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Consider the following questions in the context of the previous problem:

What would be the prioritary pillar of sustainability to be considered for the

stakeholders? (explain your answer)
Talking about the plasma company, the pillar of sustainability that is priorizated as any firm
is the economic pillar. Our goal is to minimize the distance of the route, achieving the
demand goal to have more profit and minimize operative costs.

Elaborate a proposal that would improve the performance for this pillar
Explain the indicators necessary to measure the impact of the proposal on a pillar of
sustainability at specific nodes in the supply chain

My proposal consists in using some tools as gams or python as we used previously and find
the optimal solution,its important that we take into account a lot of aspects such as the
constraints and the limitations and that we also consider different perspectives for example,
we could experiment with different agents, more personnel and more trucks or motorcycles or
even if our distances were closer from each other we could use bike, in the previous problem
if we consider the demand and capacity we should use the truck´s route given from python or

To measure the impact of the proposal related in the economic pillar we have to take in
account some considerations:

Cost Structure: Analyze the company's cost structure to understand its operating expenses,
including fuel costs, maintenance and repairs, labor costs, insurance, administrative expenses,
and overhead costs.

One indicator that will help us to measure this pillar could be the total costs:
This indicator could provide us an idea of how much they are spending in its operation right
now and how much could be saved if we optimize the route.

If we could minimize the operative costs in the distribution process of the firm the total costs
will be directly impacted, we could spend a little more on the supplier selection and quality,
and we could invest more in the customer approach and growth of the market and so on.

Formula for total cost:

In this formula we can take into consideration for fixed costs the payroll and the trucks
investment for example and for variable costs:
-Cost of gasoline
-Maintenance cost (every certain mileage)

The on-Time Performance: Measure the percentage of deliveries or trips that are completed
on time. Timeliness is crucial in the transportation industry, and monitoring on-time
performance provides insights into customer satisfaction and operational efficiency that will
be reflected in potential growth that means more profit for the company.

It's important to say that if we improve economic performance of the operation we also need
to be aware of the other pillars of sustainability, we can't ignore the social and the
environmental impact of the firm operations and the company need to be aligned with good
practices in all way, i need to say that if we minimizes distance we could extend the health
help to more person that needed (social pillar) and we also are minimizing the (CO2)
emissions that the firm could make (environmental pillar).

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