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Light-Weight Leggy

by RWolf5
For KotaRain

Another day, another mission. There was no shortage of things to be done in this part of the

galaxy. Cargo to be delivered, passengers to transport, planets to scout, and things that needed to be

guarded – or recovered. Smugglers and pirates had always been a problem in these parts, and

sometimes the local authorities found themselves overwhelmed and in need of whatever assistance

they could get. A lack of manpower meant a lack of bureaucracy, a lack of bureaucracy meant it was

often impossible for goods to be returned to their rightful owners. And to the victor, the spoils.

Gavin's boots thumped along the hallway leading to his cabin, his steps unsteady. Long,

gangly legs slowly worked their way forward, one in front of the other, threatening to entangle

themselves as the momentum of the maned wolf's torso following behind threw off their balance.

Everything seemed to be spinning. The stars outside the corridor windows twirled in a haze of

multicolored light that blurred together and danced in spiral patterns until Gavin was forced to brace

himself against the wall, or hit the floor.

“Wow...” Gavin mumbled, running his free hand through the spiked coif of brown hair on

his head, “...'swas stronger'n I thought...” The maned wolf laughed to himself. If he were in a better

state of mind, his inner professional would be scolding himself for going so far beyond his limit.

Right now, all his inner voice could do was giggle at how the sweet, alien liquor he'd spent the night

tossing back made everything all funny and swirly and dizzy and... “Oh... Hi.”

Gavin's emerald eyes had drifted downwards, their gaze locking onto a rather unprofessional

addition to his already lax bearing. The front of Gavin's uniform pants bulged, tenting outwards in

an explicit display of just how big he was down there, stretching the crotch of his poor pants to its

limit. Suddenly, the sensations Gavin had been feeling down there made sense, and his mind

instantly shifted gears, his sex drive going into overdrive.

“Where is he?” Roh muttered to himself, tapping his shoe against the floor of his “safe-

room.” Really, the place was more of a glorified doll-house mixed with a high-tech pet carrier – at

least, that's how Roh saw it. It was both frustrating and humiliating beyond measure for the canine-

like being to be carted around like this. Roh was a member of aristocracy, damn it, and he

demanded the respect he was due! Though, Roh supposed some considerations had to be made. The

canine may be high-born, but despite being rather tall on his planet, to most other species he was...

not. In fact, on a galactic scale, the distinguished Roh Seerla only measured up to a couple inches

tall – roughly five centimeters to be more precise. Roh's dark-green fur bristled. “Why did my

parents bother enlisting these people as escorts if they're just going to leave me here alone,

anyway!? What mission could possibly be more important than my safety!?”

The canine alien paced his way back and forth through his little room, his shoes scuffing

against the smooth, resin floor until he hears the tell-tale, mechanical woosh of the room's door

sliding open, and the sound of heavy footfalls. “Finally!” Roh growled, nearly tripping over his

coffee table in the process of rushing to the transparent plastic windows.

Across the massive room stood the immense figure of Roh's personal bodyguard for the

voyage, though he looked a little different than the last time the canid had laid eyes on him. The

professional bearing of a soldier was replaced with an unsteady stance and a grin that was less

courteous, and more thoughtless.

Gavin's tall, lean frame more than filled the doorway, the maned wolf forced to duck his

head as he stumbled into the room, the door shutting behind him. “Home.” Gavin muttered as he

peered around his room, his eyes picking up something different than usual – though it took

scanning past the VIP's case a few times before his addled mind finally acknowledged its presence.

The corners of Gavin's mouth curled upwards just a little more when his eyes lock onto the tiny

form in the windows.

With a huff, Roh stepped to the side and pressed the intercom button situated on the wall
beside the window, activating a small speaker on the side of the case, “Where were you, you oaf!?

Aren't you supposed to be guarding me? What if something happened to me while you were gone?

Are... Are you drunk?”

Gavin released a quiet, throaty laugh as he stepped forward, his long legs carrying the

towering soldier across the room in only a couple strides.

Each of the maned wolf's steps shakes through the floor and up the table, rattling the VIP

case. From below, the inches-tall alien craned his neck back, his canid ears pressing flat against his

skull as Gavin's towering frame loomed higher above him with each step. Long legs dressed in

black military fatigues stretched far overhead, Roh's eyes tracing upwards for longer than was

comfortable until they locked onto an immense bulge tenting outwards. Gavin was large in more

ways than one, and his excitement would have been impossible to hide from someone in his size

range, but for Roh... it was immense, and terrifying.

“Oh no...”

Gavin slowly shifted his head to the side, peering down past his own tented pants to the tiny

figure in the window below, his smile becoming more excited by the moment, “Helloooo...~”

Nervously, Roh's finger reached for the intercom button, its tip pressing against the wall and

the plastic of the panel around it a few times before finally managing to click the button. “I-I don't

think this is appropriate behavior!” He said, sweat forming on his brow, and his own panicked,

heavy breathing caught by the mic.

Gavin's tail swayed behind him. The maned wolf's uncoordinated hands fumbled with his

belt, only increasing the visible terror on his charge's face before finally managing to undo the

button and zipper.

“Wait, what are you doing?” Roh's tiny voice sounded through the intercom. The rushing

sound of movement and the jingle of a belt buckle are returned as an overwhelming response, and

suddenly Roh's eyes were taking in the sight of Gavin's unrestricted length. As large as the bulge

appeared, it seemed nothing compared to just how hung the maned wolf really was. Gavin's massive
cock stood proudly before his towering body, the shaft throbbing powerfully in the air above as the

once kind and considerate maned wolf's eyes locked onto Roh with a terrifying playfulness. “S-

Stop!” Roh stammered, his voice trailing off as he let go of the intercom button, stumbling back

from the window as Gavin crouched down to follow him.

“Why...?” Came the soldier's booming reply, the faintest hint of smugness mixed with the

inebriation evident in his voice.

Loud, metallic clicks and snaps reverberated through the structure of the case, further

motivating Roh to rush back against the far wall. This was just in time for the entire frontal facade

of the case to pull away, opening like a door to reveal a massive, black-furred hand reaching in.

“Stop! Stop this instant, I'm warning you!” Roh screamed, his voice rising in pitch as his

arms and legs flailed ineffectually against the huge fingers slowly wrapping around him.

All Gavin heard were a series of small squeaks, his mind far too clouded to make sense of

the words as he pulled out his tiny prize... The tiny, green-furred canid flailed in Gavin's hand as

much as he could, his tiny, wriggling body unable to budge the maned wolf's fingers in the

slightest... and the feeling of it only made the drunk leggy more sure than ever that this... was a

great idea.

“Mhmhm...” Gavin laughed under his breath, his hand slowly lowering down, and making

the little alien squirm even more as it neared his needy cock...

Roh trembled as the massive shaft drew nearer. The ambient heat radiating from the colossal

manhood surrounded the alien as he felt the throbbing vibrations through the air around it,“Gods...

gods save me..! Please, stop! STOP! My parents will pay you anything! Y-You like money, right?

We have lots of money! O-Or slaves? As many as you want! Please!” Roh thrashed about as he was

slowly brought to the maned wolf's shaft, the canid taking a last shot at freedom when the maned

wolf's fingers uncurl. In the brief moment, Roh scrambled toward the edge of Gavin's palm, but

there was no real chance, and he suddenly found himself pressed against the enormous cock above

Gavin's hot flesh pulsed against his new toy, the maned wolf unleashing a powerful moan

from above. “F-Fuck... Needed this...”

Gavin let out a sigh of relief, his body stumbling back against a nearby wall. Using his free

hand to hold up his shirt, Gavin began to slowly drag the tiny alien up and down his shaft. The

maned wolf's ears hone in, picking up the sound of tiny, pained screams from below, the sounds

partly muffled by his hand and his cock as he rubs the wiggling little micro against his sensitive

glans. “M-More...” Gavin managed to splutter out, feeling himself starting to leak. Huge droplets of

pre crashed down onto the floor below, trickling down the maned wolf's shaft, and over and

between his fingers, coating the little alien. “Mmm... Good.”

“Gods no...gods, n-aaaaAAAH!” Roh screamed, the friction of the huge shaft rubbing his

tiny form raw against its surface... the terrible pain only alleviated momentarily by gallons of the

giant's precum flowing over him, getting into his mouth, and forcing him to splutter and gasp for

air. “Help p-pleea--!” The canid shouted, the sound of his voice turning to pained gurgling as pre

flowed down his throat. The sudden lubrication encourages the giant to squeeze tighter, to stroke

faster. Friction turned to breathlessness and pressure as the huge hand squeezed around Roh's tiny

form, his vision blurring and his mind starting to black out as his body is pushed closer and closer

to its limit. Ribs began to snap, limbs to twist and pop out of place as the motion forced Roh's body

into new, painful positions, his screams drowned out by the deep voice above him as it started to

moan. The shaft throbbed with rising intensity against Roh's front as his giant protector neared the

end, each pulse battering his weakening form as he felt himself starting to fade... struggles dying


“Ah- I...!” Gavin huffed, his chest rising and falling as he arched his back, letting out a low

moan that rises in volume when he can't hold it back anymore. Gavin barely felt the crunch in his

grasp or the blood trickling between his fingers, feeling only the sudden warmth against his needy

shaft that sends him over the edge. Pulling back, thick ropes of cum were sprayed upwards, coating
the maned wolf's chest and staining his shirt before dripping down his torso...

Pulling his hand from his cock, letting it drip what remained to the floor below, Gavin

looked at the red and white mixture on the palm of his hand. “Uh oh... ” He said, the smile returning

to his face, “M-Made a mess...” The maned wolf gave himself a moment, taking deep, contented

breaths as the waves of pleasure worked their way through his body, before stumbling to the side,

and falling back onto his bed.

“Gosh... What'd I do last night?” Gavin slowly rose from sleep, bleary eyes looking down at

the white mess covering half his body. The maned wolf had a pounding headache, his senses not

quite recovered. This was the -last- time he let the others convince him to drink after a mission,

especially when what they were drinking was some sort of alien moonshine. Whatever was in that

unknown booze had a near instant effect on the lanky canine, one that encouraged him to keep

going until... until... When did he get home last night? Did someone carry him home? Not like this,

he hoped!

Grimacing, Gavin curled his fingers and the still-sticky feeling made him wince even more.

“I need... shower,” he managed, his long legs wobbling as he rose to his feet, the motion making his

head pound. “Oh god...”

Leaving his clothes behind him and taking one step at a time, Gavin made his way to the

attached all-in-one bathroom compartment... and unfortunately bumped his head on the entrance.

Even the light tap made Gavin see stars. “N-Never again...” He muttered, twisting the shower

handle, and letting loose a startled roar-bark when the cold water splashed against him. In his hung-

over state, the maned wolf didn't notice the faint swirls of red being washed off his body, and down

the drain...

[Mission: Escort VIP - SEERLA, ROH – to DELTON III]

Status: FAILED
Result: VIP Missing

Additional Notes:

Assigned crew member, Gavin, reports VIP case open on return to quarters. Questioned all crew not

on-mission at time of disappearance. Prime Suspect denies allegations, refuses to elaborate on

whereabouts at time of disappearance.

Galley meat storage lock broken. Loose teeth found in hallway of crew quarters. Possible feeding


Conclusion: Nakita ate the damn VIP again.

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