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Centro de Lenguas – UNS@ Prof.

Saiquita, Karen
Introducing a friend

1. Before listening – Choose the best option for what people normally say when they first meet.

1. Hi, it´s Pablo. / Hi, I´m Pablo.

2. Hi. Who are you? / Hi. How are you?

3. Where are you from? / Where are you?

4. You are nice. / Nice to meet you.

2. While you listen – Complete the gaps with the correct name.

1. _________ introduces Greta to Pablo.

2. _________ is German.

3. _________ is Argentinian.

3. While you listen. Write the words to fill the gaps.

Sumi: Hi, Pablo. How are you?

Pablo: Hi, Sumi. _______________, thanks.

Sumi: Pablo, this is Greta.

Pablo: Hi, Greta. _______________ Pablo.

Greta: Hi. How are you?

Pablo: I´m fine, thanks. __________________ from, Greta?

Greta: I´m from Germany. Where are you from?

Pablo: I´m from Argentina. _______________ meet you.

Greta: Nice to meet you, too.

Centro de Lenguas – UNS@ Prof. Saiquita, Karen
At the library
Act 1 – BEFORE LISTENING- What information do you think the school library needs to give someone a
library card? ¿Qué información crees que el bibliotecario de la escuela necesita para entregar un carnet de

Tick the right ones.

__ First name __ Surname __ Favourite song __ Pet

__ Class __ Age __ Favourite book

♪ Act 2 - WHILE YOU LISTEN. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

1. Lucy´s surname is
More Moor Moore
2. She´s in class
1C 1B 4B
3. Lucy is
13 14 15
4. The library asks for Lucy´s
address photo passport

♪ Act 3 - WHILE YOU LISTEN. Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box

old card surname spell class photo

Lucy: Hello
School librarian: Hello, what´s your name?
Lucy: My name´s Lucy.
School librarian: And what´s your _________, Lucy?
Lucy: Moore
School librarian: Can you ________ that?
Lucy: M – O – O – R – E
School librarian: Thank you. What _______ are you in?
Lucy: Class 1 B
School librarian: Class 1 B. And how _________ are you, Lucy?
Lucy: I´m 13
School librarian: Have you got a ________?
Lucy: Yes, here you are.
School librarian: Thank you
School librarian: Ok. Thank you, Lucy. Here´s your school library _______.
Lucy: Thanks. Bye.
School librarian: Goodbye.

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