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*Possessive Pronouns







His daftar Daftaro dafatero

Her daftar Daftara dafatera

Their daftar daftaron dafateron

Your daftar Daftarak dafatrak

My daftar Daftari dafatri

Our daftar Daftarna dafaterna

Singular Plural
Alam I have one pen ana ma3i Alam wahad 2laeem I have three pens ana ma3i 3 2leem
Kteb I read this book ana 2reet hyda lkteb Kotob I read these books ana 2reet holl l kotob.
Telephone ana shtaret telephone Telefonat ana ma3i 4 telefonet.
Malaf = folder hattet wre2i bl malaf Malaffet ana rattabet l mallafeet mneeh.
Tawla 3anna tawla kberi lal akel. Tawlat bel saf fi kteer tawlaat manzou3a.
Saf=class room ana wselet 3al saf bekker. Sfooof bel madarsi fi kteer sfoof mrattabi.
M3almi L m3almi 3allametna n3ed men wa7ad M3almeet m3almeet l math kteer azkeya.
la meyyi.

Singular Plural
Shebbek Shababeek
Sandoo2=box Sanadee2
Se3a=watch See3aat
War2a Wraaa2
2annini 2anaaaniii

Task 3:
Mofrad=singular Mothanna = Dual Plural =jame3
kteeb kteebeen Kotob
Se3a Se3teen Se3aat
Alam Alameen 2laaam
maktab mktabeen Makateb
Tawla tawelteen tawlaat
madrasi madrasteen Madares
Ta5et Ta5teen To5oot
Task 4:

lamba lambteen lambaat

msajleh Msajelteen = two recorders msajlaat
5zani 5zanteen 5zanaat
kebbayeh kebbayteen Kebbayaat
Loon Lawneen = two colors Alwaan
benet Benteen = two girls Banat
Banadorayi=one piece of tomato banadorteen Banadora/banadorat
Sha2feh Sha2efteen=two pieces She2af=more than two pieces

Task 5: Translate please😊

In my school, there are two girls very smart.

B madrasti, fi benten kter azkeya.

After the dinner, I washed the dishes and the cups.

Ba3d el 3asha, Ana 8asalet el s7oon wl fanajeen/kebbayeet.

I ate two tomato pieces yesterday.

Ana akalet sha2ftenn banadora mbereh

I used two colors to paint the picture.

Ana sta3malet lawneen la lawwen l soura.

I drank to cups of water because I was thirsty.

Ana sherbet kebbayteen may 3achan kenet 3atchaan.

I met two boys in the school.

Ana t3arrafet 3ala waladeen bl madrasi.

I wrote two pages letter to my friend.

Ana katabet safe7teen reseleh la rfe2i. (saf7a – saf7aat)

Present Continuous
I am writing ana 3am bektob

He is working howwi 3am yeshteghel

We are learning nehna 3am net3allam

They are playing hinii 3am yel3abo

Past Continuous:
I was writing ana kenet 3am bektob/kenet ektob

The phone rang while I was studying

El talefone ran/da2 lamma ana kenet edros.

While I was walking to home a stranger talked to me.

Lamma kenet machi 3al bet fi hada ghareeb haka ma3i.

While I was drinking coffee, it fell on the table

Lamma kenet echrab ahwi we23et 3al tawla.

The lion hurt me while I was playing with it.

L asad azani lamma kenet el3ab ma3o.

I am eating pineapple, strawberries, and cherries.

3am bekol ananas, freiz, w karaz.

You are drinking a lot of tea (boy)

3am teshrab shai kteer.

They are playing with the dog

3am yel3abo m3 l kaleb

She is going to the mall today

3am trouh 3al mall luom

He is studying a lot.

3amyedros kteer

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