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Project Proposal: Investigation of Broadcast Media

Programming and Influences on public health awareness in

Chanchaga Local Government.
1. Introduction

Broadcast media plays a crucial role in disseminating public health information and shaping
health behaviors. This project proposes an investigation into broadcast media programming and
its influence on public health awareness within Chanchaga Local Government Area (LGA) of
Niger State, Nigeria.

2. Project Objectives

 Analyze the types of broadcast media programming available in Chanchaga LGA, with a
focus on public health content (e.g., news segments, educational programs, public service
 Assess the portrayal of public health issues in broadcast media programs and their
potential influence on resident’s knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to health.
 Identify the demographics of audiences for various broadcast media programs,
particularly those focusing on public health.
 Evaluate the effectiveness of broadcast media in promoting public health awareness and
behavior change within the LGA.
 Formulate recommendations for improving the quality and impact of public health
messaging delivered through broadcast media in Chanchaga LGA.

3. Methodology

The project will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data
collection methods.

3.1 Quantitative Data Collection

 Household Survey: A household survey will be conducted using a [sampling method -

e.g., random sampling, stratified sampling] to gather information from a representative
sample of Chanchaga LGA residents. The survey instrument will include closed-ended
questions and Like scale ratings to assess:
o Media consumption habits (frequency, preferred channels, program types)
o Awareness and recall of public health-related programs
o Knowledge, attitudes, and self-reported health practices related to specific public
health issues (identified through a pilot study)

3.2 Qualitative Data Collection

 In-depth Interviews: Structured interviews will be conducted with key selected based on
their expertise or role:
o Media representatives (producers, journalists specializing in health)
o Community health workers
o Residents with diverse media consumption habits and health literacy levels
o The interview guide will explore:
 Perceptions of the portrayal of public health issues in broadcast media
 Perceived influence of media on health knowledge and behavior
 Suggestions for improving public health messaging through broadcast
 Focus Group Discussions: Focus group discussions (n= [number]) will be conducted
with diverse resident groups (e.g., young adults, parents, elderly) to capture a range of
perspectives. A focus group discussion guide will prompt discussions about:
o Trustworthiness and accessibility of public health information on broadcast media
o Culturally appropriate messaging and preferred communication styles
o Barriers and facilitators to adopting healthy behaviors based on media messages

Pilot Testing: Both the survey and interview guide will be pilot tested with a small sample to
ensure clarity and effectiveness before full-scale data collection.

Ethical Considerations: Informed consent will be obtained from all participants, and data
confidentiality will be maintained throughout the research process.

4. Data Analysis

Quantitative data will be analyzed using statistical software to identify trends and patterns in
media consumption, public health knowledge, attitudes, and self-reported behaviors. Qualitative
data will be analyzed thematically to understand residents' lived experiences and perspectives on
broadcast media and its influence on public health awareness.

5. Project Timeline

The project is expected to be completed within four [4] months. However, the timeframe might
stretch due to unforeseen circumstances.

7. Budget

A detailed budget outlining the project's expenses will be developed. The budget will include
costs for research materials data collection instruments, data analysis, and dissemination of

8. Expected Outcomes

The project is expected to generate valuable insights into the role of broadcast media in
promoting public health awareness in Chanchaga LGA. The findings will be used to develop
recommendations for:

 Improving the quality and effectiveness of public health messaging delivered through
broadcast media.
 Increasing collaboration between media outlets and public health agencies.
 Tailoring public health messages to better resonate with diverse audiences in Chanchaga

9. Dissemination Plan

The project findings will be disseminated through a variety of channels, including:

 A comprehensive final report.

 Presentations to stakeholders, including media representatives, public health officials, and
community leaders.
 Collaborations with media outlets to develop public awareness campaigns based on the
research findings.
 Publications in relevant journals and conferences.

This project has the potential to make a significant contribution to improving public health
outcomes in Chanchaga LGA by leveraging the power of broadcast media to promote awareness
and positive behavior change.

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