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Activity Book

University Study Skills

College of Arts and Sciences
How to use this activity
All freshmen students at Abu Dhabi University registered in the University Study Skills for Success
(USS001)course need to complete this activity as evidence of having attended all the video seminars. The
following guidelines are to be followed to successfully complete the USS001 course:

Step 1: Attend the briefing session by the instructor and adhere to the requirements.

Step 2: Download and save this activity book on your computer.

Step 3: Attend the video seminars posted on Blackboard.

Step 4: Complete each activity in the activity between week 4 and week 12 of your first semester. You are
advised to work on this soft copy and submit it by week 14 through Blackboard. You can also
take a printout of this workbook, complete it manually, and submit a scanned copy of it through

Step 5: The instructor in charge will review your activity book performance and share feedback. If
successful, you will receive a digital certificate of completion of the USS001 course. With this,
you will be eligible to register for courses that have FWS100 as a course prerequisite.

General Guidelines
Instructions for completing each activity in this activity book are given at the beginning. You are advised
to be brief and precise whenever no word limit is mentioned. You are encouraged to adhere to the
allocated time to get the maximum benefit from the activities in the activity book. As you must work in the
soft copy of this activity book, you can add/remove extra space based on your need.
Activity Book Part 1 Marks: 50
Module 1: Growth Mindset

Timeline: Monday, March 11 to Tuesday 2nd

April 2024.
Activity 1: Growth & Fixed Mindset Report
Activity Time: 10 minutes
Objectives: This activity aims to develop an understanding of fixed mindset self-talk and change it to a
growth mindset self-talk.
Suggested Materials: Art supplies (colored pencils, markers), paper, and post-its
Activity Description: Identify 5 examples of your fixed-mindset self-talk and replace them with suitable
growth-mindset self-talk.

Serial No. Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset


Activity 2: Growth Mindset
Reflection Activity Time: 30 minutes
Objectives: The activity aims to cultivate a growth mindset in students
Suggested Materials: Art supplies (colored pencils, markers), paper, and post-its
Activity Description: Answer the following questions by mentioning examples from your life in 300-350

Q1) Did you notice any changes in your approach after learning about the Growth and Fixed mindset?
Q2) How can you develop a growth mindset to apply it to specific learning situations?
Q3) Evaluate the benefits you mayexpect while demonstrating a growth mindset in your learning.

Module 2: Critical Thinking/Arguments/Fact & Opinion
Timeline: Wednesday April 03 to Sunday 21st April 2024.

Activity 1: Facts &

Opinions Activity Time: 10
Objectives: The goal of this activity is to give students the skill to differentiate between factual and
opinionated statements.
Suggested Materials: Stationery supplies (colored pencils, markers) and paper for the printout of this
Activity Description: Write “F” on the line in front of each factual statement and “O” on the line in
front of each opinionated statement
1. Harry S. Truman was the president of the United States.
2. Truman was one of the best presidents the United States has had.
3. Movies are generally more interesting than books.
4. The unemployment rate in the U.S. today is higher than it was in 1935.
5. Non-poisonous snakes make delightful pets.
6. Businesses set outrageously high prices on their products.
7. Time is a better magazine than Newsweek.
8. Junior college is a better place to attend school for the first two
years thanauniversity or a 4-year college.
9. In Arizona, smoking in public places is against the law.
10. Nicotine makes the heart beat faster.
Activity 2: What would happen if----------?
Activity Time: 20 minutes
Objectives: This exercise is designed to help students think laterally and discover new ways of looking at
the world.
Suggested Materials: Stationery supplies (colored pencils, markers) and paper for the printout of this

Activity Description: Answer these questions using creative and constructive thinking. You can use as
much detail as you like. For fun, try to think of your own “What Would Happen?” questions!

What would happen if?

1) There were suddenly no computers, tablets, or phones of any kind anywhere on Earth.
2) We had to live in a world without electricity.
3) You woke up one morning to discover you had changed into a cartoon character.
4) All the animals in the world could suddenly communicate with us in our language.
5) You discovered your best friend was a superhero?
Activity 3: Arguments
Activity Time: 20
Objectives: This exercise is designed to help students think laterally and discover new ways of looking at the world.
Suggested Materials: Stationery supplies (colored pencils, markers) and paper for the printout of this template.
Activity Description: Read the following two passages and answer the following question.

Passage 1
The intelligence of dolphins is well documented by science. Studies show that dolphins can understand sign
language, solve puzzles, and use objects in their environment as tools. Scientists also believe that dolphins
possess a sophisticated language: numerous instances have been recorded in which possess transmitted
information from one individual to another. A recent experiment proved that even recognize themselves in
a mirror – something achieved by very few animals. This behavior tells us that dolphins are aware that
they have individual personalities and indicates that their intelligence may be very close to our own.
Passage 2
Are dolphins unusually intelligent? Dolphins have large brains, but we know that large brain size alone
does not determine what kind of intelligence a creature has. Some researchers have suggested that
dolphins have big brains because they need them – for sonar and sound processing and social interactions.
Others have argued that regardless of brain size, dolphins have an intelligence level somewhere between a
dog and a chimpanzee. The fact is, we don’t know. Just as human intelligence is appropriate for human
needs, dolphin intelligence is right for the dolphin’s way of life. Until we know more, all we can say is that
dolphin intelligence is different.

Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why bypresenting an argument as learned from the lesson.
Module 3: Information Literacy & Research Skills
Timeline: Monday 22nd April to Sunday12th May, 2024.

Activity 1: Evaluation of
sources Activity Time: 10
Objectives: The objective of this activity is to enhance the ability of the students to evaluate the sources
while conducting research.
Suggested Materials: Stationery supplies (colored pencils, markers) and paper for a printout of this
Activity Description: Answer the following question.
Q) What makes a source reliable or credible? Write down at least 3 reasons you think makes a source
reliable or credible.
Activity 2: Reflection
Activity Time: 20
Objectives: The activity aims to provide students piece of knowledge about how to conduct an
Academic Research.
Suggested Materials: Laptop or Tab or Computer/ Stationery supplies (colored pencils, markers) and
paper for a printout of this template.
Activity Description: Watch the following video and mention the key ideas.

Activity 3: Research
Questions Activity Time: 20
Objectives: This activity aims to provide students with the skill to create a narrow research question
Suggested Materials: Stationery supplies (colored pencils, markers) and paper for a printout of this
Activity Description: Using the topic “Smoking & Health” come up at least with two questions to conduct
the following research.
1- Qualitative Research
2- Quantitative Research


Student guide for Using AI
Activity time: 20 Min
Objectives: Upon completing this activity, students will be able to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the
responsible and ethical use of AI in an educational context.
Suggested Materials: Stationery supplies (colored pencils, markers) and paper for a printout of this
Activity Description: Students will complete reading the attached document (student guidelines and s
suggestions for using AI) and response to the given questions.

1- Reading (Page 2-3) Student Guidelines and Suggestions for using AI Language models (Click on the on
the link to access the file)
2- What responsibility do students have regarding the content they create using AI, as per point 5?


3- Explain why it's essential to document and cite the use of AI in homework and projects, as per point 7.

4- Why is it important for students to understand the content generated by AI tools they use?

5- Ans:
Module 4: Presentation Skills

Timeline: Monday 13th May to Sunday June 2nd, 2024.

Activity: One Minute Off-the-Cuff
Activity Time: 15 minutes
Objectives: This activity has been designed to get the students more comfortable speaking off-the-cuff and
minimize the anxiety that comes from being afraid that they won’t have anything to say.
Suggested Materials: Stationery supplies (colored pencils, markers) and paper fora printout of this template.
Activity Description:
Watch the video: pause the video at 01:30 seconds and write your feedback about the presentation.
Continue video- watch till the end and mention your feedback. Compare the difference between two
WI found the host’s talk utterly boring, but still nodded sweetly to show my interest.
5. I looked at my neighbor while he spoke and observed from his body language that his disease was worse than he stated it to be.
Activity Book Part 2 Marks: 50
6. I often get distracted and use my mobile phone when my grandparents are offering me advice.
7. I don’t have the patience to ponder over what people say to me. If they want me to act on something, they should state it clearly; else be prepared that I will not pick up any hints
about doing something.
8. I often interrupt my partner even while he/she is talking about something really relevant to me.

Workshop 1: Communication skills

Objective: Enhance student’s ability to convey ideas effectively and build strong interpersonal connections through
improved communication skills."
Suggested Materials: Stationery supplies (colored pencils, markers) and paper fora printout of this template.

Based on your learning from the workshop answer the following:

1- Mention if following are the example of good listening.

“Are you a good listener?”

a. I found the host’s talk utterly boring, but still nodded sweetly to show my interest.


b. I looked at my neighbor while he spoke and observed from his body language that his disease was worse than he stated it to be.


c. I often get distracted and use my mobile phone when my grandparents are offering me advice.


d. I don’t have the patience to ponder over what people say to me. If they want me to act on something, they should state
it clearly; else be prepared that I will not pick up any hints about doing something.


e. I often interrupt my partner even while he/she is talking about something really relevant to me.


2- Mention the element of the communication skills workshop which you liked the most.

Workshop 2: Conflict Resolution Workshop

Objective: Learn to resolve conflicts effectively to foster a harmonious and productive work or personal environment
Suggested Materials: Stationery supplies (colored pencils, markers) and paper for a printout of this template.
Activity Description:
1- Based on your learning from the workshop about healthy and unhealthy conflict, choose the statement and put in the right box.
 It can boost creative thinking.
 It can generate distrust.
 It can use a logical approach to consider solutions.
 It can participants upset.
 It can bring out personal attacks and blame.
 Help to hear everyone’s ideas.

Healthy Conflict Unhealthy Conflict

2- Which of the following conflict resolution strategies are essential for healthy conflict management? Mention one
reasonwhy you chose this option.

a. Defining the conflict & and understanding underlying issues.

b. Brainstorming on solutions and collective implementation.
c. Identifying the needs of the people involved.
d. All of the above.
Workshop 3: Time Management:

Objective: to be able to prioritize tasks, set achievable goals, and utilize effective time management techniques to enhance
Suggested Materials: Stationery supplies (colored pencils, markers) and paper for a printout of this template.
Activity Description:
1- Look at your daily routine and see how you are spending your 24 hours. e.g Sleep = 8hours Games = 6 hours etc....
And answer the following
Did your schedule have many free slots? Identify a few activities that you can do to use your free time productively. Ans:

2- Reflect on their own procrastination tendencies and share strategies you have used or plan to use to
overcome procrastination.

Workshop 4: Teamwork Workshop

Objective: Demonstrate improved collaboration, communication, and problem-solving skills, leading to more
effectiveand cohesive team performance."
Suggested Materials: Stationery supplies (colored pencils, markers) and paper fora printout of this template.

Activity Description:
Based on your learnings from the workshop Answer the following:

Describe five qualities that make a successful team and discuss the role of the team leader in that process. (150- 200

Workshop 5: Stress Management
Objective: have the knowledge and practical skills to recognize stress triggers, employ effective stress-reduction
techniques, and maintain overall well-being in academic and personal life.
Suggested Materials: Stationery supplies (colored pencils, markers) and paper for a printout of this template.
Activity Description:
1- Based on learnings from the workshop
The negative effects of stress can be reduced with the use of social support, emotional management skills, healthy life
balance, and attending to basic needs.
Stress can trigger many emotions.

Ans: When faced with unpleasant emotions, do you have any tendencies to worsen the situation?

2- List two ways that you have successfully handled the unpleasant emotions in the past.

3- As a first-year student dealing with stress related to university life (Work-study balance, college-to-university
transition challenges, etc..) what will be your action plan to deal with your stressors?

All the Best!!

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