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Lesson Plan

Grade: 3rd Subject: English language arts Focus: All types of diversity

Learning objective:

 Students will develop a sense of diversity through exploration and

 Students will analyze how every culture is unique
 Students will gain an understanding to embrace their differences and other
SWBAT: Recognize, accept, and appreciate differences in culture, ethnicity, and

Lesson Opening: 6 minutes

 Students this week they will be learning, “How everyone is different.”

o Learning about other cultures
o How other people live
o Being kind to others who are different
 Warm up question:
o What makes us all different?
o Personality, Height, Likes, and dislikes
 Gather all the students at the carpet for reading time
 Read Languages that we all can speak by: K.Read
 Reading Discussion
o What made everyone in the book different from others?
o For example: hair/ eye/ skin color, learning disabilities, way of
o How did Olivka felt at the beginning of the book?

First part of lesson: 5 minutes

 “Regardless of our difference” worksheet on the board

 Model the worksheet by choosing a student
 Fill out the worksheet on the board with you and all the students
o Fill out all the parts, “how my partner and I are the same or different
and our favorite thing about themselves.”
Guided practice 5minutes 3 minutes

 Ask students to get with a partner

 Ask students to complete regardless of our difference worksheet with their
 Have the students share aloud about their partner?
o How they are the same and different and their favorite thing about

Second part of lesson 6 minutes

 Pass out the diversity& culture vocabulary sheet
 Go through each term as a class
 Discussing any confusion of the words:
 Hand out “Welcome to Japan” reading passage
 Read through it as a class get the students engaged
 Do the popcorn reading technique
 Ask the children what they learned about “Welcome to Japan”
Second guided practice 10 minutes

 Hand out the Africa culture worksheet

 Go through and explain what they will do, in which they will be filling out
each section which are food, art and music, celebrations and clothes
 Have them complete it on their own using the read passage

Third lesson 7 minutes

 Assign cultures/ countries to groups of students

o Examples as: Australia, Russia, United Kingdom, China, Italy, Japan,
Egypt, etc.,
 Hand out poster notes sheets
o Explain that their groups will be researching their assigned countries
o They need to find traditions, holidays, beliefs, values, food and
o Everyone will fill out their own notes as they work together to
research, then they will create a PowerPoint slide show to share
aloud to the class as a group tomorrow.
 Show example of notes page and slide show, use mine as an example.
 Allow students to gather in their groups and begin researching and filling
out their notes.
o Give students resources for research project
Independent practice 10 minutes

 Allow time for research

 Have 5 slides show for project
 Slide show requirements are from the one on the poster
Closing 3 minutes
 Class discussion: What did we learn today? Why do you think these vocabulary
terms and topics are important to know?
 Explain that tomorrow they will learn about a new culture!

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