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May 16, 2017 SiriusFoundations:

Account-Based Marketing

Alisa Groocock
Research Director
Account-Based Marketing: Defined

strategic approach

defined accounts
relevant valuable

#SDSummit @AlisaGroocock 2 © 2017 SiriusDecisions. All Rights Reserved

Account-Based Marketing: Core Terminology

o Large ABM o Insights

An ABM approach that focuses dedicated marketing Specific knowledge about target accounts that enables
support on a small number of current or prospect effective ABM treatments, such as account prioritization,
accounts, representing the most significant value or growth account clustering and content development
for your organization; one-to-one
o Clustering
o Named ABM An approach that enables scale in a named ABM model by
An ABM approach that brings a level of marketing scale to a grouping accounts and/or buying centers for similar
moderate or large number of named accounts (prospects treatment based on common characteristics, such as
and/or current customers); one-to-many industry, department or solution need

o Industry ABM o Goal laddering

An ABM approach that brings a level of marketing scale to a A method of ensuring that an ABM program aligns to the
moderate or large number of named accounts (prospects company’s most important strategic priorities; use business
and/or current customers), focused on certain verticals goals to inform goals for accounts (or clusters of accounts),
which then inform marketing program goals
o Interlock
Ongoing and regular cadence of communication and o ABM Metrics Spectrum
engagement to ensure alignment on goals, processes and A framework that categorizes into four key classes the
outcomes; interlock should occur across key marketing metrics available for measuring and reporting on ABM
functions, and between marketing and sales performance

#SDSummit @AlisaGroocock 3 © 2017 SiriusDecisions. All Rights Reserved

Account-Based Marketing: Priorities

Strategy and Large ABM Named ABM Industry ABM ABM Functional
Alignment Planning and Planning and Planning and Design and
Execution Execution Execution Development

Incubate, educate Develop and execute Develop and execute Develop and execute Design, resource
and align account- an insights-based, an insights-based, an insights-based, and upskill an
based marketing relevant, specific, relevant, specific, relevant, specific, organization focused
strategy in an omni-channel one- omni-channel one- omni-channel one- on one-to-one large
organization to drive to-one engagement to-few engagement to-few engagement strategic accounts as
growth, working for existing or target for target or existing for target or existing well as one-to-few
closely with sales. accounts. accounts in a accounts in an named or
named/territory industry/segment. industry/segment
focus. ABM accounts.
Account-Based Account-Based Account-Based Account-Based Account-Based
Marketing Framework Marketing Framework Marketing Framework Marketing Framework Marketing Framework

#SDSummit @AlisaGroocock 4 © 2017 SiriusDecisions. All Rights Reserved

Strategy and Large ABM Planning Named ABM Planning Industry ABM Planning ABM Functional Design
Alignment and Execution and Execution and Execution and Development

SiriusDecisions Account-Based Marketing Process Framework

Account-Based Marketing Process Framework

Preparation Prioritization Planning Execution Measurement

Education Assessment Goals Pilot Audiences
Scoping Opportunity Messaging Expansion Format/Timing
Resourcing Identification Support Full Rollout Metric Selection
Scoring Inventory Participation Maturity Selection
Selection Tactic Selection Optimization Maturity Audit
Prioritization Plan Delivery Benchmarking
Technology Infrastructure
Organization, Roles and Responsibilities, and Skills and Training

#SDSummit @AlisaGroocock 5 © 2017 SiriusDecisions. All Rights Reserved

Strategy and Large ABM Planning Named ABM Planning Industry ABM Planning ABM Functional Design
Alignment and Execution and Execution and Execution and Development

Account-Based Marketing Insights Framework

#SDSummit @AlisaGroocock 6 © 2017 SiriusDecisions. All Rights Reserved

Strategy and Large ABM Planning Named ABM Planning Industry ABM Planning ABM Functional Design
Alignment and Execution and Execution and Execution and Development

Named ABM Clustering Methodology

Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3

Acquire net new Cross-sell existing Upsell existing

ROLE Executives Users

SOLUTION Solution 1 Solution 2 Solution 3

#SDSummit @AlisaGroocock 7 © 2017 SiriusDecisions. All Rights Reserved

Strategy and Large ABM Planning Named ABM Planning Industry ABM Planning ABM Functional Design
Alignment and Execution and Execution and Execution and Development

The Science of Cross-
sell and Upsell

Under Wraps Until

Wednesday at 4:30 PM

#SDSummit @AlisaGroocock 8 © 2017 SiriusDecisions. All Rights Reserved

Strategy and Large ABM Planning Named ABM Planning Industry ABM Planning ABM Functional Design
Alignment and Execution and Execution and Execution and Development

Industry ABM Pilot Guidelines

• Secure functional representation from industry subject matter experts
Team Makeup
• Consider attitude in selection

• Support from sales is essential

Sales Dynamics
• Consider reps with respect from peers

• Determine pilot structure

Account Size
• Limit number of industry pilot accounts to 10 or fewer

• Use account selection tool to find best industry accounts

Account Selection
• Choose high-potential industry targets

• Select industry accounts with available account insights

Account Dynamics
• Align with sales to determine contributions

• Identify industry accounts with known opportunities

Account Opportunities
• Verify status of opportunities with sales

#SDSummit @AlisaGroocock 9 © 2017 SiriusDecisions. All Rights Reserved

Strategy and Large ABM Planning Named ABM Planning Industry ABM Planning ABM Functional Design
Alignment and Execution and Execution and Execution and Development

ABM Individual Capability Assessment Scorecard

#SDSummit @AlisaGroocock 10 © 2017 SiriusDecisions. All Rights Reserved

Account-Based Marketing: Marketplace Experience
Contact Data Management Marketing Automation

Predictive Intelligence
Intent Monitoring

Web Site Optimization

Marketing Technology Support
Demand Creation Agencies

Advertising: Ad-Tech Enabled Marketing Automation

Solution Platform Agencies

#SDSummit @AlisaGroocock 11 © 2017 SiriusDecisions. All Rights Reserved

Account-Based Marketing: Agenda

SiriusFoundationsTM Keynotes Welcome

8:00AM – 9:50AM 1:15PM – 2:30PM Reception
Case Studies Case Studies 5:30PM – 7:30PM

10:15AM – 12:00PM 2:45PM – 5:30PM

Case Studies SiriusLabs The Science of
8:00AM – 8:45AM 3:40PM – 5:10PM Cross-Sell and
4:30PM – 5:10PM
Keynotes Account-Based Green Tie Gala
Marketing: What the 7:00PM – 10:00PM

9:00AM – 3:00PM
Future Holds
3:40PM – 4:20PM

#SDSummit @AlisaGroocock 12 © 2017 SiriusDecisions. All Rights Reserved
Account-Based Marketing: Agenda

The Science of
Cross-Sell and
Keynotes Leveraging Data to Upsell Titanium
8:30AM – 12:00PM Power Account- 4:00PM – 4:40PM Celebration
SiriusLabs Based Marketing Programs of the 7:00PM – 10:00PM
1:10PM – 5:30PM Year: Demand

2:00PM – 2:40PM
4:50PM – 5:30PM Creation and ABM
2:00PM – 2:40PM

9:00AM – 10:45AM

11:05AM – 12:30PM

#SDSummit @AlisaGroocock 13 © 2017 SiriusDecisions. All Rights Reserved
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