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SAP Note

153355 - No availability owing to negative ATP quantity

Version 3 Validity: 11.10.1999 - active Language English

Header Data
Released On 10.10.1999 22:00:00
Release Status Released for Customer
Component SD-BF-AC Availability Check
Other Components LE-SHP-GF-AC Availability control Delivery
Priority Recommendations / Additional Info
Category Consulting

Order items are not confirmed by the availability check or the delivery item cannot be created;
message VL150
"Only 0.00 & of material & & are available"
is displayed.

The ATP quantity (in Transaction CO09 or 'Environment - Availability') is negative.

Other Terms

Reason and Prerequisites

The ATP quantity is negative and therefore, the availability check cannot confirm a quantity. A
negative ATP quantity, however, is not a error but may have different causes:

1. Transfers in Materials Management which change the stock situation on plant level or on
storage location level.


Storage location 1000 has a stock of 10 pieces. A sales order for 10 pieces precisely
is confirmed against this stock. Now these 10 pieces are transferred (for example, to a new storage
location). Then the sales order is confirmed although there is a stock of 0 pieces on storage
location level.

In the availability situation, this situation results in a negative ATP quantity, thus
an overconfirmation exists.

2. Check against replenishment lead time or differences in the scope of check. The availability
check in SD allows the system to use a different scope of check for sales documents than for
deliveries. Thus it actually makes sense for future receipts, for example purchase orders,
production orders or planned orders, to be considered in sales orders whereas only the stock
should be considered in deliveries. Consequently, for the check in the sales order, stocks and
other receipt elements are available, whereas in the delivery only stocks are available. As a
result, the ATP quantity for check rule A (sales documents) is larger than that for check rule B
(delivery) and consequently, the delivery item cannot be created yet.

This is similar to the case when confirmation is performed against the replenishment
lead time (that is because the material can be replenished within a specific period, every requested
quantity after the end of replenishment lead time is confirmed). If in the delivery the system
checks without replenishment lead time, the delivery cannot be confirmed.

3. Receipt elements are shifted in time.


The scope of check provides that receipt elements such as planned orders, production
orders or purchase orders are taken into account.

The plant stock is 0 pieces. A production order for 10 pieces exists for July 1st.
Sales order A for 5 pieces is confirmed for July 1st. Then, Production shifts the production order
to July 15th. Sales order A remains confirmed providing no reschedulung or manual availability check
is started in the sales order. Owing to the shift of the production order to a later date, for July
15th, 10 pieces can be assigned to other sales orders again (for example to sales order B for July
15th). As a result, the ATP quantity may become negative.

This results in an over-confirmation. This status can be taken into account during a
further availability check. Set the cumulation rule correspondingly in Transaction OVZ2. Also
consider the F1 help there. As a result, the total of all receipts is checked against the total of
all issues (confirmed quantity or requirements quantity) and in the case of an over-confirmation, no
quantity confirmation is made (in the above example sales order B would not be confirmed).

4. Customizing changes to the scope of check.

The confirmation of existing documents is created on the basis of a (one-time)

stock/requirements situation and on the basis of the scope of the check set at this time (see
Customizing Transaction OVZ9).

If the scope of check is changed in the meantime (that is, receipt elements for
example production orders were excluded from the scope) the document may have been confirmed in the
past against receipt elements which are now no longer taken into account.

As a result, the ATP quantity may become negative, thus an overconfirmation situation

In general, you can resolve such overconfirmations by rescheduling or by starting a new availability
check manually.

This document is not restricted to a software component or software component version

This document refers to:
SAP Notes
89362 No confirmation despite available quantity/stock
36520 Availability check for delivery

This document is referenced by:

SAP Notes (2)
36520 Availability check for delivery
89362 No confirmation despite available quantity/stock

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