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The Cowboy's Rules: Book Three: 2nd

Edition: Contemporary Western

Romance Maggie Carpenter
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Title Information
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chaptern Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
A Word From Maggie
Book Three
Maggie Carpenter
Copyright © 2023 Maggie CarpenterAll rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of
this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval
system, without prior written permission of the publisher. This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and
dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or
persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.
Cover Design: Fantasia
Published by: Dark Secrets Press LLC
Visit Maggie Carpenter
Cassie yawned and blinked, then rolling over she groaned in disappointment. The bed was empty. Again. It had been the same
every morning for too long. Chad had given a clinic the week before, and because it had been for beginners it had consumed
him. She’d thought he’d be around once it was over, but their dream house was behind schedule and he was micromanaging the
construction. Then there was the expansion of his clothing line. Even their regular Sunday’s off had fallen by the wayside.
Moving slowly from the bed, she padded into the bathroom, but hearing the bedroom door open and Mickey’s bark
announcing Chad’s return, she hurried back to find him rifling through his dresser.
“Chad, why are you back?”
“I need to change my shirt. Look.”
As he turned she saw a large splattering of blood across the front of his shirt.
“What happened? Are you okay? Is one of the horses hurt?”
“Everything’s fine,” he replied, pulling it over his head. “Jeb was sawin’ a piece of wood and caught a knot. Damn thing
slipped and gave him a bad cut. I pulled my shirt off and wrapped it around his finger while Marty fetched the first aid kit. He’s
runnin’ him to the emergency room right now. Are you just gettin’ up?”
“No, I stay in a robe all day,” she muttered sarcastically. “But poor Jeb. I hope it’s not too serious.”
“I don’t think it is, but look at the time. Don’t you have to get the horses out? Aren’t you ridin’?”
“It’s not that late. It just seems that way to you because you get up so early. How long is that going to last, by the way? I’m
tired of waking up alone.”
“Are you feelin’ neglected, hon?” he asked, softening his voice and stepping closer to her.
“Yes, I am,” she admitted, an edge to her voice. “You’re out of here before I’m awake, you’re gone all day. Even if you do
come back you’re locked away in your office, then after dinner you’re exhausted.”
“You’re right, and I’m sorry. It’s just a real busy time right now.”
“That’s not good enough,” she suddenly snapped, her frustration bubbling to the surface. “I feel like I don’t matter.”
“Hey, hon, I’m sorry. I’ll make sure I—”
“No, don’t promise me anything,” she blazed. “Just fix it.”
“Cassie, you don’t wanna be takin’ that tone with me.”
“Really? Should I be worried? Are you going to put me over your knee? I doubt it, you don’t have time. I’ll bet you have to
dash back and, what, fix a fence, ride a new horse, or maybe go into your office and make calls?”
“I’ll always have the time to spank that bottom of yours, and that tantrum just told me you’re overdue,” he declared,
grabbing her wrist and pulling her with him to the bed.
“Wait! I was just telling you how you I feel!” she protested as he sat down and yanked her over his lap.
“I appreciate that, and I’m gonna take care of those feelings right now.”
Though Cassie struggled in his hold, she realized no matter how much time passed, his discipline never failed to excite her.
“I should never have stopped your maintenance,” he continued, pushing aside her robe and placing his leg over the backs of
her calves.
“Chad, I’m sorry I yelled at you,” she wailed as he began spanking her with a steady, fast-paced rhythm. “You can stop
“It’s been far too long since I tanned your backside. But you don’t have to worry. I won’t be makin’ that mistake again. This
sore bottom will keep you company when you ride today, and tonight I wanna come home to a good meal on the table. I’m tired
of Hannah’s leftovers. I swear, if she didn’t take mercy on us I don’t know what we’d be livin’ on,” he exclaimed, finishing
with a flourish.
“Ooh, Chad, please…that really hurts.”
“Good, and now you’re done. Catch your breath a minute,” he said, lowering his voice and rubbing her scalded skin. “Next
time you’re feelin’ unhappy let me know. Don’t let it fester. That’s bad for both of us.”
“You’re right. So--uh—I have to tell you. I don’t like waking up alone,” she replied.
“Hey, I’ve just been lettin’ you sleep, hon,” he murmured, shifting her off his lap and moving her onto the bed. “I’d love to
start my day with you,” he continued, bringing her into his arms. “Are you sure you don’t mind wakin’ up that early.”
“No, not for a minute.”
“Damn, you feel real good,” he purred, slipping the robe from her body and dropping his lips to her breasts.
“Chad…please…I need you.”
Quickly removing his clothes and tossing them on the floor, he moved his lips to her neck. She gasped and clung to him,
then moaned as he kneaded her breasts and pinched her nipples. But just as she was about to reach for his hardness, he ordered
her onto her hands and knees.
Positioning himself behind her, Chad smiled at her glistening sex and placed his hands on her hot, red cheeks.
“How much do you want me, Cassie?”
“More than I can say,” she whimpered. “I’ve missed you so much.”
Placing himself at her entrance and pushing slowly forward, he closed his eyes as he began to thrust, relishing the feel of
her warmth.
“I’ve missed you too, darlin’,” he grunted, gripping her hips, then abruptly quickening his pace, he realized just how badly
he’d neglected her.
He’d neglected them.
He wasn’t sure if it was the epiphany rippling through his body, or because they were both so desperate for each other, but
barely a minute had passed before he felt his climax building.
“Don’t stop, Chad, please don’t stop,” she begged, as if reading his mind. “It’s happening so fast. Please can I come? I need
to, please let me.”
“Give it to me,” he growled, slapping her reddened behind.
As his husky command and his hot smack sent her tumbling into her orgasm, he was hurtled into a powerful release.
Groaning loudly and listening to her wails of pleasure, he exploded inside her, surrendering to the powerful convulsions…
until finally drained he collapsed beside her.
“Chad, that was amazing,” she said breathlessly, falling on her stomach and throwing an arm across his chest. “Why did we
get there so fast?”
“Not a clue,” he panted, “but damn, girl, you get my blood boilin’.”
As she nestled against him, he closed his eyes and savored the moment, knowing all too soon Marty would arrive home
with Jeb. He was drifting into a light doze when his phone chimed. Reluctantly he reached for his jeans and lifted it from the
back pocket.
“It’s a text from Marty,” he muttered. “He’s back with Jeb. I have to go.”
“I understand,” she murmured, then quietly added, “My butt hurts.”
“Good, and I’ll be keepin’ it plenty warm from now on,” he promised, hugging her tightly.
“I’ll be good.”
“Yep, you’ll be good because I’ll make sure of it.”
Slipping from the bed, he dressed quickly, then leaning down he fervently kissed her.
“I love you, darlin’,” he whispered, moving his lips to her ear.
“I love you too, Chad.”
Mickey, still stretched out on the rug in front of the fireplace, sat up and barked, signaling he was ready to head out as well.
“Mickey, stay here,” Cassie called. “You haven’t spent the day with me in ages.” The dog cocked his head to one side, then
laid back down. “Chad, if you promise not to come home too tired, I’ll have a decent dinner ready.”
“You can count on it. And our next dance between the sheets will last a whole lot longer, I can promise you that as well.
See you later, Mickey,” he said, striding across the room and petting his dog. “I know you’ll take care of her.”
Mickey immediately bounded forward, leapt up on the bed beside her and licked her face.
“Dammit, Mickey, I still can’t believe I let you do that,” Chad remarked with a chuckle. “I’ll see you both later.”
The powerful orgasm had left Cassie drained, and with Mickey curled up beside her she’d closed her eyes and dozed off. But
Chad’s unexpected return sent him jumping from the bed startling her awake. Opening her eyes she found Chad standing at the
foot of the bed staring down at her.
“Cassie, it’s almost nine-thirty.”
“Oh, my gosh, I can’t believe it, I fell back asleep.”
“You need to get your red butt up to your horses. They should’ve been out of their stalls an hour ago.”
“I’m going,” she mumbled, but with a grin curling her lips, she began crawling across the bed towards him.
“What are you doin’?” he mumbled as she kneeled up and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Just saying hello,” she purred. “It’s lovely to see you again so soon.”
Chuckling, he landed a hot slap on her naked backside.
“Ouch, what was that for?” she exclaimed, jerking back and staring up at him.
“You know you’re already late. It’s time to get your red butt into a shower. Or should I give you another quick trip over my
knee to get you movin’?”
“No, no! I’m going.”
“This place is fallin’ apart,” Chad muttered as she scurried away. “Jeb’s sawin’ off his fingers and my girl’s sleepin’ late.
And you Mickey, why didn’t you get her up?” Mickey whined, then jumped from the bed and rolled on his back. “Yeah, yeah, I
know, you surrender,” Chad said, laughing out loud. “I’m outta here.”
A short time later Cassie emerged from the bathroom, dressed quickly, and as she hastily made the bed, Mickey barked
“I’m coming!” she promised as he ran from the room.
Following him down the hall and into the kitchen, while he ducked through his doggie door, she paused to grab a banana
and a bottle of water. Stepping outside she found him sitting in the gator waiting for her.
“You’re so adorable, Mickey,” she said with a grin, climbing behind the wheel. “You really are the smartest dog ever.”
As she started driving up the knoll towards the barn, she placed a call to Hannah, hoping her best friend could join her to
help get the horses out and clean their stalls.
“Sorry, Cassie. I’m baking,” Hannah said urgently. “I didn’t hear from you this morning and I had to get started. This party
at the Goodman’s is my first outside job, and I have to make sure everything’s perfect.”
Hannah had been catering Chad’s clinics. When word spread through the small community that Hannah was an
undiscovered gem, one of the town’s wealthiest couples had asked her to cater their daughter’s engagement party.
“No problem, I can handle it,” Cassie replied. “But do you have a recipe that’s easy? I need to make dinner tonight?”
“Really. You’re going to cook?”
“Chad said if it wasn’t for you we’d be starving. I hate to admit it, but he’s right.”
“Did you guys have a fight?”
“In a manner of speaking.”
“Oh, I get it,” Hannah said with a giggle. “Sure, I have a ton of simple recipes. Do you have any chicken?”
“No, but I can run into town after lunch. In fact, if you need anything, I can pick it up for you.”
“I do, that’s great. Swing by after you’re done with the horses, and give Maverick and Ranger a huge kiss for me. I’ll go up
and ride later, assuming everything turns out okay.”
“Will do. See you in a bit.”
Ending the call, Cassie dropped her phone back in her pocket, and expertly maneuvered the gator past the construction site
of the new home. Her barn and riding ring were located behind it, but as she passed she saw Chad deep in conversation with
Dan Michaels, their contractor, and she immediately noticed it wasn’t a pleasant exchange.
Chad was shaking his head and pointing at a piece of paper the contractor was holding. Slowing to a stop, she watched as
Chad snatched the paper out of the contractor’s hands, tore it up, threw the pieces into the air and marched away.
Torn between continuing to the barn or going after Chad, she chose the barn. Her horses were waiting, and Chad would
want them taken care of first. But driving past the arena, she realized Marty hadn’t dragged it as he’d promised. Pulling up
outside the barn, Mickey immediately jumped out and began sniffing the ground, while Cassie headed into the barn.
“I know, I’m sorry I’m late!” she called as she was greeted by loud whinnies.
Quickly moving from stall to stall, she pulled off the light cotton sheets and handed out carrots.
Except for Shelby, her thoroughbred jumper, she led them down to their paddocks. It was summer, the middle of show
season, but she hadn’t competed and was thinking about entering the last event of the year. It was local, and the same three day
show where she’d taken her disastrous tumble the year before. Shelby had slipped, then fell down and rolled on top of her.
Though Cassie rode the mare almost every morning, they hadn’t jumped anything big since that fateful day.
She hadn’t told anyone, but the truth was, she’d lost her nerve.
Placing the mare in the cross ties, she groomed the gleaming thoroughbred and tacked her up, but by the time she mounted
and rode into the ring it was almost too hot to ride.
“This will teach me to sleep late,” she muttered as she began trotting.
The sun felt hot on her arms, but pushing herself to continue, she began cantering over a few low fences, and ended up
galloping around the ring. Coming to a stop, she pulled off one of her gloves and wiped her forehead. She’d never tolerated hot
days well, and she knew she needed to get off before she became faint.
“Darn it,” she muttered, sliding off her horse’s back. “I hate this. I need to get a roof over this ring and find someone to
work for me. Marty doesn’t have time to make sure the footing is watered and dragged every day.”
Leading Shelby into the barn, Cassie removed the saddle and hosed her down, then led her out to the pasture.
“There you go,” Cassie said with a sigh, taking off the halter. “You can relax under a tree. I wish I could do that, but I have
to go into town.” Knowing she needed a cool shower, and worried about Chad, she hurried back to the barn and climbed into
the Gator to head home. “Come on, Mickey, it’s time to go!”
Getting no response, she climbed out and started down the barn aisle, only to find Mickey sitting next to a wheelbarrow.
“Shit, I didn’t clean the stalls,” she exclaimed. “I can’t Mickey, it’s too hot and I’m too tired. Come on, I need to go.” But
Mickey stood up and barked. “Dammit, Mickey, I want to wait until tonight when it cools off, and I need to go shopping.” But
to her dismay, the dog began running around the wheelbarrow. “I swear, if I filmed this and put it on Youtube people would
think it was fake. You are unbelievable, and dammit, you’re right. Chad will have a cow if he comes up and finds this place a
Moving to the back of the barn and grabbing a pitchfork, she walked to the wheelbarrow and pushed it into the first stall.
“Things have gotten crazy around here and I’m not sure why,” she muttered to herself. “Chad’s not normal and I feel all
weird. You’re the smartest one here, Mickey. What are we going to do about this? Something has to change.”
Finally finished cleaning the stalls, Cassie wearily climbed into the gator with Mickey and drove to Hannah and Marty’s cabin.
Knocking on the door she heard Hannah’s call to come in, but when she entered the kitchen she stopped and stared.
There were several bowls containing what appeared to be cake batter in various colors, a collection of chopped
vegetables on three cutting boards, the aroma of something baking filled the air, and pots were bubbling on the stovetop. Even
with the air-conditioner blasting it was unmercifully hot. Hannah, wearing a tank top and shorts, was sweating and visibly
“Good grief, Hannah, why do you have so much happening at once?” she asked as Mickey ran back outside.
“The party! It’s so much more work than I thought it would be,” Hannah replied, picking up a towel and wiping her face. “I
don’t know what to do next and I feel so flustered.”
“You need help!”
“Cassie, you have an extraordinary ability to state the obvious.”
“Sorry. I’d offer to step in but—”
“I know you would, but I don’t have time to show you what to do.”
“What does Marty say?”
“He’s really proud of me, and he’s being really understanding about everything.”
“Give me your shopping list and that chicken recipe and I’ll get out of your hair.”
“Thanks, Cassie. Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, I’m just crazed,” Hannah said with a sigh, pulling a crumpled piece of
paper from her pocket along with a fifty dollar bill.
“Hannah, take a deep breath and slow down. You’ll get there, but not if you’re spinning your wheels.”
“You’re right, Cassie. Thank you.”
Giving Hannah a quick hug, Cassie drove home, took a cold shower, then kissing Mickey on the head, she drove into town.
It was a lengthy shopping trip. There were more items on Hannah’s list than Cassie anticipated, and she ended up with a full
shopping cart. Returning to the ranch she drove straight to Hannah’s, unloaded all the bags, then headed home. The ever faithful
Mickey ran up to greet her.
“Hey Mickey, I wish you could go out and bring in our groceries.” Letting out a whine, he gazed up at her. “Yes, I brought
you something special.”
He followed her out to the car, and after carrying in the two paper sacks that were hers, she pulled out a packet of marrow
bones. The dog immediately began spinning around excitedly, then gently accepted the treat and went out his doggie door to
settle on the back porch. She had just finished putting away the groceries when Chad strode into the kitchen with an angry
“Chad? What’s wrong?”
“You won’t believe it. Twenty-thousand shirts just arrived at the warehouse with the logo upside-down.”
“No! Let Peter handle it. That’s why you hired that guy.”
“Yeah, but I kinda feel like—”
“Chad, I repeat, that’s why you hired him,” she insisted. “You can’t do absolutely everything yourself.”
“I’ll think about it,” he muttered, dropping into a chair at the kitchen table.
“Do you want a beer? Some coffee?”
“Yeah, a beer. It sure was hot in that ring this mornin’. Do we have anything to eat? It has to be quick. I need to get back to
the barn. Jeb can only do so much with that bad finger.”
“Chad…you’re working too hard, you all are. Even Hannah. She’s trying to cater that big party by herself. She needs to hire
someone, and you need another ranch hand. Ever since those two part time guys left at the beginning of summer, it’s just been
you, Marty and Jeb. There was too much for the three of you, and now Jeb’s injured.”
“I thought we could handle things, but it’s been tough. Maybe I can rustle someone up for the rest of the summer.”
“Besides that, what happened up at the site this morning?” she asked, handing him a beer. “I saw you going at it with Dan.”
“I wanted to extend your closet a few feet, and the money he wanted to charge damn near gave me a heart attack.”
“But you and Dan have been friends for years, and for the record, you don’t need to worry about me and my closet.”
“The hell I don’t. You’ve got more clothes than a bear has stolen honey jars! But that’s not the point.”
“Hey, I know, and you’re right. But I repeat, I thought you guys were friends.”
“Maybe a friend is only a friend until you do business,” he grunted.
“Dan should be bending over backwards after hiring that lunatic who almost killed me.”
“You’d think,” Chad agreed, running his hands over his face.
“Drink your beer. I have something that will help put a smile back on your face.”
“That would be good, I sure as hell don’t feel like smilin’ much these days.”
“I have a tray of your fabulous cornbread. I’ve been saving it for a rainy day, or a bad one. I’ll pop some in the microwave.
I was going to surprise you at dinner tonight.”
“Does that mean you’re really gonna cook?”
“I certainly am. Hannah gave me a recipe even I can’t mess up,” she said with a laugh.
As Cassie fetched the tray of cornbread and set it on the counter, Chad stood up and ambled over to her.
“Hey,” he said softly, turning her around to face him. “I’m sorry things have been so crazy.”
“I understand, but I need you, Mickey needs you, the horses need you. How can you be there if you’re worried about
messed up T-shirts and a contractor who—?”
But his lips were suddenly on hers devouring her mouth. She fervently returned his kiss, until they finally broke apart,
leaving her breathless.
“Wow, cowboy, you haven’t kissed me like that in a long time.”
“Nope, and that’s gonna change. You need kissin’ and you need spankin’, and that’s what you’re gonna get.”
Falling against his chest, Cassie felt the threat of tears.
“I’ve missed you, Chad, I’ve really missed you.”
“Hey, darlin’, it’s all gonna be fine. I just need to get a handle on some things, and I will, startin’ with hirin’ some help.”
“Put your foot down with Dan, but calmly,” she said, shifting in his arms to stare up at him. “And let Peter do the job you
hired him to do.”
“It’s not easy givin’ away control, but you’re right. Now let me have some of that cornbread. That will help my mood
almost as much as thinkin’ about your red butt.”
“What a thing to say!”
“It’s red though, right? If it’s not I can fix that real quick!”
“I think I’m going to cut that cornbread now,” she replied with a giggle.
“You do that, and I’m callin’ Sheriff Hollister. He might know of someone lookin’ for work, maybe that nephew of his who
did guard duty for us, or his friend, what was his name? He was a horse guy.”
“Eddie, yes, he loved the horses, but I don’t know if he has much experience.”
“I’ll find out. Won’t be long.”
As he grabbed his beer and headed to his office, she stood at the counter cutting the cornbread, and stared out the window
to the round pen below. Marty was working with a colt, and Jeb was in the cross-ties trying to tighten a girth, but struggling
with his bandaged hand.
She was struck by a sudden thought.
Chad needed to get back to what he loved. Working with horses, not overseeing a construction site and dealing with a
shipload of screwed up shirts.
Slicing two large pieces of the bread, she placed them in the microwave, then poured herself a cup of coffee. As she sat at
the table to wait for him, she thought about the terrifying encounter with the laborer who had attacked her and caused so much
havoc. Mickey had saved the day, but if he hadn’t been there, she shuddered to think what might have happened.
“That house is our dream house, and you, Dan Michaels, allowed someone on the site you didn’t check out,” she muttered
to herself. “Now you’re behind schedule, and you’re trying to scam Chad.”
But the microwave dinged, snatching her attention. Rising to her feet and moving across the kitchen, she pulled out the plate
just as Chad ambled back in.
“Damn, that smells good,” he declared, “and I’ve got great news. Eddie quit the sheriff’s office and he’s been lookin’ for a
ranch job. Better still, he can start tomorrow.”
“You’re kidding!” Cassie exclaimed. “That’s fantastic. He really loved this place, and the horses adored him. By the way, I
was watching Jeb from the window a minute ago. He’s having trouble just tightening a girth.”
“Yep, I know, and gettin’ Eddie here will be a big help. Man this looks good,” he said, sitting down and picking up a large
piece of the cornbread. “What a great surprise. Thanks, darlin’.”
“It’s the least I can do,” she said softly, thinking, You don’t know it, but I’m going to do a whole lot more.
Sitting opposite Chad drinking her coffee, watching him finish his beer and devour the last piece of cornbread left on the plate,
Cassie sensed his mood had lightened. As he rose to his feet, he pulled her up and hugged her tightly.
“I’m so glad Eddie’s coming to help you,” she murmured, loving the feel of his muscled arms wrapped around her.
“Knowin’ he’ll be here tomorrow has made me feel a whole lot better,” he admitted, stepping back and staring down at her.
“Thanks, darlin’. I’ll see you later.”
As he headed out the door she began preparing the vegetables for dinner, but her mind was racing. Still preoccupied, she
opened the package of chicken tenders and set them in a casserole dish, then poured in a large can of chicken broth, then paused
to stare out the window.
Pieces of a large puzzle were falling into place.
A few minutes passed, and as her thoughts came together, she broke into a smile.
Focusing back on her task at hand, she dropped the vegetables in with the chicken, added some rosemary and a few bay
leaves, then covered it with the lid and placed it in the oven. Hannah’s recipe called for forty-five minutes, but she’d told
Cassie to check it in thirty, “because,” she’d said earnestly, “not all ovens are created equal.”
Clearing up the mess, she took a deep breath and reached for the phone to call Randy Rutherford, the man who had once
been her trainer and remained a close friend. She needed him, and as she’d hoped he would, he enthusiastically agreed to help.
“Hey, for you and Chad, you bet!”
“Thanks, Randy, I knew I could count on you.”
Ending the call, she hurried out to the gator and headed to the construction site.
Following the terrifying encounter with the laborer who turned out to be a dangerous psychopath, Chad had made it clear
she wasn’t to go near the area or speak with any of the workers. When she passed the area on the way to her barn, she would
glance across to see how the work was progressing, but didn’t slow down.
The fight she’d witnessed between Dan Michaels and Chad was the first time she’d stopped.
As she drove up the knoll, she looked across at the barn. Jeb was talking to Chad at the cross-ties. Hoping he’d stay there
for a while, she pressed her foot on the accelerator.
If Cassie hadn’t gunned the engine, Chad wouldn’t have looked up, but he did, and he wasn’t pleased with what he saw. He’d
told her repeatedly not to speed up the knoll.
“I’ve told that girl a hundred times not to race around in that thing,” he said with a frown.
“She doesn’t usually,” Jeb remarked. “I wonder why she’s in such a hurry.”
“She can be so stubborn.”
“I think that’s a female thing,” Jeb said with a chuckle. “It’s almost part of their charm.”
“Almost!” Chad repeated, chuckling along with him.
“Funny thing though, she’s not usually up at her barn this time of day. It’s too early to bring in the horses, and she can’t be
thinkin’ of ridin’ in this heat.”
“Huh. You know, Jeb, you’re right. I’d better go up there and check on things. She knows how busy we are and she might
not want to bother me. Do me a favor and let Marty know. He’s workin’ with that new colt out back.”
“Sure thing.”
Climbing into his Range Rover, Chad started driving up the road to Cassie’s barn, but as he passed the construction site he
saw the gator. It was parked and Cassie was nowhere in sight. With his pulse ticking up, he turned off, drove up next to it and
rolled to a stop. But climbing out he spotted Cassie walking towards him. She paused her step, then continued forward.
“This had better be good,” he said sternly as she approached.
“Sorry, Chad, I just needed to put my own two cents in.”
“You had words with Dan?”
“I did. This is our house and I care about it. I hate that he’s messing you around and I needed to tell him.”
“I don’t know whether to spank you or admire you,” he said gazing down at her. “You’re such a...a...”
“A what?”
“You’re sassy Cassie,” he said with a sigh.
“So…you’re not mad?”
“Of course I am, I don’t want you around these guys, but I admire your moxie.”
“I’m really glad to hear that. I thought you’d be furious. I broke the rule.”
“Yep, and I might just have to give you a swat or two for that.”
“I can handle a swat or two,” she replied with a giggle.
“Is that right? Then I might just make it three or four. Maybe even five or six—with that wooden paddle.”
“No! Chad, it was something I had to do.”
“I’ll think about it, now scoot. But since I’m here I’ll check in with him and see if he’s adjusted those figures.”
“Okay, I’ll see you back at the house, and Chad, can you help me with the horses tonight? It’s so hot, and Hannah’s still
overwhelmed with her preparations for that party.”
“Sure, in fact I’d enjoy that.”
“Fantastic, thank you,” she said gratefully, then giving him a quick peck on the cheek, she headed off.
But watching her walk away, Chad sensed she was holding something back, though what it could be he couldn’t imagine.
As Cassie climbed into the gator, she glanced back at Chad and noticed Dan walking up to him wearing a big smile. Pleased
with herself, she let out a happy sigh.
“Step one, complete,” she muttered, and starting up the gator she headed down to Chad’s barn. Turning off the knoll, she
was relieved to see Marty had joined Jeb at the cross-ties.
“Hey, Marty, can I have a quick word?” she called, rolling to a stop under the shade of a tree.
“Sure, Cassie.”
“You must be so proud of Hannah,” she said as he approached.
“I am, and I get to taste all her new recipes,” he added with a grin. “I’m dyin’ to try this new chocolate cake she’s been
workin’ on.”
“The clinic that starts this weekend, it’s the last one, right, and the easiest?”
“Yep, it’s advanced. It’s more like a reunion. Lots of trail ridin’ and usually some showin’ off.”
“That’s what I thought. There’s something I want to talk to you about. Do you have a minute for a private word?”
“Sure. Jeb can’t hear us from over there.”
“Okay…hold on to your hat. As Chad would say, this here’s the deal.”
Marty listened attentively as Cassie laid out her plans, and when she’d finished, he crossed his arms and frowned.
“That’s pretty ambitious, Cassie. Are you sure?”
“I know it is, and to be honest, no, I’m not sure, but I’m going to do it anyway. I have to. Can you fill Hannah in for me? I’m
afraid to step foot in that kitchen. She won’t let me help, not that I could,” she added, rolling her eyes, “but I don’t want to
interrupt her work.”
“Hey, I get it,” he said, breaking into a grin. “You can count on me, and I’ll do everythin’ I can to help you. But I’ll have to
tell Jeb at some point. You can’t keep a thing like that a secret once it starts up.”
“This is true!”
“Chad might have a cow when he finds out I knew and didn’t tell him, but hey, I think it’s great, and he’s mighty lucky to
have you in his corner. I’m behind you a thousand percent.”
“Thanks, Marty. I’ll see you later,” she said gratefully, but as she turned towards the gator, she spotted Mickey running
towards her.
“Hey, Mickey, where have you been? Do you want to come home with me?”
The dog barked, then ran to the gator and jumped into the passenger seat.
“I guess that’s your answer,” Marty declared, laughing out loud.
“I guess it is.”
Climbing behind the wheel, she started up the lane towards the house.
“That’s step two, Mickey. A couple more and I’m home free.”
As Mickey cocked his head Cassie burst out laughing.
“Sorry, I keep forgetting you speak english. When we get home I’ll fill you in.”
To Cassie’s delight the chicken dish was delicious and Chad was full of compliments. He was on his second helping and they
were chatting about the upcoming weekend when the house phone rang.
“You stay put,” Cassie insisted. “If it’s Peter with some drama, or—”
“You’ll give me the phone!”
“Nope, not tonight, you’ve had enough for one day.”
Chad grinned. He hated to admit it but she was right. The day had been a long one, and he was more tired than usual.
“Chad, it’s Mandy,” she said with a worried frown, carrying the phone to the table. “I think it’s important. She sounds
really upset.”
Chad had contracted Mandy Parsons, a trick rider he’d known for years, to take over his show for the summer tour.
“Hey, Mandy, what’s up?” he asked, taking the receiver as Cassie sat down.
“Is there any chance you could pinch hit for the last three shows this weekend?”
“What happened?”
“I hurt my back rehearsing a new stunt. Chad, I can’t ride, I can’t do anything. You’re probably so busy you’ve forgotten,
but this weekend is the last one of the tour.”
“Mandy, I have a clinic, and there’s so much going on here. I’m not sure I can get away.”
“Today’s only Monday. You’ll have all week to get ready and arrange things. Can’t Marty do the clinic without you?”
“I guess he could. Let me think about it. I promise I’ll get back to you soon.”
“Okay, thanks, Chad.”
“I take it she wants you to fill in,” Cassie remarked as Chad placed the receiver back on the cradle.
“She hurt her back and can’t ride, let alone do the show.”
“Chad, you should do it,” Cassie said earnestly. “It would be great for us to get away for the weekend.”
“How can I leave with so much goin’ on?”
“The construction stops on the weekend anyway, and Hannah will have Eddie to help her with the horses. Besides, isn’t
this last clinic the easy one? Can’t Marty deal with it? We really need a break. You more than me.”
“I admit it would be fun to be back in the ring with Mickey doin’ our thing with Bailey and Captain.”
“You miss it, I know you do,” she said, softening her voice.
“Yep, it’s hard not to, but—”
“Chad, if you don’t step in, all those people will be so disappointed, especially the kids.”
At the mention of the fans, she saw a faraway look in his eyes. She guessed he was remembering how much he’d loved
performing, and how Mickey made the audience laugh out loud. Not wanting to interrupt his thoughts, she silently stood up and
began clearing the table.
“Damn, you’re right,” he suddenly declared. “Of course I have to do it. I’ll have to rehearse, but I’m sure the minute we
enter the show ring it will be like we never stopped. This will be fun! Thanks for helpin’ me see the light.”
As he called Mandy back, Cassie moved behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
“I’m really glad,” she murmured.
“Me too,” he whispered. “Hey, Mandy, I’ll be there.”
As he began ironing out the details, Cassie loaded the dishwasher and placed the leftover chicken casserole in a plastic
container. By the time she’d finished, Chad was off the phone, but appeared to be deep in thought.
“Cassie, I’m goin’ to take your advice about Peter. You were right. I hired him to take care of the problems, not ask me
what to do.”
While Chad placed the call, Cassie brewed a fresh pot of coffee, and heated up some left over apple pie Hannah had
dropped off the day before, but she waited to serve it until Chad had finished his call.
“This was a great dinner, darlin’,” he exclaimed as she set the dessert and coffee in front of him. “I just have to let Marty
know about this weekend, then I can relax and enjoy this pie…and you,” he added with a wink.
When Marty answered the phone and Chad told him about the last minute plans, Marty enthusiastically offered his support.
“Marty, are you sure? You’ll have to do that clinic alone, and Hannah will have to deal with the horses as well as that big
catering job.”
“Hey, Chad, we’ll manage, trust me. You need to chew on a piece of straw for a bit.”
The comment made them both laugh.
When Chad had first hired Marty, if the workload became too much Marty would grab a piece of straw, hand it to Chad and
say, “Sit and chew on this for a bit.” Chad would roll his eyes, but take the straw, and the two of them would sit down
wherever they were and have a break. Sometimes they talked, and sometimes they just gazed at the horses.
“You know what, Marty, that’s about the smartest thing I’ve heard in a long time,” Chad said with a sigh. “I’ll see you in the
While Chad had been talking to Marty, Cassie had slipped away to their bedroom to make some calls of her own. Mickey had
joined her, lying next to her on the bed as she’d finalized her plans. But as she heard Chad walking down the hall, she quickly
ended her conversation.
“You two look cozy,” Chad remarked as he ambled in. “Who were to talkin’ to?”
“Hannah. I just wanted to know if she needed any help. Why are you looking at me that way.”
“I don’t know why, but I’m not sure I believe you.”
“Who else would it be?”
“No idea, but aside from that, we have some unfinished business.”
“We do?”
“Goin’ down to that construction site. I know you had good intentions, but you broke the rules.”
“You and your rules,” she exclaimed, rolling her eyes, but glad he’d changed the subject. “You said you admired my
“I do, but you still—”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Don’t you yeah, yeah me. And that’s not the only thing. We agreed Mickey could be on the bed any time, but, you
promised you’d make sure he was cleaned up. No muddy paws.”
“Oh, sorry, I forgot.”
“Cassie, I made you a promise. I swore I wasn’t goin’ to let anything slide.”
“Hush. I’m goin’ to sit on the edge of the bed, and what will you do?”
“Lie over your lap,” she murmured, feeling butterflies fluttering to life in her stomach.
“Yep. Mickey, go to your spot by the fireplace.”
As the dog jumped off the bed and settled on his sheepskin pad, Chad sat down, and Cassie crawled over his muscled
“You knew you weren’t supposed to be up at that job site, right?” he demanded, quickly delivering a volley of hard slaps.
“Yes, right, ouch.”
Though still dressed in her jeans and shirt, she felt the sting, and wriggled as he continued landing his hard hand.
“You broke the rule, you get the spankin’, that’s how it works, you know that too, right?”
“Yes, I do, but, ouch...”
“And Mickey on the bed with dirty feet? How many times? I’ve been lettin’ that slide too. You’re gettin’ a dozen of the best
on your naked butt. Get up and take off your jeans and panties.”
Crawling from his lap, she stood in front of him, unzipped her jeans, and pushed them and her underwear down her legs.
“Leave them around your ankles! It’ll stop you kickin’!”
With her pulse ticking up, and feeling a warm flood between her legs, she stood in front of him waiting for further
“Good. You remembered to stand there while I decide what to do with you.”
“You said a dozen of the best.”
“Cassie, the rule is, you stand there quietly and wait.”
“Sorry, it’s been a while,” she whispered, lowering her eyes.
“Lay over the bed. I’ll be back.”
As she nervously stretched across the bedspread she vaguely smelled manure. Knowing it would have been left by
Mickey’s dirty feet, she let out a heavy sigh.
But a moment later, she smiled.
Things really were getting back to normal.
“Our life has have been out of sync lately but I’m puttin’ things right, in large part thanks to you,” he began, his hand caressing
her red, naked cheeks as he sat on the edge of the bed. “I’ve hired Eddie, I’ve made sure Dan Michaels knows not to screw
with me, and I’ve told Peter to get off his ass and earn his big-time salary. Now it’s time to remind you about a few things.”
“Chad, I—”
“Argue all you want, but I made it real clear, Mickey’s not allowed on the dang bed with dirty feet,” he exclaimed,
spanking her with gusto.
“Sorry, sorry, I’ll make sure in future!”
“Put a towel down for him,” he ordered, stopping abruptly. “If you weren’t as thorough as you should be you can just throw
it in the wash. Tonight you’ll bring in the bedspread from the guest room, and tomorrow you’ll take this one to the cleaners. It
smells like a stall waitin’ to be cleaned.”
“Uh, yes, Sir, but…uh…”
“Now what?”
“Sometimes I go in the guest room to sketch my designs. The light is really good, and I open up the patio doors. And…
“I haven’t been as fussy because no-one sleeps in there.”
“You are a bad girl, Sassy Cassie,” he scolded, spanking her again. “You’ll take them both into the cleaners, and tonight
you’ll fetch the blankets from the linen closet.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Stay there and think about things for a minute.”
Leaving her to ponder, he walked across to Mickey curled up on his rug, kneeled down, and lifted the dog’s head.
“You’ve gotta get back in trainin’,” Chad said softly, staring into his eyes. “You and me and Bailey are goin’ back to the
show ring.”
At the word Bailey, Mickey jumped to his feet and spun around, panting excitedly, then stopped and barked.
“That’s my clever boy. We’ll start rehearsin’ tomorrow.”
Rising to his feet, he moved to his dresser, collected what he wanted, then marched back to Cassie.
. “Cassie, the rules are the rules, right?”
“Yes, Sir, the rules are the rules.”
“I’m gonna give you somethin’ extra just to make sure you remember that. Put your hands behind you and spread your
While she groaned and did as he instructed, he lubed the dildo and pressed it against her rosebud.
“Take it like a good girl, a girl who obeys the rules, a girl who doesn’t have to be spanked twice in one day.”
“Yes, Sir,” she replied breathlessly.
“There, nicely impaled. You can stay there a while and think about things,” he murmured, then fondled her reddened skin
for a moment before quietly walking away.
As Cassie heard Chad leave the room, she realized she hadn’t just felt neglected, she’d been on edge, and in spite of the
humiliation sweeping through her, she was calmer. She was also optimistic. The weekend away was what they both needed.
She just hoped and prayed he’d be okay with what she had planned.
In his office Chad was studying the numbers for the end of the quarter. The expansion was bringing in more revenue, but Peter’s
salary significantly cut into it.
“Damn, maybe I’ll just go back to what I was doin’,” he muttered to himself. “I could handle that and I sure as hell wasn’t
as stressed.”
Feeling a semblance of relief at just the thought, he headed back to the bedroom. When he walked in and saw Cassie bent
over the bed and the flange of the butt plug clearly visible, his cock began to stiffen. Quickly removing his clothes, he stepped
up behind her and roamed his hand over her red skin, eliciting a loud gasp.
“Have you learned your lesson?”
“Yes, Sir, definitely.”
“Do you want me?”
“Yes, please, Sir, so much!”
As he touched between her legs and felt her slick wetness, his cock surged to full attention. Placing himself at her entrance,
he slowly pushed forward, then pressed the button on the base of the flange sending the dildo to life, but on the lowest speed.
“Don’t you dare come without permission,” he warned.
“No, Sir, but you and that vibrator together…I can hardly stand it.”
“Let me hear you beg.”
“Ooh, Sir, please don’t make me wait too long.”
“Will you do as you’re told?” he demanded, spanking her again.
“Yes, Sir, I will, I swear,” she bleated, arching her back as if asking for more.
He obliged, moving his flattened palm from cheek to cheek, then listening to her gasps and groans, he stroked for long
minutes. But as he felt his orgasm beginning to build, he stopped and stayed buried inside her. Closing his eyes, he savored her
warmth, and the vague pulsing from the imbedded vibrator.
“Sir…I’m there,” she suddenly cried, snapping him from the trance -like state. “Please, Sir, I won’t be able to stop it.
Please, please…”
“That’s what I wanna hear,” he grunted, gripping her waist and slowly thrusting. “I’m gonna really fuck you now. I’m gonna
fuck you until you come. But remember, I’ll whip your ass and keep your pussy hungry for a week if you don’t do as you’re
“Yes, Sir, I’ll be good. Please ride me, please ride me and let me come.”
As he pushed the button on the flange to the highest speed, she let out a wail, threw back her head and sucked in the air.
A sudden thought flashed through his mind.
It had been months since he’d thrust into her forbidden back hole.
Every instinct was telling him to do just that.
It was time to reassert his ownership of her body.
Quickly turning it off, he carefully pulled it out, and slipped from her depths.
“Put your finger against your clit and rub,” he ordered gruffly.
Cassie knew what was coming and felt a ribald need to experience his ultimate act of possession. When he started to press
against her forbidden entrance she didn’t resist, but relaxed and accepted him. He stroked slowly for a minute or two, then
gathered momentum, and began spanking her cheeks with one hand while he held her hip with the other.
“Sir...may I come?” she pleaded, suddenly feeling her orgasm about to break. “Please, Sir? Please… please…”
“Yes! Give it to me. Give it to me right now!”
She had been on the edge for what felt like forever.
Now, finally, he’d demanded her release.
Urgently massaging her clit, she triggered the explosion, wailing loudly into a pillow as the power of the consuming
convulsions cascaded through her body…
Chad could hear Cassie’s muffled cries, but in the grip of his own rocketing climax they seemed almost distant. His entire body
shuddered as his cock exploded between her glorious, red cheeks, until completely drained, he slipped out and fell next to her
on the bed. As she curled against him, he moved his arms around her, cradling her against his pounding heart.
“Chad,” she murmured softly, “where have you been?”
“I guess just too caught up in work, darlin’,” he mumbled. “But don’t worry, darlin’. Your cowboy’s back and he’s not goin’
As Chad began preparing for the upcoming performances he realized how much he had missed doing the show. But with the
heat of the summer sun he had to pace the sessions and schedule them for the early morning or near sunset.
Cassie had been waking up when he did. She needed to ride, and by nine-o’clock it was already too hot. But as the days
passed, she thought he was looking weary, and the night before they were leaving she finally voiced her concerns.
“I’m a bit worried, you look tired. Are you sure you’re up for this? It’s a two hour drive and three performances. It may not
sound like much, but I know what it’s like to haul, then perform.”
“I admit I’m feelin’ weary,” he admitted, “but a part of me is energized. The horses are as well, and Mickey! You should’ve
seen the leap he made today. Yeah, I’m tired and I need to rest, but not like I was feelin’ a couple of weeks back.”
“I still think we should have an early night,” she remarked. “Why don’t you take a shower while I clean up? I’ll be in
“That’s a deal,” he replied, standing up and stretching. “I’d probably just fall asleep on the couch anyway.”
As he ambled away, though somewhat reassured, she was still concerned, but as she carried the dishes to the sink her mind
shifted gears.
“I hope you’ll be happy with my surprise,” she mumbled under her breath. “Good grief, what if it’s too much?”
** * **
Standing in the stream of the hot water and washing away the dust and dirt, Chad was running through his show in his head. The
more he imagined Bailey and Captain captivating the audience, and Mickey making them gasp in delight, the happier he
became. Finally stepping out and toweling himself dry, he walked into the bedroom and found Cassie already between the
sheets. Climbing in beside her, he pulled her into his arms, loving the feel of her body as she snuggled against him.
“I’m really looking forward to this weekend,” she said with a happy sigh. “You know Randy will only be an hour away at
an event with his junior riders. You never did go to his barn and give those lessons.”
“Is that a hint?” he said with a grin, rolling on to his side and staring down at her.
“A hint?” she repeated innocently. “Not at all. I was simply stating a fact.”
“Uh-huh. Statin’ a fact or tryin’ to throw a bit of guilt my way?”
“Well, maybe just a hair, and I do have a point.”
“You know what tomorrow is?” he murmured, leaning down and kissing her neck.
“Um, the night of your big comeback.”
“Comeback? Who said anything about a comeback?”
“It kind of is. I’ll bet there’ll be a ton of people lined up to see you.“
“I doubt that. You know the old sayin, outta sight, outta mind. It’s more likely they’ll be disappointed Mandy won’t be
“Nope. You’re wrong. You’ll be knee-deep in fans.”
“You just diverted the conversation,” he said, lowering his voice.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“The hell you don’t. Back to my question. Do you know what tomorrow is?”
“You mean, as in, the day of the week? Of course, it’s Saturday.”
“Cassie, you know exactly what I’m talkin’ about.”
“Fine, maintenance day, or night, depending upon when you want it to happen.”
“What else?”
“Okay, okay, it will be the first maintenance day since—I don’t know the date exactly—but it’s been ages.”
“Have you felt neglected these last couple of nights?”
“Not at all. That afternoon you totally ravaged me was enough to last me for a month and it was only a few days ago.
Besides, I know you’ve been exhausted. It’s so damn hot, and getting your show ready in just a few days is a big task.”
“That’s not why I haven’t been jumpin’ on your bones. I’ve been waitin’ for tomorrow night,” he murmured, moving his
hands across her breasts. “A blindfold, some ropes, some toys...”
“Ooh, Chad, you’re such a tease,” she groaned, closing her eyes as he tweaked her nipples.
“I’ve been lettin’ things settle, but when we’re outta here...” he whispered, dropping his mouth to her ear.
“Can we just do a little something now to tide me over? I could worship your cock, you wouldn’t even have to sit up.”
“Not yet.”
“Why not?”
“I’m makin’ sure you don’t forget whose in charge around here.”
“I should have realized,” she muttered with a sigh. “There’s always a method to your madness.”
“Getting back to my performances this weekend…don’t forget, darlin’, Marty used to be my wingman. I know it hasn’t
seemed like much here, but when we get to the fairgrounds you have to stay focused and be there if I need you.”
“I will, you can count on me. Anything, from getting you a cup of coffee to grooming the horses. Whatever it is, I’ll be at
your beck and call.”
“When we arrive, we have to walk Captain and Bailey around the ring. They need to get a feel for it again, and Mickey
will be right there with us doin’ the same thing. If there’s a suitable spot nearby we’ll take them out to graze, otherwise we’ll
leave them at the trailer and let them eat their hay for a bit.”
“Did you make up your mind about the stalls? Last time we talked you said you weren’t happy having them at the
“I’m not, but Mandy made arrangements at a place close by, and we’ll be stayin’ there as well. It’s called Rose’s Ranch.
They have a few guest cabins.
“I thought we’d be at a hotel.”
“Does stayin’ at a ranch bother you?”
“Nowhere bothers me as long as I’m with you.”
“It’s a much better situation. I’ll be close to the horses and Mickey will be happier there. Not only that…” he said, pausing
dramatically, “hotel’s tend to have thin walls.”
“Ah, yes, of course,” she murmured, pressing her body against his. “Will you please kiss my neck?”
“Sure, but that’s all I’ll be doin’ until tomorrow.”
“What about our morning cuddle?”
“That might happen if we wake up early enough, but there’s a lot to do.”
“Chad Douglas you’re a hard taskmaster.”
“That’s because you need one!”
“I plead the fifth. But what if you’re too tired to do anything but sleep after your performance tomorrow night?”
“Don’t bet on it. After a show I’m tired, sure, but I’m also wired. You’d better be on your best behavior.”
“Ohh. I’ll remember that, and now I’m going to sleep,” she said with a yawn, cuddling against him. “Assuming that’s okay
with my hard taskmaster.”
“Yep, it’s okay,” he replied, reaching across and turning off the bedside lamp. “I feel bad for Mandy hurtin’ herself like she
did, but I’m real happy to be headin’ out tomorrow.”
“Me too. Sometimes timing in life is everything.”
“Nothing, Chad. Goodnight.”
The following morning, eager to hit the road, Chad woke up even earlier than usual.
“Stay in bed,” he murmured as Cassie stirred from sleep. “I’m gettin’ myself together then wrappin’ up a few things in my
But after he left, Cassie quickly showered and dressed, then hurried into the kitchen to cook a full breakfast. When she
called him in, and he saw the bacon, eggs, tomatoes, toast and coffee on the table, he gratefully hugged her.
“You’re the best!” he declared. “This is just what I need before that drive.”
“You’re welcome, and I’ve made a thermos of coffee for the trip.”
He hungrily devoured the delicious meal, then marched down to the barn to pack his equipment in the horse van. An hour
later, when Cassie arrived in the gator with her bag, he had just loaded the horses, and Marty and Hannah were there to wave
them off.
“Have you given any more thought to visiting Randy on Monday?” she asked as Chad rolled down the driveway.
“It depends on what’s happenin’,” he replied, maneuvering the rig onto the road that would take them to the main highway.
“Don’t forget, the clinic will be underway. Marty can handle it, but I really should make an appearance.”
“But you don’t absolutely have to. Besides, I’d love to see Randy.”
He glanced across at her.
“Maybe you’re right. I’ll see how I feel after the shows, but damn it’s good to be headin’ off for a few days.”
Mickey was excited too.
Panting happily, he was perched up on the center console staring out the window. Strapped into the doggy seat belt Chad
had designed for him, he couldn’t fall forward or tumble off.
“I meant to ask you,” Cassie began, “I know you worked things out with Dan Michaels, but did you get anything in
“Yep, He sent me the revised cost sheet yesterday, and it’s exactly what I told him it should be.”
The main highway came into view. As the big van rolled up the ramp and Chad accelerated, Cassie broke into a wide
“This is fantastic. Do you remember our first time on the road in my van?”
“Remember? How could I forget? It’s chiseled into my brain. You were such a brat!”
“I wasn’t that bad.”
“Yes, you were. I don’t make a habit of pullin’ over and spankin’ a girl I just met.”
“I wondered about that,” she replied with a giggle. “I couldn’t believe it, but that’s when I fell for you…kind of.”
“Kind of?”
“Well…yeah. I did,” she admitted with a giggle. “How could I not, even though I was mortified.”
“I might just give you that maintenance spankin’ early. I could pull over to check on the boys.”
Not knowing what to say, she shifted her gaze back to the highway.
“What, no smart ass comment?”
“Apparently not…except...”
“I knew it was too good to be true. Except what?”
“Except, if you do stop I’ll simply stay here.”
Chad laughed out loud.
“You tried that the last time.”
“Last time you caught me off guard,” she retorted.
“I guess you must really want me to stop this van and spank your butt. You know I can’t ignore a challenge like that.”
“That wasn’t a challenge,” she exclaimed, staring at him.
“The hell it wasn’t, and I accept.”
“Hey, no cussin’ in front of the dog.”
“Micky, close your ears,” she said as she laughed.
“And you, Cassie, stop distractin’ me! I need to concentrate on my drivin’.”
They’d been on the road for just over an hour when Chad slowed the rig and rolled into a wide turnout.
“Cassie, take him for a quick walk while I check on the boys,” Chad said, unbuckling his harness.
“Sure, I’d like to stretch my legs too.”
Climbing out of the van, Cassie walked Mickey in the low, dry brush until she heard Chad calling her. Turning around, she
saw him closing the side door of the van. She hurried back, but as she neared he broke into a wide grin.
“What’s so funny?”
“So much for a challenge.”
“Oh, Chad, it never was.”
“Do you honestly think you can get out of it that easily?” he asked with a chuckle, moving towards her. But It was a good
try, I’ll give you that. Put Mickey back in the cab.”
She stared at him for a moment, then walked to the front and opened the door. As Mickey effortlessly bounded up into the
passenger seat, and she saw Chad staring at her, an idea suddenly popped into her head. Quickly climbing in beside Mickey,
she closed her door and locked it. Chad had no choice but to get into the driver’s seat, and with Mickey between them he
wouldn’t be able to reach her.
“Aren’t you a clever girl?” he said as he settled behind the wheel. “But do you really wanna play this game? I’ll give you
one chance to change your mind and cooperate, but just one. If you don’t I’ll spank you harder. Unlock your door and step out.”
“Chad, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replied, feeling her heart pitching against her chest.
Chad glanced down at his armrest, and in that moment Cassie realized her fatal mistake. Before she had a chance to speak,
he’d clicked the button that unlocked both doors, and set it to hold it place.
Jumping from his seat, Chad jogged around to the front of the van, pulled open her door, and just as he had done a year before,
he grabbed her wrist, yanked her from the cab and effortlessly threw her over his shoulder.
“No! Chad! Wait!”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re not, you’re just sorry you didn’t think it through,” he retorted, and placing his foot on the first step, he deftly
flipped her body down and over his thigh. “Just consider yourself lucky I won’t be barin’ your backside.”
“This should make things a tad uncomfortable for the rest of the drive,” he announced, cutting her off as he began spanking
the back of her thighs. “I’ll save your butt cheeks for tonight.”
“Ow, Chad, please, I’m sorry, really I am.”
“Maybe, but we both know you’re gettin’ exactly what you asked for. You threw down the challenge, tried to outfox me,
then pretended none of it happened.”
“I did, I did, I confess, and I’m sorry!”
“Of course you are,” he declared, pausing his hand. “Have you learned your lesson…again?”
“Yes, Sir. I have. I swear.”
Pulling her up, he clutched a fistful of hair and tugged back her head. She was breathless, her eyes sparkled up at him…
suddenly his lips were on hers in a fervent, demanding kiss.
Cassie felt herself being swept away on an erotic wave. Unable to stop herself, she hastily unzipped his jeans, reached in and
wrapped her fingers around his hardness.
But abruptly he took control.
Spinning her around, he pressed her body against the side of the van, jerked down her jeans, pulled her hips towards him
and thrust his thick shaft inside her. Completely oblivious to the cars speeding by on the other side of the van, he whispered
lascivious words into her ear and pummeled her pussy. They were soon crying out their passion, and with the van as their
support, for endless minutes, breathless and spent, they clung to each other.
As they continued to the fairgrounds, while Cassie grinned happily about their unexpected moment together, Chad was relieved
no-one had pulled up behind the van to make sure they were okay.
“If I saw a horse van or trailer on the side of the road like that, I would,” he exclaimed with a chuckle.
But as they exited the interstate and headed towards the fairgrounds, their focus changed and they began talking about the
“Look at all the cars,” she remarked as they drove past the public parking area. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many
people here.”
“You’re right, it does seem busy.”
Approaching the secure area where the van would be parked, the attendants on duty opened the gate. Chad was so
preoccupied with maneuvering the van it was Cassie who saw the crowd first.
“Holy crap, look,” she exclaimed, pointing off to the side.
“What is it?”
“Pull up the van and look.”
Rolling to a stop, he peered past her and caught his breath. A huge throng holding signs bearing his name were lined up
along the length of the security fence.
“What the hell?” he muttered. “I’m speechless. What should I do?”
“I figured your fans would come out to see you, but I didn’t expect it to be like this. Jeez, Chad, you’re a rock star. You
have to go over there.”
“What about Bailey and Captain?”
“Leave them to me. Take Mickey and go. All those people are dying to see you.”
“Thanks, darlin’,” he said with a grin, unsnapping Mickey’s seat belt. “Come on Mickey. They’re probably waitin’ for you
more than me.”
As he climbed out of the cab, Mickey jumped down behind him, and Cassie heard the crowd cheering. Watching them hurry
across the field to the fence, her heart was filled with love and pride. But needing to check on the horses, she carefully climbed
to the ground and walked around to the side door.
Glancing across at the adoring fans she noticed one of the guards had opened a gate, and Chad and Mickey were about to
move among the throng. She wasn’t sure it was a good idea, but turned her attention back to Bailey and Captain. As she
entered, they looked up from their hay, appearing content and in no hurry to go anywhere. After giving them some carrots, she
moved back outside and looked for Chad, but he had disappeared among the fans. With a sigh, she sat on the grass, pulled her
phone from her pocket and called Mandy.
“We’re here, Mandy,” she said as Mandy anwered.
“I know, I saw you come in. How was the trip?”
“Terrific,” Cassie replied, smiling happily. “It’s great to get away.”
“I’m sure. Do you want to come over? Look across at the arena. The trailer I’m in is the yellow one with the green
“Yes, I see it, but I’ll wait for Chad. Do you happen to know how long all those people have been here?”
“They started arriving early this morning. There are way more than we expected. All I did was call a couple of radio
stations, and of course the PR folks here at the fair sent out press releases announcing Chad would be stepping in due to my
“Speaking of your injury, how are you?”
“Healing, and I’m so glad Chad agreed to do the show. It would have been a shame to cancel the last weekend. I assume the
horses are okay in the van, or do you need to get them out?”
“They’re fine, and Chad wants us to walk them around the arena for a while.”
“Of course. When you’re ready just come on over. I can’t exactly go anywhere.”
“I’m sure we’ll be there soon...actually...I see him on his way back here now. I have to go.”
“Okay, Cassie. Bye.”
Ending the call, Cassie dropped her phone back in her pocket just as Mickey bounded up to her.
“Are you having a good time?” she asked making a fuss of him.
“Man, I haven’t seen him that happy in a long time,” Chad remarked, striding up to join them.
“How was the crowd? I was worried about you amongst all those people.”
“They were great. A couple of the security guys were around, but it was—honestly—I can’t describe it.”
“That’s wonderful! What’s next?”
“We get the boys out and take them for a walk.”
With Cassie leading Captain, and Chad leading Bailey, they moved the horses down the ramp into the field. Bailey lifted his
nose in the air, snorted, then let out a loud whinny. Captain followed suit, then started to fidget.
“Cassie, you know what to do.”
And she did. Chad had taught her how to calm a restless horse. In just a few minutes Captain was licking his lips and
sighing, a sure sign his brain had clicked in and he was settling down.
“See that, you’ve become a pro,” Chad declared.
“Hardly a pro, but it’s amazing how simple things can have such an impact.”
They headed towards the arena, and when they entered Chad stopped and stared up at the empty seats.
“How does it feel?”
“Like I never left,” he murmured, “and excuse my language, but it’s fan-fuckin’-tastic to be here.”
“I think you’ve missed this as much as the crowds have missed you.”
“Darlin’, you’re right, and I didn’t realize it until just now.”
“Chad, you make a difference. Not everyone can afford to attend your clinics, and you can only handle a limited number
anyway. But a ticket to one of your shows is doable for most people, and I bet they all take something away, something
positive, something that helps them with their horses.”
He dropped his head, kicked the dirt for a minute, then looked at her.
“You knew,” he said quietly.
“Knew what?”
“You knew this would happen if I came. That’s why you pushed. You did it subtly, but looking back I can see how you were
determined to get me here.”
“I—uh—I felt it was the right thing.”
“I don’t know how to thank you,” he said, moving his arm around her shoulders. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened
to me. The absolute best.”
“Back at ya,” she whispered, feeling an unexpected swell of emotion.
“I’ll never forget this moment,” he murmured. “Not as long as I live.”
“Chad…I don’t know what to say.”
“That’s because there isn’t anything,” he said with a sigh, and looking at his two horses standing calmly but with their ears
pricked, he added, “It looks like Captain and Bailey are happy too.”
They began leading the horses around the ring with Mickey, until Chad asked Cassie to sit in the audience. Taking a seat,
she watched, fascinated, as Chad rehearsed. Seeing how the horses responded to him, and how Mickey appeared to know what
Chad wanted even before the command was given, she was reminded just how gifted he was.
Dr. Doolittle, that’s who you are. You shouldn’t be worried about shirts showing up with logo’s upside down, or anything
else. This is what you were born to do. This is what feeds your soul. This is how you make a difference in the world. All that
other stuff is crap.
After a full rehearsal, Chad let Bailey and Captain graze outside for a short time, then left them munching on hay nets at the van.
With a security guard in place to watch over them, Chad and Cassie stopped at Mandy’s trailer and knocked on the door.
“It’s open,” she called.
“Is it okay to bring Mickey with us?” Chad asked, poking his head in.
“Of course. I’d love to see him.”
Stepping inside the spacious trailer, they found Mandy lying on a wide couch with a brace around her neck.
“What took you so long?” she asked with a smile.
“Sorry, you know how it is. I had to make sure the horses were settled,” Chad replied, sitting across from her as Mickey
walked up and licked her hand. “How are you? Where’s Jennifer?”
“I’m doing fine. It will just take a few days for the inflammation to subside, and Jennifer is hauling the horses over to
Rose’s Ranch. When she gets back she’ll be taking me over there so you’ll have this trailer for the shows. But how are things
back at Horse Haven?”
“Life has been hectic,” Cassie replied, “especially for Chad, hasn’t it sweetheart? Between the clothing line and the clinics
and trying to make sure everything’s right with the construction, he’s barely had time to eat and sleep.”
“Chad, you know what they say about all work,” Mandy remarked.
“Believe me, I’m startin’ to remember what my life used to be like. I got a bit derailed over the last year. A bunch of things
happened and just sort of, pulled me along.”
“I hope doing these shows isn’t too much for you, but you’re going to make your fans very happy.”
“Yeah, seein’ that crowd was some welcome,” he said with a grin. “I figured a few loyal fans would show up, but I had no
idea I’d be greeted with anything like that.”
“I’m not surprised. I know people enjoyed my show, but it’s not like yours, and I don’t have Mickey! Right, fella,” she said,
patting his head.
“There is that,” Cassie interjected. “Is there anything we can do for you?”
“No, Jennifer has it all under control. We’ll lock up and leave the keys behind the front left tire. There are plenty of
supplies here. Cream, milk, coffee, cereal, some beer in the fridge. Jen’s picking up fresh stuff for the cabin at the ranch.”
“Then if there’s nothin’ else we should head out,” Chad declared. “I need a hot shower and something to eat. Take care of
yourself, Mandy, and we’ll see you at Rose’s ranch or back at Horse Haven. Just call if you need anything.”
“Thanks, and good luck with your show, though I know you don’t need it. Bye, Mickey, it’s time to be a star again.”
Mickey barked, then turned and ran to the door. Cassie and Chad followed him out, walked across to the van and loaded the
horses. As they drove from the fairgrounds and turned down the street, the fans waved and yelled.
“Chad, you’re going to have a fabulous time. Your audience will be so excited.”
“To tell you the truth, I’m a bit nervous,” he said with a sigh. “It’s been a while.”
“I know what you mean. I used to get that way before a big jump-off.”
“Will you take Shelby to that local show?”
“Um, I’m not sure yet. Maybe. I might be local, but it’s still a big one.”
“We never talked about it, but I thought you’d be showin’ through the summer. I’ve been meanin’ to ask why you didn’t?”
“I guess…with the house being built and not having Randy, it just didn’t feel right, but it doesn’t matter. Right now I want to
focus on you and the show.”
But glancing across at her, Chad sensed there was more to the story.
Though Rose’s ranch was only a ten minute drive from the fairgrounds, by the time they checked in, unloaded the horses, and
made their way to the cabin, they were exhausted.
“I hope this place has a comfy bed,” Chad remarked.
“And a bathtub, a deep one,” Cassie added.
Mickey barked, making them think he had his own wish list.
Reaching the rustic cabin and stepping inside, they found it warm and inviting. A comfortable living area boasted charming,
antique furnishings, the bedroom offered a four poster bed, and the bathroom included a Jacuzzi tub along with a stall shower.
Dropping their bags, Chad pulled her into his arms.
“We can finally relax,” he murmured with a sigh.
“Thank goodness,” she breathed, sinking against him. “I’m so tired, but I’m also starving.”
“Let’s see if there’s anything in the kitchen.”
They ambled through the swinging doors and discovered a basket of goodies on the table with a card propped up against it.
Opening the envelope, Chad read it out loud.
Dear Mr. Douglas.
We are honored to have you as our guest. In the crockpot on the counter you’ll find chicken and dumplings and the
refrigerator is stocked with other items you might find useful. If there is anything we can do to make your stay more
comfortable please don’t hesitate to dial 9 on your phone.
Warmest regards,
Rose and Clyde Thomas
“How great is this?” Cassie exclaimed, moving across to the counter and lifting the lid. “It smells fantastic. That’s what I
should do, buy a crockpot. A crockpot is almost foolproof. I really want to cook for you more,” she said, turning to face him. “I
know I’ll never be like Hannah, but I—”
“Hey, why do you think I want you to be like Hannah?”
“Well, the way she cooks and everything.”
“Darlin’, you don’t need to be like anybody except yourself. I love you just like you are.”
“But she’s such a happy homemaker, and I’m hopeless at that stuff.”
“You’re not hopeless at anything, besides, if I came home to a big dinner every night I’d get fat, and you might end up
runnin’ a catering business like she’s tryin’ to do. That wouldn’t work for me at all,” he said, shaking his head.
“But I do want to do more for you,” she said solemnly. “It’s really hit me these last couple of days.”
“You already do a lot, and just bein’ with you makes me so damn happy,” he said, lowering his voice.
“I still want to get a crockpot.”
“Then we’ll get you one, and you can use it to your heart’s content, but don’t feel any pressure. Not ever. About anything.”
Mickey’s bark caught their attention, and looking down they saw his eager face.
“Oh, Mickey, you’re tired and hungry too,” Cassie exclaimed. “Don’t worry, we’ve got your dinner and your rug.”
Mickey barked again, then stood up and wagged his tail.
“I think he’s telling us he wants it now,” Chad said with a grin. “I’ll take care of him. Why don’t you set the table and see
what else is in the refrigerator?”
After a delicious meal and a glass of wine, Chad took a shower while Cassie cleaned up their dishes, then chased him out,
commandeering the bathroom for a long soak in a hot bubble bath.
As she relaxed into the comforting foam she almost fell asleep, and when she finally pulled herself out, dried herself off
and crawled slowly into bed, she found Chad fast asleep. Glancing across the room she noticed Mickey was also in the land of
nod. Turning off the bedside lamp, she curled against Chad, and mere seconds later she had joined them.
Cassie woke up to an empty bed, but smelling the vague aroma of bacon, she slipped from between the sheets, found her robe,
and wrapping it around herself she made her way to the kitchen.
“What’s going on?” she asked, seeing Chad at the stove.
“Mornin’. Come on over here.”
She started to move across the room, but paused to pat Mickey who had trotted up to greet her.
“So he gets priority?” Chad asked with a grin.
“Apparently. Besides, isn’t he the top dog around here?” she said, then giggled at her joke. “How long have you been up?”
“A while. I woke up with an idea. I’m going to open the show with something new. Coffee’s ready if you want some.”
“I definitely do, thanks. Isn’t it risky changing it this late?”
“I won’t change what I do with the horses and Mickey. I’ll be givin’ a small speech before we start.”
“What about?”
“You said I make a difference,” he said solemnly. “That got me thinkin’. The show is just a bunch of tricks. I want to
explain how it comes from the trainin’ methods I’ve developed. But really, it’s what the horses have taught me, not what I’ve
taught the horses.”
“I’m sure people know that.”
“Yeah, but I want to take this a step further. Mandy’s been successful and I don’t want to take that away from her.”
“Sorry, Chad, you’ve lost me.”
“You said something about only a handful of people can come to my clinics. You were right. I want to do my shows, but
make them a demonstration of my methods…maybe even invite people to bring their horses. I’m not sure about the logistics, but
I want to go back on the road next summer. How would you feel about bein’ with me, doin’ what Marty used to do?”
“Are you kidding? I’d absolutely love it.”
“That’s great. I’m not sure I’d want to travel without you. So…that’s how I’ll start the show. I’ll announce that I’ll be back
next year, but with a trainin’ show, and I’ll ask Mandy how she’d feel about a double bill.”
“What about the clinics at the ranch?”
“I’ll pass them on to Marty, and there’s something else.”
“There is? Did you sleep at all?”
“I did, strangely enough. It’s the clothing line. I want to go back to just the shirts and forget about all this expansion
business,” he said, placing their breakfast on the table.
“Chad, that’s great. You’ve been in your office more than the barn.”
“Exactly. Let’s finish breakfast and head out. I know there’s plenty of time but I want to get over there.”
“Hey, I understand. It takes time to mentally prepare.”
But as she spoke, she thought about how much she loved showjumping, and wondered if her horses missed the competition
A short time later they had loaded Bailey and Captain and were on their way. As the fairgrounds came into view, Cassie leaned
across Mickey and kissed Chad on the cheek.
“You’re going to be absolutely amazing. Heck, you could stand on your head and the crowd would cheer.”
“Thanks, hon, to be honest, I can’t remember feelin’ so nervous. It’s crazy. Maybe it’s because all those people were
waitin’ when we arrived.”
“Just remember what you always tell me, and your students as well.”
“What’s that?”
“Our horses pick up our energy. If I’m calm and confident, they will be too. I’m their leader.”
Taking his eyes off the road for a quick moment he glanced across at her.
“Damn. Thanks, Cassie! Believe it or not I needed to hear that.”
“We all have our moments,” she replied with a wink, then staring ahead to the parking area, she saw cars were already
lining up to get a spot. “Look at that. The arena will be packed.”
“I can’t wait. What about you, Mickey, are you excited?” Chad asked as he slowed the van and turned through the gates.
Rather than bark his usual response, Mickey sat up, raised his nose in the air and howled.
“That was impressive,” Cassie said with a laugh. “You should work that into your show.”
“Not a bad idea,” Chad replied, rolling to a stop. “Okay, let’s get the boys out and take them for a walk, then move my
clothes and props into the trailer.”
“You got it, boss.”
“Good answer,” Chad quipped. “You keep thinkin’ that way.”
“I’ll try, but no promises!”
Shaking his head he stared back at her.
“Cassie, I may be focused on the show, but I haven’t forgotten that it’s Saturday. Tonight is maintenance night. You might
wanna remember that.”
It was show time. The packed arena fell into darkness, and a hush swept over the noisy crowd. As a spotlight suddenly burst to
life over Chad standing in the middle of the ring, cheers and applause erupted. Smiling and waving, Chad waited patiently for
the audience to settle.
“Thanks so much for such a tremendous welcome,” he began. “It’s been almost a year since my last performance, and bein’
called back because of Mandy Parson’s unfortunate accident was a total surprise. I know you all join me in wishin’ her a
speedy recovery. I’m here chattin’ with you all because gettin’ ready for this last minute show with my horses reminded me
how much I enjoy it. I’m already plannin’ a new one for next summer.”
The crowd immediately whistled and cheered, excited to hear their hero would return.
“But it won’t be like the one you’ll see tonight, or any from the past. A wise woman suggested I go back to doin’ what got
me here in the first place. Sharin’ my own method of trainin’. If you have a minute, drop me an email, or just a regular letter. I’d
love to hear about any problems you’re havin’ with your horses. My website will have the contact info and other details as they
develop, but I’ll select a few people to join me with their horse in his ring, and I’ll work with them. Does that sound like
something you’d enjoy?”
The audience rose to the their feet, clapping and shouting out their support, but as tit began to subside, a lone, tiny voice
piped up.
“Will Mickey be here?”
“I reckon so,” Chad called back with a grin. “Where are you?”
The house lights flicked on, and a few rows up from the front, a small boy dressed like a cowboy stood up and waved.
“I’m over here.”
“Hello! Why don’t you come on down and join me for a minute?”
There was a titter through the crowd as the youngster, helped by his father, made his way into the ring.
“What’s your name, son?”
“My friends call me Stitches.”
“Why is that?”
“Because I’m always gettin’ ‘em,” the boy said seriously.
“I see. What’s your real name?”
“Samuel Cooper Jackson,” he proclaimed proudly.
“And Mickey is your favorite part of the show?”
“Yes, I want to be a dog trainer. I saw you and him last year and he was the best.”
“Would you like to meet him?”
The little boy’s eyes grew large, his mouth fell open, and he was so overcome at the prospect of meeting his canine
superhero, all he could do was enthusiastically nod his head.
“Hey, Mickey,” Chad called, “you have someone here who wants to say hello.”
In the wings, Cassie was holding Bailey’s and Captain, and Mickey was sitting in front of her. When Chad called his name,
he bolted into the ring, but Chad moved his hand slightly, sending a command. The dog raced straight to the little boy, sat down
and lifted his paw.
The spontaneous, brilliant beginning to the show was a harbinger for the rest of the performance. Returning to the spotlight
after so much time off, Bailey and Captain sparkled with energy and enthusiasm, and Mickey, with his hilarious antics and
extraordinary athleticism, brought the house to his feet.
After his third curtain call, Chad waved his final goodbye and jogged from the center of the ring with Mickey trotting along
beside him. Reaching the wings he grabbed Cassie and kissed her, his lips pressing against hers with a demanding, insistent
passion that left her breathless.
“I’ve gotta sign a million autographs,” he panted huskily, “then we’re outta here.”
Cassie watched him march away with three burly security guards. It was late afternoon, and being the matinee performance
there were a large number of children present. As she led Bailey and Captain back to the van, she watched Chad crouch down
with Mickey and interact with the teeming throng of young fans.
Being raised in the cold, austere house with her difficult mother, and an older brother whom she loved, but wasn’t around
very much, she had no experience with children. Chad’s warm ease and confident manner filled her with admiration, but also a
sense of inadequacy. Feeling slightly unnerved, she shifted her focus back to the task at hand. After securing the horses next to
their hay nets, she brought them water buckets, and began to groom them. By the time Chad was on his way back she had
finished her chores and the horses were ready to load.
“Hey, there. Are you ready to head off,” he asked as he neared. “Yep, let’s do it.”
In a few minutes they were on their way back to Rose’s Ranch. As Chad drove down the main street towards the outskirts
of town, Cassie put her arms around Mickey.
“You’re such a star.”
“Wasn’t he great?” Chad exclaimed, a comment more than a question.
“Yes, he was, and you were too, and so were Bailey and Captain, and Stitches was so adorable. The best moment
“The best moment? What was the best moment?”
“The very end,” she said softly. “That kiss...that kiss will be with me forever.”
“Cassie, I’ve never felt like that,” he said, lowering his voice. “Knowin’ you were in the wings, feelin’ you there…I don’t
know how to put it into words, but I never want to do a show without you.”
“Hell, yeah. Don’t you know how much you inspire me?”
“But you’re the amazing one. You’re one that does it all. And the way you were with those kids…I could never do that.
You’re just so talented. Watching you I feel so...I don’t know...small.”
“Small? Are you crazy? Girl, you’re about as small as Horse Haven. I don’t know where this crazy notion is comin’ from,
but nothin’ could be further from the truth.”
“My head is spinning. One minute you’re kissing me like Rhett Butler, and the next you’re scolding me.”
“You bet, and I’m happy to keep doin’ both, but outta the two I’d rather be kissin’ you,” he declared, shooting her a wink.
“Sorry, it’s just…when I saw you with those kids I felt all funny. I guess because I’d never be able to deal with them like
you did. You made it look so easy.”
“It is, and thank goodness we’re back,” he exclaimed, rolling into the ranch and pulling up near the barn. “I’m starvin’ and I
need a beer.”
“I’m sure you are and you do! What about you, Mickey? Are you starving, do you need a beer?”
Mickey barked and tried to crawl on her lap, but the seat belt held him back.
“You can sleep on the bed with us tonight,” she said softly, and before Chad could comment, she added, “He’s as clean as a
dog can be!”
“You see? That’s one of the things that makes you so amazing?”
“Because Mickey is clean?”
“Because you never give up.”
Stepping into the cabin they were surprised to find a large platter of sandwiches and cookies on the table, along with another
“I love these people,” Cassie said with a grin. “Beer or coffee?”
“Beer,” Chad replied, “and let’s see what they have to say.”
Dear Mr. Douglas:
After your show today you must be hungry and tired. I hope these sandwiches and cookies will help.
We took our three grandchildren to see you, and how marvelous it was. Your idea about doing training shows is
wonderful news. We know many people will benefit.
Do you offer private lessons? I ask because I have a mare that is very spooky about her ears, which makes it difficult to
bridle her. I’ve had the vet out and he assures me there’s nothing wrong. I would be happy to exchange the charge for the
cabin for some time with you if that’s possible.
Warm regards,
Rose and Clyde Thomas
“You should do it!” Cassie exclaimed. “We should stay over and you should help her. She needs you.”
“I thought you wanted to visit Randy on Monday.”
“There’s no reason we can’t do both. You could help Rose on Monday, we could stay an extra night, go and see Randy on
Tuesday and head home on Wednesday.”
“Or, I could help Rose on Monday morning, see Randy in the afternoon, and head home on Tuesday.”
“I guess,” she muttered, handing him the open beer bottle, “but if we’re going to see Randy, wouldn’t it be better to stay
there all day? I don’t want to show up then have to rush off a couple of hours later.”
Taking a drink, he narrowed his eyes and studied her.
“Cassie, why do I get the feelin’ something’s goin’ on here?”
“What do you mean? There’s nothing going on! I just haven’t seen him in ages and—”
“Come on, out with it!” he said, raising his one, wicked eyebrow.
“I have a surprise for you,” she blurted out, unable to withstand his unwavering gaze, “but I absolutely refuse to tell you
what it is. If I do it won’t be a surprise. What’s the point of going to all that trouble to create a surprise if it’s not going to be
one? A surprise, I mean?”
“Why are you so nervous? And what does seein’ Randy or helpin’ Rose have to do with—ooh—it’s something back at
home and you need me to stay away longer.”
“I’m not saying another word about it,” she declared vehemently. As he wordlessly sat down and began munching a
sandwich, she did too, but her mind was racing.
“Why do you look so worried?” Chad finally asked, taking another drink.
“Worried?” she replied, staring back at him and feigning innocence.
“Yes, you do, and you know you do. Won’t I like this surprise?”
“I hope you will,” she said with a sigh. “It’s just…it will be unexpected.”
“Maybe I should be the one worryin’,” he remarked with a chuckle. “Please don’t tell me you’re havin’ the house
remodeled while we’re gone.”
“No, no, I’m definitely not having the house remodeled, and that’s a crazy thought. You’re building us a new home! Why
would I remodel the old one?”
“Damn, I must be tired, you’re right.”
“You can stop trying to guess and you can stop asking me questions. I’m not going to tell you anything!”
“I see,” he said, finishing his beer. “Cassandra Davidson has spoken.”
“Don’t mock me. I’m serious.”
“Okay, okay! I take it things would be better if we didn’t go back until Tuesday, or is it Wednesday. Were you plannin’ on
findin’ a reason to keep me away until then?”
“Kind of,” she mumbled.
“What? You can tell me that much. I love how that mind of yours works.”
“Um…actually…I was going to disable the van.”
“Disable the van?” he exclaimed, his eyes wide. “Isn’t that a bit extreme?”
“Desperate measures,” she replied, shrugging her shoulders. “But now I’m really glad this came out. It’s going to save me a
lot of trouble.”
“Apparently, and me too. I won’t be runnin’ around lookin’ for a mechanic.”
“Are you upset with me?” she asked softly, leaning across the table and running her fingertips over his hand.
“I won’t know the answer to that question until I actually see what your big surprise is. You were lucky though. If Mandy
hadn’t hurt her back—wait! Did Mandy really hurt her back?”
Cassie shifted in her chair, then abruptly snatched up a cookie.
“I asked you a question, young lady. Did Mandy hurt her back, or was that part of the scheme to get me away from the
“Um, well, yes,” she admitted. “But she was just a part of it. You needed to be here. You needed to get back to the show.
You were getting lost in all that other crap.”
Suddenly rising from the table, Chad strode to the refrigerator, pulled out another beer, then turned to face her.
“Damn! I know what this is about. You felt me slippin’’ away. You saw me startin’ to sink into a
quagmire. I was takin’ on too much and gettin‘ too stressed. You wanted me to get back to what I love…and be the man you met
a year ago. How am I doin’ so far?”
“That’s it exactly. Things were upside-down and getting worse. I thought if you did your show again it would help you, put
you back in touch with who you are…and it has.”
Placing his bottle of beer on the counter, he moved slowly across to her, tightly gripped her arms and pulled her to her feet.
“I should spank you into next week for pullin’ a stunt like this, and I would if I wasn’t so hell-fired grateful that you did.
You are one amazin’ woman, you know that?”
“Not really.”
“Now that I will spank you for. You told me a year ago that I’d saved you. Do you remember?”
“Now you just saved me, so don’t let me hear you say you’re not something special. Darlin’, you are, you’re real special,
and don’t you forget it, you hear me?”
“Yes, Sir,” she managed, though she had trouble finding her voice.
“I don’t even know...” he began, then suddenly letting out an odd grunt, he lifted her off her feet and carried her into the
Resting his weight on top of her, he moved his lips to her neck, sucking in her skin eliciting a long, low moan, hen sliding
down her body he unzipped her jeans and pushed them down her legs.
“I want you so bad,” he growled, abruptly leaving her to remove his clothes.
Just as quickly climbing back on top of her, he yanked her T-shirt over her head and hastily unsnapped her bra.
“Chad, I want you so much,” she groaned, throwing her arms around him.
Placing his rigid cock at her entrance, he thrust forward and began vigorously stroking. He was taking her, owning her,
possessing her, and she cried out as he quickened his pace. His lips returned to devour her neck, but quickly moved to her
breasts to hungrily suck in her nipples.
But he abruptly paused, and staying buried inside her, he grabbed her wrists, pinning them on either side of her head, and
stared down at her.
“Do you feel me inside you?” he panted. “Can you feel me takin’ you?”
“You know where it comes from?”
She took a breath, not sure of the answer.
“Say it, you know, say it.”
“From your love—your heart.”
“That’s right. When I possess you like this, when I spank you, when I hug you, when I scold you, when I fuck you, it’s all
from my heart.”
“Why are you telling me this?” she mumbled, fighting back a wave of emotion.
“Because what you did—whatever it is you’re doin’ for me, it’s from, your love, your heart, and that makes me crazy for
you...crazy in so many ways.”
As he lowering his mouth on hers in a long, lingering kiss, he began pumping with slow, strong thrusts.
“I’m not stoppin’, not until you come, and when you do you’ll come so fuckin’ hard.”
His words sent a surge of energy rippling through her body, and as he accelerated, pumping with urgency, she felt the
tingling promise.
“Go with it,” he whispered, his breath hot in her ear. “Go with it and give it to me.”
“Yes, I am, I am…”
“Right now! Come for me right now!”
As the powerful orgasm rocketed through her, shooting pins and needles through her limbs, his fingers tightened around her
wrists and he let out a loud groan…then a deep cry...
“What was that?” she asked breathlessly as fell beside her.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Bennett, and the play by Arnold Bennett & Edward Knoblock. ©
Pinewood Films, Ltd.; 10Oct49; LF135.

Poet’s pub. An Aquila film. England. 80 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm.
From the novel by Eric Linklater. © Aquila Film Productions, Ltd.;
8Aug49; LF136.

Helter skelter. A Pentagon production. England. 75 min., sd., b&w,
16 mm. Appl. au.: Gainsborough Pictures, Ltd. © General Film
Distributors, Ltd.; 25Jul49; LF137.

So long at the fair. England. 86 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. Appl. au.:
Gainsborough Pictures, Ltd. © General Film Distributors, Ltd.;
7Aug50; LF138.

Once upon a dream. A Sidney Box production. England. 84 min.,
sd., b&w, 16 mm. Appl. au.: Triton Films, Ltd. © General Film
Distributors, Ltd.; 28Feb49 (in notice: 1948); LF139.

The Bad Lord Byron. A Sidney Box production. England. 83 min.,
sd., b&w, 16 mm. Appl. au.: Triton Films, Ltd. © General Film
Distributors, Ltd.; 18Apr49; LF140.

Once a jolly swagman. Wessex Film Productions. England. 100
min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. From the novel by Montagu Slater. ©
Independent Producers, Ltd.; 24Jan49 (in notice: 1948); LF141.
Diamond City. Robert Lawrence Productions, Inc. England. 89
min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. © Gainsborough Pictures, Ltd.; 24Oct49;

The Spider and the fly. A Setton-Baring Mayflower production.
England. 94 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. © Pinewood Films, Ltd.;
19Dec49; LF143.

Uncle Silas. A Two Cities film. England. 102 min., sd., b&w, 16
mm. © Two Cities Films, Ltd.; 10Nov47; LF144.

Vice versa. England. 102 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. © Two Cities
Films, Ltd.; 1Mar48; LF145.

Oliver Twist. A Cineguild production. England. 115 min., sd., b&w,
35 mm. © Independent Producers, Ltd.; 25Oct48; LF146.

Warning to wantons. An Aquila film. England. 98 min., sd., b&w,
16 mm. From the novel by Mary Mitchell. © Aquila Film
Productions, Ltd.; 7Feb49; LF147.

It’s hard to be good. A Two Cities film. England. 95 min., sd., b&w,
16 mm. © Two Cities Films, Ltd.; 27Dec48; LF148.
When the bough breaks. A Gainsborough picture. England. 81
min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. © Gainsborough Pictures, Ltd.; 2Feb48 (in
notice: 1947); LF149.

The Calendar. A Gainsborough picture. England. 79 min., sd.,
b&w, 16 mm. © Gainsborough Pictures, Ltd.; 5Jul48; LF150.

The Mark of Cain. A Two Cities film. England. 88 min., sd., b&w,
16 mm. Based on the novel, Airing in a closed carriage, by Joseph
Shearing. Appl. au.: Two Cities Films, Ltd. © General Film
Distributors, Ltd.; 1Mar48 (in notice: 1947); LF151.

The Blind goddess. A Gainsborough picture. England. 88 min., sd.,
b&w, 16 mm. © Gainsborough Pictures, Ltd.; 18Oct48; LF152.

Cardboard cavalier. A Two Cities film. England. 97 min., sd., b&w,
16 mm. © Two Cities Films, Ltd.; 9May49 (in notice: 1948); LF153.

Fame is the spur. A Two Cities film. England. 111 min., sd., b&w, 16
mm. From the novel by Howard Spring. © Two Cities Films, Ltd.;
3Nov47; LF154.

The Weaker sex. England. 85 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. Based on a
play, No medals, by Esther McCracken. © Two Cities Films, Ltd.;
11Oct48; LF155.
Lightning swords of death. A Katsu-Toho production. Japan. 83
min., sd., color, 35 mm. © Katsu Production Company, Ltd.; 1Sep72;

Asylum. Harbor Productions, Inc; & Amicus Productions, Ltd.
Great Britain. 100 min., sd., color, 35 mm. © Amicus Productions,
Ltd.; 24Jul72; LF157.

Edward Albee’s A Delicate balance. A presentation of American
Express Films, Inc. & the Ely Landau Organization, Inc. in
association with Cinevision, Ltee. 134 min., sd., color, 35 mm. © AFT
Distributing Corporation; 29Oct73; LP42933.

Harold Pinter’s The Homecoming. A presentation of American
Express Films, Inc. & the Ely Landau Organization, Inc. in
association with Cinevision, Ltee. 114 min., sd., color, 35 mm. © AFT
Distributing Corporation; 29Oct73; LP42934.

Eugene O’Neill’s The Iceman cometh. A presentation of American
Express Films, Inc. & the Ely Landau Organization, Inc. in
association with Cinevision, Ltee. 239 min., sd., color, 35 mm. ©
AFT Distributing Corporation; 29Oct73; LP42935.

The Optimists. A Cheetah production. 110 min., sd., color, 35 mm.
Based on the novel, The Optimists of Nine Elms, by Anthony
Simmons. © Sagittarius Productions, Inc.; 28Sep73; LP42936.

Ash Wednesday. Paramount Pictures Corporation & Sagittarius
Productions, Inc. 99 min., sd., color, 35 mm. © Paramount Pictures
Corporation & Sagittarius Productions, Inc.; 16Nov73; LP42937.

Shirts/skins. 90 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © Metro Goldwyn Mayer,
Inc.; 9Oct73; LP42938.

Deadly China doll. A Panasia film production. 94 min., sd., color,
35 mm. © Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 26Sep73; LP42939.

Kazablan. A Menahem Golan-Noah Films, Tel Aviv production. 114
min., sd., color, 35 mm. Based upon a stage musical by Yigal
Mossinson & Yoel Silberg—based upon a play by Yigal Mossinson. ©
Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 12Dec73; LP42940.

Hawkins on murder. An Arena Leda production. Produced in
association with MGM TV. 90 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © Metro
Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 13Mar73; LP42941.

Children of the fields. Xerox Films. Made by Bobwin Associates,
Inc. 20 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Come over to my house) © Xerox
Corporation; 25Feb73; LP42942.

Navajo girl. Xerox Films. Made by Bobwin Associates, Inc. 21 min.,
sd., color, 16 mm. (Come over to my house) © Xerox Corporation;
24Aug73; LP42943.
Marine science, 5 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Kingdom of could
be you) © Sutherland Learning Associates, Inc.; 2Apr73; LP42944.

Fine arts and humanities. 5 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Kingdom
of could be you) © Sutherland Learning Associates, Inc.; 2Apr73;

Business and office. 5 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The Kingdom of
could be you) © Sutherland Learning Associates, Inc.; 2Apr73;

Thanks for the honeymoon. A Leonard Freeman production.
Produced in association with the CBS Television Network. 60 min.,
sd., color, 16 mm. (Hawaii Five-O) © Columbia Broadcasting
System, Inc.; 2Jan73 (in notice: 1972); LP42947.

The Listener. A Leonard Freeman production. Produced in
association with the CBS Television Network. 60 min., sd., color, 16
mm. (Hawaii Five-O) © Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.;
9Jan73 (in notice: 1972); LP42948.

The Diamond that nobody stole. A Leonard Freeman production.
Produced in association with the CBS Television Network. 60 min.,
sd., color, 16 mm. (Hawaii Five-O) © Columbia Broadcasting
System, Inc.; 28Feb73 (in notice: 1972); LP42949.

Soldier of fortune. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Assignment:
Vienna) © Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 4Jan73 (in notice: 1972);

There was an old woman. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Assignment:
Vienna) © Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 13Jan73 (in notice: 1972);

So long, Charley. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Assignment: Vienna)
© Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 3Feb73 (in notice: 1972); LP42952.

The MacKintosh man. A Newman Foreman Company, John
Huston production. 10 reels, sd., color, 35 mm. Based on the novel,
The Freedom trap, by Desmond Bagley. © Warner Brothers
Productions, Ltd.; 25Jul73; LP42953.

Cleopatra Jones. 10 reels, sd., color, 35 mm. © Warner Brothers,
Inc.; 4Jul73; LP42954.

Blume in love. 12 reels, sd., color, 35 mm. © Warner Brothers,
Inc.; 13Jun73; LP42955.

The Last of Sheila. 13 reels, sd., color, 35 mm. © Warner Brothers,
Inc.; 14Jun73; LP42956.

Cahill, United States Marshal. A Batjac production. 10 reels, sd.,
color, 35 mm., Panavision. © Warner Brothers, Inc.; 13Jun73;

Chariot. 3 min., sd., color, 16 mm. Appl. au.: John Lenzi. © John
Lenzi; 6Dec73; LP42958.

The Rewards of rewarding. Roundtable Productions. 24 min., sd.,
color, 16 mm. (Thanks a plenty boss, pt. 1) © Roundtable
Productions, Inc.; 17Oct73; LP42959.

The Correct way of correcting. Roundtable Productions. 23 min.,
sd., color, 16 mm. (Thanks a plenty boss, pt. 2) © Roundtable
Productions, Inc.; 17Oct73; LP42960.

Brother Sun, Sister Moon. Euro International Films & Vic Film
(Productions) Ltd. Made by Luciano Perugia. 121 min., sd., color, 35
mm., Panavision. NM: revision & additions. © Euro International
Films, S. P. A.; 9Mar73 (in notice: 1972); LP42961.

Tales that witness madness. 90 min., sd., color, 35 mm. © World
Film Services, Ltd.; 24Aug73; LP42962.

Annalisa. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Assignment: Vienna) ©
Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 7Dec72; LP42963.
Queen’s gambit. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Assignment: Vienna)
© Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 9Nov72; LP42964.

Hot potato. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Assignment: Vienna) ©
Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 19Oct72; LP42965.

The Last target. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Assignment: Vienna)
© Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 28Sep72; LP42966.

A Deadly shade of green. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Assignment:
Vienna) © Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.; 10Feb73; LP42967.

Fuzz brothers. A JDF/B production. Produced in association with
MGM-TV. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Inc.;
5Mar73; LP42968.

The Exorcist. A Hoya production. 121 min., sd., color, 35 mm.,
Panavision. Based on the novel by William Peter Blatty. © Warner
Brothers, Inc. & Hoya Productions, Inc.; 26Dec73; LP42969.

Edge of the world. A Joe Rock production. 90 min., sd., b&w, 16
mm. Appl. au.: Raymond Rohauer. NM: editorial revision. © Joe
Rock; 3Oct73 (in notice: 1972); LP42970.
The Discreet charm of the bourgeoise. A Greenwich Film
production, English version produced by Titan Productions, Inc. 100
min., sd., color, 35 mm., Panavision. © on English subtitles,
condensation & editorial revision; Greenwich Film Productions;
22Oct72; LP42971.

The Hitchhiker. A Nelson Company production. Produced in
cooperation with National District Attorneys Association. 17 min.,
sd., color, 16 mm. (Under the law) © National Education Institute;
29Oct73; LP42972.

Arrest, seize. A Nelson Company production. Produced in
cooperation with National District Attorneys Association. 16 min.,
sd., color, 16 mm. (Under the law) © National Education Institute;
29Oct73; LP42973.

Muggers. A Nelson Company production. Produced in cooperation
with National District Attorneys Association. 15 min., sd., color, 16
mm. (Under the law) © National Education Institute; 29Oct73;

The Plea. A Nelson Company production. Produced in cooperation
with National District Attorneys Association. 15 min., sd., color, 16
mm. (Under the law) © National Education Institute; 29Oct73;

The Rip off. A Nelson Company production. Produced in
cooperation with National District Attorneys Association. 14 min.,
sd., color, 16 mm. (Under the law) © National Education Institute;
29Oct73; LP42976.

Le Cycliste, 4 min., sd., color, 16 mm. Appl. au.: Marvin Albert. ©
Marvin Albert Films; 1Oct73; LP42977.

Once the ferns. 9 min., sd., color, 16 mm. Appl. au.: Marvin Albert.
© Marvin Albert Films; 1Oct73; LP42978.

A Story, a story. 10 min., sd., color, 16 mm. From an African tale
retold & illustrated by Gail E. Haley. © Weston Woods; 15Sep73;

One Monday morning. 10 min., sd., color, 16 mm. Based on the
book by Uri Shulevitz. © Weston Woods Studios, Inc.; 15Sep73 (in
notice: 1972); LP42980.

In the land of the war canoes: Kwakiutl Indian life on the
Northwest Coast. 43 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. NM: revision. © Burke
Museum; 17Oct73; LP42981.

Cipher in the snow. Brigham Young University. 22 min., sd., color,
16 mm. Appl. au.: Motion Picture Department, Brigham Young
University. © Brigham Young University; 25Oct73; LP42982.
Lance Savage, private eye. Wonrac Productions. 5 min., sd., b&w,
16 mm. Appl. au.: Lawrence Edward Carnow. © Lawrence Carnow;
1Oct73; LP42983.

Where the wild things are. 8 min., sd., color, 16 mm. From the
book written & illustrated by Maurice Sendak. © Weston Woods a. a.
d. o. Weston Woods Studios, Inc.; 20Dec73; LP42984.

Not just another woman. 77 min., sd., color, 35 mm. ©
Extravagant Film Productions, Ltd.; 5Dec73; LP42985.

A Very merry cricket. A Chuck Jones production. 64 min., sd.,
color, 16 mm. Appl. au.: Charles M. Jones. © Chuck Jones
Enterprises; 1Nov73; LP42986.

Goodbye my love. A QM production. Produced in association with
United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 28Feb67; LP42987.

Death of a very small killer. A QM production. Produced in
association with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16
mm. (The Fugitive) © QM Productions; 21Mar67; LP42988.

The Savage street. A QM production. Produced in association with
United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 14Mar67; LP42989.

Passage to Helena. A QM production. Produced in association with
United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 7Mar67; LP42990.

The Last oasis. A QM production. Produced in association with
United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 13Sep66; LP42991.

Death is the door prize. A QM production. Produced in association
with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 20Sep66; LP42992.

A Clean and quiet town. A QM production. Produced in association
with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 27Sep66; LP42993.

The Blessings of liberty. A QM production. Produced in association
with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 20Dec66; LP42994.

Wife killer. A QM production. Produced in association with United
Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b & w, 16 mm. (The Fugitive) ©
QM Productions; 11Jan66; LP42995.
This’ll kill you. A QM production. Produced in association with
United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b & w, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 18Jan66; LP42996.

Stroke of genius. A QM production. Produced in association with
United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b & w, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 1Feb66; LP42997.

Running scared. A QM production. Produced in association with
United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 22Feb66; LP42998.

The 2130. A QM production. Produced in association with United
Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. (The Fugitive) ©
QM Productions; 29Mar66; LP42999.

A Taste of tomorrow. A QM production. Produced in association
with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 12Apr66; LP43000.

In a plain paper wrapper. A QM production. Produced in
association with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b&w, 16
mm. (The Fugitive) © QM Productions; 19Apr66; LP43001.

Coralee. A QM production. Produced in association with United
Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. (The Fugitive) ©
QM Productions; 20Apr66; LP43002.

Wings of an angel. A QM production. Produced in association with
United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 14Sep65; LP43003.

Middle of a heat wave. A QM production. Produced in association
with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 21Sep65; LP43004.

Crack in a crystal ball. A QM production. Produced in association
with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 28Sep65; LP43005.

Conspiracy of silence. A QM production. Produced in association
with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 12Oct65; LP43006.

Three cheers for little boy blue. A Q M production. Produced in
association with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b&w, 16
mm. (The Fugitive) © QM Productions; 19Oct65; LP43007.

All the scared rabbits. A QM production. Produced in association
with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 26Oct65; LP43008.
Landscape with running figures. Pt. 1. A Q M production.
Produced in association with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min.,
sd., b&w, 16 mm. (The Fugitive) © QM Productions; 16Nov65;

Landscape with running figures. Pt. 2. A QM production. Produced
in association with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b&w,
16 mm. (The Fugitive) © QM Productions; 23Nov65; LP43010.

Set fire to a straw man. A QM production. Produced in association
with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 30Nov65; LP43011.

The Stranger in the mirror. A QM production. Produced in
association with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b&w, 16
mm. (The Fugitive) © QM Productions; 7Dec65; LP43012.

The Good guys and the bad guys. A QM production. Produced in
association with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b&w, 16
mm. (The Fugitive) © QM Productions; 14Dec65; LP43013.

The End of the line. A QM production. Produced in association
with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 21Dec65; LP43014.

When the wind blows. A QM production. Produced in association
with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 28Dec65; LP43015.

The Evil men do. A QM production. Produced in association with
United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 27Dec66 (in notice: 1967); LP43016.

The Judgement. Pt. 2. A QM production. Produced in association
with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 5Sep67; LP43017.

Ten thousand pieces of silver. A QM production. Produced in
association with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16
mm. (The Fugitive) © QM Productions; 11Oct66; LP43018.

Joshua’s kingdom. A QM production. Produced in association with
United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 18Oct66; LP43019.

Wine is a traitor. A QM production. Produced in association with
United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 1Nov66; LP43020.

Concrete evidence. A QM production. Produced in association with
United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 24Jan67; LP43021.
The Other side of the coin. A QM production. Produced in
association with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16
mm. (The Fugitive) © QM Productions; 10Jan67; LP43022.

Run the man down. A QM production. Produced in association
with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 3Jan67; LP43023.

The Ivy maze. A QM production. Produced in association with
United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 21Feb67; LP43024.

There goes the ballgame. A QM production. Produced in
association with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16
mm. (The Fugitive) © QM Productions; 7Feb67; LP43025.

The One that got away. A QM production. Produced in association
with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 17Jan67; LP43026.

The Shattered silence. A QM production. Produced in association
with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 11Apr67; LP43027.

Walls of night. A QM production. Produced in association with
United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 4Apr67; LP43028.

Dossier on a diplomat. A QM production. Produced in association
with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 28Mar67; LP43029.

The Judgement. Pt. 1. A QM production. Produced in association
with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Production; 29Aug67; LP43030.

The Sharp edge of chivalry. A QM production. Produced in
association with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16
mm. (The Fugitive) © QM Productions; 4Oct66; LP43031.

Second sight. A QM production. Produced in association with
United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 25Oct66; LP43032.

The Devil’s disciples. A QM production. Produced in association
with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (The
Fugitive) © QM Productions; 6Dec66; LP43033.

Nobody loses all the time. A QM production. Produced in
association with United Artists Television, Inc. 60 min., sd., color, 16
mm. (The Fugitive) © QM Productions; 22Nov66; LP43034.

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