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Hunt Fitness Core and Conditioning


Here are 8 core and 8 conditioning workouts you can use in conjunction
with the Absolute Strength Program.
Core Workouts:

- Workout #1 -
* 3 sets of 15 Hanging Knee Raise
* 3 sets of 15 Ab Wheel
* 3 sets of 60 Second Plank

- Workout #2-
* 3 sets of 15 Band Palof Presses (each side)
* 3 sets of 15 Weighted Situps
* 3 sets of 15 DB Side Bends
*1 Plank – hold as long as possible

- Workout # 3-
* 100 Situps as fast as possible (time yourself)

- Workout #4-
* 3 sets of 5 Kettlebell or DB Turkish Get Ups (each side)
* 3 sets of 20 Bicycle Crunches (each side)
* 3 sets of 20 Reverse Crunches
- Workout #5-
* 3 sets of 15 Lying Leg Raise
* 3 sets of 15 Ab Wheel
* 3 sets of 30 Second Side Plank

- Workout #6 -
As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 minutes
* Situps 25
* Burpees 10

- Workout #7-
* 3 sets of 15 Hanging Leg Raise
* 3 Sets of 20 Mountain Climbers (each leg)
* 3 sets of 10 DB Side Bends

- Workout #8-
5 Rounds as fast as possible
* 10 Burpees
* 20 Crunshes
* 60 Second Plank
Conditioning Workouts:
- Workout #1 -
5 rounds as fast as possible
* Prowler Push ~ 25 yards (this should be moderately heavy)
* 10 Tire Flips
* 15 Burpees

- Workout #2-
3 Rounds (rest in between rounds)
* 15 KB Swings
* Prowler Push ~ 25 Yards
* 10 Burpees
*Prowler Push ~25 Yards

*15 KB Swings
* Farmer Carry ~ 25 Yards
* 10 Burpees
* Farmer Carry ~ 25 Yards
- All that is one round
- Workout # 3-
3-5 Rounds (rest in between rounds)
* 10 Barbell Thrusters (95lbs)
* Sled Drag ~ 25 Yards
* 15 Tire Jumps (like box jumps but with a tire lol)
* Sled Drag ~ 25 Yards

- Workout #4-
5 Rounds as fast as possible
* 15 KB Swings
* 20 Tire Jumps (Box Jumps)
* 25 Pushups

- Workout #5-
7 Rounds as fast as possible

* 7 Barbell Thrusters (95lbs)

* 7 KB Swings
* 7 Tire Jumps (Box Jumps)
* 7 Pushups
* 7 Air Squats
* 7 KB Snatch
* 7 Burpees
- Workout #6 -
As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 minutes

* Farmer Carry ~25 Yards

* Jump Rope (100 rotations)
* 10 Tire Flips

- Workout #7-
5 Rounds as fast as possible
* Prowler Push ~ 25 Yards
* Jump Rope (100 Rotations)
* 15 Shoulder to Overhead (45lb bar)

- Workout #8-
5 Rounds as fast as possible
* 10 Burpees
* 20 Tire Jumps
* 30 KB Swings

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