3101 Bowen Reaction Series

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Fractional crystallization and Bowen reaction series

Or Differentiation of magma

Bowen (1900) investigated melting and crystallization properties of minerals order which the mineral
crystallized in the cooling magma different composition.

Continuous reaction series

The composition of the first Plagioclase is calcium rich and the melt change towards a more sodic
composition.Continously change the composition as magma cool. The Plagioclase solid solution series
involv a couple substitution in which C2+Al3+ are replaced by Na1+ and Si4+ Such continuous change is
known as Continuous reaction series.

Disconticontinous Reaction series

In the discontinous series, the first silicate minerals to form are olivine and of these magnesium rich
proceed iron-rich type.

Olivine react with silica in melt to form a most silica rich minerals Pyroxene.

Olivine. + Quartz = enstatite

As the temperature fall

Pyroxene+ silica = Amphibole

Amphibole+ silica = biotite

Early formed minerals reaction with the remaining liquid is called a discontinous series.

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