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1 de mayo de 2024 Periodico

he octopuses are incredibly fascinating and
mysterious marine animals, belonging to the
order Octopoda within the class Cephalopoda.
They are known for their intelligence,
camouflage skills, and unique behavior.

There are around 300 species of octopus known, found

in all the world's oceans, from tropical to polar waters
and from surface waters to abyssal depths.

They ranged in size from tiny octopuses the size of a

walnut to giant octopuses up to several meters in length.
They have a soft, flexible body with eight arms
(tentacles) that are covered in suction cups for
locomotion and manipulation of objects. They lack an
internal skeleton and have a large head with a pair of
highly developed eyes that provide excellent vision. Additionally, they possess a unique ability
to rapidly change the color and texture of their skin, thanks to specialized cells called
chromatophores, allowing them to effectively camouflage themselves with their

They are solitary and nocturnal hunters that feed mainly on crustaceans, mollusks and small
fish. They are known for their exceptional intelligence and ability to solve problems, learn
quickly, and exhibit complex behaviors, such as opening containers and navigating mazes.
Additionally, they are masters of camouflage and can imitate the appearance of rocks,
corals and other marine objects to avoid predators and stalk their prey.

Despite their fascinating biology and

behavior, octopuses face significant threats
due to overfishing, habitat degradation, and
climate change. Many octopus species are
important to commercial fisheries and are
harvested for human consumption, raising
concerns about the sustainability of their

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