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2 As Reported By: Whatever4 of The Fogbow: 3 4

There were about 40 people in the room. It's a

small room with a divider that they had to open up to

5 Make one big room, as they only had 16 seats set up for 6 the hearing. 7

There were two people from the press, one was

8 filming one was still photography. I don't know what 9 the outlets were. 10

There were five commissioners plus the counsel for

11 the commission, the Deputy Secretary of State, the

12 Assistant Secretary of State, and the counsel for the 13 Secretary of State. 14

Orly (the requisite fashion report) was wearing

16 pale pink lipstick, "the" white coat and a three-inch 17 stack of papers. 18




19 She had been set to be fourth case heard. The crowd was certain that the commission was

21 going to do it right because New Hampshire is that kind 22 of state. So while everybody was gathering together 23 they were all complaining about how bank fees should not 24 be allowed, and they're mad at the Supreme Court and the 25 Fed. People who complain about bank fees aren't

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15 black boots with heels, a pin-striped gray pantsuit,

Because of the crowd, she was bumped to first.

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1 capitalists. 2

They were called to order. Orly started in (and

3 I'll hit the high points and then go into detail because 4 we've heard the 85 pages before.) 5

She served a subpoena on the director of health in

6 Hawaii who is refusing to allow the public to view the 7 original birth certificate. 8

Social Security number not from Hawaii, it's a

9 Connecticut number. She said the law in 1977 said that

10 Social Security numbers were to be assigned according to 11 where the application was submitted. (She obviously 12 still has not figured that out.) 13

There's several birth dates associated with Obama

14 and his Social Security number: 1890, 8/4/1961 and 15 4/8/1961. 16

17 was an unflattened file and had the full Social Security 18 number. 19




20 Hollister acting in parallel. She put Hollister and the 21 E-verify printouts into the record and she said the 22 SSNVS never showed that it ever issued that number to 23 Barack Obama. According to the official United States 24 services, that's not his Social Security number. 25 "Who resorts to using a Social Security number not

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In April 2010 the tax return that was submitted

She went into the E-verify, she went into

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1 assigned to them? Those without valid birth 2 certificates." 3

She started to bring up Mr. Obama's aunt, and the

4 chairman, Mr. Cook, cut her off right there and says

5 there's no relevance to anyone who isn't Mr. Obama, not 6 to any of his relatives. They're only going to accept 7 evidence related to Barack Obama. 8

She restarted. The grandmother volunteered in the

9 probate department. There's a huge mystery as to where 10 he got his Social Security number. It could have come 11 from the grandmother. This is 100 times bigger than

12 Watergate. She's had three years of 24/7/365 research, 13 and it's still a mystery where he got the Social 14 Security number. 15

16 be examined. It could be another source of the Social 17 Security number. Then she went into he's never been 18 prosecuted for that, et cetera. This mystery needs to




19 be solved.

21 long-form birth certificate, then in April he claims 22 that he posted one and expected people to believe it, 23 but experts instantly found problems with it. At that point she opened up her exhibits and

25 started going through them, and backed up to E-verify

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She brought up William Ayers. This link needs to

For three years he didn't produce a valid

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1 and Hollister and everything else. 2

She finally caught up with the long-form birth

3 certificate, and she says, here's an affidavit from an

4 Adobe Illustrator expert that clearly shows layers. She 5 went into how you can obviously see that Stanley A.

6 Obama's signature was added later. There's different 7 colors, different typesets. It was a bad forgery that 8 even her kids could do better with. 9

Douglas Vogt, expert in scanning machines, had an

10 affidavit, and she says, "I have an expert here that's 11 ready to testify." 12

During this, the women on the panel were looking

13 at the packets and the men on the panel were looking at 14 Orly. No one was saying a word, no one blinking, no one

16 chairman. 17

18 commander in chief. Government agencies do no obvious



20 the presidents. 21

19 background checks. There's no FBI check. No one vets

22 put on the ballot. To be put on the ballot no one needs 23 to see an original birth certificate or original Social 24 Security number. Then she told the panel, you will be criminally

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15 looking at each other, no one is taking notes except the

Orly says, that's our president. That's our

There's no valid I.D. papers required if you are

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1 complicit to fraud, treason (and other nasty things - my 2 words) 3

We seek gaps in his life history. She brought up

4 the college registration papers from NSCH, National

5 Student Clearinghouse. He attended Columbia September 6 1981 to 1982. How did he get diploma when he was only 7 there for one year? Where was he in the year that he 8 was supposed to be at Columbia but wasn't? Before 9 starting Columbia he went to Pakistan. There's no

10 record in this country, for over a year, where he was.

11 He was in Pakistan for over a year (which was a new one 12 to me) 13

We don't even know his legal name. The Illinois

14 law license shows application that he went by no other

16 evidence of the school registration which shows Soetoro 17 and the passport application which shows Soebarkah. 18 That's at least three last names he's gone by. What's



20 24 Kenya.

19 his legal last name? But all of that doesn't even matter. It doesn't

21 matter if he has a valid Social Security number or a 22 valid birth certificate because from birth his 23 allegiance is to another country. His father was from

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15 names. He lied when he filled that out. There's the

She went into the definition of natural born

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1 citizen. The founders, for example John Jay, said that,

2 (and she was paraphrasing), the president/commander in 3 chief should be a natural born citizen. Mr. Obama's

4 father had a foreign birth. No election board has ever 5 examined this. And there's precedent in Minor v

6 Happersett (which I think she pronounced hap-per-stat

7 but apparently the tape is going to be on YouTube in 2 8 hours). 9

She went into detail. The most famous diplomat

10 and philosopher whose book the Law of Nations was the 11 prototype for the U.S. Constitution. She went into the

12 14th Amendment and the father and founder of the 14th 13 Amendment, Bingham. 14

So there's at least three other allegiances that

16 of." 17

18 election with John McCain there was Senate Resolution



21 that.

19 511, and from that we know that the Senate says that two 20 citizen parents are required, and Obama doesn't have

23 valid birth certificate and Social Security number, 24 there's still a problem with the allegiance. This is 25 the Live Free Or Die state. We need to live free from

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15 he has, that we know of. She emphasize "that we wrknow

Then she said when this came up in the 2008

Then she went into a wrap-up. Even if he had a

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1 fraud, forgery and treason. This is the granite state.

2 The commission should show the strength of real granite. 3 Your constitutional duty to uphold the

4 Constitution requires, at the very least, a provisional

5 decision not to be on the ballot until the committee and 6 experts can examine the birth certificate and resolve 7 whether he's the person that he says he is. 8 9

At that point Chairman Cook asked her the

10 following questions. He asked them like a lawyer.

11 Has there been any court of appeals case on this? You 12 mentioned that there was one in California. 13

She says no decision yet, and she started to

14 editorializes and he says, just answer the question. 15 16

17 Social Security Administration about this? 18 19 MS. TAITZ: No. They're still unwilling to. CHAIRMAN COOK: Have you contacted Columbia

22 25


21 Association?

20 University? What about the Columbia University Alumni

23 going to say he went there, but no, she hasn't contacted 24 those people satisfactorily. He asked: Is there any decision anywhere, from

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No there's been no decision yet. CHAIRMAN COOK: Have you contacted the

MS. TAITZ: The alumni association is just

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1 any adjudicating body, which affirmatively says Obama 2 wasn't born here? 3

MS. TAITZ: No. You have no evidence to

4 decide if he's a citizen. You cannot throw the ball

5 back on the Court. Your duty is to order discovery.

6 For forfeiting your duty you are definitely complicit in 7 fraud, treason, forgery, (et cetera). 8

Then we have a little funny aside. At that point

9 Mr. Cook said "Thank you," and Orly said, "You're

10 welcome. Any time." Everybody gave a little chuckle. 11 He then asked if she had any more substantive

12 factual evidence. Not opinions. Not rumors. A 13 gentleman in the audience raised his hand to stand up


16 sworn in. This may come as a surprise to you, but 17 attorneys don't need to be sworn in. Everybody else


22 23

19 21 names.)

18 does.

20 (They didn't spell names and it's hard to catch the

24 the British Nationality Act where the father determines 25 the status of the offspring. He says by law, by the

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14 and started to speak.

Chairman Cook said, No. No. You need to be

The person who stood up was Dick Marple (sp?)

Cook asked: Do you have any evidence?

Mr. M said, "Yes the Constitution." He also had

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1 Constitution, the Law of Nations, which is in the 2 Constitution, the British Nationality Act is the

3 controlling authority and you must respect the Law of 4 Nations. 5

The next person up was, Terrence Brennan (sp?)

6 Who's from New Hampshire. He said he wanted to

7 underscore that Mr. Obama has stated who his father is.

8 Then he said, I'm a layperson. My understanding is that 9 Article II Section 3 of the Constitution means a natural

10 born citizen. I would presume that they knew what they

11 were doing when they wrote that. They knew what they 12 were doing with the with rest of the Constitution and 13 they did a pretty good job there.

15 all learned in third grade in Massachusetts -- that a 16 natural born citizen was required to be president. (He 17 did not go into what the definition of natural born




18 citizen was.)

20 representative, who I believe was Aaron Sullivan (not 21 sure). He said the commission needs to follow the New 22 Hampshire Constitution and the U.S. Constitution. (And 23 a lot of these people were going over you have a follow 24 the law) All Americans are depending on you. (Which drew applause).

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I learned in third grade in Massachusetts -- we

The next person up was a New Hampshire

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Then Gary O. from Hudson, New Hampshire. He was

2 another New Hampshire rep. I am a natural born citizen. 3 Chairman Cook replied, "No one's questioning that." 4 Gary said, someone in the White House is trying to 5 destroy this country, not by his words but by his

6 actions. Whenever this has come up before the courts 7 before, it's been a question of standing. No court has 8 ever decided on the merits. You are obligated to do 9 that in this commission. 10 11

At That Point the Excitement Began.

The counsel to the Secretary of State called

12 Assistant Secretary of State Karen Lathe (sp?) 13

This was a straight examination of the witness,

14 question/answer just like they do in a real court. 15 16 17

18 which includes a declaration of candidacy and a $1000


22 23 24 25

19 fee. 20 21 A. Yes.

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Q. Describe your duties.

A. Accepting the applications to be on the ballot,

She quoted Sections 655-47 and 655-48 of the RSA.

Q. Where do those statutes come from? A. They're enacted by the New Hampshire legislature. Q. Are you aware of the filing by Barack Obama?

Q. Were you present when his Declaration of

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1 Candidacy was accepted? 2

A. Yes. Vice-president Joe Biden delivered it to

3 the Secretary of State's office on 10/20. He also 4 brought a check for $1000. 5

The Secretary of State accepted the check,

6 Secretary of State Gardner. 7

Q. What do you do once someone brings in the

8 documents? 9

A. Well, once once documents are filed they make

10 sure they conform to the law and that the fee has been

11 paid. They make sure that they comply with the statutes 12 in both form and substance. 13

It's the same as was done in 2008 when the papers

14 were filed for Barack Obama. 15 16 17 18


23 24

20 21 A. No. A. No.

19 citizenship?

22 not -- that did not comply?

25 her first chance to cross-examine anywhere).

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A. No, it does not.

Q. Does the form require proof of citizenship?

Q. So it does not require proof of citizenship. Are other candidates required to show proof of

Q. Was there anything in the document that was

And then Orly cross examined. (I believe this is

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She got very excited and her voice was rising.

2 (It's going to be a hoot on the tape.) 3 4 Orly says:

Q. I was born in the Soviet Union. If I brought in

5 my forms and fee would I be on the ballot? 6

A. Yes, unless you were challenged. I would forward

7 it to the attorney general, if you were challenged. 8

They went back and forth on that for a while, and

9 then she got very excited and said: Here's my

10 challenge. You won't put it on the ballot now. Nothing 11 was done to it. It was swept under the rug. I have 85 12 pages showing fraud, forgery and -13 14 15

Then Chairman Cook says, "Ma'am. Ma'am -Q. Your testimony means nothing.

16 and you are supposed to be cross-examining." 17 18 Orly says:


23 24

19 all, does it? 20 21 22 challenge --

25 That's what the law says. If there's a challenge it

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Chairman Cook says, "-- You are testifying

Q. Your testimony does not relate to this case at

And the poor Assistant Secretary of State says,?

A. I don't know how to answer that. If there was no

Q. You got 85 pages of challenges. A. That's why this is in front of the commission.

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1 goes to the commission. 2

Then they asked for other questions, and a

3 gentleman next to me, who did not say what his name was 4 said, a check is not lawful money. 5

Someone else stood up at the same time, with

6 another something, and Chairman Cook said one witness at 7 a time. Only one witness at a time. 8

The first guy started getting into a check is not

9 lawful money. 10

Chairman Cook says, there's a case on that later,

11 isn't there? 12 13 And he says yes.

Chairman Cook stated, we're not going to hear

14 that. One case at a time. 15

16 And Mr. Cook said no. 17

18 sure. I'd hate to disappoint you.


23 24

22 treason.


20 a thousand dollars? He lied, he committed fraud. You 21 have a duty to investigate forgery, elections fraud and

25 final argument in this case is a matter of jurisdiction.

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The gentleman says, can I make a quick point?

Then Orly says, if I may, and Chairman Cook says,

She said, are you going to sell your country for

(And the crowd applauded.) The counsel for the Secretary of State said the

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What is the jurisdiction of the commission? In a

2 comes from RSA 7 and RSA 655. We ask for copies of the 3 form, which Biden brought in, and the fee. The 4 president swears that he complies with the 5 qualifications in Article II Section 3. 6 7 Then he rested.

Chairman Cook said, "The hearing is closed." We

8 are deliberating with our lawyer in another room. 9

So they go away and, at that point, the crowd was

10 milling about congratulating Orly and whatever. 11

Meanwhile, over in the corner by the Secretary of

12 State's desk, where the Secretary of State's staff was 13 sitting, the state reps from New Hampshire were 14 surrounding them. I think there were about five state 15 reps from New Hampshire. 16

17 came and sat next to me, and I decided I'd better move 18 to the back, because I can't take notes with Orly




19 sitting next to me, so I got up and moved. Everybody's attention is drawn to these strong

21 words and yelling come from around the Secretary of 22 State's desk. They're all going to go over to the 23 Secretary of State's office, (the actual Secretary of 24 State wasn't there just assistants and the counsel) to 25 find out why Obama can be on the ballot since he's not

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I was sitting next to Orly at the beginning. She

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1 constitutionally eligible. "After all, an Egyptian was 2 on the ballot a couple of years ago, and he was 3 stricken, so there's precedent for this. 4

They didn't give any case number or what this was

5 about, though it was definitely an Egyptian who was born 6 in Egypt. 7

There may be more about that. That's, like, the

8 newest thing I'd heard. 9

They came back about five minutes and Chairman

10 Cook said the commission has concerns about

11 jurisdiction. We're not a criminal investigatory body. 12 We're not the attorney general. We're not a federal 13 court. Our jurisdiction comes from RSA 655, and he 14 listed others off. 15

16 read us the law and tell us what the law is on this. So 17 the attorney then had the book open and read what the 18 law was, and basically -- then Chairman Cook said




19 basically what they do is they determine was the 20 candidacy filed in the proper format, was the fee paid, 21 does everything comply with what the law says. That's 22 our jurisdiction. Do we have a motion? And then one of the women

24 made the motion to accept Barack Obama's Declaration of 25 Candidacy for placement on the ballot. Another

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We'd like the attorneys for the commission to

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1 seconded. How many voted yes? All five of them voted 2 yes. How many voted no? None of them. 3

At which point the crowd went wild. "Traitors!!

4 Shame!! Rip off the Constitution, why don't you? 5 Treason!! It's not over. 6

And then Chairman Cook banged his table. He had

7 no gavel, just his knuckles, and he said, "You are out

8 of order." At which point half the crowd yelled, "No. 9 You're out of order." 10

The bailiff (or security) came in at that point.

11 He's a very tall gentleman. He started ushering people 12 out into the hall. 13 14

The commission tried to call the next case. Someone shouted, "You'd better not show your face

16 a mask. Cowards. The Constitution was written by and 17 for honorable men. There's none here today." 18 It continued out into the hallway. Everybody



20 next. 21

19 was, at that point, trying to figure out what to do

22 this. Somebody brought up that she should take it to 23 the Supreme Court. Lots of people got excited by the idea of filling

25 out forms for Hugo Chavez and taking up a collection for

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15 in the north country. If you come up, you'd better wear

Orly seemed pretty sure that this was the end for

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1 the thousand-dollar fee. And they were really getting 2 into that until someone pointed out the deadline has 3 passed. 4

So they said well, maybe the next state. Someone

5 else said that's $35,000. That's South Carolina. And 6 they said, "What's the next one then?" 7

Then security kept trying to shuffle people out,

8 and I left. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (End of report)




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