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1. Write the words under the pictures.

1. r………….. 2. p………………. 3. a………………. 4. t……. o…… 5. b…… s…………

s ………….

6. m ………….. 7. d……………….. 8. c………………… 9. p………….. 10. b……………….

2. Work out the definitions.

1. It is a place where you get on a train. → p __ __ __ __ __ __ __

2. A person who discovers new places. → e __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3. A new way. → r __ __ __ __
4. To predict what will happen and win money. → b __ __
5. You check new words in it. → d __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
6. You use it to make chocolate. → c __ __ __ __
7. The leaves of it are smoked in cigarettes. → t __ __ __ __ __ __
8. The opposite is ‘round’. → f __ __ __
9. To say ‘yes’. → a __ __ __ __
10. Money you get for helping somebody. → r __ __ __ __ __

3. Match. Write the numbers.

1. If you set off today, ___ powerful country in the world.
2. They walked ___ turning on the right.
3. But everywhere they went ___ I have ever seen.
4. Take the first ___ you could travel round the world in 80 days.
5. We haven’t found gold ___ a strange detective followed them.
6. This is the most beautiful place ___ and they even rode on an elephant.
7. Spain will be the most ___ so we are going to set off for another island.
8. I’d go with my friend because ___ and find new keypals.
9. I’d love to meet school kids ___ we get on very well.
4. Complete the sentences with the words below.

junction natives took off take miss follow reward

bet definitely drowned set off lonely believe reach storm

1. He ___________ in the sea, because he couldn’t swim.

2. If you don’t hurry, we’ll ___________ the train.
3. What time do you ______________ for school in the morning?
4. Turn right at the ______________.
5. If I felt sad or ___________ he’d make me laugh.
6. I would ___________ take a sleeping bag.
7. Fog’s friends agreed to the ____________
8. If I catch the robber, I’ll get 2000 pounds __________.
9. The ____________ have welcomed us with gifts, but they are afraid.
10. If we __________ the birds, we’ll reach the land.
11. Yes, but I ____________ the Earth is round, said Columbus.
12. The ship sank during a terrible ____________.
13. The plane ____________ at nine and landed two hours later.
14. What time does the bus _______________ London?
15. If we don’t __________ the bus, we’ll be late.

5. Choose the correct option.

1. Turn right in / at the supermarket.

2. Go straight / along Brown Street and take / turn the second turning on / at your right.
3. Once you arrive / reach my city, don’t forget to call me.
4. My house is on / at the second corner.
5. We arrived at / on the airport two hours before the flight.
6. The plane took off / up at 8.30.
7. We arrived in / at London after three hours.
8. We met Linda at the train stop / station, but we missed / lost the train.
9. We decided to go by / with bus.
10. We set off / at for the bus station on / by foot, but we got lost and had to take / drive
a taxi.
11. We arrived just in time to catch / miss the last bus.


6. Listen to the teacher and number. Label the pictures.

7. Complete the sentences.

When you travel by plane, you have to arrive early at the airport to ch________ i____ .
They’ll check your ticket and passport. You can ask for an a________________ or
w_______________ seat then. They’ll take away your suitcase, but you can take your
h___________ l ____________ on board. They will also tell you which g________________
you have to find to get on your plane. If you forget this number, you can always
check it on the d_______________ board.
You usually have plenty of time to enjoy shopping in d________________ shops, where
you can buy perfumes and cosmetics at lower prices. First, however, you have to go
through passport control and security ch________________ .
After you b______________ the plane, remember to fasten the b______________ before
the plane takes o_____________! :)


8. Choose the correct answer.

1. You __________ better, if you take an aspirin.

a. will feel b. would feel c. felt
2. If it _________ cold, we wear warm clothes.
a. is b. will be c. was
3. She would pass the test if she ___________ harder.
a. works b. will work c. worked
4. If I _______ you, I’d go to the doctor.
a. am b. will be c. were
5. If I had a dog, I ______ play with it.
a. would b. will c. ---------
6. If they win the match, their fans __________ be excited.
a. would b. will c. ---------
7. I _________ Brazil if I _______ the money.
a. will go/had b. ‘d go/had c. went/’d have
8. If my parents _________ agree , I __________ go camping.
a. don’t/won’t b. didn’t/won’t c. don’t / wouldn’t

9. Put these words and phrases in the correct order. Add commas.

1. if / hungry / have a snack / usually / I / I am

2. if / will / have a good time / you / come / you
3. if / were / rich / I / buy / a big house / would / I
4. if / I / more time / I / would / had / play / in the garden
5. if / studied / he / pass / could / he / harder / the exams
6. if / had / drive / in the countryside / could / a car / she / she
7. If / send me / will / you / an e-mail / I / receive / it / today
8. If / taller / play / basketball / I / were / could / I
9. If / get a reward / you / will / catch / the thief / you
10. If / wouldn’t / didn’t want / I / take a holiday / to relax / I

10. Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. If I ___________ (have) money, I would buy a house.

2. She might pass her exams if she ___________ (work) hard.
3. If I __________ (live) in England, I would speak English well.
4. If CDs ___________ (be) cheaper, I could have lots of them.
5. Where would you go if you __________ (leave) Greece?
6. I might go to the cinema if he __________ (invite) me.
7. We could have a really good day if you _________(come) with us.

11. Complete the sentences for you.

1. If I could do any job, ______________________________________________

2. If I have enough money this weekend, ________________________________
3. If I didn’t live here, ________________________________________________
4. If I work hard at school, ____________________________________________
5. I wouldn’t have any problems if ______________________________________
6. I’ll phone my friend this evening if ____________________________________
7. I would do better at school if ________________________________________
8. Everyone will be really surprised if ____________________________________


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