JCCT. Comparison of The Rate of Change in Impact Factor of Medical Imaging Journals Unveils Journals With Organic Growth

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Comparison of the rate of change (slopes) in impact factor of medical imaging journals unveils journals
with organic growth: An observational study (2016–2022)

On June 2023, the Clarivate Analytics Journal Citation Reports (JCR) tions. In 2023, the World Health Organization declared that COVID-19
electronic platform published the annual Impact Factor (IF) of the year was no longer a public health emergency of international concern,
2022 for its indexed journals. The IF has been used as a quality mea- advising a transition to long-term management of this disease.4
surement for journals. IF is commonly an essential criterion when authors An annual inflation estimate for the IF has been described as
choose where to submit their articles; therefore, it is a necessary measure approximately 5%.5 However, our research found a very different
for the researcher and the author community.1 As bibliometrics is one of behavior in reality. In 2020, 120 journals (90.22%) in the RNMMI
our group's investigation lines, we have observed and published exciting category exceeded this statistic, and in 2021, 91 (68.42%) of journals in
behaviors. During the 2020 and 2021 pandemic years, IF JUMPS were the same category also exceeded this expectation; some journals even
observed in several JCR journals of Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, and increased their IF by > 150% in less than one year. However, most of
Medical Imaging (RNMMI) (as well as other medical categories). A cor- these journals also saw a significant drop in 2022. One of the leading
relation was hypothesized with the COVID-19 pandemic.2 Our group journals in this category (Radiology) reported a 32% decrease.
observed an inverted phenomenon in 2022, with most RNMMI journals Our findings demonstrate the importance of considering the behavior
decreasing their IFs, which led us to perform this research. of the IF of journals rather than just the IF currently reported. We found
This retrospective study evaluated the journals listed in the RNMMI that 15.9% of journals with a positive RoC for the 2022 period demon-
category that coincidentally appeared between 2015 and 2022 (it was strate that it is possible to achieve continuous growth (even in adverse
mandatory to have IF reported in the last three years). First, we calculate circumstances) and provide a sense of security to researchers/authors
the rate of change (RoC) based on the formula: [(IF of chosen year – IF of that the current IF of a journal is not only due to a ‘circumstantial peak.'
the previous year)/IF of the previous year] x 100 (results described as %). We consider journals with continuous IF growth in the last three years
In the second step, mixed-effect regression models with random in- to have ORGANIC GROWTH (achieved through internal resources and
tercepts and slopes (a method previously published by our group)3 tested activities, such as expanding existing products or services, increasing
the primary and secondary hypothesis of a difference in the overall rate marketing efforts, or improving operations, among others). Most of the
of change (2018–2022) and stratified subgroups (with positive or nega- journals in the imaging category with a scandalous IF decline during
tive RoC in 2022). The statistical significance of all tests was indicated by 2022 (even many of those considered the top journals) are those with
the p-value <.05 (two-tailed). INORGANIC GROWTH. Fig. 1 shows the global behavior of the RNMMI
In this study, 132 journals were included; RoC showed a significant journals, in contrast to a journal for the same category that shows organic
difference during five-year periods (Friedman tests χ2 ¼ 184.251,4 p < growth (Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography).
.001). As expected, for the period 2021–2022, 111 (84.1%) journals had We believe that the RoC of two consecutive IFs could be helpful for
a negative RoC (median ¼ 16.41), while 21 (15.9%) journals had a researchers as a new metric to compare the performance of journals in
positive RoC. There was a statistically significant main effect for years, F RNMMI and other medical fields when looking for places to submit their
(1, 138.405) ¼ 13.224, p < .001, and direction of RoC, F (1, 5.562) ¼ work. It is known that a journal's impact helps to pre-evaluate how
9.032, p ¼ .026. manuscripts may perform in particular journals concerning being cited in
We hypothesized that the negative RoC observed in 2022 for most the future. Still, with everything mentioned priorly, it is understandable
journals in the RNMMI category (84.1%) could also be related to the that this value is not absolute, and it could drastically change for the
pandemic, but in this case, to the decrease in lockdown and related following year's JCR report. Therefore, identifying journals that depict
measurements, ending this era of extra free time and increased publica- steady organic growth may also be of value to researchers.

Received 21 July 2023; Received in revised form 8 August 2023; Accepted 13 August 2023
Available online xxxx
1934-5925/© 2023 Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Martínez-Greiser P et al., Comparison of the rate of change (slopes) in impact factor of medical imaging journals unveils
journals with organic growth: An observational study (2016–2022), Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, https://doi.org/10.1016/
Correspondence Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. (A) Mean IF per year (2017–2022) for all journals evaluated. (B) The Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography presents an example of organic growth. (C)
Journals with decreasing RoC. (D) Journals with increasing RoC; the blue dashed line (ID 54) represents the Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

Funding statement linear mixed design model analysis of Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Medical Im-
aging journals. Radiol Med. 2018;123(7):524–534.
4. Organization WH. Statement on the Fifteenth Meeting of the IHR; 2005. Emergency Com-
This research did not receive a specific grant from any funding agency mittee on the COVID-19 pandemic WHO News2023 [cited 2023 July 4th]. Available from:
in the public, commercial, or nonprofit sectors. https://www.who.int/news/item/05-05-2023-statement-on-the-fifteenth-meeting-of-th
Declaration of Competing Interest 5. Bluemke DA. Radiology and the impact factor. Radiology. 2022;305(2):247–248.

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial Paola Martínez-Greiser, Melissa Garcia-Lezama
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence Directorate of Research, Hospital General de Mexico ‘Dr. Eduardo Liceaga’,
the work reported in this paper. 06720, Mexico City, Mexico
E-mail addresses: paomgreiser98@gmail.com (P. Martínez-Greiser),
Acknowledgements melissa.garcia.lezama@uabc.edu.mx (M. Garcia-Lezama).
Santiago Rivera-Ibarguen
P.M.G. and M.G.L were research fellows at the directorate of research Faculty of Medicine, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Puebla,
of HGMEL mentored by E.R.V. in 2022–2023. Mexico
E-mail address: santiago.riverai@alumno.buap.mx.
Ernesto Roldan-Valadez*
1. Roldan-Valadez E, Salazar-Ruiz SY, Ibarra-Contreras R, Rios C. Current concepts on Directorate of Research, Hospital General de Mexico ‘Dr. Eduardo Liceaga’,
bibliometrics: a brief review about impact factor, Eigenfactor score, CiteScore, SCI- 06720, Mexico City, Mexico
mago Journal Rank, Source-Normalised Impact per Paper, H-index, and alternative I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University),
metrics. Ir J Med Sci. 2019;188(3):939–951.
2. Garcia-Blanco MD, Valdez-Valdes A, Ternovoy SK, Bueno-Hernandez N, Roldan-
Department of Radiology, 119992, Moscow, Russia
Valadez E. Impact factor JUMPS after the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective
study in Radiology, nuclear medicine & medical imaging journals. Ultrasound Q. 2022; *
Corresponding author. Directorate of Research, Hospital General de
Mexico ‘Dr. Eduardo Liceaga’, 06720, Mexico City, Mexico.
3. Roldan-Valadez E, Orbe-Arteaga U, Rios C. Eigenfactor score and alternative biblio-
metrics surpass the impact factor in a 2-years ahead annual-citation calculation: a E-mail address: ernest.roldan@usa.net (E. Roldan-Valadez).

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