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Ye a r 5 H o m e w o r k
Subject: Maths Arithmetic

Date Out: 07/01/22

Date In: 11/01/22

Each week you will be set a list of arithmetic style questions to answer as quickly as you can. All the
question types will have been covered in previous maths units however if you have forgotten how to do a
particular question miss it out and carry on with the remaining questions. You should aim to complete as
many of the questions as you can in 20 minutes.

The questions should be written in your homework book with any working out written next to the question
and answer.

1. 4,324 = _____ + 2,326 11. Find the sum of 97, 1,022 and

2. 15,538 ÷ 10= 12. 11 is a prime number.

True or false?

3. 5,884 - 3,179 + 2,524= 13. ____ = 4,949 + 38,003

4. - 9 add 27 = 14. 121 ÷ 11 =

5. 14 x 14 = 15. 103=

6. What is 149 more than 3,099? 16. What is the value of 5 in


7. 842 more than 746.32= 17. 1,564 is half of _____

8. 32 + 102 = 18. 12 x 10 x 10=

9. -10, -6, ___, ___ 19. 72

20. 33 x 21
10. 10 x 14 x 10=

r nng to b e t e b e s t w e can b e

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