Unit Test U2 Version B

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UNIT 2 PROGRESS TEST version B Name: ................................................................. Date: ....................................

Choose the correct answer. Write a, b or c in the box.

1 You need to with at least two other students to

produce your final project. a prioritize b collaborate c create

2 We to arrange a meeting with the company’s

CEO. a likely b prepared c managed

3 It can be difficult to find a between studying and

socializing. a balance b focus c sacrifice

4 I fell off my bike while I was riding to work, and I broke one of
my . a lungs b kidneys c ribs

5 Read the information carefully because these pills can have

side . a effects b diseases c changes

6 She’s stopped doing yoga because she says the exercises

make her dizzy. a take b have c feel

7 It’s a really busy job, so you need to be good at

your time. a managing b setting c dealing

8 Could you say that again? I understand your

explanation. a not quite b didn’t quite c quite didn’t

9 You tell anyone else what password you have

chosen. a aren’t supposed   b can’t c didn’t manage

10 The IT staff was so busy that day. The computers can’t a have worked b be working
properly. c have been working

11 Sandra isn’t coming on the walk today because she’s

a muscle in her leg. a picked b pushed c pulled

12 Surely he can’t to Arianna again. They spoke for

hours last night! a be talking b have talked c talk

13 I yelled at my sister yesterday, and now I really it. a envy b regret c panic

14 I don’t know why Antoine didn’t show up. He may a look b have been looking
after his kids. c have looked

15 My brother had to stitches after he fell while he

was skateboarding. a put b get c take

16 The line for the box office isn’t long. We have

gotten here so early. a didn’t b can’t c needn’t

17 I think they’re to go to the concert. They love

indie music. a likely b supposed c might

18 I had to leave class early because I had a

headache. a spraining b splitting c stitching

19 We really to offer to pay for Alex’s ticket. a ought b may c should

20 When you visit Lisbon, you go to Belém. It’s

really beautiful there. a needn’t b need c have to

C1 Advanced 1 Personal Best C1 © Richmond 2019

UNIT 2 PROGRESS TEST version B Name: ................................................................. Date: ....................................

21 Matthew is really good at dealing difficult

customers. a with b on c to

22 The e-mail says we receive the refund in five to

ten days. a likely b should c supposed

23 I’ve had several problems with this phone even though it’s
new. a quite b quite a c quite the

24 Can you us on your progress with the customer

research? a benefit b concern c update

25 Ryan have told me those T-shirts were on sale! I

didn’t realize. a may b could c would

26 Don’t . We have plenty of time to get to the

airport. a regret b concern c panic

27 You’re supposed for your ticket before you board

the streetcar. a to pay b pay c paying

28 These shoes are so uncomfortable! I have terrible

on my toes. a blisters b bandages c bruises

29 You’d not throw away the receipt in case you

need to return the jacket. a have to b better c should

30 Meera has to be careful about what she eats because she

allergic to nuts. a has b gets c is

31 They explained the rules of the competition more

clearly. a could b should have c ought to

32 I love listening to audiobooks on my commute to work. It’s a

great way to ! a escape b benefit c effect

33 Stephanie have been upset if I’d borrowed her car

without asking. a would b must c needn’t

34 He’s to spend a lot of money to get the kind of

bike he wants. a supposed b prepared c better

35 The travel agency dealt with our complaint quite

. a effect b effective c effectively

36 They’d told us he was a hard-working student, but quite

was true. a an opposite b opposite c the opposite

37 You be doing your homework on the bus to

school! a needn’t b shouldn’t c won’t

38 When you’re studying, it’s a good idea to goals for

yourself. a set b save c show

39 My students the initiative and planned a party for

their new classmates. a showed b gave c took

40 We’re studying the of recycling services in our

local area. a concern b impact c regret

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C1 Advanced 2 Personal Best C1 © Richmond 2019

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