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Time since ABGABE Referenzen i d A (Seminararbeit - Erben): -2

Time since SFL Nachholen (TWL 1): -3 weeks,
Time since Kick-off Meeting Thesis: -3 weeks,
Time since Z1-Zentralfluchtung (Entwerfen und Gestalten): -16
Time since Thesis Class on History (lecture: The Council of Trent
(1570) as a paradigm shift in the design of churches – Ritual and
Heritage: -11 days,
Time since ENDABGABE (Radlkiosk - Bauko): -10 days,
Time since Z2-Zweifache Fluchtung (Entwerfen und Gestalten): -9
Time since Z3-Bögen & Gewölbe; (Entwerfen und Gestalten): -3
Time until Thesis Masterplan Palermo: 3 days,

Time since Tragwerkslehre 2 - VL 1. Zugbeanspruchte Tragwerke 1:

-19 days,
Time since Tragwerkslehre 2 - VL 1. Zugbeanspruchte Tragwerke 2:
-12 days,
Time since Thesis General review meeting on project proposals 1: -4
Time until Exkursion Thesis: Visit to Arab-Norma Palermo – Palaces
(P0,P1) - the Genoard -> La Cubula: 4 days,
Time until Exkursion Thesis: Visit to Arab-Norma Palermo – Palaces
(P2,P3)-> LA CUBA -> LA ZISA: 5 days,
Time until Exkursion Thesis: Visit to Arab-Norma Palermo – Churches
(C1,C2) -> Cappella Palatina -> Duomo of Palermo: 6 days,
Time until Exkursion Thesis: Visit to Arab-Norma Palermo – Churches
(C3,C4)-> Church of San Cataldo -> Church of San Giovanni degli
Eremiti: 7 days,

Time since Tragwerkslehre 2 - VL 2. Druckbeanspruchte Tragwerke 1:

-5 days,
Time since Tragwerkslehre 2 - VL 2. Druckbeanspruchte Tragwerke 2:
1 weeks, 3 days,
Time until Thesis lecture 3 natural materials: stone: 1 weeks, 4 days,
Time until Thesis General review meeting on project proposals 2: 1
weeks, 4 days,
Time until Z4-Analyse- und Konzeptmodelle (Entwerfen und
Gestalten): 1 weeks, 6 days,
Time until EundG- A2 Souvenir Besprechung (Ausarbeitung des
Modells): 1 weeks, 6 days,


Time since ABGABE Referenzen i d A (Seminararbeit - Erben): -57


Time since ENDABGABE (Radlkiosk - Bauko): -10 days,

Time since SFL Nachholen (TWL 1): -20 days,

Time since Tragwerkslehre 2 - VL 1. Zugbeanspruchte Tragwerke 1:
-19 days,
Time since Tragwerkslehre 2 - VL 1. Zugbeanspruchte Tragwerke 2:
-12 days,
Time since Tragwerkslehre 2 - VL 2. Druckbeanspruchte Tragwerke 1:
-5 days,
Time since Tragwerkslehre 2 - VL 2. Druckbeanspruchte Tragwerke 2:
1 weeks, 3 days,

Time since Kick-off Meeting Thesis: -18 days,

Time since Thesis Class on History (lecture: The Council of Trent
(1570) as a paradigm shift in the design of churches – Ritual and
Heritage: -11 days,
Time until Thesis Masterplan Palermo: 3 days,
Time until Beginn Exkursion Thesis Palermo: 3 days,
Time since Thesis General review meeting on project proposals 1: -4
Time until Exkursion Thesis: Visit to Arab-Norma Palermo – Palaces -
the Genoard -> La Cubula: 4 days,
Time until Exkursion Thesis: Visit to Arab-Norma Palermo – Palaces
-> LA CUBA -> LA ZISA: 5 days,
Time until Exkursion Thesis: Visit to Arab-Norma Palermo – Churches
-> Cappella Palatina -> Duomo of Palermo: 6 days,
Time until Exkursion Thesis: Visit to Arab-Norma Palermo – Churches
-> Church of San Cataldo -> Church of San Giovanni degli Eremiti: 7
Time until Ende Exkursion Thesis Palermo: 8 days,
Time until Thesis lecture 3 natural materials: stone: 1 weeks, 4 days,
Time until Thesis General review meeting on project proposals 2: 1
weeks, 4 days,

Time since Z1-Zentralfluchtung (Entwerfen und Gestalten): -16

Time since Z2-Zweifache Fluchtung (Entwerfen und Gestalten): -9
Time since Z3-Bögen & Gewölbe; (Entwerfen und Gestalten): -3
Time until Z4-Analyse- und Konzeptmodelle (Entwerfen und
Gestalten): 1 weeks, 6 days,
Time until EundG- A2 Souvenir Besprechung (Ausarbeitung des
Modells): 1 weeks, 6 days,


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