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Question: Which 10 words below are colors?

fitting room n. price tag n.

floral adj. purple adj., n.

G glasses n.
R raincoat n.

gloves n. red adj., n.

gray adj., n. ring n.

green adj., n. running shoes n.

H high heels n.
S scarf n.

J jacket n. shirt n.

jeans n. shoes n.

B belt n. jewelry n. shorts n.

black adj., n.
L large adj. size n.

blouse n. leather adj., n. skirt n.

 blue adj., n.
M make-up n. slippers n.

boots n. material n. small adj.

bow tie n. medium adj. socks n.

bracelet n.
N necklace n. stripes n.

brown adj., n. necktie n. sunglasses n.

buttons n.
O orange adj., n. swimsuit n.

C cap n.
P pants n.
T T-shirt n.

coat n. pattern n.
W white adj., n.

cotton adj., n. perfume n. wool adj., n.

D dress n. plaid n. wristwatch n.

E earrings n. polyester adj., n.

Y yellow adj., n.

F fit n., v. price n.

Z zipper n.

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NAME: ___________________________ DATE: __________________

(Clothing & Fashion)


Part 1 – Getting Ready

• Ask two classmates the questions below. Write their answers in the spaces.

Do you like to shop What color of Do you ever wear a

for new clothes? clothes do you like? scarf? Why (not)?

Classmate 1

Classmate 2

Part 2 – Vocabulary Preview

• Complete the sentences below with the words in the box.

sweater fit mirror on sale

try … on fitting room size scarf

1. I always wear gloves and a long ______________ when it’s cold outside.
2. These shoes don’t ______________ me. They’re too small.
3. A: Excuse me. Where can I ______________ these clothes _________?
4. B: You can try them on in the ______________ ______________ over there.
5. I can see myself in a ______________.
6. This hat is too big. I need a smaller ______________.
7. I feel cold. I’m going to put on a ______________.
8. All of these clothes are _________ ______________. They don’t cost very much.

Part 3 – Listening Comprehension

• Listen to Tom and his Dad talk about trying on new clothes. Choose the best answers.

1. Which color does Tom like better? A. blue B. green C. he’s not
2. Tom needs a fitting room. A. TRUE B. FALSE
3. Which size fits Tom? A. size ‘S’ B. size ‘M’ C. size ‘L’
4. There are no … sweaters in the store. A. green B. brown C. gray
5. The sale ends …. A. today B. tomorrow C. Monday
6. Tom doesn’t want to wear …. A. gloves B. a sweater C. a scarf

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NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ___________________
Part 4 – Listening, Spelling and Speaking Practice
• Listen again and write the missing words.

Dad Tom, which sweater do you like better, Tom Yeah it feels better than a size ‘M’.
this green one or this blue one? But I’m not so sure about the
(9)__________. I think maybe I want
Tom Shopping for clothes is sooo a brown sweater.
Dad They don’t have brown.
Dad Yeah, I know. But which one do you like
better? Tom Okay, then let me (10)_____ _____
Tom Well, I like the blue one, I guess. Do I
have to try it on? Dad They don’t have gray. No,
(11)__________, they do have gray.
Dad Yes, you have to try it on. We have to
It’s the last one in gray.
know if it (2)__________ you.
(12)__________ __________ _____ ….
A gray sweater in a size ‘Large’. What
Tom Okay. Do I need a (3)__________
do you think?
Tom Hey, not bad! And it’s (13)_____
Dad No, it’s just a sweater. You can put it on
__________, right?
over your (4)__________.
Dad It is, yeah. But the sale ends today.
Tom Okay. Just a minute …
Maybe we can buy a few more things
for you before the sale ends. Maybe a
Dad Do you need any (5)__________?
scarf or maybe a pair of gloves.
Tom No, I’ve got it …. So, how does it look?
Tom Oh, shopping is so boring! And,
anyway, I don’t want to wear a scarf.
Dad There’s a (6)__________ right over
I (14)__________ __________ scarves.
here. Take a look. What do you think?
How does it (7)__________? Do you
Dad Well, then, we need to buy you a new
like it?
pair of gloves. I’m sure your old ones
Tom It looks okay, but it feels a little are (15)__________ __________ for
(8)__________. I think I need a larger you now. You can wear them on
size. Monday – tomorrow – at school.

Dad Here’s a larger size. It’s a size ‘L’. Tom Oh, all right.

Tom A size ‘L’? You mean ‘Large’?

Dad Yeah, you’re growing up fast! How

does the sweater feel? Does it fit
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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________
 Listen and number the pictures from 1 to 12.

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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________
• Answer these fourteen questions to score your vocabulary knowledge.

1. Which ‘material’ are most ‘belts’ 8. Which of the following is NOT a kind
made of? of clothing?
a) cotton a) perfume
b) leather b) a coat
c) polyester c) gloves
d) wool d) jeans

2. When do most people usually wear 9. Which of the following things can
‘boots’? you always find on a ‘price tag’?
a) when they study a) numbers
b) when they go swimming b) colors
c) when they want to run c) clothes
d) when it rains or snows d) plaid

3. Where can you probably find 10. Which of the following is NOT a
‘buttons’? ‘size’?
a) on a hat a) small
b) on a shirt b) medium
c) on a bracelet c) fit
d) on shoes d) large

4. What things can you see on a floral 11. On which part of the body do people
pattern? usually wear ‘make-up’?
a) pictures of fish a) their hands
b) pictures of people b) their face
c) pictures of animals c) their neck
d) pictures of flowers d) their feet

5. Which of the following things is a 12. Which of the following best

kind of ‘jewelry’? describes the word ‘gray’?
a) earrings a) a kind of color
b) a bow tie b) a kind of material
c) a fitting room c) a kind of jewelry
d) gloves d) a kind of pattern

6. Which of the following best 13. On which part of the body do people
describes the word ‘stripes’? wear ‘socks’?
a) a kind of color a) their hands
b) a kind of material b) their face
c) a kind of jewelry c) their neck
d) a kind of pattern d) their feet

7. Which of the following can you wear 14. On which of the following can you
on your foot? most probably find a ‘zipper’?
a) a blouse a) a bracelet
b) a bow tie b) a jacket
c) a slipper c) running shoes
d) a scarf d) sunglasses

13 – 14 = Excellent 11 – 12 = Good 9 – 10 = Study More!

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