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Grammar Vocabulary

1 Complete the text with the positive (+) or

4 Match the verbs and nouns.
negative (-) form of the verb in brackets.
1 live d a) a sister and two brothers
I’m Italian but I 1 live (live) (+) in the USA
2 study b) for the World Bank
with my wife, Deb. We 2 (have) (-)
3 work c) English
children. We 3 (like) (+) life here. I
4 4 drive d) in a flat
(work) (-) in an office. I work from
5 have e) to the shops
home. We 5 (go) (+) to the beach a lot and
we 6 (play) (+) tennis in the evenings. We
7 4
(do) (+) this seven days a week. We
(have) (-) a big house but we 9
(live) (+) in a beautiful town. Our friends Jim and
5 Complete the days of the week.
Kat 10 (play) (-) tennis, but we often
(drive) (+) to their house for a barbecue. 1Saturday 4F d y 6M n a
2T r d y 5S d y 7T s y
10 3W d sd y

2 Match questions 1–6 with answers a)–f).
1 Do you have a car? a
6 Underline the correct preposition.
2 Where do you work?
3 What languages do you study? 1 on/at/in the evening 4 on/at/in a minute
4 Do you like tea? 2 on/at/in the weekend 5 on/at/in the afternoon
5 Do you have a job? 3 on/at/in Monday 6 on/at/in night
6 What sports do you play?
a) Yes, I do. I have a Fiat.
b) Tennis and football.
c) No, I don’t. I like coffee. 7 Complete the words in the definitions.
d) French and English.
e) In an Italian restaurant in town. 1 A match is a game between two people/teams.
f) No, I don’t. I’m a student. 2Af is a group of plays, concerts or events.
3Ap is for people to meet and have fun.
5 4Ap is in a theatre. It has actors.
5Af is at the cinema. It has actors.
6Ac has music and is for a lot of people.
3 Complete the sentences with the positive (+) or
negative (-) present simple form of a verb from
the box. Function
come cost go have like live
8 Underline the correct alternative.
1 Paula lives (+) in the United States. 1 A: Excuse me. 1What/What’s time 2is it/it is?
2 Andrew (-) football. B: It’s 11.30.
3 June (+) from a big family. A: Sorry? 3What’s/What time?
4 A new car (-) a lot of money. B: 4Half/Quarter past eleven.
5 Nick (+) out on Fridays. 2 A: 5What’s/What the time?
6 Jack (-) any brothers or sisters. B: It’s seven 6a clock/o’clock.
A: OK. The concert is 7to/from 8.00 8at/to 10.30.
5 3 A: Let me 9to check/check the time. It’s 9.15.
B: 10Quarter/Half to nine?
A: No, quarter 11to/past nine – 9.15!


Total: 50

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