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Unveiling the Elixir:

Exploring the Surprising

Health Benefits of
By: Cleo Grimes
Sipping kombucha has become more than a trend; it's a ritual
for many seeking a flavorful punch of health benefits in every
bubbly sip. Kombucha has risen quickly in popularity over the
last couple of years through increased health trends and social
media popularity. In this article, we’ll explore the health
benefits beyond the trend.

So what is kombucha? Kombucha is a fermented, sweetened

black tea drink, often with other juices, fruits, and flavorings
added in. According to the Mayo Clinic, the final product is a
fermented vinegar liquid with lots of B vitamins and amino
acids, contributing to its healthy allure. The drink often comes
in fun, boho-styled bottles that catch your eye at the grocery
store and natural health shops. GT’s Living Foods, a popular
kombucha producer, explains that the drink comes from
ancient China, first popping up around 220 BCE. GT claims
that “The great Emperor Qin Shi Huang, who ruled over China
during the 3rd century BCE, discovered the secrets of
kombucha and used it to maintain his youthful vigor and
longevity.” From tea to a tangly elixir, kombucha has been
used for its health benefits for centuries.

This probiotic powerhouse is packed full of the good bacteria

that your gut needs to be healthy and strong. According to the
Cleveland Clinic, probiotics are meant to help with deficits or
imbalances of good bacteria in your body and fermented
products contain lots of probiotics. Equinox Kombucha,
another producer of the drink, advertises the benefits of
probiotics in kombucha. Equinix claims, “Natural supplements –
like Kombucha, kefir, and yogurt – have a multitude of benefits
such as supporting our overall health and immune system, as
well as assisting in better sleep and boosting our overall
mood.” From what we know, kombucha is gut health in a
Gut health and immune system support go hand in hand. With
good gut health comes a strong immune system that helps us
fight off colds and other illnesses, and protects healthy tissues.
Kombucha producers such as Brew Dr. Kombucha explain that
through the use of probiotics, kombucha helps your immune
response to fight off unwanted bacteria/viruses and prevents
us from getting sick. Infused kombuchas can be extra helpful
to immune health when they contain ingredients such as
ginger, turmeric, etc.
Along with healthy guts also comes improved mood and
energy (better gut health seems to be the key to
everything). As explained by Loma Linda University, our
happy hormone, serotonin, is mainly made in the gut. So, a
balanced gut = a happy life. Nancy Grimes, an avid
kombucha drinker, seconds these claims and has even
made her kombucha at home to be more cost-effective. “I
fell in love with the sweet, tangy sensation of kombucha,
and noticed the benefits the more I drank it. It has a lot of
probiotics which have helped my digestive system and
energy levels significantly” said Grimes.

Before diving into the deep end of the world of

kombucha, it’s important to mention some considerations
and precautions. As in everything, moderation is key.
According to the CDC, overconsumption of kombucha can
lead to upset stomachs, headaches, and nausea. It’s also
important to note that if you attempt to make kombucha
at home, you must research the safety and possible side
effects beforehand. If you have tried kombucha before,
you probably know that it is an acquired taste and not for
everyone. Logan Anderson, a wellness enthusiast and
Kinesiology student at Chico State explains his negative
experience with the popular drink. “Honestly, I don't see
the hype around it, it makes my stomach uncomfortable
and the flavors are way too strong for an everyday drink,”
Anderson said. As most health trends go, most people
either love it or hate it, and it all depends on your personal

Apart from that, kombucha has been shown to have so many

health benefits and is extremely accessible, as it is available at
most grocery stores. Incorporating kombucha into your diet
can be a positive and easy first step to living a balanced

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