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Term Paper
Labor law implementation in RMG sector of Bangladesh: A case study in a
Garments Factory
Industrial Relations
MGT 3203

Submitted to
Dr. Sumayya Begum
Associate Professor
Department of Business Administration in Management Studies
Faculty of Business Studies
Bangladesh University of Professionals

Submitted by
Rafsan Rayhan Emon
ID: 2124161091
Section: A
Department of Business Administration in Management Studies
Batch 6
Bangladesh University of Professionals.

Date of Submission: 11th May, 2024.


No Chapter Page No
1 Introduction 3
2 Overview of The Company 4
3 History Behind the Incident 6
4 Solution of The Incident 8
5 Recommendations 10
6 Conclusion 12


In the realm of the garment industry, the management of labor law implications stands as a
pivotal determinant of operational success, particularly in the face of unforeseen challenges.
The COVID-19 pandemic, a global crisis of unparalleled magnitude, has profoundly
impacted businesses worldwide, presenting unprecedented hurdles for companies to navigate.
Within this context, Dewy Knitwear, a leading garment factory in Bangladesh, emerges as a
compelling case study, exemplifying the intricate interplay between labor laws, operational
exigencies, and ethical responsibilities in times of crisis.
Founded on principles of quality, integrity, and adherence to labor regulations, Dewy
Knitwear has established itself as a cornerstone of Bangladesh's garment manufacturing
landscape since its inception in [year]. With a commitment to excellence in production and a
workforce comprising skilled artisans, the company has earned acclaim for its contributions
to the domestic and international markets.

However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a period of unprecedented

disruption for Dewy Knitwear, challenging its operational resilience and ethical stewardship.
This paper delves into the nuanced dynamics of Dewy Knitwear's response to the pandemic-
induced crisis, focusing on a pivotal event that tested the company's resolve: the impact of the
pandemic on production and labor, and the ensuing measures taken to mitigate these
challenges while upholding the tenets of labor laws.

Against this backdrop, the case study of Dewy Knitwear not only illuminates the intricacies
of managing labor law implications during crises but also offers valuable insights into the
broader discourse on business resilience, ethical leadership, and the symbiotic relationship
between corporate success and social responsibility. As we embark on an exploration of
Dewy Knitwear's journey through the crucible of the COVID-19 pandemic, we uncover
lessons that resonate far beyond the confines of the garment industry, resonating with
businesses and stakeholders globally seeking to navigate the complexities of contemporary
challenges while upholding the principles of integrity, compassion, and compliance with
labor regulations.

Overview of The Company

Overview of Dewy Knitwear:

Dewy Knitwear stands as a distinguished entity within Bangladesh's vibrant garment

manufacturing sector, embodying a legacy of excellence, ethical conduct, and commitment to
labor laws. Established in [year], Dewy Knitwear has emerged as a formidable player in the
industry, renowned for its unwavering dedication to quality craftsmanship, social
responsibility, and sustainable business practices.

At the heart of Dewy Knitwear's operations lies a steadfast commitment to innovation and
customer satisfaction. Specializing in the production of knitwear products, the company
caters to a diverse clientele spanning both domestic and international markets. With a
meticulous attention to detail and a skilled workforce comprising artisans and technicians,
Dewy Knitwear prides itself on delivering products of uncompromising quality and design

Our Mission is to strengthen relationships around the world that will allow Dewy Knitwear
to offer competitive advantages in the global market. At Dewy knitwear our unmatched
pursuit to execute products and services of the highest quality for our valued customers is our
ultimate mission.

Our Vision is to be a leader in the global textile and apparel industry. We want to lead the
way going into the near future by strengthening our business units, by our continuous
investments, and through our devotion to the development of our most valuable resource:
RELATIONSHIPS. We feel we are on the fore front of the apparel industry.
Membership & Certifications
We are a member of BGMEA, BKMEA, BTMEA, EPB & the Metropolitan Chamber of
We are an approved supplier of Ecstasy, BSCI, WRAP, OekoTex , SEDEX, ISO 9001-2008,
GOTS, Disney (ELMAU) Wal-Mart, CT-PAT, and we are a proud member of the Accord &
Alliance code of conduct.
Garments Manufacturing Division
The ASROTEX Group Garments division offers an exciting range of Men’s, Ladies &
Children’s wear that are designed using our highest quality fabrics. We manufacture t-shirts,
sweatshirts, polo shirts, fast fashion designs, athletic and sleepwear. We develop all up and
coming new fabrics for the regions of the world. We work with all major retailers and
importers in all continents. Our quality garments have earned us worldwide appreciation and

 Men
 Women
 Children

Company Location:
15 Isdair, Fatullah, Narayangonj-1400

Corporate Office
49,Naya Palton,Dhaka-1100
Tel: 88-02-9345637

History Behind the Incident

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic marked a pivotal moment in Dewy Knitwear's
journey, presenting unprecedented challenges that tested the company's resilience and
commitment to its workforce. As the pandemic swept across the globe, Bangladesh, like
many nations, grappled with the dual imperatives of safeguarding public health and
sustaining economic vitality. Against this backdrop, Dewy Knitwear found itself thrust into a
landscape fraught with uncertainty, as the pandemic's cascading effects reverberated through
every facet of the garment industry.

Prior to the pandemic, Dewy Knitwear had established itself as a paragon of excellence

within Bangladesh's garment manufacturing sector. With a rich legacy spanning [number]
years, the company had cultivated a reputation for quality craftsmanship, ethical conduct, and
adherence to labor laws. Bolstered by a skilled workforce and a robust infrastructure, Dewy
Knitwear had navigated myriad challenges with aplomb, cementing its position as a leader in
the industry.

However, the advent of COVID-19 heralded a new chapter in Dewy Knitwear's history, one
characterized by uncertainty and adversity. As lockdown measures were imposed and global
supply chains ground to a halt, Dewy Knitwear confronted a profound disruption to its
operations. The factory, once a hive of activity, now stood eerily silent, its production lines
idled, and its workforce dispersed.
Amidst the upheaval, Dewy Knitwear faced a stark reality: the inability to fulfill orders and
meet client commitments due to a dearth of available labor and logistical constraints. Yet, in
the face of adversity, the company remained steadfast in its commitment to its workforce,
recognizing the imperative of upholding labor laws and safeguarding the livelihoods of its

Despite the downturn in production, Dewy Knitwear took proactive measures to support its
workforce during the tumultuous period of the pandemic. By ensuring the payment of basic
salaries to all employees, regardless of their ability to work, the company exemplified its
unwavering dedication to ethical conduct and compliance with labor regulations. Moreover,
as restrictions began to ease and economic activities resumed, Dewy Knitwear embarked on a
concerted effort to revitalize its operations and mitigate the impact of the pandemic-induced

In the aftermath of the pandemic, Dewy Knitwear found itself confronted with a new set of
challenges, chief among them the imperative to rebuild and reinvigorate its operations in a
rapidly evolving business landscape. Yet, amidst the uncertainties, one thing remained
steadfast: Dewy Knitwear's unwavering commitment to its workforce and its enduring
adherence to the principles of integrity, compassion, and compliance with labor laws. As the
company forged ahead into the uncharted terrain of a post-pandemic world, it did so with a

renewed sense of purpose and a steadfast resolve to emerge stronger, more resilient, and more
compassionate than ever before.

Solution of The Incident

In response to the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Dewy
Knitwear exemplified proactive and conscientious measures to mitigate the impact on its
operations and workforce, while upholding the principles of labor laws and ethical conduct.

1. Employee Welfare and Compliance with Labor Laws:

Dewy Knitwear prioritized the welfare of its employees by ensuring the payment of basic
salaries during the period of reduced production, in strict adherence to Bangladesh's labor
laws. This critical step not only provided financial security to employees amidst the
uncertainty of the pandemic but also underscored the company's commitment to ethical labor
practices and social responsibility.

2. Ramping Up Production and Ensuring Safety:

As lockdown measures eased and economic activities resumed, Dewy Knitwear took
decisive action to address the backlog of orders and restore normalcy to its operations.
Leveraging its skilled workforce and operational expertise, the company ramped up
production while adhering to stringent safety protocols to protect the health and well-being of
its employees, as mandated by labor laws and government regulations.

3. Incentivizing Employees Through Fair Compensation:

Dewy Knitwear recognized the extraordinary efforts and dedication of its workforce during
the challenging period and sought to incentivize employees by offering overtime
opportunities and fair wages for their additional efforts post-pandemic. By providing
equitable compensation for overtime work in accordance with labor laws, the company not

only rewarded employee commitment but also fostered a culture of mutual respect and
collaboration within the organization.

4. Investment in Technology and Digital Infrastructure:

To enhance operational resilience and ensure compliance with labor regulations, Dewy
Knitwear invested in technology and digital infrastructure. By embracing digital tools and
platforms, the company facilitated remote work, streamlined communication processes, and
minimized disruptions to operations during crises. This strategic investment not only
enhanced efficiency but also ensured compliance with labor laws governing remote work and
digital communication.

5. Continuous Improvement and Preparedness:

Dewy Knitwear remains committed to enhancing its resilience and preparedness for future
contingencies. The company continues to conduct regular monitoring and evaluation of
compliance with labor laws, identifying areas for improvement and addressing emerging
challenges proactively. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and preparedness,
Dewy Knitwear ensures that it remains at the forefront of ethical leadership and compliance
with labor regulations within the garment industry.

Incorporating these comprehensive solutions into its operations, Dewy Knitwear

demonstrates a holistic approach to managing labor law implications during crises, grounded
in principles of integrity, compassion, and compliance with regulatory requirements. As the
company navigates the complexities of a rapidly evolving business landscape, its unwavering
commitment to ethical conduct and employee welfare serves as a model for businesses
seeking to uphold labor laws while fostering a culture of resilience, inclusivity, and


1. Develop Comprehensive Contingency Plans: Dewy Knitwear should develop

comprehensive contingency plans that outline protocols for managing operations during
emergencies, including provisions for employee welfare and compliance with labor
regulations. By proactively anticipating potential crises and establishing clear procedures for
response and recovery, the company can minimize disruptions to operations while
safeguarding the rights and well-being of its workforce.

2. Strengthen Communication Channels: Enhancing communication channels between

management and workers is essential for fostering transparency, trust, and accountability
within the organization. Dewy Knitwear should invest in robust communication infrastructure
and platforms to facilitate real-time dialogue and information-sharing between management
and employees. Clear and timely communication regarding rights, entitlements, and
organizational policies ensures that employees are informed and empowered to assert their
rights under labor laws.

3. Invest in Technology and Digital Infrastructure: Embracing technology and digital

infrastructure is paramount for enabling remote work, streamlining operations, and ensuring
compliance with labor regulations. Dewy Knitwear should invest in digital tools and
platforms that facilitate remote work, virtual collaboration, and efficient communication
among employees. By leveraging technology to automate processes and enhance efficiency,
the company can minimize disruptions to operations during crises while upholding labor laws
and regulatory requirements.

4. Strengthen Training and Capacity Building: Dewy Knitwear should prioritize training
and capacity building initiatives aimed at enhancing employee skills, knowledge, and
awareness of labor laws and regulations. Regular training sessions on labor rights, workplace
safety, and ethical conduct empower employees to assert their rights, identify potential
violations, and contribute to a culture of compliance within the organization. By investing in
employee development, Dewy Knitwear not only enhances its workforce's capabilities but
also fosters a culture of accountability and adherence to labor laws.

5. Engage in Stakeholder Dialogue and Collaboration: Collaboration with stakeholders,

including government agencies, industry associations, and civil society organizations, is
essential for addressing systemic challenges and promoting industry-wide compliance with
labor laws. Dewy Knitwear should actively engage in dialogue and collaboration with
relevant stakeholders to share best practices, address common challenges, and advocate for
policy reforms that enhance labor rights and protections. By fostering partnerships and
alliances, the company can contribute to a conducive regulatory environment that promotes
ethical conduct and compliance with labor laws across the industry.

6. Regular Monitoring and Evaluation: Establishing mechanisms for regular monitoring

and evaluation of compliance with labor laws is crucial for identifying areas of improvement
and addressing emerging challenges proactively. Dewy Knitwear should implement robust
monitoring and evaluation systems that track key performance indicators related to labor
rights, workplace safety, and compliance with regulatory requirements. By conducting
regular audits and assessments, the company can identify gaps, address deficiencies, and
continuously improve its practices to ensure adherence to labor laws and ethical standards.

Incorporating these recommendations into its operations, Dewy Knitwear can enhance its
resilience, ethical conduct, and compliance with labor laws, thereby fostering a workplace
environment characterized by fairness, transparency, and respect for labor rights. By
embracing a proactive and holistic approach to labor law compliance, the company can
position itself as a leader in the garment industry, setting a precedent for ethical conduct,


In navigating the complexities of managing labor law implications, Dewy Knitwear emerges
as a beacon of integrity, resilience, and ethical leadership amidst the turbulent waters of the
COVID-19 pandemic. Through a meticulous examination of Dewy Knitwear's response to
the crisis, this case study has shed light on the intricate interplay between labor laws,
operational exigencies, and ethical responsibilities within the garment industry.

As the pandemic swept across the globe, Dewy Knitwear faced unprecedented challenges that
tested its resolve and commitment to its workforce. In the face of adversity, the company
demonstrated unwavering dedication to its employees, ensuring the payment of basic salaries
during periods of reduced production and offering equitable compensation for overtime work
in accordance with labor laws. By prioritizing employee welfare and compliance with
regulatory requirements, Dewy Knitwear upheld its ethical obligations while mitigating the
impact of the crisis on its operations.

Furthermore, Dewy Knitwear's proactive measures and strategic initiatives offer valuable
insights and lessons for businesses seeking to navigate labor law implications effectively in
times of crisis. By investing in technology, strengthening communication channels, and
engaging in stakeholder dialogue, the company has positioned itself as a leader in promoting
ethical conduct, social responsibility, and compliance with labor regulations within the
garment industry.

In conclusion, Dewy Knitwear's journey through the crucible of the COVID-19 pandemic
reaffirms the profound importance of ethical conduct, social responsibility, and compliance
with labor laws in fostering a workplace environment characterized by integrity, resilience,
and compassion. As the company continues to navigate the complexities of a rapidly evolving

business landscape, its unwavering commitment to ethical leadership serves as a beacon of

inspiration for businesses and stakeholders alike, illuminating a path towards a future built on
principles of fairness, sustainability, and respect for human rights.

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