage" or "network
drive." It is of course highly limited by network speeds. If you are
offline and need a file then you are out of luck. That is why it's always
a good idea to get as much storage on your PC as you can afford.
In the future all magnetic storage types will become obsolete.
They will soon all be replaced by SSDs using semiconductor
technology. SSDs have three key advantages over magnetic storage
devices: speed, lack of moving parts, and low power consumption. This
makes them ideal for laptops where battery life and durability are huge
A last type of memory is ROMs, which are somewhere in
between memory and storage. Embedded systems, BIOSs and older
video game machines used these for various reasons, mainly copy
protection and cost.
In recent years, you are much more likely to see optical storage
devices such as CD-ROM, CD-R, DVD-ROM, and DVD-R devices
being used to store larger software and data archives. These devices
can store between 650 MB and 50 GB of data.
Because of the need for ever greater capacity and performance
for removable storage, a new device called the flash drive has taken
over the industry by storm. Based on semiconductor storage
technology, these devices are small, can store a large amount of data,
and can read and write data very fast.
What about the future? Expect a gradual convergence where
there is no longer a need for both storage and memory in PCs. Some
new technology such as quantum memory may arrive which has the
advantages of both memory and storage.

1. What are the main differences between memory and storage?
2. What are advantages of SSDs?
3. How are ROMs different from other memory or storage?
4. What are advantages of a flash drive?

In the following dialogue, Maryam is a customer and Faisal is a
computer store owner.

Listening Link 1

Maryam: Good morning!

Faisal: Good morning, how can I help you today?
Maryam: I need a new hard disk drive but I am a
little bit lost.
Faisal: Sure thing, I’d be happy to help you! First
of all, do you need it for a desktop or a laptop?
Maryam: It’s for a laptop.
Faisal: OK, great. Since it’s for a laptop, we’re
going to look for a smaller form factor...so, how big do you want
the storage?
Maryam: Hmm… I’m not sure. What do you recommend?
Faisal: Well, what do you usually do with your laptop?
Maryam: Lots of things...I keep a lot of files like pictures and
databases for work. And I play some videogames also.
Faisal: OK, that helps. I would say that 1 terabyte would work nicely.
I’d recommend an SSD because it has a fast data transfer rate of
200 megabytes per second.
Maryam: Oh, wow, that’s great but it’s pretty expensive. I think it’s a
little bit too much for me…
Faisal: What about this other option? It has the same data transfer
speed but less storage, 500 gigabytes. You can rely on cloud
storage if you need more room, like Dropbox or Google Drive.
Maryam: That seems like a good compromise. I’ll take it. Thanks for
your help!
Faisal: No problem!


With a partner or in a small group, discuss the following questions:

1. Would you rather have a larger magnetic storage drive or a smaller
SSD? Explain your reasons.
2. Do you think cloud storage is a good replacement for local storage
(i.e., storage on your computer)? Why? What are advantages and
disadvantages of cloud and local storage?

Role Play

Work in a pair with another student. You are

two siblings who are going to buy a new
computer. However, you have different needs.
One of you loves videogames and wants to
purchase a machine that will run the latest hits.
The other loves photography and wants a
computer for storing but also editing all the
pictures s/he takes. What are the
components/peripherals that you both want? What are specific to your
preferences instead? Before you begin your discussion, make some
notes of ideas to support your claims.

Vocabulary Quiz

Choose the best definition for each of the words below.

1. smartphone
a. hand-held multimedia computer optimized for communication
and featuring a touch screen and internet connection
b. a computer designed for use by one person at a time
c. a high-quality computer, typically with lots of RAM, plenty of
CPU power, and a high quality video card

2. GPU or Graphics Processing Unit

a. a specialized coprocessor designed to handle graphical
calculations such as 3D modeling and games
b. a standard 32-bit bus running at 132 MB/s
c. a clear set of technical or quantitative requirements

3. dongle
a. a peripheral device that produces a hard copy, normally paper,
from data stored in a computer
b. a hardware device that plugs into a parallel or a USB port,
acting as copy protection for a particular software application.
c. an output screen which contains visual information; some
variants include: LED lights, CRT or LCD monitors, and virtual
reality goggles

4. optical storage
a. a data storage technique using a pattern of markings on a disc
that can be read by a laser; examples include CD-ROM, and
DVD-ROM technology
b. a type of storage using integrated circuits to store data;
examples include RAM, ROM, and flash memory
c. a cluster of storage devices working together to provide shared
network storage.

5. right-click
a. a device which forms a digitized image of a human finger print
for the purpose of biometric authentication.
b. a pointing device consisting of a ball on top of a base that is
rotated to move a cursor on the computer screen
c. to press the right-side mouse button

Crossword Puzzle

Read the clues below, and fill in the correct words in the crossword

2. a type of memory which is known for being non-volatile (permanent)
and fast
5. a handheld input device used to move an onscreen pointer by means
of sliding on a flat surface
6. a part of an input device resembling a pen used to draw on the surface
of a graphics tablet
7. a portable computer with a built-in screen, integrated keyboard, and
battery power

8. a portable computer shaped in the form of a notebook and capable
of advanced handwriting recognition via use of a stylus or on-screen
9. to press and release the primary (left-side) mouse button
10. a hardware device that plugs into a parallel or a USB port, acting
as copy protection for a particular software application.
11. the ability of a computer to determine standard letters and numbers
based on fuzzy logic
14. a computer designed to be worn on the wrist, head, or other places
on the body often to improve mobility
15. an input device consisting of a sensitive rectangular area in which
one uses a finger to move a cursor on a display.
16. an output screen which contains visual information; some variants
include: LED lights, CRT or LCD monitors, and virtual reality
17. any specialized video camera designed to transmit video over the

1. to depress and release a mouse button twice in quick succession
3. any peripheral used primarily to enter data into a computer
4. temporary, requires power to retain its state
5. a visual interface display between the computer and the operator;
normally a large rectangular LCD, LED, or CRT device
12. a type of computer memory known for being volatile and fast.
13. a term used to describe the technology where a peripheral device is
automatically recognized and configured when it is detected

Activity: Build your own computer

Next, you’re going to think about what

you would get if you were to build your
own computer. For this activity, you’ll
need to search on the Internet and find
how much some hardware components
and peripherals cost. Some basic
components you’ll need are a
motherboard and RAM, so search for

those first. Then, on the blank lines, write other components and
peripherals you would get, and check their prices too.
Some sites where you can start your search are:

Palestinian companies:
● Carmel Computers: https://www.carmel-pal.com
● PDX Information Technology: https://pdx.ps

American companies:
● Amazon: http://www.amazon.com
● EBay: http://www.ebay.com
● TigerDirect: http://www.tigerdirect.com
● NewEgg: http://www.newegg.com
● BestBuy: http://www.bestbuy.com

Component Description Price

Motherboard ___________________ ______________

RAM ___________________ ______________

________________ ___________________ ______________

________________ ___________________ ______________

________________ ___________________ ______________

________________ ___________________ ______________

________________ ___________________ ______________

________________ ___________________ ______________

Next, discuss your choices with a partner or small group. Share your
reasons for picking some components and peripherals rather than

Writing Assignment: Evaluating Your Computer

For this writing assignment, you are asked to write a report about the
computer you use for work and/or study (it could be yours or owned by
your employer/university). Please follow the outline below for
structuring your analysis:

• List of components: Describe the components (refer to the

hardware components list earlier in the unit)

• List of peripherals: Describe the peripherals (refer to the

peripherals list earlier in the unit)

• List of memory/storage units: Describe all the memory/storage

units (refer to the list of memory/storage units earlier in the unit)

• Alternatives: describe which of the parts above should be replaced

for improving your working/learning performance. How much
would it cost for better parts? Include prices, and decide whether it
is worth the money to upgrade any of the components or

English for Technology

Unit 5: The Internet

Table of Contents

Goals of the Unit
Learning Outcomes
Warm-up Activity: Discussion
Reading: The World Wide Web
Ordering Activity
Matching: Web Site Uses
Fill in the Blanks
Case Study: Alkamandjati: Giving foreign exposure to Palestine
Reading: Networking & Internet of Things
Video Activity: Internet of Things
Activity: Build your own internet of things!
Fill in the Blanks
Role Play
Search activity
Vocabulary Quiz
Writing: Web site evaluation

In this unit, you will learn about the history of the development
of the World Wide Web, as well as vocabulary related to the Internet.
You will have discussions about how the Internet is used in our daily
lives and how the Internet may impact our lives in the future. You will
also read a case study about an organization, Alkamandjati Association,
and its needs and challenges as it established its web presence. Lastly, you
will complete a written evaluation of a web site.

Goals of the Unit

 To understand the history of the development of the World
Wide Web
 To learn vocabulary about the Internet and networking
 To use appropriate vocabulary to discuss topics such as
differences in how people use web sites, the Web 2.0, and the
Internet of Things
 To analyze and evaluate a web site

Learning Outcomes
After studying this unit, students should be able to:
 Understand and explain some of the history of the World Wide
 Use vocabulary relating to the Internet and networking
appropriately to discuss issues such as common uses of web
sites, the Web 2.0, and the Internet of Things
 Analyze and evaluate a website through areas such as security
and content, as well as propose any suggestions for

Unit 5: The Internet

Warm-up Activity: Discussion

Before starting with this unit content, let’s do a little warm-up. Discuss
the following questions with a partner or a small group.

1. Do you go online? What do you do on the internet?

2. What are your favorite websites? Are there any websites that you
do not like?
3. Have you ever developed a website? If yes, can you explain how
and for which purpose?

Reading: The World Wide Web

Read through the vocabulary below, which are related to some basic
concepts and terms about the World Wide Web. You might know some
of the words already. Which words are you familiar with, and which
are new? Put a check mark (✔) next to the ones you need to learn (that
is, the ones that you don’t know yet).

General Vocabulary
1. attempt: a try, an effort
2. cutting-edge: something new and innovative
3. fad: something that is very popular for only a short time
4. obnoxious: unpleasant, disturbing

IT Vocabulary
1. ARPANET (Advanced Projects Research Agency Network):
developed by the US military for defense purposes, this was first
global network with packet switching
2. backbone: a central high speed network that connects smaller,
independent networks
3. cookie: a text file created by web sites which contains personal
information about an end user
4. domain name: the characters (such as qou.edu, al-ayyam.ps, or
state.gov) that form the main part of an Internet address
5. download: to transfer data from a remote computer to a local
6. e-commerce (electronic commerce): the term for buying and
selling goods and services over the world wide web
7. emoticon: a symbol that uses the characters on a computer
keyboard to convey emotion an email or instant message, such as
the smiley face :)
8. hyperlink: a document cross-reference technique enabling the
retrieval of a related document or resource simply by clicking on
an underlined word or image.
9. hypertext: any electronic cross-referencing document first
envisioned by Vannevar Bush in 1945
10. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): the coding or tagging
syntax used to write documents for web browsers

11. upload: to transfer a file from a local computer to a remote
12. URL (Uniform Resource Locator): the address which specifies
the location of a file on the Internet
13. WWW (World Wide Web): a global hypertext system operating
on the Internet that enables electronic communication of text and

By the early 1990's, people were using computers in many

different ways. Computers were already installed in most schools,
offices, and homes. They were commonly used for writing papers,
playing games, financial accounting, and business productivity
applications. But very few people used them for communication,
research, and shopping the way we do now. A man named Tim
Berners-Lee changed all that. In 1990, Lee added an
exciting hypertext and multimedia layer to the Internet and called it
the World Wide Web. The rest, as they say, is history.
Believe it or not, the Web was not the first attempt at building
a worldwide online community. Cutting edge geeks have been using
online services all the way back to the early 1980's. There were
thousands of privately run Bulletin Board Systems (BBS), which were
early online communities that users could connect to using a modem.
These served the general interest of curious nerds and researchers from
around the world. However, experiences on these BBSs were poor by
today's standards. There were no graphics or even colors, and there was
no sound except for the obnoxious beeps and gurgles a modem makes
when it initiates a dial-up connection to a server. Bandwidth was also
very slow compared to today's speeds. Typical operating speeds were
between 300 and 1200 baud (bits per second). Today, a typical
broadband connection is thousands of times faster than this.
The Web was not built just for geeks. It was built for everyone.
It was built with very high ideals. No single company, government, or
organization controlled it. It was new and exciting. New ideas and
words appeared almost daily. Obscure technical terms became
household terms overnight. First it was email. Then it
was URL and domain name. Then rather quickly came spam,
homepage, hyperlink, bookmark, download, upload, cookie, e-
commerce, emoticon, ISP, search engine, and so on. Years later we
are still making up new words to describe our online world. Now we

"google" for information. We "tweet" what's happening around us to
others. The new words never seem to stop!
Just because the web seems so chaotic and unorganized
compared to more structured companies and governments, doesn't
mean its total anarchy. In 1994, Tim Berners-Lee started the W3C, a
worldwide organization dedicated to setting standards for the Web.
This group is probably the most respected authority for what should
and should not be Web standards. W3C's mission is to lead the Web to
its full potential.
As a student of English and Technology, you will hear people
use the words 'Internet' and 'World Wide Web' almost interchangeably.
They are, of course, not the same thing. So what is the difference
between the two? Perhaps a simple answer is that the Internet is the
biggest network in the world, and the World Wide Web is a collection
of software and protocols on that network. A more simple way to put
it is that the World Wide Web is an application that runs on the Internet.
The original backbone of the Internet is based on an old
military network called ARPANET which was built by DARPA (the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the United States
government) in the late 1960s. ARPANET was built so information
could withstand a nuclear war. The idea was to not have a single point
of failure. This means if part of the ARPANET was blown up in a
nuclear war, the rest of it will still work! What made ARPANET so
successful was its packet-switching technology, invented by Lawrence
Roberts. The idea is that "packets" of information have a "from"
address and a "to" address. How they get from point "a" to point "b"
depends on what roads are open to them. Packet switching is a very
elegant thing. Without it, the Internet would simply not work.
People view the World Wide Web through a software
application called a web browser or simply a "browser" for short. Some
popular examples of web browsers include Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari.
Browsers allow people to search, view, and even add and edit data on
the World Wide Web.
The Web is not supposed to be a passive experience. Creating
new pages for the Web is getting easier all the time. Web editing
software is specially designed to work with hypertext languages such
as HTML, which is the original specification for the Web. Web editing
software normally allows for the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What

You Get) creation of text, images, and hyperlinks between related
documents. With web applications such as wikis, Twitter, and
Facebook, a typical user can create his or her first online presence in a
matter of hours.
At first, many people thought the Internet was "just a passing
fad". But we know now that the Internet is not a fad. So what
happened? Web 2.0 happened!
What is Web 2.0? It's very hard to say. It's just a phrase to
describe a transition from the pre-existing state of 'Web 1.0', which was
slow, static, and unusable, to a new, 'second web', which was faster,
more dynamic, and more usable for the average person. How did these
things happen? Easy. Broadband modems enabled sites like video-
streaming YouTube to become possible. Better design and
development practices enabled social media sites like Twitter and then
Facebook to attract hundreds of millions of users. Finally, search
engine technology improved on sites like Google where people could
actually find the information they were looking for.
What will be the future of the Web? Easy. More speed and more
power. In the future, digital distribution on the Internet is likely to
replace all other forms of media distribution including CDs, DVDs, and
even radio and television broadcasts.

1. What is the World Wide Web?
2. What is a hyperlink?
3. What is Web 2.0?
4. What is the difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0?

Ordering Activity
Which online tools and events came first? Order them below from 1
(the oldest) to 5 (the newest). Then, discuss your choices with a partner
or in a small group.

Web Browsers _____ Facebook _____

ARPANET _____ Dot Com Bubble _____

Google _____

Matching: Web Site Uses

What online spaces do you access and why? Match the different types
of web sites on the left with what you would use them for on the right.
Each online space can have more than one use!

Having fun

Personal Website

Learning something new

Social media

Staying updated on things

happening in the world

Search engines

Doing work for your job


Staying updated on
friends’ lives
News web sites

Solving a problem
YouTube or other
video-based portal

Next, share your answers with a partner or a small group. What
differences do you see between how you use web sites and how your
classmates do? What other activities do you use Internet for?

Fill in the Blanks

Choose the word from the box that best fits each blank.

1. The web's use of _________ is quite controversial because most

users have no idea that their information is being collected and
stored on their computer.
2. One of the most popular _________ is perhaps the wink and smile
;) which is used to convey irony or satire.
3. A good web developer will know most _________ tags without
looking in a book.
4. The man made a _________ from his personal homepage to his
friend's business.
5. The _________ of Microsoft Corporation is microsoft.com
ARPANET domain name backbone
cookies emoticons hyperlink
upload download W3C
BBS e-commerce HTML


In the following dialogue, Ghada and Ashraf are two friends talking
about the Internet.

Listening Link 1

Ghada: Good evening Ashraf! How are you?

Ashraf: Hi Ghada, not bad at all. How about you? What have you been
up to today?
Ghada: Well, I’ve been in front of my computer all day. I got a lot
done though – I was really productive! For a while now, I’ve been
wanting to increase and streamline my presence online. I have
profiles on a few different social media sites, but I’ve been wanting
to find a way to unify my identity in one place. So, for the last

couple weeks, I’ve been working on my personal web site, and I
finally finished it today!
Ashraf: Wow, that’s cool! I’m impressed! How did you do it?
Ghada: First, I had to choose a CMS to run the site, which took a while.
Once I chose a CMS, I needed to customize it a bit using HTML
and CSS. I wanted to find a style that really represents me. Oh, and
I bought a domain name, too!
Ashraf: Impressive! I’m curious, what are you going to include on your
Ghada: Good question. I’ll definitely include information about
myself, and then some hyperlinks to interesting content and my
social media profiles.
Ashraf: Are you going to use it for work, too?
Ghada: Not right now, but I enjoy doing art and recently I’ve had a
few people ask to buy my art, so I’m thinking of adding a gallery
and an e-commerce section to my site in the future. I could show
my artwork and people would be able to buy it right there on my
site. I’m a bit worried about the security of it though. I don’t want
anyone’s private information like their credit card number to be
compromised because of my site. What do you think?
Ashraf: I think it’s a great idea! As long as you make sure the e-
commerce site uses encryption to keep the data secure, you should
be fine. Oh, don’t forget to allow your users to leave comments and
Ghada: That’s a good point! It is the Web 2.0 era, right?
Ashraf: You bet it is!

Discuss the following questions with a partner or small group:

1. Do you have a personal web site? If so, why did you get one? If
not, why not?
2. Do you think it is important to have a unified online identity
through a personal web site? Why/why not?
3. How did you / would you customize your personal web site? What
Web 2.0 features would you want it to have?

Case Study: Alkamandjati Association

This case study focuses on the experience of Alkamandjati Association

in managing and developing its web presence. As you read, try to
understand what the problems were that Alkamandjati Association
encountered, and how they were solved.

Alkamandjati Association ("the

violinist" in Arabic) was founded in 2002
in France, by the internationally-
renowned viola and bouzouq player
Ramzi Aburedwan. In September 2004,
another branch of Alkamandjati was
created, under Palestinian law, in
Ramallah, with Ramzi as president.
Alkamandjati’s mission is to teach music
to Palestinian children, to make music
accessible to the entire Palestinian
community, strengthening their
appreciation of the Palestinian identity as
Ramzi Aburedwan on Bouzouq, by
well as of other Arab and international Michael Coghlan (CC BY-SA)
cultures. Now Alkamandjati Association
has branches in France, Palestine, and Lebanon and is working in many
refugee camps, villages, and cities of the West Bank as well in refugee
camps in Lebanon.
Since the Association was founded in France, its first website
was created in French, English, Arabic and Italian. In 2010, the website
was launched with the domain name Alkamanndjati.com. It was
maintained and supported by an IT company in France. However, since
the Association’s main activities are in Palestine, there was a need for
a faster way to update and upload content on the website, without the
need to go back and forth with the IT company in France. In 2015, a
new domain name was registered, Alkamandjati.org, in order to create
a new website that is maintained and supported in Palestine. Due to
communication obstacles with the Palestinian company hired at the
time, the website was not user friendly, there was missing data, and the
web content management system was not easy to use.
In 2017, Intertech Co. a Palestinian IT company that specializes
in portal, web, and mobile application development, was hired by

Alkamandjati to recreate the new website with a user-friendly interface
and that has a responsive design that works on all platforms including
smart phones and tablets. Alkamandjati decided to join the two
websites and their domain names, Alkamandjati.com and
Alkamandjati.org, to become one identity and one website that displays
information to the user in English, Arabic, and French in order to
expose Palestinian culture and music internationally.
The Alkamandjati team worked on gathering all the content
they wanted to display in a friendly way. In early 2018, the new website
was launched using the domain name alkamndjati.org. The new site
uses the bootstrap framework, an open-source framework that
combines HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code to help developers build
web applications. The new website utilized new trends in web design;
for example, a slider was incorporated in the main page to display
images or videos. The main page displayed information such as “who
we are,” Alkamandjati’s programs, upcoming events, news and media
coverage, the Alkamandjati team, and finally contact information
including subscription to the weekly newsletter. This made the website
simple and easy to use, improving the user experience by minimizing
the number of clicks to reach information. Delays on the website were
also solved to be less than several seconds to make sure users will not
leave the website. Forms including a volunteer form and ‘join our team’
form were programmed in English, French, and Arabic.
Alkamandjati’s Testimonial: “We are very happy to have
collaborated with Intertech for the conception and development of
Alkamandjati’s new website. Their involvement, support, advice and
time enabled us to reach the result we were aiming at: a beautiful,
efficient, and interactive website that reflects the association between
work and dynamic.”

1. What does Alkamandjati Association do?
2. What were the problems with the previous versions of
Alkamandjati’s web site?
3. What is the bootstrap framework?

Read the below questions, and discuss your answers with a partner or
in a small group.
1. For a while, Alkamandjati Association had two online presences at
two different URLs. Do you think it is important for a company to
have a single online identity using a single domain name? Why?
2. Alkamandjati Association change from working with a French IT
company to working with a Palestinian IT company. Why was this?
What do you think are some advantages of working with a local
company? Can you think of any disadvantages?
3. What ‘Web 2.0’ characteristics does the new Alkamandjati.org
website have? You can use the description of the new web site and
CMS in the case study, or you can visit the website at
http://www.alkamandjati.org and see for yourself.
4. The Alkamandjati Association focuses on music education in
Palestine as a way of strengthening Palestinian culture and identity.
What other aspects of Palestinian culture and identity could be
strengthened using online tools like web sites?

Reading: Networking & Internet of Things

Here are some vocabulary words that will be useful in the next reading,
about networking and internet of things. Put a check mark (✔) next to
the ones you need to learn.

General Vocabulary
1. authenticate: to verify that a process is true or genuine
2. jeopardize: to put something or someone in danger

IT Vocabulary
1. Bluetooth: an open wireless protocol for exchanging data;
primarily used for connecting mobile devices to computers
2. client-server: a networking model in which the functions are
divided between "child" computers and a single "parent" computer
which stores and controls access to data
3. distributed computing: a type of computing in which a
computational task is divided into subtasks that execute on a
collection of networked computers

4. domain: a named group of networked computers that are
administered as a unit with common rules and procedures
5. encryption: the process of making information 'more secure' by
rendering it unreadable to anyone but the intended recipient
6. ethernet: A wired local-area network normally running between
10 Mbps and 1,000 Mbps
7. firewall: a device or software program designed to prevent
unauthorized access to a network
8. groupware: software applications that facilitate shared work on
documents and information
9. IP address: a unique string of numbers that identifies a computer
or server on the Internet
10. LAN (local area network): a small computer network normally
contained within one room or building
11. node: any computer or other device connected to network
12. packet: a collection of bits normally sent through a network that
contains data surrounded by error correction information
13. P2P (peer-to-peer): a networking model where computers
seamlessly share data; used primarily to reduce sever bottlenecks
and reduce costs
14. protocol: a set of standards or rules which govern communication
15. user agreement: agreement between an user and a website/app
provider that addresses rights, duties, and obligation of both.
16. VPN (virtual private network): a relatively high security
connection to a private network
17. Wi-Fi: a trademarked, nontechnical term used to describe a certain
quality of wireless networking compatibility
18. WAN (wide area network): a network which covers more than
one building or area

In the simplest explanation, networking is just computers
talking to each other. They do this by sending data packets using
various protocols and transmission mediums such as ethernet cable
or Wi-Fi connections. Computers must also know how to find other
computers on the network. To put it briefly, every computer on the
network needs a unique address so messages know where to go after
they are sent.
Networks exist for many reasons including:
● distributed computing in a client-server or peer-to-
peer networking architecture
● centralized data security and authentication
● elimination of risk of computer downtime.
● combining computers into a single domain to
facilitate groupware applications and system administration tasks
● communication and fun!

The types of networks you deal with on a daily basis

include local area networks (LANs) and wide area
networks (WANs).
Many people today have LANs in their schools, offices, and
even their homes. LANs are especially good for sharing Internet access
and commonly used files and databases.
Users can also connect to wide area networks (WANS) as well,
which are just large LANS spread out over several physical locations.
The Internet itself is basically a large WAN, with each node on the
network having its own unique IP address.
As you may have read in books or seen in movies, security
considerations play a large role when designing networks. Technology
such as firewalls can both block and filter unwanted network traffic.
Virtual private networks (VPNs) are used to connect remote users to
office networks without jeopardizing security. VPNs use strong
data encryption to hide data as it is moving between routers over the
Networking is not something you can master in a week or even
a month. Hundreds of books have been written about the subject and
many more hundreds will come in the future as technologies mature
and evolve. If you work on networks for a living, you are called a
network engineer, and you will probably take certification exams by
networking companies such as Cisco.

There are other kinds of networking as well which are not
always between PCs and servers. An example
is Bluetooth technology, which is optimized for networking between
common consumer electronics such as mobile phones, mp3 players,
and similar devices.
The technological and media convergence we mentioned in
previous units is happening even here, with the so-called Internet of
Things. This term refers to the increasing inter-connection between
different devices (computers, smartphones, smart-homes, etc.) that can
automatically interact with each other without the need for user
intervention. The potential of such an innovation is glaring; however,
there are also concerns in terms of security and privacy. In other words,
personal information may be exposed and utilized without our consent.
Therefore, it is very important to read the user agreement (or terms of
use agreement) that websites or social apps may ask you to agree to.

1. Why do we need networks?
2. What is the goal of data encryption?
3. What is Bluetooth technology?
4. What is the Internet of Things?


Together with a partner or in a small group, discuss the following

questions about your experiences with networking.
1. Do you use a virtual private network (VPNs) in your job/education
setting? Do you feel that your information is secure?
2. Do you have firewalls installed on your computer? If yes, which
and why? If not, why not?
3. Do you use Bluetooth technology and on which devices? Do you
have your own Internet of Things?

Video Activity: Internet of Things

The Internet of Things refers to how various devices can be

interconnected. Watch the video and complete the following chart
about how the Internet of Things is used in this family’s home.

Action Reaction
Example: Mom and Dad return The garage door opens.
home on their bicycles.
The outlets turn on and the oven
begins to pre-heat.

Dad enters the bathroom.

Dad turns the car on but forgets

to open the garage doors.

The son receives a notification

that the refrigerator door is
The sprinkler repair man uses a
QR code to request access to the
house’s WiFi.
The refrigerator detects that rice
and eggs are out of stock.

The sprinklers are delayed

because the lawn is occupied.

Grandma and Grandpa are

identified at the front door.

The doors lock and the lights

turn off.

Activity: Build your own internet of things!

With the Internet of Things, our devices are becoming increasingly

connected to each other. For example, nowadays it’s possible to control
home lights, temperature, and even a coffee machine in a house using
a smartphone or other device (often referred to as a ‘smart home’).
Some cars can get real-time traffic or weather data, and in the future
cars might be able to drive themselves by communicating with other
cars on the road. What devices do you think could be improved by
connecting to each other to be part of the Internet of Things?
Next, you’re going to think about how different devices could be
connected. You should think about how the exchange of information
between devices can help you (such as for work or learning), but can
also create problems, such as in terms of privacy and security.
In each table below, write two devices that might connect with each
other in the Internet of Things. Then, think about what advantages and
disadvantages are entailed by their interplay. The first one has an

Device 1: Device 2:
smartphone coffee machine
Advantages of connecting
I can save time by starting the coffee while I’m getting
dressed in the morning.
I can monitor my supply of coffee beans and immediately
order more when the machine is empty.
Disadvantages of connecting
I usually read the news while I wait in the kitchen for the
coffee to brew. Maybe I’ll stop reading the news?
Internet marketing companies will get my coffee bean
preferences and try to sell me more (so I might not get to
try other kinds).

Device 1: Device 2:

Advantages of connecting

Disadvantages of connecting

Device 1: Device 2:

Advantages of connecting

Disadvantages of connecting

Next, discuss your choices with a partner or small group. Share your
reasons for picking some specific connections and explain related pros
and cons.

Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blank in each sentence using one of the vocabulary words
from this unit.

1. The computer was very slow and took nearly 10 seconds to

______ a user.
2. A standard protocol such at TCP/IP or IPX is used to define
______ interactions.
3. System administrators in large organizations use a ______ to
save time on common administration tasks.
4. When the ______ was deactivated, the hacker found it easy to
penetrate the system and upload a rootkit virus.
5. BitTorrent is a popular and controversial ______ networking
program used by millions of people to distribute data.
peer-to-peer protocol WAN
firewall client-server authenticate
node VPN LAN
IP address Groupware user-agreement

Role Play

Work in a pair with another student. One of

you is a data security expert in an IT
company while the other is a client who is
worried about possible data leaks. The
former should assure that his/her company
is providing effective firewalls and a
secure VPN against external intrusions.
The latter should share his/her concerns
about possible attacks from hackers and hostile competitors. Before
you begin your discussion, make some notes of ideas to support your

Search activity

Work in small groups and try to define the

terms “hacker” and “data leak”. You can
use search engines like Google and Yahoo.
When you search for these online, what
other information do you find? What
topics come up, and what other related
words do you see?

Vocabulary Quiz

Choose the best definition for each of the words below.

1) 'node'
a. any computer or other device connected to network
b. a type of computing in which a computational task is divided
into subtasks that execute on a collection of networked
c. a unique string of numbers that identifies a computer or server
on the Internet
2) 'client-server'
a. A baseband local-area network originally developed by Xerox
Corp. Normally running between 10 Mbps and 1,000 Mbps
b. a networking model in which the functions are divided between
"child" computers and a single "parent" computer which stores
and controls access to data
c. a device or software program designed to prevent unauthorized
access to a network
3) 'WAN' or 'wide area network'
a. a relatively high security connection to a private network
b. software applications that facilitate shared work on documents
and information
c. a network which covers more than one building or area

4) 'upload'
a. The transfer a file or files from a remote computer to the user's
b. to transfer a file from a local computer to a remote computer
c. an electronic, digital device that stores and processes
5) 'cookie'
a. a text file created by web sites which contains personal
information about an end user
b. The term for buying and selling goods and services over the
world wide web
c. any electronic cross-referencing document first prophesized by
Vannevar Bush in 1945

Writing: Web site evaluation

Next, you will write a report about a website that you often use (it could
be your personal one, a social media platform like Facebook or Twitter,
and so on; the choice is up to you).

Follow the form below for structuring your analysis. You can be either
specific in terms of details (e.g., pointing to better firewalls) or more
broad in your answers.

Name of the website:


URL: Is it a good domain name? Is it easy to remember and use?

Security: Do you think that the website is secure enough? Is there data
encryption that protects personal information? Are there any user-
agreements? If yes, what do they state?

Content: is its content engaging? Are there any hyperlinks to

additional resources and references? Is there a search engine for
exploring website materials and elements?

E-commerce: Does the site have an e-commerce section? If so, what
is it for? Do you think it is clear and accessible? What about security
and privacy? If it does not have e-commerce, do you think it could?

Openness: Do you think that the website allows users to intervene,

contribute, upload content, and be active? Is there any room for
discussion and exchange? Do you see any tie to what we said about the
Internet of Things?

Improvements: What would you change in terms of data security and

Web 2.0 likeness standards?

English for Technology

Unit 6: English for Electronics

Table of Contents

Goals of the Unit
Learning Outcomes
Warm-up Activity: Discussion
Reading: IT acronyms and measurements
Ranking Activity
Fill in the Blanks
Measurement matching
Activity: Compare different technologies by using measurement unit
Pair work: Computer Needs
Internet Search: Acronyms
Reading: English for Electronics
Fill in the Blanks
Role Play
Vocabulary Quiz

In this unit, you will learn about acronyms and measurement
terms used in IT contexts and the kind of electronic devices they are
used with. You will have discussions about the varying needs of
different computer users. You will also learn terms used to describe
electronics and electrical circuits.

Goals of the Unit

 To remember and be able to use common acronyms and
 To discuss computer hardware specifications and make
recommendations to others
 To remember and be able to use terms commonly used to
describe electrical circuits.

Learning Outcomes
After studying this unit, students should be able to:
 Remember, write, and use in conversation acronyms and
measurement units used to describe computer hardware
 Evaluate the needs of a computer use and make
recommendations about computer specifications
 Remember terms used to describe electronic circuits


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