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Selected questions for remedial students

Number of items: 100

Choose the best answer from the given alternative and give your answer on the
answer sheet provided
1. What was Martin Luther’s first work that challenged the major teachings of the
Catholic Church?
A. Utopia C. The Pilgrim’s progress.
B. The divine comedy D. The Ninety-Five Theses.
2. Who was Queen Elleni’s messenger to the Portuguese court in the early 16 th century?
A. Pedro de covilaho C. John Bermudez
B. Echege Imbaqom D. Mathew the Armenian
3. Which one of the following served as Imam Ahmed’s political center during his rule of
A. Hadiya B. Goj C. Fetegar D. Dembiya
4. What was the confessions of Gelawdewos?
A. A book on the campaighns of Imama Ahmed.
B. A chronicle of Emperor Gelawdewos.
C. A work defending Orthodox Christian practices.
D. An account about Ethiopia’s conversion to Catholicism.
5. Which one of the following was a demonstration of Chinese power during the Ming
A. The building of the great wall of China.
B. The launching of voyages of exploration.
C. The conquest of Korean and Japan.
D. The defeat of Russian expansionism along its eastern borders.
6. Napoleon’s failure to defeat Britain can be limked to
A. The strong capacity of the Royal navy.
B. The large size of the British army.
C. British use of better canons and muskets.
D. The efficient organization of the British army
7. What did the “protestant ethic” strongly support?

2012/2020 History Model examination II for grade 12

A. Thrift and industriousness
B. Non-involvement in politics
C. Hermitage and monk life
D. Avoiding material enrichment
8. What was the basic reason for the conflict between Ottoman Turkey and Portugal in
the Horn region during 16th century?
A. Control of the main route to the Holy Land.
B. Dominance over their respective religions in the area.
C. Territorial annexation and expansion in to the interior.
D. Control over trade and trade routes in the region.
9. A leader and military General of Adal whose attacks severely threatened the Christian
highland kingdom towards the end of the 15th century was
A. Imam Sabradin C. Imam Mahfuz
B. Wazir Ibn Mujahid D. Garad Abun
10. The Catholic Bishop who was able to convert king Susenyos to Catholicism was
A. Alfonso Mendez C. Andre de Oviedo
B. Pedro Paez D. Jao Bermudez
11. How did the Chinese landlords and the educated class understand the “Mandate
of Heaven” in the 17th century?
A. God given authority to rule C. Special blessing to own lands.
B. Divine blessing to cure disease D. Special privilege to be a judge.
12. The “Directory” with napoleon at its “First Consul” in effect was a government that
looked like a
A. Military dictatorship C. Constitutional monarchy
B. Parliamentary democracy D. Developmental state
13. Who were the two kings of the Christian Highland Kingdom who sent military
expeditions against the Funj Sultanate?
A. Minas and Gelawdewos C. Susenyos and Iyasu II
B. Sertse-Dengel and Fasiledes D. Tewodros and Yohannis I

2012/2020 History Model examination II for grade 12

14. In what ways did the rivalry between the Portuguese and the Ottoman Turks affect
the conflict between Christian and Moslem forces in the Horn?
A. Directly by participating in the wars.
B. Indirectly through supplying arms and ammunition.
C. Indirectly through political and moral support.
D. Indirectly by imposing a naval blockade on the side that they opposed.
15. Which of the following states of southern Ethiopia was able to successfully resist
the forces od Adal early in the 16th century and remain independent?
A. Enarya B. Damot C. Welayita D. Hadya
16. What was the major reason for the conversion of Emperor Susenyos to Catholicism?
A. To begin with, his loyalty to the Church was weak because he did not grow up
under its influence
B. He hoped to get the support of Catholic Europe against internal challengers
C. He was influenced by members of his family who had converted before
D. He was convinced of the superior theology of the Catholic Church
17. Which of the following rulers of the Gondar Era tried to carry out an extensive
reform of land tenure and taxation?
A. Fasiledes B. Bakafa C. Iyasu I D. Yohannis I
18. What led to European imposition of “unequal treaties” on China early in the 19 th
A. Weak and ineffective rulers and decline of military strength
B. The failure of China rulers to discover the hidden meanings of the treaty
C. The belief of the Chinese that whatever is written on paper does not early
D. The hope that signing treaties with several foreign powers will increase
competition and conflict among them
19. The renaissance art was different from the art of the preceding period by its:
A. Concern with depicting everyday life in a realistic manner.
B. Emphasis on building gigantic cathedrals with spires and Palaces
C. Exclusive focus on religious themes in painting and literature.
D. Adoption of the baroque and gothic styles in paintings.

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20. What was a royal colony in the Americas?
A. A colony under the direct control of a king.
B. A colony established by a trading company.
C. A colony put under the administration of the Royal Navy.
D. A colony set up by an individual through a grant by the king.
21. Which one of the following was characteristic of the state of Kaffa?
A. Its democratic administration system based on the Mikrecho.
B. Its organization of an effective defense structure.
C. Its organization of the economy on slave-cultivated plantations.
D. Its endurance for a long time as a result of political alliance with the Oromo.
22. All of the following were factors in the decline of the Gada institution among the
Oromo Except one.
A. The negative role of powerful war leaders vis-à-vis the Gada class.
B. The accumulation of wealth by sections of the Oromo population.
C. The influence of Islamic teachings regarding rulers and power.
D. The shift of their livelihood strategy from agriculture to pastoralism.
23. Why did Nur Ibn Mujahdin fail to continue with the conquest of the Christian
kingdom after defeating Emperor Gelawdewos?
A. He had run out of provisions for his army.
B. His base territory was threatened by invasion of the Oromo.
C. His lowland followers refused to fight in the cold highlands.
D. There was a rebellion directed against him in Harar.
24. Which of the following is true about the Zemene Mesafint?
A. Ethiopia as a country was dismembered
B. All the mesafint accepted and obeyed the authority of the kings.
C. A family of lords from the provice of Yejju dominated politics.
D. The Orthodox church acted as the only unifying force.
25. Emperor Tekle Giyorgis was known as “Fetsame Mengist” because
A. He was crowned and removed from throne several times.
B. His reign witnessed hitherto unseen devastating civil war.
C. He was responsible for transferring power peacefully to the Yejju dynasty
D. His reforms led to the disintegration of the power of the central government.

2012/2020 History Model examination II for grade 12

26. What influence did Thomas Paine’s work, Common Sense have on the American war
of Independence?
A. It was instrumental in radicalizing different sections of the American
B. It succeeded in delaying the break between Britain and the Colonists.
C. It laid out the basic principles of American federal structure which were
adopted later.
D. It widely popularized crimes and hence encouraged Europeans to support the
27. Why did Louis XVI convene the Estate General in 1788?
A. To design strategies on how to deal with the British invasion of France.
B. To discuss the issue of voting new taxes for the government.
C. To discuss reforms on land tenure and peasant conditions.
D. To develop mechanism to address the bad harvest of 1788.
28. What was the renaissance scientist Nicolaus Copernicus best known for?
A. His criticism of the Church, its dogma, and its Christian texts.
B. His discovery of the law of gases instrumental in modern chemistry.
C. His ridiculing of superstition and narrow mindedness through his writings.
D. His assertion that the sun is the center of our solar system.
29. What was the reason, other than the Religious one, for which North German princes
gave support and protection to Martin Luther?
A. Their desire to punish the Catholic Church for its persecution of German
B. Their aspiration to replace the supremacy of the Italian nobility in the
inistitutions of the Church.
C. Their ambition to weaken the Holy Roman Emperor and take over ownership of
Church properties.
D. The expectation that Martin Luther would become heir to the throne of the
Holy Roman Empire.
30. What was the new finding about winds that had an impact on overseas explorations
of the 15th and 16th centuries?
A. The Knowledge that global winds naturally blow in the direction of big vessels.
B. The discovery that global winds change direction seasonally in a regular
C. The knowledge that global winds have no impact on the direction of sailing
D. The discovery of trade winds to be used as a counter balance to monsoon

2012/2020 History Model examination II for grade 12

31. The birth of the militant state of Adal was the immediate result of the
A. Demographic pressure from the neighbouring Afar and Somali.
B. Threat from the vigorously expanding Oromo.
C. Internal division within the Walasma ruling house of Ifat.
D. Military and diplomatic support from Ottoman Turkey.
32. The role of the institution called Mikrecho in the Political system of the medieval
kingdom of Kafa was
A. Supervising provincial administration
B. Giving whatever assistance the king needs.
C. Checking the power and authority of the king.
D. Monitoring tribute collection
33. Which of the following accounts for the military success of Imam Ahmed over the
Christian army under Lebene Dengel?
A. Gragn’s ability to mobilize pastoralists of the lowlands for a Jihad.
B. The withdrawal of Portuguese military support from the Christian kingdom.
C. The rebellion of Muslim’s living in the Christian Highland Kingdom.
D. The hostility between the Christian highland kingdom and the Turks.
34. Which of the following is correct about the relationship between the Gada system
and Qallu institution?
A. Both were concerned with the spiritual life of Oromo communities.
B. Both were concerned with political and administrative matters among the
C. Three was interdependence between them in preserving and reinforcing social
D. Division between the supporters of the two institutions gave rise to ravaging
35. The locality in eastern Gojam that briefly served as a political center to Emperor
minas (r.1559-1563) was
A. Jan Amora B. Debre Zeit C. Mengiste Semayat D. Denqeze

2012/2020 History Model examination II for grade 12

36. The decision of Fasiledes to move to Gondar to make it the capital of his kingdom as
of 1636 is said to have been influenced by
A. Economic considerations related to the desire to collect ample revenue from
B. Religious considerations related to his desire to restore the traditional
Orthodox faith.
C. Strategic considerations related to the geographic location of Gondar at the
center of his kingdom.
D. His long term plan to make the town a regional center for religious learning.
37. Which one of the following measures led to the outbreak of rebellions by the 13
British colonies of North America?
A. The Boston tea party C. the declaration of Independence
B. The Stamp act D. the Bill of taxes
38. According to the new constitution of 1791, “Active Citizens’ in France were those
A. Were emancipated from slavery
B. Were members of the Legislative Assembly.
C. Enjoyed the right to vote and be elected.
D. Came back home after participating in the American war.
39. Which of the following was central in the process of generating power at the early
stage of the industrial revolution?
A. Wind C. palm oil
B. Coal D. Petroleum
40. Which one of the following factors greatly contributed to the spiritual and material
prosperity of Western Sudanic states during the medieval period?
A. Christian missionaries and the expansion of mining.
B. Islam and the Trans-Saharan trade.
C. Pilgrimage and the Trans-Atlantic trade.
D. Jihads and “Legitimate Trade”.
41. What were the major languages of Renaissance scholarship?
A. English and French C. German and Italian
B. Latin and Greek D. Italian and Greek

2012/2020 History Model examination II for grade 12

42. What was the final outcome of the reformation?
A. Overall decline of religion in Europe
B. A permanent division among Christians on theological matters
C. An even stronger Catholic Church
D. Stronger bond between church and state everywhere
43. Which of the following factor was the most significant for the victory of Adali forces
over those of the Christian state in the 1520’s?
A. Superior weapons
B. The success of Imam Ahmed in unifying Afar, Somali and Harari forces
C. Defection of Christians who opposed Libne dengel
D. Turkish military and political support
44. What is the justification for referring to the Oromo population movement of the 16 th
and 17th centuries as a unifying phenomenon in Ethiopia history?
A. That the Oromo did not oppress non-oromo groups whom they defeated
B. That the Oromo practice system of adoption of children called gudifecha
C. That the movement reduced the number of linguistic and cultural entitles in
southern Ethiopia
D. That the Oromo brought the Muslim- Christian wars of the 16 th century to an
45. Which of the following was included in the English Bill of rights of 1689?
A. The kings may not be able to sign treaties or agreements with other kings
without parliamentary approval
B. The rulers of England shall not be Catholic
C. The kings can have armies of their own
D. The kings can levy taxes
46. With which one of the following was the Renaissance associated?
A. A deep concern with what will happen to the human soul in the here after
B. A fascination with the literature and histories of the classical world
C. Discovering ways of reconciling the material and spiritual worlds
D. Synthesizing the political philosophies of the west 0with the east.
47. In which of the following pair of religions did one emerge as a reform movement out
of the other?
A. Shinto and Confucianism C. Shia’ism and Sunnism

2012/2020 History Model examination II for grade 12

B. Buddhism and Hinduism D. Zoroastrianism and Judaism
48. The council of Nicea in 325 A.D. was an important landmark in the history of the
Christian church because it
A. For the first time proclaimed Christianity as the official religion of Rome.
B. Consolidated the Christian Church by laying down its administrative
C. Planted the seeds of an enduring doctrinal division in the Christian Church
D. Established the separation of church and the Roman state as a guiding
49. What was the common features in the works of Renaissance scholars and writers?
A. Their call for a reform of existing religious practices
B. Their challenge to authority and “established” thinking
C. Their greater concern for religious matters than human problems
D. Their undermining of classical learning of ancient Greece and Rome.
50. Which of the following is true about the heroic deeds of Joan of Arc (1412-1431)?
A. She led the French army in the fight to lift the English siege on the city of
B. She was a commander of the French army which successful broke English
naval blockade in the British canal
C. She was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church for her death for the
cause of the Church
D. She became famous for her participation in the hundred years war as head of
the French Catholic Church
51. Why is the year 1270 regarded as a historic landmark in the history of Medieval
Ethiopia? Because it marked the
A. End of the tradition of mobile capitals and the restoration of the old tradition of
permanent capital
B. End of the Aksumite dynasty and the beginning of the rule of Monarchs from
the Zagwe dynasty
C. Ascension of Yekuno Amlak to the throne and the restoration of “Solomonic”
rule in ethiopia

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D. Ascension of Yemrhane Kirstos to the throne and the restoration of
“Solomonic” rule in ethiopia

52. Which of the following personalities rose to prominence as a result of a political

A. Etege Mentwab C. Queen of Sheba
B. Queen Illeni D. Bati Del Wembere
53. The emergence of powerful war leaders in the process of expansion led to the
gradual decline of the Gada system among the Oromo. This was because:
A. Those developments led to the creation of a class of land lords with absolute
authority over their people.
B. Those successful war leaders accepted Islam which made the religion dominant
over any traditional institution
C. Those leaders involved to assume kingship which was inconsistent with the
principles of the Gada system
D. People lost faith in the Gada system as it failed to stop the raging wars.
54. Which one of the following is a lasting achievement of king Fasiledes?
A. His success in bringing about reconciliation between Catholic and Orthodox
B. His determination to protect Ethiopian converts to Catholicism
C. His success in forcing the reconversion of all Catholic Ethiopians to Orthodoxy
D. His choice of Gondar as an imperial capital
55. An important achievement of the “Glorious Revolution” of 17 th cwntury England was
the fact that it for the first time
A. Introduced the so-called “Magana Carta”
B. Made the role of parliament insignificant
C. Introduced the so called bill of rights
D. Restored the British Monarchy of the Stuarts
56. At the root of Rousseau’s economic idea sympathizing with small property owners
was his principle that
A. Everyone should own property an d become a capitalist
B. A broad economic gap between the rich and the poor should not exist
C. All men are equal and their economic equality is an absolute necessity

2012/2020 History Model examination II for grade 12

D. The means of production should be put under collective ownership
57. What was the difference between Renaissance scholars and Christian humanists of
the 15th century?
A. The former focused on science and technology while the latter studied the
B. The former sought to recapture ancient literature while the latter studied the
C. The former were interested in non-human things while the latter studied things
related to humanity
D. The former were mainly Italian while the latter were mainly Dutch
58. Which of the following was true about the Muslim sultanates in Ethiopia and the
Horn between the 9th and 16thcenturies?
A. None of them had submitted to the Christian state
B. They fought more among themselves than against the Christian state
C. They were all supported and encouraged by outside forces opposed to the
D. They controlled and dominated trade with the outside world
59. Which of the following is true about the Oromo Gada system?
A. Political power was peacefully transferred from one group to the other every
eight years
B. It operated through competitive election of officers irrespective of age or grade
C. It accorded equal rights to women and men
D. It clearly distinguished and separated religion from politics
60. What caused the internal divisions within the sultanate of Ifat in the 2 nd half of 14th
A. Differences of opinion on what kind of strategy to adopt towards the Christian
B. Difference on the legitimacy of establishing an alliance with the non-Muslim
Damot state against the Christian kingdom
C. The issue of accepting or rejecting the help of the rulers of Yemen to fight
against the Christian kingdom

2012/2020 History Model examination II for grade 12

D. On the issue of relocating the political center of Ifat from the Ifat lowlands to
the deserts of Awassa
61. What was the relation between the medieval state of damot and Wolayita?
A. Both states emerged in the same geographical area but in different historical
B. Wolayita tradition claims that one of its dynasties has links with Damot
C. The ruling dynasty of Wolayita was established by refugees from Damot
following its conquest by the Oromo
D. The political institutions of Wolayita were exact reproductions of the political
institution of Damot
62. Why did the Oromo succeed in taking land from their opponents within relatively
short period?
A. They mobilized dedicated warriors whose lands had been taken from them by
other pastoralists
B. They used better muskets and horses which were imported through the port of
C. They were able to divide the Christians and Muslims through a successful
D. They were served well by the Gada system which allowed them to mobilize their
resources in an efficient way
63. What was the impact of the story of the “Prester John of the Indies” on Ethiopia’s
foreign relations of the 15th century?
A. It increased Turkish hatred and animosity towards Ethiopia
B. It attracted the Turks to establish closer relations with Ethiopia
C. It attracted the Portuguese to establish closer relationswith Ethiopia
D. It shaped the religious policy of the Portuguese towards Ethiopia
64. An objective proof that the congress of Vienna was an achievement for global peace
was that it
A. Helped to get rid of Napoleon Bonaparte, an invader and enemy of peace
B. Helped the continent of Europe to avoid a major war for the coming 100 years
C. Settled for a Dutch Republic under the United kingdom of the Netherlands
D. Restored all peace-loving monarchs of Europe back on their thrones
65. Which one of the following countries was a leading slave trading nation in the 18 th
century, but took the early initiative in the abolitionist movement of the 19 th century?
A. Portugal C. the Netherlands

2012/2020 History Model examination II for grade 12

B. Spain D. Great Britain
66. Under which of the following leaders did the Sultanate of Adal start a military
campaign against the Christian kingdom at the end of the 15 th century?
A. Ahmed Ibn Ibrahim C. Mohammed ibn Badley
B. Nur ibn Mujahid D. Mahfuz
67. What was the role of the Ras-Bitweed during the Zemene Mesafint?
A. Ensuring proper Tax collection
B. Advising and influencing the kings
C. Commanding the armies of the kings
D. Ensuring law and order
68. What was the major factor for the decline of the kingdom of Mali?
A. Power struggle between the descendants of Sundiata and Sumanguru.
B. The failure to govern the outlying provinces in an effective way
C. The decline of productivity following the expansion of the Sahara
D. Financial bankruptcy because of Mansa Musa’s wasteful pilgrimage to Mecca
69. Which one of the following was a consequence of the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade?
A. The shift of the regional balance of power from West to South Africa
B. The growth of a manufacturing economy along the coastal parts of West Africa
C. The intensification of conflict and warfare among African rulers
D. The large scale conversion of Africans into Islam.
70. Which one of the following facilitated the emergence of a state among the Gibe
A. The threat of conquest by the expanding Christian state.
B. The frequent wars and power struggle among different Abba Dulas
C. The migration and settlement of Sudanese Muslim Clerics
D. The diffusion of ideas about kingship from the Christian kingdom
71. What was the practice in the Catholic church known as “Indulgences” which Martin
Luther harshly criticized?
A. Excommunication of those who believed in salvation through deeds
B. Collecting payment from believers who seek to be pardoned from their sins

2012/2020 History Model examination II for grade 12

C. Giving priority to members of the church leadership in buying land rights
D. Giving permission for monastic life only to believers who can afford to pay
72. Where was the ancient kingdom of Ghana located geographically?
A. At the present site of Mali and Mauritania
B. At the present site of the modern state of Ghana
C. On the Southern edge of the Saharan desert
D. Between the present states of Nigeria and Cameroon
73. Which one of the following was a cause of conflict between Charles I and parliament
in the English revolution?
A. Charle’s practice of collecting Taxes without parliamentary approval which was
seen as illegal
B. Parliament’s opposition to the king granting extensive lands to the Queen that
was exempt from taxes
C. The uncovering of Charle’s plan to convert England into a Catholic country
D. The antagonism created by the demands of the Levellers for the abolishion of
the monarchy
74. What doe’s John Lock’s theory of social contract recommended in the face of tyranny
and misrule?
A. Compromise and arbitration C. repentance and tolerance
B. Uprising and revolution D. submission and loyalty
75. Why did France support the cause of the 13 British colonies of America during the
revolutionary period?
A. Because of the age-long rivalry between Great Britain and France
B. Because of the Anti-colonial stance of the French government of the time
C. Because of the French wanted to replace Britain as a new colonial master of
the continent
D. Because of the ideological commitment of French revolutionaries against
British tyrants
76. What was the most important achievement of the Duke of Wellington, at the battle of
A. Signed a peace treaty with Belgium
B. Negotiated a peace treaty with Russia

2012/2020 History Model examination II for grade 12

C. Dealt the final blow to Napoleon I’s army
D. Restored Napoleon I to power in France
77. The messenger sent to Portugal by Atse Libine Dingil to bring help against Imam
Ahmed was
A. Pero Paez C. Christopher da Gama
B. Alphonso Mendez D. John Bermudez
78. Who was responsible for introduction the seclusion policy in Japan in the 17 th
A. The Tokugawa Shoguns C. Christian Daimyos
B. Franciscan Missionaries D. the Dutch East India company
79. During its Monopolistic phase, the business of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade was
dominated by
A. Chartered companies C. American planters
B. Private shippers D. African Chiefs
80. The congress of Vienna of 1815 is usually associated with
A. Liberalism C. Republicanism
B. Self-determination D. Conservatism
81. What was the role of the solomonic monarchs during the Zemene Mesafint?
A. Oversee civil and judicial affairs in the kingdom
B. Serve as negotiators with Ethiopia’s external contacts
C. Undertake military expeditions whenever called on by the ras-bitweded
D. Reign as nominal rulers of the kingdom
82. The magnificent new capital city of Peking (Beijing) was erected by the
A. Ming dynasty C. Han emperors
B. Monglos invaders D. Ching dynasty
83. The reason why China was an easy victim for imperialistic nations was
A. Its slowness to adopt new methods and ideas
B. Its weakness from poor government
C. Its scarce natural resources
D. A and B

2012/2020 History Model examination II for grade 12

84. Between 1200 A.D and 1869, or for nearly 700 years, much of Japan’s history had
to do with struggle between rivals for the import office of
A. Monarch B. Shogun C. Samurai D. Bushiudo
85. Which religion was introduced into Japan by the Chinese?
A. Buddhism B. Shintoism C. Christianity D. Taoism
86. Which of the following is true about the petition of right in England?
A. It declared that the king had no right to collect taxes without parliament’s
B. Charles I had to agree to the petition of right
C. The king could impose military law at any time
D. The king could force people to house soldiers in their homes
87. Which of the following was achieved by Cromwell as lord protector?
A. He built up England’s navy and merchant shipping
B. He defeated both the Dutch and the Spanish at Sea
C. He brought peace between the sects in England
D. All are correct answers
88. Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains …” this was first stated by
A. Voltaire B. Rousseau C. Montesquieu D. Abraham Lincoln
89. Which of the following events occurred first during the American war of
A. The French signed a treaty of alliance with the Americans
B. The Second continental congress adopted the declaration of independence
C. George Washington was appointed commander –in chief of the army
D. Britain accepted the independence of the USA
90. One of the following is not the significance of the American war of independence?
A. It influenced the people of Latin America to struggle for liberation from the
Spanish and Portuguese rule
B. It created a new nation and state
C. It became the immediate cause of the English Revolution
D. It became the immediate cause of the French Revolution
91. The fall of the Bastille on 14 July 1789, was an insurrection of the ordinary people of
A. To save the national Assembly from counter-revolution
B. To protect the monarchy from the revolution
C. To replace the states-general by the National assembly
D. To loot ammunition from the royal prison

2012/2020 History Model examination II for grade 12

92. In France. The period of mass murder which occurred during 1793-1794 and known
as the reign of terror, was directed by
A. National assembly C. Committee of Public Safety
B. National convention D. Legislative Assembly
93. Which of the following was a lasting gain to the French people brought by the
A. The basic ideas of the declaration of the rights of man
B. The ending of special privileges for the clergy and the nobility
C. The establishment of the same law and justice for all French men
D. All are possible answers
94. Which of the following was an achievement of Napoleon?
A. He set up a centralized government for France
B. He codified French law
C. He started a system of universal education
D. All are correct answers
95. Point out the one which is not the result of the industrial Revolution
A. Population growth and urbanization
B. Rise of a new class system that included the nobility
C. Colonialism and semi-colonialism
D. National wealth and national power increased
96. A congress of European powers was assembled in Vienna 1815 to settle
A. The boundaries of Austria, Russia, and Prussia
B. The fate of Poland
C. The political organization of Italy and Germany
D. All are correct answers
97. Which of the following can be an important factor for the industrial revolution to
A. Industriousness of skilled craftsmen
B. Population growth in towns and cities
C. Expansion of long distance trade
D. Colonization of newly discovered lands
98. Which of the following was not among the most important Hausa city states?
A. Kano B. Kebbi C. Abuja D. Zazzu
99. Which dynasty freed Gao from the domination of Mali?

2012/2020 History Model examination II for grade 12

A. Sunni C. Dia
B. Askia D. Za
100. The kingdom of Mali attained prosperity and greatness under
A. Sumanguru B. Sundiata C. Mansaukli D.Mansa Musa

2012/2020 History Model examination II for grade 12

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