Group 2 Chapter 5 Returned

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Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

This chapter presented findings, conclusions and recommendations of this study.

This study determined the extent of application of the four Filipino core values among

Grade 8 students of Cagasat High School.

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions:

1.What is the profile of your respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Gender

1.4 Religion

2. Extent of Application of the Four Filipino Core Values among Grade 8 Learners.

2.1 Maka-Diyos

2.2 Makatao

2.3 Makakalikasan

2.4 Makabansa

Findings of the Study

The following findings are obtained based on the analysis and interpretation of data.
1.Demographic Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Age

It turned out that students age 13-14 accommodate over 72 number of students, sharing

over 96%. Therefore, students between 15-16 years old put up 2 counts, equivalent to 3%

and above 17 student is 1 count which is equal to 1%.

1.2 Sex

Male students distributed 32 numbers which is equal to 43%. Furthermore, female

students shared a total of 43, equivalent to 57%.

1.3 Gender

It shows that the feminine students have the total of 26 counts which distributes 35%,

while masculine count for over 12 students which equal to 16%. Gay students counted for

over 6 , equivalent to 8% and lesbian shared 3 of the students referring to 4%. Bisexual

students have 9 counts that is equivalent to 12%, and others who have different gender

identification is 19, which distributes to 25%.

1.4 Religion

It shows that the catholic students have the total of 33 counts which distributes 44%,

while Iglesia ni Kristo students have the total of 20 which distributes 27%, and others

who have different religion is 22 which distributes to 29%.With the total of 100%.
2. Extent of Aplication of the four Filipino Core Values to the Grade 8 Learners in

terms of :

2.1 Application of Grade 8 Molave of the four Filipino Core Values

In this summary, it shows the extent of application of the four Filipino core values among

Grade 8 Molave students of Cagasat High School. The overall value is 3.97. Therefore,

the overall remark is Frequently. In short, the Grade 8 Molave frequently apply the four

Filipino core values.

2.2 Application of Grade 8 Mahogany of the four Filipino Core Values

This one shows the extent of application of the four Filipino core values among Grade 8

Mahogany students of Cagasat High School. The overall value is 4.13. Therefore, the

overall remark is Frequently. In short, the Grade 8 Mahogany also frequently apply the

four Filipino core values.

2.3 Application of Grade 8 Narra of the four Filipino Core Values

Therefore, this shows the extent of application of the four Filipino core values among

Grade 8 Narra students of Cagasat High School. The overall value is 3.96. Therefore, the

overall remark is Frequently, inshort, the Grade 8 Narra frequently apply the four Filipino

core values.


The findings of the study yielded to the following conclusions:

Majority of the respondents belong to the female population with 13-17 age from the

Grade 8 level.

As social media becomes a more significant part of young people's daily life, it is vital to

comprehend the influence on their evolving sense of self. This research found out that the

Cagasat High School Grade -8 learners frequently execute the four Filipino core Values.

By upholding truth from a questionnaire made by the group, the students answered it

delightfully. And we computed the verbal interpretation and its percentage. In this sense,

the application of the four Filipino core Values by the grade 8 students is only frequently

but we can also do something to invade the attitudes and perspectives of them and change

them into a better person, child and student, creating a better generation built from this

values. Furthermore, the students can still apply such values to their daily lives and move

forward as better persons.


Based on the conclusions, the following recommendations are presented:

School- Every school has its culture that expresses shared values and expectations for students ,

faculty and staff. As the principal, you have to set a positive example for others as they

contribute to a productive learning and teaching environment. There are strategies for
developing core values at school that can be used to navigate change. Well-established

core values can help strengthen a school community. However, determining what those

should can be a challenge. This can do a big change. Identify which values are most

important to your teachers and staff members as well as to your students and their

families. Establish a school-wide community code that connects your shared set of core

values. Incorporate character education to encourage your students develop a deeper

understanding of humanity and what they can do to support themselves and others.

2.)Community- Whenever we refer the community a sense of commonness , unity and

fraternity automatically comes to our mind . So those are some intrinsic quality and it

must be present in any community. So if such value are missing I think it is wrong to say

it a community …but still we can inculcate such value by imparting shared culture ,

history ,regional aspirations … our goal ,our perspective all are varied but our overall

betterment depend on the betterment of our community therefore goodness of individual

lies in the goodness of community. The community must have the unity to inculcate such

values, programs provided by the community will do. Rules, quotes, advocacies like and

community implemented laws can help us to perform the four Filipino values regularly.

We already have advocacies such as “Aso mo, Tali mo”, “Tapat ko, Linis ko”.

3.)Family- At home, students encounter attitudes performed by their relatives and friends.

Their family plays vital role for them to ignite to become a better, respectful and polite
children. Teaching of manners must maintain especially at home, parents teaching good

attitude and good deeds, the whole family must also be a good example for the children to

see light. Teach them good manners such saying “thank you” and “please”. Asking

permission first politely, respecting our elders, greetings, being punctual, always speak

the truth, teach basic table manners and more.

4.)Future Researchers- The purpose of future research is to systematically understand

what is possible and desirable in the future and what events, actions and policies lead to

these futures. The further into the future we look, the more uncertainties and at the same

time more possibilities there are.

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