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The Year 2024 is our Year of GREAT HELP. The Lord is showing up for
us suddenly and winning victories for us decisively (Malachi 3:1, Nahum
1:9). Our God, the Rock, has become our Stone of help and there are
shouts of Ebenezer in our camp (1 Samuel 7:12, Romans 9:33).

It shall be a year of encounters and expansion. Destiny dreams shall be

awakened in the hearts of many; crafted by divine wisdom and sponsored
by heaven (Psalms 37:4, Isaiah 41:10). Many that live for the praise of
men shall be confounded but those that look up to Yahweh shall be
lightened and honoured (Psalms 118:8-9, Jeremiah 17:5-8, Psalms 34:5-
6). Believers that have struck the rock repeatedly in hope of water shall
now rejoice in gushing torrents of testimonies (Isaiah 41:17-18, Psalms
126). The stars in their courses shall fight for God’s elect and angelic
orchestrations shall result in regular miraculous coincidences (Judges
5:20, Hebrews 1:14). His precious ones will experience unexplainable
deliverances and incredible enlargements as a sign that the Lord of hosts
has favoured us (Jeremiah 33:3, 1 Samuel 3:11). Thus, shall many seek
refuge in the ark of the church to escape the perils of the world (Micah
4:1-2, Proverbs 18:10, Psalms 20:1-4).

It shall also be a year of strength and speed. Christ consciousness shall

be strengthened and ancient spiritual assets restored (Ephesians 3:16-
20, Joel 2:28-32). True strength shall arise in our midst as the forces of
the spirit are stirred for the lifting of the saints (Isaiah 53:12, Psalms
89:19, 1 Timothy 4:14-15). Fearsome giants shall arise from Mount Zion;
modest in appearance but mighty in deed (Obadiah 1:21, Daniel 11:32).
They shall run through sectors and leap over impossibilities buoyed by
the power of God (Isaiah 40:31, Psalms 18:29, Matthew 17:20). Their
accomplishments shall revive faith in a generation and kindle hope in the
nation (Isaiah 49:6; 58:12). The Lord shall grant the blessing of the
threshing floor and the graces of the winepress resulting in insight and

intercession (Judges 6:11-12, 2 Kings 6:27). Believers shall excel through
flashes of lightning and prevail by surges of boldness (Luke 17:24,
Proverbs 28:1). Thus, shall we create abundance in the face of famine and
light up cultures in the regions of darkness (Genesis 27:28, Matthew 4:15-
16, 2 Chronicles 26:15).

It shall indeed be a year of answers and assistance. The sons of strangers

shall build up our walls and kings shall minister to us (Isaiah 60:10). The
Lord shall raise strong voices to advance and defend our cause. They shall
prevail against the adversary at the city gate and open doors of increase
to His beloved (Psalms 68:11, Joel 2:11). Kings shall be our nursing
fathers and their queens our nursing mothers (Isaiah 49:23). They shall
help God’s elect as priority and bear our cause with urgency (Nehemiah
2:5-8, Daniel 6:18-22). The lifted hands of the anointed shall birth
astonishing victories amongst us and sent words shall transform the
small one into a strong nation (Exodus 17:11, Ezra 6:14, Isaiah 60:22).

The Lord of hosts is near to help us and His ears are open to our cry
(Psalms 34:17, Isaiah 65:24). Cast your burdens upon the Lord (Psalms
55:22, 1 Peter 5:6-7). Wait patiently for Him (Psalms 37:7). Refuse to be
offended (Matthew 11:6). Rejoice in His faithfulness (Psalms 89:1). The
Lord shall subdue nations before us and loose the loins of kings to open
the gates of cities unto us (Isaiah 45:1-3). Trickles shall turn to floods and
drizzles into mighty showers of blessing as the Lord multiplies our efforts
and resources (Jeremiah 30:19, 2 Chronicles 25:9). The Lord, our Help,
has brought us to our wealthy place and shouts of joy and victory resound
from our tents (Psalms 66:12;118:15). It is a marvellous year of GREAT
HELP with abounding testimonies for us in Jesus’ Name!

The Visionary
Manifold Grace Ministries

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