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The purpose of the practical report is to present the results of the laboratory tests done on the soil
samples collected by the students. The results will be used to assess the suitability of the
“assumed” site for the chosen design.

All the tests outlined in the practical brief should be performed and presented in a group report in
accordance with the pre-approved group setting.

Each section presented should be in line with the test performed. However, additional sections
deemed necessary by the group may be added. Refer to below for report outline.

1. Cover page:
• Subject name and code
• All participating group members
• Submission date

2. Table of contents
3. Introduction
Briefly outline purpose of the report and the testing program (half a page to a page at most)

4. Laboratory program
4.1 Particle size distribution - briefly outline purpose of test and standard followed. Depending
on soil type; cohesive or granular, wet sieve test and hydrometer test should be performed.
Results should be presented in graphical form and interpreted in results section ( i.e well
graded, poorly graded, D10, D60, coefficient of curvature…etc). It can be in tabular form with
brief discussion of important parameters.

4.2 Atterberg limits - briefly outline purpose of test and standard followed. Results should be
presented in graphical form and interpreted in the results section. It can be in tabular form
with brief discussion of important parameters.

4.3 Specific gravity – briefly outline purpose of test and standard followed. Results should be
presented and interpreted in the results section.

4.4 Compaction test - briefly outline purpose of test and standard followed. Results should be
presented in graphical form and interpreted in the results section. It can be in tabular form
with brief discussion of important parameters.

4.5 Shear strength - briefly outline purpose of test and standard followed. Results should be
presented in graphical form and interpreted in the results section. It can be in tabular form
with brief discussion of important parameters. A minimum of three (3) loads should be
applied to the sample (i.e 20N, 50N. 100N, 150N…)

5. Soil classification
Classify your soil based on USCS classification system.

6. Summary of results
Summarize all results obtained from the testing program and comment on results.

7. Geotechnical parameters
Using regressions, correlations, and empirical relationships between physical and
mechanical properties, if necessary, outline the soil parameters that will be used in design

Appendix: Include sample pictures, graphs, …


1. Cover page:
• Subject name and code
• All participating group members
• Submission date
• Include signed plagiarism statement after cover page. Turnitin plagiarism
report should be included in appendix (percentage page only)

2. Table of contents
3. Introduction
Briefly outline purpose of the report and the details of the design-mandate of the design,
which includes

4. Site and project description

• General description of site;
• Geological context – based on sample collection point;
• Bedrock- if mentioned in geological maps

5. Laboratory work
Summarize tests performed in the laboratory and results obtained in tabular form.

6. Nature and properties of soil

Show soil profile based on laboratory results and design conditions given. Depth of
boreholes is based on depth of boreholes. Unit weight variation should be match to soil type
for drawing profile. Layer thickness is determined by the designer.

7. Groundwater level
8. Geotechnical parameters
9. Type of foundation
Based on design chosen, outline design foundation to be considered and proposed depth of

i) ULS calculations and recommended loads for various footing sizes;

ii) SLS calculations with recommended loads for various footing sizes and max
iii) Pile dimensions, depth, spacing…;
iv) Pile group considerations;
v) Pile failure considerations.

10. Conclusion and recommendations

Outline results obtained from previous sections and comment on suitability of design. If the
chosen option is not adequate for project comment based on design of option B.

Other recommendations should be considered such soil improvement methods,


In case, both options are suitable for the project, an economical choice should be
considered based on brief cost analysis.

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