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Punishment for one, Pleasure for two

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Fandom: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Relationship: aether - Relationship, scaramouche - Relationship, aether / oc,
scaramouche / oc, genshin / reader
Character: Kong | Aether (Genshin Impact), Scaramouche (Genshin Impact),
Original Genshin Impact Characters, empress reader
Additional Tags: Reverse Harem, Smut, Sub Genshin, Sub Scaramouche, sub Aether,
Dom/sub Undertones, Exhibitionism, Dom/sub, Voyeurism, Non-
Consensual Voyeurism, Edgeplay, Threesome - F/M/M, Threesome,
Threesome - M/M/Other, Tentacle Sex, Tentacles, Gags, Anal Sex, Anal
Play, Anal Fingering, Hand & Finger Kink, Finger Sucking, Come
Eating, Urethral Play, Public Humiliation, Humiliation, Aftercare,
Choking, empress Reader - Freeform, consort characters
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-11-24 Completed: 2022-11-25 Chapters: 2/2 Words:

Punishment for one, Pleasure for two

by GenshinConsorts


Genshin!AU, Empress!AU. Scaramouche decided to be a brat and once you realized that
your usually punishments aren't getting through to him, you decide to try something new by
bringing someone else in. Basically, Scaramouche has to watch as you rail someone else.


Trigger Warnings: Dom!reader, sub!character, Empress!reader, OOC Reverse harem,

voyeurism, edging, there are three people but its not a threesome, tentacles, gagging, anal,
finger sucking, cum eating, embarrassment, urethral insertion, "miss" only used once,
consent is stated and also implied, implied aftercare, not exactly choking but resting your
hand on characters throat.
A/N: Reader has magic and is able to change genders. However, they are a female at birth.
Might be a part two.
Chapter 1

Scaramouche was kneeled right in front of the bed. His thighs were bound to his calves with rope
going between his bottom and around the base of his cock, up around his chest, and finally binding
his arms behind his back. He also had a gag that sat snug in his mouth that had drool already
sliding down the sides of his mouth. You stood behind him, your hands stroking down his back
until they rested just next to his hole. Spreading his cheeks, you ran one finger over his hole
watching it flutter helplessly. Scaramouche squirmed but refused to make a single sound, refusing
to show that you had any effect on him.

It wasn't until you slowly pushed one finger into him did he let out a muffled whimper that he
quickly tried to stifle. Despite Scaramouche not being able to see you, you still smiled at the
feeling of how tight his hole was around only one of your fingers. Adding one more finger in, you
began to scissor him open. Small sounds akin to whimpers left Scaramouche, but you continued
ignoring him.

"Hnng - " Scaramouche felt your fingers leave him and he wanted to turn his head around to glare
at you, but before he could, your hand quickly found its place in his hair and yanked it back.

"Dont make this harder on yourself." You said while channeling magic into your one hand that
wasn't gripping his hair.

Next thing scaramouche felt was a coldness to his backside. His back arched away from you, but he
wasn't able to get far with your hand still gripping his hair. You tightened your grip, rewarding
yourself with the first real moan from him. It was then he felt a pressure against his hole, the magic
you were getting ready took the form of a tentacle much longer and thicker than your two fingers

You didn't push it in just yet, seemingly happy to watch him squirm and unknowingly push back
against it. Despite Scaramouche wanting to act like he wasn't affected, with the way his cock was
bobbing and his hole gaping, it was easy to tell the truth.

Deciding not to torture him just yet since this wasn't the real punishment, you slowly pushed half
of the tentacle into him. The second it pushed into him, scaramouche's whole body tensed.

"Hnng - pwease.. " Even if he didn't have the gag, Scaramouche wouldn't have been able to get any
real words out. The sensation of the tentacle pushing into him and expanding until he felt
completely full was overwhelming. He could feel his insides stretching and the pleasurable burn
that came along with it. His thighs tensed and if he could have, his hips would have jerked
forward, wanting some sensation on his leaking cock. He braced himself, waiting for you to start
moving the tentacle but nothing happened.

Instead, he heard you get up and walk away from him. His head whipped towards yours and saw
you walking towards the door.

"Y/n.. ngg.." panicked he tried to call out for you. You just turned towards him with a smirk that
caused heat to pool in his stomach from both fear and arousal. You cracked the door open and
seemed to talk to the guard outside the door. Scaramouche flushed; he could see the guard so he
knew that the guard could most likely see him as well, all tied up and bound, kneeling like a whore
in front of your bed.

After a few words, you closed the door and walked back towards him. This time you took a seat in
front of him on the bed. You let your foot graze his cock which was already leaking copious
amounts of pre-cum.

Now that he could see you, he tried his best to act defiantly but all he could really do was glare at
you. You knew if he didn't have the gag he would be spitting all kinds of nasty words towards you.
The thought of his usually attitude made you smile.

While you usually allow his attitude, lately he had been acting too condescending and cruel. You
usually let your consorts do what they want but this past week Scaramouche took it to the extreme.
Mouthing off in front of others, picking fights with the others in the harem, and much more. When
you finally got fed up with him, he was secretly happy. He always enjoyed your punishments and
having your focus purely on him, regardless of the way he fought against you. However, you've
barely touched him or acknowledge him which was different and had him teetering on the edge of
caution. His desperation was starting to get the better of him, he wanted you to actually touch him
not the barely there grazes he was receiving.

Continuing to let your foot graze his cock, you gripped his chin and leaned down until you were
face to face. Being this close you could see his pupils dilate making his eyes appear completely
black, the drool that dried around his mouth along with some of it dripping down onto his chest,
and finally his throat bobbing. Stroking your thumb against some of the drool, your smeared it
across his cheek.

"Y'know, this isn't even your real punishment," you paid close attention as you said this and heard
a slight hitch in his breath along with his eyebrows furrowing - his confusion very apparent.

Letting out a sigh, you shook your head and let go of him, roughly jerking his head back. The
obvious disappointment sent a tremble down his body and caused more arousal to spill from the
end of his cock.

"I have no problem letting you do what you want, but you really tested my patience." You didn't
sound angry about it but rather disappointment. "Talking back in front of others, starting fights with
Ajax and Kaeya..." You saw him roll his eyes at the name of your other consorts. "You really didn't
expect nothing to happen, did you?"

Next thing Scaramouche heard was a knock on the door. His eyes widened in panic and they
searched you for an answer. Ignoring him, you told the person on the other side of the door to

"Your highness, I brought Aether like you requested."

Hearing that, Scaramouche felt dread pool in his stomach. Was that what you told the guards
earlier? He thought you were just doing this to scare him until -

"Let him in."

Scaramouche didn't have any chance to shake his head or protest before Aether walked in, unaware
of the scene he was interrupting.

"Your highness, you call..." Aether stopped talking when he saw you on the bed along with
scaramouche kneeled at your feet, bound and gagged. Scaramouche never looked at him, instead
his head was bowed and only you could see his cheeks and ears heat up in embarrassment.

Before Aether could say anything else, you stood up and walked away from Scaramouche and
towards Aether. Walking towards him, you admired him. Due to you personally calling for him, he
obviously felt the need to dress up and wore some of the clothes your personally commissioned for
him. They were a bit more revealing, but Aether expressed his comfort with them, so you had no
problem with gifting them to him. Once you were right in front of him, he opened his mouth to say
something, but couldn't get anything out. You just smiled and ran a hand over his stomach,
enjoying the way he flinched at your touch.

"Follow me." Was all you said before grabbing his hand and pulling him to follow you over to the

Scaramouche still kept his eyes on the floor, while Aether kept his trained on you. Even when you
sat on the bed, once again right in front of Scaramouche and pulled Aether on your lap making sure
he was also faced forward with his back against your chest. Even then, both of your boys refused to
look at each other. You couldn't help but smirk seeing both of them so obviously flustered.

"You see Aether, I invited you here for a specific reason. Scaramouche here has decided to be a
brat and cause problems for me. Obviously, I can't just let him get away with that can I?"

Aether realized that you wanted an answer from him but his throat dried up. He shook his head, but
you tightened you grip on his waist, indicating you were unhappy with his nonverbal response.

"N- no" he cleared his throat afterwards, his eyes staying trained on the wall or trying to look at
you over his shoulder.

You hummed and nuzzled your cheek against his back.

"Good boy." The small praise made Aether squirm and you glanced down and saw Scaramouche's
body tense and his eyes flickered up, meeting yours before he quickly looked away again.

"I've come to realize my usual punishments don't really have a... " You paused trying to find the
right term, "... long lasting effect on him."

While talking, you ran one of your hands up Aether's thigh and the other wrapped completely
around his waist and pulled him even closer to you.

"I also realized that I've been neglecting you lately, right?" Aether nodded. In fact, he came to you
a few days ago and personally told you with a flushed face.

"So, I've deciding to kill two birds with one stone." You pulled your hands off him and clapped
them together, startling both of them. It was with this clap, that Scaramouche and Aether made eye
contact for the first time since you called Aether in. Both flushed and while Scaramouche just tried
to glare at him, Aether adverted his eyes. However, this would not do for you.

"Look at each other." It was a demand. Aether - always the obedient one - looked at Scaramouche
again with some hesitation. Scaramouche however, decided to completely turn his head to the side
and shut his eyes. This just angered you. You lifted Aether and placed him on the bed next to you
before leaning towards Scaramouche. Gripping his cheeks hard enough to leave imprints you turn
his head to face you. However, he was stubborn and refused to open his eyes. In turn, you pushed
your foot on top of his cock and slowly applied pressure to it, until you were basically stepping on
it. His eyes flew open, and a choking sound left him. His arms jerked like they wanted to grab at
your leg, but he couldn't because they were still tied up behind him.

With your hand still gripping his cheeks, you turned his head towards Aether. "Look."

Knowing not to disobey again, he didn't close his eyes, but they were glaring at Aether while
looking at him.
"Now, for you Scara you are going to sit here for as long as I want and not get any kind of release -
" Your tone was harsh, but your grip on him was even harsher. You could see that the rim of his
eyes becoming redder. " And for you Aether - " You tone became soft and your free hand reached
next to you and petted Aether's head. "I am going to make it up to you for making you feel
neglected. For however long you want." Both of their eyes widened when they understood the

Before continuing, you addressed both of them, "as long as that is okay for the both of you." Both
seemed to contemplate and Aether was the first one to shyly agree. You gaze turned to
Scaramouche and your grip lessened and went to cup his cheek. Your hand soothingly rubbing it.
Against his better thinking, he relished in the gentle touch and nuzzled against it before also
nodding his consent.

Grinning, you took your hand away from Scaramouche and used it to grab Aether and pull him
back onto your lap. You situated him so that he was facing Scaramouche, but his thighs were on
the outside of both of your legs. His clothing concealed his own cock, but his arousal was obvious
through the tent protruding against the silk of his pants. Your hands started off grazing Aether's
thighs, dragging up and down and every time they got closer to Aether's cock, his thighs would
tense and try to squeeze together. Usually, you would reprimand him, but tonight was about him so
you forgo this thought.

"Tonight's about you precious, tell me what you want." Aether squirmed against your lap, before
grabbing one of your hands and placing it over his cock.

"Please.." he whispered, his voice soft and unsure. You couldn't help yourself but to tease him a
little. Not putting any pressure, you just rested your hand there.

"Please what? Use your words."

"Please... touch me." His hips were thrusting up a little, trying to get more pressure but his
movements were sloppy and had barely any strength behind them.

You hummed but didn't do anything to him just yet. "Touch you where?" You knew you were
being a little cruel but Aether was always so cute flustered.

Aether flushed, his cheeks and chest heating up before he finally found his words. "My cock...
please touch my cock."

You rewarded him with wrapping your hands around him through the fabric. The results were
instantaneous. His hips jerked up and one of his hands gripped your forearm, keeping your hand
there. He had let out a moan that was also joined with one from Scaramouche.

Unassuming Scaramouche was forced to watch but what he did not expect was for the magic
tentacle to start moving around inside him. The part of the tentacle that was inside him just moved
around, not having any real goal, instead just allowing him to feel small amounts of stimulation.
His hips make small jerking movements against the tentacle, trying to get it to reach that one
special spot inside him. However, it seems to be doing everything to ignore his prostate.

The other part of the tentacle that wasn't inside of him, started exploring the area around his
puckered hole. It was cold and slimy in nature, so it left a trail in its path that caused him to shiver
and goosebumps to rise on his skin. After finally getting some stimulation, he felt extra sensitive.

While he was forced to deal with the tentacle, he was also forced to watch you and Aether, who
now had his head thrown back on one of your shoulders. His hips were rutting upwards into your
hand which was gripping his cock. Your other hand had pushed his top up and started to pinch at
one of his nipples. Aether had let out a gasp and his back arched away from you and into your
palm. Pulling back your hand on his chest, you lifted it up to his mouth.


Without any hesitation, Aether opened his mouth and eagerly sucked your fingers, covering them
with his own spit. Drool was starting to seep out of the side of his mouth and down your wrist.

Your other hand was still fondling his cock over his clothes. Deciding to not hold back on him, you
spread your own thighs which caused his legs to open wide. Aether let out a gasp and his hands
came to desperately clutch at your leg in order to gain some semblance of balance. His gasp change
into a whine when you let go of his cock and took your hand out of his mouth. His mind was a hazy
mess so with his mouth still open and drooling, he tried to follow your fingers and bring them back
into his mouth.

Despite allowing him to have some semblance of choice, you wouldn't allow him to forget who's in
charge. One of your hands went up and clasped around his throat. You weren't applying pressure
but instead just rested it there.

Aether seemed to understand his wrongdoing and let his hands fall to his sides, clenched tightly in
order to stop their shaking. Seeing his submission, you rewarded him with light kisses to his throat
and neck. Aether had let out a happy sigh and bared his neck to you. Before pulling away, you
surprise him by biting down and sucking hard, making sure to leave a mark.

"Haah," Letting out a moan, his hips jerked up as well trying to get some stimulation. Glancing
down, you could see a wet stain growing on his pants.

"Take off your clothes," your voice was soft but had power beneath it. Aether didn't hesitate, he
started with stripping his top off. When it came to his pants, he had some troubles because he
wasn't able to pull them down with his legs spread as wide as they were.

He glanced back towards you, "My pa - my pants."

You feigned confusion, raising an eyebrow, "What about them?"

"I - I cant get them of- off like this."

"Then stand up."

Aether had froze, if he stood up, he would basically be right in front of Scaramouche. With
Scaramouche still kneeling, if Aether stood up... he flushed just thinking about it.

Scaramouche on the other hand, tried to protest to the suggestion. "Nnng..mhh.. on't." With his gag,
all that came out was gargled nonsense.

You lazily ran your eyes over Scaramouche. He had much less composure than before. His eyes
were glassy now and some tears seemed to have fallen down sometime earlier. However, he hadn't
resulted into begging yet, which was something you knew he would do sooner or later.

Deciding not to give him a choice, you closed your legs and pushed Aether off you. He had
stumbled a little and if it weren't for you grabbing his hips, he would have probably fallen against
Scaramouche. Your lips curled, maybe you shouldn't have stopped him, it would have been
interesting to see what they would have done.
"Well... get to it." Your comment was direct towards Aether whose hands were hovering over the
waistband of his pants. With his hands shaking, he tugged his pants off and tossed them to the side
with his foot. He was going to cover himself, his hands inched inwards, but he thought better of it
and returned his hands to his side.

He half expected you to pull him back on your lap but instead your hands remained on his hips and
stroked his sides for a second before you moved them to his cheeks. You smoothed your hands
over them before spreading them. Taking one hand, you licked your thumb before pressing it
against his entrance.

"y/n... ahh.." Always responsive, Aether let out a string of moans as you pushed your thumb in.
Even though it wasn't much, Aether still pushed back against it, hoping to get your thumb even
deeper. With one hand keeping his cheeks spread, you pushed your thumb in and out. He clenched
around your finger whenever you pulled it out, as if trying to suck it in even deeper.

"Ahh... I- I... wai..." Aether let out a particularly loud moan when he felt your tongue join your
finger. His thighs started to shake, and you saw his arms flail around, trying to find something to
steady himself with. Next thing he felt was your free hand moving to the front of his body and
grasping his cock at the base. Letting out a gasp, he hunched over, his hands gripping your forearm
hard enough to dig imprints of his nails into them.

With Aether hunched over and his face bent down, his hair, as long as it was, was able to sway
right next to Scaramouche's head. The hair ended up grazing Scaramouches cheek, surprising him
and causing him to lift his head. Looking up he got full view of Aether's pleasure filled eyes and
drooling mouth. Despite the fact that they unwittingly made eye contact, Aether's mind was so
pleasure filled and unfocused that he didn't even flinch. Scaramouche wanted to look away or curse
him, but he was unable to. He should be the one experiencing that, he should be the one dumb on
pleasure. These thoughts continued on, jealousy and desperation filling his mind.

Your hand that was grasping Aether's cock moved towards the head and smeared the pre-cum
around. Knowing how sensitive he could be you pushed your thumb in all the way and your tongue
soon followed. Licking around, you could feel Aether sporadically tighten around you. Your hand
also started to stroke along his cock.

Aether's moans were getting louder and climbing higher in pitch and with the way you felt his
body twitching you could tell he was already close. Removing your thumb, you brought your other
hand around and rubbed at the one spot underneath the head of his cock that you knew drove him

Aether's mind was all fuzzy as he allowed himself to sink into the pleasure. "Y/n please... Im
gonna.." a high pitch keen left his mouth, "please let me cum please." His hips seemed like they
couldn't decide between humping into your hand or humping back against your tongue. Seconds
later, his orgasm crashed through him, sending shivers throughout his entire body. If it wasn't for
you pulling him back against you, he would have fell to his knees, the pleasure too much.

Scaramouche on the other hand was now openly crying, watery sobs leaving his mouth. When you
started to pleasure Aether, the one part of the tentacle that was feeling around his hole and ass, had
moved between his legs and was feeling its way around his cock. It wrapped around him and made
a jerking motion before climbing up to the head of his cock. It had felt around, before it pushed into
his urethra. His moans, as much as he tried to stifle them, were growing in volume. However, he
remained ignored by you and had to listen to Aether who was falling into his own pleasure.

As the tentacle pushed into his opening, it went as far as it could until it managed to graze his
prostate. Scaramouche had hunched forward and right when he felt his pleasure building up, all the
stimulation came to a stop. It was then that he couldn't contain the tears in his eyes, and they
openly fell as he saw Aether reaching the orgasm that he so desperately craved.

As if sensing when Scaramouche's body calmed down, the tentacle and magic started up once
again. Allowing him to reach the precipice of an orgasm before cruelly pulling away.

On the other hand, Aether did not have a chance to calm down. After orgasming the first time, your
hand continues to stroke him. His eyes were filling with tears at the pleasure that was once again
building in his stomach. His hips were twitching uncontrollably against your hand by the time the
second orgasm washed over him.

Giving him a small break, you let him rest back against you. Stroking his stomach, your hand
smeared the cum that was all over him and when he took notice of that, he reached down to grab at
your hand. Lost in his pleasure-filled haze, he brought your hand up to his mouth. Intrigued, you let
him do what he wanted. At first, he just stared at it before using his tongue and licking up your
palm, collecting his own release and swallowing it.

You suppressed a groan at the feeling of him lapping at your hand. Once he took your fingers in his
mouth and twirled his tongue in between them you pushed them back far enough to make him gag
on them. Keeping them in the back of his throat, you could feel the walls of his throat convulse and
hear the choking gags that desperately left his mouth.

"Ghh," clenching his hands tight, he tried to relax his jaw and throat and allow you to do what you
want but it was hard once he became more lightheaded. As if sensing this, you pulled your finger
out, a line of drool connected between your hand and his mouth. Drool was also slipping from the
side of his mouth and traveling down his jaw and neck.

"Fuck that's a good boy," you couldn't help the praise that left your mouth, your one hand that
wasn't covered in drool came up to pat at his head, smoothing his hair as well. Aether keened and
pressed into your hand.

"How do you want me?" You directed your question to Aether. Seeing him like this and hear
Scaramouche's pitiful whine and sobs cause your own arousal to hit hard. You gave Aether the
chance to decide between being fucked or to be the one to do the fucking even though you knew
what his choice was going to be. He always was partial to having something shoved up his own
ass. In preparation, you already changed the lower half of your body, sure that he could feel your
own arousal pressed against him.

"I want you to fuck me," he didn't stutter but his voice was shaky and soft. Small huffs leaving his
lips. You also noted a slight rasp to his tone.

You patted his butt in agreement and helped him stand. He originally thought you were going to
lay him on the bed but instead you just slid your own pants down, your own cock bobbing against
your still covered stomach.

Spreading your legs, you let him situate himself in between them. Then grabbing Aether's hand,
you guided it behind him and onto your own cock. You let out a small sigh, finally feeling some
stimulation. Despite the odd angle, Aether's hand rubbed around your head and smeared the
precum. Pulling his hips back and towards you, you applied pressure downwards, letting him know
to sit back. With his hand still gripping your own cock, he placed the tip at his entrance. His body
was shaking with need, but he was still waiting for permission to put it in.

"You want me that badly," Your hands had gone to his hips, feeling every shake that wracked
through his body. He desperately nodded. All he could focus on was getting you to wreck his
insides. "You know what to ask."

He was silent for a moment as if collecting his thoughts.

"Miss please let me put in," You jerked your hips up only a little, letting him feel you against him,
"please please put in." At feeling you so close to his hole but not inside him, he was getting
desperate and started to beg, saying anything so that he can finally be fucked.

"I'll be good, I- ill make you cum, please." He was sobbing out the last pleads and you let him
mindlessly babble for a few more seconds before speaking.

"Asking so nicely," you let out a small chuckle, "Go ahead, my good boy. You deserve it." The
second he got your approval, he sunk down onto you.

His insides were tight due to not being previously stretched out real well but with his previous
orgasms and his dazed mind, he relished in the slight burn. Not giving himself any second, he
bottomed out until he was sat fully on your lap, your cock filling him up. Reaching around, your
hand ran over the bump in his abdomen. Pushing down on it, Aether let out a loud moan and
gripped the top of his cock, pushing his finger over his opening. When you bottomed out, he felt
that he could cum already and he didn't want that just yet.

"You feel that? You feel me? I'm all the way inside." You weren't expecting an answer, not when
Aether was trembling all over and gripping his own cock, trying to strive off his orgasm.

"haa.. so good." Aether then set his hands on your thighs and started to slowly raise himself up
until only your tip remains before dropping himself back down. The exertion was getting to his
thighs, but he didn't care. All he could focus on was the pleasure.

His riding was sloppy and had no real tempo and aside from giving him some praise, you were
doing nothing to help him. Still sobbing, Aether had reached his hand to his cock and with quick
movements jerked himself off. He could feel his orgasm building and was right at the brick of it,
but he couldn't push himself over the edge. No matter how hard he rode your cock or how much he
jerked himself off. He needed your help but could barely form the words.

"plea... I cant..." With crocodile tears running down his face, he begged and pleaded for you to help
him, to move and fuck him.

Having pity on him your hands gripped his sides and eased him off you until he only had your tip
in him. You pulled him back down and simultaneously snapped your hips up into him. You were
able to hit his prostate dead on and with his hand still moving up and down his own cock, he
quickly came with a loud wail.

When his orgasm subsided, you kept fucking up into him. He had gone limp, his hands letting go
of his cock and trying to grip your thighs, the blanket, anything he could. By now you were doing
all the work, with him letting you, his own cock jerking around with your motions.

Pulling him back to sit on your once again, you grinded your own cock up into him and looked at
Scaramouche over his shoulder. Scaramouche was completely debauched. His whole body was
twitching and shaking, his head tilted forward with drool seeping out of his mouth, his eyes were
glazed over and had tears pooling out of them. He was gargling out some nonsense, but your eyes
diverted themself to the rest of his body. He was covered in sweat and drool. Part of the tentacle
had detached itself and latched onto his nipples, tugging and creating a sucking motion. His
backside was still filled to the brim, but his cock was the prettiest thing to you.
It was completely covered by the tentacle, creating an onahole, but part of the tentacle remained in
the urethra, making it impossible for him to properly cum. His hip was moving as much as the
bondage let him. He seemed well and truly fucked. Enough so that he didn't even realize he had
some of Aether's cum in his hair and on his chest.

With how Scaramouche looked and the feeling of Aether tightly gripping around your own cock,
your release quickly built up in you. Lifting Aether up once more, you pulled him down hard and
thrusted up into him. The room was filled with moans, whining, and the sound of skin slapping
against skin. Roughly jerking your hips, your orgasm wracked through you. Pushing yourself as
deep into Aether as you could, you felt him grind back against you.

Feeling your release fill up his own insides triggered another orgasm from Aether. It wasn't nearly
as strong as the others and was quite watery, but he couldn't care. He was passed the point of
oversensitivity and could only focus on you and the feeling of you inside him.

Getting your breath back in control you hooked your arms around Aether and pulled him off of
you. Making sure he doesn't collapse on the floor you laid him on the bed on his stomach. Pushing
the hair off of his back, you ran a hand over him, feeling his sweat-soaked skin. His head was
facing you but his eyes were closed, and he had a tired smile on his face.

Your eyes landed on his butt; his legs were slightly spread so you could see your own essence drip
out of him. Your finger collects it, before pushing it back into him.

"Y-y/n.. 'm sensitive," despite saying that he arched his back and brought his knees forward so that
he was resting on them. With his bottom up in the air, your fingers pushed your cum back into him.
With this angle you were able to see his limp and overworked cock. It was covered in cum and still
dripping some onto the sheets.

Pulling your hand out of him, you were met with a whine, but Aether didn't move from his
position. Stroking over his cheek one last time you pulled away and faced Scaramouche. As if
sensing your gaze, he lifted his head but even that seemed to take a lot of strength out of him.
Reaching around, you went to undo his gag. Putting one hand between the gag and his lips, you
pulled it out and dropped it on the floor.

"'m sorry, please, please, so sorry..." you were instantly met with apologies and more tears.
Running your hand that still had some of your left over cum on it, you glided it over his bottom lip.
He instantly latched onto it. While sucking on one of your hands, your other reached behind his
head and gripped his hair before pulling it back. His head jerked back with you and your fingers
slid out of his mouth.

Your gaze was still hard, however, seeing him sob softly weakened your resolve a little. You let
your hand run through his hair, watching as he pushed into it, desperately seeking any kind of
contact from you.

Guiding his head up with your finger, "You understand why you're in the position, right?" It
seemed to take a few seconds for your words to get through his hazed-filled mind. He blinked,
which caused tears to escape his eyes before nodding as much as your hands allow him.

Your heard rustling of the sheets behind you and felt a hand come and rest on your side. Following
that was a head dropping onto your shoulder. Knowing it was Aether, you made no movement to
brush him off, instead letting him cling onto you.

Scaramouche's eyes drifted towards him, but he didn't glare at him like he usually did, indicating
just how muddled his mind was. As if sensing something, he kept his gaze locked on Aether.
On the other hand, Aether had clung onto your back. Despite everything he just went through and
how many times he came, you could feel him once again get hard against your back. Aether
nuzzled into your neck.

"Your highness..." you knew he was sucking up by using that term and by his tone of voice. Still
gripping onto Scaramouche, you turned your head towards Aether. His face was flushed red, and
his hair was sticking to his skin.

"You promised to keep going until I was satisfied." While talking he couldn't keep eye contact with
you, nor could he look at Scaramouche. He felt kind of bad towards him and his predicament, but
at the same time Scaramouche had a tendency to be harsh towards Aether.

You let out a hum, "Aren't you?" Even though you knew where he was going with this.

"Not completely." With his head tucked into your neck, one of his hands reached around you and
gripped your cock.

Before letting Aether continue, you directed your attention towards Scaramouche. Cupping his
face, you rubbed his cheeks.

"Think you can last a little longer?" Scaramouche's eyes widened at your request. Instinctively he
felt his eyes begin to tear up once more at the thought of having to suffer through this some more
and yet he didn't say his safeword or disagree.

"Ca-can you at lease take i-it out of me." His voice cracked when he spoke, and he nodded his head
towards his cock that still had the tentacle on it.

"As long as you know you still won't be able to cum until I decide to let you."

He took a moment before nodding. Within seconds, the tentacle slowly as to not overwhelm him,
pulled out of his urethra. Once it was all the way out, precum spewed out of it and Scaramouche
lets out high pitched whines. Despite it removing itself from his urethra, the tentacle remained
wrapped around his cock.

Your hand once more stroked Scaramouche's face before you completely pulled away from him.
Turning your body towards Aether, his hands grabbed your hips and pulled you so that you were
situated between his thighs. He spread his legs for you, letting you see his tender hole and weeping

"please use me...."

Punishment for one, Pleasure for two - Part II
Chapter Summary

Genshin!au, Empress!au. Its finally Scaramouche's turn to be dealt with after having to
watch you and Aether. Except the fact that you are not done with his punishment and
instead drag it out until he is completely pliant and submissive for you.

Chapter Notes

CW: Dom!reader, sub!character, reverse harem, bondage, tentacle use, OOC, mentions
of voyeurism, throatfucking, gagging, unsafe sex, cum eating, urethral insertion,
edging, use of "no" but there is a safeword system so reader ignored him when he says
no, one line mention of rimming, anal, aftercare.

On top of the wrinkled bed sheets laid a naked and exhausted Aether. He was covered in sweat,
cum, and drool but he couldn't bring himself to care. All he could feel was a satisfying ache run
throughout his body. With him still shaking and barely coherent he could just make out the feeling
of your hand on his back. You were rubbing his back and palmed his cheeks. One of your fingers
grazed his backside and he couldn't suppress the flinch. His hole was a bright red and sore to the
touch, indicating just how well used he was.

He vaguely recognized the breathless chuckle that left your lips. Despite wanting to curl up to you,
he couldn't make himself move.

"Are you okay to stay there for a while?" It took a second to process you were talking to him.
Fighting the sleepiness that was starting to settle over him, he wrestled with keeping his eyes open.

"I still have someone else to take care of," He managed to spot you, who was also nude, but then
he was able to see one more person.

Huh, I forgot he was here, Aether distantly thought. In the same position as earlier sat
Scaramouche kneeling in front of the bed. Instead of the intimating concubine Aether was used to,
sat someone who looked completely debauched. His body was shaking, constant watery sobs and
pleads left his lips, tears fell freely from his eyes and the most noticeable was the tentacles that
continued to explore and play with his body.

You brushed hair behind Aether's ears while waiting for his answer. It seemed to take a few
seconds to register that you were asking him something. However, in the end you were able to get
a nod from him. Knowing he was most likely about to fall asleep you decided that you would clean
him later. Once you're done with Scaramouche it would be best to just let them soak in the baths
for a while.

Speaking of Scaramouche, you moved to get off the bed and then stood in front of him. He was
able to comprehend that you were in front of him, but he struggled with lifting his head.
"I - please - I can't," he leaned forward as best as he could, resting his forehead against your thighs.
He had no strength left in his body and every nerve felt like it was on fire. He had no idea how
long he was forced to deal with this pleasurable bordering on painful torment while watching you
and Aether. He stopped counting after Aether came the fifth time and you the second.

"Is it hard? Does it hurt?" Your words may have been sympathetic, but your tone was anything but.
There was mockery underneath your words and your hand roughly pulled his head back and off
your thigh. He felt a rush of tears well up in his eyes at the rough treatment.

"I'm sor-" he voices fell off into a sob when the tentacle that was in his ass gave a sharp thrust. He
knew it was done on purpose.

"Hmm? I couldn't hear you." You squatted in front of him, your hand still in his hair. This time the
thrusting resumed. However, what also came back into play was the tentacle trailing back into his
urethra. Just a few thrusts would have made him cum, he knew that, and you definitely knew that
based on the way you manipulate the tentacle with your magic. You were dead set on not letting
him cum just yet.

"I'm - ahh - sorry. pleaseplease." Scaramouche was beginning to let out garbled nonsense. His
prostate was being hit with each thrust, but he couldn't cum. He could feel the burning in his
stomach and balls. His cock felt like it was about to combust. The tentacle slithered down his
urethra refusing to let him properly cum and scaramouche could feel himself beginning to break.

His hair was let go by you and he slumped down a little bit due to the loss of tension. He was still
tied up in rope so he couldn't move much, nor could he try and grab onto you when you stood up.

"Scaramouche," he could vaguely recognize your voice through his muddled mind. "Look at me."

You were speaking, he could hear you, but he couldn't comprehend what you were saying. It
wasn't until a hand gripped his chin and angled his face towards you that he was able to focus on
something. When you saw the glossy look in his eyes you softened your tone.

"I suppose it would be too much to expect you to listen. At least not when you're as mindless as
you are right now." You offered false sympathy as you shook his head with your fingers that were
gripping his chin.

He had his mouth open, his tongue hanging out as little pants passed through. Not to mention the
copious amounts of drool that was slipping down his chin and onto his chest and the floor.
Smirking, it gave you an idea.

"Y'know many people complain about the words you spew out. About how you're too rude, too
condescending, too arrogant." One of your fingers traced the glossiness of his lips as you spoke
before dipping into his mouth and running over his tongue. "Afterall, this is what got you in this
position in the first place."

"I guess I'm going to have to make it to where you won't be able to speak for a while."

The next thing Scaramouche was able to distantly recognize was the feeling of something soft on
his tongue. His tongue moved at the pressure and felt around the new intrusion in his mouth. A
small sigh left your lips. For the first time you placed a gentle and delicate hand to his head which
caused Scaramouche to lean forward, pressing against it.

"ah - ack," Scaramouche was interrupted with a garbled cough as he pressed forward trying to
chase the comfort of your hand on his head, unintentionally pushing your cock deeper into the tight
cavern of his throat. Even with the coughing and the obvious fluttering of his throat, you refused to
pull out, making sure to keep him from pulling back and away.

You gave him a few seconds to try and calm down until the majority of the coughing subsided.
Scaramouche squirmed, his hands aching to come and rest against you but all that did was ignite a
slight burning in the skin around his wrist due to him straining against the rope.

You pulled back a fraction but still kept the head of your cock in his mouth. You watched as
Scaramouche eagerly sucked in air.

Deeming he had enough time to situate himself you tightened the grip in his hair, "Be good for me
and maybe I'll let you come afterwards."

That was all the warning he got before you pushed his head forward and thrusted your hips as well.
With the first thrust, you only fed him half of your cock before pulling back a little and thrusting
once more, this time forcing it all the way down his throat. He squirmed and tried to pull back
instinctively due to the pressure in his throat, but your hand prevented him. You held him against
your pelvis, his nose grazing your lower stomach before pushing your hips away a small amount.

You slowly thrusted into his mouth one more time until his lips were at your base before pulling
out. You did this a few times before you finally started to speed up. Scaramouche was unable to
focus on using his tongue or suctioning his lips, but you didn't seem to mind, happily fucking his
mouth. Instead of worrying about that he just adverted his eyes up to your face and tried to focus
on that. However, this was deemed nearly impossible due to the tears that were welling up and
trickling down his cheeks.

Glug, glug, glug, gurgling sounds filled the room along with soft moans that left your lips. Looking
down you had to still your hips to stop from coming straight away. Scaramouches eyes were
unfocused and glossy and his lower face was covered in cum, drool, snot, and saliva. You could
tell by the way he stopped struggling against your hold that he had finally fallen into that
submissive headspace.

The loss of fullness in his throat led to scaramouche blinking away his tears and trying to look up at
you, afraid that he had done something wrong. Hurriedly, he had stuck his tongue out and tried to
lick around the part of your cock that remained in his mouth. To appease you he even tried to
swallow more of your cock, until it once again touched the back of throat. Despite the small
convulses in his body he did not try to move away.

"Fuck... you're killing me here." You had let go of the tight grip you had in his hair and instead
rested your hand on top of his head. You took a few deep breaths in order to push down your

Once you deemed yourself ready you pulled your hips back a small bit before shallowing thrusting
back in. You were gentler this time around, not making it to where he violently choked against you.
Instead, you set a steady rhythm. With each thrust you would still yourself at the back of this throat
for a few seconds to feel the convulsions of his throat. You would finally pull back once he started
to turn a little red in the face. You kept this going until you felt the familiar twinge of arousal in
your lower stomach.

"Shit," Your hips picked up their pace. "Be good for me and swallow."

Scaramouche flinched at the first taste that spurted onto his tongue before he eagerly swallowed it
down. He struggled to swallow it all and instead some flowed out of the side of his mouth. You
kept him held against your stomach before pulling back and taking yourself out of his mouth.
Scaramouche's throat was burning from the rough treatment, and he had hunched forward

It took a moment before he realized he was being moved. One moment he was situated on his
knees and the next thing he knew he was face down on the ground. His muscles burned at the new
position; his weight was now resting directly on his knees, and he tried to move them but was
unable to do more than scooch them. He rested his cheek against the floor and shivered at the
coolness which was in direct contrast to the heat that was run rampage in his body.

"haah.. plea-ase," His voice cracked when he felt your fingers replace the tentacle that was
previously shoved up his ass. There wasn't as much of a stretch but the fact that you were now
touching him instead of a tentacle caused his body to shake.

When you entered three fingers into him, he tried to his best ability to grind back against them,
desperately wanting them to feel them hit that one spot inside him that always set him on fire. You
didn't reprimand him for that and instead let him do some of the work. You didn't thrust your
fingers and instead just curled them inside of him.

"Ahh, there." he cried out, but his voice was so hoarse and choppy that you could barely make out
what he was saying. Even as he kept thrusting back and getting his prostate hit, he couldn't cum.
That damned other tentacle was in his urethra and the rope that was tied around his balls was
constricting him. "pleasepleaseplease - out. Need it out," he wailed, and his body was trembling so
violently that you were worried he would pull a muscle.

You pulled your fingers out of him and wrapped them around his thighs and gently massaged them.
He whined at the loss of touch, but his body unconsciously relaxed under your fingers that were
pushing into the muscle on his thighs. You kept doing that until he became pliant once more and
was not at a risk of harming himself.

"Relax," you had gripped both of his cheeks with your hands and spread them. A small chuckle
passed your lips when you saw his hole gaping and fluttering.

"cant." He gasped out. "hurts... need t' cum. please plea - ahh!" A throaty scream escaped his lips
when he felt your tongue lick around his rim. You moved to kiss his cheek and traveled kisses and
licks up his spine until you reached his neck. Your fingers traced the intricate ropes before tugging
them and forcing his upper body off the ground. You continued to pull until he was once more on
sat up on his knees but now, he had his back pressed against your chest.

Your cock situated itself right in between his ass cheeks and you rutted against him. "Want to
cum?" It was a teasing question.

Scaramouche weakly nodded. "please. 'm sorry about earlier," his throat was burning through his
pleads and in some distant part of his mind he knew he should not be talking anymore but he
couldn't bring himself to worry about it. "won't talk back, wont be rude."

You both knew this was lie and that in a few days' time he will be the same condescending and
rude concubine he always is but right now at this moment, he completely believed what he is

"Promise," you decided to play along.

"Promise," he whined out.

"Alright. You're done with your punishment. I suppose you should get your reward."
He felt the slickness of the tentacles leave his entire body. All that is left from them are a trail of
wetness. However, the second it pulled out of his urethra a scream left his lips. His hips tried to
buck away from the feeling but couldn't. All those previous denied orgasms that were pushed back
due to the tentacle stopping them came rushing over him tenfold. His cock spurted out load after
load and it felt like a never-ending pleasure to him that was becoming painful. His body shook
uncontrollably against your hold.

It took a while for his body to calm down and even then, he was still having shaking. One of your
hands had wrapped around his waist and rested on his stomach and was rubbing small circles onto
it. In his twitching, the hands behind his back had grazed your cock a few times and despite your
own arousal pressing against him you were well aware that he could be too sensitive to deal with
anything else.

Scaramouche had felt the twitching of your own cock against his back and fingers. Despite the
oversensitivity in his body, he still craved for the closeness of when you're inside him. He could
handle one more, he wanted to feel you inside of him this time instead of the sliminess of the

"s'okay," he managed to whisper out. At the same time one of his hands clumsily grasped your
cock. His thumb ran over the tip (or at least tried to) before struggling to position it at his entrance.

You raised an eyebrow, "You sure?"

He nodded, "please."

You positioned yourself at his entrance and was able to easily sink into him. The breath was
knocked out of Scaramouche and a loud keen left his lips. Once you were completely sheathed
inside him you let out a shuddering breath. You knew this would be a short round, Scaramouche
would probably be able to cum one more time before his body would no longer be able to handle
anything else.

You pulled out only a small amount before shallowly thrusting into him, trying not to hit his
prostate just yet. With each thrust, small uh - uh - uh's passed through his lips. Even with these
shallows thrust he felt his stomach tighten. His orgasm was building and quickly too. His crying
only got louder because he knew he couldn't hang on anymore.

"c-cumming," he managed to wheeze out. His whole-body became tense and he clamped down on
your own cock. You let out a groan, a small orgasm of your own passing through you. It wasn't
overly strong but that did not bother you. Scaramouche's on the other hand was too strong. His
mouth fell open in a silent scream and his body had convulsed before he fell completely slack.

He felt the tension of the rope released from his body. He was distantly aware that he was falling
forward but he couldn't make his body move. However, he didn't hit the ground and instead fell
right into your arms. He first recognized your scent and unconsciously nuzzled into your chest
wanting to be surrounded by the smell. He felt a new pressure around his body but this time instead
of the coarseness of rope he felt the softness of skin as you wrapped your arms around him.

You sat down on the ground and situated yourself before moving scaramouche into a more
comfortable position on your lap. One hand came up to run through his tangled-up hair whilst the
other took to wiping away all the dried up cum and drool. You couldn't do a perfect job with just
your hand, but you managed to clear up some so that it was not overly sticking onto his face.

Scaramouche was letting out small puffs of air that had undertones of wheezes in them.
You should get one of the servants to make him a tea, you thought while your hand left his jaw and
mindlessly went to rub his throat.

Scaramouche opened his lips but strained to say something, anything but he couldn't due to the
throbbing in his throat from his crying and your treatment of it. He unconsciously squirmed away
from the hand at his throat.

You were befuddled before realizing that he thought you were going to start another round since
you usually place your hand on his throat during sexual encounters. Quickly moving your hand to
his shoulder, your cooed at him and brought him closer to you.

"shh, it's alright you're all done." He lost the last bit of tension in his body and slumped against
you. "You did so good for me." If he had the energy, he would have preened at your words but all
he could managed was a small smile.

Neither of you moved from your position on the floor for a while. It wasn't until you felt his breath
even out and his body become pliant that you decided to stand up. You kept him in your arms as
you carried him to the joining bathroom. He let out small sounds at the jostling but did not open his
eyes. You carefully settled him on one of the cushions set aside the tub and used your magic to
start the tub.

Once it was filled up and was at an appropriate temperature you carefully maneuver him into the
tub making sure not to aggravate any of the rope burns. You did not join him and instead, once he
was settled, let go of him and went to stand up. At the loss of your touch Scaramouche couldn't
help the panic that welled up inside him. His eyes snapped open and one of his hands weakly
clutched onto your arm.

"Do - " He winced as the pain in his throat finally settled in. He wanted to tell you not to leave him,
but he couldn't. You could see the despair in his eyes and reached out to pet his head before
moving to caress his cheek.

"I have to get Aether too lovely." Even with your reassurance he didn't want you to let go of him.
He shook his head and clutch onto you tighter. He wasn't jealous at this moment but instead all he
could focus on was the fact that in order for you to get Aether, you would have to leave him and
that caused an unimaginable amount of panic to form inside him. He did not want to be alone when
he was feeling as vulnerable as he was right now.

You let out a sigh and squatted down behind the tub and ran your hand through his hair.

"You trust me, right?" you kept your tone light as you played with strands of his hair. He had his
knees curled up and was resting his head against them.

He nodded without hesitation, and you couldn't help the pride that resonated in your chest.

"Then I want you to close your eyes and stay in this position for 30 seconds alright." As you were
speaking, you had let your magic cast over him and mimic an embrace. You also mimicked the
feeling of your hand playing with his hair. Once you felt confident in your spell, you had slowly
and quietly gone to grab Aether who was still laying on the bed. His eyes blearily blinked open
when you lifted him in your arms.

"Finally done with him?" He whispered but there was no malice in his tone. He was well aware
that Scaramouche had gone through a tough punishment and that he would be dealing with some
discomfort for a while.
You hummed your agreement as you reentered the bathroom. Scaramouche was in the same
position as you left him, and you breathed a sigh of relief.

The tub was more than large enough to fit the three of you, so you had place Aether in and made
sure the both of them were comfortable before joining them. You made sure to sit in between them
because even in their headspaces (or rather Scaramouche's, Aether seemed more well recovered)
they could spiral.

Within a few minutes of joining them, you could feel weight against one of your shoulders (Aether
fell asleep first) and then on the other side of your body, Scaramouche nudged under your arm so
that he could lay against your chest.

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