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Table of Contents
The Turnip28 Taster Campaign....... 4
Terrain................................................. 6
Scenarios.............................................. 7
A Long March..................................... 8
Spin the Wheel.................................... 9
Into the Breech.................................. 10
Chanterelle’s Disaster...................... 12
Slaughter at
Scrummford Bridge......................... 13
Burnt Toast........................................ 14
Gone Fishing..................................... 15
Steal the Bacon.................................. 17
The Beast of Boddlin Moor............. 18
On Thin Ice........................................ 19
Gift Wrapped.................................... 20
Grave Matters................................... 21
The Smile That Wins........................ 22
Mutations.......................................... 24
Balanced Play.................................... 25
Gratuitous Violence......................... 26
Mercenary Cults .............................. 38
Band of the Wurm............................ 40
March of the Proboscis.................... 42
The Wigmaker’s
Legacy................................................ 44
Lady Illiana’s
Guttersnipes...................................... 46
Wandering Morris............................ 48
Alice and Mol................................... 52

The Turnip28
Taster Campaign
Deep in the warrens of the Sallow Cartographer’s Guild, buried under a pile of dusty parchments, something

Turnip28 battlefields are as varied as the Followers which march over them, so it’s best to find a scenic spot to
grind your enemies into bloody ruin. Blasted farmland, crowded city streets, or huddled around a large fish, each
battlefield presents an aristocrat with a unique tactical and strategic challenge.

The Turnip28 Campaign: Sallow, is a work in progress. In this little Taster, we have: 6 new Mercenary Cults, 13
exciting Maps and 50 mutations for you to play with using the basic campaign system.

The Taster Campaign is designed to be played using v17 of the Core Rules.

Taster Campaign Rules Campaign Structure: The Turnip Taster Campaign is

broken down into 5 games. The first game will always
be played on the same map, while all successive games
“At last! Von Sneg, we found it!” will be played on maps chosen by its participants.
Coughing and spluttering, Weezel erupted from a
h Game 1: A Long March.
mountain of ancient charts, waving the remains of a
tattered map in hand. An avalanche of squirming toes Players always start the campaign with A Long March.
tumbled out of the scrolls in pursuit. This represents the Regiments meeting for the first time
after a long and arduous pilgrimage to Cist, and, in this
The Turnip Taster Campaign is played between two
case specifically, at the outskirts of the City of Sallow.
players as a best-of-five, with the first to win 3 out of
the 5 games crowned the victor, champion, and Lord Included in this map pack is an updated and upgraded
Turnip Master of All Vegetables until Tuesday. version of The Long March. It has been tweaked to
better achieve its aim of providing a well-rounded and
In the complete Turnip28 Campaign: Sallow, the
balanced experience for all Cults. You can find this
campaign will be broken down into “days” instead
along with all the new maps at the end.
of games, where multiple players can fight multiple
battles. This will help accommodate every Turnip
player’s schedule. The Taster campaign doesn’t quite h Game 2: Loser of Game 1’s Home Map.
have the luxury to account for such rapidity of play, so Starting with the second game, the loser of the previous
in the meantime please use this structure. game will have a chance to play on one of their home
maps, as you can see below.

h Game 3: Loser of Game 2’s Home Map.

h Game 4: Loser of Game 3’s Home Map.

h Game 5: Loser of Game 4’s Home Map.

Home Maps: Home maps are scenarios specifically The Following scenarios are designed to be played on a
picked by the players before the campaign in the map 36”x36” board. The diagrams, while close, may not be
draft, and usually benefit their Cult’s playstyle. A home to scale.
map can only be chosen once and cannot be played
more than once in any campaign. Players may choose Remember: Turnip terrain rules are only rough
to play their home maps in any order. guidelines, please feel free to create weird and
wonderful pieces to play on.
In the larger campaign (Sallow), players will collect lots
of home maps as they progress through the campaign, Key:
increasing their options and their ability to surprise
their opponent. h Objectives: Objectives are represented by red disks
with a number on them.
Map Drafting: Not all Regiments are equally suited
to every scenario, so even the most incompetent h Deployment Zones: Deployment zones are
commanders will make sure to pick advantageous indicated by a hatched area, usually labeled A and
fields of battle when out on campaign. B for each player.

The map draft always occurs after Cults have been h Terrain: The four types of terrain are indicated
chosen, but before any games have been played. To by illustrations with white outlines. Defensible
begin the map draft, players roll off. The winner of this terrain could be represented by crumbling
roll is player A and the loser is player B. buildings and farmsteads; Cover by gabions, walls,
or teeth; and Dangerous terrain may be represented
Players A and B will proceed to pick their home maps by patches of marshland or gaping maws.
using the following order:
For example, in the scenario A Long March, the
Pick: A, B, B, A, A, B. dangerous terrain is shown as pieces of boggy ground
with white outlines, while the piece of defensible
Once a map has been picked, it cannot be picked again terrain is represented by an eel farm with a white
by either player. This means that at the end of the map outline.
draft, each player will have 3 unique home maps.
This is not an exhaustive list and, if there is any
After players have picked their home maps, each confusion, players should check the scenario
player will then ban one of their opponent’s maps. This description.
banned map cannot be used for this campaign, leaving
both players with 2 maps each. Some pieces of terrain will be noted as Impassable or
have other special rules. This will be detailed in the
Building your Regiment: Campaign Regiments are scenario descriptions
built like any other, with one exception. Campaign
Regiments must pick one Cult and stick with it—a
player may not change their Cult once the campaign
starts for any reason. Apart from sticking to a single
Cult, a player is free to customise their Regiment as
much as they like before a battle, so long as they obey
the limits agreed upon by both players.

Mutations and the Taster Campaign: Players may

also wish to add Mutations to their Taster Campaign.
Included in an attached document are the WIP rules for
adding mutations to your games.

Brushing a few toes from the corners of toad-worn velum,

Weezel unfurled the manuscript. Glittering in the tallow
light, the word “Cist” shone in beguiling gold script. Decorative Terrain: Any terrain not outlined is there
Sprawled out before the pair lay the most comprehensive map to inspire your own boards and is purely decorative.
ever created—the fabled ‘A Rambling Guide to Cist.’ Players are encouraged to liven up their boards with
small pieces of decorative terrain. For example, in the
What’s Missing?: The full Turnip campaign, in
scenario A Long March, the hay bales are there for
addition to including 17 new maps and over 100
decoration, while the gabion barricades, with the white
mutations, will give players the opportunity to
outlines, represent pieces of cover.
adventure in and around Sallow. Just wait and see.
Board Quarters: To find a board quarter, divide the
board equally into 4 squares, 18”x18” each. Sometimes
a rule may ask you to find a centre. To do this, draw an
imaginary line from each opposite corner; the centre
will be where these lines intersect.

Terrain Defensible Terrain: Sunken row houses, ancient
overgrown forts, or an outhouse covered in spikes. Any
6”x6” area that offers heavy protection is classified as
The battlefields of Turnip28 are muddy marshlands defensible terrain.
scattered with sunken houses, blistered with tussocks,
and enthusiastically coloured with the sprouting of root Units shooting at targets wholly within defensible
vegetables. terrain receive a +1 to their Inaccuracy.
It is not uncommon to see a relic of the past, an overgrown Units that are the target of shooting attacks while in
bastille, or the ruins of a shattered castle looming out of the defensible terrain are considered to have Fearless (see
mist. These, however, are long past their glory days and page 19).
barely provide enough defense to hold together in a strong
The toes dash inside a mug as Weezel gets his tweezers.
Terrain is not a unit or a model, but a specific area
Defensible terrain only offers protection and Fearless
representing the environment of the Turnip28 world. against shooting attacks. If you want to oust a stubborn
Terrain pieces have rough size recommendations, but unit from defensible terrain, you’re going to have to
players are encouraged to place visual flair above all else. charge.

Players are encouraged to add noninteractive elements.

A few tufts on a base can do a lot to break up a barren Dangerous Terrain: Dangerous terrain should be
table. These are not terrain for gameplay purposes and represented by an area of about 9”x9”and could be a
should be distinguishable as such. leech swamp, root pit, or the ever popular and humble
bog. Any area which may pose a threat to adventuring
Models and Terrain: Models can be placed on any Regiments counts as dangerous terrain.
part of a piece of Cover, Defensible, or Dangerous
terrain, unless it is physically impossible. Units that move across dangerous terrain must take a
dangerous terrain test.
It is encouraged that players make their terrain pieces
open and accessible to models to make gameplay A unit must take a test every time it moves over a
smoother. piece of dangerous terrain. The test is taken after every
model in the unit has moved.
Terrain and Charging Units: A unit that stands and
shoots a charging unit that is moving from or through A model is considered to have moved across dangerous
any piece of cover or defensible terrain does not suffer terrain if any part of its base has moved over any part
the Inaccuracy penalty. of the terrain piece.

A unit does not take a dangerous terrain test simply

Types of Terrain: There are 4 types of terrain in
for existing within the terrain, but only when it decides
Turnip28. Some Cults may also have access to their
to move. This usually only applies to units deployed
own unique terrain pieces, such as the Tall Man.
within dangerous terrain at the start of a game, who are
Each scenario will tell the players which terrain to safe until they choose to move or are forced to retreat.
bring and how many. These are the following terrain

Cover: Representing the decaying walls, erected root

gabions, or any low obstacle. Typically cover is about
6” long and 1” wide and about chest height.

Units that shoot at targets with at least half of their

models behind and within 3” of a piece of cover receive Dangerous Terrain Tests: To perform a dangerous
+1 to their Inaccuracy. terrain test, roll a dice for every model in the unit. If the
result is an unmodified 1, remove that model the game.
Impassable Terrain: This includes complete
and fortified buildings or any unscalable natural If any model in the unit fails a dangerous terrain test,
formations, as well as the edge of the board. Impassable the unit receives a single panic token.
terrain should be no larger than 6”x6”, and cannot be Players may never break coherency when removing
moved through for any reason. casualties suffered from dangerous terrain tests.
Any unit that would move into base-to-base contact
with impassable terrain (including the table edge) as
Terrain Size: The sizes of terrain given above are only
guidelines. Players are encouraged to create terrain of
the result of a retreat, must remove a number of models
varying sizes and shapes.
equal to the number of panic tokens it has as they are
crushed or flee from the battlefield never to return.

Scenarios Objectives: Every scenario will present the players
with up to 5 objectives and instructions on how to place
them. These are represented by 40mm Objective Markers.
Every game of Turnip28 is played using one of several
scenarios. Capturing Objectives: All objectives on the table
start the game uncaptured and cannot be moved once
A scenario will provide the players with the table
the game has begun.
size, terrain layout, deployment rules, and victory
conditions required to play. An objective is a captured any time a Follower unit
ENDS its move within 1” of it. This may include as
Some scenarios will favour different play-styles, and
part a march, charge, or even a retreat.
each scenario comes with its own specific scenario
blunder that players will need to consider.
“Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle.”
Trouble in the Fog favours more aggressive
close-combat-focused Regiments, while Crossing the “That’s a bit obvious, isn’t it?”
Dredge will favour more defensive and ranged focused
Follower units never capture objectives during their
move. It is not enough to simply pass by an objective to
capture it. A player must capture the objective at the end
Table Size: The scenarios listed are designed to be of their move.
played on a 48”x48” board. Players should be able
to use other board sizes if the deployment zones are
adjusted so they are the same distance apart as shown. Once captured, an objective remains captured until the
end of the game unless it is captured by another player.
Terrain Layout: Each scenario will instruct the players
how to lay out the terrain for that game, as well as Only one objective can be captured at a time. If a unit
provide one possible example layout, via a diagram. moves within 1” of two or more objectives with one
move, the unit’s player must choose which objective is
When placing terrain and objectives, players always captured.
start with the player who has the Initiative (see page 9).
Objectives with units deployed within 1” are
Each layout is written as if each piece of terrain exactly considered captured.
matches the size guidelines given on page 19.
A player may not capture an objective if there is an
Turnip28 terrain represents the lumpy nature of Cist, enemy Follower unit within 1” of it. The objective
and it is understood that not all terrain is built equally. instead becomes uncaptured.
Players may find it useful to combine several smaller
pieces to represent a single piece of terrain, making An uncaptured objective with both players’ Follower
sure they are all within 3” of each other. units within 1” becomes captured immediately as soon
as there is only one unit within 1”. There is no need for
Deployment Rules: Depending on the scenario, the capturing unit to move.
players will have a set of deployment rules to follow,
telling them how and where they may place their units. Special Note: A unit may move across objectives, but
If the Scenario says it has “standard deployment,” may never finish a move on top of one.
it will follow the steps found on page 8 under
Deployment. Snobs can never capture objectives.

Victory Conditions: Every scenario comes with

Board Edges: Some rules may mention the player’s
its own set of victory conditions. If any of these are
board. A player’s board edge is the side of the board/
achieved by a player at any time, the game ends and
table closest to where they are sitting, assuming both
that player is victorious.
players are sitting opposite each other.

These would be the top and the bottom of

the boards for the Long March, Trouble in the
Fog, and Crossing the Dredge.

A Long March
Reduced to squeezing slugs for nourishment, they pushed Objectives:
onward into the valley. Would this be their final battle?
h Place one objective in the centre of each board
Board Size: 36”x 36” quarter and 1 in the centre of the board. This will
mean that at least 2 objectives will be wholly within
Terrain Layout: dangerous terrain and one will be wholly within
defensible terrain.
h Place one piece of defensible terrain in the centre
of the board, then place two pieces of dangerous Deployment: Standard.
terrain in the centres of 2 diagonally opposite board
quarters. Deployment Zones: 6” from the players’ board
edges: Areas A, B.
h Starting with the player with Initiative, both
players each place 1 piece of dangerous terrain Victory Conditions: The game ends after 4 rounds.
anywhere outside their deployment zone, but not The player who controls the most objective markers at
within 1” of any other piece of terrain. the end of the 4th round is the victor. If players control
the same number of objectives at the end of the 4th
h Both players then each place one piece of cover
round, the player who last captured an objective wins.
anywhere within 12” of the board edge, but not
within 1” of any other terrain piece. Headless Chicken: If at any time a player loses all
their Snobs, they lose the game and their opponent is

Scenario Blunder: The unit gives into its ravenous

hunger and removes D3 models. The unit then
performs the unblundered version of their order.
Models can and will eat themselves.

Remember: The Follower unit that scenario blunders

still receives 1 panic token.

Spin The Wheel
The haunting metronome of a long-forgotten torture device h Each objective generated in the same round must
sounds out in the marsh. The Regiments gather to scrap and be placed in a separate board quarter. Objectives
scavenge over illicit treasures thrown up by the spin of The Wheel can be placed in the same board quarter if they are
generated at the start of different rounds.
Board Size: 36”x 36”
Deployment: Standard.
Terrain Layout:
Deployment Zones: 6” from the players’ board
h Place one piece of impassable terrain roughly 9 edges: Areas A, B.
inches by 6 inches in diameter in the centre of the
board. This is The Wheel. Victory Conditions: The game ends after 4 rounds.
The player who controls the most objective markers at
Objectives: the end of the 4th round is the victor. If players control
the same number of objectives at the end of the 4th
The game starts without any objectives on the board. round, the player that last captured an objective wins.
The Wheel spits out objectives as it spins and the
objectives will be placed as the game progresses. Bountiful Harvest: If at any time a player is in
possession of all 5 objectives, they win.
h At the start of every round, the player with the
Initiative rolls a D3 and generates that many Scenario Blunder: The unit catches a glimpse of
objectives. The player with the Initiative then something shiny caught in the spokes of the great
chooses a board quarter for each objective. Their wheel, and the unit immediately retreats directly
opponent, the player WITHOUT the Initiative towards the wheel. After retreating and removing
then places each objective generated this way in its any models, the unit then performs the unblundered
chosen board quarter. version of their order.

h An objective can be placed anywhere within

a board quarter so long as it is within 10” of
The Wheel and not within 1” of any unit, other
objective or piece of terrain. If an objective cannot
be placed, it is not.

Into the Breach
The forlorn hope had been camped outside the walls since Eel Breach the Wall: At the start of the 3rd round, the
day, paralysed beneath the shadow of the parapet. A large wall has been breached! The piece of defensible terrain
group of heavily armoured petards jogged past. Horns blared, is now considered a piece of dangerous terrain. Any
drums rattled, and pipes squealed into life as the alarm went
units within the piece of terrain when the wall is
up. It was time.
breached must take a dangerous terrain test, and the
Board Size: 36”x 36” attacker may now cross the wall in two places.

Terrain Layout: To represent this newly created entrance, players

could use a gatehouse and open the gates, or swap the
Starting with the player with the Initiative, take turns defensible terrain with a crater.
placing the following terrain in an unbroken line down
the centre of the table, forming a wall spanning the Objectives: There are no objective markers in this
width of the table. game.
Deployment Zones: The Defender can set up
18” from their board edge A, including inside the
h 1 piece of defensible terrain.
defensible terrain. The attacker must set up within 6”
h 1 piece of dangerous terrain from their board edge B.

h Enough pieces of cover to complete the barricade. Victory Conditions: The game ends after 4 rounds.
The attacker is victorious if at any time they manage
If there are any gaps between pieces of cover and to march a unit into base-to-base contact with the
defensible terrain, they should be considered defender’s board edge A. If the Defender manages to
impassable by the attacker. prevent the attacker from achieving this by the end of
the game, the defender wins.
Siege: For this scenario, the players are split into
Defender A and Attacker B. The Attacker counts cover Headless Chicken: If at any time a player loses all
and defensible terrain as impassable. Both sides may their Snobs, they lose the game and their opponent is
move across the piece of dangerous terrain. victorious.

Deployment: Standard. Scenario Blunder: It’s been a long siege, both sides
are starving. Remove D3 models from the unit and
perform a blundered version of their order.

Chanterelle’s Disaster
“Chanterelle, give me back my legions!” Deployment: Standard.

Board Size: 36”x 36” Deployment Zones: 6” from the players’ board
edges: Areas A, B.
Terrain Layout:
Victory Conditions: The game ends after 4 rounds.
h Place enough dangerous terrain so there are two The player who controls the most objective markers at
separate strips of dangerous terrain running across the end of the 4th round is the victor. If players control
the table perpendicular to each player’s board the same number of objectives at the end of the 4th
edge. There should be a gap of at least 12” between round, the player who last captured an objective wins.
the two strips of terrain. The dangerous terrain
Bountiful Harvest: If at any time a player is in
should be placed at least 4” from any table edge.
possession of all 5 objectives, they win.
Scenario Blunder: The spores of the whispering
fungal forest disorientates the unit, and the unit
h Draw an imaginary line across the middle of the immediately retreats directly towards the closest table
board, running parallel to the players’ board edges. edge. After the unit retreats and any casualties are
Place 5 objectives along this line. One in the centre, removed, the unit performs the unblundered version of
two at each end of the line 2” away from the board their order.
edge, and two objectives diagonally opposite each
other 6” from the centre of the board.

Slaughter at
“Not one step back, you miserable cowards. All together now. Players continue to deploy Toadies and Followers until
On my command. Push!” they run out. Units removed as casualties cannot be
redeployed this way.
Board Size: 36”x 36”
If a unit cannot be placed this way, they are not placed.
Terrain Layout:
If a Cult needs to place a terrain piece or unit whose
base is larger than 6” and cannot fit on the paths, it is
h This board’s layout is somewhat unique. Players
instead not placed and cannot be used.
will need to create a distinctive area consisting
of two 6” wide, 36” long paths that intersect each
Deployment Zones: 12” from the players’ board
other along both lateral centre lines to form a
edges: Areas A, B.
cross-shaped path. Everything outside the path is
considered impassable terrain. Victory Conditions: The game ends after 4 rounds.
The player who controls the most objective markers at
Objectives: the end of the 4th round is the victor. If players control
the same number of objectives at the end of the 4th
h Place 5 objectives on the board: 1 objective in the round, the player who last captured an objective wins.
centre, and 1 at the end of each path, 2” from the
board edge. Bountiful Harvest: If at any time a player is in
possession of all 5 objectives, they win.
Deployment: Starting with the player with the
initiative, players deploy their Toff and two Follower Scenario Blunder: The unit is becoming increasingly
units on the board in their deployment zone. nervous, as unseen battle rages around them. The
Follower unit receives 2 panic tokens in addition
h At the start of every round after the first, starting to the usual 1 (+3 panic tokens), then performs the
with the player with the Initiative, players deploy 1 unblundered version of their order.
Toady and 1 Follower unit anywhere on the paths,
so long as they are within 6” of a board edge and
not within 1” of any other unit.
Burnt Toast
“I hope Ergot’s ok.” Burning Down the House: At the start of the 3rd
round, remove the central piece of impassable terrain
Board Size: 36”x 36” (on the diagram, the one with smoking chimney)
and place the last objective in the centre of the board.
Terrain Layout: Players can now move and see through the space it
used to occupy and try to capture the objective.
h Place 3 pieces of impassable terrain in the centre of
the board, creating a continuous line of impassable Deployment: Standard.
terrain running across the board’s centre line,
parallel to the players’ board edges. The pieces of Deployment Zones: 6” from the players’ board
impassable terrain should be at least 6” away from edges: Areas A, B.
any table edge and, if possible, in base-to-base
Victory Conditions: The game ends after 4 rounds.
contact with each other. The pieces of impassable
The player who controls the most objective markers at
terrain should completely block line of sight. If
the end of the 4th round is the victor. If players control
there are any gaps between the buildings, these
the same number of objectives at the end of the 4th
gaps are also considered impassable and block line
round, the player who last captured an objective wins.
of sight.
Headless Chicken: If at any time a player loses all
The diagram uses fortified buildings as impassable, their Snobs, they lose the game and their opponent is
line of sight–blocking terrain, but players could use victorious.
cliffs, fortified walls, or any large terrain pieces that
create a barrier. Scenario Blunder: The unit is becoming increasingly
nervous as they try to remember if they left the stove
Objectives: on. The Follower unit receives 2 panic tokens in
addition to the usual 1 (+3 panic tokens), then performs
h Place 4 objectives in the centre of each board the unblundered version of their order.
quarter and reserve a 5th for the 3rd round.

Gone Fishing
Bayonets slashed orifices open as the Regiments stumbled Deployment: Starting with the player with the
out of the innards and into the light. Brief memories of aged Initiative, players deploy their Toff and two Follower
fishmongers and impressively large halibuts flashed through units on the board in the deployment zone.
the Toffs’ hungover corneas.
At the start of every round after the first, starting with
Board Size: 36”x 36” the player with the Initiative, players deploy 1 of their
remaining Toadies and one Follower units anywhere in
Terrain Layout: the deployment zone, not within 1” of any other unit.
Units removed as casualties cannot be redeployed this
h The Regiments have both been swallowed by a way. If a unit cannot be placed this way, they are not
large fish. Place said fish in the centre of the board. placed.
The fish should cover an area of at least 6”x4”. The
fish is considered impassable terrain. Deployment Zones: The deployment zone is a
square area in the centre of the board with its 4 corners
h Starting with the player with the Initiative, players in the centre of each board quarter. This area is marked
take turns placing 1 piece of dangerous terrain in out by the 4 objectives.
each board quarter. No piece of dangerous terrain
may be placed within 6” of the Fish. Victory Conditions: The game ends after 4 rounds.
The player who controls the most objective markers at
Objectives: the end of the 4th round is the victor. If players control
the same number of objectives at the end of the 4th
h Place an objective in the centre of each board quarter. round, the player who last captured an objective wins.

At the end of the 3rd round, after deploying any Papillote’s Gambit: A player is victorious and the
units, the last objective is vomited out of the fish. game ends if they manage to force their opponent’s
The player with the Initiative chooses a board Toff to retreat into the fish and perish.
quarter. Once the board quarter has been chosen,
the player without the Initiative must place the Scenario Blunder: Finding the cold reality of the
last objective anywhere in that board quarter. outside world to be too much, the unit retreats directly
Objectives cannot be placed within 1” of any unit, back towards the fish. After the unit has retreated and
terrain piece, or other objective this way. any casualties or fishy slime has been removed, the unit
performs its the unblundered version of their order.
Steal the Bacon
“What do you mean she’s eaten all the objectives?” Deployment: Standard.

Board Size: 36”x 36” Deployment Zones: An 18” square from the
right- hand-corner of a player’s board edge. For
Terrain Layout: example, areas A, B.

h Each Player places a piece of dangerous in their Victory Conditions: The game ends after 4 rounds.
opponent’s deployment zone. The player who controls The Bacon at the end of the
4th round is the victor. If The Bacon is uncaptured at
Objectives: A prized swine, The Bacon, is considered the end of the 4th round, the player who captured The
all 5 objectives at once and, as usual, can be captured Bacon most recently wins the game.
if a unit moves within 1” of her. Players should use a
40mm token to represent The Bacon. Scenario Blunder: Some foolish Follower has
spooked her. The Bacon retreats 2D6” directly away
h Place The Bacon in the centre of the board. from the blundering unit. The unit then performs the
unblundered version of its order.
Passed by Pigs: At the start of a round, The Bacon
retreats 2D6” in a random direction as if she were a

If a unit within 6” of The Bacon is forced to retreat, after

the retreat has been resolved, The Bacon also retreats
2D6” in a random direction.

It is recommended players use a dice with arrows on

each face to determine which direction The Bacon runs.

The Beast of Boddlin Moor
“What is that thing?” Root Horror: The root horror is considered an enemy
unit, and has the following profile.
Board Size: 36”x 36”

Terrain Layout: Root Horror (1 Model)

BaseSize: 80mm/160mm
h Place an unbroken line of dangerous terrain 9”
from an unclaimed board edge so that it divides M A I W V
the board into two (illustrated in the diagram by 12” 3D6 6+ 24 6+
the river).
The Root Horror is considered to be equipped with
h Place an enormous Root Horror in the centre of the Close Combat weapons.
larger half of the board.
Thoughts: At the start and end of every round, the
More Scared of the Swamp: The Root Horror can Root Horror attempts to charge the nearest unit.
never move into or cross the river during the game.
Feelings: The Root Horror never receives panic
Objectives: tokens.

h Place one objective in the centre of the board.

Victory Conditions: The game ends after 4 rounds.
Players take turns placing 2 objectives in the The player who controls the most objectives at the end
smaller half of the board, and 2 objectives in the of the 4th round is the victor.
larger half of the board, outside of the players’
deploymet zones and not within 1” of the Root Headless Horror: If a player manages to kill Root
Horror or a piece of dangerous terrain. Horror, they win the game.

Deployment: Standard. Scenario Blunder: The Root Horror Attempts

to charge the blundering unit. If the charge is
Deployment Zones: 6” from the players’ board successful, and the unit survives, the unit performs the
edges: Areas A, B. unblundered version of their order.

On Thin Ice
A swine, performing its ablutions in a nearby hot spring did Victory Conditions: The game ends after 4 rounds.
not notice the Regiments forming up to do battle on the ice.
At the end of each round, a player earns 1 point for
Board Size: 36”x 36” each objective they control. At the end of the 4th round,
the player with the most points is the victor. If players
Deployment: Standard. have an equal number of points, the player who
controls the most objectives at end of the game wins.
Deployment Zones: 18” from the right-hand-corner
of a player’s board edge. For example, areas A, B. Headless Chicken: If at any time a player loses all
their Snobs, they lose the game and their opponent is
Terrain Layout: victorious.

h Place 1 piece of dangerous terrain in the centre Scenario Blunder: The ice cracks! Helpless idiots
of the board and another in the centre of an plunge into the freezing water below. For the rest of the
unoccupied board quarter (not containing A or B). round, the entire table is considered dangerous terrain.

Objectives: The unit then performs the unblundered version of

their order.
h Place 1 objective in the centre of the board and 1
objective in the centre of each unoccupied board Remember: Units that scenario blunder receive a panic
quarter. token.

h Players take turns placing the remaining objectives

within 6” of a objective not within a piece of
dangerous terrain (objective 3).

Gift Wrapped
Happy Birthday! Unfortunately Tod has been put in charge Placing Presents: Shuffle the presents so neither
of the presents. player knows what they contain.

Board Size: 36”x 36” h Place 1 present inside each piece of dangerous
Terrain Layout:
h The player with the Initiative places the remaining
h Place 1 piece dangerous terrain in the centre of each gifts in a pleasing pattern on the board.
board quarter.
Deployment: Standard.
Deployment Zones: 6” from the players’ board
Presents: 5 objectives and 7 horrific surprises have been edges: Areas A, B.
gift-wrapped by the generous toad man. Players will
need twelve 40mm present tokens. Each present token Victory Conditions: The game ends after 4 rounds.
must have a mark on the bottom to show its contents: a The player who controls the most objective markers at
number for each objective and a skull for a surprise. the end of the 4th round is the victor. If players control
the same number of objectives at the end of the 4th
Unwrapping Presents: If a unit ends a move within 1” round, the player who last captured an objective wins.
of a present, flip the token over to reveal if it contains
an objective or a surprise. Bountiful Harvest: If at any time a player is in
possession of all 5 objectives, they win.
h If the present contains an objective, the objective is
captured; treat the present token as an objective for Scenario Blunder: Your Followers have unwisely
the rest of the game. decided to help themselves to a slice of cake; Remove
h If the present contains a surprise, the unit must take D3 models. The unit then performs their unblundered
a dangerous terrain test and remove the token from order normally.
the board.

Grave Matters
The Regiment was busy opening ribcages when the picket Terrain Layout:
burst into the graveyard with news of more body-snatchers
on the horizon. h Players take turns placing a piece of dangerous
terrain on board making sure its placed outside of
Board Size: 36”x 36” the Defenders deployment zone A and not within
3” of the table edge.
Deployment: Players split themselves into Attackers
and Defenders, with the player with the Initiative Objectives:
having first choice.
h Place 1 objective in the centre of the board and 1
h The Defender deploys their Toff and half their objective in each piece of dangerous terrain.
Followers (rounding up) in deployment zone A.
h Players take turns to place 1 objective outside the
h After the Defender has deployed, the Attacker Defenders deployment zone A and not within 6” of
deploys their units on the board within 6” of a another objective or the board edge.
board edge, and not within 1” of another unit.
Scenario Blunder: Bored and looking for roots, your
h At the start of the 2nd round, the Defender places Followers have dug up a few corpses. These lifeless
their remaining units on the board within 6” of a husks have been swiftly pressed into service by the
board edge, and not within 1” of another unit. enemy!

Deployment Zones: The Defender’s Deployment Your opponent may return D3 slain models to a single
Zone A is a 12” square in the centre of board. unit. Doing so may not exceed that unit’s initial unit
The Attacker may deploy their units within 6” of any of
the board edges. Victory Conditions: The game ends after 4 rounds.
The player who controls the most objective markers at
the end of the 4th round is the victor. If players control
the same number of objectives at the end of the 4th
round, the player who last captured an objective wins.

The Smile That Wins
The Regiments have somehow ended up in your mouth. Victory Conditions: The game ends after 4 rounds.

Board Size: 36”x 36” At the end of each round, a player earns 1 point for
each objective they control. At the end of the 4th
Deployment: Standard. round, the player with the most points is the victor. If
players have an equal number of points, the player that
Deployment Zones: An 18” square from the controls the most objectives at end of the game wins.
right-hand-corner of a player’s board edge. For
example, areas A, B. Bountiful Harvest: If at any time a player is in
possession of all 5 objectives, they win.
Terrain Layout:
Scenario Blunder: Insidious plaque starts to form
h Place 1 piece dangerous terrain in the centre of the around your lolly-gagging Followers’ feet. A small tooth
board. man can be seen laughing manically behind some gums.

h Players take turns placing 1 piece of dangerous Reduce the Movement (M) of your unit to 0” for
terrain anywhere outside the players’ deployment the rest of the game. The unit then performs the
zones and not within 3” of another piece of unblundered version of their order.
dangerous terrain or the board edge.
Players may wish to use a token to remind themselves
h Each player takes turns placing 2 pieces of cover in
of this scenario blunder’s effect.
their deployment zone.

h Place an objective in the centre of the board.
h Place an objective in the centre of each board

Mutations Mutating Your Snobs: Each mutation will physically
alter your Toff, as described in its flavour text. Players
are thoroughly encouraged to model each and every
This is a taste of the Campaign Mutation chart. The first mutation. After a few games, players will have created
third: Gratuitous Violence. a one-of-a-kind, aristocratic monstrosity.
Miraculous root flesh calls out with promises of power
beyond imagining. Every bite is a dance with divinity or To use this WIP chart, randomly generate a number
destruction. Through appalling taste and foul magicks, between 1 and 50, find the mutation on the chart, and
powers yet unknown coalesce into being. follow the instructions. Mutate once before each battle,
including the first, leaving enough time to model the
In the Turnip28 Campaign, your Toff will undergo a results and note down the mutation’s effects.
series of mutations as they seek out and consume rare
root vegetables. Eagerly scoffing their plunder before Some players may wish to generate and model all the
each battle, your Toff will usually mutate 3 to 4 times mutations beforehand, unlocking them as games are
before the end of a Campaign. played. Players wishing to do this should make note of
which order they were generated and only gain access
Gratuitous Violence: This preview features 50 of the to new mutations before the corresponding battle.
total 150 unique mutations, each with their own special
rules and effects. In this preview, we will be looking Each mutation, unless specifically stated otherwise,
at the Gratuitous Violence section which focuses on can only be gained once by each Toff. If you generate
Melee-themed mutations. the same mutation a second time, roll again until you
generate a new unique mutation. A mutation may have
multiple outcomes, but it can still only be generated once.

Mutation Types: In the Mutation chart, there are

three types of mutations: Normal, Equipment, and Pets.

Normal Mutations: These hideous transformations

only ever affect the Toff generating the mutation. They
cannot be given to other units in the Regiment unless
specifically stated otherwise.

Equipment Mutations: Bizarre weapons made of root

flesh and dreams, these mutations act in the same way
as a Snob’s Equipment in the Core Rules.

When building a Regiment, any Snob (Toffs, Toadies,

and Cult-Specific Snobs) can be equipped with an
Equipment mutation. A Snob can only ever take one
type of Equipment, mutation or otherwise, and so an
Equipment mutation will overwrite a Snob’s usual
Pistols and Sabres.

A Snob may be given an Equipment mutation even if

that Snob did not generate the mutation for themselves.
Followers can never be equipped with Equipment

Pet Mutations: Mascots and strange creatures, Pet

mutations can be given to ANY unit in the Regiment
before the battle to provide the unit with special
bonuses. Pets cannot be transferred during battle, and
are removed from play if their unit is destroyed. They
are not Equipment, models, or units themselves, and
act only as transferable special rules and as tokens to
represent their special effects. Players are encouraged
to model each pet, adding flavour and spectacle to your
Regiment as they march alongside their favorite units.

Special Mutations will be clearly listed either as:

(EQUIPMENT) or (PET), while all others are
considered Normal mutations.

Balanced Play Before the first game, all players in the Campaign
should decide whether they are all only going to be
using Balanced Play (and only the first 10 mutations) or
Balanced Play: Players looking for a more tightly have access to the full 50.
controlled and tactical experience may wish to use
a variant of the Mutation Chart. The first ten of
Mutations of each section have been specifically Toes came hurtling down the chimney carrying a collection of
designed for balanced play. If ALL players agree, then strange root vegetables; they landed in the hearth with a thud.
players may play using the Balanced Play variant.
“Nice to see you again, Sneg.” Said Weezel.
Balanced Play allows players to pick their choice of
mutation every time they mutate. However, they may The Toes wriggled with excitement. They had been on quite the
only pick from the first 10 mutations in each section
and never choose any others. In addition to these Balanced Play has been tested with 3 or 4 mutations in
restrictions, the first ten mutations are split into three mind. This is the sweet spot for an engaging experience
sections, locking off abilities until a certain number of without overloading the game with special rules.
games have been played.

Players using Balanced Play must only ever pick a Special Rules: A full explanation of all special rules
mutation if their Snob meets the requirements. For mentioned in every mutation can be found at the end
example, a Toff must have taken part in at least ONE of the Mutation Chart.
battle to use the Cavernous Maw mutation located in
the Somewhat Capable section. They don’t have to Good luck, and save room for pudding.
survive the battle, they just had to have taken part in it.

Players should agree on a set number of mutations

before they play. If a player wishes to pick and model
the mutations ahead of time, it is doubly important that
they note down the order in which they gained them,
so that they do not use mutations to which they should
not have access.

Gratuitous Violence
Gratuitous Violence: Mutations 1 to 50
The Snob’s skin became tough, leathery, and full of carbohydrates. Stronger than steel, and slightly better on toast. Mutations
of slaughter, murder, and close quarters combat.

The Steady Advance of Rootflesh: Every time a Snob mutates from the Gratuitous Violence section, increase
the Snob’s Wounds Characteristic (W) by 1.

Balanced Mutations: 1 to 10

Green­Under the Gills:

No Battles Fought.
h 3. Tuberous Tendrils: Prehensile roots fold out
h 1. Fusiform Protuberance: The lingering of the Snob’s distended pores.
peppery aftertaste is small comfort, as knotted tap
roots split skin and sinew. Rootflesh arms erupt Increase the Attack characteristic (A) of this
from every part of the Snob’s body. unit by 2.

Your Snob gains D3 new arms. Each new arm h 4. Regeneration: An almost everyday meal for
increases the Snob’s Attack characteristic (A) the most violent of campaigners, this root helps
by 1. regrow lost limbs and patch up severed kneecaps.

Uncommonly Common: You may undergo When a Snob undergoes this mutation, they
this mutation more than once. may either:

h 2. Cringing Vermiform: This squirming root Remove D3 Injuries: The Snob recovers from
resembles a many-segmented worm. Ingesting this the injuries. The body parts return to their
root causes the Snob’s limbs to flop to the ground original condition, though somewhat more
and wriggle away. The Snob’s body is now that of rooty, and all effects from the injuries are
a worm. removed.

Remove ALL the Snob’s limbs. The Snob’s Sprout Root Limbs: The Snob may grow D6
Movement (M) and Attacks (A) characteristics root limbs. These new pseudo-limbs can be of
become 0 and the Snob gains a number of the player’s choosing (arms or legs), but do not
worm tokens at the start of every battle equal change or remove any characteristic changes
to the number of limbs lost this way. that may have occurred thus far.

For example, if a three-legged Snob became For example, a Snob who has lost all its limbs
worm-bodied, they would gain 5 worm tokens after eating the Cringing Verimform will still
at the start of every battle. A Snob keeps this have an (M) and (A) of 0, even though they
ability even if they grow new limbs. may have grown upwards of 6 new limbs.

Worm Tokens: For each worm token, increase Uncommonly Common: You may undergo
a unit’s Attack characteristic (A) by 2 and this mutation more than once.
increase their Movement characteristic (M) by
2”. Worm tokens are discarded at the end of a

Somewhat Capable: Almost Groglike:
At Least 1 Battle Fought. At Least 2 Battles Fought.
h 5. Cavernous Maw: With just one bite of this h 8. Bacillus (PET): Floating just out of reach,
smiling root vegetable, the Snob’s torso splits open. drifting through the powder smoke, this ominous
Awful tears run down the Snob’s body, dividing pork pie hovers above the battle. What caused this
into giant mouths bristling with peg-like teeth. pastry to shuffle off the chains of gravity and ascend
is of much debate between the nomadic Piehoarders
Increase the Snob’s Attack characteristic (A) of Cist.
by +1.
Exasperating Hunger: Bacillus always
Devour: The unit’s huge mouth can snap manages to scoot out of reach, tauntingly
bones and chew through plate armour. Each showering starving troops with crumbs as it
time a unit with Devour rolls an unmodified leads them through the fog.
6 to hit in melee, remove a single model from
the enemy unit. This casualty is in addition to A unit with Bacillus may pick any target in
any normal wounds caused by the roll. The range and line of sight for their Charge, not just
devoured model’s remaining wounds are not the closest.
counted when finding out winners and losers.
h 9. Monty’s Carbuncle: The Snob stands alone
in a pool of blood, gore, and shattered enemies, their
h 6. Scuttler’s Tidbits: Overturning a few rocks lower half replaced with one enormous foot.
in Sallow’s dry harbour, a Snob might discover
a baby Scuttler. Served with butter, this root Increase the Snob’s Attack characteristic (A) by
crustacean can bring on myriad of effects. 2D6.

Roll a D6: Remember: A single giant foot is not a limb.

1-3. Pincers: The Snob’s fingers knit together and h 10. The Funeral Toll (EQUIPMENT): A
harden into a pair of razor sharp claws. gargantuan bell, studded with spikes and littered
with promissory notes. Its knell calls out to the
Increase the Snob’s Attack characteristic (A) creatures of the earth.
by 3.
The Funeral Toll: “Bring out yer worms!”
4-6. Chitin: A jelly-like membrane stretches out
along the Snob’s back, pulsating slowly before Units equipped with the Funeral Toll increase
solidifying into an impenetrable crustacean’s their Attack characteristic (A) by 1.
Determined Charge: A unit equipped with the
Decrease the Snob’s Vulnerability Funeral Toll may choose to re-roll their charge
characteristic (V) by 3. distance dice. If a player chooses to re-roll their
charge distance, both dice must be re-rolled
Enhance (Additional Limbs): If you wish, you and they must accept the new result.
may Enhance this mutation by consuming a
single limb from another Snob you control. Debts Owed: One per game, at the start of the
Your Snob will gain two vestigial limbs in round, if the unit equipped with this weapon
addition to any of the above effects. These is still on the table, you may convert ALL panic
limbs are too pathetic to provide any bonuses tokens and powder smoke tokens belonging
by themselves, but still count as limbs. to ALL friendly units into worm tokens.
These worm tokens (see page 26) belong to
For every Leg eaten, reduce the owner’s their respective units and adjust the units’
Movement Characteristic (M) by 2”. For every characteristics accordingly.
Arm eaten, increase the victim’s Inaccuracy
characteristic (I) by 1.

h 7. Stomach-Faced: A raging face coalesces in

the Snob’s stomach, incessantly barking orders to
kill and maim and rip and tear and strangle and
gouge and eat and...cough…fight.

Units ordered by this Snob make 3 additional

melee attacks in each bout.

h 11. Shield Bearers: Erupting from beneath the h 15. Portly: The Snob has eaten several platters of the
Snob’s feet and hoisting them into the air come the most delicious roasted roots and, while it’s not much of a
Shield Bearers, two grotesque root humanoids and mutation, they have happily gained a few pounds.
their ancient shield. Terrified of upsetting these foul
and violent creatures, the Snob stands trapped and, Increase the Snob’s Wounds characteristic (W) by 1.
somewhat convincingly, atop the new fighting platform.
Roll two more times on the Mutation Chart to see
Increase the Snob’s Attack characteristic (A) by 4. what else was hidden in the platter.

The Snob gains Exposed h 16. Sunk in the Soil: After eating this particular
peaty vegetable, the Snob feels at one with their rooty
Exposed: Units with Exposed can be targeted even brethren. They absolutely insist on being buried up to
if they aren’t the closest. They still must be in range the waist in soil at all times and must be carried around
and line of sight. in a container.

h 12. Extra Leg: Usually found on the back or shoulder, Reduce the Snob’s Movement characteristic (M) to 0.
and rarely functional.
The Snob gains: Marsh Born.
The Snob grows an extra leg.
Marsh Born: This unit automatically passes any
Any benefits granted by the leg are outweighed by dangerous terrain tests it must take.
the difficulty of finding appropriate tailoring.

Remember: legs are in fact limbs.

h 13: Nailor’s Relish: Wracked with visions and

driven to strange mutterings, the Snob begins
hammering heavy iron nails into their body.

These mystical wards forced into the Snob’s flesh

decrease the Snob’s Vulnerability characteristic (V)
by 2.

h 14. Horns of the Skirret: Rooty growths made from

a blend of horn and root-flesh burst from the Snob’s

Roll a D3 to determine the growths:

• 1. A Single Horn: The rusted metal plate is forced

upwards into an enormous spike of flesh, root, and

Increase the Snob’s Attack characteristic (A) by 3.

• 2. A Pair of Root Tusks: Rootish tendrils sprout

through the Snob’s visor, hardening into terrifying
bladed tusks.

Increase the Snob’s Attack characteristic (A) by 4.

• 3. Is That an Arm?: Root and flesh feel their way

through bone and metal to emerge from the Snob’s
forehead, before flopping down like an embarrassing

Increase the Snob’s Attack characteristic (A) by 1.

This new arm is considered an additional limb.

h 17. Bumblers: Though scrumptious on toast, root h 18. Root Hair: Potent stuff, root-snuff. A spluttering,
bee honey can produce some curious mutations in its violent sneeze causes the Snob to sprout an almighty,
addicts. bristling mane of tendrils, moss, and dirt.

Roll a D6: Plucking Hairs: Every time the Snob suffers a

wound they immediately gain a worm token (see
• 1. Beekeeper’s Hood. Completely hooked on the page 26).
golden nectar, the Snob dons a beekeeper’s hood and
cowl. The Snob’s followers can hear a soft buzzing h 19. Baleful Sockets: Squeezing the moisture from
coming from under the mask. this root into the Snob’s pupils shrivels their eyes to dark
pits, swallowing metal and flesh as the holes seemingly
Immune to Poison. vanish into nothing.

Poison: A unit that is successfully hit by this The Snob’s terrifying stare urges the unit to fight
attack suffers 1 wound at the start of every round harder. Anytime this Snob orders a unit, increase
until the end of the game. This wound cannot be the ordered unit’s Attack characteristic (A) by 1
saved. until the end of the order.

• 2. Hives. A root bee colony takes up roost in the Because of the unsettling experience, the ordered
Snobs’ back, building their hive in the leader’s skin. unit receives one panic token.

The root bees attack anyone who comes close. h 20. Floundered: Battered and served with chips,
Increase the Snob’s Attack characteristic (A) by the rootfish slips down a treat.
Roll a D6.
• 3. Root Stinger: A parsniplike barb allows the Snob
to deliver deadly poisonous stings. • 1-4. Fishy Visage: The Snob’s helm drips with
murky water as it transforms into an iron form
The Snob’s melee attacks are Poisonous. resembling a freshwater fish.

Barbed: With each sting, the Snob risks The Snob gains Gills.
disemboweling themselves as the stinger’s poison
glands wrap themselves around the Snob’s vitals. Gills: The unit may re-roll failed dangerous
terrain tests caused by dangerous terrain.
If the Snob made any successful poison attacks
in a game, after the battle, increase the Snob’s
• 5-6. Flat Fishy Visage: With a CRUMP, the Snob’s
Vulnerability characteristic (V) by 1.
helm flattens as if hit by a hammer. Slowly, its
• 4-5. Fuzz. The Snob grows tufts of yellow and black features migrate to one side.
fuzz all over their body and a couple of insectoid
limbs. The Snob gains Gills (see above).

The fuzz is merely cosmetic, but the extra limbs Due to their new found perspective, decrease the
increase the Snob’s Attack characteristic (A) by 1. Snob’s Inaccuracy by 1.

• 6. Bumbled. “Sarge… That’s just a bee in a Hat.”

h 21. Unslakable Thirst: Root parasites cover the Snob
in a canvas of pulsating bodies. The suckling vegetables
The Snob gains Fuzz, a Root Stinger (above), and
cause the Snob to crave the blood and pulverised innards
can Fly.
of others.
Fly: Units with this ability may move across
The Snob increases their Attack characteristic (A)
other units and dangerous terrain as if they
by 3 and gains Offal Gorgers.
weren’t there.
Offal Gorgers: If this unit fights in a melee, they
Units with Fly must still obey the 1” rule at the
can never be declared the winners. Both units must
end of their move.
continue to fight bouts until this unit is the loser or
one side is destroyed.

h 22. Roots of Shellwood: Crack open a snail and h 23. Distilled: After finishing a pint of suspiciously
suck on the succulence. zesty squench, the Snob’s back blisters and bubbles as
a keg-like growth forms. With accompanying pub sign,
Knights of Shellwood players may pick 2 of the the barrel syphons and distils the mist and the Snob’s
following mutations instead of rolling. pancreatic juices into a potent style of squench which
can be tapped on command. This heavily alcoholic
Roll a D6: beverage can be used to persuade other usually selfish
Snobs to lend a hand.
• 1-2. Snail Visage: The Snob’s eyes shoot up on
stalks, as their helm begins to take on a more snailish A Distilled Snob may order other friendly Snobs. If
appearance. a friendly Snob is ordered this way, they receive +3
to their Attack characteristic (A) until the end of the
Snail-like patience reduces the Snob’s Inaccuracy order.
characteristic (I) by 1.
h 24. Trowel Bayonet (EQUIPMENT): “I’ve got
• 3. Mucous: A gloopy slime oozes from the Snob’s something special for those rooty pricks.”—Stranglin’
pores. Harry

This protective coating reduces the Snob’s Trowel Bayonet: A useful gardening tool and deadly
Vulnerability characteristic (V) by 1. weapon of war.
• 4. Shelled: A hardened shell grows out of the Snob’s
Units equipped with a Trowel Bayonet increase
their Attack characteristic (A) by 1.
This portable home reduces the Snob’s
Determined Charge: A unit equipped with the
Vulnerability characteristic (V) by 1, their
Trowel Bayonet may choose to re-roll their charge
Movement characteristic (M) to 0, and gives the
distance dice. If a player chooses to re-roll their
Snob Hardshelled.
charge distance, both dice must be re-rolled and
they must accept the new result.
Hardshelled: Units with Hardshelled are always
considered to be wholly within defensible
Dig for Victory: A snob with a Trowel Bayonet
may dig up a single worm token (see page 26) at
• 5. Spiral: The Snob’s body twists in on itself, curling the beginning of each round and add them to their
and deforming them into a nightmare made of flesh Snob.
and iron.
Red Ribbon Society players may instead add a
Increase the Snob’s Inaccuracy characteristic (I) single Tuft Token to a single available Plot after
by 2 and give them Bowel-Loosening Charge. gardeners are placed.

h 25. Gnashing Helm: Inspired by a dream, the Snob

Bowel-Loosening Charge: When this unit
fixes a reticulated metal mouth full of sharp teeth to their
charges, their target must re-roll a successfully
visor. Slicing and grinding can be heard from under
passed panic test.
their helm, as its mandibles snap and chew at the air.
• 6. Sluggish: The Snob loses all their limbs and
reduces its Movement characteristic (M) to 0. The Gnashing Helm can never be removed. The
helm refuses to let go even if the Snob’s head
The Snob also gains Mucous and Mucous is separated, and must be carried by a worried
Manoeuvre. underling, who often attaches the thing to a very
long stick.
Mucous: Reduce the Snob’s Vulnerability
characteristic (V) by 1. The Snob gains Devour (see page 27).

• Mucous Manoeuvre: Once per game, at the start h 26. Flat Top: This cuboid root is quite tasty shaved in
of a round, you can announce your Regiment is a salad; however, ingesting this rigid rootoid crumples
performing the Mucous Manoeuvre. All friendly the top and sides of your Snob’s head and helm into
Snail Knights and all Cavalry Followers count as perfectly level planes—your Snob’s head is now a cube.
having a movement of 18” for that round only.
Increase the Vulnerability characteristic (V) of the
Snob by 1 due to their newfound angularity and
roll again on the Mutation Chart.

h 27. Sapper’s Axe (EQUIPMENT): A bloodstained h 31. Therianthropic Vegetables: Eating the
broad-head fitted with a heavy rootstock, this axe has various root animals of Cist can be a mildly dangerous
seen many campaigns. Gliding almost gracefully endeavour.
through the air, the blade splits bone and piles corpses,
no matter how bizarre the foe. Roots explode out of the Snob’s face, pulling and
pushing the Snob’s helm into a new form. What remains
Sapper’s Axe: “I’m going to whittle your bones!” of the human features underneath must accommodate
these often violent changes.
Units equipped with a Sapper’s Axe increase their
Attack characteristic (A) by 2. Each Helm Mutation reduces the Snob’s
Vulnerability characteristic (V) by 2, in addition to
Determined Charge: A unit equipped with the any other effects listed.
Sapper’s Axe may choose to re-roll their charge
distance dice. If a player chooses to re-roll their Roll a D10 to see which root vegetable creature
charge distance, both dice must be re-rolled and the Snob’s helm transforms into:
they must accept the new result.
• 1. Mole.
Skull-Bane: If a Snob equipped with the Sapper’s
Axe fights in a melee against a Cult unit or a • 2. Horse.
Mercenary unit, multiply the Snob’s Attack • 3. Hog.
characteristic (A) by 3. Cult units are units available
to the player by taking a specific Cult. For example, • 4. Rat.
Rootlings, Scuttlers, and the Procession of Woe are
Cult units. • 5. Ox.

h 28. The Penitent’s Flail (EQUIPMENT): • 6. Potato… or your choice of Root Vegetable.
Various vegetable relics, bells, clackers, and an
enormous spiked ball are attached to a staff via rusted Increase the Snob’s Inaccuracy characteristic (I)
chains. Swinging the lethal apparatus above their head, a by 1.
Snob can become a flagellating whirlwind of death.
• 7. Seal.
The Penitent’s Flail: “Beware its jangles.” • 8. Toad.
Determined Charge: A unit equipped with the Tod’s Requiem: If your Toff is Tod (or a son
Funeral Toll may choose to re-roll their charge of Tod), you may pick any mutation from
distance dice. If a player chooses to re-roll their anywhere on the entire mutation chart, in
charge distance, both dice must be re-rolled and addition to this mutation.
they must accept the new result.
• 9. Sheep.
Maelstrom: A Snob equipped with The Penitent’s
Flail makes 2D6 additional attacks in melee. • 10. Goat.
Wielding this chaotic weapon is not without
its drawbacks. After each game, the Snob must h 32. The Cudgel (EQUIPMENT): A large gore-
increase their Vulnerability characteristic (V) by slicked vegetable wielded only by the strongest. It has
1 due to the punishment the flail has inflicted on splattered at least a dozen foes judging by the eyeballs
their body. still stuck in its flesh,

h 29. Mossy Friends: A pack of squealing, squelchy The Cudgel: “That’s just a large carrot!”
rootlings covered in lichen-like lumps attach themselves
to the Snob, slowly covering them in a layer of Moss. The weight of the massive root means that a Snob
cannot be equipped with this vegetable if they have
Often shaved into impressive mossy mutton chops, a Vulnerability characteristic (V) of 7 or higher.
dashing hairstyles, or fashionable tufty coats. (Sorry Tod.)

Increase the Vulnerability characteristic (V) of the A Snob Equipped with this weapon has
Snob by 1 and roll again on the mutation chart. Determined Charge
h 30. Toothlessness: Difficulty eating hard foods.
Massive: Each hit caused by the Cudgel causes
2 wounds instead of 1. Wounds caused by the
Roll again on the mutation chart.
Cudgel cannot be prevented by a vulnerability roll.

h 33. Mushroomed: Sometimes a rare mushroom may h 34. Growth Spurt: A miniscule tuber with a pleasant
have mutating properties. They’re very pleased about this. crunch, this little vegetable accelerates the Snob’s growth.
Aristocrats sampling this strange species of root may
Roll a D6: simply increase in size, but it is not uncommon to see
the spurt overwhelm their bodies completely, resulting
• 1-2. Glowing: The masses of mycelia covering the in a muscle-bound mess.
Snob makes them glow in the dark.
Roll a D6:
Increase the Vulnerability characteristic (V) of
the Snob by 1. Roll again on the Mutation Chart. • 1-3 Quite Large: The Snob doubles in size. This
often results in the Snob’s original body hanging
3-4. Puffball: An unstable, spheroid fruiting body limply from a shapeless mass of root-flesh.
forms on the Snob’s back.
The Snob increases their Wounds characteristic
When the Snob is hit, enemy units within 12’’ (W) by 4 and their Vulnerability characteristic
receive a powder smoke token. If this is part of (V) by 1.
a shooting engagement, resolve the engagement • 4-6. Really Quite Large: The Snob triples in size.
before adding the tokens. More root than Snob at this point, a root shrine in the
5-6. Delicious Infestation: Multiple morish
mushroom species take root in the Snob. The Snob increases their Wounds characteristic
(W) by 8 and their Vulnerability characteristic
All enemy units must target this unit if possible (V) by 2. The Snob also gains Exposed.
when they charge, even if there are other closer
units. • 7. Better Fetch Weezel: The growth has been too
much for the Snob and they explode into a pile of
several dozen toes. Carried around in a bucket or
other suitable container, they seem oddly content.

Bucket of Toes: Your Snob is now a bucket

of toes. They lose all mutations, characteristic
changes, and injuries, and cannot receive any
more. The bucket of toes may no longer give
themselves orders and must rely on their
Followers to carry the bucket with them as part
of their moves.

Bucket Carriers: You may add one additional

Follower unit to your Regiment from the core
unit list, OR from any Cult, overriding any usual

h 35. Tuber Club hands. Bulbous rootflesh clubs form h 42. Flourishing Footsteps: Each squelching step
over the Snob’s hands. the Snob takes causes vegetables to bloom.

Increase the Vulnerability characteristic (V) of You may take a free additional unit of flowering
enemies in melee with this unit by 2 until the end Rootlings when building your Regiment.
of the melee.
Apart from their brightly coloured plumage,
h 36. Extra Heads: “They don’t stop bickering.” these Rootlings are exactly like any other unit of
The Snob grows D3 new heads.
h 43. Muttons (PET): A small cloud of powder smoke
Decrease the Inaccuracy characteristic (I) of the in the shape of a rather grumpy lamb. Its bleating seems
Snob by 1 for each head. to grow louder the longer the battle wages.

If a Snob with multiple heads undergoes Mist on the Moors: Muttons’ fluffy form puffs out
Therianthropic Vegetables (see mutation 31), they its cheeks as bullets whip overhead. Screams of
must transform each head separately. the enemy and the quiet munching of sheep can be
h 37. Crown of Toes: Wiggling toes sprout out
in great number all over the Snob’s body, proving a A unit with Mutton makes +2 additional Melee
somewhat unnerving sight. attacks for each powder smoke token on the board.

This unit gains Bowel-Loosening Charge. h 44. Stirrups: Either mounted astride, or pulled
behind, your Snob loves their new rootsteed.
h 38. Hungering Tongues: After chewing on a
sluglike tuber for a minute, the Snob’s tongue starts to Each rootsteed mount increases the Snob’s
grow, rolling out of the Snob’s mouth in a whiplike coil. Movement characteristic (M) by 6”, in addition to
any of the effects below.
Increase the Snob’s Attack characteristic (A) by 2.
Roll a D3:
This prehensile taster can tear off a man’s head, but
makes speaking difficult. • 1. Draught Fish: A heavyset shire halibut. The
various rootfish of Cist can make pleasing mounts
Reduce the Snob’s Command Range by 2”. when grown to full size.

h 39. Snout Extender: This 6-foot carrot fitted to the The Snob gains Gills.
nose provides the Snob with the ability to detect the
rarest roots. Gills: The unit may re-roll failed dangerous
terrain tests caused by dangerous terrain.
You may re-roll all future mutation rolls once, if
you choose. 2. Pantomime Charger: Two chaps and a skull does
not make a horse.
h 40. Gelatinize: The Snob’s body seeps a controllable
jelly that has a tendency to borrow the enemy’s flesh.
The uncomfortable ride increases the Snob’s
Inaccuracy characteristic (I) by 1.
If this Snob kills an enemy Snob in a melee,
immediately increase its Wounds characteristic (W)
3. Pupating Pony: This soft-shelled insect that
by 3. These wounds are permanent and the Snob
slops along the ground adds a surprising amount of
will retain them for the rest of the campaign. There
is no limit to the number of wounds the Snob can
gain this way.
Decrease the Snob’s Vulnerability characteristic
h 41. The Quadrille: A cheery tune is played on this (V) by 1.
root pipe and, soon, the Snob’s limbs will be prancing
this way and that. Locking hands and snapping bones, h 45. Bulbous: The Snob’s stomach and limbs swell,
the Snob ends up in a tangle. bursting plate and splitting mail. This new body
becomes supernaturally resilient to blows, which find
Swap the position of the Snob’s arms with their difficulty penetrating the thick, sinewy flesh.
legs, and their legs with their arms.
Reduce the Vulnerability characteristic (V) of this
Increase the Inaccuracy characteristic (I) of the unit by 2.
Snob by 1 and roll again on the mutation chart.
h 46. Bald: Unfortunate

h 47. Centaurian Tendonitis: Accidentally stepping h 50. Clod Sock (EQUIPMENT): Brick in a sock.
on this thorny burr with bare feet causes fantastical
animal mutations. Your Snob’s lower half turns to slush Clod Sock: “Bloody hell, that hurts!”
before reforming into the body of one of the many root
animals of Cist. Determined Charge: A unit equipped with the
Clod Sock may choose to re-roll their charge
Each animal will Increase the Snob’s movement by distance dice. If a player chooses to re-roll their
6”, in addition to any of the other effects listed. charge distance, both dice must be re-rolled and
they must accept the new result.
Roll a D10 to see which root vegetable centaur your
Snob will transform into. Enemy units receive one panic token each time
they are hit by the terrifying Clod Sock.
• 1. Horse

• 2. Pig

• 3. Boar

• 4. Hedgehog

Decrease the Snob’s Inaccuracy characteristic (I)

by 1.

• 5. Basking Shark

• 6. Toad

Tod’s Requiem: If your Toff is Tod (or a son

of Tod), you may pick any mutation from
anywhere on the entire Mutation Chart in
addition to this mutation.

• 7. Sheep

• 8. Cow

• 9. Duck

• 10. Parsnip … or your choice of Root Vegetable.

Increase the Snob’s Inaccuracy characteristic (I)

by 1.

h 48. Liquidated Assets: After falling

in a simmering plonk vat, the Snob’s
flesh is no more. The animated skeleton
that stands before the Regiment dripping
blood and wine is somewhat disconcerting.

Increase the Snob’s Vulnerability

characteristic (V) by 1.

This unit gains Bowel-Loosening


h 49. Wilde Roots: Mouth full of roots, the

Snob runs off into the marsh, chuckling to
themselves. Returning weeks later, the Snob carries the
enormous head of a Root Horror.

This obscene trophy inspires the Snob’s

Followers. Decrease the Inaccuracy characteristic
(I) of units ordered by this Snob by 1 until the end
of their orders.

Mercenary Cults The persistent drizzle washed the city’s filth into the
Clogg, creating temporary islands on which mercenaries
demonstrated their martial skills.
Weezel scurried along the river Clogg, followed, as usual, by
a shrew-like column of detached digits. Clattering the cobbles The resulting gory flotsam reminded Weezel of home. The
in a stylish incarnadine bicorn, the aforementioned toes— toes waved distastefully as a severed hand floated past.
collectively remembered as Von Sneg—had business tonight
with the great city’s Mercenary Cults. Multiplayer Scenarios: Players should experiment
playing games of 2v2 and larger using the Mercenary
Cults and the Scenarios in this document.
Mercenary Captains at your Service: The
Mercenary Cults are the first Cult expansion for A scenario will provide players with the table
Turnip28. On the following pages you will find a set of size, terrain layout, deployment rules, and victory
6 exciting new Cults, complete with their rules. conditions required to play, but players should feel free
to tweak things to better suit their playing surface and
team size.
Mercenary Cults have been designed with balance in
mind, and will provide a fair challenge when matched “Think the Duke has the Norberts for that Sneg?” Weezel
against any Cult from the Core Rules. rasped, pointing to a brightly coloured tent struggling to
obscure a violent pachyderm chomping away at several
Sallow’s vagabond district was a depressing mixture of cavalrymen.
crumbling taverns, seedy gambling dens, open air sewers,
and one romantic picnic ground. Mercenary Cult leaders Ignoring Weezel, and dragging behind them a large sack of
beset the district to sell their swords to feuding aristocrats ducats, the Toes wiggled over to a table where a collection of
roughshod pikemen were rolling dice.
and disgruntled warlords.
Core Rules v17: At the time of writing, the latest
Choosing a Mercenary Cult: Hiring a Mercenary version of the Core Rules is v17. The Mercenary Cults
Cult comes at a hefty price and, like those in the Core are designed and balanced to be played using this
Rules, a player may only use ONE Mercenary Cult and
its units at a time. The rules can be found free on the Turnip28 Patreon:
Mercenary Cult Rules: If a Mercenary Cult’s rule
seems to contradict a rule in the Core Rules, the
Mercenary Cult rule always supersedes it.

Swords For Hire: Every Mercenary Cult has a

powerful ability that can be used to empower an allied
teammate. Players are encouraged
to find a partner and fight games of
2v2, where they can experiment
with hundreds of possible Cult

Toads: Its recommended players get comfortable with “What do you mean it’s all gone?” Weezel spluttered,
the Core Rules before hiring any of the Mercenary dropping a wiggling vegetable which had been trying to
Cults. If players are determined to jump straight in, chew his thumb off.
the Mercenary Cults have been split into three tiers of Mercenary Cults in Campaign: If players are
complexity: interested in representing the unreliable loyalty of the
Mercenary Cults in the Taster Campaign, they should
adopt the Cult drafting system:

Cult Draft: After the map draft, players A and B pick

their Cults.

Picking Cults: Each player picks 6 unique Cults they

want to play in the Campaign. Players may select any
Cult from Mercenary Cults or the Core Rules, and may
each choose the same Cult if they wish.
h Toadpole (Green): The most straightforward Cults Bans: Once both players have selected their Cults,
with limited or no new units. each player may ban one of their opponent’s Cults.
h Toadlet (Amber): Cults that require slightly more This banned Cult cannot be used by that player for the
investment from the player, often with a single duration of the campaign.
core mechanic which can be mastered.
Playing a Cult: Before every game, each player secretly
h Toad (Red): The most involved Cults, asking a selects one of their Cults to use. Players may play their
player for many new units or providing the player Cults in any order, but once a Cult has been played, it
with dramatically different ways to play. cannot be played again.

The Duke had politely employed the pair, on pain of death, to Hungry Business: If a player is required to use a
scour the city of Sallow for any mercenaries idiotic enough
to fight in his upcoming campaign. Rumours had circulated Cult-specific Toff in their next game, they should apply
that his hated sister had captured the lower barbican of his all current campaign mutations to this new Toff. It is
fortress manor, cutting off precious plonk reserves. The the assumed that the previous Snob has been greedily
string of curses that followed her mention invariably lead devoured by the Regiment’s newest Cult leader.
Weezel to believe purchasing only the most crack troops was
of vital importance. A flock of spuds lifted into the air, soaring high above the
great spire of Sallow, as Weezel and Sneg shuffled off to a
stand reading: Recruits Wanted.

Band of the Wurm
Soaked to the skin, sock slapping on the cobbles, Johann hobbled out of the downpour and into a ginnel. Huddled
in the alleyway, his cutthroat Mercenary company, the Band of the Wurm, leaned on their pikes and glared at

Johann beamed through the filth-encrusted silence.

“Lovely weather for spuds!”

Band of the Wurm: When building your Regiment, Lax Paymaster: The Band of the Wurm
you may not take any Fodder units. Instead, you may attracts larger units than most Regiments.
take up to 3 units of Mercenary Pike.
Each player on your team, including yourself, may
Mercenary Pike (16 Models)
Base Size: 20mm/30mm h Increase the number of models in a single unit of
Chaff by 1.
An impenetrable thicket of cutthroats and murderers,
bristling with pike, halberd, and spear. OR

M A I W V h Increase the number of models in a single unit of

6” 1 6+ 1 6+ Brutes by 2.

Johann: A bit naive, awkward and generous to a fault, the

Units of mercenary pike must be equipped with
young Johann wants to make friends.
Close Combat weapons.
When building your Regiment, you must replace your
Pikes: Units of Mercenary Pike always make their
Toff with Johann.
attacks first in a melee bout, even if they were
Johann is still considered a Toff in all aspects, but uses
the profile below.

Johann (1 Model)
Base Size: 20mm/40mm

“Father always made this look so easy.”

Command Range: 3”

6” 1 6+ 3 6+

Weapon’s Range: 6”

Worm Collection: Growing up outside of Cist,

Johann comes from a long line of Lampre worm

Johann starts a battle with 1 worm token.

Worm Tokens: A worm token increases a unit’s (A)

and (M) by 2.

Don’t Worry, I’ll Be Fine: Anytime Johann dies,

except from failing a dangerous terrain test, you
may give his worm tokens to ANY other units on
the table. A unit may only receive one worm token
each this way and can be anywhere on the table.
Tokens that cannot be given are discard.

How They Play
The worm-worshiping mercenary rottens known as the Band of the Wurm originate from Lampre, the fouled tributaries of
what was once Munich. They tell tales of the Last True Worm—the only living animal not fouled by root mutations.

Insisting he carries with him a bifurcated descendent of the true worm, Johann’s wiggling relic looks remarkably like his
missing leg.

Pike and Shotte: The Band of the Wurm encourages intimidatingly large infantry Regiments, exploiting Johann
and letting him lead from the front. He swears he will be fine—a unit of pikes with a worm token can be

Frequently Asked Questions: Helpful h Close Combat Weapons: Do Mercenary

clarifications and explanations. Pike still get the re-roll to charge and the -1 to
h Mirror Match: Von Sneg, I didn’t expect to
see you in Sallow. What happens when two Yes, as they must be equipped with close
units of mercenary pikes fight each other? combat weapons. So, in melee they would have
Who goes first? an (I) of 5+.

In this case, the unit who charges goes first. h Toff Offs: Von Sneg, can Johann Toff Off!?

h The Swelling: Von Sneg, what happens Yes, Johann is still a Toff and so can Toff Off!.
when Johann is hurt by The Swelling, can he
still give away his worm tokens? Remember: Add the +2 to Johann’s Attack
characteristic and +2” to his Movement because
Yes. of his worm token.

h Lax Paymaster: Do I have to choose one of h Teaming up: Mr. Von Sneg, Sire. Does
the Lax Paymaster Bonuses? Lax Paymaster only affect my units, or
can I increase the number of models in my
No. You can choose not to take advantage of teammates units?
the bonus.
Each player chooses their own bonus and the
bonus does not affect other players.
h Worm Tokens: Von Sneg, can Johann get
more worm tokens?

Only as part of a taster campaign.

March of the Proboscis
“Fearless?” The Grog spluttered, wiping the spume from his moustaches, “I ran!”

“That onslaught of flesh, muscle, and tusks came screaming after us. It pulverised the pack hogs. It plucked men
from saddles and crunched their bones to ruin. It gored them, it mangled them, it tore a man’s spine out with
its bloody nose, and still it came thundering on my heels. I ran until my legs felt like they would break, and
only then, when I thought myself done, surrounded by the writhing slurry of my comrades, clutching ears and
entrails, a distant horn was sounded and, pirouetting, the beast waddled, grinning, back into the mist.”
Thundering Horde: When building your Regiment,
you must take 1 Great Proboscis unit. The Great Proboscis (1 Model)
Base Size: 80mm/120mm
Cataclysmic Rout: Units in your Regiment add 1” to
their charge for each panic token on their charge target. Some say it was dragged from the oil lakes of Swill.
Some say it was thawed from the creeping ice sheets of
For example, if your unit charges an enemy unit the Shrawl. Some just hide nervously under the table.
with 5 panic tokens, they will charge M+2D6 plus an
additional 5”. M A I W V
12” 4D6 6+ 8 5+

The Great Proboscis is considered to be equipped

with Close Combat weapons and makes 4D6 attacks.

Terrifying Trumpet: When this unit picks its

charge target, you may pick another unit. Add
panic tokens to this unit until it has number of
panic tokens equal to your charge target.

Sickening Secretions: The Great Proboscis has

Bowel-Loosening Charge (see Bastards, p. 31 of
the Core Rules).

Confused Animals: This unit cannot capture


Silent Watcher: Boletus sits astride his fungal steed.

When building your Regiment, you must replace your

Toff with Boletus.

Boletus is still considered a Toff in all aspects, but uses

the profile below.

Boletus (1 Model)
Base Size: 40mm/60mm

“Doesn’t say much does he?”

Command Range: 8”

12” 2 5+ 3 5+

Weapon’s Range: 6”

Living Foghorn: At the start of the round, so long

as Boletus is still on the table, you may give ANY
one unit the Bowel-Loosening Charge special rule
until the end of the Round.

How They Play
Exhausted auxiliaries from far-off-places, odd creatures never before seen in Cist. The Regiment who follows Boletus barely
recoups the costs of feeding their mammoth war proboscis.

During the retreat from High Merg, the Proboscis devoured:

15 tonnes of vegetable scrapings

34 root mules
15 braces of poultry
2 barrows of scrap iron
18,000 gallons of pond water

Shatter Those Before You: March of the Proboscis is a brick to hit your opponent with. Carefully positioning and
picking your charge targets is important, but so is charging headlong into the enemy!

Frequently Asked Questions: Helpful h Trumpeting: Von Sneg, can I reduce a unit’s
clarifications and explanations. panic tokens with the Great Proboscis’
Terrifying Trumpet special rule?
h Random Attacks: Von Sneg, when do I roll
to see how many attacks the Great Proboscis No, you can only ever add panic tokens.
h Line of Sight: V. S., does Terrifying Trumpet
Every time the Great Proboscis fights a melee Require line of sight?
bout, roll 4D6 and note the total. The Proboscis
makes that many melee attacks. No.

Roll again at the start every melee bout.

The Wigmaker’s
The tragic poisoning of Arch Duke Peruke, Head of the Sallow Wigmaker’s Guild, and an unfortunate rounding
error, saw the entire Wigmaker’s fortune given over to his pet rootling Syphillus the Magnificent.

Wigs Resplendent: When building your Regiment, Coiffure the Battlefield: Rootlings, lacking
you must replace your Toff with Syphillus the an obvious respiratory system, tend to overdo the
Magnificent. wig powder.

Syphillus is still considered a Toff in all aspects, but When your units equipped with Black Powder
uses the profile below. weapons make a shooting attack, their target receives
a powder smoke token. If they already have a powder
smoke token, they must take a dangerous terrain test
Syphillus the Magnificent (1 Model)
after shooting attacks on both sides are resolved.
Base Size: 20mm/40mm

“Such compact elegance for a condottiero.” Mandrake Barbers: In addition to Syphillus, you
may employ his wigmaking staff. When building
Command Range: 6” your Regiment, you must take at least TWO units of
Rootlings as a Follower unit.
Rootling units in your Regiment can be equipped with
6” 1 7+ 1 7+
Black Powder weapons, representing the flesh-melting
Weapon’s Range: 6” wig bellows and powder carrots common to the little
Uproot: (See Rootlings profile).
Inescapable Fumes: Rootlings with Black powder
Marsh Born: (See Rootlings profile). Weapons have a weapon’s range of 18”, and decrease
their Inaccuracy (I) by 1
Powder Keg: Once per round, when Syphillus is
made ready, ALL units with a powder smoke token
take a dangerous terrain test. Rootlings (6 Models)
Base Size: 20mm/30mm

6” 2 7+ 1 7+

Rootlings are considered to be equipped with Close

Combat Weapons.

Uproot: When this unit is killed, at the start of

the next round, place the unit within a piece of
dangerous terrain, not within 1” of any other unit.

Marsh Born: This unit always passes dangerous

terrain tests.

The Pompadour: When building your Regiment, you

may only take a maximum of ONE Stump Gun, the

The gatling gun of the wig-powdering world, fitted

with revolving conical drive bellows and operated by
only the most fashionable Rootlings, the Pompadour is
stylish death incarnate.

The Pompadour is treated exactly as if it was a Stump

Gun with the addition that it has the Uproot special
rule (see above).

How They Play
“It is exceedingly difficult if sir insists on remaining decapitated.”

Fog of War: The Wigmaker’s Legacy are masters of weathering whatever comes their way. To rule the battlefield,
players must combine the resilience of their Rootlings with the formidable power to shut down enemy shooting.
Players fielding the Wigmaker’s Legacy are encouraged to colour their powder smoke tokens in beautiful pastel
shades, possibly even adding a spritz of perfume before bringing them to battle.

Frequently Asked Questions: Helpful h Shooting Engagements: When, during a

clarifications and explanations. shooting engagement with an enemy, do I give
them a powder smoke token?
h Uproot: Von Sneg, when a Rootling unit
returns to the battlefield, does it return with The enemy unit receives a powder smoke token
all its casualties and panic tokens? after it has performed its shooting attacks.

Casualties: When a unit with Uproot is placed An enemy unit equipped with Black Powder
back on the battlefield, it returns at full strength weapons would still be able to return fire, but
with the amount of models in its unit profile. would suffer a dangerous terrain test after it
completed its shooting attacks.
Tokens: A unit with Uproot retains any tokens
it had when it left the battlefield. The dangerous terrain test would be taken after
shooting casualties are removed, but before
For example, if a unit of 2 Rootlings with retreats.
3 panic tokens was destroyed, it would be
placed back on the table with 6 models and 3 h Headless Chicken: Can I win by Headless
panic tokens. Chicken if Syphillus the Magnificent has
The Pompadour: The Pompadour does not
receive any extra panic tokens if it explodes Yes. If a scenario has Headless Chicken
because of Unstable Icon. It is immediately and there are no enemy Snobs on the table
destroyed before any extra panic tokens can be (including Syphillus), you win. Syphillus may
added. have returned in the next round, but the game
is already over.
h Capturing Objectives: We have a question
Von Sneg, can units with Uproot capture
objectives when they are placed on the table.

No. Units with uproot are placed on the

battlefield, and not deployed. They would still
need to end a move within 1” to capture an

Lady Illiana’s
High above the rooftops of Sallow, messenger spuds hurtled through the air. Wings beating furiously,
murmurating potatoes wove in and out of the clouds, vital information tucked into their roots.

Under the cover of their shields, indistinguishable from the ramshackle roofs of the famous port city, Guttersnipes
sighted in their long rifles.“
Mysterious Killer: When building your Regiment, City Scum: When building your Regiment,
you must replace your Toff with Lady Illiana. you may take up to 3 units of Guttersnipes
as Followers.
Lady Illiana is still considered a Toff in all aspects, but
uses the profile below.
Guttersnipes (4 Models)
Base Size: 20mm/30mm
Lady Illiana (1 Model)
Base Size: 40mm/60mm Foot stuck in a chimney, elbow jammed into the rafters.

An enormous figure in a flowing gown unfurled itself M A I W V

from its rooftop perch and took aim.
6” 2 5+ 1 6+
Command Range: 6”
Weapon’s Range: 18”
M A I W V Guttersnipes can be equipped with either Black
6” 1 2+ 3 5+ Powder weapons or Missile weapons.

Weapon’s Range: 60” Oik Ambush!: Guttersnipes make their shooting

attacks before the enemy in a shooting engagement.
Lady Illiana is equipped with her chimney
pot jezzail. This gives her the Preliminary In addition Guttersnipes have the Vanguard,
Bombardment special rule (See the Stump Gun Sharpshooter: (See Chaff in the Core Rules).
in the Core Rules), and does not generate powder
smoke tokens.

Lady Illiana and allied Toffs have Vanguard.

Strictly Not Assassins: Any dead aristocrats are

purely accidental.

You may never win by Headless Chicken.

Messenger Spuds: At the start of a round,

after Preliminary Bombardment and Vanguard,
you may place a 20mm messenger Spud token
anywhere on the table, not within 1” of another unit.

After an enemy unit declares an order, before they roll

to blunder, you may perform ONE of these actions:

h Remove a unit of Guttersnipes or Lady Illiana from

the table. Then place them back within 1” of a Spud
token, and not within 1” of another unit.

Remove the Spud token after you have used this


h Increase or decrease the Inaccuracy of a single unit

within 3” of a Spud token by 1 for the duration of
the order.

You may only have a maximum of 3 Spud tokens on

the table at any time.
How They Play
The rifle’s barrel had been a gift from Lady Illiana, its elaborately twisting grooves could put a deadly spin on every round,
steadying their flight and imparting each shot with terrifying accuracy.

The pile of dead, heaped at the foot of the staircase, was a testament to its quality.

Killing Fields: Lady Illiana’s Guttersnipes reward a player with sharp senses, letting them lure their opponents
into deadly traps using their limited spud tokens to create areas of certain death. Guttersnipes are fearsome
marksmen who can handle themselves in a scrap, but, lacking the ability to skirmish, must rely on well-timed
spuds to get them out of trouble.

Frequently Asked Questions: Helpful h Spud Tokens: Sneg, you daring bastard,
clarifications and explanations. explain:

h Mirror Match: Von Sneg, when both players Inaccuracy: Can I make Lady Illiana hit
are using Lady Illiana’s Guttersnipes, who automatically with the -1 Inaccuracy from a
places their Spud tokens first? spud token?

The player with the Initiative places their No, a roll of a 1 is always be considered a miss.
token first.
Returning a Unit to the Table: Does a unit
h Capturing Objectives: Dear Von Sneg, can being placed with a spud token return at full
units capture objectives when they are placed health, like Uproot?
on the table using a Spud token?
No. Unlike Uproot, the unit is placed back on
No. The Units are placed on the battlefield, and the table with the same amount of models and
not deployed. They would still need to end a tokens.
move within 1” to capture an objective.
h Stacking Spuds: Von Sneg, bet you can’t
h Oik Ambush: If a the Guttersnipes shoot answer this. Can I stack Spud tokens?
first, do you remove casualties before the
enemy unit returns fire? No. You may not place a Spud token on top of
another Spud token.
Yes. You remove any causalities before the
enemy unit generates its shooting attacks.

Wondering Morris’
Festival season was in full in swing. The streets of Sallow heaved like a bloated corpse as pilgrims swarmed
through its famous candlelit archways and into the city.

A merry fellow festooned with bells, ribbons, and shrubbery danced through the night’s hustle and bustle,
weaving in and out of the crowds in ever more complicated patterns.

Between the unseen spaces, bizarre creatures of all shapes and sizes crawled out to join the dance.

A Night to Remember: When building your Regiment, My Dearest Eschatons: Attempting to avoid their ever
you must replace your Toff with Wandering Morris. increasing bar tab, folk dancers and musicians follow Morris,
keeping one step ahead of their blood thirsty creditors.
Wandering Morris is still considered a Toff in all
aspects, but uses the profile below. When you order a Follower unit with a Snob, after
the order is complete, you may also move one other
friendly unit up to 6”.
Wondering Morris (1 Model)
Base Size: 20mm/60mm
This unit is moved after any Dash moves.
For him, the dance has just begun.

Command Range: 6”

12” 1 6+ 1 6+

Wondering Morris is considered to be equipped

with Close Combat weapons.

A Strange Being: Morris doesn’t seem to be

killable. It’s not to say he’s immortal, rather, no one
has ever thought of slaying him.

Morris may never be targeted by the enemy.

The Pubcrawlers: As Morris spins and twirls about

the battlefield, more and more creatures flock to his

Awful Wallflowers: Before the game, choose 5

different pets from the list on the following page.

h Every time an objective is placed, place one of your

chosen pets next to that objective.

h When one of your units ends a move

within 1” of an objective with a pet,
remove the pet and attach it to any
unit on the table.

That unit will benefit from that

pet’s abilities for the remainder of
the game.

You may give multiple pets to the same unit

Weezel hauled one of the many enormous sacks labelled ‘Adoptions’ out of the cesspit and into the midnight air. In the
stillness of the moonlight, Weezel gave the mysterious bag a prod.
Pets: Pets can be given to any unit in a Regiment to provide them with special bonuses. Pets cannot be detached
or transferred during battle and are only removed from play if their unit is destroyed. Pets are not equipment,
and essentially act as loveable or detestable special rules. Pets are not models or units themselves and only act as
tokens to represent their special effects. You may be give the pets you gather to either friendly or enemy units.

h 1. Bacillus: Floating just out of reach, this h 6. Hermitage: Only the juiciest of offal will tempt
ominous pork pie hovers above the battlefield. this crustacean out of his shell.

Exasperating Hunger: A unit with Bacillus Blind Burrowing: When a unit with Hermitage
may pick any target in range and line of sight retreats, it may instead be placed wholly within
for their charge, not just the closest. a piece of dangerous terrain, in coherency and
not within 1” of another unit.
h 2. Musk: An ancient root ox, of unrivalled
strength. h 7. Muttons: A small cloud of powder smoke in the
shape of a rather grumpy lamb.
Limber: Musk can only be attached to a unit
which cannot move. Attaching musk allows Mist on the Moors: A unit with Mutton makes
the unit to move as if it had a Movement (M) 12”. +2 additional melee attacks for each powder
smoke token on the table.
A unit with Musk can March, Charge, Move
and Shoot, and must retreat if forced to, even h 8. Lambton: A grotesque eel which seems to grow
if they could not before. larger and larger as each day passes.

Musk can never be used to Limber units Devour: Each time a unit with Lambton rolls
Which can already move (including units with an unmodified 6 to hit in Melee, remove
a (M) of 0 and cannot Limber pieces of terrain. a single model from the enemy unit. This
casualty is in addition to any normal wounds
h 3. Ergot: The dancing bread. caused by the roll. The devoured model’s
remaining wounds are not counted when
A Merry Jig: A unit with Ergot adds +6” to finding out winners and losers.
their Movement (M) and has Dash. This does
not allow units to move if they could not h 9. Porbeagle: This telekinetic pup can explode
normally do so. heads.

Dash: This unit may make a move up to their Scant Glance: A unit with Porbeagle may make
(M) after they have completed their order. a single additional shooting attack that causes 2
unsavable wounds if it hits.
h 4. Molar: Molar grinned as plaque started to form
around the enemy unit’s feet. A unit with Porbeagle may Volley, Move and
Shoot, Stand and Shoot, and Return Fire if it
Forgot to Brush: Units with Molar reduce their couldn’t before.
Movement (M) by 6”, to a minimum of 0”.
h 10. Buckler: A face only a mother could love, this
h 5. The Drones: What helpful rootbees! shield on legs seems to enjoy punishment.

For the Queen: The Drones come in a set of 3. Right in the Kisser!: When an enemy unit
Each Drone may be attached to a separate unit, makes a shooting or melee attack against a unit
or all given to the same unit. with Buckler, you may ignore a single hit of
your choice.
Each unit with one of the Drones increases its
Attacks (A) by 1.

How They Play
Vhell couldn’t quite remember how he entered Sallow’s hedge maze. Was it the left he took by the tallow district or the right
after that gibbet? Perhaps it was the double squench after lunch? Lost in thought, he failed to notice a smiling face appearing
among the leaves.

Did that Shrub Blink?: Wandering Morris is fantastic for players looking for a different experience each time they
play. With the ability to customise their Regiment’s abilities using pets, players will have to decide: which pets to
combine, which order to pick them up, and how best to snatch them from under their enemies’ noses.

Frequently Asked Questions: Helpful h My Dearest Eschatons: Snegsy, can I use the
clarifications and explanations. Whelp’s Dash ability as well as My Dearest
h Mirror Match: Von Sneg, when playing
against an opponent using Wandering Morris, No. Units with Dash do not get to make a
do we share pets? extra Dash move after being moved with My
Dearest Eschatons.
Both players place their own choice of pets
next to the objectives. The first one there gets Remember: A unit with Dash which is ordered
BOTH pets. by a snob, will make its extra Dash move
BEFORE any other unit is moved with My
h Wandering Morris: Von Sneg, Morris seems Dearest Eschatons.
unkillable, is this true?
h Hermitage: Who chooses whether to place
Morris is untargetable by the enemy. This a retreating unit in dangerous terrain: is it
means he cannot be shot, charged or use me, or the person who controls the unit with
any abilities that tell you to pick or target an Hermitage?
It is always you.
Morris could, however, be killed if he fails
dangerous terrain test or if he decides to enter
a Toff Off!, melee or shooting engagement or
dies from various other ways.

Targeting: Can Morris target enemy units?

Yes. In addition, if Morris decides to charge,

the enemy unit may stand and shoot, and if he
enters a shooting engagement the enemy can
return fire.

Alice and Mol
Bored of her sheltered life in the convent citadel of Lower Merg, and perhaps to put the unfounded rumours of
grave-robbery behind her, Miss Alice Cadlock donned her bonnet, bludgeoned some nuns, and struck out on her
The Cadlock Collection: “Where’d she dig him up?” Unfortunate Archaeologist: Mol, Why
—The Aunts do all the best artifacts seem to have limbs still
Alice scours the bloodiest battlefields of Cist looking for
one-of-a-kind weapons for her ever growing armoury. When building your Regiment, you must
replace your Toff with Miss Alice and Mol.
Experimental Weaponry: All Follower units equipped
with Black Powder or Missile weapons in your Miss Alice and Mol are still considered a Toff in all
Regiment have the Unstable Icon special rule (See the aspects, but use the profile below.
Stump Gun’s unit profile in the Core Rules)
Miss Alice and Mol (1 Model)
Scavengers: Alice and Mol and all Follower units Base Size: 100mm/120mm
in your Regiment, excluding Stump Guns, make an
additional shooting attack for every special rule they Miss Alice is never without her companion, Mol the
have. Units equipped with Close Combat weapons can Slaughterer, a gentle giant with a talent for carnage.
still not shoot.
Command Range: 6”
For example, a unit of Chaff in your Regiment with:
Sharpshooter, Skirmish, Vanguard and Unstable Icon M A I W V
would make 4 additional shooting attacks. 12” 12 5+ 6 5+

Weapon’s Range: 18”

Shrewd Arms Dealer: ONCE per game, when

Alice and Mol are declared the winners of a melee
or shooting engagement, if the loser is a Follower
unit, you add all special rules on the loser’s unit
profile to ALL friendly Follower units until the end
of the game.

For example, If you defeated a unit of enemy

Brutes, all friendly units would gain Fearless.

How They Play
“Mol, my malevolence, could you, for just one moment, stop chewing on those riflemen and tell me what you make of this?”

“It seems to be a sword Miss Alice.” Mol said, dislodging the remaining 31st Carrot Irregulars from his gums.

“Yes, Mol, but what kind of sword?”

Mol lifted the blade and sent it hurtling through the vision port of an approaching Scab Tank.

“A very good one, Miss.”

Notorious Antiquarians: Alice and Mol reward a deep knowledge of the game and its many special rules.
With such unreliable followers, understanding and choosing the right unit to steal rules from, is of paramount
importance. The sooner Alice and Mol can snag those rules the better.

Frequently Asked Questions: Helpful h Destroying Units: Vonny, if a unit is

clarifications and explanations. destroyed by Alice and Mol, do Alice and Mol
count as the winners.
h Special Rules: Dear Sneg, Whats a special
rule, then? Yes.

A special rule is an ability with a title in bold h Unit Names: I’m a little confused. This
on a unit’s profile. special rule refers to another unit; can I still
use it?
For Example, Chaff have the Vanguard,
Skirmish, and Sharpshooter special rules. You When you gain a special rule, replace any
would not gain their weapon’s range, or any mention of the original unit with its new
of their characteristics. owner.

The only exception to this is any unit which h The Herd and other Animals: If I defeat
uses Ammunition. You may never steal the a unit that says it cannot capture objectives,
can my Followers units no longer capture
Ammunition special rule.
h Mirror Match: Von Sneg, in a match between
two Alice and Mols, if I defeat an enemy unit Yes. No unit in your Regiment will be able to
and use Shrewd Arms Dealer, do I gain ALL capture objectives. Good luck!
special rules belonging to that unit, including
h Toff Offs!: Von Sneg, Can Alice and Mol Toff
any added from the enemy’s use of Shrewd
Arms Dealer?
Yes, but they cannot steal a Toff’s special rules.
Yes. You add ALL special rules on the enemy
unit’s profile to all friendly Follower units h Doubling Up: If my unit already has a
until the end of the game. special rule and I use Shrewed Arms Dealer, do
they stack, and do I receive double the amount
Remember: You can only use the ability after of extra attacks?
defeating enemy FOLLOWER units.
No, you cannot stack or double up on special
h Thievery: Von Sneg, does the enemy unit
rules with the same name, even if they were
lose its special rules when I use Shrewd Arms
taken from a different unit profile.

No, it keeps them

Designed and Illustrated by Max FitzGerald

Thanks to all the wonderful people that helped make this possible.

Illustrators: Goran Gligovic, Juan Gómez, Kyle Latino, lilcthulhu, Moritz Krebs, Robin Carey, Thomas Carroll

Game Designers: Gaetano Ferrara

Writers and Editors: Joe Bell, Wayne Canepa

Layout Artists: Alexei Vella

Special thanks to my Patrons:

[REDACTED] Jones Andrew Bennett Bart Daniels

~___~ Alex Krieger andrew bushaw Bat_Brains
108th Alex Lewandowski Andrew Coates BC
1bProdukt Alex McCutcheon Andrew Dyer Beaker person
Aaron Alex sheene Andrew J Myers Bean goblin
Aaron McManus- Alexander Björnberg Andrew M Beli Sario
Alexander Faust Andrew May Ben Mannisto
Aaron Spry
Alexander Hallstrom Andrew McCulloch Ben Morgan
Alexander Nebesky Andrew Rauth Ben Rose
Adalya Nash Hussein
Alexander State Andrew Richman Benamon Tame
Adam Curry
Alexander Andrew Shrout benhosac.art
Adam Mitchell Willoughby
Andy Griff Benjamin Fletcher
Adam Robins Alexei Vella
Andy Judson Benjamin Kuebler
Aidan Gray Alfabusa
Andy Marshall Benjamin Madsen
Aiden Leonard Alfred Landwehr
Sydow Angus Mackie Benjamin McClure
AJ Martin
Allan Begolo-Wyatt Antonio GB Amo Bienvenido Perono
Ally Pally Arick Saxon Bigotes
Alan Baxter
Alvin Gunawan Aron Goss Bigshaq1
Alan Shroue
Amber K Aron von Stemm Bill Luft-Beers
Alejandro Gomez
Lopez Ammonitemare Ashton Snelgrove billy becone

Alec Lambert Amosdean Austin Godfrey Bitzbox

Alex Anders balduin.bumsig BlackBackMinis

Alex Belfry Anders Welt Barry Blake M

Alex Krasodomski- Andrew Bailey barsuk barsuk Bonhomme-deveycx

Sébastien Charles R Cole Frehlen David Arson
Brad Toney Charlie V Conor Tanji David Capps
Brandon Fraley Charlie Whiskey Cookie David Christy
Breadman ChickyNugs Cormac FitzGeoffrey David Heathershaw
Brendan H Chloe Turner Craig Antos David Peralta
Brendan Moulton Chris Craig Bryant David Powell
Brendon Sterma Chris B. Craig Fotheringham David Powell
Bret McDowall Chris Daniel Craig Scoular David Robinson
Brian Wickman Chris H cromatattack David Whyld
Bryan Croft Chris Kubaska Curlie Willie Dean
Bryan Ruhe Chris Maddever custertst Del
BullywugArts Chris Ramsley CygnusMaximus Dellon Myette
Cal Wilson Chris Stone-Bush Damien Eeles Deltora21
Caleb Saling Chris Visser Dan Flies Dennis McGeen
Calvin Zinkhon Christian Dan M Denys Opalenyk
Cam McCulloch Christopher Atkinson Dan McMichael derek wildstar
Cameron Christopher Chant Dan Stewart DerekP
Cameron Cowen Christopher Dana Howl Dick Verdammt
Camil Daniel Beaumont dominic lau
Carcoona Hanbagaa Daniel Hicks Dominic
Carlo Bagnoli Christopher Osapai Daniel Lewis
Dominic Sharland
Carlos Miguel Christopher Peters Daniel Regenstreif
Axe Dougie Brown
Casey Webber Christopher R
Schwager Daniel Schmenner Douglas Christy
Cat Lawrie
Christopher Ross Daniele Carnelli Dr. Perry
Christos Dark Roast Duane O’Brien
Apostolopoulos Darren Moroney Duffy Muller
César Mañas de la
Cruz Circus of Paint Darryl Kerbow Dustin Wilkinson
Channing S Clarence Harrison Dashbork Dylan Taverner
Ogzewalla Cody Howell Dave Higgins Ed Key
Charles Foulks Cody Thomas Dave Redman Ed Owen-Jones
Charles Hayes Coffee&Lazyness Dave Wilson Ed Scott
Charles Marlow Cole Coward Dave Winter Ed the Kiwi
Edmond Griffith- Frog George Boyle Hamster6802
Evlyn Moreau George Glover Harry Boddice
Eduardo Lora
Ezra Georgia Rose de haudhgûl
Edward Casilio Carvalho
Fabelzel Hazel
Effincool Miniatures Gerard O’Brien
Fábo Heinze
EG Gergely Bence
Fallen Sword games Helge Wilhelm Dahl
Eldritch Crafting with Giacomo Ferrarini
Sam Felix Welzel Henry McCutcheon
God Himself
Eli Stanley Fergus Barker Henry Miller
Gordon Marshall
Elliot Joyce Fiona Gardiner HLM
Grace Dordevic
Elliot Salmon Flying NightBear Holly Beem
Games Grant
Emanual Bourshoure Homo Rattus
FootofTape Grant Howitt
Enes Sentürk Horridus.28
foxfirepro Green Goblin Studio
Eric Heaton Hugh Simpson
FugginSchway Greg Fisher
Eric McKenzie ian
gabe Greg Gilliam
Eridin Ironboar Ian
Garrot Gregory Gelder
Ernesto Flecha Ian Bryant
Garry Burgess GregX999
Ernst Rullmann Ian Jones
Garry Gross Gruff Humphreys
Ethan Moore Ignasi Sitges
Gavin Butstraen Gunnar Lopez
Ethan Seward Ilan Inglis
Gaxx42 Guy Bowman
Evan Dalke impressionistcowboy
Geert-Jan Kruijff Gyrinx
Evan Morcom Isaac Kronholm
George Barnes Halbernacht
Evgeny Volkov Isaiah Seyler

Evil Itswhatevan
J Ayscue
Jack Driscoll
Jack Edwards
Jack Ezra
Jack Perry
Jack Pullman
Jack Purcell
Jacob B

Jacob Marks Jim Francesca Josh Petty KShel
Jacob Michaud Joe Josh Wheeler ksmiles
Jake Bezrouk Joe Banner Joshua Arden kukushkin
Jakob Lundeborg Joe Fairbrother Joshua Przygocki Kurt M
James Joe Sanderson Juancho Bernabeu Kyle Latino (Map
James Ball Joel G Jukar90
Kyle Reimergartin
James Ballentine Joerg Justin Bailey
James Nixon Johann Ehrmann Justin Orr
Laine Merchant
James O’Neill Johannes Meyer Justin Shearer
Lanse Tryon
James Rojas John Brown Jyggdrasil
Laurence Phillips
James Rose John geary Kane Cathain
Laurence Scarrott
James Speller John Kozloski Karl
Lavender Knight
James Stallard John Laird Karl Williams
Lawrence Craven
James Ward John Reynolds karlis rutkovskis
Lawrence Evans
Jan Pavelka John Rivers Keagan
Aschenbrenner Lawrence Hiscock
Jared Birnie John Shawcroft
Kellnor Le Verménarque
Jason DeAlteriis John smith
Ken Fox Lee Davies
Jason Newell John Zmrotchek
Kenny Lee Kahler
Jason Owen Black Johnny Chiodini
Kenny Murdoch Lee mullock
Jason Slanga Jon Broster
Kevin Barry Lee Verlander
Jason Yarborough Jon Ceseña
Kevin Bates Left Handed
Jay boi Jon Pruett Panzerfaust
Kevin Rea
Jenna Gregory Jon Shields Lemming Divin
Kevin Roberts
Jens Granström Jon stoner Lennart Borg
Kevin Shillling
Jeremiah Scott Jonathan Barnhart Lewis Davies
Jeremy Bunting Jonathan Johnson Liam Bennett
Kim Glud
Jesper Ericsson Jonny Unga liam rowe
Jesper Kaldenbach Jordan Miles Little Nash
Just Jest Jorge Pinto Lizbeth Poirier
jhon123456789010 Joseph Phillips Loïc Van Zeebroek
Kit McCallion
Jim Josh Genereux Lord Hamster
Kohen Gillis
Jim Dunn Josh Manning Lovely Hellplace
LTP Massive Noobs Mike Thompson Nick Wilker
Luc Merredew Matias Krigsman Mike Williams Nicky Allison
Lucas Hand Matt Beech Mikkel Kragh Nigel Jones
Lucca Buonamano Matt Carr Millard Antoine Niibl
Lucius Cyrus Matt Cleveland Milo Etherton Nikolas Matovinovic
Lukas Heiertz Matt Higgins Mira Belgrave Nikolaus Smith
Luke Atkinson Matt Oakley ML Hanson Nildrez
Luke Hagan Matt Pickard Moff Hayes Nils Holmbergh
Luke Hawksbee Matt Suter Moira Darlibagi Noah Matuszewski
Luke Makins Matthew Francus Moleaaa Noah Stevens
Luke Rushton Matthew J Kraus Momma Negan noclearcoat
Luke Spindler Matthew Kerrigan Monik Noodles Bell
LZ Matthew Leahy Morgan Marshall Noslien Semaj
M Matthew Miller mortdeathminis Oftkilted
MK Matthew Phelps MR IAN PAUL Oliver Newman
Maarten Boot Matthew Smith Oliver Smock
Magos Buer Matthias Mencel
Nadir Farooqi Ollie Kane
Magos Terra Matthias Schmidt
NakedinMyBasement Onno Ebbers
Maisie Journey Max Kotovsky
Name Ordonegativa
MakotoSolutions Mechabowie
narkeekran Orcrypt Jim
Manualsage Meeps
Nathan Morgan Orion the Above
Marc Mesreg Average
Navin Weeraratne
Marco Monaci Michael Blatherwick Oscar Molinari
Nayra Naymas
Marcos Abrahams Michael Boonk Ossian
Nayra Tarazón
MarcusF Michael Hanns OwlShield
Ned Smith
Marella Michael L Austin Paddy McAllister
Neil Castle
mark cox Michael Sellwood Paolo Mandala
Mark Oughton Michał Czerwiec Patrick J Sliney
Nicholas Caldwell
Mark tarver Michal Janecek Patrik Hurtig
Nicholas Chronis
Marshal Sinard Michał Jesionek Pau Manzano García
Nicholas Riley
Martin Holmé Michele Benanti Paul James
Nick Eyre
Martyn Taylor Mike Stram Paul Niezborala
Gosling Nick Garrard
Paul Rogers Rhys Jones Salzbrezeln SimpleGoblin
Paul Taylor Rich Sam Sindre Helgevold
Paul Thorp Richard Cole Sam Sinister Grackle
per johan Richard L Sam Bahnert Six
Pete The Wargamer Richard Lacy Sam Gaboli Skarabastus
Peter Graham Richard Lowe Sam Kemp Skimpyy
Peter J Pegues Rick Ferreira Sam Mather Skullforge Studios
Peter Jordan Rick Westbrock Sam Taylor Skullicus
Peter Williams RisingThumb Samuel Kitz Skulltaker, The
Flaming Sword of
PettyBeige Rob Cunningham Samuel Livingston Khorne
Phil Baldoni Rob Strohmeyer Samuel Rasmussen Skwoz
Phil Dyer Robby Samuel Rivers Skylar H.
Phil Morris Robby Shearon Santi Orozco Snowtrudger
Phil Williams Robert Anderson- Sasquatcherous
Philipp Will Schwalter54
Robert McCourt
Philokleon Scot Hughes
Robert Pecenka
PhoenixWrites Scott Barnett
Robert Plant
Piotrek Lidke Scott Van Scheik
Robert Williams-Day
PolybiusHighscore Scruffest
Roderick Giovanni
porchlightdusk Huijgen sdgjdkfn
Possum Man Roger Harper sean mckechnie
Potatoghost27 roger porter Sebastokrator
Prungles Ron Carnegie Seth Beall
Puck Jackson Rory Witkowski shahar
RD Rostislav Rumpel
RainIsMother- Russell Coonce
NaturesCarwash Ryan C Nelson-Rury
Shawn M.
RandomSubscriber Ryan James Hescock
RegalE Ryan Nailor Silberfischchen
Reilly Ryan Warner Simon
Republic of Folk Sahh Simon Alskans
retail.sucks saltywendigo Simon Terry

Sofia Tentacle_Eyes Tomasz Szymanek Wayne Robert
Sokoly ThaHazaPaxer Tommaso Di Spigna Whit C
Sören R. That Damn Rat Tomnip Will
spakon ThatBennett Tony Bradley Will
SpamInHand The Mighty BOTTL Torbjörn Blom Will
speedgnat The Trash Viking Travis Rice Will
Spencer Thompson theherbertness24 Travis the toaster Will dowd
Sporehammer TheLastCarcosan Trevor Mullen Will Robot
SquidZillaInk TheLemonGawd Tucker Tanner Willem Cluness
Ste Ross theRx Twabbis William Lee
Steinberg TheSage1202 Tyler Blair William Mathew
Stephan theshakeyxhands Tyler Leben
William Welch
Stephen Charzuk Thessar Ether Tyler Madden
Wilting Moon
Stephen Guisti Thibaud Fontaine Tyler Stevens
Stephen W. Thomas Barmby Ulther Redmane
xander day
STEVE MONTALBO Thomas Liles Ulverbite
Steven Hanlon Thomas Tandrup United Brush
Academy Yobtar
Steven Hoskins Tim Hawkins-
Ormerod Unyin Z-Axis
Steven Parker
Tim Lenz Uriel Zach F
Stroytov Validus
Gamers Tim McDonald Vane Dolenc Zachary
Stuart Disbury Tim Niederriter Vargr0L Zachary Hershberger
Stuart Ward Tim Ostertag Venn Busby Zackary Nielson
T Tjark Julius Viewbob_True Zak K
T Jones TLeB Ville Kemi Zig Tillers
Tabletop Minions Tobias Sieber Viridooo Никита Лапшов
Tadbyte TofuRevolution Vivien Fouquet
Tadg McLoughlin Tom Vladimir Matic -
Tara Dillenburger- Tom
Keenan Volker Kirschbauer
Tom Greenway
Taylor Bleir Waiting_For_
Tom Robertson Something_To_
TCoffin Happen
Tom Schultz
Ted Kreider Wayne
Tomas Mayo

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