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Pre-class task 1 Describing a particles motion in 1-and 2-dimensions 25 July 2022

Outcome: At the end of this task you should be able

- Conceptualise the position of a particle in 1- and 2-dimesional space (using Cartesian plane) with
a position vector.
- Use differential calculus to determine information on the particles velocity/speed and
acceleration for the particles position vector.
- Solve problems involving the particles motion
Note! Before attempting the question/problems below please read up on the theory and how to
perform differentiation. For the theory and differentiation please make use of as many resources
as possible, for examples, textbook and the internet, etc.

Pre-class task 1 must be completed and submitted by 18h0, Sunday, 24 July, via ikamva
The pre-class task will be discussed in lecture, 1st period Monday morning, 25th July.
Class attendance will be taken. So please before you leave class on Monday, sign the attendance
Question 1

The position of a particle is given by the position vector r (t)  3mi  4mt iˆ
1.1 What is the initial (t = 0 s) position of the particle?
1.2 Conceptualise the initial position of the particle.
1.3 How far from its initial position is the particle at t= 2 s.
1.4 Determine the velocity of the particle at t = 2 s?
1.5 Use your answer in 1.4 to determine the speed of the particle at t = 2 s.
1.6 What type of motion is the particle undergoing? Give a reason for your answer.
Question 2

The position of a particle is given by the position vector r (t)  2 cos 3tiˆ  2 sin 3tˆj
1.1 Is the particle moving around a circle path?
1.2 Conceptualise the position of the particle at any time t along the circular path.
1.3 How far is the particle from the centre of the circular path?
1.4 Is the velocity of the particle constant as it moves along the circular path? Validate your answer
with a calculation.
1.5 Is the speed of the particle constant as it moves along the circular path? Validate your answer
with a calculation
1.6 What type of motion is the particle undergoing? Give a reason for your answer.
Question 3

The position of a particle is given by the position vector r ( x; y )  xmiˆ  ymˆj
1.1 Conceptualise the position of the particle.
1.2 Express the position vector in polar form and show the polar coordinate ( r; ) clear on your
sketch in 1.1

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