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To determine deflection of a centrally loaded circular plate
Enters numbers in BOLD, Results in RED
W=q ro2 W=q ro2

ro r ro r
ro << a a ro << a a

Circular plates with simple support Circular plates with fixed support
around entire outer boundary around entire outer boundary

Plate dimensions and properties Values ProE Simulation

Radius, a (mm) 150 150
Thickness, t (mm) 1.50 1.50
Modulus of elasticity, E (N/mm^2) 200000 200000
Poisson ratio, v 0.29 0.29
Maximum stress, sigmax (N/mm^2) 1000 1000
Total area 70686
loading pressure, q (N/mm^2) 1 1
Outer radius of loading, ro (mm) (must be <<a) 10 10
Outer radius used in calculation, ro_prime (mm) 10.00
Total load applied to the plate, W (N) 314
Outer boundary support:
Simply supported:
Center displacement, dc (mm) -5.854 -5.787
Slope at outer boundary, ta (radians) 0.047
Bending moment at center, Mc (N-mm/mm) 374
Bending stress at center, sigss (N/mm^2) 1000
Safety factor (max allowable stress/bending stress) 1.00
Center displacement, fdc (mm) -2.295 -2.238
Max slope (@ r=0.368a) (radians) 0.023
Radius at maximum slope (mm) 55.2
Bending moment at center, fMc (N-mm/mm) 87
Bending moment at outer fixed edge fMa (N-mm/mm) -25
Bending stress at center, sigfi (N/mm^2) 233
Bending stress at outer fixed edge, sigfo (N/mm^2) -67
Safety factor (max allowable stress/bending stress) 4.29

Et 3
12 1   2

r o  1.6r o  t  0.675t if r o  0.5t
' 2 2

W a 1   r 'o2  W a
Mr  1    ln  1   M r max @ r = 0  1    ln ' M
 r 4r 2  4 ro
W  a  1   r 'o2  W a
Mt   1    ln     M t max @ r = 0  1   ln ' M
4  r 4r 2  4 ro
r o  1.6r o  t  0.675t if r o  0.5t
' 2 2

W  a 1   r 'o2  W a
Mr  1    ln  1   M r max @ r = 0  1    ln ' M
4 r 4r 2  4 ro
W  a  1   r 'o2  W a
Mt  1    ln    M t max @ r = 0  1   ln ' M
4  r 4r 2  4 ro
Wr a Wa
 ln  max @ r = 0.368a  0.0293
4 D r D
W  2 2 a  W a 2
   a  r  1  2 ln    max @ r = 0 
16 D   r  16 D

r o  1.6r o  t  0.675t if r o  0.5t

' 2 2

W  a  a 2  r 2  r o' 2  W  a
Mr  4 1    ln  1     2 M r max @ r = 0   4 1    ln
16  r  a
r  4  r
W  a  r o 
W  a
Mt   4 1    ln  1    4  2   M t max @ r = 0   4 1    ln
16  r  r  4  r
Wr  1 a Wa
    ln   max @ r = a 
4 D  1   r 4 D 1   
W  3   a W a 2 3   
 
16 D  1  
 a  r   2r ln r 
2 2 2
 max @ r = 0 
16 D 1   

From Roark & Young, Formulas for Stress and Strain, pp 366
W a W
 1    ln ' M r min @ r = a 
4 ro 4

W a  W
 1   ln ' M t min @ r = a 
4 ro 4
W a W
 1    ln ' M r min @ r = a 
4 ro 4

W a  W
 1   ln ' M t min @ r = a 
4 ro 4
a  0.0293
W a 2
16 D

W  a 
=0   4 1    ln '  1
4  ro 
W  a 
=0 
4  4 1    ln '  1
 ro 

4 D 1   
W a 2 3   

16 D 1   

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160


Deflection (mm)



Simply Supported
Fixed support



Radius (mm) (0 = center)

Increment 6
Plate constants
D 61268
roa2 0.004444
roa4 0.000020
L_11 0.014393
L_14 0.059490
L_17 0.200633

Simply supported
d (mm) moments stresses
Radius (0 is at center) Simply Supported q (radians) Mr Mt sr (Pa) st (Pa)
0 -5.854 0.000 374 374.33848 999.83284 999.83284
6 -5.821 -0.010 116 -57.78074 310.13644 -154.32846
12 -5.742 -0.016 85 -51.073051 225.73821 -136.41268
18 -5.629 -0.021 70 -46.077505 186.23979 -123.06991
24 -5.489 -0.026 60 -42.35462 159.85913 -113.12633
30 -5.324 -0.029 52 -39.41257 139.89732 -105.26832
36 -5.139 -0.032 46 -36.986715 123.79019 -98.789022
42 -4.937 -0.035 41 -34.925087 110.2694 -93.282555
48 -4.719 -0.038 37 -33.133503 98.609852 -88.497353
54 -4.487 -0.040 33 -31.549854 88.356342 -84.267534
60 -4.244 -0.041 30 -30.131131 79.203616 -80.47822
66 -3.991 -0.043 27 -28.846358 70.936689 -77.046679
72 -3.729 -0.044 24 -27.672508 63.398281 -73.911404
78 -3.459 -0.045 21 -26.592002 56.469775 -71.025444
84 -3.183 -0.046 19 -25.591123 50.059457 -68.352165
90 -2.902 -0.047 17 -24.658965 44.094929 -65.862434
96 -2.617 -0.048 14 -23.786715 38.518018 -63.532712
102 -2.328 -0.048 12 -22.967149 33.281275 -61.343706
108 -2.037 -0.049 11 -22.194274 28.345482 -59.27941
114 -1.745 -0.049 9 -21.463064 23.677847 -57.326399
120 -1.452 -0.049 7 -20.769262 19.250675 -55.4733
126 -1.159 -0.049 6 -20.10923 15.040357 -53.710399
132 -0.866 -0.049 4 -19.479837 11.026603 -52.029331
138 -0.575 -0.048 3 -18.878366 7.1918492 -50.422843
144 -0.286 -0.048 1 -18.302447 3.5207889 -48.884603
150 0.000 -0.047 0 -17.75 0 -47.409054
d (mm) moments stresses
Fixed support q (radians) Mr Mt sr (Pa) st (Pa)
-2.295 0.000 87 87 233 233
-2.268 0.008 91 100 243 267
-2.206 0.012 60 75 159 201
-2.122 0.016 45 62 120 164
-2.021 0.018 35 52 93 139
-1.908 0.020 27 45 73 120
-1.786 0.021 21 39 57 104
-1.657 0.022 16 34 44 90
-1.525 0.022 12 30 32 79
-1.390 0.023 8 26 22 69
-1.255 0.022 5 22 12 60
-1.121 0.022 2 19 4 51
-0.990 0.022 -1 16 -3 44
-0.863 0.021 -4 14 -10 37
-0.741 0.020 -6 11 -17 31
-0.625 0.019 -8 9 -23 25
-0.516 0.017 -11 7 -28 19
-0.415 0.016 -13 5 -33 14
-0.324 0.014 -14 3 -38 9
-0.242 0.013 -16 2 -43 4
-0.171 0.011 -18 0 -47 0
-0.111 0.009 -19 -2 -52 -4
-0.063 0.007 -21 -3 -56 -8
-0.029 0.005 -22 -5 -60 -12
-0.007 0.002 -24 -6 -63 -16
0.000 0.000 -25 -7 -67 -19
Circular plate with outer edge simply supported

Circular plate with outer edge fixed

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