Clup Volume 1 Final Mabini Batangas

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Health and Science (Western Visayas College of Science and Technology)

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FOREWORD 13 – 14
I.1. History 19 - 35
A. Origin
B. The Founding
C. Achievements, Accomplishments and Contributions
Of Each Political Leaders During Their Respective
Terms of Office That Evolved and Nurtured Present
Situation of the Municipality of Mabini, Batangas
I.2. Geographical and Physical Environment 35 - 61
A. Geographical Location
B. Topography
C. Geology
D. Climate
E. Land Resources
F. Slopes
G. Soils
H. Land Capability
I. Natural Hazards/Constraints
J. Hazard Analysis
K. Coastal Resources
1. Municipal Waters
2. Features of the Municipal Waters
3. Fishery Resources
4. Marine Protected Areas
5. Marine Reserve Sanctuary
6. Dive Sites Along Balayan Bay
7. Coastlines and Beaches
8. Public Easements/Salvage Zones

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9. Freshwater Resources
1.3. Demographic Profile 61 - 92
A. Population Changes
1. Historical Growth of Population
B. Population Composition
1. Total Population By Age Group, By Sex
2. Age Economic Dependency Ratios
3. School-Age Population
4. Other Components of the Population
5. Population By Highest Grade/Year Completed
6. Gainful Workers 15 Years Old and Over By
Major Occupation, By Sex
C. Population Distribution
1. Population and Households By Barangay
2. Population Density
3. Tempo of Urbanization
D. Other Population Characteristics
1. Marital Status
2. Religious Affiliation
3. Ethnicity And Dialect Spoken By The Population
4. Literacy Rate
E. Migration Patterns
1. Out-Migration
2. In-Migration
F. Population Projections and Estimates







1.1. General Land Uses
1.1.1. Urban Land Uses
Residential Areas
Commercial Areas
Institutional Areas
Functional Open Spaces
Multi-Purpose Courts
Cemeteries/Memorial Park
1.1.2. Industrial Areas
1.1.3. Tourism Areas
1.1.4. Agricultural Areas
1.1.5. Forest Areas

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1.1.6. Open Grasslands


2.1.1. Sectoral Land Use Requirements 106 - 107 Social Services Sectors
Health and Medical Services
Social Welfare Services
Sports and Recreation
Protective Services Municipal Economy 107 - 108
Agriculture Sector
Commerce and Trade
Tourism Sector Sector 108 - 109
Transportation: Roads and Bridges
2.1.2. Reclassification Limit and Plannable Areas 109
2.1.3. Reconsidered/Re-estimated Quantified Land 109 - 113
Requirements Using HLURB Land Use Planning
Guidelines Land Uses
Residential Areas
Commercial Areas
Institutional Areas
Functional Open Spaces
Multi-Purpose Court/Neighborhood Park
Cemeteries/Memorial Parks
Sanitary Land Fill
Projected Urban Land Uses Requirements General Land Uses
Industrial Areas
Tourism Areas
Forest Areas
Open Grasslands
Projected General Land Uses
Total Land Utilization By Year, 2027

3. LAND USE PLAN 114 - 128

3.1. Development Thrusts 114 - 116
Tourism Development Thrusts
Industrial Development Thrusts
Urban Development Thrusts
Agricultural Development Thrusts
Commercial Development Thrusts
Forest Development Thrusts

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Coastal Areas Development Thrusts

3.2. Land Use Plan Strategies and Growth Patterns 117
3.3. Structure Plan 117 - 122
3.3.1. Northern Section – Urban Areas and Industrial Areas Metro-Mabini Subsection – Urban Areas Industrial Sub-Section – Industrial Areas

3.3.2. Eastern Section – Commercial/Agricultural /Industrial Areas

3.3.3. Western Section – Tourism Areas
3.3.4. Southern Section – Forest Areas/Tourism Areas
3.3.5. Central - Upland Section – Agro-Forestry Areas

3.4. Land Use Plan Development Concept 122 - 128

3.4.1. CLUSTER I Northern Development Cluster
(Metro-Mabini Development Sub-Cluster and
Industrial Development Sub-Cluster)

Cluster I.A. Metro-Mabini Urban

Development Sub-Cluster
Cluster I.B. Industrial Development

3.4.2. CLUSTER II. Eastern Development Cluster

Commercial, Agricultural and
Industrial Cluster

3.4.3. CLUSTER III. Western Development Cluster

Tourism Development Cluster

3.4.4. CLUSTER IV. Southern Development Cluster

Forest and Tourism Development

3.4.5. CLUSTER V. Central-Upland Development Cluster

Agro-Forestry Development Areas

3.5. Land Use Plan Boundaries 128 - 153

I. Northern Section Development Areas

I.A. Metro-Mabini Urban Development
I.A.1. Poblacion 129 - 132

I.A.1.1. Residential Areas

1.A.1.2. Commercial Areas
I.A.1.3. Institutional Areas
1.A.1.4. Functional Open Spaces:
Multi-Purpose Courts/Neighborhood Park
1.A.1.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads

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I.A.2. Pulong Niogan 132 - 136

I.A.2.1. Residential Areas

I.A.2.2. Commercial Areas
I.A.2.3. Institutional Areas
I.A.2.4. Functional Open Spaces:
Multi-Purpose Court/
Neighborhood Park
1.A.2.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
1.A.2.6. Forest Areas
1.A.2.7. Agricultural Areas

I.A.3. Bulacan 136 - 138

I.A.3.1. Residential Areas

I.A.3.2. Industrial Areas
I.A.3.3. Institutional Development Areas
I.A.3.4. Functional Open Spaces:
Multi-Purpose Courts/
Neighborhood Park
I.A.3.5. Forest Areas
I.A.3.6. Agricultural Areas
I.A.3.7. Functional Open Spaces: Roads

I.A.4. Pulong Balibaguhan 138 - 141

I.A.4.1. Residential Areas

I.A.4.2. Commercial Areas
I.A.4.3. Industrial Areas
I.A.4.4. Institutional Development Areas
I.A.4.5. Functional Open Spaces:
Multi-Purpose Court/
Neighborhood Park
I.A.4.6. Agricultural Areas
I.A.4.7. Functional Open Spaces: Roads

I.A.5. Sampaguita 141 - 143

I.A.5.1. Residential Areas

I.A.5.2. Functional Open Spaces:
Cemeteries/Memorial Parks
I.A.5.3. Institutional Development Areas
I.A.5.4. Functional Open Spaces:
Multi-Purpose Court/
Neighborhood Park
I.A.5.5. Agricultural Development Areas
I.A.5.6. Functional Open Spaces Roads

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I.A.6. Sta. Ana 143 - 149

I.A.6.1. Residential Areas

I.A.6.2. Institutional Development Areas
I.A.6.3. Functional Open Spaces:
Multi-Purpose Court/
Neighborhood Park
I.A.6.4. Agricultural Development Areas
I.A.6.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads

I. Northern Section 144

I.B. Industrial Development Areas

I.B.1. Mainaga 144 - 146

I.B.1.1. Residential Areas

I.B.1.2. Industrial Areas
I.B.1.3. Institutional Development Areas
I.B.1.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
I.B.1.5. Agricultural Development Areas
I.B.1.6. Functional Open Spaces: Roads

I.B.2. San Juan 146 - 149

I.B.2.1. Residential Areas

I.B.2.2. Commercial Areas
I.B.2.3. Industrial Areas
I.B.2.4. Institutional Areas
I.B.2.5. Institutional Development Areas
I.B.2.6. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
I.B.2.7. Forest Areas
I.B.2.8. Agricultural Development Areas
I.B.2.9. Functional Open Spaces: Roads

I.B.3. Sto. Niño 149 - 150

I.B.3.1. Residential Areas

I.B.3.2. Institutional Development Areas
I.B.3.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
I.B.3.4. Forest Areas
I.B.3.5. Agricultural Development Areas
I.B.3.6. Functional Open Spaces: Roads

I.B.4. San Francisco 150 - 152

I.B.4.1. Residential Areas
I.B.4.2. Industrial Areas
I.B.4.3. Institutional Development Areas
I.B.4.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
I.B.4.5. Forest Areas
I.B.4.6. Agricultural Development Areas

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I.B.4.7. Functional Open Spaces: Roads

I.B.5. Calamias 152 - 153

I.B.5.1. Residential Areas

I.B.5.2. Industrial Areas
I.B.5.3. Institutional Development Areas
I.B.5.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
I.B.5.5. Forest Areas
I.B.5.6. Agricultural Development Areas
I.B.5.7. Functional Open Spaces: Roads

II. Eastern Section Development Areas 153 - 164

Development Areas

II.A.1. Talaga East 153 - 156

II.A.1.1. Residential Areas

II.A.1.2. Commercial Areas
II.A.1.3. Institutional Development Areas
II.A.1.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
II.A.1.5. Forest Areas
II.A.1.6. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
II.A.1.7. Agricultural Development Areas

II.A.2 Talaga Proper 156 - 158

II.A.2.1. Residential Areas

II.A.2.2. Institutional Development Areas
II.A.2.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
II.A.2.4. Forest Areas
II.A.2.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
II.A.2.6. Agricultural Development Areas

II.A.3. Pulang Lupa 158 - 159

II.A.3.1. Residential Areas

II.A.3.2. Institutional Development Areas
II.A.3.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
II.A.3.4. Forest Areas
II.A.3.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
II.A.3.6. Agricultural Development Areas

II.A.4. Sta. Mesa 159 - 161

II.A.4.1. Residential Areas

II.A.4.2. Institutional Development Areas
II.A.4.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
II.A.4.4. Forest Areas
II.A.4.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads

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II.A.4.6. Agricultural Development Areas

II.A.5. Saguing 161 - 163

II.A.5.1. Residential Areas

II.A.5.2. Institutional Development Areas
II.A.5.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
II.A.5.4. Forest Areas
II.A.5.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
II.A.5.6. Agricultural Development Areas

II.A.6. Pulong Anahao 163 - 164

II.A.6.1. Residential Areas

II.A.6.2. Institutional Development Areas
II.A.6.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
II.A.6.4. Forest Areas
II.A.6.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
II.A.6.6. Agricultural Development Areas

III. Western Section Development Areas 164 - 178

III.A. Tourism Development Areas

III.A.1. Anilao East 164 - 166

III.A.1.1. Residential Areas

III.A.1.2. Commercial Areas
III.A.1.3. Tourism Areas
III.A.1.4. Institutional Development Areas
III.A.1.5. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
III.A.1.6. Forest Areas
III.A.1.7. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
III.A.1.8. Agricultural Development Areas

III.A.2. Anilao Proper 166 - 169

III.A.2.1. Residential Areas

III.A.2.2. Tourism Areas
III.A.2.3. Institutional Development Areas
III.A.2.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
III.A.2.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
III.A.2.6. Agricultural Development Areas

III.A.3. Majuben 169 - 171

III.A.3.1. Residential Areas

III.A.3.2. Institutional Development Areas
III.A.3.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
III.A.3.4. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
III.A.3.5. Agricultural Development Areas

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III.A.4. San Jose 171 - 173

III.A.4.1. Residential Areas

III.A.4.2. Tourism Areas
III.A.4.3. Institutional Development Areas
III.A.4.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
III.A.4.5. Forest Areas
III.A.4.6. Agricultural Development Areas
III.A.4.7. Functional Open Spaces: Roads

III.A.5. Ligaya 173 - 174

III.A.5.1. Residential Areas

III.A.5.2. Tourism Areas
III.A.5.3. Institutional Development Areas
III.A.5.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
III.A.5.5. Forest Areas
III.A.5.6. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
III.A.5.7. Agricultural Development Areas

III.A.6. Solo 174 - 178

III.A.6.1. Residential Areas

III.A.6.2. Tourism Areas
III.A.6.3. Institutional Development Areas
III.A.6.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
III.A.6.5. Forest Areas
III.A.6.6. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
III.A.6.7. Agricultural Development Areas

IV. Southern Section Development Areas 178 - 188

IV.A Tourism and Forest Development Areas

IV.A.1. Mainit 178 - 180

IV.A.1.1 Residential Areas

IV.A.1.2. Tourism Areas
IV.A.1.3. Institutional Development Areas
IV.A.1.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
IV.A.1.5. Forest Areas
IV.A.1.6. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
IV.A.1.7. Agricultural Development Areas

IV.A.2. Bagalangit 180 - 183

IV.A.2.1 Residential Areas

IV.A.2.2. Tourism Areas
IV.A.2.3. Institutional Development Areas
IV.A.2.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas

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IV.A.2.5. Forest Areas

IV.A.2.6. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
IV.A.2.7. Agricultural Development Areas

IV.A.3. San Teodoro 183 - 185

IV.A.3.1 Residential Areas

IV.A.3.2. Tourism Areas
IV.A.3.3. Institutional Development Areas
IV.A.3.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
IV.A.3.5. Forest Areas
IV.A.3.6. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
IV.A.3.7. Agricultural Development Areas

IV.A.4. Nag-iba 185 - 186

IV.A.4.1 Residential Areas
IV.A.4.2. Institutional Development Areas
IV.A.4.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
IV.A.4.4. Forest Areas
IV.A.4.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
IV.A.4.6. Agricultural Development Areas

IV.A.5.1 Malimatoc I 186 - 187

IV.A.5.1 Residential Areas

IV.A.5.2. Institutional Development Areas
IV.A.5.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
IV.A.5.4. Forest Areas
IV.A.5.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
IV.A.5.6. Agricultural Development Areas

IV.A.6. Malimatoc II 187 - 188

IV.A.6.1 Residential Areas

IV.A.6.2. Institutional Development Areas
IV.A.6.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
IV.A.6.4. Forest Areas
IV.A.6.5. Agricultural Development Areas
IV.A.6.6. Functional Open Spaces: Roads

V. Central Upland Section Development Areas 188 - 194

V.A. Agro-forestry Development Areas

V.A.1. Gasang 188 - 191

V.A.1.1. Residential Areas

V.A.1.2. Institutional Development Areas
V.A.1.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
V.A.1.4. Forest Areas
V.A.1.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads


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V.A.1.6. Agricultural Development Areas

V.A.2 Sto. Tomas 191 - 192

V.A.2.1. Residential Areas

V.A.2.2. Institutional Development Areas
V.A.2.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
V.A.2.4. Forest Areas
V.A.2.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
V.A.2.6. Agricultural Development Areas

V.A.3. Pilahan 192 - 193

V.A.3.1. Residential Areas

V.A.3.2. Institutional Development Areas
V.A.3.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
V.A.3.4. Forest Areas
V.A.3.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
V.A.3.6. Agricultural Development Areas

V.A.4. Laurel 193 - 194

V.A.4.1. Residential Areas

V.A.4.2. Institutional Development Areas
V.A.4.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
V.A.4.4. Forest Areas
V.A.4.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
V.A.4.6. Agricultural Development Areas

V.A.5. Estrella 194

V.A.5.1. Residential Areas

V.A.5.2. Institutional Development Areas
V.A.5.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
V.A.5.4. Forest Areas
V.A.5.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
V.A.5.6. Agricultural Development Areas

4. Water Use Zonation Boundaries and Regulations 195 - 201

Section 3. Definition of Terms
Section 4. Municipal Waters of Mabini
Section 5. Division Into Zones
1. Restricted Use 1 Zone
2. Restricted Use 2 Zone
3. Restricted Use 3 Zone
4. Controlled Use 1 Zone
5. Controlled Use 2 Zone
6. Multiple Use Zone
Section 6. Zoning Map
Section 7. General Provision on The Zone Regulations


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Section 8. Regulations in Restricted Use 1 Zone

Section 9. Regulations in Restricted Us 2 Zone
Section 10. Regulations in Restricted Use 3 Zone
Section 11. Regulations in Controlled Use 1 Zone
Section 12. Regulations in Controlled Use 2 Zone
Section 13. Regulations in Multiple Use Zone









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The Revised Municipal Comprehensive Land Use Plan (MCLUP) of the Municipality of
Mabini, Batangas, 2018-2027 is long overdue. The old document is formulated and duly
approved for the period 2003 to 2012. Its implementation, however, is extended for two (2)
more years through a Sangguniang Bayan Resolution. The old document is still being
implemented and enforced to date.

The fast pace of land use developments and economic activities in the municipality under the
new administration had posed the urgency for the updating and revision of the Comprehensive
Land Use Plan. Likewise, compliance to the two (2) landmark national laws, the Climate
Change Act of 2009 (RA9729) and the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010
(RA 10121) which require mainstreaming of climate change adaptation and disaster risk
reduction in all local development plans including the MCLUP prompted the local government
to undertake revision and updating of plans. The recent occurrence of earthquake swarm which
struck the municipality in the early part of 2017 also provoked the need for updated local
development plans.

Thus, the planning department under the direction of the Local Chief Executive and the
Municipal Administrator had embarked on a massive operations and wholehearted efforts to
update and revise the old CLUP. The old document was scrutinized, reviewed and evaluated
to determine percentage of implementation, relevance of the plan to the present situation and
availability of new data requirements. Mapping using Geographic Information System (GIS)
technology is resorted for more accurate and modern day application of land use information.

The new updated and revised Municipal Comprehensive Development Plan (MCLUP) adopts
the ridge to reefs or integrated watershed ecosystems management framework to emphasize
the interrelationships between the uplands, lowlands and coastal ecosystems. The present
developments and local government undertakings on Coastal Resource Management activities
were inputted into the MCLUP.

Combined Development Thrusts prioritized as follows: Tourism Development Thrust,

Industrial Development Thrusts, Agricultural Production Development Thrusts, Commercial
Development Thrusts, and Urban Development Thrusts and Forest Development Thrusts,
Coastal Resources Management Development Thrusts are adopted in the MCLUP. On these
thrusts are anchored the physical hierarchy of Development Areas which are arranged from
ridge to reefs as follows: the uplands will be Environmental Management Development
Areas/Forest Development Areas; the lands at the base of the ridges will be Agricultural
Production Development Areas, the lowlands are the Urban Development Areas with other
specialized functions as Tourism Development Areas, Industrial Development Areas, and
Commercial Districts. Coastal Areas are for Tourism Development Areas and Environmental
Management Development Areas with Marine Protected Areas and Dive Sites.


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The land use development concept for the municipality is anchored on the framework of Multi-
Polar Multi-Functional Development Areas Concept. Clustering of barangays with hierarchy
such as nodal growth barangay and satellite barangay is envisioned to further improve the role-
function and at the same time enhance potential sub-functions of each Development Areas.

The Five (5) Major Development Areas/Clusters and Two (2) Sub-Development

I. Northern Development Areas – Urban and Industrial Development Areas

A. Metro-Mabini Sub-Development Areas
B. Industrial Sub-Development Areas
II. Eastern Development Areas– Industrial/Commercial and Agricultural
Development Areas
III. Western Development Areas – Tourism Development Areas
IV. Southern Development Areas – Tourism and Forestry Development
V. Central-Upland Development Areas – Agro-Forestry Development Areas

The MCLUP incorporates the water use zonation boundaries as provided for in Municipal
Ordinance No. 5 Series of 2006 entitled An Ordinance Defining the Municipal Waters of the
Municipality of Mabini and Establishing Its Water Use Zoning Regulation and Providing for
the Administration and Enforcement Thereof as Enacted and Approved through Sangguniang
Bayan Rsolution No. 118-2006 Entitled Approving the Water Use Zonation Plan of Mabini,
Batangas Dated Last October 23, 2006. Thus, the Land and Water Use Zonation Plan Map,

The MCLUP was presented to the Executive and Legislative Departments of the local
government units as well as the Liga Ng Mga Barangay and the Department of Education
family. The document was presented by the Planning Department and comments were
solicited. Comments were minimal and the plans were generally approved by the participants.
There are no revisions to the documents presented.

We believe that we have crafted and formulated a good, effective and efficient Comprehensive
Land Use Plan for the people of Mabini within the planning period. This will serve as blueprint
or guide for the over-all growth and development of the Municipality of Mabini, Batangas
under the leadership of the current set of elected officials and officers of the Municipal
Government of Mabini, Batangas.


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The MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF MABINI, BATANGAS hereby acknowledges all the
Municipal Government Department Heads and Staff that have contributed to the preparation
and successful completion of this Municipal Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2018-2027.
Special mention goes to the following:
1. Atty. Gerville Reyes-Luistro - Municipal Administrator
2. Charito Bilale – Municipal Assessor
3. Nora S. Villanueva – Municipal Civil Registrar
4. Ricardo A. Dimayuga – Municipal Treasurer
5. Ailene P. Fabila – Municipal Accountant
6. Belinda M. Gonda – Municipal Budget Officer
7. Gerarda G. Silang – Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer
8. Dr. Melanio Ramir P. Beloso – Municipal Health Officer
9. Engr. Simeon A. Arago – Municipal Engineer
10. Constancio Ronald D. Castillo – Municipal Agriculturist
11. Marieta M. Isla – Municipal Sangguniang Bayan Secretary
12. EnP Anacetas A. Dalangin – Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator
13. Ruben D. Del Mundo – Market Administrator
14. Catalino E. Argo – Municipal Tourism Officer and Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Officer

Special acknowledgement to the following:

1. Staff of the Municipal Planning Department: Arnol M. Panopio, Aurora Margaret D.
Dieza, Arnulfo C. Castillo, Charity Delos Santos and Geraldine Villanueva
2. Staff of the Municipal Engineering Department : Engr. Joebert A. Gonzales, Romulo
and Saturnino Magmanlac III
3. Staff of the Municipal Budget Department: Nini Casapao
4. Staff of the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Department: Helen M. Manalo
5. Staff of the Municipal Accounting Department: Dulce B. Panopio, Myla Garcia, and
Cherry Anis
6. On-the-Job Training Students for SY 2017-2018 Senior High School – Grade 12 of
Anselmo Sandoval Memorial National High School and Mabini College of Batangas:
Mariz B. Bacay, Lhealyn M. Bantugon, Reniel C. Navaraza; Kim Denzel G. Hernanez,
Christan Emmuel D. Cepillo, Leonel B. Baculo, Jolina May D. Matibag, John Lester
Adao, Jhon Erickson Magboo; Jim M. Escalona, John Alfred C. Dimayuga, Kim M.
Escalona, Henderson R. Ilagan, Mark Jerrol F. Isal, Ron Ryan M. Ortega, Justine P.
Bantugon, Kent Paolo V. Abanador, Jessare M. Rivera.


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Lists of Tables
Table No. 1 List of Municipal Mayors from 1918 to present 2017
2 List of Municipal Vice – Mayors from 1918 to present 2017
3 Land Area by Barangay
4 Slopes and Soil Types by Location
5 Hazard Identification: Susceptibility to Rain-Induced Landslide:
Location, Cause and Effect
6 Hazard Identification: Susceptibility to Flooding, Location, Causes and
7 Boundaries of the Municipal Waters
8 Top Species/Species Groups of Fish Landed in Anilao Port, Batangas
9 Historical Growth of Population.
10 Population by Age Group, By Sex, 2017
11 Age Economic Dependency Ratios
12 Population Composition by Sex and Sex Ratios
13 Population 5 Year old and Over by Highest Grade/Year Completed
14 Population 5 Years old and Over By Highest Grade/Year Completed
15 Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade/Year Completed
16 Gainful Workers 15 Years Old and Over by Major Occupation, by Age
Group and Sex
17 Gainful Workers 5 Years Old and Over
18 Gainful Workers 15 Years Old and Over
19 Gainful Workers 15 Years Old and Over by Major Occupation, by Age
Group and Sex
20 Gainful Workers 15 Years Old and Over
21 Population and Households by Barangay, 2017
22 Population by Barangay in Census Years 2010 and 2015 and Annual
Growth Rate
23 Population Density by Barangay, 2017
24 Urbanization Levels in the Past 15 Years
25 Population 10 Years Old and Over by Marital Status by Age Group and
by Sex
26 Population 10 Years Old and Over by Marital Status by Age Group and
by Sex
27 Religious Affiliation
28 Ethnicity/Dialect Spoken
29 Literacy of Population 10 Years Old and Over
30 Overseas Filipino Workers by Barangay: by Sex and Age Range
31 No. of OFWs by Barangay and Educational Attainment
32 No. of OFWs by Barangay and by Place of Work
33 No. of In-Migrants by Barangay and by Original Place of Residence
34 Annual Projected Total Population, 2018 to 2027
35 Projected Population and Number of Household by Barangay, 2018-
36 Projected Population and Number of Household by Barangay, 2018-


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37 Projected Population and Number of Household by Barangay, 2018-

38 Projected Population and Number of Household by Barangay, 2018-
39 Projected Population and Number of Household by Barangay, 2018-
40 Projected Population by Age Group and by Sex, 2018-2027
41 Projected Population by Age Group and by Sex, 2018-2027
42 Projected Population by Age Group and by Sex, 2018-2027
43 Projected Population by Age Group and by Sex, 2018-2027
44 Projected School-Age Population, 2018-2027
45 Projected School-Age Population, 2018-2027
46 Projected School-Age Population, 2018-2027
47 Projected Labor Force, 2018-2027
48 Existing General Land Uses, 2017
49 Urban Land Uses, 2017
50 Distribution of Commercial Areas and Existing Commercial Areas
within the Commercial Strip by Barangay
51 Distribution of Urban Land Uses in the Barangays
52 Industrial Areas
53 Tourism Areas
54 Total Land Requirement for the Social Services Sectors
55 Total Land Requirement for the Municipal/Local Economy Sectors
56 Summary of Total Land Requirements by Major Sector
57 Projected Urban Land Use Requirements, 2018-2027
58 Projected Urban Land Uses by Barangay
59 Industrial Areas
60 Tourism Areas
61 Projected General Land Uses
62 Total Land Utilization by Year, 2027
63 Land Uses in Metro-Mabini Sub-Cluster
64 Land Uses in the Industrial Sub-Cluster
65 Land Uses within the Eastern Development Cluster
66 Land Uses within the Western Development Cluster
67 Land Uses within the Southern Cluster
68 Land Uses within the Central Upland Cluster
69 Hazard Identification: Susceptibility to Rain-Induced Landslide:
Location, Cause and Effect
70 Hazard Identification: Susceptibility to Flooding, Location, Causes
71 Vulnerability Assessment Table: Susceptibility to Rain-Induced
72 Recommendations


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List of Maps
Map 1 Boundary Map
2 Geological Map
3 Slope Map
4 Soil Physiography Map
5 Landslide Susceptibility Map
6 Active Faults and Liquefaction Susceptibility Map of Region IV-A
7 Distribution of Active Faults and Trenches in Region 4A
8 Earthquake-Triggered Landslide Susceptibility Based on Critical
Acceleration Values and Earthquake Intensities Region IV-A
9 Landslide Susceptibility of Calumpan Peninsula Quadrangle
10 Tsunami Hazard Map
11 2015 Population Map
12 2015 Population Density Map
13 Existing Land Use Map
14 Structure Map
15 Land Use Plan, 2017-2027
16 Land and Water Use Zonation Map 2018-2027


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I.1. History

A. Origin

Legend chronicled that the first Malay settlers to inhabit the vast fertile land bordering the two
bodies of water now known as the Batangas Bay and Balayan Bay, first dropped anchors along
the shores of the land protruding down southward known geographically as the Calumpan
Peninsula. These Malays settlers found the lands fertile and the sea rich in marine resources.
They established their settlements along the shores of Calumpan Peninsula, thus beginning the
first human settlements in this once vast unknown land.

Calumpan Peninsula was made part and parcel of the pueblo or municipality of Bauan, in the
province of Kumintang, now Batangas. The same peninsular- territory of Bauan, was divided
into barrios, namely: Mainaga, Pulong Niogan, Pulong Balibaguhan, Anilao, Solo, Pulong
Anahao, Bagalangit, Nag-Iba, Malimatoc, Saguing and Talaga For more than three hundred
years, while the archipelago was under Spanish domination, this Peninsula remained a part of
the pueblo of Bauan and even in the early part of the American occupation.

The people of the peninsula, like other people of other regions, suffered untold hardships under
the Spanish rule. The people of the peninsula joined the uprisings and revolutions against the
foreign domination. Even during the fight against the American forces they did not withdraw
their support of the insurgent’s cause. Foremost of the heroic young men was Don Francisco
Castillo, known as Kapitan Kiko, who led the fight for freedom in this Peninsula.

Thirteen martyrs from the municipality who died in the memorable battle of Mahabang Dahilig
during the Fil-American War were recognized and honored by the municipal government. The
Crossing Rotunda Shrine at Pulong Niogan is the repository for the bones of the said thirteen
martyrs. The 13 Martyrs are as follows: Tirso Sumadsad, Juan Del Espiritu Santo, Ramon
Ilagan, Julian Matulin, Bernardo de los Reyes, Enrique Castillo, Zacarias Castillo, Francisco
de Claro, Moises Maramot, Nicolas Adalia, Pantaleon Panopio, Serapio Aspi and Gavino

B. The Founding

During the American rule, great efforts had been exerted by the proponents of establishing a
new municipality, independent of the town of Bauan. They left no stones unturned in the pursuit
of autonomy for the settlement at the tip off Calumpan Peninsula. To name a few: Don Regino
Marasigan, then Municipal President of Bauan who is supportive of the independence cause,
and the illustrious sons of the settlements during that times such as: Don Francisco Castillo,


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Ignacio Leynes, Tomas Castillo, Indalecio Calangi, Anselmo Sandoval, Marcelino Castillo,
Epifanio Abrigonda, Andres Castillo, Nicomedes Guia, Venancio Castillo, Esteban Castillo,
Juan Dolor, Pedro Manalo, Bartolome Jusi, Agaton Axalan and many others.
On November 23, 1917, Governor General Francis Burton Harrison issued Executive Order
No. 85 separating 17 barrios from the town of Bauan, Batangas to constitute the new and
independent municipality of Mabini. These barrios were Anilao, Bagalangit, Gamao, Mainaga,
Malimatoc, Maricaban, Nag-Iba, Papaya, Pisa, Pulong Anahao, Pulong Balibaguhan, Pulong
Niogan, Saguing, Solo, Talaga, Talahib and Tingloy. Seat of municipal government was
established in the Barrio of Pulong Niogan. Executive Order No. 85 took effect on January 1,
1918, thus establishing the foundation of the town of Mabini on this date.

With the good graces of the then Governor – General Leonard Wood and the great leader of
the country, Senate President Manuel L. Quezon, a new municipality was declared.
Comprising of eleven (11) barrios of the Calumpan Peninsula and whole of Maricaban Island,
an independent municipality, with the name of MABINI, was established. The name of the
municipality was derived from the great name of the Sublime Paralytic, Brains of the
Revolution and Premier Adviser to the President of the erstwhile Philippine Republic, GAT

The new born Municipality of Mabini, Province of Batangas, was inaugurated on January 1,
1918 with Captain Francisco Castillo, known as the founder of the town, as the first appointed
Municipal President With him to form the local officials of the newly inaugurated town were:
Marcelino Castillo as Municipal Vice President; Esteban de Joya, as Municipal Secretary; Jose
Generoso as Municipal Treasurer; and Tomas Cuevas as Justice of the Peace. Appointed
Municipal Councilors were: Tomas Castillo, Pedro Manalo, Epifanio Abrigonda, Valeriano de
Chavez, Tranquilino Buenviaje, Nicomedes Guia, Fermin Buenviaje and Juan Castillo. To
form the Local Police Force Esteban Castillo, was appointed Acting Chief of Police, and
Messrs. Julian Bautista, Nicomedes Aguila, Policarpio Axalan, Marcos Panopio, Marcelo
Reyes and Nazario Manalo as policemen.

C. Achievements, Accomplishments and Contributions of Each Political Leaders

During Their Respective Terms of Office That Evolved and Nurture Present
Situation of the Municipality of Mabini, Batangas

The town of Mabini, Batangas had its first elections of local officials in June, 1919. The two
opposing political parties then had influenced the political landscape of the municipality since
then. Bando Ilaya is the local faction of the Nacionalista Party and Bando Ibaba is the local
faction of the Liberal Party till the 50’s and early 70’s.

The Municipality of Mabini had been administered by a total of twelve (12) municipal mayors
and sixteen (16) municipal vice-mayors since its foundation in 1918 to date.

The following tables and discussions present the names and term of office of each of the
municipal mayors and vice-mayors.


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Table No. 1. List of Municipal Mayors from 1918 to present 2017


Honorable Francisco Castillo 1918 – 1921; 1928 – 1931
Honorable Nicolas Abarintos 1922 – 1925; 1938 – 1941
Honorable Indalecio Calangi 1925 – 1928; 1941 – 1946; 1955 -1958
Honorable Julian Bautista 1931-1934; 1934-1937
Honorable Marcelo Gutierrez 1945
July, 1946; 1947-1951; 1951-1955; November, 1958; 1959 –
Honorable Rafael P. Amurao
September, 1963
Honorable Isidoro Masangcay September –December, 1963
Honorable Domingo Castillo 1964 – 1967
Honorable Basilio C. Calangi 1968 -1979; May, 1986 – January, 1988
Honorable Ruben R. Amurao January, 1980; 1981-1986; 1988-1998
Honorable Rowell M. Sandoval 1998 -2007
Honorable Atty. Nilo M. 2007 – 2016
Honorable Noel B. Luistro 2016 to present

Table No. 2. List of Municipal Vice-Mayors from 1918 to present 2017


Honorable Venancio Castillo 1923 - 1926
Honorable Francisco Balitaan 1928 – 1937
Honorable Jorge Calangi 1938 – 1940
Honorable Marcelo Gutierrez 1940 - 1945
Honorable Primo Evangelista 1947 – 1950
Honorable Hipolito Castillo 1950 - 1955
Honorable Juanito Beloso 1956 – 1959
Honorable Isidoro Masangcay 1960 – 1963
Honorable Atty. Rufo Generoso 1964 - 1967
Honorable Teodoro Mendoza 1968 – 1981
Honorable Atty. Roberto Panganiban 1981 – 1984
Honorable Vicente Magnaye 1984 – 1986; 1986 – 1988; 1988 -1998
Honorable Victorino Buena 1998 – 2007
Honorable Rowell M. Sandoval 2007 – 2008
Honorable Catalino Arago 2008 – 2010
Honorable Atty. Elmar A. Panopio 2010 – 2016
Honorable Pablo M. Villanueva 2016 to present


The first Municipal Mayor, Don Francisco Castillo, initiated the move to have the peninsula
separated and created into an independent town from Bauan. It took him to two years to
complete the requirements for an independent town. He donated the land being occupied by
the public plaza, the old and new Presidencia Buildings (municipal halls), multi-purpose and
health centers buildings, as well as the right-of ways of all roads in and on the Poblacion of the
municipality. As founding father, he provided for the space and situs of municipal government.

The period covering 1928 to 1931, had been very remarkable because transportation become
convenient to the people with the construction of the provincial road from Bauan to the
Poblacion of Mabini. The dream of our forefathers for a road connecting this place to its mother


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town becomes a realization. The difficult problem of transporting crops from one marketplace
to another was solved. The use of rowboats and sailboats to Bauan, Lemery and Taal was
lessened because these places become accessible by land transportation. This was during the
second term as Municipal Mayor of Hon. Francisco Castillo.


In 1922, under the administration of Hon. Nicolas Abarintos, educational facilities were first
constructed. These educational facilities were the Mabini Central School Building and that of
Anilao School Building.


During his first term of office in 1925-1928, the main concern of the next town head, Hon.
Indalecio Calangi, being a Medico Cirujano Ministrante, (medical doctor) was the
improvement of the health conditions in the municipality. He was able to give remedial
measures in places where skin diseases called “ yaws “ had attacked by constructing artesian
wells in the barrios of Solo, Saguing and Talaga. In his return bout to the mayoralty position
from 1941 to the Japanese Occupation and American Liberation in July, 1946. Mayor
Indalecio Calangi did his part in the amelioration of the educational condition in the barrios.
Highlights of his administration are as follows:

1. Construction of the school buildings in Solo, Bagalangit, Nag-Iba, Malimatoc,

Gasang and Saguing.
2. Completion of the Mainaga Pier was during his term.
3. Construction of the breakwater in Talaga.
4. Construction of the Rotunda Road around the public plaza.
5. Establishment of the public cemetery in Bagalangit.


From 1931 to 1937, Hon. Julian Bautista was the town’s Chief Executive. It was through his
ceaseless efforts that the following were done in the municipality:

1. Construction of roads to Talaga and Anilao from the Poblacion was completed.
2. The barrio schools at Saguing and Pulong Anahao were opened and school
buildings constructed.
3. Another municipal government building housing the then COMELEC Office and
the Bureau of Telecommunications was also constructed.
4. Apolinario Mabini’s monument and the old tennis courts that served as dancing
halls during fiestas and social occasions were built in the public plaza.
5. On the economic side, mining went full blast providing employment for thousands
of people, then. The construction of the Mabini Public Market and Mainaga Pier
boosted commerce, trade and navigation during that time.


As the Vice-Mayor of Mayor Indalecio Calangi, during the Japanese Occupation, Hon. Marcelo
Gutierrez took over by virtue of an appointment from the military authorities for sometime in


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In July, 1946, Hon. Rafael P. Amurao was appointed Municipal Mayor, by then President
Manuel A. Roxas upon the recommendation of former Representative Maynardo M. Farol and
the then Governor Modesto Castillo. He served as Municipal Mayor for about eighteen ( 18 )
years from 1946-1955 and 1958 to 1963. In September, 1963 Mayor Rafael Amurao filed his
candidacy for Board Member with the Sangguniang Panlalawigan.
Great progress due to rapid rehabilitation was noted during the first term of office of Mayor
Amurao. Reconstruction of the public market, artesian wells, school buildings and municipal
roads were done. In his second term, he gave his utmost energy and time to give the people the
more satisfaction. Among his most notable accomplishments and contributions to the
development of the municipality are as follows:
1. Asphalting of the provincial road from Bauan was completed and was reclassified
into a national road.
2. Construction of artesian wells, concreting of dugwells, and construction of school
buildings at Mabini Central School and in all schools in every barangays were done.
3. Improvement of roads in the Poblacion; the construction of steps leading to the
Anilao Elementary School; and construction of the breakwater in Mainaga Point
where accomplishments worth mentioning during those times.
4. In his last term, in 1959, he was able to give appropriations and priority to the
development of springs that now serve as the source of water supply in the upland
barangays of Malimatoc, Nag-iba, Bagalangit and other places where there are
available springs.
5. During his term the Mabini High School, a secondary level of educational
institution was established in the municipality.
6. After his retirement as Municipal Mayor, another secondary level school, the Saint
Francis Academy, was established with the help of civic- minded people of Mabini
and with Mayor Rafael Amurao as its First President.
As the Municipal Vice-Mayor of then Municipal Mayor Hon. Rafael P. Amurao, Hon. Isidoro
Masangcay assumed the position of the town’s chief executive when the then Mayor retired
and ran as Board member of the Provincial legislative Council. He served the unfinished term
of the Mayor from September-December, 1963.
Hon. Domingo B. Castillo was inducted as Municipal Mayor on January 1, 1964. His term of
office is considered as the period of improvement and maintenance of public infrastructure in
the municipality. Among the accomplishments of his term of office were:
1. Immediately upon assuming office, he ordered the clearing of all parts of the plaza
and the public market.
2. He employed as many laborers as he could to repair the damaged municipal roads
in the Poblacion and the barrios.
3. He worked hard to beautify the public plaza with the construction of a concrete
stage which through his own initiative was donated by a civic and social
organization known as Calumpan Club.
4. He facilitated the development of springs as source of water at barangay Pulang
Lupa, and Sta. Mesa.


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5. Extension of water pipes to remote places in the developed springs of Malimatoc,

Bagalangit, Pulang Lupa, Solo and Sta. Mesa and the installation of the water-pump
driven by an engine near the municipal building, are tangible accomplishments of
Hon. Domingo Castillo.
6. He changed the long time system of hiring laborers in these projects, by alternating
them, giving almost every applicant an opportunity to work and earn.
Among the new developments that happened to the municipality during his term of office were
as follows:
1. Industrialization of the municipality started during his time, when a fish canning
factory, White Rose Packing Corporation was established at Mainaga, where the
Petron-PNOC Compound was now situated. It boosted the annual income tax of the
municipality during those times.
2. Likewise, through his efforts, franchise for electrification of the town of Mabini
was granted to the president of the Mabini Rural Bank which was also established
during the term of Mayor Domingo Castillo.
3. Before his term of office expired, he was able to secure from the provincial and
national officials several pre-fabricated school buildings of the Marcos-type thereby
solving the problem of housing school children in the barrios.


In 1968, Mayor Basilio Calangi assumed office as the ninth Municipal Mayor of the
Municipality of Mabini. He is to served as Municipal Mayor even during the early years of
Martial Law from 1971 to 1980. He lost in the 1980 local elections, but was again appointed
as Municipal Mayor in May, 1986 under the Freedom Government of President Corazon C
Aquino which ended the 20-year Martial Law in the country. The Municipal Mayor had done
well by giving his town and constituents a good local government. The improvement of
agriculture sector is one of his main concern, such that he introduced modern and scientific
way of farming. His program of government included the development of home industries as
well as poultry and hog raising.
Hon. Ruben R. Amurao was appointed Municipal Mayor on January 4, 1980 and elected to the
same position on January 30, 1980 and served until April, 1986 during the Freedom
Government of President Corazon C. Aquino. He was re-elected as Municipal Mayor on
January 18, 1988 and served for three terms until June, 1998. for consistently adhering to the
norms of commitment to public interest and professionalism, Mayor Ruben R. Amurao
successfully transformed the Municipality of Mabini, Batangas into a progressive and highly
developed town. With a holistic view of development and a focus on people, their concerns
and ambitions, and their environment, Mayor Amurao had distinguished himself as an adherent
or practitioner of sustainable development. The development programs and projects under his
administration were the following:
1. Complete energization (provision of electric power services) of the thirty four (34)
barangays of the municipality.
2. Provision of water supply services by facilitating the establishment of Mabini Water
District for lowland barangays and the springs / Waterworks Development for upper
3. Conservation and protection of fish and other marine resources in San Teodoro and
Bagalangit by declaring through a Sangguniang Bayan resolution, said areas as


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Marine Sanctuary and Reservation Areas and establishment of Twin Rocks,

Arthur’s Rock and Cathedral Rock as Fish Sanctuaries. This environmental
programs improved the source of livelihood of fishermen and boosted the tourism
sector of the municipality.
4. Development and promotion of about forty (40) beach houses / resorts that put
Mabini into the ranks of mostly frequented or visited tourist spots by local and
foreign visitors or tourists.
5. Facilitating and enabling condition for industrial development of the municipality
and employment generation for the labor force by encouraging the establishment of
the following industries in the municipality: Purefoods Flour Mills, Farmix
Corporation, Petron Corporation, PNOC Energy Supply Base, Universal Bulk
Corporation, and CKU Steel Corporation.
6. Improvement in health sector with the establishment of two hospitals: the Zigzag
Hospital and Saint Martha PolyClinic Hospital.
7. Promotion of an environment conducive to investment and income generation
through the following:
- Started the construction of the Mabini Circumferential Road under World Bank
- Initiated Foreshore reclamation project at Barangay San Juan
- Enable the provision of telegraph and telephone service systems through the
Bureau of Telecommunications, including two ( 2 ) private cellular telephone
systems in the Poblacion
- Continuation and completion of the reconstruction of the Mabini Public Market.
- Enable the establishment of two ( 2 ) additional banks; first People Bank and
Ibaan Rural Bank
8. Increase of public elementary schools from one ( 1 ) to fourteen ( 14 ) complete
elementary education, four ( 4 ) primary schools; eleven ( 11 ) kindergarten public
classes and three ( 3 ) kindergarten private classes.
9. Increased agricultural production.
10. Improved and increased supply of medicine to prevent cases of anemia,
cardiovascular diseases and acute respiratory infection.
11. Opening, construction, repair and maintenance, riprapping of barangay roads in
almost all barangays.
All these major programs and projects under his administration, resulted in the increase of the
town’s income. The municipality’s income of merely P 55,000.00 in 1980 had greatly increased
after sixteen (16) years to P 23,000,000.00 in 1997, hence, Mabini then was a Third Class
In July, 1998, Hon. Rowell M. Sandoval, from being a legislator for nine ( 9 ) years as member
of the Sangguniang Bayan, assumed his new position as Local Chief Executive of the
Municipality of Mabini, Batangas. He served as Municipal Mayor for another nine ( 9 ) years
until, June, 2007. He was voted as Municipal Vice-Mayor in the May, 2007 elections and
served the position for about two ( 2 ) years until his untimely death last August 27, 2008. He
had devoted twenty ( 20 ) years of his short life in the service of the people of Mabini. With
his terms of office coinciding with the beginning of the new millennium, he can very well be
accorded the title of Millenium Mayor of Mabini. At that time, Mabini had thus evolved into a
more stable, transparent and competitive community that is ready to face the opportunities


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presented by the new millennium. A growth scoreboard during the period showed the
1. Achieved a more than twofold increase in local income.
From P 24.765 million in 1998, revenue collections jumped to P 48. 4 million in 2004. the
first notable increase was recorded in 1999 when collections surged to P 31.223 million
upon the implementation of the revised Municipal Tax Code. It pushed to P 53.164 million
in 2002 as an offshoot of a cement company’s operation of a storage facility in the area.
The computerization of the real Property Tax Administration System and the Conservation
Fees derived from diving activities in the tourism sector had contributed to the local
government unit’s (LGU’s) increasing revenues. On the over-all assessment, the
municipality’s year-to year revenue collections indicates and annual growth rate of 11.9 %
for the period 1998 to 2004.
2. Implemented major public infrastructure projects.
The Municipal government had aggressively embarked on the improvement of strategic
infrastructure facilities. Among the significant projects are the following: the Anilao Multi-
Purpose Port Facility, Talaga Port and Flea Market, Mainaga Port, Construction of New
Market Stalls at the Mabini Public Market in the Poblacion as well as tha Abattoir or
Slaughterhouse at Brgy. Pulong Niogan. The Poblacion was improved. Two commercial
arcades were constructed and improvements of streetcapes were done. Improvement of
street signs and directional signages were also implemented. Municipal grounds were
likewise, improved. Improvement, maintenance and repairs of barangay roads were also
implemented in coordination with the barangay councils.
3. Land Use Planning
Mabini’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) for 2003 – 2012 was crafted, approved
by the Sangguniang Bayan and ratified by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan to ensure
harmony between the natural and built environments. The municipality is subdivided into
Northern Development Areas (Urban Growth Areas), Eastern Development Areas
(Industrial Growth Areas), Western Development Areas (Tourism Growth Areas) and
Southeastern Development Areas (Agriculture and Environment Management Areas). The
CLUP is guided by the development policies of the Municipal Government. It is Growth-
Oriented, ensures Ecological Balance and promotes Social Responsibility. Several Growth
Centers have been identified in the CLUP. These include the Poblacion which shall remain
as the Central Business District as well as the center of government and education. Other
growth centers are considered commercial nodes and these include Anilao Proper,
Mainaga, Talaga East, Malimatoc I and Solo.
4. Environmental Management
The preservation and conservation of the Mabini’s natural resaources has also been one of
the Municipal Government’s major concerns. A Coastal resource Management Plan was
formulated and implemented in 1999 paving the way for the creation of the Mabini-Tingloy
Coastal Area Development Council (MATINGCAD-C) which is a sisterhood arrangement
between the two municipalities. The Council comprises local officials, community leaders,
representatives of fisherfolk organizations and other stakeholders. A Water Zonation and
Map was also drawn up in accordance with the CRMP. An enforcement campaign was
begun in June 2000. Through the acquisition of a patrol boat, regular Bantay Dagat patrols
started immediately and since then, dynamite and cyanide fishing had been completely


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halted. The Bantay Dagat had also successfully enforced the 15-kilometer ban on
commercial fishing pursuant to Presidential Decree 8550 or the Fisheries Code of the
Philippines. Fisheries and Aquatic Resources management Councils were also formed.
A Coastal Resource Management Board (CRMB) had also been organized by virtue of
Sangguniang Resolution No. 204-2002. The Board had started collecting a Conservation
Fee amongst divers in the municipal waters. The municipal government entered into a
breakthrough Memorandum of Agreement with Tingloy to implement a Unified Dive Fee
System on 28 June 2005. The fee system requires divers to pay either unified daily or annual
dive passes which shall be used to finance conservation, protection and management of the
coastal areas of both municipalities. The high collection rate signified the strong support of
the public in the municipalities’ conservation efforts. Recent coastal resource assessment
and research conducted in Mabini revealed significant improvement in biodiversity as well
as an increase in the reef population and percentage of excellent coral cover. The
International Coastal Clean-Up Day every September had been institutionalized and
participated in by the municipal government annually.
A Reforestation Park of about 1.6 hectares was established in Brgy. Laurel. The trees had
grown and its wide canopy provided shade in the place and it also served as watershed in
the areas.
A Municipal Solid Waste Management Board ( MSWMB ) was established in 2004,
pursuant to Republic Act 9003 or the Solid Waste Management Act of 2000. This was
followed by the launching of the Ecological Solid Waste management Plan on June, 2005.
The LGU had encoursaged the residents to do composting of biodegrable wastes and had
promoted the same as part of the pravcticum activities of high school students in the
municipality. Materials Recovery Facilities ( MRF ) had been established in twenty-one
barangays. Upland barangays were encouraged to put up communal compost pits. Waste
segregation was practiced at the Demo Farm in Barangay Sta. Ana.
5. Socio Economic Services
The social service delivery programme revolved around the Minimum Basic Needs through
the implementation of the Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of social Services
(CIDSS), a national program at that time. The Municipality’s efficient health service
delivery programme was recognized by the national government when it became a national
Sentrong Sigla Awardee in 1999.
To enhance livelihood opportunities, the municipal government had implemented the SEA-
Kaunlaran project which was the formation of a savings and credit facility to provide
qualified beneficiaries with access to socialized credit to enable them to finance income
generating projects that can augment their household income.
Assistance to farmers and fisherfolk had also been provided. This was through the
Municipal Animal Dispersal Programme, provision of assistance in the organization of
cooperatives and provision of technical assistance on improved technology for livestock,
poultry and crop production, among others.
Provision of adequate water supply was also one of the priorities. The municipal
government initiated studies on how to improve barangay level water supply systems
through the Mabini Water Service System Cooperative Project (MAWASSCO).


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Substantial improvements have been introduced to the AAMNHS I in order to provide a

good learning environment. The Local Alay Lakad Council had also been providing
scholarships covering tuition fees and allowances to deserving high school and college
6. Tourism Development
The municipal government’s Tourism Development Programme had been actively
promoting the marketing of festivals, programming the development of tourist’s sites and
provided assistance to domestic and foreign tourists. The first Mabini Kinulob Festival was
held on April 21, 2002. In 2003, Mabini became the launching site of the nation-wide Dive
Fiesta Event of the Department of Tourism. Maintenance and enhancement of the natural
tourist attractions such as its municipal waters (for water sports and diving) and upland
areas (for trekking and camping) were implemented during that time.

Aklat Pang-Alaala… Mabini, Batangas… 1918 – 1968
Ika – 50 Taong Pagdiriwang, Hulyo 27-28, 1968
Mabinians Kabalikat Sa Mithiin Ng Pilipinas 2000
Strategic Development Programme, 2005 – 2008
Bayan Ng Mabini! Noon … Ngayon… at Bukas … Ating Pagsamasamahan, April, 2007
Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the Municipality of Mabini, Batangas 2003 - 2012


Hon. Atty. Nilo M. Villanueva was elected Municipal Mayor of Mabini, Batangas last May 10,
2007. He assumed office on July 1, 2007 and continue to serve the municipality to this present
day. He was given a fresh mandate by the people of the municipality in this year’s election to
complete the three (3) terms of office as mandated by law. For about seven ( 7 ) years of his
incumbency. he had steered the municipality to its present development. After having managed
the financial resources of the municipality for one year, the Municipal Government of Mabini,
Batangas was classified as a First Class Municipality since July, 2008 and is consistently
keeping with the classification up to the present.
For his efforts, the Municipality of Mabini was recognized and awarded by the Department of
Interior and Local Government with the Seal of Good Housekeeping in 2012 and 2015.
A. Peace and Order
With the support and cooperation of the general public and the untiring efforts of the police
force, the municipality had been generally peaceful and orderly for about the last six (6) years.
The PNP Mabini station was able to acquire a new Mobile Patrol Car, repaired the old one as
well as the station itself.
B. Health
The Rural Health Unit or Health Center was transferred back to its old office at the old
municipal building within Plaza compound at Poblacion. This was done to save off funds
being used to rent the polyclinic and to make the facility more accessible to the people. A
building/room within the Talaga Elementary School had been repaired and intended as
Rural Health Unit Extension Office to serve barangays Talaga East, Talaga Proper, Estrella,
Pulang Lupa, Saguing, Pulong Anahao, Sto. Tomas, Malimatoc I, Malimatoc II, Nag-Iba
and Mainit.

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Indigent families were given hospitalization care through PhilHealth Cards annually.
Medical missions are being conducted both from local and foreign donors. Korean
associations had been very active in providing medical care in terms of professional
services and medicine to the municipal government sand its people. The Philippine Charity
Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) granted an ambulance to the municipal government for use
during emergencies.
C. Education
Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9574 entitled An Act Establishing a National High School in
Barangay Solo, Municipality of Mabini, Province of Batangas To Be Known As Mabini
National High School And Appropriating Funds Therefor, a genuine national high school
was established in Barangay Solo. Through the request of Hon. Atty. Nilo M. Villanueva,
Municipal Mayor, the bill was sponsored by the Representative of the Second
Congressional District of Batangas to the House of Representatives, Philippine Congress,
Hon. Hermilando I. Mandanas. It was signed into law by the Her Excellency President
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, last April 17, 2009. This is a national high school fully funded
by the national government. No expense will be charge against municipal funds.
For the high school students on the southern upland barangays of the municipality, another
national high school was established in barangay Malimatoc I, specifically within the
schoolgrounds of Malimatoc Elementary School. The national high school came about
through the same procedures as that of the Solo National High School. The law approving
the new national high was signed by the incumbent President of the Philippines, The new
national high school is named Apolinario Mabini National High School. Opening of
classes is targeted on June, 2013 for schoolyear 2013 – 2014
The Special Education Fund ( SEF ) is continuously being used for the development of the
different public elementary schools both and national high schools. Repairs, maintenance
and some construction costs in all public elementary schools were prioritized. Expenses for
public elementary school activities, inter-school competitions, meets and congresses were
also charged against the Fund. School covered courts at barangay public elementary schools
were also being funded.
Public national high schools such as the AAMNHS, Solo National High School and the
Apolinario Mabini National High School were also allocated fund for the salaries of some
teachers, maintenance and operating expenses and other expenses as may be warranted.
About 13 % of the Fund is being spent for the loan repayment and interest expense for the
establishment of the AAMNHS.
D. Waterworks
Through effective coordination by and between the Municipal Government and the Mabini
Water District (MWD) the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) granted a loan
which made possible the extension of water services to the western coastal barangays from
Solo to San Teodoro and Pulong Anahao. The municipal government prioritized repairs
and maintenance of existing barangay waterworks. Submersible pumps and other
accessories were installed and replaced, pipes were upgraded and installed. These were at
barangays Laurel, Nag-Iba, Malimatoc I, Pilahan, and Sto. Niño at Malimatoc II. Further
improvement on the infrastructure support and services of the Mabini Water District is
implemented this year 2013.


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E. Public Works and Infrastructure

For the continuity of national projects being constructed in the municipality, specifically
the Mabini Circumferential Road, solicitation of funds from national agencies is still on-
going. Through the efforts of everybody concerned, to name a few: Executive Secretary
Eduardo Ermita, Congressman Mandanas, our townfolks SandiganBayan Justice Edilberto
Sandoval, and Engr. Noel Basit Luistro, the Barangay Captains and other well meaning
citizens of the municipality, the municipal government was given funds for infrastructure
and public works by the Department of Public Works and Highways ( DPWH ), National
Disaster Coordinating Council ( NDCC ), Department of Agrarian Reform ( DAR ) and
Department of Tourism.
By the end of the year, 2012, the whole stretch of the Mabini Circumferential Road from
Malimatoc I to Anilao East was opened. Compacting and concreting of newly opened
portions of said road is now on-going.
The Provincial Government thru, the Provincial Governor, Hon. Vilma Santos-Recto had
also earmarked funds and constructed school buildings, barangay roads, seawalls, flood
control projects and day care centers The first building being constructed within the
premises of the Solo National High School and first Montessori-type Day Care Center in
Talaga East are funded out of provincial government funds.
The barangay road opening barangay Calamias to municipal, province and coutrywide land
transportation was opened, constructed and concreted in this administration. This barangay
road connects barangays Calamias and San Francisco. The road connecting upland
barangays on the Central upland portion of the municipality was also opened at barangay
Sto. Tomas. This road will connect with barangay Pilahan on the north and barangay Laurel
on the south.
An ingress-egress/access road to the Catholic Church patio and I. Calangi Street was
opened to ease traffic during Sundays and holidays of obligations on that side of the
Poblacion or urban areas of the municipality.
Slowly but surely, funds for the repair, maintenance and construction of barangay roads,
barangay halls, seawalls, other public works and specially, basketball courts boards being
made of fiber glass with steel frames are being provided and projects implemented by the
municipal government for the youth of the municipality.
F. Tourism Projects/Solid Waste Management
Cognizant of the tourism development activities of the present administration, the
Department of Tourism (DOT) and the Philippine Tourism Authority (PTA) had provided
funds for the construction of the Tourism Triangle at barangay P. Niogan Crossing Rotunda
and the rehabilitation of the tourism building at barangay Anilao Proper.
A school for the Philippine National Police, Maritime Group (PNP, MG) to be known as
PNP Special Waterborne Operations School was established in Barangay Solo. In this
school uniformed personnel of the PNP will train for scuba diving and other waterborne
activities to further secure protection and conservation of the seawaters and natural marine
resources in their areas of jurisdiction in the country.
Solid Waste Management had also been a primary concern of the present administration.
Campaign on solid waste management was launched by the Office of the Mayor together
with the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office. The old dumpsite at the


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back of the town hall had been improved where a municipal Materials Recovery Facility
where segregation was being done was constructed. The site originally planned as
slaughterhouse at Mailayin, Pulong Niogan is now being utilized as a Materials Recovery
Facility for the municipality. A tree planting program was launched in 2009 for
environmental sustainability, adaptation measure for climate change, beautification and
enhancement of the tourism sector in the municipality.
G. Programs for Overseas Filipino Workers and Their Families
The municipal government established the Mabini OFW Migration Center at the compound
of Talaga Elementary School, sometime in 2010. This is in recognition of the contributions
of the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) to the economy and socio-economic structure of
the municipality. The local government is also aware of the responsibilities of government
to the needs of OFW and their families and social dilemma of migration,
There is now a venue for OFWs to air their issues and concerns, a place for information for
those intending to work abroad, a corner for counseling of OFW families/family member
who encountered social problems and venue for seminars/training of OFWs and their
families on handling finances and investing the same. There is now a venue for streamlining
OFW role as movers of community and contributors to development. This is the first of
its kind in the province of Batangas.
Relative to OFW matters, a Mobile Passporting Project was coordinated by the Municipal
Tourism Office under the Office of the Mayor, since December, 2009 to date. The project
is now a regular annual project being implemented by the municipal government. A total
of about two thousand (2,000) persons were able to avail of the passporting services right
here at the Mabini Covered Court, since then.
Likewise, to enable families of OFWs left behind to find jobs, livelihood and other sources
of income, a Municipal Skills Training Program was launched by the Municipal
Government in coordination with the Technical Educational System Development
Authority (TESDA). Sons, daughters and relatives of OFWs left behind were prioritized as
training participants. A total of about 3,000 youth and members of the productive working
ages were given training on Welding, Pipefitting, Food and Beverage Service, Barista and
Bartending. Trainings were conducted in the municipality for less transportation cost to the
trainees and municipal government.
Converting OFW remittances into investments was introduced by ATIKHA, a non-
governmental organization for migration concerns, the International Organization for
Migration and the European Commission last year, 2009. A first step response by the
present administration was to further sustain and develop the agro-livestock industry of
poultry and swine raising. A feedmill corporation, MAPROSA FEEDMILL
CORPORATION was organized under the guidance of the Municipal Mayor with funds
from private OFWs working in Italy, Germany, Saudi Arabia, and other parts of the world.
These include domestic helpers, factory workers, engineers and seamen among others. The
Corporation started operating as a feedmill warehouse in 2009. This is an example of how
OFW remittances can be converted into investments for economic development.
Honorable Municipal Mayor Noel B. Luistro assumed office as the Local Chief Executive of
the Municipal Government of Mabini, Batangas last July 1, 2016. He won the position in the
local elections held last May, 2016. In his State of the Municipality Address last October 10,

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2017 in time for the 100th day in office, he presented his 12-Point Agenda for his first term in
office. His performance to date is guided by these agenda and to date accomplishments have
been noted.

The following are the 12 Point Agenda and the corresponding status to date:

1. Construction of the Mabini Community Hospital

The project is currently being implemented by the Municipal Government of Mabini. The
site of the hospital is in a lot in an area between the barangay boundaries of Anilao East
and Pulong Niogan at the foot of Mt. Mailayin Mountain. The hospital will occupy an area
of about two (2) hectares side by side with the Batangas State University, Mabini Campus.
The lot was acquired through the leadership of Municipal Mayor, concurrence of the
Sangguniang Bayan and assistance b the Municipal Government Department Heads. Fund
sourcing/solicitation from different national government officials, such has the Senators,
concerned National Government Departments such as the Department of Health and
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) were visited for for the construction
of buildings. To date, two 2) buildings are being constructed by the DPWH. The Commnity
Hospital is being endorsed to the Provincial Government and the Philippine Congress, for
the adoption of the community hospital as a district hospital to serve the citizens in this part
of the province and the country.

2. Construction of Colegio de Pueblo de Apolinario Mabini

The project is renamed Batangas State University in Mabini. Establishment of a BSU
branch was approved by the officers and officials of the Main BSU at Batangas City and
the Commission of Higher Education at Quezon City. The campus/buildings will be
constructed in an area of about three (3) hectares in the same area as the Mabini Community
Hospital. SeaOil Philippines and San Miguel Mills incorporated had pledged for the
construction of one building each for the use of the BSU Campus. Construction of buildings
within the site will start before the end of 2017. It is expected to start enrolling students by
the for the next school year, 2018-2019 and open collegiate classes for the graduates of the
first batch of K+12 senior high school.

3. Establishment of a Mabini Public Library and Museum

Initial activities for the project consist of data gathering and collection of relevant
objects/relics for disply in the museum and library is assigned to the DepEd officials and
teachers. Proposed location of the building for the purpose is at the back of the two (2)
municipal buildings in the municipal compound.

4. Strengthen Tourism Industry

Development of alternative tourist attractions such as Mt. Gulugod Baboy Mountain
Climbing Park at barangays Ligaya, Laurel and Nag-Iba, Laurel Forest Park at Laurel and
Cumba Falls at Malimatoc 2 are conceptualized, approved and being coordinated with
Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Authority for funding purposes. Existing tourist
establishments are encouraged to upgrade existing water sports and introduce new and
innovative sports for tourist’s attraction. Installation of cable cars among the highest peak


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of the mountainous portions in the municipality for the tourists and natives as well to be
able to view the sceneries of the municipality from atop/above.

5. Creation of more job opportunities

The different construction activities brought about by the establishment of different
facilities such as the community hospital, the fish landing, the different barangay roads and
multi-purpose centers and footroads and pathways in the barangays brings out job
opportunities and income to the labor force of the municipality.

Expansion in industries existing in the municipality during his administration: that is the
additional mills at San Miguel Mills Incorporated and the additional warehousing activities
of the grains terminal at San Juan, Mabini, and Batangas. These are job opportunities and
sources of income and livelihood for the labor force of the municipality.

6. Creation of Standing Committee in the Sangguniang Bayan For OFWs

The Sangguniang Bayan (SB) recognizes the contribution of the OFWs from Mabini to the
economy of the municipality and well-being of the families they left behind. The concerns
of the group are being well ventilated in the Sangguniang Bayan Committee in-charge of
the OFWs. The SB likewise, endorsed the direct assistance that can be provided by the
Executive Branch to the OFWs and the families left behind.

By virtue of an Executive Order, the Municipal Mayor strengthened the OFW Center by
renaming it as Boses ng OFWCenter, expanding the programs and projects and designating
new personnel to do the services intended for the welfare of OFWs and their families.
Through social media, the OFWs and the municipal government has exchange of ideas,
problem solving sessions and camaraderies strengthened.

7. Purchase of brand new mini backhoe for compost pits establishment in the 34 barangay.
Cleanliness and sanitation is one of the program of the present administration. In time that
the preparations for the establishment of a sanitary land fill is being completed, all
barangays will be directed to comply with the provisions of the law on Solid Waste
Management to segregate wastes and utilization of compost pits for disposal sites. Thus, a
mini-backhoe was purchased in 2016 to assist the barangays in establishing/constructing
composts pits in their respective jurisdiction.

8. Purchase of Lot for Sanitary Land Fill

A Sanitary Land Fill will be established/constructed in the municipality. Efforts are
currently exerted by the administration to purchase lot for the purpose. Technical studies
are being considered. Preparation of feasibility studies and designs are on-going.

9. Revision of the Revenue Code

The Municipal Revenue Code of Mabini having been prepared by the past administration
was not approved properly by the former Sangguniang Bayan. After some deliberations
and discussion and through the insistence of the Municipal Mayor, the same was finally
approved per Sangguniang Bayan Resolution No. Dated. The same was endorsed to
the Sangguniang Panlalawigan and ratified per SP Resolution No. Dated. The Code was


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used as basis for taxation, in January, 2017. An increase in income for the municipal
government is noted during the period.

10. Mabini Reclamation Areas from Barangay Talaga East to Barangay Malmatoc 2
The reclamation areas are envision by the Municipal Mayor as the new state-of the-art
Central Business District of the Municipality of Mabini. Big businesses, commercial
establishment will be invited to locate in the reclamation areas. It will be provided with
roads, airports and ports for accessibility and ease of movement to and from the reclamation
areas and the mainland.

Coordination with higher level of government on the establishment of the said Reclamation
Areas had been initiated by the Municipal Mayor and the Sangguniang Bayan with the
Provincial Government, Congressional Representative, Philippine Reclamation Authority
and the National Economic Development Authority on the matter. Preparation of necessary
documents is on-going.

11. Celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the Founding of the Municipality of

Mabini became a full pledged municipality in January 1, 1918. Thus, by January 1, 2018,
the municipality is 100 years old. It is just fitting that a grandiose Centennial Celebration
be mounted by the municipal government commemorating the eventful day. A Municipal
Executive Committee for the Centennial Celebration was created under Executive Order
No. dated. The Centennial Committee is composed of Municipal Government Officials,
Department of Education District Officials and Teachers and the Officers and Lay Leaders
of the Roman Catholic Church. Programs for the Centennial Celebration are being finalized
and fund raising activities are currently on-going. Celebrations will start on January 1,
2018, with a weekly activities every month and the finale will be on the two (2) weeks
before and until April 25, 2017, the Town Fiesta and Feast Day of the Patron Saint, San
Francisco ng Paola.

12. Construction of a Mabini Convention Center

The Municipal Mayor also envisioned that the municipality will be a venue of big public
and private meetings, conferences and conventions. He is proposing for the
establishment/construction of a Mabini Convention Center for the purpose. He had
contacted technical and financial consultants on the matter. The project is still on the
The present situation in the Municipality of Mabini had been the continuous efforts of men
and women who were inspired to serve the people and make Mabini, a good, true and
beautiful human settlements. The present administration committed to public service and
good governance will likewise continue to serve to the best of their abilities to provide a
better today and best future for the Mabinians. Mabuhay!


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I.2. Geographical and Physical Environment

A. Geographical Location
Mabini is geographically located on coordinates 130 75’ north latitude and 1200 94’ east
longitude. It is about 127 kilometers from the City of Manila and 17 kilometers from Batangas
City, the capital of the province of Batangas. It is one of the municipalities of Batangas
Province, within the CALABARZON Region.
The municipality is a peninsula nearly surrounded by water bodies and is known as Calumpan
Peninsula. It is bounded on the north by the Municipality of Bauan, on the east by Batangas
Bay, on the west by Balayan Bay and on the south by Verde Island Passage. It is on the southern
tip of Batangas Province.
B. Topography
The general topography is characterized by valleys between prominent hills or mountains. It
has peninsular characteristics rich in attractions for its scenic natural beauty. It has irregular
coastlines with rugged surfaces and harborial beaches. The notable elevated portions are Mt.
Panay, Mahabang Gulod and Gulugod Baboy.
There are no inland waterbodies. The blue seawaters of Batangas and Balayan Bays nearly
surrounded the municipality on the eastern, western and southern sides of the municipality.
C. Geology
The municipality has two types of geological bedrock formation. Those on the northern portion
towards Bauan are of merely limestone and poorly consolidated sediments while those on the
southern tip are of metamorphosed rocks, volcanic and highly crystallized rocks. These are the
most stable bedrock foundation vis-à-vis compressive strength.
D. Climate
Climate is of the first type consisting of two pronounced seasons that is dry from November to
April and wet during the rest of the year. It is greatly influenced by the southeast and southwest
monsoons, which re the principal air streams affecting the country.
E. Land Resources
The total land area of the municipality is 4,296 hectares. These are distributed to the 34
barangays of the municipality. Barangays Bagalangit, Solo and San Teodoro have the largest
land areas among the barangays while barangays Anilao Proper, Sta. Ana and Calamias has the
least land areas. The following table shows the barangays of the municipality and land area of
each barangay as gathered from the CLUP 2003-2013.


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Table No. 3. Land Area By Barangay

1. Anilao East 160.6237
2. Anilao Proper 9.2534
3. Bagalangit 357.9957
4. Bulacan 83.1644
5. Calamias 30.0522
6. Estrella 158.4323
7. Gasang 149.3519
8. Laurel 149.3519
9. Ligaya 265.7668
10. Mainaga 72.0226
11. Mainit 220.8160
12. Majuben 38.6803
13. Malimatoc I 203.8229
14. Malimatoc II 153.9260
15. Nag-Iba 285.7267
16. Pilahan 43.5901
17. Poblacion 34.8390
18. Pulang Lupa 87.9344
19. Pulong Anahao 205.8387
20. Pulong Balibaguhan 45.3295
21. Pulong Niogan 125.2500
22. Saguing 54.9332
23. Sampaguita 102.9307
24. San Francisco 99.3320
25. San Jose 93.0823
26. San Juan 57.0575
27. San Teodoro 346.4718
28. Sta. Ana 26.6473
29. Sta. Mesa 73.0647
30. Sto. Niño 52.7191
31. Sto. Tomas 71.2900
32. Solo 349.1299
33. Talaga East 32.9848
34. Talaga Proper 54.5875
Grand Total 4,296.0000
Source: CLUP 2003-2013
Slope ranges from 0 – 3 % to 50 % and above. Majority of the land area had 50 % and above
slope. This constitutes about 54 % of the total land area. These are barangays situated in the
central, eastern and western portions of the municipality extending down to the coastal areas
of Balayan Bay, Verde Island Passage and Batangas Bay. Highest elevated areas have slope
of 54 % and above. These include Mailayin Mountain, Mt. Panay and Mt. Gulugod Baboy.
(See attached Slope Map)
Soil types are of the Ibaan and Sibal series. Under Ibaan series, the soil types are Ibaan loam
and Ibaan gravelly phase. Of the Sibal series, the soil type is Sibal clay. The surface of Ibaan
loam is brown to light reddish brown slightly friable and granular loam. The subsoil is brown
to dark brown tendencies clay loam with tuffaceous lower subsoil. The surface soil is sandy in


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texture. Upland rice is the principal crop while corn, sugar cane, citrus, coffee, cacao, bananas
and various kinds of vegetables are also grown on this soil.
Gravel and tuffaceous concretions are the characteristic features of the surface and subsoil of
the Ibaan gravelly phase soil type. It is generally found in mountains and hills. The hillsides
are planted to coconut trees.
Sibal clay is finely granular, somewhat pervious when dry but sticky when wet. The upper part
of the subsoil is dull brown and grayish brown, almost compact in some places. It concist of
calceous materials and is appreciable heavier in texture than the surface soil. The lower subsoil
is coarse granular to cloddy friable clay with varying quantities of calceous materials. The
vegetation’s luxuriant bananas and vegetables are suited to this type of soil. (See attached Soil
Map). The following tables show slopes, area in hectares and location; soil types, area in
hectares and location.
Table No. 4. Slopes and Soil Types By Location
( In Hectares
0%–3% 60 Anilao Proper, and Ibaan Loam 1,731.255 Bulacan, Calamias,
potions of Anilao East Sampaguita,
and Majuben Majuben,
Poblacion, Pulong
Niogan and Sto.
3%-8% 624.45 Portions of San Juan, Ibaan Loam 1,501.123 Malimatoc 1,
Sto. Niño, Mainaga, Gravelly Gasang, Pilahan,
Bulacan, P. Phase Laurel, Saguing,
Balibaguhan, Estrella and Sto.
Sampaguita, San Tomas
Francisco, P. Niogan,
Poblacion, Sta. Mesa,
Talaga East and Talaga
8 %-18% 69 Anilao East and portions Sibal Clay 1,063.62 Bagalangit, San
of P. Niogan Teodoro, Mainit,
Nag-Iba, Ligaya
and Malimatoc 2
18%-50% 1,227.85 Sta. Ana, Sta. Mesa,
Pulang Lupa, Saguing,
Malimatoc 2, portions
of San Juan, Sto. Niño,
Majuben, Pulong
Anahao, Pilahan, Sto.
Tomas, Laurel, Nag-Iba,
Mainit, Ligaya,
Bagalangit, San
50 % & above 2,314.70 Portions of San
Francisco, P. Niogan,
Calamias, Bulacan,
Ligaya, Bagalangit, San
teodoro, Nag-Iba and
barangays San Jose, P.
Anahao, Estrella, Laurel
and Mainit
Source: Comprehensive Land Use Plan, 2003 – 2012, Municipality of Mabini, Batangas


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H. Land Capability
Land capability are of two classes: class DE and M. Class DE is fairly good land. It must be
cultivated with extra caution. It requires management and complex conservation practice.
Lands of this capability are on the northern portion of the municipality. Lands under Class M
are steep lands. These are severely eroded and shallow for cultivation. Suited for pasture or
forest uses. Lands of this capability are on the southern portion of the municipality.
I. Natural Hazards/Constraints
The Mines and Geo-Sciences Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural Resources
conducted geo-hazard assessment in the municipality sometime in May, 2013.The results of
the MGB Rapid Field Assessment are as follows:

 There are eleven (11) barangays ( Bagalangit, Estrella, Laurel, Ligaya, Mainit, Pulong
Anahao, San Francisco, San Jose, San Teodoro, Solo and Sto. Tomas) with high
susceptibility to rain-induced landslide.
 There are six (6) barangays (Bulacan, Majuben, Nag-Iba, Pilahan, Pulang Lupa, and
Santo Niño with moderate tohigh susceptibility to rain-induced landslide.
 There are four (4) barangays (Calamias, Malimatoc II, Poblacion and Pulong Niogan)
with moderate susceptibility to rain-induced landslide.Barangays Anilao East and
Ligaya has high susceptibility for flooding while Talaga East and Talaga Proper has
low susceptibility to rain-induced landslide.

J. Hazard Analysis
Based on the MGB Rapid Field Assessment or Geo-Hazard Assessment the following hazards
are identified and shown in the following tables:

Table No. 5. Hazard Identification: Susceptibility to Rain-Induced Landslide:

Location, Cause and Effect

Bagalangit Due to on-going road Presence of mass
High Susceptibility improvement of access road to movement: landslide,
Sitios Balagbag and Parang tension cracks :
to Rain-Induced
saturated ground or
seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces
Estrella Zigzag Road; Road Boundary of Presence of mass
Estrella and Talaga movement: landslide,
tension cracks :
saturated ground or
seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces
Laurel Sitio Bulihan Presence of mass
movement: landslide,
tension cracks :
saturated ground or


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seeps and sunken or

displaced road surfaces
Ligaya Location of Brgy. Hall, Sitios Presence of mass
Maasin, Malagaclac, Seiran movement: landslide,
tension cracks :
saturated ground or
seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces
Mainit Occurrence due to road Presence of mass
construction movement: landslide,
Sitio Proper tension cracks :
Sitio Dulong Mainit saturated ground or
seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces
Pulong Zigzag Road Presence of mass
Anahao movement: landslide,
tension cracks :
saturated ground or
seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces
San Francisco Areas prone to landslides are Presence of mass
being mitigated movement: landslide,
tension cracks :
saturated ground or
seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces
San Jose Sitio Puntang Kawayan Presence of mass
(13045’27.2”E 120054’53.9”N) movement: landslide,
has vertical wall (10 m high) tension cracks :
specifically at road bend made saturated ground or
of moderately fractured volcanic seeps and sunken or
rocks with indication of rock displaced road surfaces
falls. Landslide debris is noted
at the footslope.
San Teodoro Brgy. Proper, Sitios Guitisan, Presence of mass
Balanoy movement: landslide,
Circumferential access road are tension cracks :
being widened and improved saturated ground or
and some parts mitigated by seeps and sunken or
way odf applying riprapping displaced road surfaces
measures on the road walls.
Rocks are moderately to highly
fractured and partly weathered.
Top soil ranges from .03 to .05
meters thick
Solo Road construction contributes to Presence of mass
slope failures observed along movement: landslide,
the circumferential road and tension cracks :
placing motorists at risk. At saturated ground or
Sitio Malaya every rainy season, seeps and sunken or
landslide materials cover half of displaced road surfaces


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the road. Possible accumulation

Santo Tomas The barangay Proper is Presence of mass
characterized by steeply sloping movement: landslide,
topography tension cracks :
saturated ground or
seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces
Bulacan Access road frequently Presence of mass
Moderate to High experienced rock falls along movement: landslide,
Susceptibility to roadside tension cracks :
Rain-Induced saturated ground or
Landslide seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces
Majuben Sitio Masikap was rated as high Presence of mass
in landslide susceptibility. Road movement: landslide,
wall is landslide prone which is tension cracks :
made up of moderately saturated ground or
fractured volcanic rocks with seeps and sunken or
layers trend parallel to slope displaced road surfaces
Nag-Iba Sitio Bukal and Sitio Gulod Presence of mass
were rated as having moderate movement: landslide,
to high landslide susceptibility tension cracks :
saturated ground or
seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces
Pilahan East of Brgy. Proper Presence of mass
Old landslides which resulted movement: landslide,
from Ondoy event have high tension cracks :
susceptibility rating.Potential saturated ground or
houses to be affected, 6 seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces
Pulang Lupa Within the Brgy. Proper Presence of mass
movement: landslide,
tension cracks :
saturated ground or
seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces
Santo Niño Presence of mass
movement: landslide,
tension cracks :
saturated ground or
seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces
Calamias Sitio Ibaba is characterized by Presence of mass
Moderate moderate slopes on low hills movement: landslide,
Susceptibility to and ridges with potential soil tension cracks :
Rain-Induced creep and landslide. Road wall saturated ground or
Landslide is in the verge of collapse with seeps and sunken or
bulged portions. displaced road surfaces
Malimatoc II In Sitios Karsadang Ibaba and Presence of mass
Yongyong presence of small movement: landslide,
landslides is noted and rated as tension cracks :


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having moderate to high saturated ground or

landslide susceptibility seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces
Poblacion Brgy. Proper has rolling Presence of mass
topography with creep type of movement: landslide,
mass movement. It is tension cracks :
characterized by low to saturated ground or
moderately sloping topography seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces
Pulong Sitio Mailayin (quarry area) Presence of mass
Niogan actively being excavated and movement: landslide,
resulted to steep slope, although tension cracks :
controlled by benching saturated ground or
seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces
Low to Moderate Anilao East Extreme weather disturbance Brgy. Proper has areas
with moderate slopes
Susceptibility to
and during intense
rainfall, rock fall and
Landslide soil erosion occur
Malimatoc I Sitio Pulang Bato was rated low Brgy. Proper has areas
in landslide within the Brgy. with moderate slopes
Proper, road side was rated and during intense
moderate in landslide rainfall, rock fall and
soil erosion occur
San Juan Presence of mass
movement: landslide,
tension cracks :
saturated ground or
seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces
Sta. Ana Sitio Gulod has 3.0 m height of Presence of mass
landslide materials movement: landslide,
tension cracks :
saturated ground or
seeps and sunken or
displaced road surface
Sta. Mesa Presence of mass
movement: landslide,
tension cracks :
saturated ground or
seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces
Mainaga Proper is situated near the Presence of mass
shoreline protected by the movement: landslide,
Low to High breakwater and seawall. tension cracks :
Susceptibility to Typhoon Caloy damaged the saturated ground or
Rain-Induced seawall and flooded the area by seeps and sunken or
Landslide .3 to .5 meter high . Sitio displaced road surfaces
Suntrak is highly susceptible to


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Talaga East Presence of mass

Low Susceptibility movement: landslide,
tension cracks :
to Rain-Induced
saturated ground or
seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces
Talaga Proper Presence of mass
movement: landslide,
tension cracks :
saturated ground or
seeps and sunken or
displaced road surfaces

The other remaining barangays of Anilao Proper, Gasang, Pulong Balibaguhan Saguing and
Sampaguita are not susceptible to rain-induced landslides. The following table shows the
summary of the results of flooding hazard assessment per MGB Report of Assessment, May,

Table No. 6. Hazard Identification: Susceptibility to Flooding, Location, Causes and


Anilao East Brgy. Proper/central portion Observe for rapid
is located on a increase/decrease in
High Susceptibility topographically low area or creek/water levels ,
to Flooding depression. Anilao East is possible accompanied by
more of a catchment basin increased turbidity ( soil
Ligaya CMAS-Flash Flood Observe for rapid
increase/decrease in
creek/water levels ,
possible accompanied by
increased turbidity ( soil

Talaga East Typhoon Caloy event- Observe for rapid

seawall was destroyed beside increase/decrease in
Bukana creek. Overflowing creek/water levels,
was caused by blockage of possibly accompanied by
Moderate to High
vegetative debris that increased turbidity (soil
Susceptibility to
resulted to flash floods in the content).
area Clearing/declooging og
Artificial damming of water bodies
Bukana creek caused by
vegetative debris
Moderate Anilao Proper During occurrence of Sitio Tubigan experienced
extreme weather flash flood in the past with
Susceptibility to
disturbances .3 meters height of
Flooding floodwaters


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Bulacan Storm surges during high tide Coastal flooding during

aggravated by intense rainfall Caloy event (2009) as a
during extreme weather consequence of high tide
disturbance and floods from the
northen hilly portions due
to intense rainfall at ,3
meters height flood waters
San Teodoro Intense rainfall during Typhoon Reming event –
extreme weather condition Sitio Proper – flood waters
that caused increase of water were waist high; houses
levels in creeks and were affected but no
waterways thast leads to casualty. Brgy. Hall is
flooding on ground surface beside an unnamed creek
Solo Intense rainfall during Observe for rapid
extreme weather disturbance increase/decrease in
creek/water levels ,
possible accompanied by
increased turbidity ( soil
content) during intense
Bagalangit Drainage line canals clogged Widening/cleaning/cleari
Low to Moderate with waste materials ng of drainage line canals
Susceptibility to being proposed/
Flooding implemented by the Brgy.
Gasang Typhoon Caloy event-storm Brgy. Proper/central
surges portion experienced storm
surge where houses and
schools were affected.
Sitio Ligaan was
submerged in water
during the event with knee
high flood waters.
Flooding occurrence was
not experienced after the
installation of the dike.
Monitor status of extteme
weather disturbances, sea
level rise, storm surges
and rapid increase in water
levels possibly
accompanied by increased
turbidity (soil content)
San Francisco Flash flood (.3 m ) due to Implement flood control
poor drainage system measures (e.g.) proper
drainage) to improve the
flow of water and lessen
Calamias Typhoon Ondoy event The narrow coastal area
Low Susceptibility was affected by coastal
to Flooding flooding and waves during
Ondoy event


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Identify areas for possible

sites during and post
occurrence of a disaster
Pulong Intense rainfall during Surface water flows over
Balibaguhan extreme weather condition the streets.
that causes drainage Implement flood control
overflows measures and install
appropriate drainage
Mainaga Typhoon Caloy event Damaged seawall and
flooded the area by 0.3 to
0.5 m in storm surge.
Identify areas for possible
evacuation /relocation
sites during and post
occurrence of a disaster
Mainit Affected by storm surge at Typhoon Caloy event
5.0 meters height of waves destroyed the basketball
currents. court along the coastal
Identify areas for possible
evacuation /relocation
sites during and post
occurrence of a disaster
Malimatoc II Whenever there are typhoons Develop early warning
storm surges occur in the system/device for
coastal areas with a height of fishermen; constant
2.o meters, however, no one communications on
permanently reside in the geohazard situation.


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Sampaguita Intense rainfall during During an intense rainfall

extreme weather disturbance event in the past, the
which caused creek waters Cantarilla Creek at Sitio
overflows. Silangan boundary
overflowed and made the
road impassable. Flash
flood occurred at Sitio
Nayon. Waters came from
elevated areas. However,
flood control measures
were done after the
Monitor creek/river water
level possibly
accompanied by increased
turbidity (soil content) in
times of intense rainfall.
Develop an early warning
Talaga Proper Storm surge during Typhoon Storm surge resulted to
Caloy event at Sitios Palanas, damaged rfoads and
Centro and Rizalian houses.
Identify areas for possible
centers/relocation sites
especially for those
directly affectged by
storm surge and flooding
Other barangays with low susceptibility to flooding but with no details as to
cause/origin/location and direct effects/impacts are as follows: 1). Laurel, 2). Malimatoc I, 3).
Pulong Niogan, Saguing, San Jose, and Sta. Ana. Barangay not susceptible to flooding are as
follows: 1). Majuben, Nag-Iba, Pilahan, Poblacion, Pulang Lupa, Pulong Anahao, Sta. Mesa,
Sto. Niño, and Sto. Tomas. (See attached Geo-Hazard Map)
The recent earthquake swarm that occurred in the municipality last April, 4 -8, 2017 was also
considered. A primer released by the Philippne Volcanology and Seismology Commission
(Philvocs) and copy furnished this Office by the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Office to allow better understanding of the event by the general public was
considered and formed part of this plan. According to the primer… “An eathquake swarm is a
burst of earthquake activity clustered clustered in a specific area in a short period of time due
to movemet of a fault.
At least six earthquakes had affected Batangas Province. The Mindoro earthquakes of
November 15, 1994, April 9, 1942 and May 26, 1889, and the earthquakes of April 1972,
October, 1889 and September 16, 1852 whose epicenters were located in West Philippine Sea.
The 1994 Magnitude 7.1 Mindoro Earthquake was felt at intensity VII in the epicentral areas
and may have shaken Batangas at intensities V to VI or even VII while the 1889 Magnitude
6.4 earthquake was felt at inrensity VI-VII in Mindoro and Batangas. The 1852 Magnitude 7.6
and 1869 Magnitude Magnitude 6.6 offshore events were reported felt at at Intensity VII in and
around Batangas. Although there were no accounts of direct damage in Batangas due to 1994,


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1972, and 1942 events, the 1852, 1869 and 1889 events damaged several buildings and
infrastructures in the area.
Batangas is one of the seismically active areas in the Philippines. Instrumental monitoring of
earthquakes for the past century has detected many small to large magnitude earthquakes near
Batangas generated by Manila Trench and Lubang Fault. Lubng Fault is estimated eight (8)
kilometers away from Barangay Mainit, Mabini, Batangas while the Manila Trench (Southwest
of Mamburao, Occidental Mindoro) is estimated at 72.52 kilometers away. The Manila Trench
is an earthquake generator located offshore of Luzon Island, roughly parallel to the Philippine
Archipelago in the north but veers close to land at the southern tip of Occidental Mindoro.
Another offshore generator is Lubang Fault, located between Mindoro Island and Batangas,
which is also the locus of small to large magnitude earthquakes. Other active faulths on land
are present in Southern Luzon, such as Valley Fault System and the PhilippineFault. The
current series of earthquakes in Batangas can be attributed to the movement of an unnamed
local fault in the vicinity of the Tingloy-Mabini area.”
The Primer also states the following:
1. Although Taal Volcano is approximately 30 kilometers from Mabini, Batangas, the
present network of instruments located in and around Taal Volcano shows no indication
of any signicant change of monitoring parameters suggesting renewed magmatic
2. The magnitude is not big enough to generate destructive tsunami.
3. Hypocenters of moderate-large magnitude earthquakes along active falths are too deep
to be influenced by any human activity. This is related geothermal drilling and blasting
by a private company in Mabini, Batangas.
4. Small to moderate magnitude earthquake events can still occur in the following days
and weeks.
5. Strong ground shaking may cause extensive damage to or even the collapse of houses,
buildings, bridges and other infrastructures.Collapsed structures usually accounts for
most of the casualties during a strong earthquake. Fallingobjects may also cause
6. Landslides, rock falls and other types of mass movements may occur in mountainous
or hilly areas. Liquefaction manifested by sandboils or lateral spreading may affect low-
lying, waterlogged, sandy areas near the coasts or baks of rivers.
The best course of action is preparedness. The damaging effects of earthquakes can be
minimized if we prepare ourselves for the event. Because of a large magnitude earthquake,
either from active faults in Luzon in Luzon or Manila Trench may affect Batangas as a whole,
it is always prudent to prepare for such an eventuality.
Data and maps from the Philippine Volcanology and Seismology Commission (Philvocs) were
gathered and incorporated in this document. The municipality is an influenced area of fault
lines and tectonic movements in the neighboring province of Occidental Mindoro, known as
Lubang Fault and the epicenters of earthquake occurrence in the neighboring municipalities of
Tingloy and San Luis. According to Philvocs, the municipality will also be affected with the
occurrence of the BIG ONE in Metro Manila and Rizal Province.
Data from the Philvocs are only on regional and provincial levels. However, the following
maps were attached to show influence areas and possible effects of the hazards to the
municipality. The maps gathered are as follows:


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1. Earthquake and Volcano Hazard Maps showing Active Faults and Liquefaction
Susceptibility Map of Region IV-A.
2. Distribution of Active Faults and Trenches in region 4A
3. Earthquake Triggered Landslide Susceptibility Based on Critical Acceleration Values
and Earthquake Intensities Region IV-A
4. Landslide Susceptibility of Calumpan Peninsula Quadrangle
5. Tsunami Hazard Map Province of Batangas


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K. Coastal Resources
1. Municipal Waters
Pursuant and subject to the exclusion clause of Section 4 (58) of RA 8550, otherwise known
as the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998, as amended by Republic Act 10654 the municipal
waters of the Municipality of Mabini, Province of Batangas with an approximate total area of
10,540 hectares are bounded by the general coastline of the municipality and the lines described
as follows:
Table No. 7. Boundaries of the Municipal Waters
Point Latitude Longitude Remarks
Beginning at 1 13º 46’22” 120º 57’41” Coastal terminal
Thence 2 13º 42’36” 120º 59’34”
Thence 3 13º 41’40” 120º 59’08”
Thence 4 13º 41’17” 120º 56’53”
Thence 5 13º 40’42” 120º 54’40”
Thence 6 13º 40’ 18” 120º 53’20”
Thence 7 13º 41’22” 120º 51’46”
Thence 8 13º 42’03” 120º 51’28”
Thence 9 13º 42’55” 120º 50’47”
Thence 10 13º 45’54” 120º 45’46”
Thence 11 13º 47’40” 120º 48’10”
Thence 12 13º 46’06.5” 120º 55’30.1” Coastal terminal
Thence following the coastline to 1
Source: National Mapping and Resource Information Authority and PG-ENRO

1. Features of the Municipal Waters

The Municipality of Mabini is within the Verde Island Passage Marine Corridor which
is considered as the Center of the Center of Marine Shorefish Biodiversity in the World.
The corridor is the center of Indo-Malay Philippine Archipelago (IMPA), a region that
has long been considered the area of highest marine biodiversity, with the greatest
number of tropical shallow water habitats on earth including coral reefs.
According to the study conducted by the Saving Philippine Reefs Project of the Coastal
Conservation and Education Foundation, Inc. sometime in 2005, there are diverse and abundant
reefs in the municipal waters shared by the Municipalities of Mabini and Tingloy of Batangas
Province along Balayan Bay. Bordering the Calumpan Peninsula, containing the municipality
of Mabini, and Maricaban and Caban Islands of Tingloy municipality, are many excellent
fringing and patch coral reefs known for the wealth in their marine life. These reefs are famous
for their natural productivity that supplies tons of fish to local communities. In addition, their
color and diverse life attracts thousands of scuba divers and swimmers to the area year round.
There was also a survey and assessment conducted by Conservational International in selected
Marine Prote cted Areas in Bauan, Mabini and Tingloy.
2. Fishery Resources
A study on the capture fisheries resources of the municipalities of Mabini and Tngloy was
conducted and funded by the Kabang Kalikasan ng Pilipinas Foundation-World Wildlife Fund,
(WWF) under its Coastal Resources and Fisheries Conservation project (CRFCP) and


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supported by the staff of WWF stationed in Anilao, Mabini, Batangas. The study is entitled
“Assessment of the Marine Municipal Capture Fisheries of Mabini and Tingloy, Batangas.
The study shows the following findings:
1. Mabini and Tingloy are bestridden by the two most important fishing grounds of
the province namely Batangas Bay and Balayan Bay.
2. Capture fisheries could constitute a significant portion of their local economies.
3. In terms of spatial extent in municipal waters, the two towns cover the highest
portion of the two bays.
4. These municipalities are blessed with rich coastal habitats (e.g. coral reefs) that
form the innate assets for their booming eco-tourism industries. This is one rare
situation for a local government in the country to be endowed with resources to
support capture fisheries and eco-tourism, where the manner of use can potentially
present conflicts among stakeholders.
5. It is therefore, logic of natural law that these natural endowments from their marine
ecosystem be protected and sustained by the community in collective manner.
The following table shows the top species/species group of fish landed in Anilao Port,
Table No. 8. Top Species/Species Groups of Fish Landed in Anilao Port, Batangas
Potential Yield Yield
Scientific Classification Species ( Metric Tons ( % to Total
Local Name
Richness ) )
Katsuwomus pelamis Gulyasan 1 784.80 40.26
Caesio, spp. and Pterocaesio Dalagang Bukid 5 210.16 10.78
Acanthuridae Labahita 6 147.19 7.55
Epinephelus spp. Lapu-lapu 5 118.34 6.07
Burak 1 111.71 5.73
Mullidae Manitis 2 110.15 5.65
Auxis spp. Tulingan 2 100.60 5.16
Thunmus spp. Tambakol 3 92.80 4.76
Scomberomorus spp. Tanigue 2 66.09 3.39
Stolephorus spp. Dulong 3 49.32 2.53
Carangidae Lagidlid 2 49.13 2.52
Loligo Pusit 2 24.56 1.26
Makaira spp. Blue Marlin 2 23.78 1.22
Sigamus spp. Danggit 5 29.63 1.52
Six groups Galunggong, Talakitok, 9 31.10 1.52
Total 50 1,949.56 100.00
Source: Assessment of the Marine Municipal Capture Fisheries of Mabini and Tingloy, Batangas

1. Marine Protected Areas

The entire coastline of Barangays San Teodoro and Bagalangit including 700 ( 500 ) meters
offshore declared as the Mabini Marine Reserve under Municipal Ordinance No. 04-2006
dated July 22, 2006 including the three ( 3 ) sanctuaries – existing from Municipal Ordinance
No 06-93, dated, May 3, 1993. Location and Boundaries of the Marine Reserve and Sanctuaries
with buffer and core zones are as follows:


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2. Marine Reserve Sanctuary

Includes the entire coastline of barangays San Teodoro and Bagalangit including 200 meters
offshore. It has a total estimated area of 418. 60 hectares.
a). Twin Rocks Sanctuary: It has a total area of 22.915 hectares.
a.1.). Buffer Areas- are areas within fifty (50) meters from the periphery of the
sanctuary zone.
. a.2.). Core Zone – This sanctuary would run from the western boundary of Sitio
Balanoy to .about 300 meters beyond Twin Rocks and extend 500 meters
offshore at barangay San Teodoro.
b). Arthur’s Rock Sanctuary. It has a total land area of 17.9894 hectares.
b.1). Buffer Zone are areas within fifty ( 50 ) meters from the periphery of the
sanctuary zone.
b.2). Core Zone. This sanctuary would run in the front of the house of Mr.
Machete to the front of the house of Mr. Doroteo Mañibo and extend 500 meters
offshore of barangay Bagalangit..
c). Cathedral Rocks Sanctuary. It has a total land area of 15.3949 hectares.
c.1). Buffer Zone are areas within fifty ( 50 ) meters from the periphery of the
sanctuary zone.
c.2). Core Zone. This sanctuary would surround Cathedral Rock and would run
in front of the house of Mr. Ventura to the front of the house of Mr. Pimentel
and extend in the south 500 meters offshore.
d).Batong Buhay Marine Sanctuary
Pursuant to Pambayang Kautusan Blg. 5-2009 dated December 9, 2009, ang
isang bahagi ng katubigang pambayan ng Mabini na nasasakupan ng barangay
Ligaya na may sukat na apatnapu at tatlong ( 43 ) ektakya ay itinatalagang
Marine Protected Area at nasa loob nito ang anim ( 6 ) na ektakya bilang
pusod o core zone na tatawagin o may pangalang Batong Buhay Marine
3. Dive Sites Along Balayan Bay
Twelve ( 12 ) of the twenty –three ( 23 ) known sites frequented by divers in the municipal
waters of Mabini are within the declared marine protected areas along and within Balayan Bay
west of the municipality.These are Batong Buhay Dive Site in Barangay Ligaya; Chopper,
Cathedral Rock Sanctuary, Eagle Point, Koala, Mayumi, and Arthur’s Rock Sanctuary in
Barangay Bagalangit; Kitchen, San Teodoro School, Dead Palm, Panny’s Point, Twin Rocks
Sanctuary and Sammy’s Point I in Barangay San Teodoro. Dive sites outside of the marine
protected areas are Basura and Step at Barangay San Jose and Matutunggil Point in Solo.
4. The Coastlines and Beaches
Areas referred to as the band of dry in the coastal areas within the geographic landmark limit
of one (1) kilometer from the shoreline at high tide to include sandy beaches as part of the
coastal areas. These are the outermost boundaries of a coastal area which is defined as the
extent to which land based activities have measurable influence on the chemistry of the water
or on the ecology or biota. These are parts of the coastal areas which form the boundary
between lands and water especially sea or ocean.


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5. Public Easements/Salvage Zone

Public Easement/Salvage Zone – A salvage zone or public easement areas of : twenty ( 20)
meters for agricultural areas; forty ( 40 ) for mangrove forest; three ( 3 ) meters for urban uses
along coast coastlines measured from the edge of shoreline during high tide.
L. Freshwater Resources
Creeks shown in maps are gulleys or ravines in between mountainous or sloping areas that
serve as floodways during heavy rains. During dry seasons, these are dry with no water flowing.
There are, however, about four (4) gullies with water flows reaching the shores of Balayan Bay
on the west and Batangas Bay on the east. These are creeks at Brgys. Solo and Anilao Proper
-Majuben boundaries draining to Balayan Bay. Creek at the boundaries between Gasang and
Malimatoc I drains towards Batangas Bay. Creek at the boundaries of Malimatoc II and Mainit
drains at Marikaban Strait on the soutnernmost tip of Mabini, a confluence of Batangas and
Balayan Bays.
There is no large noticeable body of freshwater in the municipality, except for these creeks.
I.3. Demographic Profile

Demography is the description of the people in the planning area. It is the discussion on the
population of the municipality with respect to size, structure and development. Population is
the number of individuals physically present at a specified time that is the census period.
The demographic profile provide users of this Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) a
backgrounder and general information on the population composition and distribution of the
municipality. Population composition includes the characteristics of the population in terms of
age groupings and sex ratios. It provides basis or social and economic planning considerations.
Population distribution which is the geographic pattern of location of people, hierarchy of
settlements, and growth points in the municipality. Other population data includes marital
status, ethnic origin, and dialect spoken; religious affiliation, literacy rate and employment rate.
Population projections serve as basis for estimating future needs and potentials.
A. Population Changes
1. Historical Growth of Population
From the first census year in 1918, which is the founding year of the municipality, the
population of 11,925 had continually increased up to 46,211 by 2015 based on the 2015
Philippines Statistics Authority’s (PSA) Census of Population and Housing. Increase in
population is about 3.8 times between the two census years. The following table shows the
historical growth of population per census year as gathered and published by the PSA:


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Table No. 9. Historical Growth of Population

Increase/ Percent ( % )
Census Year Population Annual Growth Rate
( Decrease ) Increase/( Decrease )
1918 Dec.31 11,925 - - -
1939 Jan. 1 10.259 ( 1,666 ) ( 14 % ) ( .07 % )
1948 Oct. 1 11,850 1,591 15 % 1.6 %
1960 Feb. 15 15,548 3,696 31 % 2.3%
1970 May 6 19,522 3,974 25 % 2.3 %
1975 May 1 21,694 2,172 11 % 2.1. %
1980 May 1 23,637 1,943 9% 1.7 %
1990 May 1 30,474 6,837 29 % 2.6 %
1995 May 1 33,499 2,900 9% 1.9 %
2000 May 1 37,474 3,975 12 % 2.3 %
2007 May 1 40,629 3,155 8% 1.2 %
2010 May 1 44,391 3,719 9% 3.0 %
2015 May 1 46,211 1,820 4% .82 %
Source: NSO 2000 Census on Population and Housing
NSO 2007 Census on Population
NSO 2010 Census on Population and Housing
PSA 2015 Census on Population

Considering the NSO Census of Population at the different census years, the highest increase
in population was recorded in between 1980 and 1990 where total population increase is 6, 837
and the average annual growth rate is 2.6 %. The period coincided with the industrial
development of the municipality. In-migration of people from other regions of the country was
induced and had added up to the native population.
From 2000 to 2007 census population, the average growth rate was 1.2 %. The decrease in the
growth rate may have been brought about by the accumulated out-migration pattern or the
movement of population from 1990 to present. Portions of the population are going and
working abroad as Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and Overseas Contract Workers
(OCWs). Census of population in the years 2000 and 2010, the increase in population was
6,875 and the growth rate was 1.8 %.
In 2015, the census population recorded by the Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA) is 46,211.
This shows an increase of 1,820 and an annual growth rate of only .82 % between census years
2010 and 2015. Total households in 2015 are 9,224. This shows that the average household
members are 5.01.
The current year, 2017 is the base year of the planning period. In the projecting the population
for current year, the NSO census data for the period May, 2010 and May, 2015 are considered.
The growth rate between the two censal years is .82 %. Thus, the population for the current
year, 2017 is 46,972.

B. Population Composition
1. Total Population By Age Group By Sex

The total population of Mabini is 46,972. These are composed of 23,663 males and 23,309
females. Sex ratio is 1.01:1, meaning there are 1.01 males for every 1 female or 101 males for
every 100 females. The following tables shows population by age group by sex in the
Municipality of Mabini in the current year, 2017.


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Table No. 10. Population By Age Group, By Sex, 2017

Age Group Both Sexes Males Females

Under 1 1,025 510 515
1-4 4,145 2,149 1,996
5-9 4,977 2,557 2,420
10-14 4,888 2,515 2,373
15-19 4,556 2,343 2,213
20-24 4,473 2,288 2,185
25-29 4,537 2,327 2,210
30-34 3,467 1,776 1,691
35-39 3,051 1,545 1,506
40-44 2,358 1,242 1,116
45-49 2,046 1,025 1,021
50-54 1,884 950 934
55-59 1,480 712 768
60-64 1,215 556 659
65-69 1,042 449 593
70-74 728 292 436
75-79 495 195 300
80 years old & over 603 220 383
Total 46,972 23,663 23,309
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) and Computed Projected Population, 2017

2. Age Dependency Ratios

The population is a provider population. The economic dependency ratio of dependent
population to the working age population or productive population is 1:1.6 and the economic
dependency ratio of the dependent population to labor force is 1:18. This means that there 1
dependent population for every 1.6 working or productive population and there is 1 dependent
for every 1.8 labor force. More than one productive or labor force population provide for the
needs of one dependent population. The following are the economic dependency ratios of
young, old and total dependent population with the working or productive population and those
with the labor force:

Table No. 11. Age Economic Dependency Ratios

Ratio of Dependent Ratio of
Population to Dependent
Dependent Population Population
Working Age or Population to
Productive Population Labor Force
Young Population (0-14 years old) 15,035 1:1.06 1:2
Old Population (65 years old & over) 2,868 1:.68 1:11
Total Dependent Population (0-14 & 65 years 17,903 1:98 1:1.8
old and over)
Working Age or Productive Population (15-64 29,068 - -
years old)
Labor Force (15 years old and over) 31,937 - -
Source PSA and Computed Projected Population, 2017

3. School-Age Population
School-age population totals to 16,566 or 35 % of the total population. Sex ratio is 1.05:1. Of
these number 995 or 2 % are aged 5 years old and should be in kindergarten level. For the
elementary level composed of population 6-11 years old, the population is 5,399 or 11 % of


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the total population. Secondary level population ages 12-18 years old totals to 5,666 or 12 %
of the total population. This level is composed of junior high school level or grades 7-10 and
senior level high school or grades 11-12. Junior level high school school-age population is
3,844 or 8 % of the total population and senior high school level is 1,822 or 4 % of the total.
Tertiary level school-age population is 4,506 or 10 % of the population.

In terms of total school-age population, kindergarten level population is 6 % of the total school-
age population. Elementary level is 33 % of the total school-age population. Secondary level
is 34 % and is composed of junior high school, 23 % and senior high school, 11 %, respectively.
Tertiary level school-age population is 27 % of the total school –age population.

4. Other Components of the Population

Other components of the population are the clientele of the social welfare programs of the
municipality being administered by the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office.
These are the day care program beneficiaries and the elderlies under the Senior Citizens
Program. Day Care beneficiaries are children aged four (4) years old total to 829 or about 2 %
of the total population. . Elderlies or senior citizens are population ages 60 years and over which
total to 4,083 or about 9 % of the total population. The following table shows population
composition by type, by sex and sex ratios.

Table No. 12. Population Composition By Sex and Sex Ratios

Both % of % of
Population Composition Male Females Sex Ratio
Sexes Males Females
Dependent Population
Young Population (0-14 yrs old) 15,035 7,731 51.10 7,304 48.90 % 1.06:1
Old Population (65 yrs old & over) 2,868 1,157 39.82 1,711 60.18 % .68:1
Total Dependent Population 17,903 8,888 40.96 9,015 59.04 % .98:1
Working Age or Productive 29,068 14,775 50.83 14,293 49.17 % 1.03:1
Population (15-64 yrs old
Labor Force 31,937 15,032 47.07 16,004 52.93 % .94:1
Economic Dependency Ratios
Dependent Population to Working 1: 1.6
Age or Productive Population
Dependent Population to Labor 1:1.8
School-Age Population
Kindergarten (5 years old) 995 511 51.28 484 48.72 % 1.05:1
Elementary (6-11 years old) 5,399 2,776 51.41 2,623 49.59 % 1.06:1
Secondary (12-17 years old) 5,666 2,914 51.43 2,752 48.57 % 1.06:1
Junior High School (12-15 yrs old) 3,844 1,977 51.43 1,867 48.57 % 1.06:1
Senior High School (16-17 yrs old) 1,822 937 51.43 885 48.57 % 1.06:1
Tertiary (18-22 years old) 4,506 2,311 51.29 2,195 49.71 % 1.05:1
Total School-Age Population 16,566 8,507 51.35 8,059 48.65 % 1.05:1
Other Components of Population
Day Care Program Beneficiaries (4 829 430 51.85 399 49.15 % 1.07:1
yrs old)
Senior Citizens (60 yrs old and over 4,083 1,724 42.21 3,360 57.21 % .51:1
Source: PSA and Computed Projected Population


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5. Population By Highest Grade/Year Completed

Considering the total population 5 years and over and the highest grade/year completed of the
population in the said age brackets, the literacy rate of the population is 95 %.

Population 5 years old and over total to 41,802 composed of 21,001 or about 51 % males and
20,801 or about 49 % females. Of these number, 1,921 or about 5 % have no grade completed
of which males total to 986 o about 48 % and females total to 982 which is 52 %. Academic
degree holders are 4,460 or about 11 % of the population 5 years old and over. There are more
female academic degree holders than male. Sex ratio is 1.2:1 or for every 1.2 female there is 1
male academic degree holder. Population who had completed post baccalaureate course total
to 67 or about .2 % of the population. Of these number 37 are females and 30 are males.

Population that had attended elementary grades total to 14,609 or about 35 % of the population
5 years old and over. Of these number, 6,491 or 44 % attended 1st to 4th grade; 1,554 or 11 %
attended 5th to 6th grade and 6,565 or 45 % are graduates. For the high school level, these are
14,715 or 35 % of the population 5 years old and over. Of the number, 4,484 or 30 % are
undergraduates and 10,230 or 70 % are graduates. The following table shows population 5
years old and over by highest grade/year completed.

Table No. 13. Population 5 Years Old and Over By Highest Grade/Year Completed
Age Group
Highest Population 5
5-9 10-14
Grade/Year Years Old & Male Female
Both Fema Both
Completed Over Male Male Female
Sexes le Sexes
Both Sexes 41,802 21,001 20,801 4,836 2,485 2,351 4,892 2,516 2,376

No Grade 1,921 939 982 1,578 802 776 38 27 11

Pre-School 861 436 425 1,227 388 839 8 5 3
Elementary 14,609 7,340 7,269 2,464 1,271 1,193 3,813 1,887 1,926
1st-4th grade 6,491 3,225 3,266 1,838 941 897 1,524 78 735
5th-6th grade 1,554 817 737 5 1 4 1018 558 460
Graduate 6,565 3,299 3,266 0 0 0 1,271 540 731
High School 14,715 7,664 7,051 0 0 0 1,022 582 440
Undergraduate 4,484 2,358 2,126 0 0 0 1,033 582 451
Graduate 10,230 5,306 4924 0 0 0 0 0 0
PostSecondary 1378 697 681 0 0 0 0 0 0
Undergraduate 32 15 17 0 0 0 0 0 0
Graduate 1,346 681 665 0 0 0 0 0
College 3,281 1,648 1,633 0 0 0 0 0 0
Academic Degree 4,460 2,004 2,456 0 0 0 0 0 0
Postbaccalaureate 67 30 37 0 0 0 0 0 0
Not Stated 510 243 267 129 59 70 27 14 13
Source: PSA


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Table No. 14. Population 5 Years Old and Over By Highest Grade/Year Completed

Age Group
15-19 20-24 25-29
Both Both Both
Completed Male Female Male Female Male Female
Sexes Sexes Sexes
Both Sexes 4,560 2,362 2,198 4,472 2,286 2,186 4,535 2,327 2,208

No Grade Completed 17 10 7 16 13 3 15 10 5
Pre-School 13 3 10 0 0 0 1 0 1
Elementary Grades 458 300 158 444 279 165 509 285 224
1st-4th grade 73 55 18 76 58 18 88 50 38
5th-6th grade 46 30 16 31 23 8 34 15 19
Graduate 340 215 125 337 198 139 88 220 168
High School 3,220 1,643 1,577 2,206 1,137 1,069 2,124 1,116 1,008
Undergraduate 1,877 872 1,005 374 229 145 315 202 113
Graduate 1,620 674 946 1,833 908 925 1,810 914 896
PostSecondary 51 23 28 253 140 113 293 148 145
Undergraduate 24 0 24 6 2 4 5 2 3
Graduate 27 23 4 248 138 110 288 146 142
College 499 342 157 757 385 372 491 259 232
Academic Degree 281 8 273 756 211 545 1,040 473 567
Postbaccalaureate 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 3
Not Stated 30 16 14 39 21 18 58 32 26
Source: PSA

Table No. 15. Population 5 Years Old and Over By Highest Grade/Year Completed

Age Group
Highest Grade/Year 30-34 35 Years Old & Over
Completed Both
Both Sexes Male Female Male Female
Both Sexes 3,467 1,785 1,682 14,896 7,192 7,704
No Grade Completed 28 16 12 368 123 245
Pre-School 1 0 1 0 0 0
Elementary Grades 597 332 265 6,457 2,936 3,521
1st-4th grade 103 59 44 2,069 892 1,177
5th-6th grade 29 15 14 407 176 231
Graduate 466 258 208 3,980 1,869 2,111
High School 1,487 791 696 4,439 2,390 2,049
Undergraduate 215 113 102 742 359 383
Graduate 1,272 678 594 3,698 2,032 1,666
PostSecondary 235 105 130 546 280 266
Undergraduate 7 3 4 12 7 5
Graduate 228 102 126 535 273 262
College Undergraduate 344 169 175 931 493 438
Academic Degree Holder 721 337 384 1,924 875 1,049
Postbaccalaureate 3 2 1 59 25 34
Not Stated 52 22 30 172 69 103
Source: PSA

6. Gainful Workers 15 Years Old and Over By Major Occupation, By Sex

There are nine (9) known major occupation groups that serve as gainful employment or work
engaged in by the population fifteen years old and over (15 years & over). The major
occupation group with the most number of gainful workers is Laborers and Unskilled Workers.
Gainful workers 15 years old and over total to 4,575 or 28 % of the total population of the said


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age group. The gainful workers are 56 % males and 44 % females. The major occupation group
with the least number of gainful workers is the Technicians and Associate Professional Group
with a total of 362 or 2 % of the total gainful workers 15 years old and over. Males constitute
52 % while females are 48 % of the total gainful workers in the said group. The age groups
with the most number of gainful workers in different major occupation group are age groups:
20-24 to 35-39. These total to 7,154 with 4,551 males or 64 % and 2,603 females or 46 %. The
following table shows gainful workers 15 years old and over by major occupation group by
age group and by sex.
Table No. 16. Gainful Workers 15 Years Old and Over By Major Occupation,
By Age Group and Sex
Gainful Number of Gainful Workers 15 Years Old and
Major Workers Over
Occupation 15 Years Male Female 15-19 20-24
Groups Old and Both Both
Male Female Male Female
Over Sexes Sexes
Both Sexes 16,041 10,649 5,392 676 384 302 2,083 1,288 795
Officials of 1,170 511 579 5 2 3 45 24 21
Government &
Special Interest
Proprietors &
Professionals 908 302 606 1 0 1 131 35 36
Technicians & 362 190 172 8 6 2 40 2 18
Clerks 494 158 336 22 5 17 132 47 85
Service Workers 1,177 603 574 119 45 4 237 108 129
& Shop & Market
Sales Workers
Farmers, Forestry 1,340 1,213 127 40 39 1 59 50 9
Workers &
Trade &Related 2,170 1,969 201 57 47 10 231 207 24
Plant & Machine 2,501 2,184 317 86 53 33 408 279 129
Operators &
Laborers & 4,575 2,587 1,988 305 166 139 630 414 216
Special 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(excluding non-
gainful workers )
Other 176 74 102 2 0 2 20 5 15
Occupations Not
Occupation Not 1,167 777 390 31 21 10 150 97 52
Source: PSA


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Table No. 17. Gainful Workers 5 Years Old and Over

Number of Gainful Workers 15 Years Old and Over

Major Occupation 25-29 30-34 35-39
Groups Both Both Both
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Sexes Sexes Sexes
Both Sexes 2,787 1,858 929 2,284 1,578 706 2,065 1,405 660

Officials of 97 51 46 128 65 63 140 67 73

Government &
Special Interest
Proprietors and
Professionals 220 87 134 180 50 130 151 57 94
Technicians & 81 42 40 53 28 25 47 24 23
Clerks 131 36 95 51 14 37 32 15 17
Service Workers & 254 139 115 149 84 65 130 74 56
Shop and Market
Sales Workers
Farmers, Forestry 96 88 8 96 86 10 108 98 10
Workers &
Trade &Related 379 347 32 351 334 17 331 305 26
Plant & Machine 557 465 90 419 393 26 365 346 19
Operators &
Laborers & 754 474 280 650 403 247 602 323 279
Unskilled Workers
Special Occupation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(excluding non-
gainful workers )
Other Occupations 28 12 16 28 13 15 3 9 23
Not Elsewhere
Occupation Not 190 117 73 179 108 71 127 87 40
Source: PSA


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Table No. 18. Gainful Workers 15 Years Old and Over

Number of Gainful Workers 15 Years Old and Over

Major Occupation 40-44 45-49 50-54
Groups Both Both Both
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Sexes Sexes Sexes
Both Sexes 1,621 1,125 496 1,375 906 469 1,188 799 389

Officials of 145 76 69 155 65 90 157 87 70

Government &
Special Interest
Proprietors and
Professionals 71 22 49 58 27 31 39 9 30
Technicians & 34 16 18 29 16 13 29 13 16
Clerks 32 13 19 34 10 24 23 5 18
Service Workers & 89 46 43 71 44 27 53 32 21
Shop and Market
Sales Workers
Farmers, Forestry 113 104 9 127 110 17 168 151 17
Workers &
Trade &Related 265 245 20 202 184 18 148 140 8
Plant & Machine 247 242 5 194 188 6 125 119 6
Operators &
Laborers & 481 261 220 386 195 191 331 164 167
Unskilled Workers
Special Occupation 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(excluding non-
gainful workers )
Other Occupations 25 15 10 20 7 13 13 8 5
Not Elsewhere
Occupation Not 118 83 35 99 60 30 102 71 31


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Table No. 19. Gainful Workers 15 Years Old and Over By Major Occupation,
By Age Group, By Sex

Number of Gainful Workers 15 Years Old and Over

Major Occupation 55-59 60-64 65-69
Groups Both Both Both
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Sexes Sexes Sexes
Both Sexes 816 526 290 535 357 178 163 113 50

Officials of 117 58 58 81 46 35 25 8 17
Government &
Special Interest
Proprietors and
Professionals 37 7 30 14 6 8 4 2 21
Technicians & 15 9 6 9 6 3 2 1 2
Clerks 13 6 9 7 1 6 3 1 6
Service Workers & 24 9 15 17 10 7 9 3 5
Shop and Market
Sales Workers
Farmers, Forestry 154 141 12 157 146 11 71 66 1
Workers &
Trade &Related 104 87 17 61 43 18 13 12 0
Plant & Machine 68 68 0 24 23 1 1 1 12
Operators &
Laborers & 217 94 123 120 44 76 21 9 0
Unskilled Workers
Special Occupation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(excluding non-
gainful workers )
Other Occupations 5 3 2 3 2 0 0 0 4
Not Elsewhere
Occupation Not 62 44 18 42 30 44 14 10


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Table No. 20. Gainful Workers 15 Years Old and Over, By Age and Sex

Number of Gainful Workers 15 Years Old and Over By Age Group and Sex
Major Occupation 70-74 75 Years and Over
Groups Both Male Female Both Sexes Male Female
Both Sexes 163 113 50 120 77 43

Officials of 25 8 17 20 9 10
Government &
Special Interest
Managers, Managing
Proprietors and
Professionals 4 2 2 0 0 0
Technicians & 2 1 1 5 1 4
Clerks 3 1 2 3 2 1
Service Workers & 9 3 6 9 2 7
Shop and Market
Sales Workers
Farmers, Forestry 71 66 5 47 39 8
Workers &
Trade &Related 13 12 1 12 7 5
Plant & Machine 1 1 0 1 1 0
Operators &
Laborers & 21 9 12 14 6 8
Unskilled Workers
Special Occupation 0 0 0 0 0 0
(excluding non-
gainful workers )
Other Occupations 0 0 0 0 0 0
Not Elsewhere
Occupation Not 14 10 4 9 9 0
Source PSA

C. Population Distribution
1. Population and Households By Barangay
The estimated population of the current year 2017 which is 46,972 is distributed to the thirty-
four (34) barangays of the municipality. The following table shows population and number of
households in the barangays of the municipality.


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Table No. 21. Population and Households By Barangay, 2017

Name of Barangay Population Percent (%) to Total Number of Households

A. Urban Barangays
1. Poblacion 1,942 4.1 % 388
2. Anilao Proper 661 1.4 % 132
3. Talaga East 1,744 3.7 % 348
Sub-total 4,347 9.2 % 868
B. Rural Barangays
4. Anilao East 1,653 3.5 % 330
5. Bagalangit 2,498 5.3 % 499
6. Bulacan 1,373 2.9 % 274
7. Calamias 1,141 2.4 % 228
8. Estrella 728 1.5 % 145
9. Gasang 2,495 5.3 % 498
10. Laurel 1,240 2.6 % 248
11. Ligaya 904 1.9 % 180
12. Mainaga 1,983 4.2 % 396
13. Mainit 1,094 2.3 % 218
14. Majuben 737 1.6 % 147
15. Malimatoc I 971 2.0 % 194
16. Malimatoc II 1,015 2.1 % 203
17. Nag-Iba 901 1.9 % 180
18. Pilahan 778 1.6 % 155
19. Pulang Lupa 985 2.1 % 197
20. Pulong Anahao 1,247 2.6 % 249
21. Pulong Balibaguhan 955 2.0 % 191
22. Pulong Niogan 1,784 3.8 % 356
23. Saguing 1,323 2.8 % 264
24. Sampaguita 1,648 3.5 % 329
25. San Francisco 2,086 4.0 % 416
26. San Jose 890 1.9 % 178
27. San Juan 2,159 4.6 % 431
28. San Teodoro 1,945 4.1 % 388
29. Santa. Ana 595 1.3 % 119
30. Santa. Mesa 1,145 2.4 % 228
31. Santo. Niño 689 1.5 % 138
32. Santo. Tomas 1,230 2.6 % 245
33. Solo 2,770 5.9 % 553
34. Talaga Proper 1,663 3.5 % 332
Sub-total 42,625 90.8 % 8,508
Grand Total 46,972 100 % 9,376
Source: Computed Projected Population based on Philippine Statistics
Authority Census of Population Results 2010 and 2015

The total population is distributed to the thirty-four (34) barangays of the municipality.
Barangays Solo, Bagalangit and Gasang have the largest population, respectively, while Santa
Ana, Anilao Proper and Estrella have the lowest population, respectively per PSA 2015 Census
of Population.
Average household member is 5.1. Thus, total number of households is 9,376.
Three (3) strategically located barangays in the municipality are considered urban barangays.
These are Poblacion in the center, Talaga East on the southeastern tip along Batangas Bay and
Anilao Proper on the northwest tip along Balayan Bay. Urban population of the three barangays
constitute 9.2 % of the total population. The remaining barangays are considered rural. Rural
population in these barangays constitute 90.8 % of the total.

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Barangays that recorded high annual growth rates between census years 2010 and 2015 are
barangays Pulong Niogan (7.68 %); Poblacion (5.96 %); Sto. Niño (5.53 %); Pilahan (3.79 %);
and San Francisco (3.29 %). The growth in population in these barangays are attributed to the
natural growth of the population both the original barangay population and the in-migrants.
Poblacion, Pulong Niogan and San Francisco are located along the national highway. Sto. Niño
and Pilahan are both upland barangays located on the northwestern tip and central portion of
the municipality, respectively.

Steady positive increase in population is recorded in the industrial barangays on the eastern
side of the municipality along the coastal areas of Batangas Bay. These are in barangays San
Juan, Mainaga, Bulacan, Calamias and Pulong Balibaguhan. In-migrants in these barangays
since the 1990’s had settled in this barangays.

The same population dynamics are observed at the tourism barangays of the municipality on
the western side of the municipality along the coastal areas of Balayan Bay. Barangays Mainit,
San Teodoro, Ligaya, San Jose, Majuben, Anilao East and Anilao Proper recorded increasing
population from 2010 to 2015. These barangays are also considered as in-migrant areas due to
the economic impacts of the tourism activities. Barangays Bagalangit and Solo which has the
highest population among the barangays and also considered as tourism barangay recorded a
decreasing trend in population growth. The decrease may be attributed to out-migration of
original population to live as immigrants and/or work in foreign countries.
Barangays Saguing, Nag-Iba, Solo and Talaga Proper recorded the lowest negative decrease in
population between census years 2010-2015. The following table shows population by
barangay recorded in two census years, 2010 and 2015 and the computed annual growth rate.
Table No. 22. Population By Barangay In Census Years 2010 and 2015 and Annual
Growth Rate

Population Annual Growth Rate

Name of Barangay
Census Year 2010 Census Year 2015 (%)
I. Urban Barangays
1. Poblacion 1,472 1,911 5.96 %
2. Anilao Proper 611 650 1.28 %
3. Talaga East 1,571 1,716 1.84 %
Sub-total 3,654 4,277 3.4 %
II. Rural Barangays
4. Anilao East 1,566 1,626 .75 %
5. Bagalangit 2,613 2,458 -1.18 %
6. Bulacan 1,281 1,351 1.09 %
7. Calamias 1,023 1,123 1.95 %
8. Estrella 631 716 2.7 %
9. Gasang 2,349 2,455 .9 %
10. Laurel 1,183 1,220 .63 %
11. Ligaya 1,205 889 .62 %
12. Mainaga 1,735 1,951 2.49 %
13. Mainit 1,050 1,076 .5 %
14. Majuben 640 725 2.65 %
15. Malimatoc I 938 955 .36 %
16. Malimatoc II 1,141 999 -2.49 %
17. Nag-Iba 904 886 -.4 %
18. Pilahan 643 765 3.79 %
19. Pulang Lupa 1,220 969 -4.1 %
20. Pulong Anahao 1,200 1,227 .45 %


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21. Pulong Balibaguhan 887 940 1.19 %

22. Pulong Niogan 1,268 1,755 7.68 %
23. Saguing 1,313 1,302 -.16 %
24. Sampaguita 1,550 1,621 .91 %
25. San Francisco 1,762 2,052 3.29 %
26. San Jose 865 876 .25 %
27. San Juan 1,975 2,124 1.51 %
28. San Teodoro 1,783 1,913 1.46 %
29. Santa. Ana 712 585 -3.57 %
30. Santa. Mesa 1,193 1,126 -1.12 %
31. Santo. Niño 531 678 5.53 %
32. Santo. Tomas 1,136 1,210 1.3 %
33. Solo 2,756 2,725 -.22 %
34. Talaga Proper 1,684 1,636 -.57 %
Sub-total 40,737 41,934 .06 %
Grand Total 44,391 46,211 .82 %
Source: PSA

2. Population Density
Considering the 2017 projected population of 46,972 and the land area of 4,296 hectares the
total population density is eleven (11) persons per hectare. Urban density is forty-four (44)
persons per hectare while rural density is ten (10) persons per hectae.
Most densely populated barangays are Anilao Proper with a density of seventy-one (71)
persons per hectare; Talaga Proper, fifty (50) persons per hectare; and Poblacion, fifty-six (56)
persons per hectare. The barangays with the least density are: Nag-Iba and Ligaya with three
(3) persons per hectare each; Estrella, Malimatoc II and Mainit with five (5) persons per hectare
each. The population density by barangay is presented in the following table:
Table No. 23. Population Density By Barangay, 2017

Population Density
Name of Barangay Population Land Area (in Hectares)
I. Urban Barangays
1. Poblacion 1,942 34.8390 56
2. Anilao Proper 661 9.2534 71
3. Talaga East 1,744 54.5875 32
Sub-total 4,347 98.6799 44
II. Rural Barangays
4. Anilao East 1,653 160.6237 10
5. Bagalangit 2,498 348.4091 7
6. Bulacan 1,373 83.1644 16
7. Calamias 1,141 30.0522 38
8. Estrella 728 158.4323 5
9. Gasang 2,495 149.3519 17
10. Laurel 1,240 149.3519 8
11. Ligaya 904 256.1802 3
12. Mainaga 1,983 72.0226 27
13. Mainit 1,094 211.2296 5
14. Majuben 737 38.6803 19
15. Malimatoc I 971 194.2363 5
16. Malimatoc II 1,015 153.9260 6
17. Nag-Iba 901 276.1401 3
18. Pilahan 778 43.5901 18
19. Pulang Lupa 985 87.9344 11
20. Pulong Anahao 1,247 196.2521 6


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21. Pulong Balibaguhan 955 45.3295 21

22. Pulong Niogan 1,784 125.2500 14
23. Saguing 1,323 54.9332 24
24. Sampaguita 1,648 102.9307 16
25. San Francisco 2,086 99.3320 21
26. San Jose 890 93.0823 9
27. San Juan 2,159 57.0575 38
28. San Teodoro 1,945 336.8852 6
29. Santa. Ana 595 26.6473 22
30. Santa. Mesa 1,145 73.0647 16
31. Santo. Niño 689 52.7191 13
32. Santo. Tomas 1,230 71.2900 17
33. Solo 2,770 339.5433 8
34. Talaga Proper 1,663 32.9848 50
Sub-total 42,625 4,197.3201 10
Grand Total 46,972 4,296.0000 11
Source: PSA and CLUP 2003-2013

3. Tempo of Urbanization
Tempo of urbanization was felt in the municipality at around the year 2000. The Poblacion
being the Central Business district of the municipality was considered as the urban area of the
municipality. Tempo of urbanization is estimated at about 3 %. This was attributed to the
operation of the San Miguel Purefoods Flour Mills adding to the other existing industries
operating in the municipality, then. The influx of in-migrants to the municipality looking for
work in the industrial firms in the municipality continue to draw residents to the business
districts of Anilao Proper and Anilao East on the western side and Talaga East and Talaga
Proper on the eastern side.
By 2007, urban developments were noticeable in the five areas/barangays of the municipality.
Tempo of urbanization by 2007 is about 8 %. These were in the barangays Poblacion, in the
center, Anilao East and Proper on the northwestern side and Talaga East and Talaga Proper on
the south eastern part. By 2010, tempo of urbanization has more than doubled to about 18 %.
The tempo decreases between census years 2010 and 2015 to only 10 %. The following table
shows urbanization levels in the past fifteen (15) years from year 2000 to 2015.
Table No. 24. Urbanization Levels In the Past 15 Years
Urban Rural Total Urbanization ( % )
2000 1,163 36,111 37,474 3%
2007 3,250 37,379 40,629 8%
2010 6,904 37,487 44,391 18 %
2015 4,277 41,934 46,211 10 %
Source: PSA


1. Marital Status

Married population is about 37 % of the total population ten (10_ years old and over.. There
are more married males than married females. Married males constitute 50.09 % of the total
married population 10 years old and over, while females are 49.91 %. Most of the married
population are within the range of age groups 20-24 to 55-59. Married population within the
age group and marital status constitute about 85 % of the total married population 10 years old


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and over. Of these percentage, there are more married females at about 51 %, while married
males are 49 %.

Single population is 44 % of the total population ten (10) years old and over. Single males
constitute 53 %, while single females, Single males constitute 53 %, while single females, 47
%. Widowed population is 5 % of the total population ten (10) years old and over. Widowed
males constitute 22 % of the total widowed population, while females are 78 %. Population
who are in divorced/separated marital status are .9 % of the total population ten (10) years old
and over. Only 38 % are males are divorced/separated while, females are 62 %. Two percent
(2 %) of the population 10 years old and over are in common-law/live-in marital status. Of the
percentage, about 47 % are males and the remaining 53 % are females. Population with
unknown marital status is .2 %; with 53 % males and 47 % females. The following tables show
population 10 years old and over by marital status, by age group and sex.

Table No. 25. Population 10 Years Old and Over By Marital Status
By Age Group and By Sex

Age Single Married
10 Years Male Female
Group Both Both
Old & Over Male Female Male Female
Sexes Sexes
Both 36,823 18,447 18,378 16,408 8,794 7,614 17,334 8,683 8,651

Below 9,444 4,858 4,586 9,128 4,776 4,352 195 49 147

20-24 4,473 2,288 2,185 3,137 1,798 1,339 1,121 390 732
25-29 4,537 2,327 2,209 1,909 1,146 763 2,402 1,071 1,332
30-34 3,467 1,776 1,691 798 453 345 2,495 1,239 1,255
35-39 3,051 1,545 1,50 414 230 184 2,464 1,253 1,210
40-44 2,358 1,242 1,1117 270 145 125 1,895 1,015 880
45-49 2,046 1,025 1,021 194 95 99 1,669 873 797
50-54 1,884 950 934 148 57 91 1,511 813 698
55-59 1,480 712 768 100 34 66 1,136 603 533
60-64 1,215 566 649 109 31 78 867 471 397
65-69 1,042 449 593 76 12 64 677 373 304
70-74 728 294 435 54 11 43 421 236 185
75-79 495 195 299 31 2 29 255 148 108
80 & 603 220 384 40 3 37 224 150 74
Source: PSA


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Table No. 26. Population 10 Years Old and Over By Marital Status By Age Group and
By Sex

Marital Status
Age Widowed Divorced/Separated Common-Law/Live-In Unknown
Group Both Both Both Both
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Sexes Sexes Sexes Sexes
Both 1,844 402 1442 350 134 216 806 392 414 81 43 38
Below 5 0 5 6 1 5 82 16 66 29 16 13
20-24 5 1 4 17 7 10 185 87 98 8 6 2
25-29 10 4 6 43 12 31 165 92 73 9 3 6
30-34 24 5 19 39 20 20 103 54 49 8 5 3
35-39 40 13 27 49 14 35 84 37 47 1 0 1
40-44 70 22 48 55 23 32 62 31 31 6 5 1
45-49 97 16 81 42 17 24 43 23 20 1 1 0
50-54 142 34 109 49 24 24 30 20 10 5 3 1
55-59 184 50 134 31 10 21 27 13 14 3 2 1
60-64 217 51 166 7 2 5 13 10 2 3 1 2
65-69 273 56 217 5 0 5 1 8 3 0 0 0
70-74 246 45 201 3 1 2 0 0 0 5 0 5
75-79 202 43 159 3 1 2 0 0 0 3 1 2
80 & 339 63 274 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Source: PSA

2. Religious Affiliation

The population of Mabini is generally of Roman Catholic religious affiliation. Roman

Catholics constitute 97 % of the total population, of which 50.37 % are males and 49.63 % are
females.Other notable religious affiliations are Evangelicals, Seventh Day Adventists, Bible
Baptists, Iglesia ni Kristo, Jehovah’s Witness and other religious affiliations. The following
table shows religious affiliations of the population.

Table No. 27. Religious Affiliation

Percent Percent
Both Percent (%)
Religious Affiliation (%) to Male (%) to Female
Sexes to Total
Total Total
Total 46,972 100 % 23,636 50.32 % 23,336 49.68 %

Roman Catholics 45,590 97 % 22,965 50.37 % 22,625 49.63 %

Evangelicals 455 .97% 211 46.37 % 244 53.63 %
Seventh Day Adventists 231 .50 % 103 44.58 % 128 55.42 %
Bible Baptists 147 .31 % 69 46.94 % 78 53.06 %
Iglesia ni Kristo 131 .30 % 74 56.48 % 57 43.52 %
Jehovah’s Witness 60 .13 % 26 43.33 % 34 56.67 %
Other Religious 357 .79 % 198 55.46 % 159 44.54 %
Source PSA


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3. Ethnicity and Dialect Spoken By the Population

The people of the municipality are generally of Tagalog ethnicity and Tagalog is the major
dialect spoken by the population. This also shows that most of the in-migrants to the
municipality came from tagalog-speaking provinces and regions of the country. The second
largest ethnicity is of Bisaya or Binisaya. These are in-migrants from the provinces of Samar
and Leyte of Eastern Samar region. There are also Bikol, Ilocanos, Cebuanos, Ilonggos and
Rombloanons in the municipality. Still, there are other ethnicities of the population of the
municipality. These migrants/ethnic groups continue to speak their dialects among their group
while learning and speaking Tagalog in dealing with the native population of Mabini. The
following table shows ethnicity and dialect spoken by the population.

Table No. 28. Ethnicity/Dialect Spoken

Percent Percent Percent
Ethnicity (%) to Male (%) to Female (%) to
Total Total Total
Total 46,972 100 % 23,636 50.32 % 23,336 49.68 %

Tagalog 45,390 97 % 22,756 50.14 % 22,634 49.86 %

Bisaya/Binisaya 655 1.40 % 357 54.50 % 298 45.50 %
Bikol/Bicol 311 .66 % 186 59.81 % 125 40.19 %
Ilocano 102 .22 % 63 61.76 % 39 38.24 %
Cebuano 69 .14 % 29 42.03 % 40 57.97 %
Hiligaynon/Ilonggo 55 .12 % 25 45.45 % 30 54.55 %
Romblon/Rombloanon 58 .12 % 39 67.24 % 19 32.76 %
Other Ethnicity 332 .34 % 181 54.52 % 151 45.48 %
Source: PSA

4. Literacy Rate
Literacy rate of population 10 years old and over corresponds with the percentage of literate
population which is 97 % of the total. Population under age group 40-44 are 100 % literate.
The elderlies, on the other hand are the least literate with literacy rate of only 80.17 % among
the population within the age group. The following table shows literacy of population ten (10
) yeas old and over.
Table No. 29. Literacy of Population 10 Years Old and Over
Population 10 Years Percent (%) to Percent (%) to
Age Group Literate Illiterate
Old & Over Total Total
Both Sexes 36,823 35,956 97.64 % 867 3%

10-14 4,888 4,830 98.79 % 58 1.21 %

15-19 4,559 4,504 98. 79 % 55 1.21. %
20-24 4,473 4,453 99.55 % 20 .45 %
25-29 4,537 4,525 99.77 % 12 .23 %
30-34 3,467 3,419 98.61 % 48 1.39 %
35-39 3,051 2,995 98.16 % 56 1.84 %
40-44 2,358 2,358 100 % 0 0%
45-49 2,046 2,013 98.38 % 33 1.62 %
50-54 1,884 1,834 97.34 % 50 2.66 %
55-59 1,480 1,465 98.98 % 15 1.02 %
60-54 1,215 1,093 89.95 % 122 11.05 %
65-69 1,042 942 90.40 % 100 9.60 %
70 & Over 1,826 1,464 80.17 % 362 19. 83 %
Source: PSA


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1. Out-Migration
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) are considered out-migrants from the barangays of the
municipality. These are native population from a particular barangay in the municipality going
out of the barangay and the municipality to migrate: either to work and live outside, not only
of the barangay, but outside the country. Work, livelihood and additional income are the prime
considerations in migration. Due to the nature of their work they had to live semi-permanently
in the country of their employment. The figures are based on the CBMS Survey Results and
the survey conducted by the Municipal Social Welfare Development Office in 2009. The
following table shows the number of OFWs by barangay, by sex and age range/group:
Table No. 30. Overseas Filipino Workers By Barangay: By Sex and Age Range
No. of 18-25 26-35 36-45 46 Yrs. Old
Name of Barangay Male Female
OFWs Yrs. Old Yrs. Old Yrs. Old & Over
1. Anilao East 122 73 49 9 57 35 21
1. Anilao Proper 80 48 32 5 38 18 19
2. Bagalangit 319 143 176 40 122 96 61
3. Bulacan 148 77 71 11 45 48 44
4. Calamias 75 49 26 5 35 29 6
5. Estrella 129 54 75 2 32 57 38
6. Gasang 519 272 247 67 174 160 118
7. Laurel 83 28 55 11 36 27 9
8. Ligaya 264 115 149 34 90 85 55
9. Mainaga 92 64 28 6 37 35 14
10. Mainit 167 90 77 20 80 37 30
11. Majuben 112 55 57 5 41 41 25
12. Malimatoc I 79 54 25 5 45 22 7
13. Malimatoc II 241 145 96 35 105 72 29
14. Nag-Iba 93 46 47 13 38 31 11
15. Pilahan 69 37 32 12 23 20 14
16. Poblacion 69 41 28 3 14 25 27
17. Pulang Lupa 247 105 142 13 75 98 61
18. Pulong Anahao 376 165 211 43 97 108 128
19. Pulong 115 54 61 3 32 34 46
20. Pulong Niogan 159 72 87 3 46 56 54
21. Saguing 154 66 88 13 45 55 41
23. Sampaguita 207 105 102 27 69 42 69
24. San Francisco 88 47 41 6 32 27 23
25. San Jose 166 75 91 6 60 56 44
26. San Juan 214 146 68 21 65 75 53
27. San Teodoro 194 134 60 25 102 50 17
28. Santa Ana 61 32 29 3 17 21 20
29. Santa Mesa 270 128 142 45 76 76 73
30. Santo Niño 35 24 11 8 14 12 1
31. Santo Tomas 163 84 79 11 81 53 18
32. Solo 709 321 388 92 244 165 208
33. Talaga East 307 157 150 30 95 89 93
34. Talaga Proper 227 114 113 22 65 76 64
TOTAL 6,353 3,220 3,133 654 2,227 1,931 1,541
Primary Survey-MSWDO


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The total number of OFWs recorded is 6,353 which is about 15 % of the estimated total
population in 2009. Of these number 50.68 % were males and 49.32% are females. The age
range of OFWs are from 18 – 45 years old and over. The most number of OFWs are ages 25-
35 years old. This age group/range is about 35 % of the total OFWs surveyed. Age group/range
36-45 constitute about 30 %, age group range 46 years old and over, about 24 % and age group
18-25 year old, 11 %.
As to educational attainment, most of the OFWs are college graduates or has at least completed
college level years of studies. OFWs who had at least completed college level years of studies
and college graduates constitute 46 % of the total OFWs. High school undergraduates and
graduates constitute about 44 % and elementary undergraduates and graduates, 10 %. The
following table shows number of OFWs by barangay and educational attainment of OFWs.
Table No. 31. No. of OFWs By Barangay and Educational Attainment
Secondary Level Tertiary Level
No. of ( High School ) ( College )
Name of Barangay Graduates
OFWs Graduates/ Graduates/
Undergraduates Undergraduates
1. Anilao East 122 2 50 70
2. Anilao Proper 80 0 15 65
3. Bagalangit 319 41 179 99
4. Bulacan 148 13 33 102
5. Calamias 75 10 27 38
6. Estrella 129 22 62 45
7. Gasang 519 25 264 230
8. Laurel 83 21 54 8
9. Ligaya 264 30 175 59
10. Mainaga 92 1 14 77
11. Mainit 167 19 65 83
12. Majuben 112 1 18 93
13. Malimatoc I 79 2 30 47
14. Malimatoc II 241 15 127 99
15. Nag-Iba 93 12 39 42
16. Pilahan 69 13 46 10
17. Poblacion 69 0 12 57
18. Pulang Lupa 247 7 199 41
19. Pulong Anahao 376 62 208 106
20. Pulong Balibaguhan 115 0 65 50
21.Pulong Niogan 159 0 12 147
22.Saguing 154 4 60 90
23. Sampaguita 207 7 47 153
24. San Francisco 88 0 33 55
25. San Jose 166 2 44 120
26. San Juan 214 1 68 145
27. San Teodoro 194 21 89 84
28. Santa Ana 61 2 16 43
29. Santa Mesa 270 124 129 17
30. Santo Niño 35 1 27 7
31. Santo Tomas 163 0 101 62
32. Solo 709 86 303 316
33. Talaga East 307 17 123 167
34. Talaga Proper 227 15 84 128
TOTAL 6,353 576 2,822 2,955


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The most common places of work or migration destination are Middle East, European
Countries, Asian Countries, United States of America (USA) and Other Countries. The
following tables show the number of OFWs by barangay and place of work.
Table No. 32. No. of OFWs By Barangay and By Place of Work
No. of Middle European Asian Other
Name of Barangay U.S.A
OFWs East Countries Countries Countries
1. Anilao East 122 34 63 12 10 3
2. Anilao Proper 80 21 38 9 4 8
3. Bagalangit 319 14 271 16 1 17
4. Bulacan 148 29 76 9 16 18
5. Calamias 75 41 24 6 1 4
6. Estrella 129 2 119 2 68 5
7. Gasang 519 67 328 18 0 38
8. Laurel 83 3 73 5 3 2
9. Ligaya 264 4 249 1 3 7
10. Mainaga 92 29 15 3 2 42
11. Mainit 167 35 115 2 6 13
12. Majuben 112 22 54 15 4 15
13. Malimatoc I 79 23 34 17 2 1
14. Malimatoc II 241 17 185 15 2 22
15. Nag-Iba 93 9 66 11 0 7
16. Pilahan 69 2 61 0 0 6
17. Poblacion 69 6 46 1 10 6
18. Pulang Lupa 247 1 237 6 2 1
19. Pulong Anahao 376 2 371 0 2 1
20. Pulong Balibaguhan 115 18 64 7 15 11
21. Pulong Niogan 159 19 89 7 14 30
22. Saguing 154 4 132 0 5 13
23. Sampaguita 207 18 156 7 12 14
24. San Francisco 88 35 17 7 25 4
25. San Jose 166 14 103 5 13 31
26. San Juan 214 57 76 18 7 56
27. San Teodoro 194 37 79 22 5 51
28. Santa Ana 61 7 37 2 2 13
29. Santa Mesa 270 0 268 0\ 2 0
30. Santo Niño 35 11 8 6 2 8
31. Santo Tomas 163 8 34 0 1 20
32. Solo 709 14 598 16 2 79
33. Talaga East 307 27 217 17 2 44
34. Talaga Proper 227 15 113 14 10 7
TOTAL 6,353 645 2,584 276 251 597

Rome, Italy is the most common destination, or working place for the OFWs of Mabini.
Working in Rome, Italy is a whole family affair that enables the whole family to migrate and
semi-permanently live in that country for most of the productive years of their lives. Household
keeping works and jobs pay well. The high exchange rate of the euro currency vis-à-vis the
peso provides the much needed income for life’s necessities, amenities and even savings for
the family.
Professionals, educated and some skilled individuals are also able to reside permanently in
countries with more stringent requirement for migrants. Some out-migrants from Mabini
qualify for migration to other countries and able to elect appropriate citizenship to live and
work in the concerned countries. Common country of migration is Australia, Canada, United
States of America, Germany and Switzerland.


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2. In-Migration
Results from the survey conducted under the Community Based Monitoring System Project
( CBMS ) conducted in July, 2009 showed that 8 % of the total population are in-migrants.
These include those population who migrated into a barangay of the municipality in the last
five years. These are the population whose original residences are from the barangays within
the municipality; from municipalities within the province; and from provinces in different
regions of the country who transferred from there and settle permanently in the municipality.
National Capital Region or Metro Manila Areas, being the transition area for in-migration in
the country is also a major original residence of in-migrants in the municipality.
Most of the in-migrants come from the Luzon Areas or provinces of Regions I-V. In-migrants
from Luzon constitute about 41 % of the total in-migrant population. Of these percentage, 30
% come from the province of Oriental Mindoro of the MIMAROPA Region or Region IV-B
of Luzon. This is due to the fact that the province is a neighbor province and both provinces
are highly accessible through water and land means of transportation. Likewise, Batangueños
and Mindoreños are blood relatives. There are also in-migrants from Visayas and Mindanao
provinces. Most Visayan in-migrants come from Eastern Visayas or Region VIII while most
in-migrants from Mindanao come from Northeastern Mindanao or Region XVI. Most original
places of residence are: Leyte in Region VIII and Surigao Del Norte in Region XVI,
The percentage distribution of in-migrants to the municipality by original place of residence
are as follows: a). from other barangays of Mabini (15 %); b). From other municipalities in
Batangas (24%); c). From National Capital Region or MetroManila, (11 %); d). From other
Luzon Provinces (Regions I-V), 41 %; e). From other Visayas Provinces (Region VI-VIII), 8
%; and f). From Mindanao Provinces (Region IX-XII. XV-XVI), 1 %. The following table
shows distribution of in-migrants by barangay and original place of residence.
Table No. 33. No. of In-Migrants By Barangay and By Original Place of Residence
Total National Mindanao
From From Luzon Visayas
No. of Capital Provinces
Name of Other Other Provinces Provinces
In- Region ( Regions
Barangay Barangays Towns of ( Regions ( Regions
Mig- (Metro- IX-XII;
of Mabini Batangas I-V ) VI-VIII )
rants Manila ) XV-XVI )
Anilao East 37 1 15 0 20 2 0
Bagalangit 394 88 71 44 141 43 7
Bulacan 207 24 29 19 85 29 1
Calamias 102 0 30 11 58 3 0
Gasang 291 21 61 13 171 23 2
Laurel 88 0 20 19 43 6 0
Mainit 135 48 35 7 45 0 0
Pulang Lupa 114 17 16 5 76 0 0
Pulong Anahao 52 0 7 0 45 0 0
Pulong Niogan 132 0 32 7 26 67 0
Saguing 80 6 26 22 19 7 0
Sampaguita 33 24 4 1 3 1 0
San Francisco 65 26 30 3 5 1 0
San Jose 117 24 32 9 41 1 10
San Juan 271 1 87 56 126 1 0
Santa Ana 113 10 27 23 50 3 0
Santa Mesa 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
Santo Niño 131 8 33 24 47 17 2
Santo Tomas 111 28 25 3 49 1 5


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Solo 55 13 16 0 20 4 2
Talaga East 109 30 17 5 32 3 2
Talaga Proper. 82 28 24 3 17 10 0
TOTAL 2,720 397 657 294 1,120 221 31
Source: CBMS Survey Results, 2009


In the projections of the population for the planning period 2018-2027, the PSA census data on
the barangay population of the municipality for the period May, 2010 and May, 2015 are
considered. The growth rate per barangay between the two censal years were taken and used
as basis for population projections. The negative growth rats were converted into positive
growth. This is considering the impacts of the proposed developments in the Comprehensive
Development Plan (CDP 2016-2025) and this, Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP 2018-
2027) being formulated. Positive developments will induce population growth in all barangays
of the municipality within the planning periods. The following tables show annual projected
total population and number of households from the year 2018 to year 2027.
Table No. 34. Annual Projected Total Population, 2018 to 2027
2018 47,847 9,550
2019 48,754 9,731
2020 49,695 9,918
2021 50,670 10,114
2022 51,654 10,310
2023 52,737 10,526
2024 53,830 10,745
2025 54,968 10,972
2026 56,162 11,210
2027 57,384 11,454
Note: Computed based on PSA Census of Population 2010 and 2015


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The following tables shows projected population by barangay and number of households,
2018-2017; projected population by age group and by sex; projected labor force by age group
and sex; projected school-age population by levels of education and by sex and the like tables.

Table No. 35. Projected Population and Number of Household

By Barangay, 2018-2027
Population and Number of Households
No. Name of Barangay 2018 2019
Population Households Population Households
A. Urban Barangays
1. Poblacion 2,058 411 2,180 435
Anilao Proper 669 134 678 135
Talaga East 1,776 355 1,809 361
Sub-total 4,503 899 4,667 932
B. Rural Barangays
4. Anilao East 1,665 332 1,678 335
5. Bagalangit 2,527 504 2,557 510
6. Bulacan 1,388 277 1,403 280
7. Calamias 1,163 232 1,186 237
8. Estrella 748 149 768 153
9. Gasang 2,517 502 2,540 507
10. Laurel 1,248 249 1,256 251
11. Ligaya 910 182 915 183
12. Mainaga 2,030 406 2,083 416
13. Mainit 1,099 219 1,105 221
14. Majuben 757 151 777 155
15. Malimatoc I 974 195 978 195
16. Malimatoc II 1,040 208 1,066 213
17. Nag-Iba 905 181 908 181
18. Pilahan 807 161 838 167
19. Pulang Lupa 1,025 205 1,067 213
20. Pulong Anahao 1,253 250 1,258 251
21. Pulong Balibaguhan 966 193 978 195
22. Pulong Niogan 1,921 383 2,069 413
23. Saguing 1,325 264 1,327 265
2. Sampaguita 1,663 332 1,678 335
25. San Francisco 2,155 430 2,226 444
26. San Jose 892 178 894 179
27. San Juan 2,192 437 2,225 444
28. San Teodoro 1,973 394 2,002 400
29. Santa Ana 616 123 638 127
30. Santa Mesa 1,158 231 1,171 234
31. Santo Niño 727 145 767 153
32. Santo Tomas 1,246 249 1,262 252
33. Solo 2,777 554 2,784 556
34. Talaga Proper 1,627 334 1,682 336
Sub-total 43,314 8,651 44,087 8,800
Grand Total 47,847 9,550 48,754 9,731
Source: PSA and Computations


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Table No. 36. Projected Population and Number of Households

By Barangay, 2018-2027

Population and Number of Households

No. Name of Barangay 2020 2021
Population Households Population Households
A. Urban Barangays
1. Poblacion 2,310 461 2,448 489
Anilao Proper 687 137 695 139
Talaga East 1,842 368 1,876 374
Sub-total 4,839 966 5,019 1,002
B. Rural Barangays
4. Anilao East 1,690 337 1,703 340
5. Bagalangit 2,587 516 2,618 529
6. Bulacan 1,418 283 1,434 286
7. Calamias 1,209 241 1,233 246
8. Estrella 789 157 810 162
9. Gasang 2,563 512 2,586 516
10. Laurel 1,264 252 1,272 254
11. Ligaya 921 184 927 185
12. Mainaga 2,135 426 2,188 437
13. Mainit 1,110 222 1,116 223
14. Majuben 797 159 818 163
15. Malimatoc I 982 196 985 197
16. Malimatoc II 1,093 218 1,120 224
17. Nag-Iba 912 182 916 183
18. Pilahan 870 174 903 180
19. Pulang Lupa 1,111 222 1,157 231
20. Pulong Anahao 1,264 252 1,270 253
21. Pulong Balibaguhan 990 198 1,001 200
22. Pulong Niogan 2,227 445 2,398 479
23. Saguing 1,329 265 1,331 266
24. Sampaguita 1,693 338 1,709 341
25. San Francisco 2,299 459 2,374 474
26. San Jose 897 179 899 179
27. San Juan 2,258 451 2,292 458
28. San Teodoro 2,031 405 2,061 411
29. Santa Ana 661 132 685 137
30. Santa Mesa 1,184 236 1,197 239
31. Santo Niño 810 162 855 171
32. Santo Tomas 1,279 255 1,295 259
33. Solo 2,791 557 2,798 558
34. Talaga Proper 1,691 338 1,701 340
Sub-total 44,856 8,953 45,651 9,112
Grand Total 49,695 9,918 50,670 10,114
Source: PSA and Computations


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Table No. 37. Projected Population and Number of Households

By Barangay, 2018-2027

Population and Number of Households

No. Name of Barangay 2022 2023
Population Households Population Households
A. Urban Barangays
1. Poblacion 2,594 518 2,749 549
Anilao Proper 704 141 713 142
Talaga East 1,910 381 1,946 388
Sub-total 5,209 1,079 5,408 1,079
B. Rural Barangays
4. Anilao East 1,716 342 1,729 345
5. Bagalangit 2,649 529 2,680 535
6. Bulacan 1,449 289 1,465 292
7. Calamias 1,257 251 1,281 256
8. Estrella 832 166 854 170
9. Gasang 2,609 521 2,633 526
10. Laurel 1,280 255 1,288 257
11. Ligaya 932 186 938 187
12. Mainaga 2,242 448 2,298 459
13. Mainit 1,122 224 1,127 225
14. Majuben 840 168 862 172
15. Malimatoc I 989 197 992 198
16. Malimatoc II 1,148 229 1,176 235
17. Nag-Iba 919 183 923 184
18. Pilahan 937 187 973 194
19. Pulang Lupa 1,204 240 1,254 250
20. Pulong Anahao 1,275 255 1,281 256
21. Pulong Balibaguhan 1,013 202 1,025 205
22. Pulong Niogan 2,583 516 2,781 555
23. Saguing 1,334 266 1,336 267
2. Sampaguita 1,724 344 1,740 347
25. San Francisco 2,452 490 2,533 506
26. San Jose 901 180 903 180
27. San Juan 2,327 464 2,362 471
28. San Teodoro 2,091 417 2,122 423
29. Santa Ana 702 180 734 147
30. Santa Mesa 1,211 242 1,223 244
31. Santo Niño 902 180 952 190
32. Santo Tomas 1,312 262 1,329 265
33. Solo 2,805 560 2,812 561
34. Talaga Proper 1,711 342 1,721 343
Sub-total 46,475 9,276 47,329 9,447
Grand Total 51,654 10,310 52,737 10,526
Source: PSA and Computations


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Table No. 38. Projected Population and Number of Households

By Barangay, 2018-2027

Population and Number of Households

No. Name of Barangay 2024 2025
Population Households Population Households
A. Urban Barangays
1. Poblacion 2,912 581 3,086 616
Anilao Proper 723 144 732 146
Talaga East 1,981 395 2,018 403
Sub-total 5,616 1,121 5,836 1,165
B. Rural Barangays
4. Anilao East 1,742 348 1,755 350
5. Bagalangit 2,712 541 2,744 548
6. Bulacan 1,481 296 1,497 297
7. Calamias 1,306 261 1,332 266
8. Estrella 877 175 901 180
9. Gasang 2,656 530 2,680 535
10. Laurel ,296 259 1,304 260
11. Ligaya 944 188 950 190
12. Mainaga 2,356 470 2,414 482
13. Mainit 1,133 226 1,139 227
14. Majuben 885 177 909 181
15. Malimatoc I 996 199 999 199
16. Malimatoc II 1,206 241 1,236 247
17. Nag-Iba 927 185 930 186
18. Pilahan 1,009 201 1,048 209
19. Pulang Lupa 1,305 260 1,358 271
20. Pulong Anahao 1,287 257 1,293 258
21. Pulong Balibaguhan 1,037 207 1,050 210
22. Pulong Niogan 2,995 598 3,225 644
23. Saguing 1,338 267 1,340 267
2. Sampaguita 1,756 350 1,772 354
25. San Francisco 2,617 522 2,703 539
26. San Jose 900 181 908 181
27. San Juan 2,398 479 2,434 486
28. San Teodoro 2,153 430 2,184 436
29. Santa Ana 761 152 788 157
30. Santa Mesa 1,238 247 1,252 250
31. Santo Niño 1,004 200 1,060 212
32. Santo Tomas 1,346 269 1,364 272
33. Solo 2,819 563 2,826 564
34. Talaga Proper 1,730 345 1,740 347
Sub-total 48,214 9,624 49,132 9,807
Grand Total 53,830 10,745 54,968 10,972
Source: PSA and Computations


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Table No. 39. Projected Population and Households

By Barangay, 2018 to 2027

Population and Number of Households

No. Name of Barangay 2026 2027
Population Households Population Households
A. Urban Barangays
1. Poblacion 3,270 653 3,465 692
Anilao Proper 741 148 751 150
Talaga East 2,055 410 2,093 418
Sub-total 6,066 1,211 6,308 1,259
B. Rural Barangays
4. Anilao East 1,768 353 1,781 356
5. Bagalangit 2,776 554 2,829 561
6. Bulacan 1,514 302 1,530 305
7. Calamias 1,358 271 1,384 276
8. Estrella 925 185 950 190
9. Gasang 2,705 540 2,729 545
10. Laurel 1,312 262 1,320 264
11. Ligaya 956 191 962 192
12. Mainaga 2,474 494 2,536 506
13. Mainit 1,144 228 1,150 230
14. Majuben 933 186 957 191
15. Malimatoc I 1,003 200 1,007 201
16. Malimatoc II 1,266 253 1,298 259
17. Nag-Iba 934 186 938 187
18. Pilahan 1,087 217 1,129 225
19. Pulang Lupa 1,414 282 1,472 294
20. Pulong Anahao 1,298 259 1,304 260
21. Pulong Balibaguhan 1,062 212 1,075 215
22. Pulong Niogan 3,472 693 3,739 746
23. Saguing 1,342 268 1,344 268
2. Sampaguita 1,788 357 1,804 360
25. San Francisco 2,792 557 2,883 576
26. San Jose 910 182 913 182
27. San Juan 2,471 493 2,508 501
28. San Teodoro 2,216 442 2,248 449
29. Santa Ana 816 163 845 169
30. Santa Mesa 1,266 253 1,280 255
31. Santo Niño 1,118 223 1,180 236
32. Santo Tomas 1,382 276 1,400 279
33. Solo 2,833 565 2,840 567
34. Talaga Proper 1,750 349 1,760 351
Sub-total 50,086 9,997 51,076 10,195
Grand Total 56,162 11,210 57,384 11,454
Source: PSA and Computations


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Table No. 40. Projected Population By Age Group and By Sex, 2018-2027
Age 2018 2019 2020
Group Both Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female
Sexes Sexes Sexes
Under 1 1,044 520 525 1,064 529 535 1,084 540 545
1-4 4,222 2,188 2,034 4,302 2,229 2,073 4,385 2,273 2,113
5-9 5,070 2,604 2,466 5,166 2,653 2,513 5,266 2,704 2,561
10-14 4,979 2,561 2,418 5,073 2,609 2,464 5,171 2,660 2,512
15-19 4,641 2,388 2,253 4,729 2,433 2,296 4,820 2,480 2,340
20-24 4,556 2,330 2,227 4,643 2,374 2,269 4,732 2,420 2,313
25-29 4,622 2,369 2,252 4,706 2,414 2,295 4,800 2,461 2,339
30-34 3,532 1,808 1,724 3,599 1,842 1,756 3,668 1,878 1,790
35-39 3,108 1,573 1,535 3,167 1,603 1,564 3,228 1,634 1,594
40-44 2,402 1,264 1,138 2,447 1,288 1,159 2,495 1,313 1,182
45-49 2,084 1,043 1,041 2,124 1,063 1,061 2,165 1,083 1,081
50-54 1,919 976 943 1,955 994 961 1,993 1,014 980
55-59 1,508 725 782 1,536 739 797 1,566 753 813
60-64 1,238 577 661 1,261 587 674 1,285 599 687
65-69 1,061 457 604 1,082 466 615 1,102 475 627
70-74 744 299 444 758 305 453 772 311 461
75-79 504 199 306 514 202 311 524 206 317
80 & 614 224 390 626 228 398 638 233 405
Total 47,847 24,104 23,743 48,754 24,561 24,193 49,695 25,035 24,660
Source: PSA and Computations

Table No. 41. Projected Population By Age Group, By Sex, 2018-2027

Age 2021 2022 2023
Group Both Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female
Sexes Sexes Sexes
Under 1 1,106 550 556 1,127 561 566 1,151 573 578
1-4 4,471 2,317 2,154 4,558 2,362 2,154 4,654 2,412 2,242
5-9 5,369 2,757 2,612 5,473 2,811 2,612 5,588 2,870 2,718
10-14 5,273 2,712 2,561 5,375 2,765 2,561 5,488 2,823 2,665
15-19 4,915 2,529 2,386 5,010 2,578 2,386 5,115 2,632 2,483
20-24 4,825 2,467 2,358 4,919 2,515 2,358 5,022 2,568 2,454
25-29 4,894 2,509 2,385 4,989 2,558 2,385 5,094 2,611 2,482
30-34 3,740 1,915 1,825 3,813 1,952 1,825 3,893 1,993 1,900
35-39 3,291 1,666 1,626 3,355 1,698 1,626 3,425 1,733 1,692
40-44 2,544 1,339 1,205 2,593 1,365 1,205 2,647 1,393 1,254
45-49 2,207 1,105 1,102 2,250 1,126 1,102 2,297 1,150 1,147
50-54 2,032 1,033 999 2,072 1,053 999 2,115 1,076 1,040
55-59 1,597 768 828 1,628 783 828 1,662 799 862
60-64 1,311 611 700 1,336 622 700 1,364 635 729
65-69 1,124 484 640 1,146 494 640 1,170 504 666
70-74 787 317 470 803 323 470 820 330 490
75-79 534 210 324 544 214 324 556 219 337
80 & 650 237 413 663 242 413 677 247 430
Total 50,670 25,526 25,144 51,654 26,022 25,144 52,737 26,567 26,170
Source: PSA and Computations


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Table No. 42. Projected Population By Age Group,

By Sex, 2018-2027
Age Group 2024 2025
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female
Under 1 1,175 584 590 1,199 597 603
1-4 4,750 2,462 2,289 4,851 2,514 2,337
5-9 5,704 2,929 2,774 5,824 2,991 2,833
10-14 5,602 2,881 2,721 5,720 2,942 2,778
15-19 5,221 2,686 2,535 5,332 2,743 2,589
20-24 5,126 2,621 2,505 5,234 2,676 2,558
25-29 5,199 2,666 2,534 5,300 2,722 2,587
30-34 3,973 2,034 1,939 4,057 2,066 1,980
35-39 3,496 1,769 1,727 3,570 1,807 1,764
40-44 2,702 1,422 1,280 2,759 1,452 1,307
45-49 2,345 1,174 1,171 2,394 1,198 1,196
50-54 2,159 1,098 1,061 2,205 1,121 1,084
55-59 1,696 816 880 1,732 833 899
60-64 1,392 649 744 1,422 662 759
65-69 1,194 515 680 1,219 525 694
70-74 837 337 500 854 344 510
75-79 567 223 344 579 228 351
80 & Over 691 252 439 706 257 448
Total 53,830 27,118 26,712 54,968 27,691 27,277
Source: PSA and Computations

Table No. 43. Projected Population By Age Group and

By Sex, 2018-2027
Age Group 2026 2027
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female
Under 1 1,226 610 616 1,252 623 629
1-4 4,956 2,568 2,388 5,064 2,624 2,440
5-9 5,951 3,056 2,895 6,080 3,123 2,958
10-14 5,844 3,006 2,838 5,971 3,071 2,900
15-19 5,447 2,803 2,645 5,566 2,864 2,702
20-24 5,348 2,734 2,614 5,465 2,794 2,671
25-29 5,425 2,781 2,644 5,543 2,842 2,701
30-34 4,145 2,122 2,023 4,236 2,168 2,067
35-39 3,648 1,846 1,802 3,727 1,886 1,841
40-44 2,819 1,484 1,336 2,881 1,516 1,365
45-49 2,446 1,224 1,222 2,500 1,251 1,249
50-54 2,253 1,145 1,107 2,302 1,170 1,131
55-59 1,770 851 918 1,808 870 938
60-64 1,453 677 776 1,484 691 793
65-69 1,246 537 709 1,273 549 724
70-74 873 352 521 892 359 533
75-79 592 233 359 605 238 366
80 & Over 721 263 458 737 269 368
Total 56,162 28,293 27,869 57,384 28,908 28,476
Source: PSA and Computations


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Table No. 44. Projected School-Age Population, 2018-2027

School-Age Population By Level of Education, By Sex
Year Kindergarten ( 5 Years Old) Elementary Level (6-11 Years Old
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female
2018 957 491 466 5,263 2,706 2,557
2019 975 500 475 5,363 2,757 2,606
2020 994 510 484 5,466 2,810 2,656
2021 1,013 520 494 5,574 2,865 2,708
2022 1,033 530 503 5,682 2,921 2,761
2023 1,055 541 514 5,801 2,982 2,819
2024 1,077 552 525 5,921 3,044 2,877
2025 1,099 564 536 6,046 3,108 2,938
2026 1,123 576 547 6,178 3,176 3,002
2027 1,148 589 559 6,312 3,245 3,067

Table No. 45. Projected School-Age Population, 2018-2027

School-Age Population By Level of Education, By Sex
Year Total Secondary Level (12-17) Junior High School (12-15) Senior High School (16-17)
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female
2018 5,742 2,953 2,789 3,828 1,969 1,859 1,914 984 930
2019 5,850 3,009 2,842 3,900 2,006 1,894 1,950 1,003 947
2020 5,963 3,067 2,896 3,976 2,045 1,931 1,988 1,022 965
2021 6,080 3,127 2,953 4,054 2,085 1,969 2,027 1,042 984
2022 6,198 3,188 3,011 4,132 2,125 2,007 2,066 1,063 1,004
2023 6,328 3,255 3,074 4,219 2,170 2,049 2,109 1,085 1,025
2024 6,460 3,322 3,137 4,306 2,215 2,092 2,153 1,107 1,046
2025 6,596 3,392 3,204 4,397 2,262 2,136 2,199 1,131 1,068
2026 6,739 3,466 3,273 4,493 2,311 2,182 2,246 1,155 1,091
2027 6,886 3,542 3,345 4,591 2,361 2,230 2,295 1,181 1,115

Table No. 46. Projected School-Age Population, 2018-2027

School-Age Population By Level of Education, By Sex
Tertiary Level (18-22) Total School-Age Population
Both Male Female Both Sexes Male Female
2018 4,785 2,454 2,331 16,746 8,599 8,147
2019 4,875 2,501 2,375 17,064 8,762 8,302
2020 4,970 2,549 2,421 17,393 8,931 8,462
2021 5,067 2,599 2,468 17,735 9,107 8,628
2022 5,165 2,649 2,516 18,079 9,284 8,795
2023 5,274 2,705 2,569 18,458 9,478 8,980
2024 5,383 2,761 2,622 18,841 9,675 9,166
2025 5,497 2,819 2,677 19,239 9,879 9,360
2026 5,616 2,881 2,736 19,657 10,094 9,563
2027 5,738 2,943 2,795 20,084 10,313 9,771


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Table No. 47. Projected Labor Force, 2018-2027

Both Sexes Male Female
2018 32,532 16,232 16,300
2019 33,149 16,540 16,609
2020 33,788 16,859 16,930
2021 34,451 17,190 17,262
2022 35,120 17,523 17,597
2023 35,857 17,891 17,966
2024 36,600 18,262 18,338
2025 37,374 18,648 18,726
2026 38,185 19,053 19,133
2027 39,016 19,467 19,549


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MABINI is a municipality with world renowned tourists destinations and an
industrial hub in Batangas with globally-competitive economy, efficient and
effective health services, equal educational opportunities, ecologically balanced
environment, state-of- the- art infrastructure and preserved cultural heritage
inspired by the solidarity of gracious leaders and law-abiding citizenry working for
the common good guided by the Divine Providence.

1. Encouraged the preservation of existing natural tourist attractions, development
of new alternative features and upgrading tourism-related facilities, amenities
and infrastructures to world-class standards.

2. Conduct information and educational campaign on the international quality,

ambience and safety of the municipality as a tourist destination.

3. Maintain industrial peace among existing firms and investments and encourage
new industrial and high end businesses to locate and establish branches, sub-
offices and manufacturing and distribution depots/centers in the municipality.

4. Develop and evolve a globally-competitive economy that is capable of

providing for the needs and requirements of the people of the municipality, local
and international tourists, industrial and business establishments comparative
with other development centers of the world.

5. Nurture, care and provide for the well-being and health of the people of the
municipality through efficient and effective health services delivery
spearheaded by a community hospital with complete, updated, state-of-the-art
facilities and equipment and manned by competent, skilled and gracious
manpower complement.

6. Enable the people of the municipality by providing access to complete education

from K+12 to college through maintenance and continuous improvement of
existing public and private elementary schools, secondary level or high schools
and establishment of a local college.

7. Preserve and conserve the natural resources of the municipality, especially the
existing and established Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and dive sites at
Balayan Bay areas; promoting an ecologically-balanced environment and the
same time providing for the current needs of the present generation of
Mabinians as well as those of the future.

8. Endeavor to put in place a state-of-the-art infrastructure network of roads and

bridges that will facilitate mobility of goods and services within the
municipality and the neighboring development centers. Utilities such as
efficient water and supply services port facilities and communications facilities
to support the needs and demands of households, businesses and industries.


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9. Treasure cultural heritage through local knowledge researches: collation, data

banking and updating of information relative to the evolution of cultural
heritage and mainstreaming cultural heritage into the awareness and sense of
patriotism of people through festivals, cultural nights, and school curricula and
enshrining the same in a municipal museum and library to ensure preservation
and perpetuity.

10. Capacitate local officials, municipal department heads, staff, personnel and
volunteer workers of the municipal government to be able to perform their
functions and duties in the most efficient and effective manner in the service of
the people of Mabini.

11. Empower the accredited non-government organizations, civil society groups,

private sectors, Overseas Filipino Workers and Overseas Contract Workers and
Mabinians living in other countries around the world and the general public to
participate in the municipal development processes.

12. Recognize and involve the efforts and contributions of national government
offices and their representatives in the delivery of services to the people of
Mabini bringing national government closer to the people.

13. Recognize and involve the efforts and contibutions of the provincial
government on all aspects of municipal governance, especially for coastal and
biodiversity protection.

14. Recognize and involve the efforts and contributions of special inter-municipal
government department bodies, boards and councils in the implementation of
municipal government’s programs and projects for a better quality of life of the

15. Nurture and concretize the harmonious relationships of the people of Mabini,
the municipal government, barangay councils, accredited non-government
organizations, civil society groups, private sectors, Overseas Filipino Workers
and Overseas Contract Workers, national government agencies’s
representatives, special inter-municipal government bodies, boards and councils
and the general public working for the for the common good of the people of
Mabini under the direction and leadership of the present administration.

16. To work hand in hand with the religious sectors in the municipality such as the
Roman Catholic Church, the Seventh-Day Adventists, Iglesia ni Kristo and
other religious sects and congregations working for the spiritual well-being and
imploring the aid and guidance of the Divine Providence to the municipal
government in particular and the people of Mabini in general.


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The plan shall guide and support the municipality; the people and the municipal
government towards achieving the vision and mission set forth for the continuous
realization of the aspirations for a more progressive, self-reliant and fully developed
community sustained by genuine people’s participation and good governance.

In line with these, the following objectives are set forth:

1. To maintain, improve and continuously upgrade the delivery of basic social

services, thereby ensuring the health, safety, education and well-rounded
development of the people. Relative thereto, disaster-preparedness and disaster
risk reduction management as well adaptation to climate change programs and
projects will be considered within the planning period.

2. To enhance and further develop the municipal economy through a balanced

industrialization, tourism development, agricultural activities and support to
tertiary sector of the economy by providing a business climate conducive to
commerce and trade development. Encouraged economic activities that will
increase income and livelihood opportunities for the people with the end-in-
view of uplifting their economic condition and quality of life.

3. To maintain and improve physical and infrastructure networks: roads and

bridges; utilities water, power and state-of-the-art communications facilities
within the municipality for easy access, facility of movement of goods and
services and easy transmittal of updated, latest information, technology and
knowledge not only within the municipality, province, refion or country but

4. To improve and upgrade local governance capabilities and capacities in

development and policy administration to respond to the needs of the people
and manage resources available for growth and development.

5. To evolve and implement resource utilization programs and projects within the
framework od sustainable development that redound to the best and optimum
use of said resources to meet the needs of present generation within the planning
period without jeopardizing the needs of future generations. This is specifically
related to land use.

6. To enhance the role of Mabini, Batangas in relation to its neighboring

municipalities, the whole province, the country and the world.


The comparative advantages of the Municipality of Mabini, Batangas are its people and
geographic location.
The people of Mabini had been persistent in showing the world their penchant and capability
for self-governance. For a century after its separation from the Municipality of Bauan and
foundation as an independent municipality work in January 1, 1918, the aspirations of the
people for moving on to higher level of development are being pursued and are still being

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pursued. Through the years, the people of the municipality had worked and benefitted from the
developments that is happening in the municipality. The municipality had grown and develop
to be a good, true and beautiful human settlements.
The hardworking Mabinians had gotten out of their comfort zones to work abroad and enable
their children to participate in the building of the Municipality of Mabini. Through the years,
the absentee parents send their children to school, provide for their childrens’s needs and
promote their well-being. In so doing, they nurture the youth and directs their minds to greater
love of God and country, specially, the Municipality of Mabini.
The geographic location of the Municipality of Mabini makes the municipality the melting pot
of contrasting development trends that can co-exist and prosper together. Industrial and
tourism developments are both present in the municipality. Industrial land uses are along the
Batangas Bay areas on the eastern side of the municipality. Tourism developments are very
prominent on the western side along the Balayan Bay areas.
These contrasting but co-existing developments are made possible by nature, specifically, that
point at Verde Island Passage where the currents of the two water bodies meet. At this point
the currents meet and then go their separate ways again not inflicting pollution but preserving
each other’s state. Industrial and tourism land uses are very prominent land use categories in
the municipality. In the central portion, are plateaus of hilly and mountainous portions that
serve as settlements, agro-forest and forest areas.
The coastal resources of the municipality, both off-shore and along the shores of Balayan Bay
on the western side of the municipality offer attractive sites for rest and relaxation of tourists.
Corals and different species of fishes collaborate under water to form Marine Protected Areas
and Dive Sites that symbiotically promote tourism and conservation of natural aquatic
resources. Economic and environmental concerns are commonly pursued towards sustainable
Industrial establishments on the eastern side along Batangas Bay consist of manufacturing
firms, warehouses, oil depot, PNOC Integrated Services, bulk handlers, cement factory and the
like. These industries provide steady and considerable source of income for the municipal
government that facilitates delivery of basic social services to the constituents.
The verdant mountains and hills that exudes beauty and serenity to the place as well forest-like
environment promotes sustainable development and ecological balance in the municipality.
These also provides alternative tourist attractions that further enhance the viability of the
tourism industry.
In the center of the municipality from the lower flat plains in the Poblacion including those
of Pulong Niogan, Sampaguita and Pulong Balibaguhan to the Central Upland Barangays
of Sto. Tomas, Pilahan and Estrella are the settlements areas or urban lands where the
population live, learn and love. The settlement areas in the municipality provide places for
abode and work places for the sustenance of human life in the community.
The conscientious and capable municipal government officials perform responsible
governance and leadership functions so as to steer the municipality in the development, we,
the people deserve.


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1.1. General Land Uses
The geographic location of the Municipality of Mabini makes the municipality the melting
pot of contrasting development trends that can co-exist and prosper together. Industrial and
tourism developments are both present in the municipality. Industrial land uses are along the
Batangas Bay areas on the eastern side of the municipality. Tourism developments are very
prominent on the western side along the Balayan Bay areas. These contrasting but co-existing
developments are made possible by nature, specifically, that point at Verde Island Passage
where the currents of the two water bodies meet. At this point the currents meet and then go
their separate ways again not inflicting pollution but preserving each other’s state. Industrial
and tourism land uses are very prominent land use categories in the municipality. In the
central portion, are plateaus of hilly and mountainous portions that serve as settlements and
agro-forest areas.
Being generally steeply hilly and mountainous. Areas above 18% slope dominate the landscape
of the municipality. Agricultural activities are not of the prime nature. There are no inland
waterbodies that can be sourced for irrigation purposes. Open grasslands are also present in
patches in all barangays. Built-up areas, however, are present, thriving and growing in each of
the barangays and the Poblacion areas of the municipality.
The municipality has a total land area of 4,296 hectares. This is being utilized as urban land
uses or built-up uses such as: residential, commercial, institutional and functional open spaces
consisting of roads, cemeteries/memorial parks and multi-purpose courts and/or barangay
basketball courts, plazas and the like. Other general land uses include industrial land areas,
tourism areas, agricultural areas and open grasslands. Agricultural areas are the largest land
use category occupying about 64.42 % of the total land area of the municipality while tourism
areas are the least constituting .64 %.
The following table shows existing general land uses in the Municipality of Mabini in this
current year, 2017.
Table No. 48. Existing General Land Uses, 2017
(in hectares)
Urban Land Uses/Built-up Areas 747.6312 17.40 %
Industrial Areas 102.7156 2.39 %
Tourism Areas 27.3585 .64 %
Agricultural Areas 2,767.5200 64.42 %
Open Grasslands 650.7747 15.15 %
Total 4,296.0000 100 %
Sources: Tax Map Control Roll, Office of the Municipal Assessor
Google Maps, Google/Earth/Map/Mabini, Batangas Google Links
Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2002-2012
Ocular Survey
Office of the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator
Office of the Municipal Engineer
Office of the Municipal Agriculturist


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1.1.1. Urban Land Uses

Urban land uses and/or built-up areas are contiguous areas occupied by a cluster of at least ten
(10) structures with land use categories as residential, commercial, institutional, and functional
open spaces being used as access areas, spaces for sports and recreation, meeting places and
burial grounds. These land use categories occupy a total area of 747.6312 hectares which
constitute 17.40 % of the total land areas.
Residential Areas
Residential areas are the areas occupied by houses and residences of the population. Total
residential areas is 488.1092 hectares or about 72 % of the total urban land uses and 11.36 %
of the total land areas of the municipality. With a total current households of 9,376, residential
areas to household density is 1:19 meaning for every one (1) hectare there are 19 households
which shows an average lot size of 526 square meters per household.
Urban land uses in the three (3) urban barangays of the municipality, namely Poblacion, Anilao
Proper and Talaga East is 36.5883 hectares. For the urban barangays, households are 868 and
residential area-household density is 1:24. The average urban residential lot size is 416 square
meters. Residential areas in the barangays outside of the Poblacion is 451.5209 hectares.
Households in the barangays outside of the Poblacion are 8,508. Residential area-household
density is the same as that of the municipal gross density and average lot size.
The residential areas are the usual settlement areas in every towns in the country where the
original population of the municipality lives and resides. Majority of the residential units or
housing units are made of strong construction materials. The residential areas are provided with
utility services such as water and electricity. All forms of communications media are available
in the municipality. With telecommunications signals available in the municipality use of
mobile phones, computers and the different forms of electronic communications are being
accessed from the homes of the residents of the municipality both in urban barangays and other
The residential areas are the usual settlement areas in every towns in the country where the
original population of the municipality lives and resides. Majority of the residential units or
housing units are made of strong construction materials. The residential areas are provided with
utility services such as water and electricity. All forms of communications media are available
in the municipality. With telecommunications signals available in the municipality use of
mobile phones, computers and the different forms of electronic communications are being
accessed from the homes of the residents of the municipality both in urban barangays and other
Commercial Areas
Commercial Strip of 100 meters on both sides of the national highway on an east – west
direction from Talaga East to Anilao Proper covering barangays Talaga East, Pulong
Balibaguhan, Poblacion, Pulong Niogan, Anilao East and Anilao Proper is planned in the old
Comprehensive Land Use Plan and zoned as Commercial Zone in the Zoning Ordinance 2003-
2012, respectively. The strip has an area of 97.8695 hectares. To date, a total of 17.7524
hectares or about 18 % of said areas are existing commercial areas being occupied by
commercial establishments where business, commerce and trade related economic activities
are being conducted. The remaining commercial areas is 82.5756 hectares or 82 % of the total.


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The strip is showing further development as commercial areas with new establishments being
constructed in the areas. With the trend of commercial developments in the strip, it is expected
that the whole areas will serve its functions within the planning period. Thus, the said strip is
retained in this new Updated CLUP 2018-2027. The following table shows the distribution of
commercial areas and existing commercial areas in the barangays within the Commercial Strip.
Table No. 49. Distribution of Commercial Areas and Existing Commercial Areas within the Commercial
Strip By Barangay
Barangay Areas Within the Existing Commercial Remaining Commercial
Commercial Strip Areas Within the Areas within the
Commercial Strip
(in hectares) Commercial Strip
(in hectares)
(in hectares)
Talaga East 43.7169 1.8369 41.8800
Pulong Balibaguhan 8.0605 2.0117 6.0488
Poblacion 12.8453 6.2366 6.6087
Pulong Niogan 15.3442 .4873 14.8569
Anilao East 17.9026 4.7214 13.1812
Total 97.8695 17.7524 82.5756
Source: CLUP & ZO 2003-2012 and TMCR Records, Assessors Office

The three (3) main commercial areas are within the commercial strip. Talaga East is the end-
point on the eastern side, Poblacion, is on the center and Anilao Proper is the end-point on the
western side.
Commercial areas in the Poblacion include the Central Business District (CBD) from the
boundary of Barangays Pulong Balibaguhan and Poblacion on the south; going northwards
passing through the Roman Catholic Church, Government Center/Plaza, and Mabini Public
Market to the boundaries between Poblacion and Pulong Niogan. The Mabini Public Market
which is the main commercial center of the municipality is located in this area.
The existing commercial buildings and establishments on both sides of the roads surrounding
the plaza and municipal offices and those along both sides of national highway also form part
of the Central Business District of Poblacion. Commercial areas in the Poblacion totals to
62,366 square meters or 6.2366 hectares of land.
The Anilao Multi-Purpose Facility at Anilao Proper includes a market, fish landing and auction
facility, passenger loading and unloading wharf and parking spaces for motor vehicles. The
facility has an area of 2,018 square meters or .2018 hectares of land. On the vicinity of the
facility, there are commercial establishments that cater the local residents and tourists that visit
the resorts along the eastern coastal areas of the municipality of Mabini and the neighboring
towns of Tingloy and Bauan. The commercial activities on the vicinity of the Anilao Multi-
Purpose Port Facility is 2.2567 hectares. Thus, commercial areas at Anilao Proper is 2.4585
hectares of land.

The Talaga Flea Market at barangay Talaga East provides areas for market stalls for the
commercial trading needs of the people from the upland barangays on the central and south,
or one (1) hectare of land. Commercial areas outside of the flea market total to .8369 hectares
of land. Total commercial areas in Talaga East is composed of the Talaga Flea Market and
those in the vicinity of the flea market is 1.8369 hectares of land.


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There are also some notable commercial developments in other barangays such as: Anilao
Proper, Mainaga, Mainit, San Francisco, San Juan and Gasang. Total existing commercial areas
in these barangays is 4.6317 hectares of land.
Total existing commercial areas include: existing commercial areas and the remaining
commercial areas within the Commercial Strip zoned as Commercial Zones in the Old CLUP
2003-2012 which is 97.8695 hectares of land and those commercial areas in other barangays
outside the Strip and the Poblacion which is 4.6337 hectares of land. Thus, total commercial
areas is 102.5032 hectares of land.
Institutional Areas
Institutional areas are areas occupied by government buildings/offices: barangay halls,
municipal hall; educational buildings: schools both public and private of all levels: pre-
elementary, elementary, secondary or high school and tertiary or collegiate level, including
vocational education; health facilities both public and private: health center, clinics, hospitals;
places of worship or religious buildings: churches, chapels and other places of worship and
related activities both in urban and other barangays. Real estate properties declared in the name
of the barangay, municipal and provincial governments form part of the institutional areas. Tax
exempt properties as indicated in the Tax Assessment Roll are categorized as institutional uses.
Total institutional areas in the municipality is 20.6680 hectares. This is 3 % of the total urban
land uses and .48 % of the total land areas. Institutional areas in the urban barangays of
Poblacion, Anilao Proper and Talaga Proper is 2.1319 hectares and those outside of the
Poblacion is 18.5361 hectares.
Functional Open Spaces
Functional open spaces are areas occupied by land uses essential to the well-being and
sanitation functions of the urban areas. These are open areas, except for multi-purpose covered
courts, that provide defined functions in the community or settlements areas. These land uses
include: roads, multi-purpose courts/plaza and basketball courts that generally provide spaces
for sports and recreation development activities; and cemeteries and memorial parks for the
eternal repose of the dead members of the community.
Total areas occupied by these functional open spaces are 136.3508 hectares of land which
constitute 18 % of the total urban land uses and 3.17 % of the total land areas. Functional open
spaces in the urban barangays are 12.2283 hectares and those in the barangays are 124.1225
hectares of land. The following table shows breakdown of urban land uses categories.

Table No. 50. Urban Land Uses, 2017

Land Use Categories Existing Urban Percent (%) Percent (%) To
Land Use Areas To Total Total Land Areas
Urban Land
(in hectares) (4,296 Hectares
Residential Areas 488.1092 65 % 11.36 %
Commercial Areas 102.5032 14 % 2.38 %
Institutional Areas 20.6680 3 % .48 %


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Functional Open Spaces 136.3508 18 % 3.17 %

Roads 17.00 % 3.00 %
Multi-Purpose 1.7158 .23 % .04 %
Cemeteries/Memorial 5.5518 .77 % .13 %
Total 747.6312 100 % 17.39 %
Sources: Tax Map Control Roll, Office of the Municipal Assessor
Google Maps, Google Earth Map Mabini, Batangas, Google Links
Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2002-2012 Ocular Survey
Office of the Municipal Engineer Office of the Municipal Assessor
Office of the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator
Office of the Municipal Engineer
Office of the Municipal Assessor

There are urban land uses in all barangays of the municipality. The following table shows
distribution of urban land uses in all barangays of the municipality.

Table No. 51. Distribution of Urban Land Uses in the Barangays

Barangays Existing Urban Land Use Areas (in hectares) Total
Residential Commercial Institutional Functional Open Spaces (FOS)
Roads Multi- Cemeteries/ Total
Purpos Memorial FOS
e Parks
Poblacion 26.3460 12.8473 2.1119 5.9738 .5328 0 6.5066 47.8118
Anilao Proper 6.4931 2.4585 0 2.6156 .0150 0 2.6315 11.5831
Talaga East 3.7492 43.7149 .0200 3.0602 .0300 0 3.0902 50.5743
Sub-total 36.5883 59.0207 2.1319 11.6496 .5778 0 12.2283 109.9692
Anilao East 21.7203 17.9026 5.9852 4.2566 .0330 0 4.2896 49.8970
Bagalangit 37.0641 0 .9056 4.9238 .0800 1.5154 6.5192 44.4889
Bulacan 10.8468 0 .0500 1.5120 .0800 0 1.5920 12.4888
Calamias 1.9243 0 .0300 1.7772 .0300 0 1.8072 3.7615
Estrella 7.3596 0 .0300 5.3244 .0150 0 5.3394 12.7290
Gasang 16.4992 0 .2734 6.8186 .0350 0 6.8536 23.6262
Laurel 10.5152 0 .4853 3.4143 .0300 0 3.4434 14.4439
Ligaya 15.0561 0 .5321 4.5722 .0250 0 4.5972 20.1854


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Mainaga 7.0735 .0037 .6940 2.8100 .0800 0 2.8900 10.6612

Mainit 17.7972 1.1928 .5200 2.6312 .0150 0 2.6462 22.1562
Majuben 13.4382 0 .0400 3.3752 .0200 0 3.3952 16.8734
Malimatoc 1 12.6673 0 .5346 5.8640 .0300 0 5.8940 19.0959
Malimatoc 2 12.1871 0 .0500 3.3866 .0200 0 3.4066 15.6437
Nag-Iba 10.9052 0 .4804 4.8828 .0200 0 4.9028 16.2884
Pilahan 4.6418 0 .0400 1.9500 .0200 0 1.9700 6.6518
Pulang Lupa 11.9895 0 .0500 2.4720 .0300 0 2.5020 14.5415
Pulong 12.9618 0 .9027 5.4026 .0300 0 5.4326 15.4930
P. 15.3893 8.0605 .6000 2.4038 .0500 0 2.4538 26.5036
Pulong 33.1758 15.3442 1.9189 5.0810 .0500 .1453 5.2763 55.7152
Saguing 14.2954 0 .0500 3.7436 .0300 0 3.7736 18.1190
Sampaguita 28.6781 0 .0500 2.6082 .0300 3.8911 6.5293 35.2574
San Francisco 8.5605 .2482 .0500 2.9030 .0500 0 2.9530 11.8117
San Jose 12.4268 0 .5500 2.4962 .0200 0 2.5162 19.4623
San Juan 12.4706 .7305 .5000 4.3411 .0250 0 4.3661 18.0672
San Teodoro 25.5930 0 1.6535 7.6724 .0700 0 7.7454 34.9900
Santa Ana .4832 0 .0500 3.6732 .0500 0 3.7232 4.2564
Santa Mesa 10.6264 0 .2890 2.5500 .0400 0 2.5900 13.5054
Santo Niño 3.9119 0 .0500 2.5230 .0400 0 2.5630 6.5249
Santo Tomas 6.9689 0 .0500 3.0756 .0350 0 3.1106 10.1295
Solo 36.0215 0 .9564 4.8764 .0300 0 4.9064 41.8843
Talaga Proper 18.2723 0 .6000 4.1096 .0250 0 4.1346 23.0069
Sub-total 451.5209 43.4825 18.5361 117.430 1.1380 5.5518 124.1225 637.6620
Total 488.1092 102.5032 20.6680 129.080 1.7158 5.5518 136.3508 747.6312
Sources: Tax Map Control Roll, Office of the Municipal Assessor
Google Maps, Google/Earth/Map/Mabini Batangas Google Links
Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2002-2012 Ocular Survy
Office of the Municipal Engineer Offic of the Municipal Assessor
Office of the Municipal Agriculturist
Office of the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator

1.1.2. Industrial Areas

Existing total land areas occupied by industrial establishments in the municipality at present is
102.7156 hectares which is 2.39 % of the total land areas of the municipality. These consist of
manufacturing firms such as flour mills, cement production, steel milling and steel fabrication,
warehousing, oil depots and oil exploration services. The industrial barangays where these
industrial establishments are located are San Juan, Mainaga, San Francisco, Calamias and


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Bulacan, Pulong Balibaguhan and Talaga East. There is a zoned industrial area in barangay
Gasang, under the Old CLUP 2013, known as KOW Philippines.The area is retained in the this
new plan.
The existing industrial establishments such as flour mill, grains warehouse and the like are
classified as light industry according to the hazard and pollution control classification of
industries. . These are non-pollutive/non-hazardous industry. Steel milling, cement production
and oil depots are heavy industries which are considered highly pollutive and highly hazardous
industries. Steel fabrication is a medium industry which is considered pollutive/hazardous. The
following table shows existing industrial areas.

Table No. 52. Industrial Areas

Barangays Existing Industrial Areas

(in hectares)
San Juan 7.8690
Mainaga 29.8103
San Francisco 16.2948
Calamias 8.8623
Bulacan 17.0995
Talaga East 3.8345
Pulong Balibaguhan 15.8602
Gasang 3.0850
Total 102.7156

1.1.3. Tourism Areas

Existing areas occupied by tourism establishments is 27.3585 hectares of land which is about
.63 % of the total land area of the municipality. These are located at barangays Anilao East,
Anilao Proper, Majuben, San Jose, Solo, Ligaya, Bagalangit, San Teodoro and Mainit. Tourism
establishments at barangays Anilao East, Anilao Proper and Majuben occupy an area of 2.4049
hectares of land; while those at barangays along the circumferential road: San Jose, Solo,
Ligaya, Bagalangit, San Teodoro and Mainit total to 24.8307 hectares of land. The following
table shows breakdown of existing tourism areas per barangays cited.

Table No. 53. Tourism Areas

Barangays Land Area (In Hectares)

Anilao East, Anilao 2.4049
Proper and Majuben
San Jose 4.3315
Solo 7.2080
Ligaya 2.6707
Bagalangit 4.9140
San Teodoro 4.6366
Mainit 1.1928
TOTAL 27.3585
Source: Old CLUP/ZO 2002-2012 and TMCR


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A total of sixty-eight (68) resorts were issued business permits to operate as of January, 2016
and by January, 2017, business permits to operate were issued to a total of seventy-one (71)
resorts. These resorts are located in the western barangays of the municipality designated as
tourism zone. Barangay Bagalangit has the most number of registered resorts in the
municipality. The subsequent business being carried and engaged into by these tourists boost
the economy of the municipality. They are either family enterprise run by caretakers, private
enterprises owned by corporations and private individuals from Metro Manila and other places
in the country. Others also employ residents of the area wherein they are located. As such, they
provide livelihood for for the labor force.

1.1.4. Agricultural Areas

Total agricultural areas are 2,767.5200 hectares. These consists of areas planted to agricultural
crops which is 1,687 hectares and those areas with slope range of 50 % and above, but
classified as alienable and disposable lands which is 1,080.5200 hectares.
Total areas planted to crops are 1,687 hectares which constitute 39.27 % of the total land areas
of the municipality. Breakdown of these areas as to major group of crops are: 1). Food crops:
279.25 hectares or 16.57 % of the total areas planted to crops; 2). Fruits and Fruit Trees: 1,001
hectares or 59.33 % of the total areas planted to crops; 3). coconuts classified as commercial
crop is planted to 282 hectares or 17.30 % of the total areas planted to crops and; 4). ipil-ipil
classified as agro-farm are planted to 114.75 hectares or 6.80 % of the total areas planted to
Agricultural crops being cultivated in the municipality are food crops such as palay, corn,
vegetables and rootcrops: camote and cassava. Fruits and fruit trees include mangoes, chico,
citrus, atis, jackfruit, bananas and other fruit trees. Coconut is the only commercial crop being
planted in the municipality. Ipil-ipil which serve as fodder to cattle and goat livestock are still
present in the municipality and areas planted are classified as agro-farms.
Total land areas planted to palay is only 3.25 hectares. The only irrigated ricelands with an area
of two (2) hectares are at barangay Gasang. Upland rice/palay being cultivated at barangays
Laurel, Malimatoc I and Sampaguita is planted to an area of 1.25 hectares of rainfed ricelands.
Rice farming is not of the primary type due to the absence of irrigation projects in the

The barangays with large areas planted to crops are: Laurel, 142.25 hectares; Bagalangit, 122
hectares; Malimatoc II, 91 hectares; Malimatoc I, 84.75 hectares; Nag-Iba, 82.75 hectares, San
Teodoro, 80.00; Santo Tomas, 70.75 hectares; and Estrella, 70.25 hectares. These are upland
barangays on southern, central and northwestern barangays of the municipality.
Areas with slopes ranges of 50 % and above total to 1,080.5200 hectares or 25.15 % of the
total land areas of the municipality. These lands, however, are classified as alienable and
disposable lands. At present, the areas have minimal forest growth. There are trees but not of
major tree/plant species. These areas can be planted to fruit bearing agricultural crops; tree
farms of major species of forest trees; and a mixed agro-forestry agricultural activities.

These are located at barangays St. Ana, Sta. Mesa, Pulang Lupa, Saguing, Malimatoc 2,
portions of San Juan, Sto. Niño, Majuben, Pulong Anahao, Pilahan, Sto. Tomas, Laurel, Nag-
Iba, Mainit and Ligaya, Bagalangit and San Teodoro.


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1.1.5. Open Grasslands

Open grasslands are areas with slopes 50 % and below which are not planted to crops, not
erected with buildings with no forest growth except grasses that serve as fodder for livestock
in the municipality. These areas total to 650.7747 hectares of land or 15.15 % of the total land
areas of the municipality. These are areas at the base of the areas with slopes range 18 % in the
barangays enumerated above and other barangays of the municipality. These areas are still
buildable and can be developed into other land uses.


Increase in population within the planning period 2018-2027 will cause increase in volume of
activities related to social services delivery, municipal economy and physical/infrastructure
resources. Increase in the volume of activities in the sectors will need land and spatial location
to contain and locate said activities. The land use requirements for each sectors will be
accounted for to determine additional land requirements and total land utilization within the
planning period.

Land use requirement per sectors cited in the Part II: Planning Considerations as well as the
computed requirements per land use categories will be considered. Likewise, existing land use
areas and additional land use requirement will show land utilization by the end of the planning
period. The determined additional land requirements and projected land utilization of the total
areas of the municipality will be compared to the existing land uses to determine available land
areas for future expansion or available plannable areas. Limitations on the conversion of
agricultural lands to non-agricultural uses is also considered in determining the plannable areas.

2.1. Sectoral Land Use Requirements

2.1.1. Social Services Sectors
Additional classrooms: 30 for kindergarten level and 95 for secondary level public schools
Land Requirement: 6.2500 hectares of land for kindergarten level and 4.5 hectares of
land for secondary level
Tertiary Level: Site for Batangas State University
Land Requirements: Three (3) hectafes campus
Total Land Area Requirements: 92.5000 square meters or 9.2500 yectares
Buildings and classrooms damaged by the earthquake swarm last April, 2017 at the Mabini
Central School and Sta. Mesa Elementary School on their present site will be prioritized in
the reconstruction and rehabilitation activities within the planning period.

Health and Medical Services

Proposed Areas for the Mabini Community/ 2.5 hectares of land
District Hospital:
Required Areas for a Sanitary Land Fill, 2027: 3.5604 hectares of land
Total Land Area Requirement: 6.0604 hectares


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Housing Services
Total Housing Demand: 6,414 Housing Units
Average Lot Size: 526 square meters based on households –
existing residential areas density of 1:19
Total Residential Area Requirement: 337.3764 hectares of land
Sports and Recreation

Requirement: Barangay Park or Neighborhood Park per barangay

Land Use Standard: 500 square meters per 1000 population by barangay
Total Land Requirement: 2.8615 hectares of land

Protective Services

Requirement: Type B Police Station

Total Land Requirement: 600 square meters or .0600 hectares.
Recommended Site: Within the municipal hall compound at the back of the Municipal Hall
Annex Total land requirement for the Social Services Sector is presented in the following

Table No. 54. Total Land Requirement for the Social Services Sectors

Social Services Sectors Land Requirements

Square Meters Hectares
Education Services 92,500 9.2500
Health and Medical Services 389,209 38.9209
Housing Services 3,373,764 337.3764
Sports and Recreation 28,615 2.8615
Protective Services 600 .0600
Total 3,884,688 388.4688

2.1.2. Municipal Economy

Agriculture Sector

Existing Land Areas: 1,687 hectares of land

Recommendation: All other areas that will not be allocated for other urban and
general land uses will be classified and categorized as
agricultural areas.
Commerce and Trade
Projected No. of Commercial 3,725 Commercial Establishments
Establishments, 2027:
Land Use Standard: 500 square meters of land per establishment
Total Land Requirement: 186.7500 hectares of land


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Existing Industrial Areas: 102.7154 hectares of land
Land Use Standard: 2.5 hectares of land for light to medium industrial
establishment for every 1,000 population
Total Land Additional Requirement: 143.4600 hectares of land for light to medium intensity
industries only

Tourism Sector
Recommendation/Proposal: The whole stretch of the areas west of the Municipal
Circumferential Road in between the road and the shoreline or coasts of Balayan Bay
excluding those areas/land occupied by residential houses. It measures about 97.8695 hectares
of land

Existing Tourism Areas: 27.3585 hectares of land

Remaining Tourism Areas: 70.5110 hectares of land

The following table shows total land requirement for the municipal economy sectors.

Table No. 55. Total Land Requirement for the Municipal/Local Economy Sectors

Municipal/Local Total Land Requirements

Economy Sectors (in hectares)
Existing Land Total land Additional
Areas Requirements Land
Agriculture 1,687.0000 0 0
Commerce and Trade 35.1076 186.7500 151.6424
Industry 102.7156 274.8676 172.1520
Tourism Areas 27.3585 97.8659 70.6973
Total 1,852.1817 559.4835 394.4917

2.1.3. Infrastructure Sector

Requirement: 5.027 kilometers of municipal roads
17.821 kilometers of barangay roads with width of 15 meters
22.848 kilometers of road total requirement with width of 15
Total Land Requirement: 34.2720 hectares of land consisting of 7.5405 square meters
for municipal roads and 26.7310 hectares of land.
Requirement: Jeepney and Tricycle Grand Terminal
Land Requirement: Two (2) hectares of land

Total Land Requirement for infrastructure sector is 36.2720 hectares of land.

The following table shows the summary of total land requirements by major sectors.


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Table No. 56. Summary of Total Land Requirements By Major Sector

Sectors Total Land Area Requirements
( in hectares)
Social Services Sectors 388.4688
Municipal/Local Economy Sectors 180.7920
Infrastructure Sectors 36.2720
Total 595.5328
2.2. Reclassification Limit and Plannable Areas
The Municipality of Mabini, Batangas is a first class municipality. The total agricultural lands
of the municipality is 2,767.5200 hectares. Section 20 of Republic Act 7160 entitled Local
Government Code of 1991 provides that for first class municipalities, the reclassification limit
for agricultural lands is 10 % of the total agricultural lands. Thus, the total allowable areas for
reclassification is 276.7520 hectares of land.

Plannable areas consist of allowable agricultural areas for reclassification and existing open
grasslands. These areas total of 927.5267 hectares of land. Existing open grasslands are
650.7747 hectares. Thse areas will be considered in allocating land areas per land use
categories within the planning period. Projected land requirements are reconsidered and re-
estimated considering the sectoral requirements and land use standards specifically
determined and used in this plan.

2.3. Reconsidered/Re-Estimated Quantified Land Requirements

2.3.1. Projected Urban Land Uses

Residential Areas
An average lot size of 200 square meters per lot/per housing unit/ per household is used. The
lot size of 200 square meters per housing unit is also acceptable under the Implementing Rules
and Regulations all types of subdivision projects be it under Presidential Decree 957, the
Subdivision and Condominium Buyers Protective Decree and Batas Pambansa 220 or the
Socialized Housing Act. The increase in households between the current year, 2017 and the
end of the planning period, 2027 is 2078 households and the total additional land requirement
for residential purposes is 415,500 square meters or 41.5500 hectares of land. These will be
distributed to all barangays of the municipality.

Commercial Areas
The remaining vacant commercial areas within the Commercial Strip under the Old CLUP/ZO
2002-2012 are retained in this new Updated CLUP 2018-2027. The Strip has an area of
97.8695 hectares of land. With the existing commercial areas of 17.7524 hectares of land
within the strip, the remaining vacant areas retained for commercial uses are 80.1171 hectares
of land. The strip is showing further development as commercial areas with new
establishments being constructed in the areas.

For other barangays outside of the strip, provision of additional commercial areas, the standard
of 500 square meters per 1000 population will be used. These are in the nodal growth
barangays of the Mainaga, Mainit, Gasang, San Francisco and San Juan. Total additional


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commercial areas in these barangays are 1.2433 hectares of land. Total commercial areas by
the end of the planning period is 103.7454 hectares of land.

Institutional Areas
For institutional land requirements, the land requirements of sub-sectors of the Social Services
Delivery Sectors under Part II Planning Considerations are considered. Taken are the required
area for additional classrooms for kindergarten and secondary level or high school in public
elementary and national secondary schools. Total classroom requirement of 125 classrooms:
30 for kindergarten and 95 for secondary level or high schools will require a total of 6.25
hectares of land. These additional areas will be added to the areas of each public elementary
and secondary level school in the barangays where the school is located.

Areas to be occupied by the Batangas State University Campus and the Mabini
Community/District Hospital at barangay Pulong Niogan and Anilao East are about 5.5
hectares of land. Areas for a Type B Police Station for the Mabini PNP is 600 square meters.
Thus, total land use area requirements for the social services sector or institutional uses is
11.81 hectares of land.

Functional Open Spaces

For functional open spaces composed of roads, multi-purpose courts/basketball courts/plaza,
population based land requirements are considered both in the sectoral evaluation and the use
of specific standards.

For the roads, the road to population standard ratio is of 2.4 kilometers of road for every 1,000
urban population is used. The standard was used both for barangay and municipal roads and
the standard width is 15 meters wide. The width is consistent with on-going road widening
project for the national roads. Total area requirement for additional road is 166,318 square
meters or 16.631 hectares of land.

Neighborhood Parks
Neighborhood parks are allocated areas of 500 square meters per 1,000 population per
barangay. These are presented in the sports and recreation sub-sector under the Social Services
Delivery Sectors under Part II Planning Considerations. A total of 28,615 square meters or
2.8615 hectares of land will be allocated within the planning period. Tree parks, green belts
and other forest development projects can be introduced in these areas.

Cemeteries/Memorial Parks
An area of about 500 square meters for the cemetery to be devoted for the eternal repose of
the dead members of indigent families. This is recommended to be located at the municipal
cemetery at barangay Bagalangit. For the projected number of deaths within the ten (10) years
planning period areas of .5753 is being allocated


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Sanitary Land Fill

Areas for sanitary landfill of 3.5604 hectares of land will also be allocated within the planning

The following tables show existing land areas, additional land requirements and total land
requirements for urban land uses within the planning period, 2018-2027 and Projected Urban
Land Uses By Barangays.

Table No. 57. Projected Urban Use Requirements, 2018-2027

Land Use Existing Land Additional Land Total Land
Categories Areas Area Requirements Requirements
(in hectares) (in hectares)
Residential Areas 488.1092 41.5779 529.6871
Commercial Areas 102.5032 1.2782 103.7814
Institutional Areas 20.6680 12.1650 32.8330
Functional Open 136.3508 43.9534 180.3042
Roads 129.0802 36.9116 165.9924
Multi-Purpose 1.7188 2.8585 4.5773
Cemeteries/ 5.5518 .6223 6.1741
Memorial Parks
Sanitary Land Fill 0 3.5604 3.5604
Total 747.6312 98.9745 846.6057

The following table shows projected urban land uses by barangay.

Table No. 58. Projected Urban Land Uses By Barangay

Barangays Residen- Commer Institu- Functional Open Spaces
tial - tional (in hectares) Total
Areas cial Areas Roads Multi-Pur- Ceme- Sanitary Total
(in has.) Areas (in has.) pose teries/ Land Function
(in has.) Courts/ Memo Fill al Open
Plaza/Neigh rial Spaces
-borhood Parks
Poblacion 32.4260 12.8473 2.1719 11.4566 .7060 0 0 12.1626 59.6078
Anilao Proper 6.8510 2.4961 .0100 2.9396 .0525 0 0 2.9921 12.3492
Talaga East 5.1492 43.7149 .0200 4.3166 .1346 0 0 4.4512 53.3353
Sub-total 44.4262 59.0583 2.2019 18.7128 .8931 0 0 19.6059 125.2923
Barangays Outside Poblacion
Anilao East 22.2403 17.9026 11.5352 4.7174 .1220 0 0 4.8394 56.5175
Bagalangit 38.3041 0 .9156 6.1154 .2214 1.5654 0 7.9022 47.1219
Bulacan 11.4668 0 .0500 2.0770 .1565 0 0 2.2335 13.7503
Calamias 2.8843 0 .0300 2.6520 .0992 0 0 2.7512 5.6655
Estella 8.2596 0 .0300 6.1236 .0625 0 0 6.1861 14.4757
Gasang 17.4392 0 .3734 7.6610 .1714 0 0 7.8324 25.6450
Laurel 10.8352 0 .5353 3.7023 .0960 0 0 3.7983 15.1688
Ligaya 15.2961 0 .5821 4.7810 .0731 0 0 4.8541 20.7323
Mainaga 9.2735 .5143 .8440 4.7180 .2068 0 0 4.9248 15.5566
Mainit 18.0372 1.6597 .5700 2.8320 .0725 0 0 2.9045 23.1714


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Majuben 14.3182 0 .0400 4.1672 .0687 0 0 4.2359 18.5941

Malimatoc I 12.8073 0 1.8846 5.9936 .0803 0 0 6.0739 20.7658
Malimatoc II 13.3071 0 .0500 4.4054 .0849 0 0 4.4903 17.8474
Nag-Iba 11.0452 0 .5304 5.0160 .0669 0 0 5.0829 16.6585
Pilahan 6.0418 0 .0400 3.236 .0764 0 3.5604 6.8728 12.9538
Pulang Lupa 13.9295 0 .0500 4.2252 .1036 0 0 4.3288 18.3083
Pulong 13.1818 0 .9527 5.6078 .0952 0 0 5.7030 19.8375
Pulong 15.8693 8.0605 2.6000 2.8358 .1037 0 0 2.9395 29.4693
Pulong 40.9758 15.3442 2.1189 12.1190 .2369 .1453 0 12.5012 70.9401
Saguing 14.3754 0 .0500 3.8192 .0972 0 0 3.9164 18.3418
Sampaguita 29.2981 0 .0500 2.6082 .1202 4.4664 0 7.1918 36.5399
San Francisco 11.7605 .3878 .0500 5.7722 .1941 0 0 5.9663 18.1646
San Jose 12.5068 0 .6000 2.5790 .0656 0 0 2.6446 15.7514
San Juan 13.8706 .8540 .6000 5.5975 .1504 0 0 5.7479 21.0725
San Teodoro 26.8130 0 1.7035 8.7932 .1824 0 0 8.9756 37.4921
Sta. Ana 1.4832 0 .0500 4.5732 .0922 0 0 4.6654 6.1986
Sta. Mesa 11.1664 0 .3390 2.9860 .1040 0 0 3.0900 14.5954
Sto. Niño 5.8719 0 .0500 4.2906 .0901 0 0 4.3807 10.3026
Sto. Tomas 7.6489 0 .0500 3.6876 .1050 0 0 3.7926 11.4915
Solo 36.3015 0 2.6064 5.1284 .1720 0 0 5.3004 44.2083
Talaga Proper 18.6523 0 .7500 4.4588 .1130 0 0 4.5718 23.9741
Sub-total 485.2609 44.7231 30.6311 147.2796 3.6842 6.1741 3.5604 160.7013 721.3134
Total 529.6871 103.7814 32.8330 165.9924 4.5773 6.1741 3.5604 180.3042 846.6057

2.3.2. Projected General Land Uses

General land uses such as industrial areas, tourism areas and agricultural areas are also
allocated additional land area requirements and total land requirements determined. Open
grasslands will be converted to urban land uses, tourism and agricultural uses.

Industrial Areas
For the planning period 2018-2027, the locator-industries in the industrial areas of the
municipality will be limited to light to medium industries industries which are non-
pollutive/non-hazardous and non-pollutive/hazardous industries; pollutive non-hazardous
and pollutive/hazardous industries. These industries will be allocated areas of about 229.5360
hectares. With the existing industrial areas of 102.7156 hectares of land and the 172.1520
hectares of land for light to medium industries in the next ten (10) years, the total proposed
industrial areas is 274.8676 hectares of land.

Tourism Areas
Full utilization of the areas planned and zoned as tourism areas is expected within the planning
period.The Old Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning Ordinance 2003-2012 (CLUP/ZO
2003-2012) planned and zoned areas between the Mabini Circumferential Roads and the
shorelines of Balayan Bay and Batangas Bay as tourism areas/zones. The total tourism
areas/zone is 97. 8695 hectares of land. The areas are retained as tourism area/zones in this new
Updated CLUP/ZO 2018-2027. Thus, with the existing tourism areas of 27.3585 hectares of
land, the additional land area for tourism purposes is 70.5112 hectars of land for a total of
97.8695 hectares of land.


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Open Grasslands
Open grasslands will be utilized for urban land use expansion, tourism and agricultural

Agricultural Areas
All other areas within the jurisdiction of the municipality not categorized/classified into other
land uses are agricultural lands. The following tables show projected general land uses in the
municipality by the end of the planning period, 2027 and Total Land Utilization by Year,

Table No. 59. Projected General Land Uses, 2027

Land Use Existing Land Additional Land Total Land
Categories Areas Requirements Requirement
(in hectares) (in hectares) (in hectares)
Urban Land Uses 747.6312 99.0000 846.6057
Industrial Areas 102.7156 143.4600 246.1756
Tourism Areas 27.3585 70.5110 97.8695
Agricultural Areas 2,767.7520 Retained/and 3,105.3492
Expanded to Include
Other Areas Not
Open Grasslands 650.7747 Allocated for urban Allocated for urban
land uses, tourism land uses, tourism
and agricultural land and agricultural land
uses uses
Total 4,296.0000 341.6630 4,296.0000
 Summary of Computations

Table No. 60. Total Land Utilization By Year, 2027

Land Use Land Areas Percent (%) to

Categories (in hectares) Total Land Areas
Urban Land Uses 846.6057 19.71 %
Industrial Areas 246.1756 6.40 %
Tourism Areas 97.8695 2.28 %
Agricultural Areas 3,105.3492 46.47 %
Total 4,296.0000 100


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This updated Comprehensive Land Use Plan adopts the Structure Plan under the old
Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2002-2013 (CLUP) with some modifications in terms of
development thrusts, strategies and structure plan. The existing land use developments are
consistent with the old plan and he pattern of growth follow the same directions. Land Use
Plan Boundaries will be expanded.
3.1. Development Thrusts
The leading economic development sectors in the municipality are industry, tourism, tertiary
services as in commerce and trade and agriculture. Considering the Vision of the municipal
government under the new administration, “… is a municipality with world renowned tourist
destinations and an industrial hub in Batangas with globally competitive economy, efficient
and effective health services, equal educational opportunities, ecologically balanced
environment, state-of- the-art infrastructure and preserved cultural heritage….” the
development thrusts of the municipality’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan for 2018-2027
adopts the Combined Development Thrusts prioritized as follows: Tourism Development
Thrust, Industrial Development Thrusts, Agricultural Production Development Thrusts,
Commercial Development Thrusts, and Urban Development Thrusts and Forest
Development Thrusts, Coastal Resources Management Development Thrusts.

The topographical features of the municipality’s sloping terrain with range of 50 % slope at the
top going down to 0-3 % along some portions of the shorelines at sea level show that the
municipality is a watershed area. The watershed covering the ridge-to-reef features of the land
shall serve as the common strategic physical planning (vertical) platform for the formulation
and preparation of the land use plan. It shall also be the unifying (horizontal) integrating
framework in the identification of both public and private land use management strategies and
policies including disaster risk reduction and appropriate location of land use development
areas from the upland, lowlands to coastal areas of the municipality.
Considering the economic development thrusts, land use development areas will be designated
based on watershed planning approach or ridge to reef hierarchy. The hierarchy of
Development Areas in consonance with the Development Thrusts are arranged from
ridge to reef as follows: the uplands will be Environmental Management Development
Areas/Agro-Forest Development Areas; the lands at the base of the ridges will be
Agricultural Production Development Areas, the lowlands are the Urban Development
Areas with other specialized functions as Tourism Development Areas, Industrial
Development Areas, and Commercial Districts. Coastal Areas are for Tourism
Development Areas and Environmental Management Development Areas with Marine
Protected Areas and Dive Sites.
Tourism Development Thrusts

Tourism Development Thrusts will be the maintenance and further improvement of the
facilities, utilities and amenities of the present tourism establishments. Upgrading of the
services being provided by these establishments to both the local and foreign tourists.
Continuous maintenance, conservation and preservation of the coastal marine resources for
both for balanced economic and environmental concerns.
Expansion of tourism activities on the western side of the municipality from the right side of
the Mabini Circumferential Road from San Jose to Mainit down to the shorelines of Balayan


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and Batangas Bay. These include areas occupied by tourism establishments at barangays
Anilao Proper and Anilao East. Development of alternative tourist attraction sites at the upland
areas of municipality, specifically Mt. Gulugod Baboy, Laurel Forest Park and Cumba Falls
for mountain hiking, nature parks and mountain swimming. A cable car system to be stationed
in the highest peaks in the municipality is being envisioned within the planning period.
Industrial Development Thrusts
The current industrial establishments are located in designated industrial zones in the old
CLUP. These establishments are major contributors to the economy of the municipality. Types
of industrial activities are wheat and grains warehouses, oil depot, iron pellets smelting plant,
and Petron and PNOC Energy Base which is hosts to other related industries, cement
manufacturing and a flour milling.
The Industrial Development Thrust is the maintenance and retention of the existing areas
occupied by industrial establishments and provision of Industrial Expansion Areas for light and
medium type of industries based on pollution and hazards only. These non-pollutive/non-
hazardous type of industries for light and pollutive-non-hazardous/hazardous-non pollutive for
medium type of industries. The Industrial Expansion Areas will be in the Northern Industrial
Sub-section of the municipality. An industrial zoned property in the old CLUP at barangay
Gasang is retained in this new CLUP. It has an area of about 3.0850 hectares.

Urban Development Thrusts

Urban land uses consist of residential, commercial, institutional and functional open spaces
composed of roads, multi-purpose courts/basketball courts/plazas/playfields,
cemeteries/memorial parks and sanitary land fill. Except for cemeteries/memorial parks and
sanitary land fill, these urban land uses are present all over the municipality, in the Poblacion
considered as urban and barangays outside of the Poblacion considered as rural.
The Poblacion is the Central Business District, with the Municipal Hall and other government
offices, Roman Catholic Church, private schools of all levels and Public Markets and other
commercial establishments are present. Due to increase in population, demand for services and
land spaces are also increasing. The area of the Poblacion is inadequate to accommodate the
demand for land areas of the urban uses. Proximity and contiguity of the Poblacion to the
surrounding barangays facilitate over-spill of development in those areas.
Within the planning period from 2018-2027, urban developments will spread out and influence
the surrounding barangays. Thus, the Urban Development Thrusts is the expansion of urban
land uses in the Poblacion to the surrounding barangays to north, east, west and south
directions. The Poblacion, and the surrounding barangays will constitute Metro-Mabini
Urban Development Section/Cluster. In the old CLUP, the thrusts and section/cluster is
referred to as Metro-Mabini, the Urban Growth Areas. The sub-section is retained as Metro-
Mabini in this updated CLUP.
All urban land uses in the barangays outside of Metro-Mabini zoned as such in the old CLUP
are retained. All existing urban land uses in the barangays outside of the Poblacion will be
considered as expansion of urban land uses in said barangay and will be allocated, designated
and zoned in this new CLUP.
Agricultural and Agro-Forestry Production Development Thrusts
Agricultural Production Development Thrusts consist of increasing production of agricultural
crops, livestock and poultry products and fish catch. Crops production must be enhanced


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through application of new technologies and using high yielding seed varieties and
diversification of agricultural crop. Soil tests and crop suitability must be undertaken to ensure
high production of crops. Marketing of agricultural produce and products must also be
considered. Livestock and poultry raising is also an agricultural activity in the municipality.
Commercial raising or production of livestock and poultry is also contributor to the income of
the households in the municipality. The livestock and poultry raised in the barangays of the
municipality is also marketed to neighboring towns and cities.
Fishing is also an agricultural activity. Use of appropriate fishing methods and equipment is
necessary in conservation and utilization of the marine fish resources of the municipal waters.
Coastal barangays are enjoined to conserve the fishery resources of the two (2) bodies of water,
The Batangas Bay and Balayan Bay. Agricultural Development Thrust will be implemented in
all coastal barangays of the municipality.
The development thrusts for areas with 50 % and above slopes are combined protection and
production forests and agricultural forestry or agro-forestry. The highest peaks is for protection
and forestation and/or reforestation. Planting of primary forest species of trees must be done.
Production forest as in planting of secondary species of trees can be done with target years of
maturity and eventual harvest time. Institutional/establishment of a cycle of planting and
harvesting can be done. Agricultural forestry is the planting of suitable fruit bearing trees with
appropriate water-holding capacities to control erosion can also be done. Areas in the upland
barangays will have to implement these thrusts.
Commercial Development Thrusts
Increasing commercial establishments within the planning period is the commercial
development thrust. Full commercialization of the identified commercial areas and nodal
growth points in the old CLUP will be further enhanced in the new CLUP. Commercial
activities will include (Refer to Zoning Ordinance)
Coastal Areas Development Thrusts
Coastal Areas Development Thrusts is the proper management of the coastal resources and
promoting sustainable development of the resources.
Being a peninsula, the municipality is nearly surrounded by bodies of seawater, the Batangas
Bay on the east and Balayan Bay on the west. Coastal resources management program had
been implemented in the municipality since the year 1991. The project was started by national
and international non-governmental organizations engaged in coastal resource management.
To date the various non-governmental organizations had withdrawn and management of the
resources in now solely in the hands of the local government.
The management of the coastal resource by the municipal government is embodied in the
resolutions and ordinances of the Sangguiang Bayan namely: Resolution No. 88-2015,
Ordinance No. 02-2015 of Mabini, Batangas entitled Resolution Adopting and Approving
Municipal Ordinance No. 02-2015 entitled “Ordinance Enacting The Coastal Resources
Management Code of the Municipality of Mabini, Batangas And For Other Purposes and as
amended by Ordinance No. 04-2018 entitled as An Ordinance Amending Chapter IV.
Application of Funds Collected; and Section 2. Creation of Special Account for Conservation:
Both Ordinance No. 3-2012


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3.2.Land Use Plan Strategies and Growth Patterns

Radial, nodal and linear physical development patterns are the development strategies for the
municipality. Radial and nodal, in the sense that the growth in each development areas or
cluster will radiate to all directions and barangays of the municipality to generate improvements
in terms of economic and social conditions.

Each cluster is a hierarchy of barangays and functions that will serve as economic and social
services point of development areas. The nodal growth points are Poblacion, Anilao Proper,
Talaga East and Nag-Iba. Satellite barangays in turn will support the growth of the nodal
growth barangays to sustain the over-all growth of the development areas.

The strategy is linear, since major roads will be the focal points and benchmark areas for the
extent of coverage of each land use proposed for areas abutting said road. These roads include,
the national highway from Bauan passing through the northern side of the municipality from
San Juan to Anilao Proper, the Mabini Circumferential Road from San Jose to the northwestern
coastal barangays of Majuben, Ligaya, Solo, Bagalangit, San Teodoro, to Mainit going down
south to Gasang, towards Talaga Proper where it joins the national roads towards Poblacion
and the Crossing points at Pulong Niogan. All these roads are reference points of land use
developments within the planning period.

3.3. Structure Plan

The Structural Framework outlines the land character and the development considerations that
shall strongly influence the land use plan of the municipality. Mabini is basically being divided
into five (5) major sections and two (2) sub-sections corresponding to five (5) geographical
locations, functionality, and dominant land uses in the barangays within the sections. Due to
the peninsular character of the municipality, these divisions are generally bounded by bodies
of seawaters on one side and steeply sloping hills and mountains on the other side. The
following are the Five (5) Major Sections and Two (2) Sub-Sections:
I. Northern Section – Urban Areas and Industrial Areas
A. Metro-Mabini Sub-Section
B. Industrial Sub-Section
II. Eastern Section –Commercial, Agricultural and Industrial Areas
III. Western Section – Tourism Areas
IV. Southern Section – Forest Areas/Agricultural Areas
V. Central Upland Section – Agro-Forestry Areas
These sections are described in the following paragraphs.
3.3.1. Northern Section – Urban Areas and Industrial Areas
The Northern Section is defined by the areas bounded on the north and northwest by the
municipal boundaries with the Municipality of Bauan; on the east by Batangas Bay; on the
west by Balayan Bay and on the south by the national road branching toward Anilao Proper on
the southwestern directions and Talaga East on a southeastern direction. The area is
characterized by undulating hills and elevated land mass on the northern side arranged in a
zigzag pattern levelling off towards the central and southern portions. The remaining western
side at boundaries with the Municipality of Bauan is presently agricultural and open grasslands
with Mt. Mailayin lying majestically guarding the section. With the national road as the main


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transportation route a series of barangay roads emanate from it and provides access to and from
the areas within and outside of the section.
The broad flatlands on the central and southern portions of the section are presently used as
agricultural, though not of prime agricultural activities and open grasslands. These are
generally planted to seasonal fruit trees and shrubs. There are no irrigated rice lands in this
areas. These areas are viable expansion areas for urban land use development such as
residential, commercial and institutional uses.
The section is divided into two (2) sub-sections. The two (2) subsections are to be known as
Industrial Sub-Section and Metro-Mabini Sub-Section. Metro-Mabini Sub-Section- Urban Land Use Areas
The Metro-Mabini Sub-section is the site of the urban area, the Poblacion, where the town hall,
the seat of municipal government is located. Residential land uses are the major land use in the
sub-section. Commercial areas such as the Mabini Public Market, the municipal commercial
buildings and other commercial shops and stores are present in the section. The old plan
provides that 100 meters depth on both sides of the national roads traversing the sub-section
on an east-west direction is zoned as commercial.
Educational institutions such as public and private elementary schools, secondary level high
schools and the lone tertiary level college are present in the sub-section. Hospitals, medical and
dental clinics and the Municipal Health Office/Rural Health Unit are also present the sub-
section. Industrial establishments are located on the eastern side of the sub-section along the
parallel to the shores off Batangas Bay. Funeral establishments, cemeteries and memorial parks
for the eternal repose of the departed souls are available and located within the section.
Metro-Mabini Sub-Section includes: barangays Poblacion, Bulacan, Pulong Balibaguhan,
Sampaguita, Sta. Ana and Pulong Niogan. The national road traversing the Poblacion from the
Crossing rotunda to the Talaga Flea market in barangay Talaga East is the main thoroughfare
in this sub-section. Industrial Sub-Section
Industrial Sub-Section is defined by the areas bounded on the north by the municipal
boundaries with the Municipality of Bauan; on the east by Batangas Bay; west by the
Municipality of Bauan and on the south by the national road locally known as zigzag road.
The section is characterized by undulating hills and elevated land mass on the northwestern
side arranged in a zigzag pattern levelling off towards the central and western portions along
the shores of Batangas Bay.
The sub-section is the entryway to the municipality from the mainland Luzon, Metro Manila
and the provincial capital city of Batangas City. With the national road running along the
western side of the section parallel to the shores of Batangas Bay, as the main transportation
route a series of barangay roads emanate from it and provides access to and from the barangays
within and outside of the section. Industrial activities present in the section are grains
warehousing, oil depot, steel fabrication plant and the national government’s Petron Energy
Base which is the location of various related industries. Reclamation sites at Batangas Bay are
also present in the section. The barangays covered are San Juan, Sto. Niño, Mainaga, San
Francisco and Calamias.
Metro-Mabini Sub-Section includes: barangays Poblacion, Bulacan, Pulong Balibaguhan,
Sampaguita, Sta. Ana and Pulong Niogan. The national road traversing the Poblacion from the


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Crossing rotunda to the Talaga Flea market in barangay Talaga East is the main thoroughfare
in this sub-section.
3.3.2. Eastern Section – Agricultural/Commercial/Industrial Areas
The Eastern Section includes upland barangays south of Metro-Mabini Sub-Section and coastal
barangays along the shores of Batangas Bay. The upland areas are agricultural areas that supply
agricultural crops not only to the section but also to other barangays of the municipality. Talaga
East on the shores off Batangas Bay is the commercial area in the section. It is the nodal growth
barangay in this part of the municipality. It also serve as entry point from the island
Municipality of Tingloy and other neighboring areas via water means of transportation. There
is a flea market and a jetty for small vessels in the barangay.
There are three (3) public elementary school in the section. The national road running parallel
to the shorelines of Batangas Bay in barangays Talaga East, Talaga Proper and Saguing is the
main transportation route in the section. Barangay roads going westwards to the upland
barangays emanate from it and provides access to and from the areas within and outside of the
The sector is within the influence area of the expanded Batangas Port which is expected to
generate economic benefits to the municipality. Port services activities will require land areas
for warehousing, storage or even manufacturing and processing. On the northern portion of the
section adjacent to the Metro-Mabini Sub-Section at barangay Talaga East are industrial
establishments consisting of a cement factory and a warehouse. These areas are logical
expansion areas for industrial activities in the municipality being along the industrial areas of
the Northern Section. Agricultural activities and produce from the northern satellite barangays
can be sold at the coastal nodal barangays and even to other sections within the municipality.
The section covers barangays Talaga East, Talaga Proper, Saguing, Sta. Mesa and Pulong
Anahao. The road that provides accessibility in the section is the joined stretch of the Mabini
Circumferential Road and the old national highway from Talaga Proper at barangay Saguing.
From said main road, barangays roads going to the upland barangays of the section emanates.

3.3.3. Western Section – Tourism Areas

The Western Section is on the shores of Balayan Bay. The section is bounded on the north by
the Municipality of Bauan, on the east by Mt. Mailayin at barangay Pulong Niogan,
mountainous areas of barangays San Jose, Pulong Anahao, Estrella and Laurel and on the
south by barangay Bagalangit. The section caters to tourists, both local and foreign and the
native population for their commercial needs.
Tourism activities are the major land using activities. There is a mixed use of urban land uses
and tourism establishments in the section. In other areas, specifically on hilly portions, there
are also residential units constructed and settlements exists. Tourist establishments consist of
dive, non-dive resorts for divers and day resorts for picnickers and Anilao Proper is a nodal
growth barangay in this part of the municipality. This function and role of the barangay was
identified in the old land use plan and continue to date. The barangay is retained as a nodal
growth barangay.
It is the gateway barangay to all tourism areas of the municipality. With the presence of the
Anilao Multi-Purpose Facility the role of the barangay as a nodal growth barangay is
enhanced. Within the facility is a public market, a fish landing/trading post, a port/jetty for


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vessels plying the Balayan Bay to and from Tingloy, a neighboring island municipality,
parking areas for delivery vans and trucks and the Municipal Tourism Office.
The major function of the section is tourism. Urban land uses are interspersed with the tourism
establishments. Aside from tourism establishment, other commercial establishments are also
present in all barangays in the section. The Mabini Circumferential Road constructed on this
side of the municipality enhance the activities. Roads going westwards to the barangays and
private roads leading to the tourism establishments emanate from this circumferential road
starting at barangay San Jose. The old national roads extends down to the parking areas in the
Anilao Multi-Purpose Court Facility at barangay Anilao Proper.
The section includes: Barangays Anilao Proper, Anilo East, Majuben, San Jose, Solo and
3.3.4. Southern Section – Agro-Forest Areas/Tourism Areas
The southern section is bounded on the north by barangay Ligaya of the western section, on
the east by Batangas Bay, on the west by Balayan Bay and on the south by Marikaban Strait
and/or Verde Island Passage. The section is accessible through the Mabini Circumferential
Road that runs on top of cliffs along the shorelines of Balayan Bay from barangay San Jose at
the Eastern Section towards Talaga East at the Western Section.
The three (3) southernmost barangays of the section are tourism barangays while the three (3)
on the eastern side are agricultural barangays. In Barangay San Teodoro, an exploration on
geothermal energy is being conducted for possible sourcing and development. Agricultural
activities are also engaged in by the people of the barangays. Commercial land uses, other
than tourism, are also present in the three (3) southernmost barangays. Public elementary
schools are available in five (5) barangays in the section. A public national high school, the
Apolinario Mabini National High School is present at Malimatoc I. Residential land uses are
distributed in the different sitios of the section.
The section includes barangays: Bagalangit, San Teodoro, Mainit, Malimatoc II and
Malimatoc I and Nag-Iba.
3.3.5. Central Upland Section – Agricultural/Agro-Forestry Areas
The Central Section is considered as the Central Upland barangays of the municipality. It is
located on the top of the ridges at about the central point of the municipality. The section is
bounded on the north by barangay Pulang Lupa of the Eastern Section; on the east by barangays
Talaga Proper, Saguing and Batangas Bay; on the south by barangays San Teodoro and Mainit
of the Southern Section.

The upland barangays are generally agricultural. Agricultural activities include upland crop
production and livestock /poultry raising. Fruit trees and shrubs dominate the areas. The use
can also be described as a mixed of agriculture and forest uses, thus, agro-forestry. Urban land
uses such as residential and institutional land uses as in the presence of public elementary
schools and barangay multi-purpose hall and basketball courts are notable in the section.

The section is an environmentally critical area with the presence of watershed areas and the
elevated land masses of Mt. Gulugod-Baboy, Mt. Panay, one in Pulong Anahao and Mainit that
can be planted to trees for forest and tourism use. These are potential sites for eco-tourism


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purposes. Thus, the sector can be considered for food security and ecologically balanced and
environmentally friendly land uses.

The section is also a potential tourism area. Portion of the Mt. Gulugod Baboy and Mt.
Pinagbanderahan are within the section. A nascent volcano is also seen at barangay Sto. Tomas.
Laurel Forest Park will be developed as alternate tourist attraction within the planning period.
The section can be considered for food security and ecologically balanced and environmentally
friendly land uses.

Gasang is the entryway to these central upland barangays. Gasang will serve as the nodal
growth point of this section providing for the commercial and business needs of the upland
barangays. Likewise, upland barangays will serve as supplier of agricultural products to the
commercial activities in the barangay. The section or can be considered for food security and
ecologically balanced and environmentally friendly land uses. The main road artery going to
the upland barangays is the Mabini Circumferential Road passing thru barangay Gasang along
the shores of Batangas Bay. From the said road, barangay roads emanate.

The Section includes upland barangays of barangays Laurel, Pilahan, Estrella, Sto. Tomas and
lowland barangay of Gasang.

The projected total built-up areas requirements and those of other land use categories will be
spread out into each section as described above. The trend will be followed as expansion areas
will be allocated on specific sector. The projected total land utilization will be the basis for
allocating land areas for specific land use categories. (See attached Structure Map).

3.4.Land Use Plan Development Concept

The land use development concept for the municipality is anchored on the framework of Multi-
Polar Multi-Functional Development Areas Concept. The polar areas are the barangays of
the municipality showing urbanization trends in each development areas of the municipality.
Barangays Poblacion, Anilao Proper and Talaga East have been functioning as nodal growth
barangays in their respective development areas and are cited in the old plan. These barangays
are retained as nodal growth polar points in this plan.

These are the nodal growth points on the three main development areas of the
municipality such as Poblacion on the northern; Anilao Proper on the western and Talaga
East on the eastern development areas, respectively. Anilao East replaces Anilao Proper
as the nodal growth point in the western section due to land areas. Anilao East has land
areas available for expansion of urban uses. Anilao Proper, has lesser land areas and is
already a concentrated urban areas.

Three (3) new nodal growth barangays are identified. These are barangay Mainaga for
the Industrial Sub-Development Area I, Barangay Mainit for the Southern Development
Areas and Barangay Gasang for the Central Upland Development Areas.

Clustering of barangays with hierarchy such as nodal growth barangay and satellite
barangays is envisioned to further improve the role-function and at the same time
enhance potential sub-functions of each Development Areas.


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The Five (5) Major Sections and the Two (2) Sub-Sections as described in the
Framework are being adopted in this land use plan and will be called as Development
Areas and/or Clusters. These are as follows:

The Five (5) Major Development Areas/Clusters and Two (2) Sub-Development

VI. Northern Development Areas – Urban and Industrial Development Areas

A. Metro-Mabini Sub-Development Areas
B. Industrial Sub-Development Areas
VII. Eastern Development Areas– Industrial/Commercial and Agricultural
Development Areas
VIII. Western Development Areas – Tourism Development Areas
IX. Southern Development Areas – Tourism and Forestry Development
X. Central-UplandDevelopmentAreas – Agro-Forestry Development Areas
The cluster corresponding to development areas and growth functions are
grouped as follows:

3.4.1. CLUSTER I: Northern Development Cluster (Metro-Mabini Urban

Development Sub-Cluster and Industrial Development
Sub-Cluster) Cluster I.A. Metro-Mabini Urban Development Sub-Cluster

Nodal Growth Point: Barangay Poblacion
Satellite Barangays: Bulacan, Pulong Balibaguhan, Pulong Niogan, Sampaguita and Sta. Ana
Function: Administrative Center, Educational Center and Central Business Center
Land Uses within the Metro-Mabini Sub-Cluster are presented in the following table.
Table No. 61. Land Uses in the Metro-Mabini Sub-Cluster
Land Use Poblacion Pulong Bulacan Sampaguita Sta. Ana Pulong Total
Categories Niogan Balibaguhan
(in hectares)
Urban Land Uses
Residential 32.4269 40.9758 11.4668 29.2981 1.4830 15.8693 131.5199
Commercial 12.8473 15.3442 0 0 0 8.0605 36.2520
Institutional 2.1719 2.1189 .0500 .0500 .0500 2.6000 7.0399
Roads 11.4566 12.1190 2.0770 2.6082 4.5732 2.8358 35.6698
MPC/NP* .7060 .2369 .1565 .1202 .0900 .1037 1.4133
C/MP* 0 .1453 0 4.4664 0 0 4.6117
Industrial Areas 0 0 33.2406 0 0 15.8602 49.1008
Agricultural 0 54.3099 36.1735 66.3878 20.4487 0 177.3199
Total 59.6078 125.2500 83.1644 102.9307 26.6449 45.3295 442.9273
*FOS –Functional Open Spaces * Cemeteries/Memorial Parks
* MPC/NP Multi-Purpose Courts/ Neighborhood Parks


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The presence of the Municipal Hall, the seat of the municipal government in the nodal growth
barangay of the Poblacion makes the sub-cluster Administrative Center of the municipality.
Needs of the population in terms of administrative governmental requirements and obligations
are secured and facilitated in the municipal hall. Educational institutions in the Poblacion
provide venues for learning and shaping the future of the children. From the public and private
elementary schools, secondary level high schools and the lone tertiary college school in the
Poblacion and the sub-cluster a well-rounded education is being provided to the school-age

The commercial establishments in the Poblacion, specifically the Mabini Public Market, the
main public market of the municipality, the two (2), two (2) storey municipal commercial
buildings along the left side of I. Calangi St. and right side of J. Panopio St. collectively known
as the municipal oval roads, and other commercial stores, food establishments, specialty shops,
clinics, services shops and the like makes the Poblacion the commercial areas of the
municipality. The areas of 100 meters on both sides of the national road traversing the section
zoned as Commercial Zone in the old plan is presently developing as such with new
commercial establishments locating in the areas. Residential is still the major land use in the
section. With the above-cited developments, the Metro Mabini Cluster is the Central Business
District of the Municipality of Mabini. I.B. Industrial Development Sub-Cluster

Nodal Growth Barangay: Barangay Mainaga

Satellite Barangays: San Juan, Sto. Niño, San Francisco and Calamias

Functions: Forest Environment/Agricultural Crop Production/Industrial Expansion Areas

Land use categories within the Industrial Sub-Cluster are presented in the following table.

Table No. 62. Land Uses in the Industrial Sub-Sector

Land Use Mainaga San Juan Sto. Niño San Calamias Total
Categories Francisco
(in hectares)
Urban Land Uses
Residential Areas 9.2735 13.8709 5.8719 11.7076 2.8843 43.6082
Commercial Areas .5143 .8540 0 .3878 0 1.7561
Institutional Areas .8440 .6000 .0500 .0500 .0300 1.5740
Roads 4.7180 5.5975 4.2906 5.7722 2.6520 23.0303
MPC/NP* .2068 .1504 .0901 .1941 .0992 .7406
Industrial Areas 48.2622 12.7397 0 26.3809 14.3479 101.7304
Agricultural Areas 8.2038 23.2450 42.4165 54.8394 10.0361 138.7438
Total 72.0226 57.0575 52.7191 99.3320 30.0522 311.1834
 FOS Functional Open Spaces * MPC/NP Multi-Purpose Court/Neighborhood Park


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3.4.2. Cluster II. Eastern Development Cluster – Commercial, Agricultural and

Industrial Areas

Nodal Growth Barangay: Talaga East

Satellite Barangay: Talaga Proper, Pulang Lupa, Sta. Mesa, Saguing, Pulong Anahao

Functions: Forest Environment/Agricultural Crop Production/ Urban Development

Areas/Commercial District/Industrial Expansion Areas

Land use categories within the Cluster are presented in the following table.
Table No. 63. Land Uses in the Eastern Development Cluster
Land Use Talaga Talaga Sta. Pulang Pulong Saguing Total
Categories East Proper Mesa Lupa Anahao
(in hectares)
Urban Land
Residential 5.1492 18.6532 11.1664 13.9295 13.1818 14.3754 76.4555
Commercial 15.1564 0 0 0 0 0 15.1564
Institutional .0200 .7500 .3390 .0500 .0527 .0500 1.2617
Roads 4.3166 4.4588 2.9860 4.2252 5.6078 3.8192 25.4136
MPC/NP* .1346 .1130 .0140 .1036 .0952 .0972 .5576
Industrial Areas 6.2080 0 0 0 0 0 6.2080
Agricultural 2.000 30.6125 58.5593 69.6261 177.3146 36.5914 374.7039
Total 32.9848 54.5875 73.0647 87.9344 196.2521 54.9332 499.7567
IV. FOS-Funtional Open Spaces * MPC/NP – Multi-Purpose Court/Neighborhood Park

3.4.3. Cluster III: Western Development Cluster – Tourism Development Cluster

Nodal Growth Barangay: Anilao Proper
Satellite Barangays: Anilao East, Majuben, San Jose, Solo and Ligaya
Functions: Forest Areas/Environmental/Agricultural Crop Production Areas/Tourism
Center/Commercial District


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Land use categories within the Cluster are presented in the following table.
Table No. 64. Land Uses In The Western Development Cluster
Land Use Anilao Anilao Majuben San Solo Ligaya Total
Categories East Proper Jose
Urban Land
Residential 22.2403 6.8510 14.3182 12.5068 36.3015 15.2961 107.5139
Commercial 17.9026 2.4961 0 17.9026 0 0 38.3013
Institutional 11.5352 .0100 .0400 .6000 2.6064 .5821 15.3737
Roads 4.7171 2.9396 4.1672 2.579 5.1284 4.7813 24.3126
MPC/NP* .1220 .0525 .0687 .0653 .1720 .0731 .5536
Tourism 2.1829 .1550 2.1829 4.3315 9.5050 5.7267 24.0840
Agricultural 101.9236 0 17.9033 55.0998 295.4136 229.7212 700.0615
Total 160.6237 12.5042 38.6803 93.0823 349.1299 256.1802 910.2006
V. FOS – Functional Open Spaces * MPC/NP- Multi-Purpose
Court/Neighborhood Park

3.4.4. Cluster IV: Southern Cluster - Forest and Tourism Development Areas

Nodal Growth Barangay: Mainit

Satellite Barangays: Bagalangit, San Teodoro, Malimatoc 1, Malimatoc 2 and Nag-Iba
Functions: Forest Environment/Agricultural Crop Production Areas, Tourism
Development Areas/Urban Development Areas
Land use categories within the cluster are presented in the following table.

Table No. 65. Land Uses In The Southern Development Cluster

Land Use Mainit Bagala- San Malimatoc Malimatoc Nag-Iba Total
Categories ngit Teodoro 1 2
Urban Land
Residential 18.0372 38.3041 26.8130 12.8073 13.3071 11.0452 120.3139
Commercial 1.6597 0 0 0 0 0 1.6597
Institutional .5700 .9156 1.7035 1.8840 .0500 .5304 5.6535


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Roads 2.8320 6.1154 8.7932 5.9936 4.4054 5.0160 33.1556

MPC/NP* .0775 .2214 .1824 .0803 .0849 .0669 .7134
Tourism 2.3810 12.5487 10.7642 0 0 0 25.6939
Agricultural 195.258 299.8905 298.2155 183.0577 136.0786 269.0682 1,381.569
Areas 6 1
Total 220.816 357.9957 346.4718 203.8229 153.9260 285.7267 1,568.759
0 1
*Functional Open Spaces * Multi-Purpose Court/Neighborhood Park

3.4.5. Central Upland Section – Agro-Forestry Development Clusters

Nodal Growth Barangay Gasang

Satellite Barangays: Sto. Tomas, Pilahan, Laurel, Estrella
Functions: Forest Environment, Agricultural Crop Production and Poultry/Livestock
Raising Development, Urban Land Use Development

Land use categories within the Cluster is presented in the following table.
Table No. 66. Land Uses In the Central - Upland Cluster
Land Use
Categories Gasang Sto. Pilahan Laurel Estrella Total
(in hectares) Tomas
Urban Land Uses
Residential Areas 17.4392 7.6489 6.0418 10.8352 8.2596 50.2247
Institutional Areas .3734 .0500 .0400 .5353 .0300 1.0287
Roads 7.6610 3.6876 3.2360 3.7023 6.1216 24.4085
MPC/NP* .1714 .1050 .0764 .0960 .0625 .5113
Sanitary Landfill 0 0 3.5604 0 0 3.5604
Industrial Areas 3.0850 0 0 0 0 3.0850
Agricultural Areas 120.6219 59.7985 30.6355 134.1831 143.9586 489.1976
Total 149.3519 71.2900 43.5901 149.3519 158.4323 572.0162
*Functional Open Spaces * Multi-Purpose Court/Neighborhood Park


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Detailed urban land use categories within the barangays in the clusters are enumerated using
the Property Index Numbers (PIN) per lot as enumerated in the Tax Map control Roll (TMCR)
based on the Municipal Cadastral Map and Tax Maps with the Office of the Municipal
Assessor overlaid by the General Land Use Map and he Cluster Maps.


I.A.1.1. Residential Areas
Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0001-001-02 024-14-0001-002-37 024-14-0001-010-08 024-14-0001-011-32
024-14-0001-001-03 024-14-0001-002-38 024-14-0001-010-09 024-14-0001-011-32
024-14-0001-001-04 024-14-0001-002-39 024-14-0001-010-10 024-14-0001-011-33
024-14-0001-001-05 024-14-0001-002-40 024-14-0001-010-11 024-14-0001-011-33
024-14-0001-001-06 024-14-0001-006-02 024-14-0001-010-13 024-14-0001-011-34
024-14-0001-001-07 024-14-0001-006-10 024-14-0001-010-14 024-14-0001-011-35
024-14-0001-001-10 024-14-0001-006-10 024-14-0001-010-15 024-14-0001-011-36
024-14-0001-001-11 024-14-0001-006-12 024-14-0001-010-16 024-14-0001-011-37
024-14-0001-002-02 024-14-0001-006-14 024-14-0001-010-16 024-14-0001-011-38
024-14-0001-002-03 024-14-0001-006-14 024-14-0001-010-17 024-14-0001-011-39
024-14-0001-002-04 024-14-0001-006-15 024-14-0001-010-18 024-14-0001-011-40
024-14-0001-002-05 024-14-0001-006-16 024-14-0001-010-18 024-14-0001-011-41
024-14-0001-002-06 024-14-0001-007-01 024-14-0001-010-19 024-14-0001-011-42
024-14-0001-002-08 024-14-0001-007-02 024-14-0001-010-20 024-14-0001-015-03
024-14-0001-002-09 024-14-0001-007-03 024-14-0001-010-21 024-14-0001-015-04
024-14-0001-002-10 024-14-0001-007-04 024-14-0001-011-03 024-14-0001-015-05
024-14-0001-002-11 024-14-0001-007-05 024-14-0001-011-05 024-14-0001-015-06
024-14-0001-002-12 024-14-0001-007-05 024-14-0001-011-07 024-14-0001-015-07
024-14-0001-002-13 024-14-0001-007-07 024-14-0001-011-08 024-14-0001-015-08
024-14-0001-002-14 024-14-0001-007-12 024-14-0001-011-09 024-14-0001-015-09
024-14-0001-002-15 024-14-0001-007-13 024-14-0001-011-10 024-14-0001-015-10
024-14-0001-002-16 024-14-0001-007-14 024-14-0001-011-11 024-14-0001-015-11
024-14-0001-002-17 024-14-0001-007-15 024-14-0001-011-12 024-14-0001-015-12
024-14-0001-002-18 024-14-0001-007-16 024-14-0001-011-13 024-14-0001-015-14
024-14-0001-002-19 024-14-0001-007-17 024-14-0001-011-14 024-14-0001-015-15
024-14-0001-002-20 024-14-0001-007-18 024-14-0001-011-15 024-14-0001-015-16
024-14-0001-002-21 024-14-0001-007-20 024-14-0001-011-16 024-14-0001-015-17
024-14-0001-002-22 024-14-0001-007-21 024-14-0001-011-17 024-14-0001-015-18
024-14-0001-002-23 024-14-0001-007-22 024-14-0001-011-18 024-14-0001-015-19
024-14-0001-002-24 024-14-0001-007-23 024-14-0001-011-19 024-14-0001-015-20
024-14-0001-002-25 024-14-0001-007-23 024-14-0001-011-20 024-14-0001-015-22
024-14-0001-002-26 024-14-0001-007-24 024-14-0001-011-21 024-14-0001-015-23
024-14-0001-002-27 024-14-0001-007-25 024-14-0001-011-22 024-14-0001-015-24
024-14-0001-002-28 024-14-0001-010-02 024-14-0001-011-23 024-14-0001-015-25
024-14-0001-002-29 024-14-0001-010-02 024-14-0001-011-24 024-14-0001-015-26
024-14-0001-002-30 024-14-0001-010-03 024-14-0001-011-25 024-14-0001-015-27
024-14-0001-002-31 024-14-0001-010-03 024-14-0001-011-26 024-14-0001-015-28
024-14-0001-002-32 024-14-0001-010-04 024-14-0001-011-27 024-14-0001-015-29
024-14-0001-002-33 024-14-0001-010-04 024-14-0001-011-28 024-14-0001-015-30
024-14-0001-002-34 024-14-0001-010-05 024-14-0001-011-29 024-14-0001-018-02
024-14-0001-002-35 024-14-0001-010-06 024-14-0001-011-30 024-14-0001-018-03
024-14-0001-002-36 024-14-0001-010-07 024-14-0001-011-31 024-14-0001-018-04
Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


024-14-0001-018-05 024-14-0001-023-07 024-14-0001-027-10 024-14-0001-029-06

024-14-0001-018-06 024-14-0001-023-07 024-14-0001-027-11 024-14-0001-029-07
024-14-0001-018-07 024-14-0001-023-09 024-14-0001-027-12 024-14-0001-029-08
024-14-0001-018-08 024-14-0001-023-10 024-14-0001-027-13 024-14-0001-029-09
024-14-0001-018-09 024-14-0001-023-11 024-14-0001-027-14 024-14-0001-029-10
024-14-0001-018-10 024-14-0001-023-12 024-14-0001-027-15 024-14-0001-029-11
024-14-0001-018-11 024-14-0001-023-13 024-14-0001-027-16 024-14-0001-029-12
024-14-0001-018-12 024-14-0001-023-14 024-14-0001-027-17 024-14-0001-029-13
024-14-0001-018-13 024-14-0001-023-15 024-14-0001-027-18 024-14-0001-029-18
024-14-0001-018-14 024-14-0001-023-16 024-14-0001-027-19 024-14-0001-029-19
024-14-0001-018-15 024-14-0001-023-17 024-14-0001-027-20 024-14-0001-029-20
024-14-0001-018-16 024-14-0001-023-18 024-14-0001-027-23 024-14-0001-029-21
024-14-0001-018-17 024-14-0001-023-19 024-14-0001-027-24 024-14-0001-029-22
024-14-0001-018-18 024-14-0001-023-20 024-14-0001-027-25 024-14-0001-029-23
024-14-0001-018-19 024-14-0001-023-23 024-14-0001-027-26 024-14-0001-029-24
024-14-0001-018-20 024-14-0001-023-24 024-14-0001-027-27 024-14-0001-029-25
024-14-0001-018-21 024-14-0001-023-25 024-14-0001-027-28 024-14-0001-029-26
024-14-0001-018-22 024-14-0001-023-27 024-14-0001-027-30 024-14-0001-029-27
024-14-0001-018-23 024-14-0001-023-28 024-14-0001-027-32 024-14-0001-030-02
024-14-0001-018-24 024-14-0001-023-29 024-14-0001-027-33 024-14-0001-030-03
024-14-0001-018-25 024-14-0001-023-30 024-14-0001-027-34 024-14-0001-030-05
024-14-0001-018-26 024-14-0001-023-31 024-14-0001-027-35 024-14-0001-030-06
024-14-0001-019-01 024-14-0001-023-32 024-14-0001-027-36 024-14-0001-030-07
024-14-0001-019-02 024-14-0001-023-33 024-14-0001-027-38 024-14-0001-030-08
024-14-0001-019-03 024-14-0001-023-34 024-14-0001-027-39 024-14-0001-030-09
024-14-0001-019-04 024-14-0001-023-35 024-14-0001-028-01 024-14-0001-030-10
024-14-0001-019-05 024-14-0001-023-36 024-14-0001-028-02 024-14-0001-030-10
024-14-0001-019-06 024-14-0001-023-37 024-14-0001-028-03 024-14-0001-030-11
024-14-0001-019-07 024-14-0001-023-38 024-14-0001-028-04 024-14-0001-030-12
024-14-0001-019-09 024-14-0001-023-39 024-14-0001-028-05 024-14-0001-030-13
024-14-0001-019-09 024-14-0001-023-40 024-14-0001-028-06 024-14-0001-030-14
024-14-0001-019-10 024-14-0001-023-41 024-14-0001-028-07 024-14-0001-030-16
024-14-0001-019-11 024-14-0001-023-42 024-14-0001-028-08 024-14-0001-030-16
024-14-0001-019-11 024-14-0001-023-43 024-14-0001-028-09 024-14-0001-030-17
024-14-0001-019-13 024-14-0001-023-44 024-14-0001-028-10 024-14-0001-030-18
024-14-0001-019-14 024-14-0001-023-44 024-14-0001-028-11 024-14-0001-030-20
024-14-0001-019-15 024-14-0001-023-45 024-14-0001-028-12 024-14-0001-030-21
024-14-0001-019-16 024-14-0001-024-02 024-14-0001-028-13 024-14-0001-030-22
024-14-0001-019-17 024-14-0001-024-02 024-14-0001-028-14 024-14-0001-030-23
024-14-0001-019-18 024-14-0001-024-02 024-14-0001-028-15 024-14-0001-030-24
024-14-0001-019-19 024-14-0001-024-03 024-14-0001-028-16 024-14-0001-030-25
024-14-0001-019-20 024-14-0001-024-04 024-14-0001-028-17 024-14-0001-030-26
024-14-0001-019-21 024-14-0001-024-09 024-14-0001-028-18 024-14-0001-030-27
024-14-0001-019-22 024-14-0001-027-03 024-14-0001-028-19 024-14-0001-030-28
024-14-0001-019-23 024-14-0001-027-04 024-14-0001-028-20 024-14-0001-030-29
024-14-0001-023-02 024-14-0001-027-05 024-14-0001-029-01 024-14-0001-030-31
024-14-0001-023-03 024-14-0001-027-05 024-14-0001-029-02 024-14-0001-030-32
024-14-0001-023-04 024-14-0001-027-07 024-14-0001-029-03 024-14-0001-030-33
024-14-0001-023-05 024-14-0001-027-08 024-14-0001-029-04 024-14-0001-030-34
024-14-0001-023-06 024-14-0001-027-09 024-14-0001-029-05

I.A.1.2 Commercial Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0001-003-01 024-14-0001-005-01 024-14-0001-009-09 024-14-0001-016-01
024-14-0001-003-02 024-14-0001-005-02 024-14-0001-009-10 024-14-0001-016-02
024-14-0001-003-03 024-14-0001-005-02 024-14-0001-012-01 024-14-0001-016-03
024-14-0001-003-04 024-14-0001-005-03 024-14-0001-012-02 024-14-0001-016-04
024-14-0001-003-05 024-14-0001-005-04 024-14-0001-012-03 024-14-0001-016-05


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


024-14-0001-003-06 024-14-0001-005-05 024-14-0001-012-04 024-14-0001-016-06

024-14-0001-003-06 024-14-0001-005-05 024-14-0001-012-05 024-14-0001-016-07
024-14-0001-003-07 024-14-0001-005-06 024-14-0001-012-06 024-14-0001-016-08
024-14-0001-003-07 024-14-0001-005-06 024-14-0001-012-07 024-14-0001-016-09
024-14-0001-003-08 024-14-0001-005-07 024-14-0001-012-08 024-14-0001-016-10
024-14-0001-003-09 024-14-0001-005-08 024-14-0001-012-09 024-14-0001-016-12
024-14-0001-003-10 024-14-0001-005-09 024-14-0001-012-10 024-14-0001-016-13
024-14-0001-003-11 024-14-0001-005-10 024-14-0001-012-11 024-14-0001-016-14
024-14-0001-003-12 024-14-0001-005-11 024-14-0001-012-12 024-14-0001-016-15
024-14-0001-003-12 024-14-0001-005-12 024-14-0001-012-13 024-14-0001-016-16
024-14-0001-003-13 024-14-0001-005-13 024-14-0001-012-14 024-14-0001-016-17
024-14-0001-003-13 024-14-0001-005-13 024-14-0001-012-15 024-14-0001-016-18
024-14-0001-003-14 024-14-0001-005-14 024-14-0001-012-15 024-14-0001-016-19
024-14-0001-003-15 024-14-0001-005-15 024-14-0001-012-16 024-14-0001-016-20
024-14-0001-003-16 024-14-0001-005-15 024-14-0001-013-01 024-14-0001-016-21
024-14-0001-003-17 024-14-0001-008-01 024-14-0001-013-02 024-14-0001-017-06
024-14-0001-003-18 024-14-0001-008-02 024-14-0001-013-03 024-14-0001-017-07
024-14-0001-003-19 024-14-0001-008-03 024-14-0001-013-04 024-14-0001-017-08
024-14-0001-003-19 024-14-0001-008-04 024-14-0001-013-04 024-14-0001-017-09
024-14-0001-003-20 024-14-0001-008-05 024-14-0001-013-05 024-14-0001-017-10
024-14-0001-003-21 024-14-0001-008-06 024-14-0001-013-06 024-14-0001-017-11
024-14-0001-004-01 024-14-0001-008-07 024-14-0001-013-07 024-14-0001-017-12
024-14-0001-004-02 024-14-0001-008-08 024-14-0001-013-08 024-14-0001-017-13
024-14-0001-004-03 024-14-0001-008-09 024-14-0001-013-09 024-14-0001-017-14
024-14-0001-004-04 024-14-0001-008-10 024-14-0001-013-10 024-14-0001-017-15
024-14-0001-004-05 024-14-0001-008-11 024-14-0001-013-11 024-14-0001-017-16
024-14-0001-004-07 024-14-0001-008-12 024-14-0001-013-12 024-14-0001-017-16
024-14-0001-004-08 024-14-0001-008-13 024-14-0001-013-13 024-14-0001-017-16
024-14-0001-004-08 024-14-0001-008-14 024-14-0001-013-14 024-14-0001-017-17
024-14-0001-004-09 024-14-0001-008-15 024-14-0001-014-01 024-14-0001-017-18
024-14-0001-004-10 024-14-0001-008-16 024-14-0001-014-02 024-14-0001-017-19
024-14-0001-004-11 024-14-0001-008-17 024-14-0001-014-03 024-14-0001-017-20
024-14-0001-004-12 024-14-0001-008-18 024-14-0001-014-04 024-14-0001-017-21
024-14-0001-004-13 024-14-0001-008-19 024-14-0001-014-05 024-14-0001-020-01
024-14-0001-004-14 024-14-0001-008-20 024-14-0001-014-06 024-14-0001-020-02
024-14-0001-004-15 024-14-0001-008-21 024-14-0001-014-07 024-14-0001-020-03
024-14-0001-004-16 024-14-0001-008-22 024-14-0001-014-08 024-14-0001-020-04
024-14-0001-004-17 024-14-0001-008-23 024-14-0001-014-09 024-14-0001-020-05
024-14-0001-004-18 024-14-0001-009-01 024-14-0001-014-10 024-14-0001-020-07
024-14-0001-004-19 024-14-0001-009-02 024-14-0001-014-11 024-14-0001-020-08
024-14-0001-004-20 024-14-0001-009-03 024-14-0001-014-12 024-14-0001-020-09
024-14-0001-004-21 024-14-0001-009-04 024-14-0001-014-13 024-14-0001-020-10
024-14-0001-004-22 024-14-0001-009-05 024-14-0001-014-14 024-14-0001-020-11
024-14-0001-004-23 024-14-0001-009-06 024-14-0001-014-15 024-14-0001-020-15
024-14-0001-004-24 024-14-0001-009-07 024-14-0001-014-16 024-14-0001-020-17
024-14-0001-004-25 024-14-0001-009-08 024-14-0001-014-17 024-14-0001-020-17
Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0001-020-18 024-14-0001-021-10 024-14-0001-022-29 024-14-0001-025-21
024-14-0001-020-19 024-14-0001-021-11 024-14-0001-022-30 024-14-0001-025-22
024-14-0001-020-20 024-14-0001-022-02 024-14-0001-022-31 024-14-0001-026-01
024-14-0001-020-21 024-14-0001-022-03 024-14-0001-025-01 024-14-0001-026-02
024-14-0001-020-22 024-14-0001-022-04 024-14-0001-025-02 024-14-0001-026-02
024-14-0001-020-23 024-14-0001-022-05 024-14-0001-025-03 024-14-0001-026-03
024-14-0001-020-24 024-14-0001-022-06 024-14-0001-025-04 024-14-0001-026-04
024-14-0001-020-25 024-14-0001-022-07 024-14-0001-025-05 024-14-0001-026-05
024-14-0001-020-26 024-14-0001-022-08 024-14-0001-025-06 024-14-0001-026-05
024-14-0001-020-27 024-14-0001-022-09 024-14-0001-025-07 024-14-0001-026-07
024-14-0001-020-28 024-14-0001-022-10 024-14-0001-025-08 024-14-0001-026-07


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024-14-0001-020-29 024-14-0001-022-11 024-14-0001-025-09 024-14-0001-026-08

024-14-0001-020-30 024-14-0001-022-12 024-14-0001-025-10 024-14-0001-026-08
024-14-0001-020-31 024-14-0001-022-13 024-14-0001-025-11 024-14-0001-026-09
024-14-0001-020-31 024-14-0001-022-16 024-14-0001-025-12 024-14-0001-026-10
024-14-0001-020-32 024-14-0001-022-17 024-14-0001-025-12 024-14-0001-026-11
024-14-0001-020-33 024-14-0001-022-18 024-14-0001-025-12 024-14-0001-026-12
024-14-0001-020-34 024-14-0001-022-19 024-14-0001-025-13 024-14-0001-026-13
024-14-0001-020-35 024-14-0001-022-20 024-14-0001-025-13 024-14-0001-026-13
024-14-0001-021-01 024-14-0001-022-21 024-14-0001-025-13 024-14-0001-026-14
024-14-0001-021-03 024-14-0001-022-22 024-14-0001-025-14 024-14-0001-026-15
024-14-0001-021-04 024-14-0001-022-23 024-14-0001-025-16 024-14-0001-026-16
024-14-0001-021-05 024-14-0001-022-24 024-14-0001-025-17 024-14-0001-026-17
024-14-0001-021-06 024-14-0001-022-25 024-14-0001-025-18 024-14-0001-026-18
024-14-0001-021-07 024-14-0001-022-26 024-14-0001-025-19 024-14-0001-026-19
024-14-0001-021-08 024-14-0001-022-27 024-14-0001-025-20 024-14-0001-026-20
I.A.1.3 Institutional Areas
Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0001-08-011 024-14-0001-016-01 024-14-0001-017-21 024-14-0001-019-10

I.A.1.4. Functional Open Spaces: Multi-Purpose Courts/Plaza/Neighborhood Parks

Areas presently occupied by the Municipal Covered Court and Gymnasium and Mabini
I.A.1.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.
I.A.2.1. Residential Areas
Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0021-001-01 024-14-0021-003-06 024-14-0021-007-04 024-14-0021-010-09
024-14-0021-001-02 024-14-0021-003-10 024-14-0021-007-05 024-14-0021-010-10
024-14-0021-001-03 024-14-0021-003-13 024-14-0021-007-06 024-14-0021-010-11
024-14-0021-001-04 024-14-0021-003-13 024-14-0021-007-07 024-14-0021-010-12
024-14-0021-001-05 024-14-0021-003-14 024-14-0021-007-08 024-14-0021-010-13
024-14-0021-001-06 024-14-0021-003-15 024-14-0021-007-09 024-14-0021-010-14
024-14-0021-001-09 024-14-0021-003-16 024-14-0021-007-10 024-14-0021-010-15
024-14-0021-002-02 024-14-0021-003-17 024-14-0021-007-11 024-14-0021-010-16
024-14-0021-002-04 024-14-0021-003-18 024-14-0021-007-12 024-14-0021-010-18
024-14-0021-002-05 024-14-0021-003-24 024-14-0021-007-13 024-14-0021-010-20
024-14-0021-002-06 024-14-0021-004-01 024-14-0021-007-13 024-14-0021-010-22
024-14-0021-002-07 024-14-0021-004-02 024-14-0021-007-13 024-14-0021-010-23
024-14-0021-002-08 024-14-0021-004-03 024-14-0021-007-14 024-14-0021-010-24
024-14-0021-002-10 024-14-0021-004-04 024-14-0021-007-15 024-14-0021-011-01


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Property Index No.

024-14-0021-002-11 Property Index No.
024-14-0021-004-05 Property Index No.
024-14-0021-007-17 Property Index No.
024-14-0021-002-12 024-14-0021-014-23
024-14-0021-004-07 024-14-0021-021-30
024-14-0021-007-18 024-14-0021-025-08
024-14-0021-002-13 024-14-0021-014-24
024-14-0021-004-08 024-14-0021-021-31
024-14-0021-007-19 024-14-0021-025-09
024-14-0021-002-14 024-14-0021-012-15
024-14-0021-004-09 024-14-0021-021-32
024-14-0021-007-21 024-14-0021-025-10
024-14-0021-002-15 024-14-0021-012-15
024-14-0021-004-10 024-14-0021-021-33
024-14-0021-007-22 024-14-0021-025-11
024-14-0021-002-16 024-14-0021-020-02
024-14-0021-004-12 024-14-0021-021-34
024-14-0021-007-23 024-14-0021-025-12
024-14-0021-002-17 024-14-0021-020-03
024-14-0021-004-13 024-14-0021-021-35
024-14-0021-008-01 024-14-0021-025-13
024-14-0021-002-18 024-14-0021-020-04
024-14-0021-004-14 024-14-0021-022-01
024-14-0021-008-04 024-14-0021-025-15
024-14-0021-002-19 024-14-0021-020-05
024-14-0021-004-15 024-14-0021-022-02
024-14-0021-008-05 024-14-0021-025-16
024-14-0021-002-22 024-14-0021-020-06
024-14-0021-004-16 024-14-0021-022-02
024-14-0021-008-06 024-14-0021-025-17
024-14-0021-002-23 024-14-0021-020-08
024-14-0021-005-01 024-14-0021-022-03
024-14-0021-008-08 024-14-0021-025-18
024-14-0021-002-26 024-14-0021-020-16
024-14-0021-005-02 024-14-0021-022-04
024-14-0021-008-09 024-14-0021-025-19
024-14-0021-002-29 024-14-0021-020-17
024-14-0021-005-03 024-14-0021-022-05
024-14-0021-008-10 024-14-0021-026-04
024-14-0021-002-30 024-14-0021-020-18
024-14-0021-006-05 024-14-0021-022-06
024-14-0021-008-11 024-14-0021-026-06
024-14-0021-002-31 024-14-0021-020-19
024-14-0021-006-06 024-14-0021-022-07
024-14-0021-008-12 024-14-0021-026-07
024-14-0021-002-32 024-14-0021-020-20
024-14-0021-006-07 024-14-0021-022-08
024-14-0021-008-13 024-14-0021-026-08
024-14-0021-002-33 024-14-0021-020-21
024-14-0021-006-10 024-14-0021-022-08
024-14-0021-008-14 024-14-0021-026-09
024-14-0021-002-34 024-14-0021-020-22
024-14-0021-006-02 024-14-0021-022-09
024-14-0021-008-15 024-14-0021-026-10
024-14-0021-002-35 024-14-0021-020-24
024-14-0021-006-03 024-14-0021-022-09
024-14-0021-010-02 024-14-0021-026-11
024-14-0021-002-36 024-14-0021-020-25
024-14-0021-006-04 024-14-0021-022-10
024-14-0021-010-03 024-14-0021-026-12
024-14-0021-002-37 024-14-0021-020-25
024-14-0021-006-11 024-14-0021-022-12
024-14-0021-010-04 024-14-0021-026-17
024-14-0021-002-38 024-14-0021-020-26
024-14-0021-006-12 024-14-0021-023-01
024-14-0021-010-05 024-14-0021-026-18
024-14-0021-002-39 024-14-0021-020-26
024-14-0021-007-01 024-14-0021-023-02
024-14-0021-010-06 024-14-0021-026-19
024-14-0021-013-14 024-14-0021-020-27 024-14-0021-023-03 024-14-0021-026-20
024-14-0021-002-40 024-14-0021-007-02 024-14-0021-010-07
024-14-0021-013-15 024-14-0021-020-28 024-14-0021-023-06 024-14-0021-026-21
024-14-0021-003-01 024-14-0021-007-03 024-14-0021-010-08
024-14-0021-013-20 024-14-0021-020-29 024-14-0021-023-07 024-14-0021-026-22
024-14-0021-013-21 024-14-0021-021-01 024-14-0021-023-09 024-14-0021-026-23
024-14-0021-013-22 024-14-0021-021-02 024-14-0021-023-13 024-14-0021-026-26
024-14-0021-013-23 024-14-0021-021-03 024-14-0021-023-14 024-14-0021-026-27
024-14-0021-013-24 024-14-0021-021-04 024-14-0021-023-15 024-14-0021-026-30
024-14-0021-013-25 024-14-0021-021-05 024-14-0021-024-01 024-14-0021-026-33
024-14-0021-013-26 024-14-0021-021-06 024-14-0021-024-01 024-14-0021-029-07
024-14-0021-013-27 024-14-0021-021-07 024-14-0021-024-02 024-14-0021-029-08
024-14-0021-013-28 024-14-0021-021-08 024-14-0021-024-03 024-14-0021-029-09
024-14-0021-013-28 024-14-0021-021-09 024-14-0021-024-04 024-14-0021-029-10
024-14-0021-013-29 024-14-0021-021-10 024-14-0021-024-04 024-14-0021-029-10
024-14-0021-013-30 024-14-0021-021-11 024-14-0021-024-05 024-14-0021-029-11
024-14-0021-014-07 024-14-0021-021-12 024-14-0021-024-06 024-14-0021-029-12
024-14-0021-014-08 024-14-0021-021-13 024-14-0021-024-07 024-14-0021-029-13
024-14-0021-014-09 024-14-0021-021-14 024-14-0021-024-08 024-14-0021-029-14
024-14-0021-014-10 024-14-0021-021-15 024-14-0021-024-09 024-14-0021-030-07
024-14-0021-014-11 024-14-0021-021-20 024-14-0021-024-10 024-14-0021-030-08
024-14-0021-014-12 024-14-0021-021-21 024-14-0021-024-11 024-14-0021-030-09
024-14-0021-014-13 024-14-0021-021-22 024-14-0021-024-12 024-14-0021-030-10
024-14-0021-014-14 024-14-0021-021-23 024-14-0021-025-01 024-14-0021-030-13
024-14-0021-014-16 024-14-0021-021-24 024-14-0021-025-02 024-14-0021-031-01
024-14-0021-014-17 024-14-0021-021-25 024-14-0021-025-03 024-14-0021-031-01
024-14-0021-014-18 024-14-0021-021-26 024-14-0021-025-04 024-14-0021-031-02
024-14-0021-014-20 024-14-0021-021-27 024-14-0021-025-05 024-14-0021-031-03
024-14-0021-014-21 024-14-0021-021-28 024-14-0021-025-06 024-14-0021-031-04
024-14-0021-014-22 024-14-0021-021-29 024-14-0021-025-07 024-14-0021-031-05


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.

024-14-0021-031-06 024-14-0021-033-06 024-14-0021-036-09 024-14-0021-039-14

024-14-0021-031-07 024-14-0021-033-07 024-14-0021-036-10 024-14-0021-039-15
024-14-0021-031-08 024-14-0021-033-08 024-14-0021-036-12 024-14-0021-039-16
024-14-0021-031-10 024-14-0021-033-09 024-14-0021-036-13 024-14-0021-039-17
024-14-0021-031-11 024-14-0021-033-10 024-14-0021-036-14 024-14-0021-040-01
024-14-0021-031-12 024-14-0021-033-11 024-14-0021-036-16 024-14-0021-040-02
024-14-0021-031-13 024-14-0021-033-12 024-14-0021-036-17 024-14-0021-040-03
024-14-0021-031-15 024-14-0021-033-13 024-14-0021-036-18 024-14-0021-040-04
024-14-0021-031-16 024-14-0021-033-14 024-14-0021-036-19 024-14-0021-040-05
024-14-0021-031-16 024-14-0021-033-15 024-14-0021-036-20 024-14-0021-040-06
024-14-0021-031-17 024-14-0021-033-16 024-14-0021-036-21 024-14-0021-040-07
024-14-0021-031-18 024-14-0021-033-17 024-14-0021-036-22 024-14-0021-040-08
024-14-0021-031-19 024-14-0021-033-18 024-14-0021-036-23 024-14-0021-040-09
024-14-0021-031-20 024-14-0021-033-19 024-14-0021-036-24 024-14-0021-040-10
024-14-0021-032-01 024-14-0021-033-20 024-14-0021-036-26 024-14-0021-040-11
024-14-0021-032-02 024-14-0021-033-21 024-14-0021-036-27 024-14-0021-040-12
024-14-0021-032-03 024-14-0021-033-22 024-14-0021-036-28 024-14-0021-040-13
024-14-0021-032-04 024-14-0021-033-23 024-14-0021-036-29 024-14-0021-040-14
024-14-0021-032-04 024-14-0021-033-23 024-14-0021-036-30 024-14-0021-040-15
024-14-0021-032-04 024-14-0021-033-24 024-14-0021-036-31 024-14-0021-040-16
024-14-0021-032-05 024-14-0021-033-25 024-14-0021-036-32 024-14-0021-040-17
024-14-0021-032-06 024-14-0021-033-26 024-14-0021-036-33 024-14-0021-040-18
024-14-0021-032-07 024-14-0021-033-27 024-14-0021-036-34 024-14-0021-040-19
024-14-0021-032-11 024-14-0021-033-28 024-14-0021-036-35 024-14-0021-040-20
024-14-0021-032-12 024-14-0021-034-01 024-14-0021-037-12 024-14-0021-040-21
024-14-0021-032-13 024-14-0021-034-02 024-14-0021-037-13 024-14-0021-040-22
024-14-0021-032-13 024-14-0021-034-03 024-14-0021-037-14 024-14-0021-040-23
024-14-0021-032-14 024-14-0021-034-03 024-14-0021-037-15 024-14-0021-040-24
024-14-0021-032-15 024-14-0021-034-04 024-14-0021-037-16 024-14-0021-041-01
024-14-0021-032-20 024-14-0021-034-09 024-14-0021-037-16 024-14-0021-041-02
024-14-0021-032-21 024-14-0021-034-09 024-14-0021-037-17 024-14-0021-041-03
024-14-0021-032-22 024-14-0021-034-11 024-14-0021-037-18 024-14-0021-041-04
024-14-0021-032-23 024-14-0021-034-16 024-14-0021-038-10 024-14-0021-041-05
024-14-0021-032-24 024-14-0021-034-17 024-14-0021-039-01 024-14-0021-041-06
024-14-0021-032-27 024-14-0021-034-18 024-14-0021-039-02 024-14-0021-041-07
024-14-0021-032-28 024-14-0021-034-19 024-14-0021-039-03 024-14-0021-041-08
024-14-0021-032-29 024-14-0021-034-20 024-14-0021-039-04 024-14-0021-041-09
024-14-0021-032-31 024-14-0021-034-21 024-14-0021-039-05 024-14-0021-041-10
024-14-0021-032-32 024-14-0021-034-22 024-14-0021-039-06 024-14-0021-041-11
024-14-0021-032-33 024-14-0021-036-03 024-14-0021-039-07 024-14-0021-041-12
024-14-0021-032-34 024-14-0021-036-03 024-14-0021-039-08 024-14-0021-041-13
024-14-0021-033-01 024-14-0021-036-04 024-14-0021-039-09 024-14-0021-041-14
024-14-0021-033-02 024-14-0021-036-05 024-14-0021-039-10 024-14-0021-041-15
024-14-0021-033-03 024-14-0021-036-06 024-14-0021-039-11 024-14-0021-041-16
024-14-0021-033-04 024-14-0021-036-07 024-14-0021-039-12 024-14-0021-042-01
024-14-0021-033-05 024-14-0021-036-08 024-14-0021-039-13 024-14-0021-042-02
Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
02-14-0021-042-03 024-14-0021-042-17 024-14-0021-043-13 024-14-0021-044-13


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


024-14-0021-042-04 024-14-0021-042-18 024-14-0021-043-14 024-14-0021-044-14

024-14-0021-042-05 024-14-0021-043-01 024-14-0021-044-01 024-14-0021-044-15
024-14-0021-042-06 024-14-0021-043-02 024-14-0021-044-02 024-14-0021-044-16
024-14-0021-042-07 024-14-0021-043-03 024-14-0021-044-03 024-14-0021-044-17
024-14-0021-042-08 024-14-0021-043-04 024-14-0021-044-04 024-14-0021-045-01
024-14-0021-042-09 024-14-0021-043-05 024-14-0021-044-05 024-14-0021-045-02
024-14-0021-042-10 024-14-0021-043-06 024-14-0021-044-06 024-14-0021-045-03
024-14-0021-042-11 024-14-0021-043-07 024-14-0021-044-07 024-14-0021-045-04
024-14-0021-042-12 024-14-0021-043-08 024-14-0021-044-08 024-14-0021-045-05
024-14-0021-042-13 024-14-0021-043-09 024-14-0021-044-09 024-14-0021-045-06
024-14-0021-042-14 024-14-0021-043-10 024-14-0021-044-10 024-14-0021-045-07
024-14-0021-042-15 024-14-0021-043-11 024-14-0021-044-11 024-14-0021-045-08
024-14-0021-042-16 024-14-0021-043-12 024-14-0021-044-12 024-14-0021-045-09

I.A.2.2. Commercial Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0021-009-01 024-14-0021-015-18 024-14-0021-017-06 024-14-0021-035-01
024-14-0021-009-02 024-14-0021-015-18 024-14-0021-017-07 024-14-0021-035-02
024-14-0021-009-03 024-14-0021-015-19 024-14-0021-017-08 024-14-0021-035-03
024-14-0021-009-04 024-14-0021-015-20 024-14-0021-017-09 024-14-0021-035-03
024-14-0021-009-05 024-14-0021-015-21 024-14-0021-017-10 024-14-0021-035-04
024-14-0021-009-06 024-14-0021-015-22 024-14-0021-017-11 024-14-0021-035-05
024-14-0021-009-07 024-14-0021-015-23 024-14-0021-017-12 024-14-0021-035-06
024-14-0021-009-08 024-14-0021-015-24 024-14-0021-017-13 024-14-0021-035-07
024-14-0021-009-09 024-14-0021-015-25 024-14-0021-017-14 024-14-0021-035-08
024-14-0021-009-10 024-14-0021-015-26 024-14-0021-017-15 024-14-0021-035-09
024-14-0021-009-11 024-14-0021-015-27 024-14-0021-017-16 024-14-0021-035-10
024-14-0021-009-12 024-14-0021-015-28 024-14-0021-017-17 024-14-0021-035-11
024-14-0021-009-13 024-14-0021-015-29 024-14-0021-017-19 024-14-0021-035-12
024-14-0021-009-14 024-14-0021-016-01 024-14-0021-017-20 024-14-0021-035-13
024-14-0021-009-15 024-14-0021-016-02 024-14-0021-019-01 024-14-0021-035-14
024-14-0021-009-16 024-14-0021-016-03 024-14-0021-019-02 024-14-0021-035-15
024-14-0021-009-17 024-14-0021-016-04 024-14-0021-019-04 024-14-0021-035-16
024-14-0021-009-18 024-14-0021-016-05 024-14-0021-019-05 024-14-0021-035-17
024-14-0021-009-19 024-14-0021-016-06 024-14-0021-019-06 024-14-0021-035-18
024-14-0021-009-20 024-14-0021-016-07 024-14-0021-019-07 024-14-0021-035-19
024-14-0021-009-21 024-14-0021-016-08 024-14-0021-019-08 024-14-0021-035-19
024-14-0021-009-22 024-14-0021-016-10 024-14-0021-019-09 024-14-0021-035-20
024-14-0021-009-23 024-14-0021-016-11 024-14-0021-019-10 024-14-0021-035-21
024-14-0021-009-24 024-14-0021-016-12 024-14-0021-019-11 024-14-0021-035-21
024-14-0021-009-25 024-14-0021-016-13 024-14-0021-019-12 024-14-0021-035-21
024-14-0021-009-26 024-14-0021-016-14 024-14-0021-019-12 024-14-0021-035-22
024-14-0021-009-27 024-14-0021-016-15 024-14-0021-019-13 024-14-0021-035-23
024-14-0021-009-28 024-14-0021-016-16 024-14-0021-019-14 024-14-0021-035-25
024-14-0021-009-29 024-14-0021-016-17 024-14-0021-019-15 024-14-0021-035-27
024-14-0021-009-30 024-14-0021-016-18 024-14-0021-019-16 024-14-0021-035-28
024-14-0021-015-01 024-14-0021-016-19 024-14-0021-019-17 024-14-0021-035-29
024-14-0021-015-02 024-14-0021-016-20 024-14-0021-019-17 024-14-0021-035-30
024-14-0021-015-03 024-14-0021-016-22 024-14-0021-019-18 024-14-0021-035-31


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024-14-0021-015-06 024-14-0021-016-23 024-14-0021-019-19 024-14-0021-035-32

024-14-0021-015-07 024-14-0021-016-25 024-14-0021-019-19 024-14-0021-035-33
024-14-0021-015-08 024-14-0021-016-26 024-14-0021-019-21 024-14-0021-035-33
024-14-0021-015-09 024-14-0021-016-27 024-14-0021-019-21 024-14-0021-035-33
024-14-0021-015-11 024-14-0021-016-28 024-14-0021-019-22 024-14-0021-035-34
024-14-0021-015-12 024-14-0021-016-29 024-14-0021-019-23 024-14-0021-035-35
024-14-0021-015-12 024-14-0021-017-01 024-14-0021-019-24 024-14-0021-035-36
024-14-0021-015-13 024-14-0021-017-02 024-14-0021-019-25 024-14-0021-035-37
024-14-0021-015-14 024-14-0021-017-03 024-14-0021-019-26
024-14-0021-015-15 024-14-0021-017-04 024-14-0021-019-27
024-14-0021-015-16 024-14-0021-017-05 024-14-0021-019-28
024-14-0021-015-17 024-14-0021-017-06 024-14-0021-019-29
I.A.2.3. Institutional Areas
Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0021-015-12 024-14-0021-015-19 024-14-0021-34-12 024-14-0024-011-12
024-14-0021-015-18 024-14-0021-017-19

I.A.2.4. Functional Open Spaces: Multi-Purpose Court/ Neighborhood Park

Areas presently use as basketball court and neighborhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation and
development areas. Expansion of neighbourhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighborhood parks to be established should conform to land area required as
per sectoral studies.
I.A.2.4. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.
I.A.2.5. Agricultural Areas
All others areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and are delineated as
urban land use development areas, industrial development areas and tourism areas.

I.A.3.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0005-004-04 024-14-0005-005-19 024-14-0005-007-19 024-14-0005-010-14
024-14-0005-004-07 024-14-0005-005-20 024-14-0005-007-20 024-14-0005-010-15
024-14-0005-004-08 024-14-0005-005-21 024-14-0005-007-22 024-14-0005-010-16
024-14-0005-004-09 024-14-0005-005-22 024-14-0005-007-23 024-14-0005-010-17
024-14-0005-004-10 024-14-0005-005-23 024-14-0005-007-24 024-14-0005-010-19
024-14-0005-004-11 024-14-0005-005-24 024-14-0005-007-25 024-14-0005-010-20
024-14-0005-004-12 024-14-0005-005-25 024-14-0005-007-25 024-14-0005-010-22
024-14-0005-004-13 024-14-0005-005-26 024-14-0005-007-26 024-14-0005-010-24


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024-14-0005-011-21 024-14-0005-012-21 024-14-0005-013-17 024-14-0005-013-38

024-14-0005-011-24 024-14-0005-012-22 024-14-0005-013-18 024-14-0005-014-01
024-14-0005-011-25 024-14-0005-012-23 024-14-0005-013-19 024-14-0005-014-03
024-14-0005-011-26 024-14-0005-012-24 024-14-0005-013-19 024-14-0005-014-04
024-14-0005-012-01 024-14-0005-012-25 024-14-0005-013-21 024-14-0005-014-05
024-14-0005-012-02 024-14-0005-012-26 024-14-0005-013-22 024-14-0005-014-07
024-14-0005-004-14 024-14-0005-005-27 024-14-0005-007-27 024-14-0005-010-25
024-14-0005-004-15 024-14-0005-005-28 024-14-0005-007-28 024-14-0005-010-26
024-14-0005-004-16 024-14-0005-005-29 024-14-0005-007-31 024-14-0005-010-27
024-14-0005-004-17 024-14-0005-005-30 024-14-0005-007-32 024-14-0005-010-28
024-14-0005-004-18 024-14-0005-005-31 024-14-0005-007-33 024-14-0005-010-29
024-14-0005-004-19 024-14-0005-005-32 024-14-0005-008-21 024-14-0005-010-30
024-14-0005-004-20 024-14-0005-006-14 024-14-0005-008-22 024-14-0005-010-31
024-14-0005-004-21 024-14-0005-006-15 024-14-0005-008-23 024-14-0005-010-32
024-14-0005-004-22 024-14-0005-006-16 024-14-0005-008-24 024-14-0005-010-35
024-14-0005-004-23 024-14-0005-006-17 024-14-0005-008-25 024-14-0005-010-37
024-14-0005-004-24 024-14-0005-006-18 024-14-0005-008-26 024-14-0005-010-38
024-14-0005-005-01 024-14-0005-006-19 024-14-0005-008-28 024-14-0005-010-39
024-14-0005-005-02 024-14-0005-006-20 024-14-0005-009-01 024-14-0005-010-40
024-14-0005-005-03 024-14-0005-006-21 024-14-0005-010-01 024-14-0005-010-41
024-14-0005-005-04 024-14-0005-006-22 024-14-0005-010-02 024-14-0005-010-42
024-14-0005-005-05 024-14-0005-007-01 024-14-0005-010-03 024-14-0005-010-43
024-14-0005-005-06 024-14-0005-007-03 024-14-0005-010-04 024-14-0005-010-44
024-14-0005-005-07 024-14-0005-007-04 024-14-0005-010-05 024-14-0005-010-47
024-14-0005-005-08 024-14-0005-007-09 024-14-0005-010-06 024-14-0005-010-48
024-14-0005-005-09 024-14-0005-007-12 024-14-0005-010-07 024-14-0005-010-49
024-14-0005-005-10 024-14-0005-007-13 024-14-0005-010-08 024-14-0005-010-50
024-14-0005-005-11 024-14-0005-007-14 024-14-0005-010-09 024-14-0005-010-51
024-14-0005-005-12 024-14-0005-007-15 024-14-0005-010-10 024-14-0005-010-52
024-14-0005-005-13 024-14-0005-007-16 024-14-0005-010-11 024-14-0005-010-53
024-14-0005-005-14 024-14-0005-007-17 024-14-0005-010-12 024-14-0005-011-01
024-14-0005-005-15 024-14-0005-007-18 024-14-0005-010-13 024-14-0005-011-02
Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0005-011-03 024-14-0005-012-03 024-14-0005-012-27 024-14-0005-013-23
024-14-0005-011-04 024-14-0005-012-04 024-14-0005-013-01 024-14-0005-013-23
024-14-0005-011-05 024-14-0005-012-05 024-14-0005-013-03 024-14-0005-013-24
024-14-0005-011-06 024-14-0005-012-06 024-14-0005-013-04 024-14-0005-013-24
024-14-0005-011-07 024-14-0005-012-07 024-14-0005-013-04 024-14-0005-013-25
024-14-0005-011-08 024-14-0005-012-08 024-14-0005-013-05 024-14-0005-013-26
024-14-0005-011-09 024-14-0005-012-09 024-14-0005-013-06 024-14-0005-013-27
024-14-0005-011-10 024-14-0005-012-10 024-14-0005-013-07 024-14-0005-013-28
024-14-0005-011-11 024-14-0005-012-11 024-14-0005-013-08 024-14-0005-013-29
024-14-0005-011-12 024-14-0005-012-13 024-14-0005-013-09 024-14-0005-013-30
024-14-0005-011-13 024-14-0005-012-14 024-14-0005-013-10 024-14-0005-013-31
024-14-0005-011-14 024-14-0005-012-15 024-14-0005-013-11 024-14-0005-013-32
024-14-0005-011-15 024-14-0005-012-16 024-14-0005-013-12 024-14-0005-013-33
024-14-0005-011-17 024-14-0005-012-17 024-14-0005-013-13 024-14-0005-013-34
024-14-0005-011-18 024-14-0005-012-18 024-14-0005-013-14 024-14-0005-013-35
024-14-0005-011-19 024-14-0005-012-19 024-14-0005-013-15 024-14-0005-013-36
024-14-0005-011-20 024-14-0005-012-20 024-14-0005-013-16 024-14-0005-013-37
024-14-0005-011-21 024-14-0005-012-21 024-14-0005-013-17 024-14-0005-013-38
024-14-0005-011-24 024-14-0005-012-22 024-14-0005-013-18 024-14-0005-014-01
024-14-0005-011-25 024-14-0005-012-23 024-14-0005-013-19 024-14-0005-014-03


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


I.A.3.2 Industrial Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0005-013-24 024-14-0005-017-10 024-14-0005-017-18 024-14-0005-017-23
024-14-0005-013-27 024-14-0005-017-11 024-14-0005-017-19 024-14-0005-017-24
024-14-0005-017-08 024-14-0005-017-14 024-14-0005-017-20 024-14-0005-017-25
024-14-0005-017-08 024-14-0005-017-15 024-14-0005-017-21 024-14-0005-017-26
024-14-0005-017-09 024-14-0005-017-16 024-14-0005-017-22 024-14-0005-017-27
024-14-0005-017-09 024-14-0005-017-17 024-14-0005-017-22

I.A.3.3. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay and their expansion
areas within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball
Courts and playfields serving as neighbourhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is
included under the category.
I.A.3.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighbourhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighbourhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighbourhood parks to be established should conform to land area required
as per sectoral studies
I.A.3.5. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land use development, tourism development, functional open spaces are Agricultural
Development Areas.
I.A.3.6. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.
I.A.4.1. Residential Areas
Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0019-001-03 024-14-0019-001-48 024-14-0019-005-26 024-14-0019-008-44
024-14-0019-001-04 024-14-0019-001-50 024-14-0019-008-03 024-14-0019-008-45
024-14-0019-001-05 024-14-0019-001-54 024-14-0019-008-04 024-14-0019-008-47
024-14-0019-001-05 024-14-0019-001-55 024-14-0019-008-05 024-14-0019-008-48
024-14-0019-001-06 024-14-0019-001-56 024-14-0019-008-06 024-14-0019-008-49
024-14-0019-001-07 024-14-0019-001-57 024-14-0019-008-07 024-14-0019-009-01
024-14-0019-001-08 024-14-0019-002-02 024-14-0019-008-08 024-14-0019-009-05
024-14-0019-001-09 024-14-0019-002-03 024-14-0019-008-09 024-14-0019-009-08
024-14-0019-001-10 024-14-0019-002-04 024-14-0019-008-10 024-14-0019-009-09
024-14-0019-001-10 024-14-0019-002-05 024-14-0019-008-11 024-14-0019-009-10
024-14-0019-001-11 024-14-0019-002-10 024-14-0019-008-14 024-14-0019-009-13


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024-14-0019-001-12 024-14-00719-002-10 024-14-0019-008-15 024-14-0019-009-15

024-14-0019-001-13 024-14-0019-002-13 024-14-0019-008-16 024-14-0019-009-16
024-14-0019-001-14 024-14-0019-002-14 024-14-0019-008-17 024-14-0019-009-16
024-14-0019-001-15 024-14-0019-002-15 024-14-0019-008-18 024-14-0019-009-17
024-14-0019-001-17 024-14-0019-002-16 024-14-0019-008-19 024-14-0019-009-20
024-14-0019-001-18 024-14-0019-002-18 024-14-0019-008-20 024-14-0019-009-23
024-14-0019-001-19 024-14-0019-002-19 024-14-0019-008-21 024-14-0019-009-24
024-14-0019-001-21 024-14-0019-002-20 024-14-0019-008-22 024-14-0019-009-25
024-14-0019-001-22 024-14-0019-002-22 024-14-0019-008-23 024-14-0019-009-27
024-14-0019-001-23 024-14-0019-002-31 024-14-0019-008-24 024-14-0019-009-28
024-14-0019-001-24 024-14-0019-002-32 024-14-0019-008-27 024-14-0019-009-29
024-14-0019-001-27 024-14-0019-002-33 024-14-0019-008-30 024-14-0019-009-31
024-14-0019-001-28 024-14-0019-002-34 024-14-0019-008-31 024-14-0019-009-32
024-14-0019-001-29 024-14-0019-005-04 024-14-0019-008-32 024-14-0019-009-33
024-14-0019-001-34 024-14-0019-005-10 024-14-0019-008-33 024-14-0019-009-34
024-14-0019-001-38 024-14-0019-005-13 024-14-0019-008-35 024-14-0019-009-35
024-14-0019-001-41 024-14-0019-005-14 024-14-0019-008-37 024-14-0019-009-36
024-14-0019-001-42 024-14-0019-005-15 024-14-0019-008-38 024-14-0019-002-01
024-14-0019-001-43 024-14-0019-005-16 024-14-0019-008-39 024-14-0019-007-15
024-14-0019-001-44 024-14-0019-005-17 024-14-0019-008-40 Portion of
024-14-0019-001-45 024-14-0019-005-18 024-14-0019-008-41
024-14-0019-001-46 024-14-0019-005-19 024-14-0019-008-42
024-14-0019-001-47 024-14-0019-005-25 024-14-0019-008-43

I.A.4.2. Commercial Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0019-003-01 024-14-0019-004-15 024-14-0019-006-06 024-14-0019-010-04
024-14-0019-003-02 024-14-0019-004-15 024-14-0019-006-07 024-14-0019-010-04
024-14-0019-003-03 024-14-0019-004-16 024-14-0019-006-08 024-14-0019-010-04
024-14-0019-003-05 024-14-0019-004-17 024-14-0019-006-09 024-14-0019-010-05
024-14-0019-003-06 024-14-0019-004-18 024-14-0019-006-10 024-14-0019-010-06
024-14-0019-003-07 024-14-0019-004-20 024-14-0019-006-14 024-14-0019-010-07
024-14-0019-003-08 024-14-0019-004-22 024-14-0019-006-15 024-14-0019-010-08
024-14-0019-003-09 024-14-0019-004-23 024-14-0019-006-16 024-14-0019-010-09
024-14-0019-003-10 024-14-0019-004-23 024-14-0019-006-18 024-14-0019-010-09
024-14-0019-003-11 024-14-0019-004-23 024-14-0019-007-01 024-14-0019-010-10
024-14-0019-003-13 024-14-0019-004-25 024-14-0019-007-02 024-14-0019-010-11
024-14-0019-003-18 024-14-0019-004-26 024-14-0019-007-03 024-14-0019-010-11
024-14-0019-003-19 024-14-0019-004-28 024-14-0019-007-04 024-14-0019-010-12
024-14-0019-003-20 024-14-0019-004-29 024-14-0019-007-05 024-14-0019-010-13
024-14-0019-003-21 024-14-0019-004-30 024-14-0019-007-05 024-14-0019-010-14
024-14-0019-003-21 024-14-0019-004-31 024-14-0019-007-06 024-14-0019-010-15
024-14-0019-003-22 024-14-0019-004-33 024-14-0019-007-07 024-14-0019-010-15
024-14-0019-003-23 024-14-0019-004-34 024-14-0019-007-08 024-14-0019-010-16
024-14-0019-003-24 024-14-0019-004-35 024-14-0019-007-09 024-14-0019-010-17
024-14-0019-003-25 024-14-0019-004-36 024-14-0019-007-10 024-14-0019-010-18
024-14-0019-004-02 024-14-0019-004-37 024-14-0019-007-11 024-14-0019-010-19
024-14-0019-004-02 024-14-0019-004-38 024-14-0019-007-12 024-14-0019-011-01
024-14-0019-004-03 024-14-0019-004-39 024-14-0019-007-13 024-14-0019-011-02
024-14-0019-004-05 024-14-0019-004-40 024-14-0019-007-14 024-14-0019-011-03
024-14-0019-004-06 024-14-0019-004-41 024-14-0019-007-15 024-14-0019-011-04
024-14-0019-004-07 024-14-0019-004-42 024-14-0019-007-16 024-14-0019-011-05
024-14-0019-004-07 024-14-0019-004-43 024-14-0019-007-18 024-14-0019-011-06
024-14-0019-004-08 024-14-0019-004-44 024-14-0019-007-19 024-14-0019-011-07
024-14-0019-004-09 024-14-0019-006-01 024-14-0019-007-19 024-14-0019-011-11


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024-14-0019-004-10 024-14-0019-006-02 024-14-0019-007-20 024-14-0019-011-13

024-14-0019-004-11 024-14-0019-006-03 024-14-0019-007-21 024-14-0019-011-14
024-14-0019-004-12 024-14-0019-006-04 024-14-0019-007-22 024-14-0019-011-14
024-14-0019-004-13 024-14-0019-006-05 024-14-0019-007-23 024-14-0019-011-16
024-14-0019-004-14 024-14-0019-006-06 024-14-0019-010-03 024-14-0019-011-17

I.A.4.3. Industrial Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0019-005-11 024-14-0019-013-04 024-14-0019-014-03 024-14-0019-015-02
024-14-0019-005-22 024-14-0019-013-04 024-14-0019-014-04 024-14-0019-015-06
024-14-0019-005-23 024-14-0019-013-05 024-14-0019-014-05 024-14-0019-015-07
024-14-0019-006-20 024-14-0019-013-06 024-14-0019-014-06 024-14-0019-01507-
024-14-0019-010-01 024-14-0019-013-07 024-14-0019-014-07 024-14-0019-015-08
024-14-0019-010-02 024-14-0019-013-07 024-14-0019-014-08 024-14-0019-015-08
024-14-0019-012-02 024-14-0019-013-08 024-14-0019-014-09 024-14-0019-015-09
024-14-0019-012-03 024-14-0019-013-08 024-14-0019-014-09 024-14-0019-015-09
024-14-0019-012-04 024-14-0019-013-09 024-14-0019-014-10 024-14-0019-015-10
024-14-0019-012-05 024-14-0019-013-10 024-14-0019-014-10 024-14-0019-015-11
024-14-0019-012-06 024-14-0019-013-11 024-14-0019-014-11 024-14-0019-015-12
024-14-0019-012-07 024-14-0019-013-12 024-14-0019-014-11 024-14-0019-015-13
024-14-0019-012-08 024-14-0019-013-13 024-14-0019-014-12 024-14-0019-015-14
024-14-0019-012-09 024-14-0019-013-14 024-14-0019-014-13 024-14-0019-015-15
024-14-0019-012-10 024-14-0019-013-15 024-14-0019-014-14 024-14-0019-015-17
024-14-0019-012-11 024-14-0019-013-16 024-14-0019-014-15 024-14-0019-015-17
024-14-0019-013-01 024-14-0019-013-17 024-14-0019-014-16 024-14-0019-015-18
024-14-0019-013-02 024-14-0019-013-18 024-14-0019-014-17 024-14-0019-015-19
024-14-0019-013-03 024-14-0019-014-01 024-14-0019-014-18 024-14-0019-015-20
024-14-0019-013-03 024-14-0019-014-02 024-14-0019-014-19 024-14-0019-015-21

I.A.4.4. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay and their expansion
areas within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball
Courts and playfields serving as neighbourhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included
under the category.
I.A.4.5. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighbourhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighbourhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighbourhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
I.A.4.6. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land use development, tourism development, functional open spaces are Agricultural
Development Areas.
I.A.4.7. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national provincial and municipal governments covering


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areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.

I.A.5.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0023-001-08 024-14-0023-002-20 024-14-0023-008-04 024-14-0023-009-34
024-14-0023-001-11 024-14-0023-002-22 024-14-0023-008-05 024-14-0023-009-35
024-14-0023-001-11 024-14-0023-002-23 024-14-0023-008-07 024-14-0023-009-36
024-14-0023-001-12 024-14-0023-003-21 024-14-0023-008-08 024-14-0023-009-37
024-14-0023-001-13 024-14-0023-003-22 024-14-0023-008-09 024-14-0023-009-38
024-14-0023-001-14 024-14-0023-003-23 024-14-0023-008-10 024-14-0023-010-07
024-14-0023-001-15 024-14-0023-003-24 024-14-0023-008-11 024-14-0023-010-10
024-14-0023-001-16 024-14-0023-004-08 024-14-0023-008-12 024-14-0023-010-12
024-14-0023-001-16 024-14-0023-004-11 024-14-0023-008-15 024-14-0023-010-13
024-14-0023-001-17 024-14-0023-004-24 024-14-0023-008-22 024-14-0023-010-15
024-14-0023-001-18 024-14-0023-004-29 024-14-0023-008-35 024-14-0023-010-15
024-14-0023-001-26 024-14-0023-004-30 024-14-0023-008-37 024-14-0023-010-15
024-14-0023-001-27 024-14-0023-004-31 024-14-0023-008-39 024-14-0023-010-16
024-14-0023-001-28 024-14-0023-004-32 024-14-0023-008-40 024-14-0023-010-17
024-14-0023-001-29 024-14-0023-004-33 024-14-0023-008-41 024-14-0023-010-18
024-14-0023-001-30 024-14-0023-004-34 024-14-0023-009-01 024-14-0023-010-19
024-14-0023-001-31 024-14-0023-004-35 024-14-0023-009-02 024-14-0023-010-21
024-14-0023-001-32 024-14-0023-004-37 024-14-0023-009-03 024-14-0023-010-22
024-14-0023-001-34 024-14-0023-004-38 024-14-0023-009-04 024-14-0023-010-23
024-14-0023-001-35 024-14-0023-004-39 024-14-0023-009-05 024-14-0023-010-24
024-14-0023-001-36 024-14-0023-004-40 024-14-0023-009-06 024-14-0023-010-28
024-14-0023-001-37 024-14-0023-004-41 024-14-0023-009-07 024-14-0023-010-30
024-14-0023-001-38 024-14-0023-004-42 024-14-0023-009-08 024-14-0023-010-31
024-14-0023-001-38 024-14-0023-004-43 024-14-0023-009-09 024-14-0023-010-32
024-14-0023-001-39 024-14-0023-004-44 024-14-0023-009-10 024-14-0023-010-33
024-14-0023-001-40 024-14-0023-004-45 024-14-0023-009-11 024-14-0023-010-34
024-14-0023-001-42 024-14-0023-004-46 024-14-0023-009-12 024-14-0023-010-35
024-14-0023-001-43 024-14-0023-004-48 024-14-0023-009-17 024-14-0023-010-36
024-14-0023-001-44 024-14-0023-004-49 024-14-0023-009-17 024-14-0023-011-05
024-14-0023-001-45 024-14-0023-004-50 024-14-0023-009-18 024-14-0023-011-06
024-14-0023-001-46 024-14-0023-004-52 024-14-0023-009-18 024-14-0023-011-07
024-14-0023-001-47 024-14-0023-004-53 024-14-0023-009-19 024-14-0023-011-08
024-14-0023-001-48 024-14-0023-004-54 024-14-0023-009-20 024-14-0023-011-10
024-14-0023-001-50 024-14-0023-005-04 024-14-0023-009-22 024-14-0023-011-11
024-14-0023-001-51 024-14-0023-005-12 024-14-0023-009-24 024-14-0023-011-12
024-14-0023-002-04 024-14-0023-005-14 024-14-0023-009-26 024-14-0023-011-13
024-14-0023-002-06 024-14-0023-005-17 024-14-0023-009-27 024-14-0023-011-14
024-14-0023-002-07 024-14-0023-005-18 024-14-0023-009-30 024-14-0023-011-15
024-14-0023-002-09 024-14-0023-005-19 024-14-0023-009-31 024-14-0023-011-16
024-14-0023-002-19 024-14-0023-007-09 024-14-0023-009-33 024-14-0023-011-17
024-14-0023-011-18 024-14-0023-012-38 024-14-0023-013-19 024-14-0023-014-32
024-14-0023-011-19 024-14-0023-012-39 024-14-0023-013-20 024-14-0023-014-33
024-14-0023-011-22 024-14-0023-012-40 024-14-0023-013-21 024-14-0023-014-34
024-14-0023-011-23 024-14-0023-012-41 024-14-0023-013-22 024-14-0023-014-35
024-14-0023-011-24 024-14-0023-012-42 024-14-0023-013-24 024-14-0023-014-36
024-14-0023-011-25 024-14-0023-012-43 024-14-0023-013-25 024-14-0023-014-37
024-14-0023-011-26 024-14-0023-012-44 024-14-0023-013-27 024-14-0023-014-50
024-14-0023-011-27 024-14-0023-012-45 024-14-0023-013-28 024-14-0023-014-51


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024-14-0023-011-28 024-14-0023-012-46 024-14-0023-013-29 024-14-0023-014-52

024-14-0023-011-29 024-14-0023-012-47 024-14-0023-013-30 024-14-0023-014-53
024-14-0023-011-30 024-14-0023-012-48 024-14-0023-013-31 024-14-0023-014-54
024-14-0023-011-31 024-14-0023-012-49 024-14-0023-013-32 024-14-0023-014-55
024-14-0023-011-32 024-14-0023-012-51 024-14-0023-013-33 024-14-0023-014-56
024-14-0023-011-33 024-14-0023-012-52 024-14-0023-013-34 024-14-0023-014-57
024-14-0023-012-02 024-14-0023-012-53 024-14-0023-014-01 024-14-0023-014-58
024-14-0023-012-03 024-14-0023-012-54 024-14-0023-014-02 024-14-0023-014-59
024-14-0023-012-04 024-14-0023-012-55 024-14-0023-014-03 024-14-0023-014-60
024-14-0023-012-05 024-14-0023-012-56 024-14-0023-014-04 024-14-0023-014-61
024-14-0023-012-06 024-14-0023-012-57 024-14-0023-014-05 024-14-0023-015-03
024-14-0023-012-07 024-14-0023-012-58 024-14-0023-014-07 024-14-0023-015-04
024-14-0023-012-08 024-14-0023-012-59 024-14-0023-014-09 024-14-0023-015-07
024-14-0023-012-09 024-14-0023-012-60 024-14-0023-014-10 024-14-0023-015-08
024-14-0023-012-16 024-14-0023-012-61 024-14-0023-014-11 024-14-0023-015-09
024-14-0023-012-18 024-14-0023-012-62 024-14-0023-014-12 024-14-0023-015-10
024-14-0023-012-19 024-14-0023-012-63 024-14-0023-014-13 024-14-0023-015-11
024-14-0023-012-20 024-14-0023-012-64 024-14-0023-014-14 024-14-0023-015-12
024-14-0023-012-21 024-14-0023-013-02 024-14-0023-014-17 024-14-0023-015-13
024-14-0023-012-22 024-14-0023-013-03 024-14-0023-014-18 024-14-0023-015-14
024-14-0023-012-24 024-14-0023-013-04 024-14-0023-014-19 024-14-0023-015-15
024-14-0023-012-26 024-14-0023-013-06 024-14-0023-014-20 024-14-0023-015-17
024-14-0023-012-28 024-14-0023-013-07 024-14-0023-014-21 024-14-0023-015-18
024-14-0023-012-30 024-14-0023-013-08 024-14-0023-014-22 024-14-0023-016-05
024-14-0023-012-31 024-14-0023-013-09 024-14-0023-014-25 024-14-0023-016-09
024-14-0023-012-32 024-14-0023-013-10 024-14-0023-014-26 024-14-0023-016-12
024-14-0023-012-33 024-14-0023-013-11 024-14-0023-014-27 024-14-0023-016-13
024-14-0023-012-34 024-14-0023-013-12 024-14-0023-014-28 024-14-0023-016-14
024-14-0023-012-35 024-14-0023-013-15 024-14-0023-014-29 024-14-0023-016-15
024-14-0023-012-36 024-14-0023-013-16 024-14-0023-014-30 024-14-0023-016-16
024-14-0023-012-37 024-14-0023-013-17 024-14-0023-014-31 024-14-0023-016-17
024-14-0023-016-18 024-14-0023-019-01 024-14-0023-020-25 024-14-0023-023-13
024-14-0023-016-18 024-14-0023-019-02 024-14-0023-020-26 024-14-0023-023-14
024-14-0023-017-05 024-14-0023-019-02 024-14-0023-020-27 024-14-0023-023-17
024-14-0023-017-08 024-14-0023-019-02 024-14-0023-020-28 024-14-0023-023-26
024-14-0023-017-16 024-14-0023-019-03 024-14-0023-021-06 024-14-0023-023-28
024-14-0023-017-21 024-14-0023-019-04 024-14-0023-021-07 024-14-0023-023-30
024-14-0023-017-22 024-14-0023-019-05 024-14-0023-021-08 024-14-0023-023-38
024-14-0023-017-23 024-14-0023-019-06 024-14-0023-021-09 024-14-0023-023-39
024-14-0023-017-24 024-14-0023-019-07 024-14-0023-021-10 024-14-0023-025-25
024-14-0023-017-25 024-14-0023-019-08 024-14-0023-021-11 024-14-0023-025-27
024-14-0023-017-26 024-14-0023-019-09 024-14-0023-022-01 024-14-0023-025-30
024-14-0023-017-27 024-14-0023-019-23 024-14-0023-022-02 024-14-0023-025-31
024-14-0023-017-28 024-14-0023-020-04 024-14-0023-022-03 024-14-0023-025-32
024-14-0023-017-29 024-14-0023-020-05 024-14-0023-022-04 024-14-0023-025-33
024-14-0023-017-30 024-14-0023-020-06 024-14-0023-022-05 024-14-0023-025-34
024-14-0023-017-31 024-14-0023-020-09 024-14-0023-022-08 024-14-0023-025-35
024-14-0023-017-32 024-14-0023-020-11 024-14-0023-022-12 024-14-0023-025-36
024-14-0023-017-41 024-14-0023-020-12 024-14-0023-023-03 024-14-0023-025-37
024-14-0023-017-42 024-14-0023-020-15 024-14-0023-023-04 024-14-0023-025-38
024-14-0023-017-43 024-14-0023-020-19 024-14-0023-023-05 024-14-0023-025-40
024-14-0023-018-09 024-14-0023-020-20 024-14-0023-023-06 024-14-0023-025-41
024-14-0023-018-10 024-14-0023-020-22 024-14-0023-023-11 024-14-0023-025-42
024-14-0023-018-15 024-14-0023-020-23 024-14-0023-020-27
024-14-0023-018-24 024-14-0023-020-24 024-14-0023-023-12


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I.A.5.2. Functional Open Space: Cemetery and Memorial Park Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0023-009-29 024-14-0023-017-02 024-14-0023-021-03 024-14-0023-021-18
024-14-0023-017-01 024-14-0023-021-02 024-14-0023-021-04 024-14-0023-022-12

I.A.5.3. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government officers present at the barangay and their expansion
areas within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball
Courts and playfields serving as neighbourhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included
under the category.
I.A.5.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently use as basketball court and neighbourhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation and
development areas. Expansion of neighbourhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighbourhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
I.A.5.5. Agricultural Development Areas
All others areas within the barangay not specifically categorized delineated as urban
land use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open spaces
are Agricultural Development Areas.
I.A.5.6. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.
I.A.6.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0029-001-16 024-14-0029-008-04 024-14-0029-011-01 024-14-0029-007-08
024-14-0029-001-24 024-14-0029-008-05 024-14-0029-002-25 024-14-0029-007-13
024-14-0029-002-01 024-14-0029-008-06 024-14-0029-002-26 024-14-0029-008-03
024-14-0029-002-09 024-14-0029-009-07 024-14-0029-002-27 024-14-0029-008-08
024-14-0029-002-10 024-14-0029-009-08 024-14-0029-002-28 024-14-0029-008-09
024-14-0029-002-18 024-14-0029-009-15 024-14-0029-002-29 024-14-0029-008-10
024-14-0029-002-32 024-14-0029-010-08 024-14-0029-002-30 024-14-0029-009-10
024-14-0029-004-11 024-14-0029-010-09 024-14-0029-002-31 024-14-0029-009-11
024-14-0029-004-12 024-14-0029-010-10 024-14-0029-003-01 024-14-0029-009-12
024-14-0029-004-13 024-14-0029-010-11 024-14-0029-003-06 024-14-0029-009-13
024-14-0029-004-14 024-14-0029-010-12 024-14-0029-003-07 024-14-0029-009-14
024-14-0029-005-11 024-14-0029-010-13 024-14-0029-003-09 024-14-0029-009-16
024-14-0029-006-06 024-14-0029-010-14 024-14-0029-004-07 024-14-0029-009-17
024-14-0029-007-03 024-14-0029-010-15 024-14-0029-004-08 024-14-0029-010-02


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024-14-0029-007-04 024-14-0029-010-16 024-14-0029-004-20 024-14-0029-010-03

024-14-0029-007-10 024-14-0029-010-17 024-14-0029-005-13 024-14-0029-011-02
024-14-0029-007-11 024-14-0029-010-18 024-14-0029-006-07 024-14-0029-011-04
024-14-0029-007-12 024-14-0029-010-19 024-14-0029-006-09

I.A.6.2. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government officers present at the barangay and their expansion
areas within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball
Courts and playfields serving as neighbourhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included
under the category.
I.A.6.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently use as basketball court and neighbourhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation and
development areas. Expansion of neighbourhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighbourhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
I.A.6.4. Agricultural Development Areas
All others areas within the barangay not specifically categorized delineated as urban
land use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open spaces
are Agricultural Development Areas.

I.A.6.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads

Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies


I.B.1.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0011-001-01 024-14-0011-007-19 024-14-0011-010-07 024-14-0011-012-08
024-14-0011-001-02 024-14-0011-007-20 024-14-0011-010-08 024-14-0011-012-08
024-14-0011-001-03 024-14-0011-007-21 024-14-0011-010-10 024-14-0011-012-09
024-14-0011-001-04 024-14-0011-007-22 024-14-0011-010-10 024-14-0011-012-10
024-14-0011-001-05 024-14-0011-007-23 024-14-0011-010-11 024-14-0011-012-11
024-14-0011-001-06 024-14-0011-007-24 024-14-0011-010-12 024-14-0011-012-12
024-14-0011-001-07 024-14-0011-008-01 024-14-0011-010-13 024-14-0011-012-13
024-14-0011-001-08 024-14-0011-008-02 024-14-0011-010-14 024-14-0011-012-14


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024-14-0011-001-09 024-14-0011-008-03 024-14-0011-010-15 024-14-0011-012-15

024-14-0011-001-20 024-14-0011-008-04 024-14-0011-010-16 024-14-0011-012-16
024-14-0011-002-03 024-14-0011-008-06 024-14-0011-010-17 024-14-0011-012-17
024-14-0011-005-09 024-14-0011-008-07 024-14-0011-010-18 024-14-0011-013-01
024-14-0011-005-12 024-14-0011-008-08 024-14-0011-010-19 024-14-0011-013-02
024-14-0011-005-13 024-14-0011-008-09 024-14-0011-010-20 024-14-0011-013-03
024-14-0011-005-14 024-14-0011-008-10 024-14-0011-010-21 024-14-0011-013-04
024-14-0011-005-15 024-14-0011-008-11 024-14-0011-010-22 024-14-0011-013-05
024-14-0011-005-16 024-14-0011-008-12 024-14-0011-010-23 024-14-0011-013-06
024-14-0011-005-16 024-14-0011-008-13 024-14-0011-010-24 024-14-0011-013-07
024-14-0011-005-17 024-14-0011-008-14 024-14-0011-010-24 024-14-0011-013-08
024-14-0011-005-18 024-14-0011-008-15 024-14-0011-010-24 024-14-0011-013-09
024-14-0011-005-19 024-14-0011-008-16 024-14-0011-010-25 024-14-0011-013-10
024-14-0011-005-20 024-14-0011-008-17 024-14-0011-010-25 024-14-0011-013-11
024-14-0011-005-21 024-14-0011-008-18 024-14-0011-010-26 024-14-0011-013-12
024-14-0011-005-22 024-14-0011-008-19 024-14-0011-010-27 024-14-0011-013-13
024-14-0011-005-23 024-14-0011-008-20 024-14-0011-010-28 024-14-0011-013-14
024-14-0011-005-24 024-14-0011-008-21 024-14-0011-010-29 024-14-0011-013-15
024-14-0011-005-25 024-14-0011-008-22 024-14-0011-011-03 024-14-0011-013-16
024-14-0011-006-05 024-14-0011-008-23 024-14-0011-011-04 024-14-0011-013-17
024-14-0011-006-06 024-14-0011-008-24 024-14-0011-011-05 024-14-0011-013-18
024-14-0011-006-07 024-14-0011-008-25 024-14-0011-011-06 024-14-0011-013-19
024-14-0011-006-07 024-14-0011-008-26 024-14-0011-011-07 024-14-0011-013-20
024-14-0011-006-08 024-14-0011-009-02 024-14-0011-011-08 024-14-0011-013-21
024-14-0011-007-02 024-14-0011-009-03 024-14-0011-011-09 024-14-0011-013-22
024-14-0011-007-03 024-14-0011-009-06 024-14-0011-011-10 024-14-0011-013-23
024-14-0011-007-04 024-14-0011-009-07 024-14-0011-011-11 024-14-0011-013-24
024-14-0011-007-05 024-14-0011-009-08 024-14-0011-011-12 024-14-0011-014-01
024-14-0011-007-06 024-14-0011-009-09 024-14-0011-011-13 024-14-0011-014-02
024-14-0011-007-07 024-14-0011-009-10 024-14-0011-011-14 024-14-0011-014-03
024-14-0011-007-08 024-14-0011-009-11 024-14-0011-011-15 024-14-0011-014-04
024-14-0011-007-09 024-14-0011-009-13 024-14-0011-011-16 024-14-0011-014-05
024-14-0011-007-10 024-14-0011-009-14 024-14-0011-011-17 024-14-0011-014-06
024-14-0011-007-11 024-14-0011-009-15 024-14-0011-011-18 024-14-0011-014-07
024-14-0011-007-12 024-14-0011-009-16 024-14-0011-012-01 024-14-0011-014-08
024-14-0011-007-13 024-14-0011-010-01 024-14-0011-012-02 024-14-0011-014-09
024-14-0011-007-14 024-14-0011-010-02 024-14-0011-012-02 024-14-0011-014-10
024-14-0011-007-15 024-14-0011-010-03 024-14-0011-012-03 024-14-0011-014-11
024-14-0011-007-16 024-14-0011-010-04 024-14-0011-012-04 024-14-0011-014-12
024-14-0011-007-17 024-14-0011-010-04 024-14-0011-012-05 024-14-0011-014-13
024-14-0011-007-18 024-14-0011-010-05 024-14-0011-012-06 024-14-0011-015-01
024-14-0011-007-19 024-14-0011-010-06 024-14-0011-012-07 024-14-0011-015-01
Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0011-015-04 024-14-0011-016-07 024-14-0011-016-27 024-14-0011-018-14
024-14-0011-015-05 024-14-0011-016-08 024-14-0011-016-28 024-14-0011-018-15
024-14-0011-015-05 024-14-0011-016-09 024-14-0011-017-01 024-14-0011-018-16
024-14-0011-015-06 024-14-0011-016-10 024-14-0011-017-02 024-14-0011-018-17
024-14-0011-015-07 024-14-0011-016-11 024-14-0011-017-03 024-14-0011-018-18
024-14-0011-015-08 024-14-0011-016-12 024-14-0011-017-04 024-14-0011-018-19
024-14-0011-015-09 024-14-0011-016-13 024-14-0011-018-01 024-14-0011-018-20
024-14-0011-015-11 024-14-0011-016-14 024-14-0011-018-02 024-14-0011-018-22
024-14-0011-015-12 024-14-0011-016-15 024-14-0011-018-02 024-14-0011-018-23
024-14-0011-015-13 024-14-0011-016-16 024-14-0011-018-03 024-14-0011-018-24
024-14-0011-015-14 024-14-0011-016-17 024-14-0011-018-04 024-14-0011-018-25
024-14-0011-015-15 024-14-0011-016-18 024-14-0011-018-05 024-14-0011-018-26
024-14-0011-015-16 024-14-0011-016-19 024-14-0011-018-06 024-14-0011-018-27
024-14-0011-016-01 024-14-0011-016-20 024-14-0011-018-07 024-14-0011-019-08
024-14-0011-016-01 024-14-0011-016-22 024-14-0011-018-08 024-14-0011-019-09


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024-14-0011-016-02 024-14-0011-016-23 024-14-0011-018-09 024-14-0011-019-21

024-14-0011-016-03 024-14-0011-016-24 024-14-0011-018-10 024-14-0011-019-22
024-14-0011-016-05 024-14-0011-016-25 024-14-0011-018-12 1.B.1.2. Commercial
024-14-0011-016-06 024-14-0011-016-26 024-14-0011-018-13 024-14-0011-019-19

I.B.1.2. Industrial Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0011-001-16 024-14-0011-006-04 024-14-0011-019-04 024-14-0011-019-13
024-14-0011-001-17 024-14-0011-011-01 024-14-0011-019-05 024-14-0011-019-14
024-14-0011-001-18 024-14-0011-011-02 024-14-0011-019-07 024-14-0011-019-15
024-14-0011-001-18 024-14-0011-019-01 024-14-0011-019-10 024-14-0011-019-16
024-14-0011-001-21 024-14-0011-019-02 024-14-0011-019-11 024-14-0011-019-17
024-14-0011-001-22 024-14-0011-019-03 024-14-0011-019-12

I.B.1.3. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay expansion areas within
about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball Courts and
playfields serving as neighborhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included under the
I.B.1.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighborhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighborhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighborhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
I.B.1.5. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land and use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open
spaces are Agricultural Development Areas.
I.B.1.6. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
project to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the world, within the planning period.
Additional road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on road under the
transportation sectoral studies.

I.B.2.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0026-001-01 024-14-0026-002-18 024-14-0026-004-03 024-14-0026-005-08
024-14-0026-001-03 024-14-0026-002-19 024-14-0026-004-04 024-14-0026-005-09
024-14-0026-001-04 024-14-0026-002-20 024-14-0026-004-05 024-14-0026-005-11
024-14-0026-001-05 024-14-0026-002-21 024-14-0026-004-06 024-14-0026-005-12
024-14-0026-001-06 024-14-0026-002-22 024-14-0026-004-07 024-14-0026-005-13
024-14-0026-001-07 024-14-0026-002-23 024-14-0026-004-09 024-14-0026-005-14
024-14-0026-001-08 024-14-0026-002-24 024-14-0026-004-11 024-14-0026-005-15
024-14-0026-001-09 024-14-0026-003-03 024-14-0026-004-13 024-14-0026-005-16


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024-14-0026-001-10 024-14-0026-003-04 024-14-0026-004-14 024-14-0026-005-17

024-14-0026-001-11 024-14-0026-003-05 024-14-0026-004-15 024-14-0026-005-18
024-14-0026-001-11 024-14-0026-003-06 024-14-0026-004-16 024-14-0026-005-20
024-14-0026-001-12 024-14-0026-003-07 024-14-0026-004-17 024-14-0026-005-21
024-14-0026-001-13 024-14-0026-003-08 024-14-0026-004-18 024-14-0026-005-23
024-14-0026-001-14 024-14-0026-003-09 024-14-0026-004-19 024-14-0026-005-23
024-14-0026-001-15 024-14-0026-003-10 024-14-0026-004-20 024-14-0026-005-24
024-14-0026-001-16 024-14-0026-003-11 024-14-0026-004-21 024-14-0026-005-25
024-14-0026-001-17 024-14-0026-003-11 024-14-0026-004-22 024-14-0026-005-26
024-14-0026-001-18 024-14-0026-003-12 024-14-0026-004-23 024-14-0026-005-27
024-14-0026-001-19 024-14-0026-003-13 024-14-0026-004-24 024-14-0026-005-28
024-14-0026-001-20 024-14-0026-003-14 024-14-0026-004-25 024-14-0026-005-29
024-14-0026-001-21 024-14-0026-003-15 024-14-0026-004-26 024-14-0026-005-30
024-14-0026-001-22 024-14-0026-003-16 024-14-0026-004-27 024-14-0026-005-31
024-14-0026-002-01 024-14-0026-003-17 024-14-0026-004-28 024-14-0026-005-32
024-14-0026-002-02 024-14-0026-003-18 024-14-0026-004-29 024-14-0026-005-33
024-14-0026-002-02 024-14-0026-003-19 024-14-0026-004-30 024-14-0026-005-34
024-14-0026-002-03 024-14-0026-003-20 024-14-0026-004-31 024-14-0026-006-01
024-14-0026-002-04 024-14-0026-003-21 024-14-0026-004-32 024-14-0026-006-02
024-14-0026-002-05 024-14-0026-003-22 024-14-0026-004-33 024-14-0026-006-03
024-14-0026-002-06 024-14-0026-003-23 024-14-0026-004-34 024-14-0026-006-04
024-14-0026-002-07 024-14-0026-003-24 024-14-0026-004-36 024-14-0026-006-05
024-14-0026-002-08 024-14-0026-003-25 024-14-0026-004-37 024-14-0026-006-06
024-14-0026-002-09 024-14-0026-003-26 024-14-0026-004-38 024-14-0026-006-07
024-14-0026-002-10 024-14-0026-003-27 024-14-0026-004-39 024-14-0026-006-08
024-14-0026-002-11 024-14-0026-003-28 024-14-0026-004-43 024-14-0026-006-09
024-14-0026-002-12 024-14-0026-003-29 024-14-0026-005-01 024-14-0026-006-11
024-14-0026-002-13 024-14-0026-003-30 024-14-0026-005-02 024-14-0026-006-12
024-14-0026-002-14 024-14-0026-003-31 024-14-0026-005-03 024-14-0026-006-13
024-14-0026-002-15 024-14-0026-003-32 024-14-0026-005-04 024-14-0026-006-14
024-14-0026-002-16 024-14-0026-003-33 024-14-0026-005-06 024-14-0026-006-15
024-14-0026-002-17 024-14-0026-004-01 024-14-0026-005-07 024-14-0026-006-16
Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0026-006-17 024-14-0026-009-01 024-14-0026-011-04 024-14-0026-013-19
024-14-0026-006-18 024-14-0026-009-02 024-14-0026-011-07 024-14-0026-013-20
024-14-0026-006-19 024-14-0026-009-03 024-14-0026-011-09 024-14-0026-013-21
024-14-0026-006-20 024-14-0026-009-04 024-14-0026-011-10 024-14-0026-013-22
024-14-0026-006-21 024-14-0026-009-05 024-14-0026-011-11 024-14-0026-013-23
024-14-0026-006-21 024-14-0026-009-06 024-14-0026-011-12 024-14-0026-013-24
024-14-0026-006-22 024-14-0026-009-07 024-14-0026-011-13 024-14-0026-013-25
024-14-0026-006-23 024-14-0026-009-08 024-14-0026-011-14 024-14-0026-013-26
024-14-0026-007-02 024-14-0026-009-09 024-14-0026-011-15 024-14-0026-013-27
024-14-0026-007-02 024-14-0026-009-10 024-14-0026-011-15 024-14-0026-013-28
024-14-0026-007-03 024-14-0026-009-11 024-14-0026-011-16 024-14-0026-013-29
024-14-0026-007-04 024-14-0026-009-12 024-14-0026-011-17 024-14-0026-014-04
024-14-0026-007-05 024-14-0026-009-13 024-14-0026-011-19 024-14-0026-014-05
024-14-0026-007-06 024-14-0026-009-14 024-14-0026-011-23 024-14-0026-014-06
024-14-0026-007-07 024-14-0026-009-14 024-14-0026-011-24 024-14-0026-014-07
024-14-0026-007-08 024-14-0026-009-15 024-14-0026-011-26 024-14-0026-014-09
024-14-0026-007-09 024-14-0026-009-16 024-14-0026-011-27 024-14-0026-014-09
024-14-0026-007-10 024-14-0026-009-17 024-14-0026-011-28 024-14-0026-014-10
024-14-0026-007-11 024-14-0026-009-18 024-14-0026-011-29 024-14-0026-014-11
024-14-0026-007-12 024-14-0026-009-19 024-14-0026-011-30 024-14-0026-015-01
024-14-0026-007-13 024-14-0026-010-02 024-14-0026-011-31 024-14-0026-015-02
024-14-0026-007-14 024-14-0026-010-03 024-14-0026-011-32 024-14-0026-015-03
024-14-0026-007-15 024-14-0026-010-04 024-14-0026-011-33 024-14-0026-015-04
024-14-0026-007-16 024-14-0026-010-05 024-14-0026-011-34 024-14-0026-015-05
024-14-0026-007-17 024-14-0026-010-07 024-14-0026-011-35 024-14-0026-015-06


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024-14-0026-007-18 024-14-0026-010-09 024-14-0026-011-36 024-14-0026-015-07

024-14-0026-007-19 024-14-0026-010-10 024-14-0026-011-37 024-14-0026-015-08
024-14-0026-007-20 024-14-0026-010-11 024-14-0026-012-09 024-14-0026-015-09
024-14-0026-007-21 024-14-0026-010-12 024-14-0026-012-12 024-14-0026-015-12
024-14-0026-007-22 024-14-0026-010-13 024-14-0026-013-01 024-14-0026-015-12
024-14-0026-007-23 024-14-0026-010-15 024-14-0026-013-02 024-14-0026-015-13
024-14-0026-007-24 024-14-0026-010-17 024-14-0026-013-03 024-14-0026-015-14
024-14-0026-007-25 024-14-0026-010-18 024-14-0026-013-04 024-14-0026-015-15
024-14-0026-007-26 024-14-0026-010-19 024-14-0026-013-05 024-14-0026-015-16
024-14-0026-007-27 024-14-0026-010-20 024-14-0026-013-07 024-14-0026-015-17
024-14-0026-007-28 024-14-0026-010-21 024-14-0026-013-08 024-14-0026-015-18
024-14-0026-007-29 024-14-0026-010-22 024-14-0026-013-09 024-14-0026-015-19
024-14-0026-007-30 024-14-0026-010-23 024-14-0026-013-10 024-14-0026-015-20
024-14-0026-007-31 024-14-0026-010-24 024-14-0026-013-11 024-14-0026-015-21
024-14-0026-008-01 024-14-0026-010-25 024-14-0026-013-12 024-14-0026-015-22
024-14-0026-008-02 024-14-0026-010-26 024-14-0026-013-13 024-14-0026-016-02
024-14-0026-008-07 024-14-0026-010-27 024-14-0026-013-13 024-14-0026-017-01
024-14-0026-008-13 024-14-0026-010-28 024-14-0026-013-14 024-14-0026-017-02
024-14-0026-008-14 024-14-0026-010-29 024-14-0026-013-15 024-14-0026-017-03
024-14-0026-008-15 024-14-0026-011-02 024-14-0026-013-16 024-14-0026-017-04
024-14-0026-008-16 024-14-0026-011-03 024-14-0026-013-18 024-14-0026-017-05
024-14-0026-009-01 024-14-0026-011-04 024-14-0026-013-19

I.B.2.2. Commercial Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0026-006-11 024-14-0026-006-17 024-14-0026-014-03
024-14-0026-006-13 024-14-0026-014-01 024-14-0026-017-06
024-14-0026-006-14 024-14-0026-014-02 024-14-0026-017-07

I.B.2.3. Industrial Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0026-001-02 024-14-0026-017-08 024-14-0026-017-13 024-14-0026-017-15
024-14-0026-014-08 024-14-0026-017-09 024-14-0026-017-14

I.B.2.4. Institutional Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
I.B.2.5. Institutional Development Areas
Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay expansion areas within
about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball Courts and
playfields serving as neighborhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included under the
I.B.2.6. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighborhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighborhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters


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from said park. Neighborhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
I.B.2.7. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land and use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open
spaces are Agricultural Development Areas.
I.B.2.8. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
project to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the world, within the planning period.
Additional road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on road under the
transportation sectoral studies.
I.B.3.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0031-002-04 024-14-0031-006-10 024-14-0031-008-10 024-14-0031-012-18
024-14-0031-004-04 024-14-0031-006-11 024-14-0031-008-11 024-14-0031-012-19
024-14-0031-004-05 024-14-0031-006-12 024-14-0031-008-12 024-14-0031-012-20
024-14-0031-004-06 024-14-0031-006-14 024-14-0031-010-02 024-14-0031-012-21
024-14-0031-004-07 024-14-0031-006-16 024-14-0031-011-01 024-14-0031-012-22
024-14-0031-004-08 024-14-0031-006-17 024-14-0031-011-04 024-14-0031-012-25
024-14-0031-004-09 024-14-0031-006-18 024-14-0031-011-05 024-14-0031-012-26
024-14-0031-005-01 024-14-0031-006-19 024-14-0031-011-06 024-14-0031-012-28
024-14-0031-005-02 024-14-0031-006-20 024-14-0031-011-07 024-14-0031-012-29
024-14-0031-005-03 024-14-0031-006-21 024-14-0031-011-09 024-14-0031-012-30
024-14-0031-005-04 024-14-0031-007-04 024-14-0031-012-01 024-14-0031-012-31
024-14-0031-005-05 024-14-0031-007-05 024-14-0031-012-02 024-14-0031-013-01
024-14-0031-005-06 024-14-0031-007-06 024-14-0031-012-03 024-14-0031-013-02
024-14-0031-005-07 024-14-0031-007-07 024-14-0031-012-04 024-14-0031-013-03
024-14-0031-005-08 024-14-0031-007-08 024-14-0031-012-05 024-14-0031-013-04
024-14-0031-005-09 024-14-0031-007-09 024-14-0031-012-06 024-14-0031-013-05
024-14-0031-005-10 024-14-0031-007-10 024-14-0031-012-07 024-14-0031-013-07
024-14-0031-005-11 024-14-0031-007-11 024-14-0031-012-08 024-14-0031-013-08
024-14-0031-005-12 024-14-0031-007-12 024-14-0031-012-09 024-14-0031-013-09
024-14-0031-005-13 024-14-0031-007-13 024-14-0031-012-12 024-14-0031-014-02
024-14-0031-006-06 024-14-0031-008-03 024-14-0031-012-13 024-14-0031-014-03
024-14-0031-006-07 024-14-0031-008-04 024-14-0031-012-15 024-14-0031-014-04
024-14-0031-006-08 024-14-0031-008-05 024-14-0031-012-16 024-14-0031-014-01
024-14-0031-006-09 024-14-0031-008-08 024-14-0031-012-17

I.B.3.2. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay expansion areas within
about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball Courts and
playfields serving as neighborhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included under the


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I.B.3.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas

Areas presently used as basketball court and neighborhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighborhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighborhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
I.B.3.4. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land and use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open
spaces are Agricultural Development Areas.

I.B.3.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads

Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
project to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the world, within the planning period.
Additional road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on road under the
transportation sectoral studies.
I.B.4.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0024-001-01 024-14-0024-004-09 024-14-0024-007-08 024-14-0024-008-02
024-14-0024-001-02 024-14-0024-004-10 024-14-0024-007-09 024-14-0024-008-03
024-14-0024-001-03 024-14-0024-004-11 024-14-0024-007-10 024-14-0024-008-04
024-14-0024-001-04 024-14-0024-004-12 024-14-0024-007-11 024-14-0024-008-05
024-14-0024-001-05 024-14-0024-004-13 024-14-0024-007-12 024-14-0024-008-06
024-14-0024-001-06 024-14-0024-004-14 024-14-0024-007-13 024-14-0024-008-07
024-14-0024-001-07 024-14-0024-004-15 024-14-0024-007-14 024-14-0024-008-08
024-14-0024-001-08 024-14-0024-004-17 024-14-0024-007-15 024-14-0024-008-13
024-14-0024-002-12 024-14-0024-004-19 024-14-0024-007-16 024-14-0024-008-14
024-14-0024-002-13 024-14-0024-005-05 024-14-0024-007-17 024-14-0024-008-15
024-14-0024-002-14 024-14-0024-005-09 024-14-0024-007-18 024-14-0024-008-16
024-14-0024-002-16 024-14-0024-005-10 024-14-0024-007-19 024-14-0024-008-17
024-14-0024-002-21 024-14-0024-005-11 024-14-0024-007-20 024-14-0024-008-18
024-14-0024-002-22 024-14-0024-005-12 024-14-0024-007-21 024-14-0024-008-19
024-14-0024-002-23 024-14-0024-005-13 024-14-0024-007-22 024-14-0024-008-20
024-14-0024-003-06 024-14-0024-005-14 024-14-0024-007-23 024-14-0024-008-24
024-14-0024-003-14 024-14-0024-005-15 024-14-0024-007-24 024-14-0024-008-25
024-14-0024-003-15 024-14-0024-005-16 024-14-0024-007-25 024-14-0024-008-26
024-14-0024-003-16 024-14-0024-005-17 024-14-0024-007-26 024-14-0024-009-03
024-14-0024-003-18 024-14-0024-005-18 024-14-0024-007-27 024-14-0024-009-04
024-14-0024-003-19 024-14-0024-005-19 024-14-0024-007-28 024-14-0024-009-05
024-14-0024-003-20 024-14-0024-005-20 024-14-0024-007-29 024-14-0024-009-06
024-14-0024-003-21 024-14-0024-005-21 024-14-0024-007-30 024-14-0024-009-08
024-14-0024-003-22 024-14-0024-005-22 024-14-0024-007-31 024-14-0024-009-09
024-14-0024-003-23 024-14-0024-005-23 024-14-0024-007-32 024-14-0024-009-10
024-14-0024-003-33 024-14-0024-005-26 024-14-0024-007-33 024-14-0024-009-18
024-14-0024-003-34 024-14-0024-005-27 024-14-0024-007-34 024-14-0024-009-19
024-14-0024-003-35 024-14-0024-006-06 024-14-0024-007-35 024-14-0024-009-20


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024-14-0024-004-03 024-14-0024-006-08 024-14-0024-007-36 024-14-0024-009-21

024-14-0024-004-04 024-14-0024-006-10 024-14-0024-007-37 024-14-0024-009-22
024-14-0024-004-05 024-14-0024-006-11 024-14-0024-007-41 024-14-0024-009-23
024-14-0024-004-06 024-14-0024-007-05 024-14-0024-007-42 024-14-0024-009-24
024-14-0024-004-07 024-14-0024-007-06 024-14-0024-007-43 024-14-0024-009-32
024-14-0024-004-08 024-14-0024-007-07 024-14-0024-008-01 024-14-0024-009-33
024-14-0024-009-34 024-14-0024-012-12 024-14-0024-012-38 024-14-0024-013-19
024-14-0024-009-35 024-14-0024-012-13 024-14-0024-013-01 024-14-0024-013-20
024-14-0024-009-36 024-14-0024-012-14 024-14-0024-013-02 024-14-0024-013-21
024-14-0024-010-10 024-14-0024-012-17 024-14-0024-013-03 024-14-0024-014-02
024-14-0024-010-11 024-14-0024-012-18 024-14-0024-013-04 024-14-0024-014-03
024-14-0024-010-12 024-14-0024-012-19 024-14-0024-013-05 024-14-0024-014-04
024-14-0024-010-13 024-14-0024-012-20 024-14-0024-013-06 024-14-0024-014-05
024-14-0024-010-15 024-14-0024-012-21 024-14-0024-013-07 024-14-0024-014-06
024-14-0024-010-20 024-14-0024-012-22 024-14-0024-013-08 024-14-0024-014-07
024-14-0024-010-25 024-14-0024-012-23 024-14-0024-013-09 024-14-0024-014-08
024-14-0024-010-26 024-14-0024-012-24 024-14-0024-013-10 024-14-0024-014-12
024-14-0024-010-28 024-14-0024-012-25 024-14-0024-013-11 024-14-0024-014-19
024-14-0024-010-29 024-14-0024-012-26 024-14-0024-013-12 024-14-0024-014-20
024-14-0024-010-30 024-14-0024-012-27 024-14-0024-013-13 024-14-0024-014-21
024-14-0024-011-02 024-14-0024-012-28 024-14-0024-013-14 024-14-0024-014-22
024-14-0024-012-04 024-14-0024-012-32 024-14-0024-013-15 024-14-0024-014-23
024-14-0024-012-05 024-14-0024-012-33 024-14-0024-013-16
024-14-0024-012-06 024-14-0024-012-36 024-14-0024-013-17
024-14-0024-012-10 024-14-0024-012-37 024-14-0024-013-18

I.B.4.2. Industrial Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0024-014-09 024-14-0024-014-11 024-14-0024-014-14 024-14-0024-014-17
024-14-0024-014-10 024-14-0024-014-13 024-14-0024-014-16 024-14-0024-014-18

I.B.4.3. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay and their expansion
areas within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball
Courts and playfields serving as neighbourhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included
under the category.
I.B.4.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighbourhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighbourhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighbourhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
I.B.4.6. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land use development, tourism development, functional open spaces are Agricultural
Development Areas.


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I.B.4.7. Functional Open Spaces: Roads

Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.
I.B.5.1 Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0006-002-02 024-14-0006-005-16 024-14-0006-006-21 024-14-0006-009-15
024-14-0006-002-03 024-14-0006-005-19 024-14-0006-006-22 024-14-0006-009-16
024-14-0006-002-04 024-14-0006-005-20 024-14-0006-006-23 024-14-0006-009-16
024-14-0006-002-05 024-14-0006-005-21 024-14-0006-006-24 024-14-0006-009-17
024-14-0006-002-06 024-14-0006-005-22 024-14-0006-006-25 024-14-0006-009-18
024-14-0006-002-07 024-14-0006-005-23 024-14-0006-007-07 024-14-0006-009-19
024-14-0006-003-02 024-14-0006-005-24 024-14-0006-007-08 024-14-0006-009-20
024-14-0006-003-03 024-14-0006-005-26 024-14-0006-007-09 024-14-0006-009-21
024-14-0006-003-04 024-14-0006-006-02 024-14-0006-007-10 024-14-0006-009-22
024-14-0006-003-05 024-14-0006-006-03 024-14-0006-007-11 024-14-0006-009-22
024-14-0006-003-06 024-14-0006-006-03 024-14-0006-007-12 024-14-0006-009-23
024-14-0006-003-07 024-14-0006-006-07 024-14-0006-007-13 024-14-0006-009-24
024-14-0006-003-08 024-14-0006-006-08 024-14-0006-009-03 024-14-0006-010-01
024-14-0006-003-09 024-14-0006-006-09 024-14-0006-009-04 024-14-0006-010-02
024-14-0006-003-10 024-14-0006-006-10 024-14-0006-009-05 024-14-0006-010-03
024-14-0006-004-03 024-14-0006-006-11 024-14-0006-009-06 024-14-0006-010-04
024-14-0006-005-01 024-14-0006-006-12 024-14-0006-009-07 024-14-0006-010-05
024-14-0006-005-04 024-14-0006-006-14 024-14-0006-009-08 024-14-0006-010-06
024-14-0006-005-05 024-14-0006-006-15 024-14-0006-009-09 024-14-0006-010-08
024-14-0006-005-07 024-14-0006-006-16 024-14-0006-009-10 024-14-0006-010-09
024-14-0006-005-11 024-14-0006-006-17 024-14-0006-009-11 024-14-0006-010-11
024-14-0006-005-12 024-14-0006-006-18 024-14-0006-009-12 024-14-0006-010-13
024-14-0006-005-14 024-14-0006-006-19 024-14-0006-009-13
024-14-0006-005-15 024-14-0006-006-20 024-14-0006-009-14

I.B.5.2. Industrial Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0006-002-01 024-14-0006-002-04 024-14-0006-007-02 024-14-0006-007-05
024-14-0006-001-09 024-14-0006-003-10 024-14-0006-007-03 024-14-0006-008-06
024-14-0006-002-02 024-14-0006-005-03 024-14-0006-007-04 024-14-0006-008-07

I.B.5.3. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay and their expansion
areas within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball
Courts and playfields serving as neighbourhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included
under the category.
I.B.5.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighbourhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation


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development areas. Expansion of neighbourhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters

from said park. Neighbourhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
I.B.5.5. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land use development, tourism development, functional open spaces are Agricultural
Development Areas.
I.B.5.6. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.
II.A.1.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0034-001-09 024-14-0034-007-37 024-14-0034-014-10 024-14-0034-017-18
024-14-0034-001-10 024-14-0034-007-39 024-14-0034-014-11 024-14-0034-017-21
024-14-0034-001-11 024-14-0034-007-40 024-14-0034-014-12 024-14-0034-017-22
024-14-0034-001-12 024-14-0034-007-42 024-14-0034-014-13 024-14-0034-017-24
024-14-0034-001-13 024-14-0034-007-47 024-14-0034-014-14 024-14-0034-017-25
024-14-0034-001-14 024-14-0034-008-02 024-14-0034-015-05 024-14-0034-017-26
024-14-0034-001-18 024-14-0034-008-03 024-14-0034-015-06 024-14-0034-017-27
024-14-0034-001-19 024-14-0034-008-04 024-14-0034-015-07 024-14-0034-017-28
024-14-0034-006-07 024-14-0034-008-06 024-14-0034-015-12 024-14-0034-017-29
024-14-0034-006-08 024-14-0034-008-07 024-14-0034-015-13 024-14-0034-017-30
024-14-0034-006-08 024-14-0034-008-08 024-14-0034-015-14 024-14-0034-017-31
024-14-0034-006-16 024-14-0034-008-08 024-14-0034-015-15 024-14-0034-017-33
024-14-0034-006-16 024-14-0034-008-09 024-14-0034-015-16 024-14-0034-017-37
024-14-0034-006-16 024-14-0034-008-10 024-14-0034-015-17 024-14-0034-017-39
024-14-0034-006-16 024-14-0034-008-11 024-14-0034-015-19 024-14-0034-017-40
024-14-0034-006-18 024-14-0034-008-12 024-14-0034-015-20 024-14-0034-019-02
024-14-0034-006-19 024-14-0034-008-13 024-14-0034-015-21 024-14-0034-019-03
024-14-0034-006-20 024-14-0034-008-14 024-14-0034-015-22 024-14-0034-019-04
024-14-0034-006-21 024-14-0034-008-15 024-14-0034-015-23 024-14-0034-019-05
024-14-0034-006-22 024-14-0034-008-16 024-14-0034-015-24 024-14-0034-019-06
024-14-0034-006-23 024-14-0034-008-17 024-14-0034-015-25 024-14-0034-019-07
024-14-0034-006-24 024-14-0034-008-18 024-14-0034-015-26 024-14-0034-019-08
024-14-0034-006-25 024-14-0034-008-19 024-14-0034-015-27 024-14-0034-019-09
024-14-0034-006-26 024-14-0034-008-20 024-14-0034-015-28 024-14-0034-019-10
024-14-0034-007-02 024-14-0034-008-21 024-14-0034-015-29 024-14-0034-019-11
024-14-0034-007-03 024-14-0034-008-22 024-14-0034-016-01 024-14-0034-019-12
024-14-0034-007-04 024-14-0034-008-23 024-14-0034-016-02 024-14-0034-019-12
024-14-0034-007-05 024-14-0034-008-24 024-14-0034-016-03 024-14-0034-019-13
024-14-0034-007-05 024-14-0034-008-25 024-14-0034-016-04 024-14-0034-019-14
024-14-0034-007-06 024-14-0034-008-25 024-14-0034-016-05 024-14-0034-019-15
024-14-0034-007-07 024-14-0034-013-01 024-14-0034-016-06 024-14-0034-019-16
024-14-0034-007-08 024-14-0034-013-02 024-14-0034-016-08 024-14-0034-019-17


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024-14-0034-007-09 024-14-0034-013-03 024-14-0034-016-08 024-14-0034-026-02

024-14-0034-007-10 024-14-0034-013-03 024-14-0034-016-09 024-14-0034-026-03
024-14-0034-007-11 024-14-0034-013-04 024-14-0034-016-10 024-14-0034-026-04
024-14-0034-007-12 024-14-0034-013-05 024-14-0034-016-11 024-14-0034-026-05
024-14-0034-007-14 024-14-0034-013-06 024-14-0034-017-02 024-14-0034-026-06
024-14-0034-007-15 024-14-0034-013-07 024-14-0034-017-02 024-14-0034-026-07
024-14-0034-007-17 024-14-0034-013-08 024-14-0034-017-03 024-14-0034-026-08
024-14-0034-007-23 024-14-0034-013-10 024-14-0034-017-04 024-14-0034-026-09
024-14-0034-007-26 024-14-0034-013-13 024-14-0034-017-05 024-14-0034-026-10
024-14-0034-007-27 024-14-0034-013-14 024-14-0034-017-06 024-14-0034-026-11
024-14-0034-007-29 024-14-0034-014-02 024-14-0034-017-07 024-14-0034-026-12
024-14-0034-007-30 024-14-0034-014-03 024-14-0034-017-08 024-14-0034-026-13
024-14-0034-007-31 024-14-0034-014-04 024-14-0034-017-09 024-14-0034-026-14
024-14-0034-007-32 024-14-0034-014-05 024-14-0034-017-10 024-14-0034-026-15
024-14-0034-007-33 024-14-0034-014-06 024-14-0034-017-13 024-14-0034-026-16
024-14-0034-007-34 024-14-0034-014-08 024-14-0034-017-16 024-14-0034-026-17
024-14-0034-007-35 024-14-0034-014-09 024-14-0034-017-17 024-14-0034-026-18
024-14-0034-026-19 024-14-0034-027-10 024-14-0034-028-08 024-14-0034-029-08
024-14-0034-026-20 024-14-0034-027-11 024-14-0034-028-09 024-14-0034-029-09
024-14-0034-026-21 024-14-0034-027-12 024-14-0034-028-10 024-14-0034-029-10
024-14-0034-026-22 024-14-0034-027-14 024-14-0034-028-10 024-14-0034-029-11
024-14-0034-026-23 024-14-0034-027-14 024-14-0034-028-10 024-14-0034-029-12
024-14-0034-026-23 024-14-0034-027-15 024-14-0034-028-11 024-14-0034-029-14
024-14-0034-026-23 024-14-0034-027-16 024-14-0034-028-12 024-14-0034-029-15
024-14-0034-026-24 024-14-0034-027-17 024-14-0034-028-13 024-14-0034-029-16
024-14-0034-026-24 024-14-0034-027-18 024-14-0034-028-14 024-14-0034-029-17
024-14-0034-026-24 024-14-0034-027-19 024-14-0034-029-01 024-14-0034-029-18
024-14-0034-027-03 024-14-0034-028-01 024-14-0034-029-02 024-14-0034-029-19
024-14-0034-027-03 024-14-0034-028-02 024-14-0034-029-03 024-14-0034-029-20
024-14-0034-027-04 024-14-0034-028-03 024-14-0034-029-04 024-14-0034-029-21
024-14-0034-027-05 024-14-0034-028-04 024-14-0034-029-04 024-14-0034-029-22
024-14-0034-027-06 024-14-0034-028-04 024-14-0034-029-05 024-14-0034-029-23
024-14-0034-027-07 024-14-0034-028-05 024-14-0034-029-06 024-14-0034-029-24
024-14-0034-027-08 024-14-0034-028-06 024-14-0034-029-06
024-14-0034-027-09 024-14-0034-028-07 024-14-0034-029-07

II.A.1.2.Commercial Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0034-002-01 024-14-0034-004-23 024-14-0034-010-03 024-14-0034-012-15
024-14-0034-002-02 024-14-0034-004-24 024-14-0034-010-04 024-14-0034-012-16
024-14-0034-002-02 024-14-0034-004-25 024-14-0034-010-05 024-14-0034-012-17
024-14-0034-002-03 024-14-0034-004-26 024-14-0034-010-06 024-14-0034-012-18
024-14-0034-002-03 024-14-0034-005-01 024-14-0034-010-07 024-14-0034-012-19
024-14-0034-002-04 024-14-0034-005-02 024-14-0034-010-08 024-14-0034-012-20
024-14-0034-002-05 024-14-0034-005-03 024-14-0034-010-09 024-14-0034-012-21
024-14-0034-002-06 024-14-0034-005-05 024-14-0034-010-10 024-14-0034-012-22
024-14-0034-002-07 024-14-0034-005-06 024-14-0034-010-11 024-14-0034-012-23
024-14-0034-002-08 024-14-0034-005-07 024-14-0034-010-12 024-14-0034-018-02
024-14-0034-002-09 024-14-0034-005-08 024-14-0034-010-13 024-14-0034-018-03
024-14-0034-002-10 024-14-0034-005-09 024-14-0034-010-14 024-14-0034-018-04
024-14-0034-002-11 024-14-0034-005-10 024-14-0034-010-14 024-14-0034-018-05
024-14-0034-002-12 024-14-0034-005-11 024-14-0034-010-15 024-14-0034-018-05
024-14-0034-003-01 024-14-0034-005-12 024-14-0034-010-16 024-14-0034-018-06
024-14-0034-003-02 024-14-0034-005-13 024-14-0034-010-17 024-14-0034-018-07
024-14-0034-003-03 024-14-0034-005-14 024-14-0034-010-18 024-14-0034-018-07
024-14-0034-003-04 024-14-0034-005-15 024-14-0034-010-19 024-14-0034-018-08


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024-14-0034-003-06 024-14-0034-005-16 024-14-0034-010-20 024-14-0034-018-08

024-14-0034-003-07 024-14-0034-005-17 024-14-0034-010-21 024-14-0034-018-09
024-14-0034-003-08 024-14-0034-005-18 024-14-0034-011-01 024-14-0034-018-10
024-14-0034-003-09 024-14-0034-005-19 024-14-0034-011-02 024-14-0034-018-10
024-14-0034-003-10 024-14-0034-005-20 024-14-0034-011-03 024-14-0034-018-11
024-14-0034-003-11 024-14-0034-005-21 024-14-0034-011-04 024-14-0034-018-12
024-14-0034-003-12 024-14-0034-005-22 024-14-0034-011-05 024-14-0034-018-12
024-14-0034-003-13 024-14-0034-005-23 024-14-0034-011-06 024-14-0034-018-13
024-14-0034-003-14 024-14-0034-005-24 024-14-0034-011-07 024-14-0034-018-14
024-14-0034-003-15 024-14-0034-005-25 024-14-0034-011-08 024-14-0034-018-17
024-14-0034-003-16 024-14-0034-005-26 024-14-0034-011-09 024-14-0034-018-17
024-14-0034-003-17 024-14-0034-005-27 024-14-0034-011-10 024-14-0034-018-18
024-14-0034-003-18 024-14-0034-009-01 024-14-0034-011-11 024-14-0034-018-19
024-14-0034-003-19 024-14-0034-009-02 024-14-0034-011-12 024-14-0034-018-20
024-14-0034-004-01 024-14-0034-009-03 024-14-0034-011-13 024-14-0034-018-20
024-14-0034-004-02 024-14-0034-009-04 024-14-0034-011-14 024-14-0034-018-21
024-14-0034-004-03 024-14-0034-009-06 024-14-0034-011-15 024-14-0034-018-22
024-14-0034-004-04 024-14-0034-009-07 024-14-0034-011-16 024-14-0034-018-23
024-14-0034-004-05 024-14-0034-009-08 024-14-0034-011-17 024-14-0034-018-24
024-14-0034-004-06 024-14-0034-009-09 024-14-0034-011-18 024-14-0034-018-25
024-14-0034-004-07 024-14-0034-009-10 024-14-0034-011-19 024-14-0034-018-26
024-14-0034-004-08 024-14-0034-009-11 024-14-0034-011-20 024-14-0034-018-27
024-14-0034-004-09 024-14-0034-009-11 024-14-0034-011-21 024-14-0034-018-28
024-14-0034-004-10 024-14-0034-009-12 024-14-0034-011-21 024-14-0034-018-29
024-14-0034-004-11 024-14-0034-009-13 024-14-0034-012-01 024-14-0034-020-01
024-14-0034-004-12 024-14-0034-009-14 024-14-0034-012-01 024-14-0034-020-01
024-14-0034-004-13 024-14-0034-009-15 024-14-0034-012-02 024-14-0034-020-02
024-14-0034-004-14 024-14-0034-009-16 024-14-0034-012-05 024-14-0034-020-03
024-14-0034-004-15 024-14-0034-009-17 024-14-0034-012-06 024-14-0034-020-04
024-14-0034-004-16 024-14-0034-009-18 024-14-0034-012-07 024-14-0034-020-06
024-14-0034-004-17 024-14-0034-009-19 024-14-0034-012-08 024-14-0034-020-07
024-14-0034-004-18 024-14-0034-009-20 024-14-0034-012-09 024-14-0034-020-08
024-14-0034-004-19 024-14-0034-009-21 024-14-0034-012-11 024-14-0034-020-08
024-14-0034-004-20 024-14-0034-009-22 024-14-0034-012-11 024-14-0034-020-09
024-14-0034-004-21 024-14-0034-010-01 024-14-0034-012-13 024-14-0034-020-10
024-14-0034-004-22 024-14-0034-010-02 024-14-0034-012-14 024-14-0034-020-11
II.A.1.3. Institutional Development Areas
Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay an their expansion
areas within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball
Courts a playfields serving as neighborhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included
under the category.
II.A.1.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighborhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighborhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighborhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
II.A.1.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering


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areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.
II.A.1.6. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open spaces
are Agricultural Development Areas.
II.A.2.1.Residential Areas
Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0033-001-06 024-14-0033-002-24 024-14-0033-003-35 024-14-0033-007-20
024-14-0033-001-07 024-14-0033-002-25 024-14-0033-003-36 024-14-0033-007-20
024-14-0033-001-14 024-14-0033-002-26 024-14-0033-004-01 024-14-0033-007-22
024-14-0033-001-18 024-14-0033-002-27 024-14-0033-004-04 024-14-0033-007-23
024-14-0033-001-19 024-14-0033-002-27 024-14-0033-004-06 024-14-0033-007-24
024-14-0033-001-22 024-14-0033-002-28 024-14-0033-004-09 024-14-0033-007-29
024-14-0033-001-24 024-14-0033-002-29 024-14-0033-004-10 024-14-0033-007-33
024-14-0033-001-28 024-14-0033-002-30 024-14-0033-004-11 024-14-0033-007-34
024-14-0033-001-30 024-14-0033-002-31 024-14-0033-004-17 024-14-0033-007-35
024-14-0033-001-32 024-14-0033-003-02 024-14-0033-004-19 024-14-0033-007-36
024-14-0033-001-36 024-14-0033-003-04 024-14-0033-004-20 024-14-0033-007-37
024-14-0033-001-38 024-14-0033-003-05 024-14-0033-004-23 024-14-0033-007-38
024-14-0033-001-39 024-14-0033-003-06 024-14-0033-004-24 024-14-0033-007-39
024-14-0033-001-40 024-14-0033-003-07 024-14-0033-004-25 024-14-0033-007-40
024-14-0033-001-41 024-14-0033-003-08 024-14-0033-004-26 024-14-0033-007-41
024-14-0033-001-42 024-14-0033-003-11 024-14-0033-005-17 024-14-0033-007-42
024-14-0033-001-43 024-14-0033-003-12 024-14-0033-005-18 024-14-0033-007-43
024-14-0033-001-44 024-14-0033-003-13 024-14-0033-005-21 024-14-0033-007-44
024-14-0033-001-45 024-14-0033-003-16 024-14-0033-005-22 024-14-0033-007-45
024-14-0033-001-46 024-14-0033-003-18 024-14-0033-005-23 024-14-0033-007-46
024-14-0033-001-47 024-14-0033-003-19 024-14-0033-006-03 024-14-0033-007-47
024-14-0033-001-48 024-14-0033-003-20 024-14-0033-006-10 024-14-0033-007-48
024-14-0033-001-49 024-14-0033-003-21 024-14-0033-006-11 024-14-0033-007-50
024-14-0033-001-50 024-14-0033-003-22 024-14-0033-006-12 024-14-0033-007-51
024-14-0033-001-51 024-14-0033-003-23 024-14-0033-006-12 024-14-0033-007-52
024-14-0033-002-02 024-14-0033-003-24 024-14-0033-006-13 024-14-0033-007-55
024-14-0033-002-04 024-14-0033-003-24 024-14-0033-006-14 024-14-0033-007-56
024-14-0033-002-05 024-14-0033-003-25 024-14-0033-007-02 024-14-0033-008-05
024-14-0033-002-06 024-14-0033-003-26 024-14-0033-007-05 024-14-0033-008-06
024-14-0033-002-07 024-14-0033-003-27 024-14-0033-007-06 024-14-0033-008-07
024-14-0033-002-08 024-14-0033-003-28 024-14-0033-007-07 024-14-0033-008-08
024-14-0033-002-09 024-14-0033-003-28 024-14-0033-007-09 024-14-0033-008-09
024-14-0033-002-11 024-14-0033-003-29 024-14-0033-007-10 024-14-0033-008-10
024-14-0033-002-12 024-14-0033-003-29 024-14-0033-007-12 024-14-0033-008-11
024-14-0033-002-13 024-14-0033-003-30 024-14-0033-007-13 024-14-0033-008-12
024-14-0033-002-15 024-14-0033-003-31 024-14-0033-007-14 024-14-0033-008-13
024-14-0033-002-16 024-14-0033-003-31 024-14-0033-007-15 024-14-0033-008-18
024-14-0033-002-17 024-14-0033-003-32 024-14-0033-007-16 024-14-0033-008-18
024-14-0033-002-22 024-14-0033-003-33 024-14-0033-007-17 024-14-0033-008-19
024-14-0033-002-23 024-14-0033-003-33 024-14-0033-007-18 024-14-0033-008-26
024-14-0033-002-24 024-14-0033-003-34 024-14-0033-007-19 024-14-0033-008-27
024-14-0033-008-28 024-14-0033-009-20 024-14-0033-012-02 024-14-0033-013-25


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024-14-0033-008-30 024-14-0033-009-20 024-14-0033-012-03 024-14-0033-014-01

024-14-0033-008-31 024-14-0033-010-01 024-14-0033-012-04 024-14-0033-014-02
024-14-0033-008-32 024-14-0033-010-02 024-14-0033-012-05 024-14-0033-014-03
024-14-0033-008-33 024-14-0033-010-05 024-14-0033-012-06 024-14-0033-014-04
024-14-0033-008-36 024-14-0033-010-05 024-14-0033-012-07 024-14-0033-014-05
024-14-0033-008-39 024-14-0033-010-06 024-14-0033-012-08 024-14-0033-014-06
024-14-0033-008-40 024-14-0033-010-07 024-14-0033-012-09 024-14-0033-014-07
024-14-0033-008-42 024-14-0033-010-08 024-14-0033-012-10 024-14-0033-014-08
024-14-0033-008-43 024-14-0033-010-09 024-14-0033-012-11 024-14-0033-014-09
024-14-0033-008-44 024-14-0033-010-10 024-14-0033-012-12 024-14-0033-014-10
024-14-0033-008-48 024-14-0033-010-11 024-14-0033-012-13 024-14-0033-014-11
024-14-0033-008-52 024-14-0033-010-12 024-14-0033-012-13 024-14-0033-014-12
024-14-0033-008-53 024-14-0033-010-13 024-14-0033-012-14 024-14-0033-014-13
024-14-0033-008-53 024-14-0033-010-14 024-14-0033-012-15 024-14-0033-014-14
024-14-0033-008-54 024-14-0033-010-15 024-14-0033-012-16 024-14-0033-014-15
024-14-0033-008-57 024-14-0033-010-16 024-14-0033-012-17 024-14-0033-014-16
024-14-0033-008-60 024-14-0033-010-17 024-14-0033-012-17 024-14-0033-014-17
024-14-0033-008-61 024-14-0033-010-18 024-14-0033-012-18 024-14-0033-014-18
024-14-0033-008-63 024-14-0033-010-19 024-14-0033-012-19 024-14-0033-014-18
024-14-0033-008-64 024-14-0033-010-20 024-14-0033-012-20 024-14-0033-014-19
024-14-0033-008-65 024-14-0033-010-21 024-14-0033-013-01 024-14-0033-014-20
024-14-0033-008-66 024-14-0033-010-22 024-14-0033-013-02 024-14-0033-014-21
024-14-0033-008-68 024-14-0033-010-23 024-14-0033-013-03 024-14-0033-014-22
024-14-0033-009-01 024-14-0033-010-24 024-14-0033-013-04 024-14-0033-014-23
024-14-0033-009-02 024-14-0033-010-25 024-14-0033-013-05 024-14-0033-014-24
024-14-0033-009-03 024-14-0033-010-26 024-14-0033-013-06 024-14-0033-014-25
024-14-0033-009-04 024-14-0033-011-01 024-14-0033-013-07 024-14-0033-014-27
024-14-0033-009-05 024-14-0033-011-02 024-14-0033-013-08 024-14-0033-014-28
024-14-0033-009-06 024-14-0033-011-03 024-14-0033-013-09 024-14-0033-014-29
024-14-0033-009-07 024-14-0033-011-04 024-14-0033-013-10 024-14-0033-014-30
024-14-0033-009-09 024-14-0033-011-05 024-14-0033-013-11 024-14-0033-015-01
024-14-0033-009-10 024-14-0033-011-06 024-14-0033-013-12 024-14-0033-015-02
024-14-0033-009-11 024-14-0033-011-07 024-14-0033-013-13 024-14-0033-015-03
024-14-0033-009-12 024-14-0033-011-08 024-14-0033-013-14 024-14-0033-015-04
024-14-0033-009-13 024-14-0033-011-09 024-14-0033-013-15 024-14-0033-015-05
024-14-0033-009-13 024-14-0033-011-11 024-14-0033-013-16 024-14-0033-015-06
024-14-0033-009-13 024-14-0033-011-13 024-14-0033-013-16 024-14-0033-015-07
024-14-0033-009-14 024-14-0033-011-14 024-14-0033-013-17 024-14-0033-015-08
024-14-0033-009-15 024-14-0033-011-15 024-14-0033-013-17 024-14-0033-015-09
024-14-0033-009-16 024-14-0033-011-16 024-14-0033-013-18 024-14-0033-015-10
024-14-0033-009-17 024-14-0033-011-17 024-14-0033-013-19 024-14-0033-015-11
024-14-0033-009-18 024-14-0033-011-18 024-14-0033-013-20 024-14-0033-015-11
024-14-0033-009-18 024-14-0033-011-20 024-14-0033-013-21 024-14-0033-015-12
024-14-0033-009-19 024-14-0033-011-21 024-14-0033-013-22 024-14-0033-015-12
024-14-0033-009-19 024-14-0033-011-21 024-14-0033-013-23 024-14-0033-015-13
024-14-0033-009-19 024-14-0033-012-01 024-14-0033-013-24 024-14-0033-015-14
024-14-0033-015-15 024-14-0033-016-15 024-14-0033-017-13 024-14-0033-018-02
024-14-0033-016-02 024-14-0033-016-16 024-14-0033-017-14 024-14-0033-018-03
024-14-0033-016-03 024-14-0033-017-02 024-14-0033-017-15 024-14-0033-018-04
024-14-0033-016-04 024-14-0033-017-03 024-14-0033-017-16 024-14-0033-018-05
024-14-0033-016-05 024-14-0033-017-04 024-14-0033-017-17 024-14-0033-018-06
024-14-0033-016-06 024-14-0033-017-05 024-14-0033-017-18 024-14-0033-018-07
024-14-0033-016-07 024-14-0033-017-06 024-14-0033-017-19 024-14-0033-018-08
024-14-0033-016-08 024-14-0033-017-07 024-14-0033-017-20 024-14-0033-018-09
024-14-0033-016-09 024-14-0033-017-07 024-14-0033-017-21 024-14-0033-018-10
024-14-0033-016-10 024-14-0033-017-08 024-14-0033-017-22 024-14-0033-018-11
024-14-0033-016-11 024-14-0033-017-09 024-14-0033-017-23 024-14-0033-018-12
024-14-0033-016-12 024-14-0033-017-10 024-14-0033-017-25 024-14-0033-018-13


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024-14-0033-016-13 024-14-0033-017-11 024-14-0033-017-26

024-14-0033-016-14 024-14-0033-017-12 024-14-0033-018-01

II.A.2.2. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay an their expansion
areas within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball
Courts a playfields serving as neighborhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included
under the category.
II.A.2.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighborhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighborhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighborhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
II.A.2.4. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.
II.A.2.5. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open spaces
are Agricultural Development Areas.
II.A.3.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-00200-001-08 024-14-00200-004-09 024-14-00200-007-04 024-14-00200-017-19
024-14-00200-001-09 024-14-00200-005-05 024-14-00200-007-05 024-14-00200-017-20
024-14-00200-001-09 024-14-00200-005-07 024-14-00200-007-06 024-14-00200-018-19
024-14-00200-001-10 024-14-00200-005-14 024-14-00200-007-07 024-14-00200-019-01
024-14-00200-001-11 024-14-00200-005-18 024-14-00200-008-01 024-14-00200-019-02
024-14-00200-001-12 024-14-00200-005-19 024-14-00200-008-02 024-14-00200-019-03
024-14-00200-001-16 024-14-00200-005-19 024-14-00200-008-03 024-14-00200-019-04
024-14-00200-002-01 024-14-00200-005-25 024-14-00200-008-04 024-14-00200-019-05
024-14-00200-002-02 024-14-00200-005-26 024-14-00200-008-05 024-14-00200-019-06
024-14-00200-002-03 024-14-00200-005-27 024-14-00200-008-06 024-14-00200-019-07
024-14-00200-002-04 024-14-00200-005-28 024-14-00200-008-07 024-14-00200-019-08
024-14-00200-002-05 024-14-00200-005-29 024-14-00200-008-08 024-14-00200-019-09
024-14-00200-002-06 024-14-00200-005-30 024-14-00200-008-09 024-14-00200-019-10
024-14-00200-002-07 024-14-00200-005-31 024-14-00200-008-12 024-14-00200-019-17
024-14-00200-002-08 024-14-00200-005-32 024-14-00200-008-13 024-14-00200-021-02
024-14-00200-002-09 024-14-00200-005-33 024-14-00200-008-14 024-14-00200-021-03
024-14-00200-002-11 024-14-00200-005-34 024-14-00200-008-15 024-14-00200-021-04
024-14-00200-002-12 024-14-00200-005-35 024-14-00200-009-01 024-14-00200-021-05
024-14-00200-002-15 024-14-00200-005-36 024-14-00200-009-03 024-14-00200-021-07


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024-14-00200-002-16 024-14-00200-005-37 024-14-00200-009-04 024-14-00200-021-08

024-14-00200-003-01 024-14-00200-005-38 024-14-00200-010-02 024-14-00200-021-09
024-14-00200-003-02 024-14-00200-005-39 024-14-00200-010-03 024-14-00200-021-11
024-14-00200-003-03 024-14-00200-005-41 024-14-00200-010-05 024-14-00200-021-12
024-14-00200-003-04 024-14-00200-006-01 024-14-00200-011-02 024-14-00200-021-13
024-14-00200-003-05 024-14-00200-006-02 024-14-00200-011-05 024-14-00200-021-18
024-14-00200-003-06 024-14-00200-006-03 024-14-00200-012-02 024-14-00200-021-19
024-14-00200-003-07 024-14-00200-006-04 024-14-00200-012-03 024-14-00200-021-20
024-14-00200-003-09 024-14-00200-006-05 024-14-00200-013-03 024-14-00200-021-21
024-14-00200-003-10 024-14-00200-006-07 024-14-00200-013-10 024-14-00200-021-24
024-14-00200-003-10 024-14-00200-006-10 024-14-00200-015-11 024-14-00200-021-26
024-14-00200-003-11 024-14-00200-006-17 024-14-00200-015-15 024-14-00200-021-27
024-14-00200-003-12 024-14-00200-007-01 024-14-00200-016-06
024-14-00200-004-07 024-14-00200-007-03 024-14-00200-017-04

II.A.3.2. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay expansion areas within
about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball Courts and
playfields serving as neighborhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included under the
II.A.3.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighborhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighborhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighborhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
II.A.3.4. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
project to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the world, within the planning period.
Additional road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on road under the
transportation sectoral studies.
II.A.3.5. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land and use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open
spaces are Agricultural Development Areas.
II.A.4.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0030-001-01 024-14-0030-003-02 024-14-0030-004-12 024-14-0030-009-03
024-14-0030-001-02 024-14-0030-003-04 024-14-0030-004-13 024-14-0030-009-04
024-14-0030-001-04 024-14-0030-003-05 024-14-0030-004-14 024-14-0030-009-05
024-14-0030-001-06 024-14-0030-003-09 024-14-0030-004-15 024-14-0030-009-06
024-14-0030-001-07 024-14-0030-003-10 024-14-0030-004-16 024-14-0030-010-01


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024-14-0030-001-09 024-14-0030-003-12 024-14-0030-004-17 024-14-0030-010-02

024-14-0030-001-10 024-14-0030-003-13 024-14-0030-004-18 024-14-0030-010-03
024-14-0030-001-11 024-14-0030-003-14 024-14-0030-004-19 024-14-0030-010-06
024-14-0030-001-12 024-14-0030-003-14 024-14-0030-004-20 024-14-0030-010-07
024-14-0030-001-13 024-14-0030-003-15 024-14-0030-004-26 024-14-0030-010-09
024-14-0030-001-14 024-14-0030-003-16 024-14-0030-004-27 024-14-0030-010-10
024-14-0030-002-02 024-14-0030-003-22 024-14-0030-006-07 024-14-0030-010-14
024-14-0030-002-04 024-14-0030-003-24 024-14-0030-006-09 024-14-0030-010-15
024-14-0030-002-05 024-14-0030-003-25 024-14-0030-006-19 024-14-0030-010-20
024-14-0030-002-06 024-14-0030-003-26 024-14-0030-006-20 024-14-0030-010-21
024-14-0030-002-07 024-14-0030-003-27 024-14-0030-007-07 024-14-0030-011-10
024-14-0030-002-08 024-14-0030-003-28 024-14-0030-007-08 024-14-0030-011-11
024-14-0030-002-09 024-14-0030-003-29 024-14-0030-007-09 024-14-0030-011-12
024-14-0030-002-10 024-14-0030-003-30 024-14-0030-007-10 024-14-0030-011-20
024-14-0030-002-13 024-14-0030-003-31 024-14-0030-007-11 024-14-0030-011-25
024-14-0030-002-14 024-14-0030-003-33 024-14-0030-007-17 024-14-0030-011-28
024-14-0030-002-15 024-14-0030-003-34 024-14-0030-007-18 024-14-0030-012-10
024-14-0030-002-16 024-14-0030-003-35 024-14-0030-007-19 024-14-0030-012-22
024-14-0030-002-17 024-14-0030-003-36 024-14-0030-008-01 024-14-0030-014-10
024-14-0030-002-18 024-14-0030-003-36 024-14-0030-008-02 024-14-0030-015-05
024-14-0030-002-19 024-14-0030-003-39 024-14-0030-008-03 024-14-0030-015-06
024-14-0030-002-20 024-14-0030-003-40 024-14-0030-008-04 024-14-0030-015-07
024-14-0030-002-21 024-14-0030-003-41 024-14-0030-008-05 024-14-0030-015-08
024-14-0030-002-22 024-14-0030-003-42 024-14-0030-008-06 024-14-0030-015-09
024-14-0030-002-24 024-14-0030-003-43 024-14-0030-008-07 024-14-0030-015-10
024-14-0030-002-25 024-14-0030-003-44 024-14-0030-008-08 024-14-0030-015-11
024-14-0030-002-26 024-14-0030-003-45 024-14-0030-008-09
024-14-0030-002-27 024-14-0030-003-46 024-14-0030-008-10
024-14-0030-002-28 024-14-0030-003-47 024-14-0030-009-02

II.A.4.2. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government officers present at the barangay and their expansion
areas within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball
Courts and playfields serving as neighbourhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included
under the category.
II.A.4.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently use as basketball court and neighbourhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation and
development areas. Expansion of neighbourhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighbourhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
II.A.4.4 Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


II.A.4.5. Agricultural Development Areas

All others areas within the barangay not specifically categorized delineated as urban
land use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open spaces
are Agricultural Development Areas.
II.A.5.1 Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0022-001-01 024-14-0022-005-02 024-14-0022-008-03 024-14-0022-011-14
024-14-0022-001-02 024-14-0022-005-03 024-14-0022-008-04 024-14-0022-011-15
024-14-0022-001-03 024-14-0022-005-04 024-14-0022-008-05 024-14-0022-011-16
024-14-0022-001-04 024-14-0022-005-05 024-14-0022-008-11 024-14-0022-011-17
024-14-0022-001-05 024-14-0022-005-06 024-14-0022-008-12 024-14-0022-011-18
024-14-0022-001-06 024-14-0022-005-10 024-14-0022-008-13 024-14-0022-011-19
024-14-0022-001-08 024-14-0022-005-11 024-14-0022-008-14 024-14-0022-011-20
024-14-0022-001-09 024-14-0022-005-13 024-14-0022-008-15 024-14-0022-011-21
024-14-0022-001-10 024-14-0022-005-15 024-14-0022-009-01 024-14-0022-012-01
024-14-0022-001-07 024-14-0022-005-15 024-14-0022-009-02 024-14-0022-012-02
024-14-0022-002-01 024-14-0022-005-16 024-14-0022-009-03 024-14-0022-012-03
024-14-0022-002-02 024-14-0022-005-17 024-14-0022-009-04 024-14-0022-012-04
024-14-0022-002-03 024-14-0022-005-18 024-14-0022-009-05 024-14-0022-012-05
024-14-0022-002-05 024-14-0022-005-19 024-14-0022-009-06 024-14-0022-012-06
024-14-0022-002-06 024-14-0022-005-20 024-14-0022-009-07 024-14-0022-012-07
024-14-0022-002-07 024-14-0022-006-01 024-14-0022-009-08 024-14-0022-012-08
024-14-0022-002-08 024-14-0022-006-02 024-14-0022-009-09 024-14-0022-012-09
024-14-0022-002-09 024-14-0022-006-03 024-14-0022-010-01 024-14-0022-012-10
024-14-0022-002-10 024-14-0022-006-04 024-14-0022-010-02 024-14-0022-012-12
024-14-0022-002-11 024-14-0022-006-05 024-14-0022-010-03 024-14-0022-012-13
024-14-0022-002-12 024-14-0022-006-06 024-14-0022-010-04 024-14-0022-012-14
024-14-0022-002-14 024-14-0022-006-08 024-14-0022-010-05 024-14-0022-012-15
024-14-0022-002-16 024-14-0022-006-09 024-14-0022-010-06 024-14-0022-012-16
024-14-0022-002-20 024-14-0022-007-03 024-14-0022-010-07 024-14-0022-012-17
024-14-0022-002-21 024-14-0022-007-04 024-14-0022-010-08 024-14-0022-012-18
024-14-0022-002-22 024-14-0022-007-05 024-14-0022-010-09 024-14-0022-012-19
024-14-0022-002-24 024-14-0022-007-06 024-14-0022-010-10 024-14-0022-012-20
024-14-0022-003-05 024-14-0022-007-07 024-14-0022-010-11 024-14-0022-012-21
024-14-0022-004-02 024-14-0022-007-08 024-14-0022-010-12 024-14-0022-013-01
024-14-0022-004-05 024-14-0022-007-09 024-14-0022-010-13 024-14-0022-013-02
024-14-0022-004-06 024-14-0022-007-10 024-14-0022-010-14 024-14-0022-013-03
024-14-0022-004-07 024-14-0022-007-11 024-14-0022-011-01 024-14-0022-013-05
024-14-0022-004-08 024-14-0022-007-14 024-14-0022-011-02 024-14-0022-013-06
024-14-0022-004-09 024-14-0022-007-15 024-14-0022-011-03 024-14-0022-013-07
024-14-0022-004-10 024-14-0022-007-16 024-14-0022-011-04 024-14-0022-013-08
024-14-0022-004-11 024-14-0022-007-17 024-14-0022-011-04 024-14-0022-013-09
024-14-0022-004-12 024-14-0022-007-18 024-14-0022-011-05 024-14-0022-013-10
024-14-0022-004-13 024-14-0022-007-19 024-14-0022-011-06 024-14-0022-013-11
024-14-0022-004-14 024-14-0022-007-21 024-14-0022-011-07 024-14-0022-013-12
024-14-0022-004-15 024-14-0022-007-22 024-14-0022-011-07 024-14-0022-014-06
024-14-0022-004-16 024-14-0022-007-23 024-14-0022-011-08 024-14-0022-014-19
024-14-0022-004-17 024-14-0022-007-24 024-14-0022-011-10 024-14-0022-014-20
024-14-0022-004-18 024-14-0022-007-25 024-14-0022-011-11 024-14-0022-014-22
024-14-0022-004-19 024-14-0022-007-26 024-14-0022-011-12 024-14-0022-014-23
024-14-0022-005-01 024-14-0022-008-02 024-14-0022-011-13 024-14-0022-014-25
024-14-0022-014-27 024-14-0022-018-02 024-14-0022-020-05 024-14-0022-022-02
024-14-0022-014-28 024-14-0022-018-03 024-14-0022-020-07 024-14-0022-022-03


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


024-14-0022-014-29 024-14-0022-018-04 024-14-0022-020-08 024-14-0022-022-04

024-14-0022-014-30 024-14-0022-018-05 024-14-0022-020-09 024-14-0022-022-05
024-14-0022-014-32 024-14-0022-018-06 024-14-0022-020-10 024-14-0022-022-06
024-14-0022-014-33 024-14-0022-018-07 024-14-0022-020-11 024-14-0022-022-07
024-14-0022-014-34 024-14-0022-018-08 024-14-0022-020-12 024-14-0022-022-08
024-14-0022-016-01 024-14-0022-018-09 024-14-0022-020-13 024-14-0022-022-09
024-14-0022-016-02 024-14-0022-018-10 024-14-0022-020-14 024-14-0022-022-10
024-14-0022-016-13 024-14-0022-018-11 024-14-0022-021-01 024-14-0022-022-11
024-14-0022-016-17 024-14-0022-018-12 024-14-0022-021-02 024-14-0022-022-12
024-14-0022-017-01 024-14-0022-018-13 024-14-0022-021-04 024-14-0022-022-13
024-14-0022-017-02 024-14-0022-018-14 024-14-0022-021-05 024-14-0022-022-16
024-14-0022-017-03 024-14-0022-018-15 024-14-0022-021-06 024-14-0022-022-20
024-14-0022-017-04 024-14-0022-018-16 024-14-0022-021-07 024-14-0022-022-21
024-14-0022-017-05 024-14-0022-018-17 024-14-0022-021-08 024-14-0022-022-23
024-14-0022-017-06 024-14-0022-018-18 024-14-0022-021-09 024-14-0022-023-01
024-14-0022-017-07 024-14-0022-019-01 024-14-0022-021-10 024-14-0022-023-06
024-14-0022-017-08 024-14-0022-019-02 024-14-0022-021-11 024-14-0022-023-07
024-14-0022-017-09 024-14-0022-019-03 024-14-0022-021-12 024-14-0022-023-08
024-14-0022-017-10 024-14-0022-019-04 024-14-0022-021-13 024-14-0022-023-09
024-14-0022-017-12 024-14-0022-019-05 024-14-0022-021-14 024-14-0022-024-01
024-14-0022-017-13 024-14-0022-019-06 024-14-0022-021-15 024-14-0022-024-02
024-14-0022-017-14 024-14-0022-019-07 024-14-0022-021-16 024-14-0022-024-03
024-14-0022-017-15 024-14-0022-019-08 024-14-0022-021-17 024-14-0022-024-05
024-14-0022-017-16 024-14-0022-019-09 024-14-0022-021-18 024-14-0022-024-06
024-14-0022-017-17 024-14-0022-020-01 024-14-0022-021-19 024-14-0022-024-07
024-14-0022-017-18 024-14-0022-020-02 024-14-0022-021-20 024-14-0022-024-08
024-14-0022-018-01 024-14-0022-020-03 024-14-0022-022-01 024-14-0022-024-09

II.A.5.2. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government officers present at the barangay and their expansion
areas within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball
Courts and playfields serving as neighbourhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included
under the category.
II.A.5.3.Sports and Recreation Developmet Areas
Areas presently use as basketball court and neighbourhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation and
development areas. Expansion of neighbourhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighbourhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
II.A.5.4. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period.
Additional road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the
transportation sectoral studies.


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


II.A.5.5. Agricultural Development Areas

All others areas within the barangay not specifically categorized delineated as urban
land use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open spaces
are Agricultural Development Areas.
II.A.6.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0018-001-03 024-14-0018-010-08 024-14-0018-016-06 024-14-0018-017-23
024-14-0018-004-13 024-14-0018-010-10 024-14-0018-016-08 024-14-0018-018-01
024-14-0018-005-01 024-14-0018-010-11 024-14-0018-016-10 024-14-0018-018-02
024-14-0018-005-15 024-14-0018-010-12 024-14-0018-016-11 024-14-0018-018-05
024-14-0018-005-19 024-14-0018-010-13 024-14-0018-016-12 024-14-0018-018-06
024-14-0018-005-21 024-14-0018-010-14 024-14-0018-016-13 024-14-0018-018-10
024-14-0018-005-22 024-14-0018-010-15 024-14-0018-016-14 024-14-0018-018-11
024-14-0018-005-23 024-14-0018-010-16 024-14-0018-016-15 024-14-0018-019-03
024-14-0018-005-24 024-14-0018-010-17 024-14-0018-016-16 024-14-0018-019-10
024-14-0018-005-25 024-14-0018-011-06 024-14-0018-016-17 024-14-0018-019-11
024-14-0018-005-26 024-14-0018-011-07 024-14-0018-016-18 024-14-0018-020-09
024-14-0018-005-27 024-14-0018-011-08 024-14-0018-016-19 024-14-0018-021-01
024-14-0018-005-28 024-14-0018-011-10 024-14-0018-017-01 024-14-0018-021-03
024-14-0018-005-29 024-14-0018-011-14 024-14-0018-017-02 024-14-0018-021-04
024-14-0018-005-30 024-14-0018-011-15 024-14-0018-017-04 024-14-0018-021-05
024-14-0018-005-31 024-14-0018-011-16 024-14-0018-017-05 024-14-0018-021-06
024-14-0018-005-32 024-14-0018-011-17 024-14-0018-017-06 024-14-0018-021-07
024-14-0018-005-33 024-14-0018-011-18 024-14-0018-017-07 024-14-0018-021-14
024-14-0018-006-08 024-14-0018-012-11 024-14-0018-017-10 024-14-0018-022-12
024-14-0018-007-15 024-14-0018-012-12 024-14-0018-017-11 024-14-0018-023-03
024-14-0018-008-02 024-14-0018-013-07 024-14-0018-017-12 024-14-0018-023-28
024-14-0018-008-04 024-14-0018-014-08 024-14-0018-017-13 024-14-0018-023-29
024-14-0018-008-05 024-14-0018-014-10 024-14-0018-017-14 024-14-0018-023-30
024-14-0018-008-06 024-14-0018-014-11 024-14-0018-017-15 024-14-0018-023-31
024-14-0018-008-07 024-14-0018-015-29 024-14-0018-017-16 024-14-0018-023-32
024-14-0018-008-08 024-14-0018-015-30 024-14-0018-017-17 024-14-0018-023-33
024-14-0018-008-09 024-14-0018-015-31 024-14-0018-017-18 024-14-0018-023-34
024-14-0018-008-10 024-14-0018-016-01 024-14-0018-017-18 024-14-0018-024-02
024-14-0018-009-02 024-14-0018-016-02 024-14-0018-017-19 024-14-0018-025-09
024-14-0018-010-01 024-14-0018-016-03 024-14-0018-017-20
024-14-0018-010-04 024-14-0018-016-04 024-14-0018-017-21
024-14-0018-010-07 024-14-0018-016-05 024-14-0018-017-22

II.A.6.2. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay expansion areas within
about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball Courts and
playfields serving as neighborhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included under the
II.A.6.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighborhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


development areas. Expansion of neighborhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters

from said park. Neighborhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
II.A.6.4. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening project
to be implemented by the national, provincAial and municipal governments covering areas 15
meters on both sides from the center of the world, within the planning period.
Additional road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on road under the
transportation sectoral studies.
II.A.6.5. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land and use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open
spaces are Agricultural Development Areas.


III.A. 1.1 Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0003-001-12 024-14-0003-003-40 024-14-0003-009-03 024-14-0003-010-40
024-14-0003-001-14 024-14-0003-003-41 024-14-0003-009-04 024-14-0003-011-01
024-14-0003-001-15 024-14-0003-003-42 024-14-0003-009-07 024-14-0003-011-02
024-14-0003-001-16 024-14-0003-003-43 024-14-0003-009-08 024-14-0003-011-03
024-14-0003-001-18 024-14-0003-003-44 024-14-0003-009-09 024-14-0003-011-04
024-14-0003-001-22 024-14-0003-003-47 024-14-0003-009-10 024-14-0003-011-04
024-14-0003-002-01 024-14-0003-003-48 024-14-0003-009-11 024-14-0003-011-05
024-14-0003-002-01 024-14-0003-003-49 024-14-0003-009-14 024-14-0003-011-06
024-14-0003-002-09 024-14-0003-003-50 024-14-0003-009-15 024-14-0003-011-07
024-14-0003-002-10 024-14-0003-003-51 024-14-0003-009-16 024-14-0003-011-08
024-14-0003-002-11 024-14-0003-003-52 024-14-0003-009-17 024-14-0003-011-09
024-14-0003-002-12 024-14-0003-003-53 024-14-0003-009-18 024-14-0003-011-09
024-14-0003-002-13 024-14-0003-003-54 024-14-0003-009-19 024-14-0003-011-09
024-14-0003-002-16 024-14-0003-003-54 024-14-0003-009-20 024-14-0003-011-10
024-14-0003-002-17 024-14-0003-003-54 024-14-0003-009-21 024-14-0003-011-11
024-14-0003-002-18 024-14-0003-003-57 024-14-0003-009-22 024-14-0003-011-12
024-14-0003-002-19 024-14-0003-003-59 024-14-0003-009-23 024-14-0003-011-13
024-14-0003-002-20 024-14-0003-003-60 024-14-0003-009-24 024-14-0003-011-14
024-14-0003-002-21 024-14-0003-003-61 024-14-0003-009-25 024-14-0003-011-15
024-14-0003-003-02 024-14-0003-003-62 024-14-0003-009-26 024-14-0003-011-16
024-14-0003-003-03 024-14-0003-003-64 024-14-0003-010-01 024-14-0003-011-17
024-14-0003-003-04 024-14-0003-003-65 024-14-0003-010-03 024-14-0003-011-18
024-14-0003-003-05 024-14-0003-003-66 024-14-0003-010-04 024-14-0003-011-19
024-14-0003-003-06 024-14-0003-003-67 024-14-0003-010-05 024-14-0003-011-20
024-14-0003-003-07 024-14-0003-004-11 024-14-0003-010-06 024-14-0003-011-21
024-14-0003-003-07 024-14-0003-004-12 024-14-0003-010-07 024-14-0003-011-22
024-14-0003-003-07 024-14-0003-004-18 024-14-0003-010-08 024-14-0003-011-23
024-14-0003-003-07 024-14-0003-004-19 024-14-0003-010-11 024-14-0003-011-24
024-14-0003-003-08 024-14-0003-005-01 024-14-0003-010-12 024-14-0003-011-24


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


024-14-0003-003-09 024-14-0003-005-02 024-14-0003-010-13 024-14-0003-011-25

024-14-0003-003-11 024-14-0003-005-07 024-14-0003-010-14 024-14-0003-011-27
024-14-0003-003-12 024-14-0003-005-08 024-14-0003-010-15 024-14-0003-011-29
024-14-0003-003-13 024-14-0003-005-11 024-14-0003-010-16 024-14-0003-011-30
024-14-0003-003-13 024-14-0003-005-13 024-14-0003-010-17 024-14-0003-011-31
024-14-0003-003-14 024-14-0003-005-15 024-14-0003-010-18 024-14-0003-011-32
024-14-0003-003-15 024-14-0003-005-15 024-14-0003-010-19 024-14-0003-011-34
024-14-0003-003-17 024-14-0003-005-22 024-14-0003-010-20 024-14-0003-011-35
024-14-0003-003-19 024-14-0003-005-23 024-14-0003-010-21 024-14-0003-011-36
024-14-0003-003-21 024-14-0003-007-03 024-14-0003-010-22 024-14-0003-011-37
024-14-0003-003-23 024-14-0003-007-05 024-14-0003-010-23 024-14-0003-011-38
024-14-0003-003-24 024-14-0003-007-07 024-14-0003-010-24 024-14-0003-011-39
024-14-0003-003-25 024-14-0003-007-08 024-14-0003-010-25 024-14-0003-011-40
024-14-0003-003-28 024-14-0003-007-10 024-14-0003-010-26 024-14-0003-011-41
024-14-0003-003-29 024-14-0003-007-12 024-14-0003-010-27 024-14-0003-011-42
024-14-0003-003-30 024-14-0003-007-18 024-14-0003-010-32 024-14-0003-011-43
024-14-0003-003-32 024-14-0003-008-07 024-14-0003-010-34 024-14-0003-012-01
024-14-0003-003-37 024-14-0003-008-08 024-14-0003-010-37 024-14-0003-012-02
024-14-0003-003-37 024-14-0003-008-13 024-14-0003-010-38 024-14-0003-012-01
024-14-0003-003-39 024-14-0003-009-02 024-14-0003-010-39 024-14-0003-012-02
024-14-0003-012-03 024-14-0003-013-13 024-14-0003-016-22 024-14-0003-019-38
024-14-0003-012-04 024-14-0003-013-14 024-14-0003-016-23 024-14-0003-019-39
024-14-0003-012-05 024-14-0003-013-15 024-14-0003-017-01 024-14-0003-019-40
024-14-0003-012-06 024-14-0003-013-16 024-14-0003-017-04 024-14-0003-020-09
024-14-0003-012-07 024-14-0003-013-17 024-14-0003-017-06 024-14-0003-020-10
024-14-0003-012-08 024-14-0003-013-18 024-14-0003-017-07 024-14-0003-020-11
024-14-0003-012-10 024-14-0003-013-19 024-14-0003-017-10 024-14-0003-020-14
024-14-0003-012-11 024-14-0003-013-20 024-14-0003-017-17 024-14-0003-020-15
024-14-0003-012-12 024-14-0003-013-21 024-14-0003-017-18 024-14-0003-020-16
024-14-0003-012-13 024-14-0003-013-22 024-14-0003-017-23 024-14-0003-020-17
024-14-0003-012-14 024-14-0003-013-23 024-14-0003-017-24 024-14-0003-020-18
024-14-0003-012-15 024-14-0003-013-24 024-14-0003-018-01 024-14-0003-020-19
024-14-0003-012-16 024-14-0003-014-01 024-14-0003-018-02 024-14-0003-020-20
024-14-0003-012-17 024-14-0003-014-02 024-14-0003-018-04 024-14-0003-020-21
024-14-0003-012-18 024-14-0003-014-05 024-14-0003-018-05 024-14-0003-020-23
024-14-0003-012-19 024-14-0003-014-06 024-14-0003-018-06 024-14-0003-020-24
024-14-0003-012-20 024-14-0003-014-07 024-14-0003-018-07 024-14-0003-021-01
024-14-0003-012-21 024-14-0003-014-10 024-14-0003-018-08 024-14-0003-021-03
024-14-0003-012-23 024-14-0003-014-12 024-14-0003-018-09 024-14-0003-021-10
024-14-0003-012-24 024-14-0003-014-13 024-14-0003-018-10 024-14-0003-021-13
024-14-0003-012-25 024-14-0003-014-14 024-14-0003-018-11 024-14-0003-021-14
024-14-0003-012-27 024-14-0003-014-15 024-14-0003-018-12 024-14-0003-021-15
024-14-0003-012-28 024-14-0003-014-16 024-14-0003-018-13 024-14-0003-021-16
024-14-0003-012-29 024-14-0003-014-17 024-14-0003-018-14 024-14-0003-021-17
024-14-0003-012-30 024-14-0003-014-18 024-14-0003-018-15 024-14-0003-021-18
024-14-0003-012-31 024-14-0003-014-19 024-14-0003-018-18 024-14-0003-021-19
024-14-0003-012-32 024-14-0003-014-20 024-14-0003-018-19 024-14-0003-021-20
024-14-0003-012-33 024-14-0003-014-21 024-14-0003-018-20 024-14-0003-021-21
024-14-0003-012-34 024-14-0003-015-01 024-14-0003-018-21 024-14-0003-021-22
024-14-0003-012-35 024-14-0003-015-02 024-14-0003-018-22 024-14-0003-021-23
024-14-0003-012-36 024-14-0003-015-03 024-14-0003-018-26 024-14-0003-021-23
024-14-0003-012-37 024-14-0003-016-02 024-14-0003-018-27 024-14-0003-021-24
024-14-0003-012-38 024-14-0003-016-03 024-14-0003-018-28 024-14-0003-022-01
024-14-0003-012-39 024-14-0003-016-04 024-14-0003-018-29 024-14-0003-022-04
024-14-0003-012-40 024-14-0003-016-05 024-14-0003-019-09 024-14-0003-022-05
024-14-0003-012-41 024-14-0003-016-06 024-14-0003-019-10 024-14-0003-022-06
024-14-0003-012-42 024-14-0003-016-07 024-14-0003-019-14 024-14-0003-022-08
024-14-0003-012-43 024-14-0003-016-08 024-14-0003-019-16 024-14-0003-022-11


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024-14-0003-012-44 024-14-0003-016-08 024-14-0003-019-17 024-14-0003-022-22

024-14-0003-012-45 024-14-0003-016-09 024-14-0003-019-18 024-14-0003-022-23
024-14-0003-012-46 024-14-0003-016-10 024-14-0003-019-20 024-14-0003-022-26
024-14-0003-013-01 024-14-0003-016-11 024-14-0003-019-21 024-14-0003-022-27
024-14-0003-013-02 024-14-0003-016-12 024-14-0003-019-23 024-14-0003-022-28
024-14-0003-013-03 024-14-0003-016-13 024-14-0003-019-24 024-14-0003-022-29
024-14-0003-013-04 024-14-0003-016-14 024-14-0003-019-26 024-14-0003-023-07
024-14-0003-013-05 024-14-0003-016-15 024-14-0003-019-26 024-14-0003-023-09
024-14-0003-013-06 024-14-0003-016-16 024-14-0003-019-28 024-14-0003-023-10
024-14-0003-013-07 024-14-0003-016-17 024-14-0003-019-29 024-14-0003-023-11
024-14-0003-013-08 024-14-0003-016-18 024-14-0003-019-32 024-14-0003-023-12
024-14-0003-013-09 024-14-0003-016-19 024-14-0003-019-33 024-14-0003-023-13
024-14-0003-013-10 024-14-0003-016-20 024-14-0003-019-35 024-14-0003-023-14
024-14-0003-013-11 024-14-0003-016-21 024-14-0003-01926- 024-14-0003-023-22
024-14-0003-013-12 024-14-0003-016-22 024-14-0003-019-37 024-14-0003-023-24

III.A.1.2 Commercial Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0003-019-01 024-14-0003-020-02 024-14-0003-021-17 024-14-0003-022-27
024-14-0003-019-02 024-14-0003-020-03 024-14-0003-021-18 024-14-0003-022-28
024-14-0003-019-03 024-14-0003-020-04 024-14-0003-021-19 024-14-0003-022-29
024-14-0003-019-04 024-14-0003-020-05 024-14-0003-021-20 024-14-0003-023-01
024-14-0003-019-05 024-14-0003-020-06 024-14-0003-021-21 024-14-0003-023-01
024-14-0003-019-06 024-14-0003-020-07 024-14-0003-021-22 024-14-0003-023-02
024-14-0003-019-07 024-14-0003-020-09 024-14-0003-021-23 024-14-0003-023-03
024-14-0003-019-08 024-14-0003-020-10 024-14-0003-021-23 024-14-0003-023-04
024-14-0003-019-09 024-14-0003-020-11 024-14-0003-021-24 024-14-0003-023-05
024-14-0003-019-10 024-14-0003-020-12 024-14-0003-021-26 024-14-0003-023-06
024-14-0003-019-11 024-14-0003-020-13 024-14-0003-021-27 024-14-0003-023-06
024-14-0003-019-12 024-14-0003-020-14 024-14-0003-021-28 024-14-0003-023-07
024-14-0003-019-13 024-14-0003-020-15 024-14-0003-022-01 024-14-0003-023-08
024-14-0003-019-14 024-14-0003-020-16 024-14-0003-022-02 024-14-0003-023-09
024-14-0003-019-16 024-14-0003-020-17 024-14-0003-022-02 024-14-0003-023-10
024-14-0003-019-17 024-14-0003-020-18 024-14-0003-022-04 024-14-0003-023-11
024-14-0003-019-18 024-14-0003-020-19 024-14-0003-022-05 024-14-0003-023-12
024-14-0003-019-19 024-14-0003-020-20 024-14-0003-022-06 024-14-0003-023-13
024-14-0003-019-20 024-14-0003-020-21 024-14-0003-022-07 024-14-0003-023-14
024-14-0003-019-21 024-14-0003-020-23 024-14-0003-022-08 024-14-0003-023-15
024-14-0003-019-22 024-14-0003-020-24 024-14-0003-022-09 024-14-0003-023-16
024-14-0003-019-23 024-14-0003-021-01 024-14-0003-022-11 024-14-0003-023-18
024-14-0003-019-24 024-14-0003-021-03 024-14-0003-022-13 024-14-0003-023-19
024-14-0003-019-26 024-14-0003-021-04 024-14-0003-022-14 024-14-0003-023-20
024-14-0003-019-26 024-14-0003-021-05 024-14-0003-022-15 024-14-0003-023-21
024-14-0003-019-28 024-14-0003-021-06 024-14-0003-022-16 024-14-0003-023-22
024-14-0003-019-29 024-14-0003-021-07 024-14-0003-022-17 024-14-0003-023-23
024-14-0003-019-32 024-14-0003-021-08 024-14-0003-022-18 024-14-0003-023-24
024-14-0003-019-33 024-14-0003-021-09 024-14-0003-022-19 024-14-0003-023-25
024-14-0003-019-35 024-14-0003-021-10 024-14-0003-022-20 024-14-0003-023-26
024-14-0003-019-36 024-14-0003-021-11 024-14-0003-022-21 024-14-0003-023-27
024-14-0003-019-37 024-14-0003-021-12 024-14-0003-022-22 024-14-0003-023-28
024-14-0003-019-38 024-14-0003-021-13 024-14-0003-022-23 024-14-0003-023-29
024-14-0003-019-39 024-14-0003-021-14 024-14-0003-022-24 024-14-0003-023-30
024-14-0003-019-40 024-14-0003-021-15 024-14-0003-022-25 024-14-0003-023-31
024-14-0003-020-01 024-14-0003-021-16 024-14-0003-022-26

III.A.1.3. Tourism Areas; Property Index Nos. 024-14-0003-001-1 & 024-14-0003-001-2


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


III.A.1.4. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay and their expansion
areas within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball
Courts and playfields serving as neighbourhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included
under the category.
III.A.1.5. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighbourhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighbourhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighbourhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
III.A.1.6. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.
III.A.1.7. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land use development, tourism development, functional open spaces are Agricultural
Development Areas.


III.A.2.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0002-001-03 024-14-0002-002-11 024-14-0002-004-21 024-14-0002-007-06
024-14-0002-001-04 024-14-0002-002-12 024-14-0002-005-05 024-14-0002-007-07
024-14-0002-001-05 024-14-0002-002-13 024-14-0002-005-06 024-14-0002-007-07
024-14-0002-001-06 024-14-0002-002-14 024-14-0002-005-07 024-14-0002-007-07
024-14-0002-001-07 024-14-0002-002-15 024-14-0002-005-08 024-14-0002-007-08
024-14-0002-001-08 024-14-0002-002-16 024-14-0002-005-09 024-14-0002-007-09
024-14-0002-001-09 024-14-0002-002-17 024-14-0002-005-10 024-14-0002-007-10
024-14-0002-001-10 024-14-0002-002-18 024-14-0002-005-11 024-14-0002-007-11
024-14-0002-001-11 024-14-0002-002-19 024-14-0002-005-12 024-14-0002-007-12
024-14-0002-001-12 024-14-0002-003-01 024-14-0002-005-13 024-14-0002-007-13
024-14-0002-001-13 024-14-0002-003-02 024-14-0002-005-15 024-14-0002-008-02
024-14-0002-001-14 024-14-0002-003-03 024-14-0002-005-16 024-14-0002-008-03
024-14-0002-001-15 024-14-0002-003-04 024-14-0002-005-17 024-14-0002-008-10
024-14-0002-001-16 024-14-0002-003-05 024-14-0002-005-18 024-14-0002-008-12
024-14-0002-001-17 024-14-0002-003-06 024-14-0002-005-19 024-14-0002-008-13
024-14-0002-001-18 024-14-0002-003-07 024-14-0002-005-22 024-14-0002-008-15
024-14-0002-001-19 024-14-0002-003-08 024-14-0002-005-23 024-14-0002-008-16


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


024-14-0002-001-20 024-14-0002-003-09 024-14-0002-005-24 024-14-0002-008-18

024-14-0002-001-21 024-14-0002-003-10 024-14-0002-005-25 024-14-0002-008-19
024-14-0002-001-22 024-14-0002-003-11 024-14-0002-005-26 024-14-0002-008-20
024-14-0002-001-23 024-14-0002-003-12 024-14-0002-005-27 024-14-0002-008-21
024-14-0002-001-25 024-14-0002-003-13 024-14-0002-005-29 024-14-0002-008-22
024-14-0002-001-27 024-14-0002-003-14 024-14-0002-005-30 024-14-0002-008-23
024-14-0002-001-29 024-14-0002-003-15 024-14-0002-005-31 024-14-0002-008-24
024-14-0002-001-30 024-14-0002-003-16 024-14-0002-006-02 024-14-0002-008-25
024-14-0002-001-31 024-14-0002-003-17 024-14-0002-006-03 024-14-0002-008-26
024-14-0002-001-32 024-14-0002-003-18 024-14-0002-006-04 024-14-0002-009-01
024-14-0002-001-33 024-14-0002-003-21 024-14-0002-006-05 024-14-0002-009-03
024-14-0002-001-34 024-14-0002-004-07 024-14-0002-006-06 024-14-0002-009-04
024-14-0002-001-35 024-14-0002-004-08 024-14-0002-006-07 024-14-0002-009-05
024-14-0002-001-36 024-14-0002-004-09 024-14-0002-006-08 024-14-0002-009-06
024-14-0002-001-37 024-14-0002-004-10 024-14-0002-006-08 024-14-0002-009-07
024-14-0002-002-04 024-14-0002-004-11 024-14-0002-006-09 024-14-0002-009-08
024-14-0002-002-05 024-14-0002-004-12 024-14-0002-006-10 024-14-0002-009-09
024-14-0002-002-06 024-14-0002-004-12 024-14-0002-006-11 024-14-0002-009-10
024-14-0002-002-07 024-14-0002-004-15 024-14-0002-006-12 024-14-0002-009-11
024-14-0002-002-08 024-14-0002-004-16 024-14-0002-006-15 024-14-0002-009-12
024-14-0002-002-09 024-14-0002-004-17 024-14-0002-006-17 024-14-0002-009-13
024-14-0002-002-10 024-14-0002-004-17 024-14-0002-007-01 024-14-0002-009-14
024-14-0002-002-10 024-14-0002-004-18 024-14-0002-007-04 024-14-0002-009-15
024-14-0002-002-10 024-14-0002-004-19 024-14-0002-007-03 024-14-0002-009-16
024-14-0002-002-11 024-14-0002-004-20 024-14-0002-007-05 024-14-0002-009-17

III.A.2.2. Tourism Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0002-004-15 024-14-0002-006-01 024-14-0002-006-13

III.A.2.3. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay expansion areas within
about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball Courts and
playfields serving as neighborhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included under the
III.A.2.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighborhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighborhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighborhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
III.A.2.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
project to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the world, within the planning period.


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


Additional road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on road under the
transportation sectoral studies.
III.A.2.6. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land and use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open
spaces are Agricultural Development Areas.
III.A.3.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0013-001-05 024-14-0013-003-14 024-14-0013-006-18 024-14-0013-011-08
024-14-0013-001-05 024-14-0013-003-15 024-14-0013-007-01 024-14-0013-011-09
024-14-0013-001-08 024-14-0013-003-16 024-14-0013-007-02 024-14-0013-011-10
024-14-0013-001-09 024-14-0013-003-17 024-14-0013-007-03 024-14-0013-011-11
024-14-0013-001-10 024-14-0013-003-18 024-14-0013-007-04 024-14-0013-011-12
024-14-0013-001-10 024-14-0013-003-19 024-14-0013-007-04 024-14-0013-011-13
024-14-0013-001-11 024-14-0013-004-01 024-14-0013-007-04 024-14-0013-012-03
024-14-0013-001-12 024-14-0013-004-02 024-14-0013-007-05 024-14-0013-012-04
024-14-0013-001-14 024-14-0013-004-03 024-14-0013-007-05 024-14-0013-012-05
024-14-0013-001-15 024-14-0013-004-04 024-14-0013-007-06 024-14-0013-012-06
024-14-0013-001-16 024-14-0013-004-05 024-14-0013-007-07 024-14-0013-012-07
024-14-0013-001-17 024-14-0013-004-06 024-14-0013-007-08 024-14-0013-012-08
024-14-0013-001-19 024-14-0013-004-07 024-14-0013-007-09 024-14-0013-012-09
024-14-0013-001-20 024-14-0013-004-08 024-14-0013-007-10 024-14-0013-012-14
024-14-0013-001-21 024-14-0013-004-09 024-14-0013-007-11 024-14-0013-012-15
024-14-0013-001-22 024-14-0013-004-10 024-14-0013-007-12 024-14-0013-012-16
024-14-0013-001-23 024-14-0013-004-10 024-14-0013-008-01 024-14-0013-012-17
024-14-0013-001-23 024-14-0013-004-11 024-14-0013-008-02 024-14-0013-012-19
024-14-0013-001-24 024-14-0013-004-12 024-14-0013-008-03 024-14-0013-012-20
024-14-0013-001-25 024-14-0013-004-14 024-14-0013-008-04 024-14-0013-012-21
024-14-0013-001-26 024-14-0013-005-01 024-14-0013-008-05 024-14-0013-012-22
024-14-0013-002-01 024-14-0013-005-02 024-14-0013-008-12 024-14-0013-012-23
024-14-0013-002-02 024-14-0013-005-03 024-14-0013-008-13 024-14-0013-012-24
024-14-0013-002-03 024-14-0013-005-04 024-14-0013-009-07 024-14-0013-012-25
024-14-0013-002-04 024-14-0013-005-05 024-14-0013-009-08 024-14-0013-012-25
024-14-0013-002-05 024-14-0013-005-06 024-14-0013-009-09 024-14-0013-012-26
024-14-0013-002-07 024-14-0013-005-07 024-14-0013-009-10 024-14-0013-012-27
024-14-0013-002-08 024-14-0013-005-08 024-14-0013-009-11 024-14-0013-012-28
024-14-0013-002-09 024-14-0013-005-09 024-14-0013-009-11 024-14-0013-012-29
024-14-0013-002-10 024-14-0013-005-10 024-14-0013-009-12 024-14-0013-012-30
024-14-0013-002-15 024-14-0013-005-11 024-14-0013-009-13 024-14-0013-012-31
024-14-0013-002-16 024-14-0013-005-12 024-14-0013-010-03 024-14-0013-012-32
024-14-0013-002-17 024-14-0013-005-13 024-14-0013-010-03 024-14-0013-012-33
024-14-0013-002-18 024-14-0013-006-01 024-14-0013-010-04 024-14-0013-012-34
024-14-0013-002-19 024-14-0013-006-02 024-14-0013-010-09 024-14-0013-013-01
024-14-0013-002-20 024-14-0013-006-03 024-14-0013-010-10 024-14-0013-013-02
024-14-0013-002-21 024-14-0013-006-04 024-14-0013-010-11 024-14-0013-013-03
024-14-0013-003-01 024-14-0013-006-05 024-14-0013-010-12 024-14-0013-013-04
024-14-0013-003-02 024-14-0013-006-06 024-14-0013-011-02 024-14-0013-013-05
024-14-0013-003-03 024-14-0013-006-08 024-14-0013-011-02 024-14-0013-013-06
024-14-0013-003-03 024-14-0013-006-09 024-14-0013-011-02 024-14-0013-013-09
024-14-0013-003-05 024-14-0013-006-09 024-14-0013-011-04 024-14-0013-013-10
024-14-0013-003-06 024-14-0013-006-11 024-14-0013-011-04 024-14-0013-013-11
024-14-0013-003-08 024-14-0013-006-12 024-14-0013-011-05 024-14-0013-014-01


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


024-14-0013-003-09 024-14-0013-006-13 024-14-0013-011-06 024-14-0013-014-02

024-14-0013-003-10 024-14-0013-006-17 024-14-0013-011-06 024-14-0013-014-03
024-14-0013-014-04 024-14-0013-017-10 024-14-0013-019-09 024-14-0013-023-03
024-14-0013-014-05 024-14-0013-017-11 024-14-0013-019-10 024-14-0013-023-04
024-14-0013-014-06 024-14-0013-017-12 024-14-0013-019-11 024-14-0013-023-05
024-14-0013-014-07 024-14-0013-017-13 024-14-0013-019-12 024-14-0013-023-06
024-14-0013-014-08 024-14-0013-017-14 024-14-0013-020-01 024-14-0013-023-07
024-14-0013-014-09 024-14-0013-017-15 024-14-0013-020-02 024-14-0013-023-08
024-14-0013-014-10 024-14-0013-017-16 024-14-0013-020-03 024-14-0013-023-09
024-14-0013-014-11 024-14-0013-017-17 024-14-0013-020-04 024-14-0013-024-01
024-14-0013-015-01 024-14-0013-017-18 024-14-0013-020-05 024-14-0013-024-02
024-14-0013-015-02 024-14-0013-017-19 024-14-0013-020-06 024-14-0013-024-03
024-14-0013-015-03 024-14-0013-017-20 024-14-0013-020-07 024-14-0013-024-04
024-14-0013-015-04 024-14-0013-017-21 024-14-0013-020-08 024-14-0013-024-05
024-14-0013-015-05 024-14-0013-017-22 024-14-0013-020-09 024-14-0013-024-06
024-14-0013-015-06 024-14-0013-017-23 024-14-0013-020-10 024-14-0013-024-07
024-14-0013-015-07 024-14-0013-017-24 024-14-0013-020-11 024-14-0013-024-08
024-14-0013-015-08 024-14-0013-017-25 024-14-0013-020-12 024-14-0013-024-09
024-14-0013-015-09 024-14-0013-017-26 024-14-0013-020-13 024-14-0013-024-10
024-14-0013-015-10 024-14-0013-017-27 024-14-0013-020-14 024-14-0013-025-01
024-14-0013-015-11 024-14-0013-017-28 024-14-0013-020-15 024-14-0013-025-02
024-14-0013-015-12 024-14-0013-018-01 024-14-0013-021-01 024-14-0013-025-03
024-14-0013-015-13 024-14-0013-018-02 024-14-0013-021-02 024-14-0013-025-04
024-14-0013-015-14 024-14-0013-018-03 024-14-0013-021-03 024-14-0013-025-05
024-14-0013-015-15 024-14-0013-018-04 024-14-0013-021-04 024-14-0013-025-06
024-14-0013-015-16 024-14-0013-018-05 024-14-0013-021-05 024-14-0013-025-07
024-14-0013-015-17 024-14-0013-018-06 024-14-0013-021-06 024-14-0013-025-08
024-14-0013-015-18 024-14-0013-018-07 024-14-0013-021-07 024-14-0013-025-09
024-14-0013-016-01 024-14-0013-018-08 024-14-0013-021-08 024-14-0013-025-10
024-14-0013-016-02 024-14-0013-018-09 024-14-0013-021-09 024-14-0013-025-11
024-14-0013-016-03 024-14-0013-018-10 024-14-0013-021-10 024-14-0013-025-12
024-14-0013-016-04 024-14-0013-018-11 024-14-0013-021-11 024-14-0013-025-13
024-14-0013-016-05 024-14-0013-018-12 024-14-0013-021-12 024-14-0013-025-14
024-14-0013-016-06 024-14-0013-018-13 024-14-0013-021-13 024-14-0013-025-15
024-14-0013-016-07 024-14-0013-018-14 024-14-0013-021-14 024-14-0013-026-01
024-14-0013-016-08 024-14-0013-018-15 024-14-0013-022-01 024-14-0013-026-03
024-14-0013-016-09 024-14-0013-018-16 024-14-0013-022-02 024-14-0013-026-04
024-14-0013-016-10 024-14-0013-018-17 024-14-0013-022-03 024-14-0013-027-03
024-14-0013-016-11 024-14-0013-018-18 024-14-0013-022-04 024-14-0013-027-06
024-14-0013-017-01 024-14-0013-018-19 024-14-0013-022-05 024-14-0013-027-08
024-14-0013-017-02 024-14-0013-019-01 024-14-0013-022-06 024-14-0013-027-09
024-14-0013-017-03 024-14-0013-019-02 024-14-0013-022-07 024-14-0013-027-10
024-14-0013-017-04 024-14-0013-019-03 024-14-0013-022-08 024-14-0013-027-11
024-14-0013-017-05 024-14-0013-019-04 024-14-0013-022-09 024-14-0013-027-12
024-14-0013-017-06 024-14-0013-019-05 024-14-0013-022-10 024-14-0013-027-13
024-14-0013-017-07 024-14-0013-019-06 024-14-0013-022-11 024-14-0013-027-14
024-14-0013-017-08 024-14-0013-019-07 024-14-0013-023-01 024-14-0013-028-02
024-14-0013-017-09 024-14-0013-019-08 024-14-0013-023-02 024-14-0013-028-14

III.A.3.2. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government officers present at the barangay and their expansion
areas within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball
Courts and playfields serving as neighbourhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included
under the category.


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


III.A.3.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas

Areas presently use as basketball court and neighbourhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation and
development areas. Expansion of neighbourhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighbourhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
III.A.3.4. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.
III.A.3.5. Agricultural Development Areas
All others areas within the barangay not specifically categorized delineated as urban
land use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open spaces
are Agricultural Development Areas.
III.A.4.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0025-001-01 024-14-0025-004-12 024-14-0025-011-13 024-14-0025-012-27
024-14-0025-001-02 024-14-0025-004-12 024-14-0025-011-14 024-14-0025-012-28
024-14-0025-001-03 024-14-0025-004-14 024-14-0025-011-15 024-14-0025-012-29
024-14-0025-001-04 024-14-0025-004-15 024-14-0025-011-17 024-14-0025-013-01
024-14-0025-001-05 024-14-0025-004-17 024-14-0025-011-18 024-14-0025-013-02
024-14-0025-001-06 024-14-0025-004-18 024-14-0025-011-19 024-14-0025-013-03
024-14-0025-001-11 024-14-0025-005-01 024-14-0025-011-20 024-14-0025-013-04
024-14-0025-001-12 024-14-0025-005-02 024-14-0025-011-21 024-14-0025-013-05
024-14-0025-001-13 024-14-0025-005-03 024-14-0025-011-22 024-14-0025-013-06
024-14-0025-001-14 024-14-0025-005-04 024-14-0025-011-23 024-14-0025-013-07
024-14-0025-002-02 024-14-0025-005-05 024-14-0025-011-24 024-14-0025-013-08
024-14-0025-002-03 024-14-0025-005-06 024-14-0025-011-25 024-14-0025-013-09
024-14-0025-002-07 024-14-0025-005-07 024-14-0025-011-26 024-14-0025-013-10
024-14-0025-002-08 024-14-0025-005-09 024-14-0025-011-28 024-14-0025-013-11
024-14-0025-002-10 024-14-0025-005-12 024-14-0025-011-29 024-14-0025-013-12
024-14-0025-002-11 024-14-0025-005-17 024-14-0025-011-30 024-14-0025-013-14
024-14-0025-002-13 024-14-0025-005-18 024-14-0025-011-32 024-14-0025-013-15
024-14-0025-002-15 024-14-0025-006-04 024-14-0025-012-01 024-14-0025-013-16
024-14-0025-002-16 024-14-0025-006-05 024-14-0025-012-02 024-14-0025-013-16
024-14-0025-002-18 024-14-0025-006-18 024-14-0025-012-03 024-14-0025-013-17
024-14-0025-003-04 024-14-0025-006-19 024-14-0025-012-04 024-14-0025-013-17
024-14-0025-003-05 024-14-0025-007-17 024-14-0025-012-05 024-14-0025-013-18
024-14-0025-003-08 024-14-0025-007-23 024-14-0025-012-06 024-14-0025-013-18
024-14-0025-003-10 024-14-0025-007-24 024-14-0025-012-07 024-14-0025-013-19
024-14-0025-003-11 024-14-0025-007-26 024-14-0025-012-08 024-14-0025-013-20
024-14-0025-003-12 024-14-0025-007-27 024-14-0025-012-09 024-14-0025-013-21
024-14-0025-003-13 024-14-0025-007-28 024-14-0025-012-10 024-14-0025-013-22
024-14-0025-003-14 024-14-0025-007-29 024-14-0025-012-11 024-14-0025-013-23
024-14-0025-003-15 024-14-0025-007-33 024-14-0025-012-12 024-14-0025-013-24


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0025-014-24 024-14-0025-014-30 024-14-0025-015-12 024-14-0025-015-19
024-14-0025-014-25 024-14-0025-015-04 024-14-0025-015-13 024-14-0025-016-02
024-14-0025-014-26 024-14-0025-015-08 024-14-0025-015-14 024-14-0025-016-04
024-14-0025-014-27 024-14-0025-015-09 024-14-0025-015-16
024-14-0025-014-28 024-14-0025-015-10 024-14-0025-015-17
024-14-0025-014-29 024-14-0025-015-11 024-14-0025-015-18
024-14-0025-003-16 024-14-0025-007-34 024-14-0025-012-13 024-14-0025-013-25
024-14-0025-003-17 024-14-0025-009-05 024-14-0025-012-13 024-14-0025-014-02
024-14-0025-003-18 024-14-0025-010-08 024-14-0025-012-14 024-14-0025-014-05
024-14-0025-003-19 024-14-0025-010-09 024-14-0025-012-15 024-14-0025-014-06
024-14-0025-003-20 024-14-0025-010-11 024-14-0025-012-16 024-14-0025-014-07
024-14-0025-003-21 024-14-0025-010-12 024-14-0025-012-17 024-14-0025-014-08
024-14-0025-003-22 024-14-0025-010-13 024-14-0025-012-18 024-14-0025-014-11
024-14-0025-003-23 024-14-0025-010-14 024-14-0025-012-19 024-14-0025-014-13
024-14-0025-004-03 024-14-0025-011-06 024-14-0025-012-21 024-14-0025-014-14
024-14-0025-004-04 024-14-0025-011-07 024-14-0025-012-22 024-14-0025-014-17
024-14-0025-004-05 024-14-0025-011-09 024-14-0025-012-23 024-14-0025-014-20
024-14-0025-004-08 024-14-0025-011-10 024-14-0025-012-24 024-14-0025-014-21
024-14-0025-004-10 024-14-0025-011-11 024-14-0025-012-25 024-14-0025-014-22
024-14-0025-004-11 024-14-0025-011-12 024-14-0025-012-26

III.A.4.2. Tourism Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0025-001-15 024-14-0025-004-01 024-14-0025-005-10 024-14-0025-007-01
024-14-0025-001-15 024-14-0025-004-05 024-14-0025-006-02 024-14-0025-007-02
024-14-0025-002-01 024-14-0025-004-06 024-14-0025-006-03 024-14-0025-007-04
024-14-0025-002-06 024-14-0025-004-09 024-14-0025-006-07 024-14-0025-007-05
024-14-0025-003-01 024-14-0025-004-09 024-14-0025-006-08 024-14-0025-007-07
024-14-0025-003-02 024-14-0025-004-13 024-14-0025-006-09 024-14-0025-007-10
024-14-0025-003-03 024-14-0025-004-19 024-14-0025-006-10 024-14-0025-007-12
024-14-0025-003-06 024-14-0025-005-09 024-14-0025-007-01 024-14-0025-007-14

III.A.4.3. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-Purpose
Building, and other government officers present at the barangay and their expansion areas
within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball Courts
and playfields serving as neighbourhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included under
the category.
III.A.4.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently use as basketball court and neighbourhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation and
development areas. Expansion of neighbourhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighbourhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


III.A.4.5. Agricultural Development Areas

All others areas within the barangay not specifically categorized delineated as urban
land use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open spaces
are Agricultural Development Areas.
III.A.4.6. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.
III.A.5.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0010-001-04 024-14-0010-008-02 024-14-0010-018-06 024-14-0010-024-21
024-14-0010-001-08 024-14-0010-008-03 024-14-0010-020-05 024-14-0010-025-01
024-14-0010-001-21 024-14-0010-008-05 024-14-0010-020-06 024-14-0010-025-02
024-14-0010-001-22 024-14-0010-008-08 024-14-0010-020-13 024-14-0010-025-02
024-14-0010-001-23 024-14-0010-008-14 024-14-0010-020-14 024-14-0010-025-03
024-14-0010-001-24 024-14-0010-009-13 024-14-0010-020-15 024-14-0010-025-04
024-14-0010-001-25 024-14-0010-009-15 024-14-0010-021-10 024-14-0010-025-05
024-14-0010-002-01 024-14-0010-009-16 024-14-0010-022-04 024-14-0010-025-07
024-14-0010-002-08 024-14-0010-010-03 024-14-0010-023-25 024-14-0010-025-08
024-14-0010-002-12 024-14-0010-010-10 024-14-0010-023-26 024-14-0010-025-12
024-14-0010-002-19 024-14-0010-010-18 024-14-0010-023-29 024-14-0010-025-13
024-14-0010-002-20 024-14-0010-011-02 024-14-0010-023-30 024-14-0010-025-18
024-14-0010-003-01 024-14-0010-011-02 024-14-0010-023-31 024-14-0010-025-19
024-14-0010-003-02 024-14-0010-011-03 024-14-0010-023-32 024-14-0010-025-20
024-14-0010-003-04 024-14-0010-011-04 024-14-0010-023-36 024-14-0010-025-23
024-14-0010-003-05 024-14-0010-011-04 024-14-0010-024-01 024-14-0010-025-24
024-14-0010-003-07 024-14-0010-011-06 024-14-0010-024-02 024-14-0010-025-26
024-14-0010-003-14 024-14-0010-011-10 024-14-0010-024-03 024-14-0010-025-27
024-14-0010-003-15 024-14-0010-011-11 024-14-0010-024-04 024-14-0010-025-28
024-14-0010-003-17 024-14-0010-011-12 024-14-0010-024-05 024-14-0010-025-29
024-14-0010-003-18 024-14-0010-011-13 024-14-0010-024-06 024-14-0010-025-30
024-14-0010-004-09 024-14-0010-011-14 024-14-0010-024-07 024-14-0010-025-34
024-14-0010-004-23 024-14-0010-011-15 024-14-0010-024-08 024-14-0010-025-35
024-14-0010-006-02 024-14-0010-011-16 024-14-0010-024-09 024-14-0010-025-36
024-14-0010-006-13 024-14-0010-011-16 024-14-0010-024-10 024-14-0010-025-37
024-14-0010-006-14 024-14-0010-011-20 024-14-0010-024-12 024-14-0010-025-38
024-14-0010-006-16 024-14-0010-011-22 024-14-0010-024-13 024-14-0010-025-39
024-14-0010-006-19 024-14-0010-012-01 024-14-0010-024-14 024-14-0010-025-40
024-14-0010-006-20 024-14-0010-012-10 024-14-0010-024-15 024-14-0010-025-42
024-14-0010-006-21 024-14-0010-012-11 024-14-0010-024-16 024-14-0010-025-43
024-14-0010-006-22 024-14-0010-012-12 024-14-0010-024-17 024-14-0010-025-44
024-14-0010-006-23 024-14-0010-014-13 024-14-0010-024-18 024-14-0010-025-45
024-14-0010-006-25 024-14-0010-014-14 024-14-0010-024-18 024-14-0010-025-46
024-14-0010-006-26 024-14-0010-014-15 024-14-0010-024-19 024-14-0010-025-47
024-14-0010-008-01 024-14-0010-017-11 024-14-0010-024-20


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


III.A.5.2. Tourism Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0010-001-01 024-14-0010-011-02 024-14-0010-011-21 024-14-0010-025-10
024-14-0010-001-03 024-14-0010-011-04 024-14-0010-012-02 024-14-0010-025-15
024-14-0010-001-04 024-14-0010-011-07 024-14-0010-012-03 024-14-0010-025-16
024-14-0010-001-08 024-14-0010-011-08 024-14-0010-012-06 024-14-0010-025-17
024-14-0010-001-11 024-14-0010-011-09 024-14-0010-012-07 024-14-0010-025-31
024-14-0010-001-12 024-14-0010-011-17 024-14-0010-012-08 024-14-0010-025-32
024-14-0010-001-13 024-14-0010-011-17 024-14-0010-024-11 024-14-0010-025-32
024-14-0010-001-15 024-14-0010-011-19 024-14-0010-025-09 024-14-0010-025-41

III.A.5.3. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government officers present at the barangay and their expansion
areas within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball
Courts and playfields serving as neighbourhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included
under the category.
III.A.5.4. Sports and Development Areas
Areas presently use as basketball court and neighbourhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation and
development areas. Expansion of neighbourhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighbourhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
III.A.5.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.
III.A.5.6. Agricultural Development Areas
All others areas within the barangay not specifically categorized delineated as urban
land use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open spaces
are Agricultural Development Areas
III.A.6.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0028-001-07 024-14-0028-003-17 024-14-0028-006-13 024-14-0028-009-08
024-14-0028-001-12 024-14-0028-003-18 024-14-0028-006-14 024-14-0028-009-09
024-14-0028-001-16 024-14-0028-003-19 024-14-0028-006-15 024-14-0028-009-10
024-14-0028-001-17 024-14-0028-003-20 024-14-0028-006-16 024-14-0028-009-11
024-14-0028-001-25 024-14-0028-003-21 024-14-0028-007-01 024-14-0028-009-12
024-14-0028-001-26 024-14-0028-003-22 024-14-0028-007-02 024-14-0028-010-01
024-14-0028-001-27 024-14-0028-003-23 024-14-0028-007-03 024-14-0028-010-02
024-14-0028-001-29 024-14-0028-003-24 024-14-0028-007-04 024-14-0028-010-03


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


024-14-0028-001-30 024-14-0028-004-02 024-14-0028-007-05 024-14-0028-010-04

024-14-0028-002-01 024-14-0028-004-05 024-14-0028-007-06 024-14-0028-010-05
024-14-0028-002-03 024-14-0028-004-08 024-14-0028-007-07 024-14-0028-010-06
024-14-0028-002-04 024-14-0028-005-01 024-14-0028-007-08 024-14-0028-010-07
024-14-0028-002-05 024-14-0028-005-02 024-14-0028-007-09 024-14-0028-010-08
024-14-0028-002-06 024-14-0028-005-03 024-14-0028-007-10 024-14-0028-010-09
024-14-0028-002-07 024-14-0028-005-04 024-14-0028-007-11 024-14-0028-010-10
024-14-0028-002-08 024-14-0028-005-05 024-14-0028-007-12 024-14-0028-010-11
024-14-0028-002-09 024-14-0028-005-06 024-14-0028-007-13 024-14-0028-010-12
024-14-0028-002-10 024-14-0028-005-07 024-14-0028-007-14 024-14-0028-010-13
024-14-0028-002-11 024-14-0028-005-08 024-14-0028-007-15 024-14-0028-010-14
024-14-0028-002-12 024-14-0028-005-09 024-14-0028-007-16 024-14-0028-010-15
024-14-0028-002-13 024-14-0028-005-10 024-14-0028-007-17 024-14-0028-010-16
024-14-0028-002-14 024-14-0028-005-11 024-14-0028-007-18 024-14-0028-010-17
024-14-0028-002-15 024-14-0028-005-12 024-14-0028-007-19 024-14-0028-010-18
024-14-0028-002-16 024-14-0028-005-13 024-14-0028-007-20 024-14-0028-010-19
024-14-0028-002-17 024-14-0028-005-14 024-14-0028-007-21 024-14-0028-010-20
024-14-0028-002-18 024-14-0028-005-15 024-14-0028-008-01 024-14-0028-010-21
024-14-0028-002-19 024-14-0028-005-16 024-14-0028-008-02 024-14-0028-010-22
024-14-0028-002-20 024-14-0028-005-17 024-14-0028-008-03 024-14-0028-010-23
024-14-0028-002-21 024-14-0028-005-18 024-14-0028-008-04 024-14-0028-011-01
024-14-0028-002-22 024-14-0028-005-19 024-14-0028-008-05 024-14-0028-011-02
024-14-0028-002-23 024-14-0028-005-20 024-14-0028-008-06 024-14-0028-011-03
024-14-0028-002-25 024-14-0028-005-21 024-14-0028-008-07 024-14-0028-011-04
024-14-0028-003-01 024-14-0028-005-22 024-14-0028-008-08 024-14-0028-011-05
024-14-0028-003-04 024-14-0028-006-01 024-14-0028-008-09 024-14-0028-011-06
024-14-0028-003-05 024-14-0028-006-02 024-14-0028-008-10 024-14-0028-011-07
024-14-0028-003-06 024-14-0028-006-03 024-14-0028-008-11 024-14-0028-011-08
024-14-0028-003-07 024-14-0028-006-04 024-14-0028-008-12 024-14-0028-011-09
024-14-0028-003-08 024-14-0028-006-05 024-14-0028-008-13 024-14-0028-011-10
024-14-0028-003-09 024-14-0028-006-06 024-14-0028-009-01 024-14-0028-011-11
024-14-0028-003-11 024-14-0028-006-07 024-14-0028-009-02 024-14-0028-011-12
024-14-0028-003-12 024-14-0028-006-08 024-14-0028-009-03 024-14-0028-011-13
024-14-0028-003-13 024-14-0028-006-09 024-14-0028-009-04 024-14-0028-011-14
024-14-0028-003-14 024-14-0028-006-10 024-14-0028-009-05 024-14-0028-011-15
024-14-0028-003-15 024-14-0028-006-11 024-14-0028-009-06 024-14-0028-011-16
024-14-0028-003-16 024-14-0028-006-12 024-14-0028-009-07 024-14-0028-011-17
024-14-0028-011-18 024-14-0028-014-10 024-14-0028-017-20 024-14-0028-019-19
024-14-0028-011-19 024-14-0028-014-11 024-14-0028-017-21 024-14-0028-019-20
024-14-0028-011-20 024-14-0028-014-12 024-14-0028-017-22 024-14-0028-019-21
024-14-0028-011-21 024-14-0028-014-13 024-14-0028-017-23 024-14-0028-019-22
024-14-0028-011-22 024-14-0028-014-14 024-14-0028-017-24 024-14-0028-019-23
024-14-0028-011-23 024-14-0028-014-15 024-14-0028-017-25 024-14-0028-019-24
024-14-0028-012-01 024-14-0028-014-16 024-14-0028-018-01 024-14-0028-019-25
024-14-0028-012-02 024-14-0028-014-17 024-14-0028-018-02 024-14-0028-019-26
024-14-0028-012-03 024-14-0028-014-18 024-14-0028-018-03 024-14-0028-019-27
024-14-0028-012-04 024-14-0028-015-01 024-14-0028-018-04 024-14-0028-019-28
024-14-0028-012-05 024-14-0028-015-05 024-14-0028-018-05 024-14-0028-019-29
024-14-0028-012-06 024-14-0028-015-06 024-14-0028-018-06 024-14-0028-020-02
024-14-0028-012-07 024-14-0028-015-07 024-14-0028-018-07 024-14-0028-020-05
024-14-0028-012-08 024-14-0028-015-12 024-14-0028-018-08 024-14-0028-020-06
024-14-0028-012-09 024-14-0028-015-17 024-14-0028-018-09 024-14-0028-020-08
024-14-0028-012-10 024-14-0028-015-18 024-14-0028-018-10 024-14-0028-020-09
024-14-0028-012-11 024-14-0028-015-20 024-14-0028-018-11 024-14-0028-020-11
024-14-0028-012-12 024-14-0028-015-21 024-14-0028-018-12 024-14-0028-020-12
024-14-0028-012-13 024-14-0028-015-21 024-14-0028-018-13 024-14-0028-020-13
024-14-0028-012-14 024-14-0028-015-28 024-14-0028-018-14 024-14-0028-020-15


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024-14-0028-012-15 024-14-0028-015-31 024-14-0028-018-15 024-14-0028-020-18

024-14-0028-012-16 024-14-0028-015-32 024-14-0028-018-16 024-14-0028-020-19
024-14-0028-012-17 024-14-0028-016-01 024-14-0028-018-17 024-14-0028-020-20
024-14-0028-012-18 024-14-0028-016-02 024-14-0028-018-18 024-14-0028-021-01
024-14-0028-012-19 024-14-0028-016-03 024-14-0028-018-19 024-14-0028-021-02
024-14-0028-013-01 024-14-0028-016-07 024-14-0028-018-20 024-14-0028-021-03
024-14-0028-013-02 024-14-0028-016-08 024-14-0028-018-22 024-14-0028-021-04
024-14-0028-013-03 024-14-0028-016-10 024-14-0028-018-23 024-14-0028-021-05
024-14-0028-013-04 024-14-0028-016-11 024-14-0028-018-24 024-14-0028-021-06
024-14-0028-013-05 024-14-0028-016-12 024-14-0028-018-25 024-14-0028-021-07
024-14-0028-013-06 024-14-0028-016-13 024-14-0028-018-26 024-14-0028-021-08
024-14-0028-013-07 024-14-0028-016-14 024-14-0028-018-27 024-14-0028-021-09
024-14-0028-013-08 024-14-0028-017-01 024-14-0028-019-01 024-14-0028-021-10
024-14-0028-013-09 024-14-0028-017-02 024-14-0028-019-02 024-14-0028-021-11
024-14-0028-013-10 024-14-0028-017-03 024-14-0028-019-03 024-14-0028-021-16
024-14-0028-013-11 024-14-0028-017-05 024-14-0028-019-04 024-14-0028-021-17
024-14-0028-013-12 024-14-0028-017-06 024-14-0028-019-05 024-14-0028-021-18
024-14-0028-013-13 024-14-0028-017-07 024-14-0028-019-06 024-14-0028-021-21
024-14-0028-013-14 024-14-0028-017-08 024-14-0028-019-07 024-14-0028-021-22
024-14-0028-013-15 024-14-0028-017-09 024-14-0028-019-08 024-14-0028-021-26
024-14-0028-013-16 024-14-0028-017-10 024-14-0028-019-09 024-14-0028-021-27
024-14-0028-014-01 024-14-0028-017-11 024-14-0028-019-10 024-14-0028-022-02
024-14-0028-014-02 024-14-0028-017-12 024-14-0028-019-11 024-14-0028-022-02
024-14-0028-014-03 024-14-0028-017-13 024-14-0028-019-12 024-14-0028-022-03
024-14-0028-014-04 024-14-0028-017-14 024-14-0028-019-13 024-14-0028-022-04
024-14-0028-014-05 024-14-0028-017-15 024-14-0028-019-14 024-14-0028-022-08
024-14-0028-014-06 024-14-0028-017-16 024-14-0028-019-15 024-14-0028-022-09
024-14-0028-014-07 024-14-0028-017-17 024-14-0028-019-16 024-14-0028-022-11
024-14-0028-014-08 024-14-0028-017-18 024-14-0028-019-17 024-14-0028-022-12
024-14-0028-014-09 024-14-0028-017-19 024-14-0028-019-18 024-14-0028-022-13
024-14-0028-022-14 024-14-0028-028-08 024-14-0028-033-10 024-14-0028-036-02
024-14-0028-022-15 024-14-0028-028-09 024-14-0028-033-11 024-14-0028-036-05
024-14-0028-022-16 024-14-0028-028-10 024-14-0028-033-12 024-14-0028-036-06
024-14-0028-022-17 024-14-0028-028-13 024-14-0028-033-2 024-14-0028-036-07
024-14-0028-022-18 024-14-0028-028-15 024-14-0028-033-23 024-14-0028-036-08
024-14-0028-022-18 024-14-0028-029-01 024-14-0028-033-24 024-14-0028-036-09
024-14-0028-022-20 024-14-0028-029-02 024-14-0028-034-03 024-14-0028-037-02
024-14-0028-022-21 024-14-0028-029-03 024-14-0028-034-04 024-14-0028-037-02
024-14-0028-022-22 024-14-0028-029-04 024-14-0028-034-05 024-14-0028-037-03
024-14-0028-022-23 024-14-0028-029-05 024-14-0028-034-07 024-14-0028-037-04
024-14-0028-022-23 024-14-0028-029-06 024-14-0028-034-08 024-14-0028-037-05
024-14-0028-023-03 024-14-0028-029-07 024-14-0028-034-10 024-14-0028-037-06
024-14-0028-023-12 024-14-0028-029-08 024-14-0028-034-11 024-14-0028-037-07
024-14-0028-023-22 024-14-0028-029-09 024-14-0028-034-12 024-14-0028-037-08
024-14-0028-023-22 024-14-0028-029-10 024-14-0028-034-13 024-14-0028-037-09
024-14-0028-023-24 024-14-0028-029-11 024-14-0028-034-14 024-14-0028-037-16
024-14-0028-023-25 024-14-0028-029-12 024-14-0028-034-15 024-14-0028-037-16
024-14-0028-023-26 024-14-0028-029-13 024-14-0028-034-16 024-14-0028-037-16
024-14-0028-023-27 024-14-0028-029-14 024-14-0028-034-17 024-14-0028-037-23
024-14-0028-024-02 024-14-0028-029-15 024-14-0028-034-18 024-14-0028-038-01
024-14-0028-024-05 024-14-0028-029-16 024-14-0028-035-01 024-14-0028-038-07
024-14-0028-024-09 024-14-0028-029-17 024-14-0028-035-02 024-14-0028-038-12
024-14-0028-025-05 024-14-0028-029-18 024-14-0028-035-05 024-14-0028-038-13
024-14-0028-025-10 024-14-0028-029-19 024-14-0028-035-06 024-14-0028-038-21
024-14-0028-025-15 024-14-0028-029-20 024-14-0028-035-06 024-14-0028-041-08
024-14-0028-027-01 024-14-0028-029-21 024-14-0028-035-07 024-14-0028-041-09
024-14-0028-027-02 024-14-0028-029-22 024-14-0028-035-08 024-14-0028-041-10


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024-14-0028-028-02 024-14-0028-033-01 024-14-0028-035-09 024-14-0028-041-17

024-14-0028-028-03 024-14-0028-033-03 024-14-0028-035-10 024-14-0028-041-18
024-14-0028-028-04 024-14-0028-033-04 024-14-0028-035-11 024-14-0028-042-07
024-14-0028-028-05 024-14-0028-033-05 024-14-0028-035-12 024-14-0028-042-08
024-14-0028-028-06 024-14-0028-033-06 024-14-0028-035-13
024-14-0028-028-07 024-14-0028-033-09 024-14-0028-035-15

III.A.6.2. Tourism Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0028-001-02 024-14-0028-007-02 024-14-0028-017-16 024-14-0028-020-12
024-14-0028-001-07 024-14-0028-007-03 024-14-0028-017-17 024-14-0028-020-13
024-14-0028-001-08 024-14-0028-007-04 024-14-0028-017-18 024-14-0028-020-15
024-14-0028-001-10 024-14-0028-007-05 024-14-0028-017-19 024-14-0028-020-18
024-14-0028-001-14 024-14-0028-007-06 024-14-0028-017-20 024-14-0028-020-19
024-14-0028-001-19 024-14-0028-007-07 024-14-0028-017-21 024-14-0028-020-20
024-14-0028-001-28 024-14-0028-007-08 024-14-0028-017-22 024-14-0028-034-01
024-14-0028-001-30 024-14-0028-007-09 024-14-0028-017-23 024-14-0028-034-02
024-14-0028-001-31 024-14-0028-007-10 024-14-0028-017-24 024-14-0028-034-03
024-14-0028-001-32 024-14-0028-007-11 024-14-0028-017-25 024-14-0028-034-04
024-14-0028-005-01 024-14-0028-007-12 024-14-0028-019-01 024-14-0028-034-05
024-14-0028-005-02 024-14-0028-007-13 024-14-0028-019-02 024-14-0028-034-06
024-14-0028-005-03 024-14-0028-007-14 024-14-0028-019-03 024-14-0028-034-07
024-14-0028-005-04 024-14-0028-007-15 024-14-0028-019-04 024-14-0028-034-08
024-14-0028-005-05 024-14-0028-007-16 024-14-0028-019-05 024-14-0028-034-09
024-14-0028-005-06 024-14-0028-007-17 024-14-0028-019-06 024-14-0028-034-10
024-14-0028-005-07 024-14-0028-007-18 024-14-0028-019-07 024-14-0028-034-11
024-14-0028-005-08 024-14-0028-007-19 024-14-0028-019-08 024-14-0028-034-12
024-14-0028-005-09 024-14-0028-007-20 024-14-0028-019-09 024-14-0028-034-13
024-14-0028-005-10 024-14-0028-007-21 024-14-0028-019-10 024-14-0028-034-14
024-14-0028-005-11 024-14-0028-016-01 024-14-0028-019-11 024-14-0028-034-15
024-14-0028-005-12 024-14-0028-016-02 024-14-0028-019-12 024-14-0028-034-16
024-14-0028-005-13 024-14-0028-016-03 024-14-0028-019-13 024-14-0028-034-17
024-14-0028-005-15 024-14-0028-016-04 024-14-0028-019-14 024-14-0028-034-18
024-14-0028-005-16 024-14-0028-016-05 024-14-0028-019-15 024-14-0028-035-01
024-14-0028-005-17 024-14-0028-016-06 024-14-0028-019-16 024-14-0028-035-02
024-14-0028-005-18 024-14-0028-016-07 024-14-0028-019-17 024-14-0028-035-03
024-14-0028-005-19 024-14-0028-016-08 024-14-0028-019-19 024-14-0028-035-04
024-14-0028-005-20 024-14-0028-016-09 024-14-0028-019-20 024-14-0028-035-05
024-14-0028-005-21 024-14-0028-016-10 024-14-0028-019-21 024-14-0028-035-06
024-14-0028-005-22 024-14-0028-016-11 024-14-0028-019-22 024-14-0028-035-07
024-14-0028-006-01 024-14-0028-016-12 024-14-0028-019-23 024-14-0028-035-08
024-14-0028-006-02 024-14-0028-016-13 024-14-0028-019-24 024-14-0028-035-09
024-14-0028-006-03 024-14-0028-016-14 024-14-0028-019-25 024-14-0028-035-10
024-14-0028-006-04 024-14-0028-017-01 024-14-0028-019-26 024-14-0028-035-11
024-14-0028-006-05 024-14-0028-017-02 024-14-0028-019-27 024-14-0028-035-12
024-14-0028-006-06 024-14-0028-017-03 024-14-0028-019-28 024-14-0028-035-13
024-14-0028-006-07 024-14-0028-017-05 024-14-0028-019-29 024-14-0028-035-14
024-14-0028-006-08 024-14-0028-017-06 024-14-0028-020-01 024-14-0028-035-15
024-14-0028-006-09 024-14-0028-017-07 024-14-0028-020-02 024-14-0028-036-01
024-14-0028-006-10 024-14-0028-017-08 024-14-0028-020-03 024-14-0028-036-02
024-14-0028-006-11 024-14-0028-017-09 024-14-0028-020-04 024-14-0028-036-03
024-14-0028-006-12 024-14-0028-017-10 024-14-0028-020-05 024-14-0028-036-04
024-14-0028-006-13 024-14-0028-017-11 024-14-0028-020-06 024-14-0028-036-05
024-14-0028-006-14 024-14-0028-017-12 024-14-0028-020-07 024-14-0028-036-06
024-14-0028-006-15 024-14-0028-017-13 024-14-0028-020-08 024-14-0028-036-07
024-14-0028-006-16 024-14-0028-017-14 024-14-0028-020-09 024-14-0028-036-08


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024-14-0028-007-01 024-14-0028-017-15 024-14-0028-020-11 024-14-0028-036-09

024-14-0028-036-10 024-14-0028-037-05 024-14-0028-037-16 024-14-0028-037-21
024-14-0028-036-11 024-14-0028-037-06 024-14-0028-037-16 024-14-0028-037-22
024-14-0028-037-01 024-14-0028-037-07 024-14-0028-037-16 024-14-0028-037-22
024-14-0028-037-02 024-14-0028-037-08 024-14-0028-037-17 024-14-0028-037-23
024-14-0028-037-02 024-14-0028-037-09 024-14-0028-037-18
024-14-0028-037-03 024-14-0028-037-11 024-14-0028-037-19
024-14-0028-037-04 024-14-0028-037-15 024-14-0028-037-20

III.A.6.3. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay expansion areas within
about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball Courts and
playfields serving as neighborhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included under the
III.A.6.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighborhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighborhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighborhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
III.A.6.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
project to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the world, within the planning period.
Additional road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on road under the
transportation sectoral studies.
III.A.6.6. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land and use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open
spaces are Agricultural Development Areas.

IV.A.1.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0012-001-01 024-14-0012-003-16 024-14-0012-007-30 024-14-0012-012-27
024-14-0012-001-02 024-14-0012-003-17 024-14-0012-007-31 024-14-0012-012-28
024-14-0012-001-04 024-14-0012-003-18 024-14-0012-007-32 024-14-0012-012-29
024-14-0012-001-04 024-14-0012-003-19 024-14-0012-007-33 024-14-0012-012-31
024-14-0012-001-08 024-14-0012-003-20 024-14-0012-007-34 024-14-0012-012-32
024-14-0012-001-08 024-14-0012-003-21 024-14-0012-007-35 024-14-0012-015-05
024-14-0012-001-14 024-14-0012-003-22 024-14-0012-007-36 024-14-0012-015-06
024-14-0012-001-19 024-14-0012-003-23 024-14-0012-007-37 024-14-0012-015-12
024-14-0012-001-20 024-14-0012-003-24 024-14-0012-007-38 024-14-0012-015-13
024-14-0012-001-25 024-14-0012-003-25 024-14-0012-007-39 024-14-0012-016-03


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024-14-0012-001-26 024-14-0012-003-26 024-14-0012-007-40 024-14-0012-016-04

024-14-0012-001-27 024-14-0012-003-27 024-14-0012-007-41 024-14-0012-016-05
024-14-0012-001-28 024-14-0012-003-28 024-14-0012-007-42 024-14-0012-016-06
024-14-0012-001-29 024-14-0012-003-29 024-14-0012-007-47 024-14-0012-016-07
024-14-0012-001-30 024-14-0012-003-31 024-14-0012-008-05 024-14-0012-016-08
024-14-0012-001-31 024-14-0012-003-31 024-14-0012-008-06 024-14-0012-016-09
024-14-0012-001-32 024-14-0012-003-32 024-14-0012-008-15 024-14-0012-016-14
024-14-0012-001-33 024-14-0012-003-33 024-14-0012-008-16 024-14-0012-016-15
024-14-0012-001-34 024-14-0012-003-34 024-14-0012-008-20 024-14-0012-016-16
024-14-0012-001-35 024-14-0012-003-35 024-14-0012-008-21 024-14-0012-016-17
024-14-0012-001-36 024-14-0012-004-02 024-14-0012-008-22 024-14-0012-016-18
024-14-0012-001-37 024-14-0012-005-04 024-14-0012-008-23 024-14-0012-016-19
024-14-0012-001-38 024-14-0012-005-05 024-14-0012-008-24 024-14-0012-016-20
024-14-0012-001-40 024-14-0012-005-06 024-14-0012-008-25 024-14-0012-017-07
024-14-0012-001-41 024-14-0012-005-09 024-14-0012-008-26 024-14-0012-017-09
024-14-0012-001-42 024-14-0012-005-11 024-14-0012-008-27 024-14-0012-017-15
024-14-0012-001-43 024-14-0012-005-13 024-14-0012-008-32 024-14-0012-017-17
024-14-0012-002-08 024-14-0012-006-01 024-14-0012-009-13 024-14-0012-017-19
024-14-0012-002-09 024-14-0012-006-03 024-14-0012-009-14 024-14-0012-017-21
024-14-0012-002-10 024-14-0012-006-04 024-14-0012-011-18 024-14-0012-017-23
024-14-0012-002-11 024-14-0012-006-06 024-14-0012-011-28 024-14-0012-017-25
024-14-0012-002-13 024-14-0012-006-07 024-14-0012-011-29 024-14-0012-017-27
024-14-0012-002-14 024-14-0012-006-08 024-14-0012-011-30 024-14-0012-017-28
024-14-0012-002-15 024-14-0012-006-09 024-14-0012-011-31 024-14-0012-017-29
024-14-0012-002-16 024-14-0012-006-12 024-14-0012-012-01 024-14-0012-017-31
024-14-0012-002-16 024-14-0012-006-13 024-14-0012-012-03 024-14-0012-017-32
024-14-0012-002-17 024-14-0012-007-03 024-14-0012-012-04 024-14-0012-017-33
024-14-0012-002-18 024-14-0012-007-04 024-14-0012-012-05 024-14-0012-017-34
024-14-0012-002-20 024-14-0012-007-09 024-14-0012-012-06 024-14-0012-017-35
024-14-0012-002-22 024-14-0012-007-12 024-14-0012-012-09 024-14-0012-017-36
024-14-0012-002-21 024-14-0012-007-13 024-14-0012-012-10 024-14-0012-017-37
024-14-0012-002-23 024-14-0012-007-14 024-14-0012-012-11 024-14-0012-017-38
024-14-0012-003-07 024-14-0012-007-15 024-14-0012-012-13 024-14-0012-018-10
024-14-0012-003-08 024-14-0012-007-16 024-14-0012-012-17 024-14-0012-018-19
024-14-0012-003-09 024-14-0012-007-17 024-14-0012-012-18 024-14-0012-018-20
024-14-0012-003-10 024-14-0012-007-19 024-14-0012-012-20 024-14-0012-018-22
024-14-0012-003-11 024-14-0012-007-21 024-14-0012-012-21 024-14-0012-018-25
024-14-0012-003-12 024-14-0012-007-22 024-14-0012-012-22 024-14-0012-018-26
024-14-0012-003-13 024-14-0012-007-23 024-14-0012-012-24 024-14-0012-018-29
024-14-0012-003-14 024-14-0012-007-27 024-14-0012-012-25 024-14-0012-019-09
024-14-0012-003-15 024-14-0012-007-29 024-14-0012-012-26 024-14-0012-019-12
Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0012-019-16 024-14-0012-20-11 024-14-0012-21-14 024-14-0012-21-31
024-14-0012-019-19 024-14-0012-20-13 024-14-0012-21-20 024-14-0012-21-32
024-14-0012-019-22 024-14-0012-20-16 024-14-0012-21-22 024-14-0012-21-33
024-14-0012-019-25 024-14-0012-20-17 024-14-0012-21-24 024-14-0012-21-34
024-14-0012-019-27 024-14-0012-20-19 024-14-0012-21-29 024-14-0012-21-38
024-14-0012-20-10 024-14-0012-21-12 024-14-0012-21-30

IV.A.1.2. Tourism Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


IV.A.1.3. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-Purpose
Building, and other government offices present at the barangay and their expansion areas
within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball Courts
and playfields serving as neighbourhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included under
the category.
IV.A.1.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighbourhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighbourhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighbourhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
IV.A.1.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.
IV.A.1.6. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land use development, tourism development, functional open spaces are Agricultural
Development Areas.
IV.A.2.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0004-001-02 024-14-0004-003-19 024-14-0004-008-05 024-14-0004-013-07
024-14-0004-001-03 024-14-0004-003-20 024-14-0004-008-06 024-14-0004-013-10
024-14-0004-001-04 024-14-0004-003-21 024-14-0004-008-07 024-14-0004-013-11
024-14-0004-001-04 024-14-0004-003-22 024-14-0004-008-08 024-14-0004-013-12
024-14-0004-001-05 024-14-0004-003-23 024-14-0004-008-09 024-14-0004-014-02
024-14-0004-001-08 024-14-0004-003-24 024-14-0004-009-02 024-14-0004-014-03
024-14-0004-001-09 024-14-0004-003-25 024-14-0004-009-15 024-14-0004-014-04
024-14-0004-001-10 024-14-0004-003-26 024-14-0004-010-03 024-14-0004-014-05
024-14-0004-001-11 024-14-0004-003-27 024-14-0004-010-04 024-14-0004-014-11
024-14-0004-001-15 024-14-0004-003-28 024-14-0004-011-04 024-14-0004-014-13
024-14-0004-001-16 024-14-0004-003-29 024-14-0004-011-06 024-14-0004-014-14
024-14-0004-001-19 024-14-0004-003-30 024-14-0004-011-07 024-14-0004-014-21
024-14-0004-002-03 024-14-0004-003-31 024-14-0004-011-08 024-14-0004-014-24
024-14-0004-002-04 024-14-0004-003-32 024-14-0004-011-11 024-14-0004-014-26
024-14-0004-002-05 024-14-0004-003-33 024-14-0004-011-12 024-14-0004-014-27
024-14-0004-002-06 024-14-0004-003-34 024-14-0004-011-13 024-14-0004-014-28
024-14-0004-002-08 024-14-0004-003-35 024-14-0004-011-25 024-14-0004-014-29
024-14-0004-002-09 024-14-0004-004-01 024-14-0004-012-01 024-14-0004-014-31
024-14-0004-002-13 024-14-0004-004-02 024-14-0004-012-02 024-14-0004-014-32
024-14-0004-002-14 024-14-0004-004-03 024-14-0004-012-03 024-14-0004-014-33
024-14-0004-002-15 024-14-0004-004-04 024-14-0004-012-04 024-14-0004-015-01


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024-14-0004-002-16 024-14-0004-004-05 024-14-0004-012-05 024-14-0004-015-02

024-14-0004-002-17 024-14-0004-004-06 024-14-0004-012-06 024-14-0004-015-03
024-14-0004-002-18 024-14-0004-004-07 024-14-0004-012-07 024-14-0004-015-07
024-14-0004-002-19 024-14-0004-004-08 024-14-0004-012-08 024-14-0004-015-08
024-14-0004-002-20 024-14-0004-004-10 024-14-0004-012-09 024-14-0004-015-09
024-14-0004-002-23 024-14-0004-004-12 024-14-0004-012-10 024-14-0004-015-10
024-14-0004-002-24 024-14-0004-005-07 024-14-0004-012-11 024-14-0004-015-12
024-14-0004-002-25 024-14-0004-005-16 024-14-0004-012-12 024-14-0004-015-21
024-14-0004-002-26 024-14-0004-005-21 024-14-0004-012-13 024-14-0004-015-24
024-14-0004-002-27 024-14-0004-005-23 024-14-0004-012-14 024-14-0004-015-25
024-14-0004-002-28 024-14-0004-005-24 024-14-0004-012-15 024-14-0004-016-03
024-14-0004-003-03 024-14-0004-005-25 024-14-0004-012-16 024-14-0004-016-07
024-14-0004-003-04 024-14-0004-005-26 024-14-0004-012-17 024-14-0004-016-08
024-14-0004-003-07 024-14-0004-005-27 024-14-0004-012-18 024-14-0004-016-12
024-14-0004-003-08 024-14-0004-005-28 024-14-0004-012-19 024-14-0004-016-13
024-14-0004-003-10 024-14-0004-005-32 024-14-0004-012-20 024-14-0004-016-13
024-14-0004-003-11 024-14-0004-006-03 024-14-0004-013-02 024-14-0004-016-14
024-14-0004-003-12 024-14-0004-006-24 024-14-0004-013-03 024-14-0004-016-14
024-14-0004-003-14 024-14-0004-006-25 024-14-0004-013-04 024-14-0004-016-15
024-14-0004-003-17 024-14-0004-008-03 024-14-0004-013-05 024-14-0004-016-17
024-14-0004-003-18 024-14-0004-008-04 024-14-0004-013-06 024-14-0004-016-18
Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0004-016-18 024-14-0004-020-15 024-14-0004-026-35 024-14-0004-028-25
024-14-0004-016-19 024-14-0004-020-16 024-14-0004-026-39 024-14-0004-028-26
024-14-0004-016-23 024-14-0004-020-17 024-14-0004-026-40 024-14-0004-028-27
024-14-0004-016-24 024-14-0004-020-18 024-14-0004-026-41 024-14-0004-029-30
024-14-0004-016-25 024-14-0004-021-02 024-14-0004-026-42 024-14-0004-029-32
024-14-0004-016-27 024-14-0004-021-03 024-14-0004-026-43 024-14-0004-029-33
024-14-0004-016-28 024-14-0004-021-04 024-14-0004-026-44 024-14-0004-031-03
024-14-0004-016-29 024-14-0004-021-05 024-14-0004-026-45 024-14-0004-031-08
024-14-0004-017-01 024-14-0004-021-06 024-14-0004-027-01 024-14-0004-031-20
024-14-0004-017-02 024-14-0004-021-07 024-14-0004-027-02 024-14-0004-032-07
024-14-0004-017-03 024-14-0004-021-08 024-14-0004-027-07 024-14-0004-032-08
024-14-0004-017-04 024-14-0004-021-09 024-14-0004-027-08 024-14-0004-034-03
024-14-0004-017-05 024-14-0004-021-10 024-14-0004-027-10 024-14-0004-034-04
024-14-0004-017-06 024-14-0004-021-13 024-14-0004-027-13 024-14-0004-034-05
024-14-0004-017-08 024-14-0004-021-14 024-14-0004-027-15 024-14-0004-034-06
024-14-0004-017-12 024-14-0004-021-17 024-14-0004-027-16 024-14-0004-034-07
024-14-0004-017-13 024-14-0004-021-18 024-14-0004-027-17 024-14-0004-034-08
024-14-0004-017-14 024-14-0004-021-19 024-14-0004-027-16 024-14-0004-034-09
024-14-0004-017-15 024-14-0004-021-22 024-14-0004-027-17 024-14-0004-034-10
024-14-0004-017-16 024-14-0004-021-25 024-14-0004-027-19 024-14-0004-034-11
024-14-0004-017-23 024-14-0004-021-28 024-14-0004-027-20 024-14-0004-034-12
024-14-0004-017-24 024-14-0004-021-29 024-14-0004-027-21 024-14-0004-034-13
024-14-0004-017-25 024-14-0004-021-30 024-14-0004-027-22 024-14-0004-038-04
024-14-0004-017-26 024-14-0004-021-31 024-14-0004-027-23 024-14-0004-038-14
024-14-0004-017-27 024-14-0004-021-32 024-14-0004-027-24 024-14-0004-038-17
024-14-0004-017-28 024-14-0004-021-33 024-14-0004-027-25 024-14-0004-039-05
024-14-0004-017-29 024-14-0004-022-01 024-14-0004-027-26 024-14-0004-039-07
024-14-0004-017-30 024-14-0004-022-02 024-14-0004-027-27 024-14-0004-039-09
024-14-0004-017-31 024-14-0004-022-03 024-14-0004-027-28 024-14-0004-039-10
024-14-0004-017-32 024-14-0004-022-04 024-14-0004-027-29 024-14-0004-039-15
024-14-0004-018-16 024-14-0004-022-05 024-14-0004-027-30 024-14-0004-040-05
024-14-0004-018-17 024-14-0004-022-06 024-14-0004-027-32 024-14-0004-040-19
024-14-0004-018-34 024-14-0004-022-07 024-14-0004-027-33 024-14-0004-040-20
024-14-0004-018-35 024-14-0004-022-08 024-14-0004-027-34 024-14-0004-040-21
024-14-0004-018-36 024-14-0004-022-09 024-14-0004-027-35 024-14-0004-040-23
024-14-0004-018-37 024-14-0004-022-10 024-14-0004-027-36 024-14-0004-041-01


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024-14-0004-018-38 024-14-0004-022-12 024-14-0004-028-03 024-14-0004-041-02

024-14-0004-018-39 024-14-0004-022-13 024-14-0004-028-04 024-14-0004-041-03
024-14-0004-018-40 024-14-0004-022-15 024-14-0004-028-05 024-14-0004-041-07
024-14-0004-018-41 024-14-0004-022-16 024-14-0004-028-06 024-14-0004-041-12
024-14-0004-019-01 024-14-0004-023-01 024-14-0004-028-07 024-14-0004-041-16
024-14-0004-020-04 024-14-0004-023-15 024-14-0004-028-09 024-14-0004-041-17
024-14-0004-020-07 024-14-0004-026-09 024-14-0004-028-10 024-14-0004-041-18
024-14-0004-020-08 024-14-0004-026-12 024-14-0004-028-11 024-14-0004-041-18
024-14-0004-020-10 024-14-0004-026-13 024-14-0004-028-12 024-14-0004-041-20
024-14-0004-020-13 024-14-0004-026-27 024-14-0004-028-13 024-14-0004-041-22
024-14-0004-020-14 024-14-0004-026-28 024-14-0004-028-22 024-14-0004-041-23
Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0004-041-24 024-14-0004-043-02 024-14-0004-043-23 024-14-0004-044-18
024-14-0004-041-25 024-14-0004-043-03 024-14-0004-043-24 024-14-0004-044-21
024-14-0004-041-26 024-14-0004-043-04 024-14-0004-043-25 024-14-0004-044-22
024-14-0004-042-04 024-14-0004-043-05 024-14-0004-043-26 024-14-0004-044-23
024-14-0004-042-05 024-14-0004-043-06 024-14-0004-044-01 024-14-0004-044-24
024-14-0004-042-06 024-14-0004-043-07 024-14-0004-044-03 024-14-0004-044-25
024-14-0004-042-07 024-14-0004-043-08 024-14-0004-044-04 024-14-0004-044-26
024-14-0004-042-08 024-14-0004-043-09 024-14-0004-044-05 024-14-0004-044-27
024-14-0004-042-09 024-14-0004-043-17 024-14-0004-044-07 024-14-0004-044-28
024-14-0004-042-10 024-14-0004-043-19 024-14-0004-044-07 024-14-0004-044-29
024-14-0004-042-11 024-14-0004-043-20 024-14-0004-044-11 024-14-0004-044-30
024-14-0004-042-13 024-14-0004-043-21 024-14-0004-044-14
024-14-0004-043-01 024-14-0004-043-22 024-14-0004-044-15

IV.A.2.2. Tourism Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0004-016-02 024-14-0004-018-02 024-14-0004-040-04 024-14-0004-041-15
024-14-0004-016-04 024-14-0004-018-03 024-14-0004-041-05 024-14-0004-041-15
024-14-0004-016-04 024-14-0004-018-04 024-14-0004-041-06 024-14-0004-042-02
024-14-0004-016-21 024-14-0004-019-03 024-14-0004-041-07 024-14-0004-042-03
024-14-0004-016-21 024-14-0004-031-09 024-14-0004-041-09 024-14-0004-042-12
024-14-0004-016-26 024-14-0004-031-10 024-14-0004-041-11 024-14-0004-043-16
024-14-0004-016-31 024-14-0004-040-04 024-14-0004-041-14

IV.A.2.3. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay an their expansion
areas within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball
Courts a playfields serving as neighborhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included
under the category.
IV.A.2.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighborhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighborhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighborhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


IV.A.2.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads

Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.
IV.A.2.6. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open spaces
are Agricultural Development Areas.
Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0027-035-29 024-14-0027-035-37 024-14-0027-035-03 024-14-0027-035-06
024-14-0027-035-31 024-14-0027-036-01 024-14-0027-035-04 024-14-0027-035-07
024-14-0027-035-36 024-14-0027-035-02 024-14-0027-035-05
Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0027-035-29 024-14-0027-035-37 024-14-0027-035-03 024-14-0027-035-06
024-14-0027-035-31 024-14-0027-036-01 024-14-0027-035-04 024-14-0027-035-07
024-14-0027-035-36 024-14-0027-035-02 024-14-0027-035-05
IV.A.3.1. Residential Areas
Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0027-002-01 024-14-0027-013-02 024-14-0027-018-13 024-14-0027-026-10
024-14-0027-003-06 024-14-0027-013-03 024-14-0027-019-04 024-14-0027-029-03
024-14-0027-003-07 024-14-0027-013-04 024-14-0027-019-05 024-14-0027-029-04
024-14-0027-003-08 024-14-0027-013-05 024-14-0027-019-11 024-14-0027-029-05
024-14-0027-003-10 024-14-0027-013-06 024-14-0027-019-13 024-14-0027-029-06
024-14-0027-003-11 024-14-0027-013-08 024-14-0027-019-14 024-14-0027-029-08
024-14-0027-003-12 024-14-0027-013-09 024-14-0027-019-19 024-14-0027-029-09
024-14-0027-003-13 024-14-0027-013-10 024-14-0027-019-25 024-14-0027-029-10
024-14-0027-003-14 024-14-0027-013-16 024-14-0027-019-26 024-14-0027-029-11
024-14-0027-003-20 024-14-0027-014-01 024-14-0027-019-27 024-14-0027-029-12
024-14-0027-003-21 024-14-0027-014-05 024-14-0027-019-30 024-14-0027-029-13
024-14-0027-003-22 024-14-0027-014-06 024-14-0027-019-31 024-14-0027-029-14
024-14-0027-004-04 024-14-0027-014-11 024-14-0027-019-34 024-14-0027-029-15
024-14-0027-004-06 024-14-0027-014-16 024-14-0027-019-39 024-14-0027-029-16
024-14-0027-004-08 024-14-0027-014-17 024-14-0027-019-41 024-14-0027-029-17
024-14-0027-004-12 024-14-0027-014-18 024-14-0027-019-42 024-14-0027-029-18
024-14-0027-004-12 024-14-0027-014-19 024-14-0027-019-43 024-14-0027-029-19
024-14-0027-004-13 024-14-0027-014-20 024-14-0027-019-44 024-14-0027-029-21
024-14-0027-004-14 024-14-0027-014-23 024-14-0027-021-05 024-14-0027-029-22
024-14-0027-004-15 024-14-0027-014-28 024-14-0027-024-03 024-14-0027-029-23
024-14-0027-004-16 024-14-0027-014-39 024-14-0027-024-04 024-14-0027-030-04
024-14-0027-004-17 024-14-0027-015-03 024-14-0027-024-05 024-14-0027-030-05
024-14-0027-004-18 024-14-0027-015-05 024-14-0027-024-06 024-14-0027-030-06
024-14-0027-004-19 024-14-0027-015-09 024-14-0027-024-07 024-14-0027-030-09
024-14-0027-004-24 024-14-0027-015-13 024-14-0027-024-08 024-14-0027-030-10
024-14-0027-004-25 024-14-0027-015-14 024-14-0027-024-09 024-14-0027-030-11
024-14-0027-004-27 024-14-0027-015-15 024-14-0027-024-10 024-14-0027-033-03
024-14-0027-004-28 024-14-0027-015-16 024-14-0027-024-11 024-14-0027-033-04
024-14-0027-004-29 024-14-0027-015-19 024-14-0027-024-12 024-14-0027-033-07
024-14-0027-004-30 024-14-0027-015-20 024-14-0027-024-13 024-14-0027-033-08


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024-14-0027-004-30 024-14-0027-016-04 024-14-0027-024-14 024-14-0027-033-10

024-14-0027-004-31 024-14-0027-016-06 024-14-0027-024-15 024-14-0027-034-11
024-14-0027-004-35 024-14-0027-017-01 024-14-0027-024-16 024-14-0027-034-29
024-14-0027-004-36 024-14-0027-017-02 024-14-0027-024-17 024-14-0027-035-07
024-14-0027-004-38 024-14-0027-017-04 024-14-0027-024-19 024-14-0027-035-08
024-14-0027-004-40 024-14-0027-017-05 024-14-0027-025-02 024-14-0027-035-09
024-14-0027-005-14 024-14-0027-017-06 024-14-0027-025-08 024-14-0027-035-10
024-14-0027-006-02 024-14-0027-017-07 024-14-0027-025-09 024-14-0027-035-13
024-14-0027-008-01 024-14-0027-017-08 024-14-0027-025-10 024-14-0027-035-14
024-14-0027-008-02 024-14-0027-017-09 024-14-0027-025-14 024-14-0027-035-15
024-14-0027-008-12 024-14-0027-017-10 024-14-0027-025-15 024-14-0027-035-16
024-14-0027-008-14 024-14-0027-017-11 024-14-0027-025-16 024-14-0027-035-18
024-14-0027-009-11 024-14-0027-017-12 024-14-0027-025-17 024-14-0027-035-19
024-14-0027-009-15 024-14-0027-017-13 024-14-0027-025-18 024-14-0027-035-20
024-14-0027-010-09 024-14-0027-017-14 024-14-0027-025-19 024-14-0027-035-21
024-14-0027-010-14 024-14-0027-017-15 024-14-0027-025-20 024-14-0027-035-22
024-14-0027-010-15 024-14-0027-017-16 024-14-0027-025-21 024-14-0027-035-23
024-14-0027-010-18 024-14-0027-017-17 024-14-0027-025-22 024-14-0027-035-24
024-14-0027-011-11 024-14-0027-017-20 024-14-0027-025-23 024-14-0027-035-25
024-14-0027-011-11 024-14-0027-017-21 024-14-0027-025-24 024-14-0027-035-27
024-14-0027-013-01 024-14-0027-018-12 024-14-0027-025-26 024-14-0027-035-28

IV.A.3.2.Tourism Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0027-015-02 024-14-0027-016-07 024-14-0027-033-05 024-14-0027-034-29
024-14-0027-015-04 024-14-0027-016-08 024-14-0027-033-09 024-14-0027-034-31
024-14-0027-015-11 024-14-0027-016-10 024-14-0027-033-11 024-14-0027-034-32
024-14-0027-015-17 024-14-0027-016-11 024-14-0027-033-12
024-14-0027-015-23 024-14-0027-017-03 024-14-0027-034-10
024-14-0027-015-24 024-14-0027-017-19 024-14-0027-034-19

IV.A.3.3. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government officers present at the barangay and their expansion
areas within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball
Courts and playfields serving as neighbourhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included
under the category.
IV.A.3.4. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently use as basketball court and neighbourhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation and
development areas. Expansion of neighbourhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighbourhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
IV.A.3.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional


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road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.
IV.A.3.6. Agricultural Development Areas
All others areas within the barangay not specifically categorized delineated as urban
land use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open spaces
are Agricultural Development Areas.
IV.A.4.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0016-001-02 024-14-0016-003-11 024-14-0016-012-11 024-14-0016-018-30
024-14-0016-001-03 024-14-0016-003-14 024-14-0016-013-04 024-14-0016-018-31
024-14-0016-002-01 024-14-0016-003-15 024-14-0016-013-16 024-14-0016-019-23
024-14-0016-002-03 024-14-0016-003-16 024-14-0016-013-17 024-14-0016-024-01
024-14-0016-002-08 024-14-0016-003-17 024-14-0016-013-18 024-14-0016-025-37
024-14-0016-002-15 024-14-0016-003-18 024-14-0016-014-10 024-14-0016-026-06
024-14-0016-002-16 024-14-0016-003-19 024-14-0016-015-06 024-14-0016-027-21
024-14-0016-002-17 024-14-0016-006-02 024-14-0016-016-01 024-14-0016-028-02
024-14-0016-003-01 024-14-0016-007-01 024-14-0016-016-02 024-14-0016-028-03
024-14-0016-003-02 024-14-0016-008-02 024-14-0016-016-03 024-14-0016-028-04
024-14-0016-003-03 024-14-0016-008-08 024-14-0016-016-04 024-14-0016-028-05
024-14-0016-003-04 024-14-0016-011-06 024-14-0016-017-07 024-14-0016-028-06
024-14-0016-003-05 024-14-0016-011-07 024-14-0016-017-012 024-14-0016-028-08
024-14-0016-003-07 024-14-0016-011-08 024-14-0016-018-21 024-14-0016-028-09
024-14-0016-003-08 024-14-0016-011-09 024-14-0016-018-22 024-14-0016-028-11
024-14-0016-003-09 024-14-0016-012-07 024-14-0016-018-26 024-14-0016-028-13
024-14-0016-003-10 024-14-0016-012-08 024-14-0016-018-27

IV.A.4.2. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay and their expansion
areas within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball
Courts and playfields serving as neighbourhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included
under the category.
IV.A.4.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighbourhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighbourhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighbourhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
IV.A.4.4. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.


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IV.A.4.5. Agricultural Development Areas

All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land use development, tourism development, functional open spaces are Agricultural
Development Areas.
IV.A.5.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0014-001-01 024-14-0014-005-10 024-14-0014-014-01 024-14-0014-022-01
024-14-0014-001-02 024-14-0014-006-01 024-14-0014-014-05 024-14-0014-022-02
024-14-0014-001-03 024-14-0014-006-02 024-14-0014-015-03 024-14-0014-022-04
024-14-0014-001-04 024-14-0014-006-03 024-14-0014-015-04 024-14-0014-022-06
024-14-0014-001-05 024-14-0014-006-04 024-14-0014-015-05 024-14-0014-022-07
024-14-0014-001-06 024-14-0014-006-05 024-14-0014-015-06 024-14-0014-022-09
024-14-0014-002-04 024-14-0014-006-06 024-14-0014-015-07 024-14-0014-022-10
024-14-0014-002-05 024-14-0014-006-07 024-14-0014-015-09 024-14-0014-022-21
024-14-0014-002-07 024-14-0014-006-08 024-14-0014-016-03 024-14-0014-022-22
024-14-0014-003-02 024-14-0014-006-08 024-14-0014-016-06 024-14-0014-023-03
024-14-0014-003-04 024-14-0014-006-10 024-14-0014-016-10 024-14-0014-025-01
024-14-0014-003-10 024-14-0014-007-06 024-14-0014-016-13 024-14-0014-026-05
024-14-0014-003-12 024-14-0014-007-07 024-14-0014-017-06 024-14-0014-028-02
024-14-0014-003-13 024-14-0014-007-09 024-14-0014-017-07 024-14-0014-029-01
024-14-0014-003-14 024-14-0014-007-10 024-14-0014-017-08 024-14-0014-029-04
024-14-0014-003-15 024-14-0014-007-12 024-14-0014-018-13 024-14-0014-029-16
024-14-0014-004-02 024-14-0014-007-16 024-14-0014-018-15 024-14-0014-029-17
024-14-0014-004-03 024-14-0014-007-17 024-14-0014-020-01 024-14-0014-029-18
024-14-0014-004-04 024-14-0014-007-18 024-14-0014-020-02 024-14-0014-029-19
024-14-0014-004-05 024-14-0014-007-19 024-14-0014-020-03 024-14-0014-029-20
024-14-0014-004-06 024-14-0014-007-20 024-14-0014-020-04 024-14-0014-029-21
024-14-0014-004-07 024-14-0014-007-22 024-14-0014-020-05 024-14-0014-029-22
024-14-0014-005-01 024-14-0014-007-23 024-14-0014-020-07 024-14-0014-029-23
024-14-0014-005-02 024-14-0014-009-15 024-14-0014-020-08 024-14-0014-029-24
024-14-0014-005-03 024-14-0014-011-10 024-14-0014-020-10 024-14-0014-029-25
024-14-0014-005-04 024-14-0014-011-11 024-14-0014-020-11 024-14-0014-029-26
024-14-0014-005-05 024-14-0014-011-12 024-14-0014-020-12 024-14-0014-029-27
024-14-0014-005-06 024-14-0014-011-15 024-14-0014-020-13 024-14-0014-029-30
024-14-0014-005-07 024-14-0014-012-11 024-14-0014-020-14 024-14-0014-029-31
024-14-0014-005-08 024-14-0014-012-13 024-14-0014-020-17 024-14-0014-030-10
024-14-0014-005-09 024-14-0014-012-14 024-14-0014-020-18 024-14-0014-031-05

IV.A.5.2. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay expansion areas within
about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball Courts and
playfields serving as neighborhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included under the
IV.A.5.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighborhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


development areas. Expansion of neighborhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters

from said park. Neighborhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
IV.A.5.4. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
project to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the ROAD within the planning period.
Additional road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on road under the
transportation sectoral studies.
IV.A.5.5. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land and use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open
spaces are Agricultural Development Areas.
IV.A.6.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0015-001-01 024-14-0015-004-14 024-14-0015-007-19 024-14-0015-012-16
024-14-0015-001-02 024-14-0015-004-15 024-14-0015-007-20 024-14-0015-013-04
024-14-0015-001-03 024-14-0015-004-16 024-14-0015-007-22 024-14-0015-013-16
024-14-0015-001-04 024-14-0015-004-17 024-14-0015-007-23 024-14-0015-013-17
024-14-0015-001-11 024-14-0015-004-18 024-14-0015-007-24 024-14-0015-013-18
024-14-0015-001-13 024-14-0015-004-19 024-14-0015-007-25 024-14-0015-013-19
024-14-0015-001-14 024-14-0015-004-20 024-14-0015-007-26 024-14-0015-013-20
024-14-0015-001-15 024-14-0015-004-22 024-14-0015-007-27 024-14-0015-013-21
024-14-0015-001-16 024-14-0015-004-23 024-14-0015-007-28 024-14-0015-013-23
024-14-0015-001-17 024-14-0015-004-24 024-14-0015-007-29 024-14-0015-013-24
024-14-0015-002-05 024-14-0015-005-08 024-14-0015-007-30 024-14-0015-013-25
024-14-0015-002-06 024-14-0015-005-11 024-14-0015-007-33 024-14-0015-013-28
024-14-0015-002-07 024-14-0015-005-15 024-14-0015-008-06 024-14-0015-013-30
024-14-0015-002-09 024-14-0015-006-02 024-14-0015-008-11 024-14-0015-014-02
024-14-0015-002-10 024-14-0015-006-03 024-14-0015-008-15 024-14-0015-014-03
024-14-0015-002-11 024-14-0015-006-04 024-14-0015-008-16 024-14-0015-014-04
024-14-0015-002-12 024-14-0015-006-07 024-14-0015-008-20 024-14-0015-014-14
024-14-0015-002-13 024-14-0015-006-08 024-14-0015-008-21 024-14-0015-015-03
024-14-0015-002-14 024-14-0015-006-09 024-14-0015-008-23 024-14-0015-015-09
024-14-0015-002-15 024-14-0015-006-10 024-14-0015-008-24 024-14-0015-015-17
024-14-0015-003-03 024-14-0015-006-11 024-14-0015-008-25 024-14-0015-015-27
024-14-0015-003-04 024-14-0015-006-12 024-14-0015-008-26 024-14-0015-015-28
024-14-0015-003-05 024-14-0015-006-13 024-14-0015-008-27 024-14-0015-016-02
024-14-0015-003-06 024-14-0015-006-14 024-14-0015-010-26 024-14-0015-016-03
024-14-0015-003-07 024-14-0015-006-15 024-14-0015-011-06 024-14-0015-016-05
024-14-0015-003-08 024-14-0015-006-16 024-14-0015-011-07 024-14-0015-016-07
024-14-0015-003-09 024-14-0015-006-17 024-14-0015-011-10 024-14-0015-016-09
024-14-0015-003-10 024-14-0015-006-18 024-14-0015-011-12 024-14-0015-016-13
024-14-0015-003-11 024-14-0015-006-20 024-14-0015-011-14 024-14-0015-016-15
024-14-0015-003-14 024-14-0015-006-23 024-14-0015-011-15 024-14-0015-016-16
024-14-0015-003-15 024-14-0015-007-01 024-14-0015-011-17 024-14-0015-020-11
024-14-0015-003-16 024-14-0015-007-02 024-14-0015-011-18 024-14-0015-020-14
024-14-0015-004-04 024-14-0015-007-03 024-14-0015-011-19 024-14-0015-021-11


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


024-14-0015-004-05 024-14-0015-007-04 024-14-0015-011-20 024-14-0015-021-12

024-14-0015-004-07 024-14-0015-007-05 024-14-0015-011-21 024-14-0015-021-17
024-14-0015-004-10 024-14-0015-007-13 024-14-0015-012-01 024-14-0015-021-18
024-14-0015-004-11 024-14-0015-007-14 024-14-0015-012-13 024-14-0015-021-19
024-14-0015-004-12 024-14-0015-007-15 024-14-0015-012-14 024-14-0015-021-20
024-14-0015-004-13 024-14-0015-007-18 024-14-0015-012-15 024-14-0015-022-01

IV.A.6.2. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay expansion areas within
about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball Courts and
playfields serving as neighborhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included under the
IV.A.6.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighborhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighborhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighborhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
IV.A.6.4. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land and use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open
spaces are Agricultural Development Areas.
IV.A.6.5. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
project to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the world, within the planning period.
Additional road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on road under the
transportation sectoral studies.


V.A.1.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0008-002-03 024-14-0008-004-10 024-14-0008-008-08 024-14-0008-010-29
024-14-0008-002-06 024-14-0008-004-11 024-14-0008-008-09 024-14-0008-010-30
024-14-0008-002-09 024-14-0008-004-12 024-14-0008-008-10 024-14-0008-011-01
024-14-0008-002-10 024-14-0008-004-13 024-14-0008-008-11 024-14-0008-011-02
024-14-0008-002-12 024-14-0008-004-14 024-14-0008-008-12 024-14-0008-011-02
024-14-0008-002-15 024-14-0008-004-15 024-14-0008-008-13 024-14-0008-011-03
024-14-0008-002-16 024-14-0008-004-16 024-14-0008-008-14 024-14-0008-011-03
024-14-0008-002-17 024-14-0008-004-17 024-14-0008-008-15 024-14-0008-011-04
024-14-0008-002-18 024-14-0008-004-18 024-14-0008-008-16 024-14-0008-011-04


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (


024-14-0008-002-19 024-14-0008-004-19 024-14-0008-008-17 024-14-0008-011-05

024-14-0008-002-21 024-14-0008-004-20 024-14-0008-008-18 024-14-0008-011-06
024-14-0008-002-23 024-14-0008-004-21 024-14-0008-008-19 024-14-0008-011-08
024-14-0008-002-24 024-14-0008-004-22 024-14-0008-008-20 024-14-0008-011-09
024-14-0008-002-25 024-14-0008-004-23 024-14-0008-008-21 024-14-0008-011-10
024-14-0008-002-26 024-14-0008-005-01 024-14-0008-008-22 024-14-0008-011-11
024-14-0008-003-01 024-14-0008-005-02 024-14-0008-008-23 024-14-0008-011-12
024-14-0008-003-02 024-14-0008-005-03 024-14-0008-008-24 024-14-0008-011-13
024-14-0008-003-02 024-14-0008-005-04 024-14-0008-009-03 024-14-0008-011-14
024-14-0008-003-03 024-14-0008-005-05 024-14-0008-009-04 024-14-0008-011-15
024-14-0008-003-04 024-14-0008-005-06 024-14-0008-009-05 024-14-0008-011-16
024-14-0008-003-05 024-14-0008-005-07 024-14-0008-009-05 024-14-0008-011-17
024-14-0008-003-06 024-14-0008-005-08 024-14-0008-010-01 024-14-0008-011-18
024-14-0008-003-07 024-14-0008-005-09 024-14-0008-010-02 024-14-0008-011-19
024-14-0008-003-08 024-14-0008-005-10 024-14-0008-010-03 024-14-0008-011-19
024-14-0008-003-09 024-14-0008-005-10 024-14-0008-010-04 024-14-0008-011-20
024-14-0008-003-10 024-14-0008-005-11 024-14-0008-010-05 024-14-0008-012-01
024-14-0008-003-11 024-14-0008-005-12 024-14-0008-010-06 024-14-0008-012-02
024-14-0008-003-13 024-14-0008-005-13 024-14-0008-010-07 024-14-0008-012-03
024-14-0008-003-14 024-14-0008-005-14 024-14-0008-010-08 024-14-0008-012-04
024-14-0008-003-16 024-14-0008-005-15 024-14-0008-010-09 024-14-0008-012-05
024-14-0008-003-16 024-14-0008-005-16 024-14-0008-010-10 024-14-0008-012-06
024-14-0008-003-16 024-14-0008-005-17 024-14-0008-010-11 024-14-0008-012-07
024-14-0008-003-17 024-14-0008-005-18 024-14-0008-010-12 024-14-0008-012-08
024-14-0008-003-18 024-14-0008-005-19 024-14-0008-010-13 024-14-0008-012-09
024-14-0008-003-19 024-14-0008-005-20 024-14-0008-010-14 024-14-0008-012-10
024-14-0008-003-20 024-14-0008-005-21 024-14-0008-010-16 024-14-0008-012-11
024-14-0008-003-21 024-14-0008-005-22 024-14-0008-010-17 024-14-0008-012-12
024-14-0008-003-22 024-14-0008-005-23 024-14-0008-010-18 024-14-0008-012-13
024-14-0008-003-23 024-14-0008-005-24 024-14-0008-010-18 024-14-0008-012-14
024-14-0008-003-24 024-14-0008-006-05 024-14-0008-010-19 024-14-0008-012-15
024-14-0008-003-25 024-14-0008-006-07 024-14-0008-010-20 024-14-0008-012-16
024-14-0008-003-26 024-14-0008-006-19 024-14-0008-010-20 024-14-0008-012-17
024-14-0008-004-01 024-14-0008-006-20 024-14-0008-010-21 024-14-0008-012-20
024-14-0008-004-02 024-14-0008-006-21 024-14-0008-010-22 024-14-0008-012-21
024-14-0008-004-03 024-14-0008-006-22 024-14-0008-010-23 024-14-0008-012-22
024-14-0008-004-05 024-14-0008-006-23 024-14-0008-010-24 024-14-0008-012-24
024-14-0008-004-06 024-14-0008-006-24 024-14-0008-010-25 024-14-0008-012-25
024-14-0008-004-07 024-14-0008-007-07 024-14-0008-010-26 024-14-0008-013-05
024-14-0008-004-08 024-14-0008-007-08 024-14-0008-010-27 024-14-0008-013-19
024-14-0008-004-09 024-14-0008-008-07 024-14-0008-010-28 024-14-0008-013-20

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0008-13-21 024-14-0008-19-05 024-14-0008-20-04 024-14-0008-21-10
024-14-0008-13-22 024-14-0008-19-06 024-14-0008-20-05 024-14-0008-21-11
024-14-0008-13-23 024-14-0008-19-07 024-14-0008-20-06 024-14-0008-22-04
024-14-0008-13-24 024-14-0008-19-08 024-14-0008-20-07 024-14-0008-22-06
024-14-0008-13-31 024-14-0008-19-09 024-14-0008-20-08 024-14-0008-22-12
024-14-0008-13-32 024-14-0008-19-10 024-14-0008-20-09 024-14-0008-22-14
024-14-0008-13-33 024-14-0008-19-11 024-14-0008-20-10 024-14-0008-22-15
024-14-0008-13-34 024-14-0008-19-12 024-14-0008-20-11 024-14-0008-22-16
024-14-0008-13-39 024-14-0008-19-13 024-14-0008-20-12 024-14-0008-22-17
024-14-0008-13-42 024-14-0008-19-14 024-14-0008-20-13 024-14-0008-22-18
024-14-0008-13-43 024-14-0008-19-15 024-14-0008-20-14 024-14-0008-22-19
024-14-0008-13-44 024-14-0008-19-16 024-14-0008-20-15 024-14-0008-24-11
024-14-0008-17-03 024-14-0008-19-17 024-14-0008-20-16 024-14-0008-24-12
024-14-0008-17-04 024-14-0008-19-18 024-14-0008-20-17 024-14-0008-24-13


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024-14-0008-17-09 024-14-0008-19-19 024-14-0008-20-18 024-14-0008-24-14

024-14-0008-17-11 024-14-0008-19-20 024-14-0008-20-19 024-14-0008-24-15
024-14-0008-18-02 024-14-0008-19-21 024-14-0008-20-20 024-14-0008-24-22
024-14-0008-18-03 024-14-0008-19-22 024-14-0008-20-21 024-14-0008-24-23
024-14-0008-18-04 024-14-0008-19-23 024-14-0008-20-22 024-14-0008-25-01
024-14-0008-18-06 024-14-0008-19-24 024-14-0008-21-01 024-14-0008-25-03
024-14-0008-18-10 024-14-0008-19-25 024-14-0008-21-02 024-14-0008-25-04
024-14-0008-18-11 024-14-0008-19-26 024-14-0008-21-03 024-14-0008-25-05
024-14-0008-18-12 024-14-0008-19-27 024-14-0008-21-04 024-14-0008-25-06
024-14-0008-19-01 024-14-0008-19-28 024-14-0008-21-05 024-14-0008-25-08
024-14-0008-19-02 024-14-0008-20-01 024-14-0008-21-06 024-14-0008-25-09
024-14-0008-19-03 024-14-0008-20-02 024-14-0008-21-08 024-14-0008-25-10
024-14-0008-19-04 024-14-0008-20-03 024-14-0008-21-09 024-14-0008-25-11
024-14-0008-24-12 024-14-0008-25-12 024-14-0008-25-13 024-14-0008-25-14
024-14-0008-25-15 024-14-0008-25-16 024-14-0008-25-17 024-14-0008-25-18
024-14-0008-26-02 024-14-0008-26-06 024-14-0008-26-10 024-14-0008-26-14
024-14-0008-26-03 024-14-0008-26-07 024-14-0008-26-11 024-14-0008-26-15
024-14-0008-26-04 024-14-0008-26-08 024-14-0008-26-12 024-14-0008-26-16
024-14-0008-26-05 024-14-0008-26-09 024-14-0008-26-13 024-14-0008-26-17
024-14-0008-26-18 024-14-0008-26-13 024-14-0008-29-15 024-14-0008-30-14
024-14-0008-26-19 024-14-0008-26-14 024-14-0008-29-16 024-14-0008-30-15
024-14-0008-26-20 024-14-0008-26-15 024-14-0008-29-16 024-14-0008-30-21
024-14-0008-26-21 024-14-0008-26-16 024-14-0008-19-17 024-14-0008-30-22
024-14-0008-26-22 024-14-0008-28-01 024-14-0008-29-17 024-14-0008-30-23
024-14-0008-26-23 024-14-0008-28-04 024-14-0008-29-18 024-14-0008-30-25
024-14-0008-26-24 024-14-0008-28-05 024-14-0008-29-22 024-14-0008-31-02
024-14-0008-26-25 024-14-0008-28-06 024-14-0008-29-23 024-14-0008-32-07
024-14-0008-26-26 024-14-0008-28-07 024-14-0008-29-24 024-14-0008-32-09
024-14-0008-27-11 024-14-0008-28-11 024-14-0008-29-25 024-14-0008-32-11
024-14-0008-27-15 024-14-0008-28-12 024-14-0008-29-26 024-14-0008-33-04
024-14-0008-27-18 024-14-0008-28-13 024-14-0008-29-28 024-14-0008-33-05
024-14-0008-27-20 024-14-0008-28-14 024-14-0008-29-29 024-14-0008-33-07
024-14-0008-27-21 024-14-0008-28-15 024-14-0008-29-30 024-14-0008-33-08
024-14-0008-27-24 024-14-0008-28-16 024-14-0008-30-03 024-14-0008-33-09
024-14-0008-27-25 024-14-0008-29-02 024-14-0008-30-04 024-14-0008-33-10
024-14-0008-28-01 024-14-0008-29-04 024-14-0008-30-05 024-14-0008-33-11
024-14-0008-28-04 024-14-0008-29-05 024-14-0008-30-06 024-14-0008-33-12
024-14-0008-28-05 024-14-0008-29-08 024-14-0008-30-09 024-14-0008-33-16
024-14-0008-28-06 024-14-0008-29-10 024-14-0008-30-10 024-14-0008-33-16
024-14-0008-28-07 024-14-0008-29-12 024-14-0008-30-13 024-14-0008-33-18
024-14-0008-28-11 024-14-0008-29-13 024-14-0008-30-13 024-14-0008-33-19
024-14-0008-28-12 024-14-0008-29-14 024-14-0008-30-14 024-14-0008-33-20
024-14-0008-33-25 024-14-0008-33-26 024-14-0008-33-30 024-14-0008-33-32
024-14-0008-33-33 024-14-0008-34-14

V.A.1.2. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay expansion areas within
about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball Courts and
playfields serving as neighborhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included under the


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V.A.1.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas

Areas presently used as basketball court and neighborhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighborhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighborhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
V.A.1.4. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
project to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the world, within the planning period.
Additional road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on road under the
transportation sectoral studies.
V.A.1.5 Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land and use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open
spaces are Agricultural Development Areas.
V.A.2.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0032-001-06 024-14-0032-005-07 024-14-0032-009-01 024-14-0032-016-19
024-14-0032-003-01 024-14-0032-005-09 024-14-0032-009-02 024-14-0032-016-20
024-14-0032-003-02 024-14-0032-005-10 024-14-0032-009-05 024-14-0032-016-21
024-14-0032-003-03 024-14-0032-005-19 024-14-0032-009-06 024-14-0032-017-04
024-14-0032-003-04 024-14-0032-005-20 024-14-0032-009-08 024-14-0032-017-06
024-14-0032-003-05 024-14-0032-005-21 024-14-0032-009-09 024-14-0032-017-09
024-14-0032-004-17 024-14-0032-006-02 024-14-0032-009-10 024-14-0032-017-10
024-14-0032-004-18 024-14-0032-006-03 024-14-0032-009-11 024-14-0032-017-11
024-14-0032-004-19 024-14-0032-006-04 024-14-0032-009-12 024-14-0032-017-19
024-14-0032-004-21 024-14-0032-007-15 024-14-0032-009-13 024-14-0032-019-01
024-14-0032-004-22 024-14-0032-008-02 024-14-0032-009-14 024-14-0032-019-04
024-14-0032-004-22 024-14-0032-008-03 024-14-0032-009-16 024-14-0032-019-22
024-14-0032-004-24 024-14-0032-008-04 024-14-0032-010-08 024-14-0032-019-24
024-14-0032-005-01 024-14-0032-008-05 024-14-0032-010-09
024-14-0032-005-03 024-14-0032-008-06 024-14-0032-013-05
024-14-0032-005-06 024-14-0032-008-07 024-14-0032-016-06

V.A.2.2. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay expansion areas within
about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball Courts and
playfields serving as neighborhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included under the


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V.A.2.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas

Areas presently used as basketball court and neighborhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighborhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighborhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
V.A.2.4. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
project to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the world, within the planning period.
Additional road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on road under the
transportation sectoral studies.
V.A.2.5. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land and use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open
spaces are Agricultural Development Areas.
V.A.3.1. Residental Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0017-001-02 024-14-0017-004-06 024-14-0017-007-08 024-14-0017-008-13
024-14-0017-001-06 024-14-0017-006-11 024-14-0017-007-13 024-14-0017-008-18
024-14-0017-001-08 024-14-0017-006-12 024-14-0017-007-18 024-14-0017-009-05
024-14-0017-001-10 024-14-0017-007-03 024-14-0017-008-04
024-14-0017-001-11 024-14-0017-007-07 024-14-0017-008-06

V.A.3.2. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government officers present at the barangay and their expansion
areas within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball
Courts and playfields serving as neighbourhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included
under the category.
V.A.3.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently use as basketball court and neighbourhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation and
development areas. Expansion of neighbourhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighbourhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
V.A.3.4. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional


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road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.
V.A.3.5. Agricultural Development Areas
All others areas within the barangay not specifically categorized delineated as urban land use
development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open spaces are
Agricultural Development Areas.
V.A.4.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0009-001-06 024-14-0009-004-03 024-14-0009-015-26 024-14-0009-027-11
024-14-0009-002-02 024-14-0009-004-04 024-14-0009-016-12 024-14-0009-027-12
024-14-0009-002-03 024-14-0009-005-06 024-14-0009-016-14 024-14-0009-028-04
024-14-0009-002-04 024-14-0009-005-07 024-14-0009-016-15 024-14-0009-028-09
024-14-0009-002-05 024-14-0009-005-08 024-14-0009-017-11 024-14-0009-028-20
024-14-0009-002-15 024-14-0009-005-11 024-14-0009-018-10 024-14-0009-029-10
024-14-0009-002-16 024-14-0009-006-01 024-14-0009-018-11 024-14-0009-029-17
024-14-0009-002-19 024-14-0009-006-08 024-14-0009-018-12 024-14-0009-029-20
024-14-0009-002-20 024-14-0009-006-22 024-14-0009-019-07 024-14-0009-029-22
024-14-0009-002-21 024-14-0009-008-10 024-14-0009-019-07 024-14-0009-030-10
024-14-0009-002-22 024-14-0009-008-11 024-14-0009-019-10 024-14-0009-030-13
024-14-0009-002-23 024-14-0009-009-06 024-14-0009-019-11 024-14-0009-031-01
024-14-0009-002-24 024-14-0009-009-07 024-14-0009-019-13 024-14-0009-031-02
024-14-0009-003-01 024-14-0009-010-12 024-14-0009-019-20 024-14-0009-032-09
024-14-0009-003-04 024-14-0009-010-23 024-14-0009-020-15 024-14-0009-032-10
024-14-0009-003-05 024-14-0009-013-19 024-14-0009-020-16 024-14-0009-032-11
024-14-0009-003-06 024-14-0009-015-24 024-14-0009-020-19
024-14-0009-003-07 024-14-0009-015-25 024-14-0009-022-13

V.A.4.2. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government offices present at the barangay expansion areas within
about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball Courts and
playfields serving as neighborhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included under the
V.A.4.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently used as basketball court and neighborhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation
development areas. Expansion of neighborhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighborhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
V.A.4.4. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
project to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the world, within the planning period.


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Additional road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on road under the
transportation sectoral studies.
VA.4.5. Agricultural Development Areas
All other areas within the barangay not specifically categorized and delineated as urban
land and use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open
spaces are Agricultural Development Areas.
V.A.5.1. Residential Areas

Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No. Property Index No.
024-14-0007-001-10 024-14-0007-005-03 024-14-0007-011-05 024-14-0007-016-02
024-14-0007-001-11 024-14-0007-006-09 024-14-0007-012-28 024-14-0007-016-03
024-14-0007-002-04 024-14-0007-006-12 024-14-0007-012-29 024-14-0007-016-05
024-14-0007-002-05 024-14-0007-006-14 024-14-0007-012-34 024-14-0007-016-20
024-14-0007-002-08 024-14-0007-006-16 024-14-0007-012-35 024-14-0007-017-04
024-14-0007-002-12 024-14-0007-009-08 024-14-0007-013-01 024-14-0007-017-07
024-14-0007-004-14 024-14-0007-010-02 024-14-0007-013-02 024-14-0007-017-10
024-14-0007-004-15 024-14-0007-010-04 024-14-0007-013-15 024-14-0007-017-22
024-14-0007-004-16 024-14-0007-010-05 024-14-0007-014-03
024-14-0007-004-20 024-14-0007-010-20 024-14-0007-015-05

V.A.5.2. Institutional Development Areas

Areas presently occupied by the Barangay Hall, Barangay Chapel, Barangay Multi-
Purpose Building, and other government officers present at the barangay and their expansion
areas within about 50 meters radius of the said institutional buildings. Barangay Basketball
Courts and playfields serving as neighbourhood parks adjacent to the said buildings is included
under the category.
V.A.5.3. Sports and Recreation Development Areas
Areas presently use as basketball court and neighbourhood parks not adjacent to or
within the compound of the existing institutional areas are planned as sports and recreation and
development areas. Expansion of neighbourhood parks shall be within a radius of 50 meters
from said park. Neighbourhood parks to be established should conform with land area required
as per sectoral studies.
V.A.5.4. Functional Open Spaces: Roads
Areas presently occupied by roads and those areas to be covered in the road widening
projects to be implemented by the national, provincial and municipal governments covering
areas 15 meters on both sides from the center of the road, within the planning period. Additional
road length requirements will be based on the sectoral studies on roads under the transportation
sectoral studies.
V.A.5.5. Agricultural Deveopment Areas
All others areas within the barangay not specifically categorized delineated as urban
land use development, industrial development, tourism development, functional open spaces
are Agricultural Development Areas.


Downloaded by JUVY ANN RETUYA (



Municipal Ordinance No. 5 Series of 2006 entitled An Ordinance Defining the Municipal
Waters of the Municipality of Mabini and Establishing Its Water Use Zoning Regulation and
Providing for the Administration and Enforcement Thereof as Enacted and Approved through
Sangguniang Bayan Rsolution No. 118-2006 Entitled Approving the Water Use Zonation Plan of
Mabini, Batangas Dated Last October 23, 2006.

The following sections of the Ordinance was taken to form part of the Land And Water Use Zones of
Mabini, Batangas. The Ordinance likewise, form part of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning
Ordinance of the Municipality of Mabini, Batangas.

SECTION 3. DEFINITION OF TERMS. For the purpose of this Ordinance, the following
terms shall mean:

1. Controlled Use Zone – a subdivision of Mabini’s municipal waters hereinafter

designated and boundaries defined, where the primary uses like transportation,
passageway and anchorage for shipping vessels, and other use like fishing and
tourism are allowed, but where specific activities are regulated or disallowed.

2. Marine Protected Area (MPA) – a coastal marine area(s) set aside by law or any
other effective means to conserve and protect part, or all, of the enclosed
environment and where management guidelines are established. A generic term or
an “inclusive” phrase referring to all declared areas, governed by specific rules and
guidelines, intended to protect and manage activities within the enclose area.

3. Marine Reserve – an area set aside by law or any other means where access, use
and extractive activities are regulated or controlled. Allows uses through where
conservation-oriented recreation, education and research are emphasized. This area
includes a sanctuary.

4. Marine Sanctuary – a marine protected area or a specific area within a marine

reserve established exclusively for the purpose of protecting habitats and species
where all extractive activities are strictly regulated. This is synonymous with a “no
take zone”.

5. Multiple Use Zone – a subdivision of Mabini’s municipal waters hereinafter

designated and boundaries defined where, except for some regulations, various and
multiple uses are allowed.

6. Municipal Waters – refers to the municipal waters of the Municipality of Mabini

as defined in Section 5 hereunder. This not include not only streams, lakes and
inland bodies of waters and tidal waters within the municipality which are not
included within the protected areas as defined under RA 7586 (NIPAS Act), but
also all marine waters included between two lines drawn perpendicular to the
general coastline from points where the boundary lines of the municipality touch
the sea at low tide and a third line parallel with the general coastline including
offshore islands and 15 kilometers from such coastline; where two municipalities
are so situated on opposite shores such that there is less than thirty (30) kilometers


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of marine waters between them, the third line shall be a line equidistant from the
opposite shores of the respective municipalities.

7. Restricted Used Zone – a subdivision of Mabini’s municipal waters hereinafter

designated and boundaries defined where primary uses like fishing and tourism are
allowed but where some activities are strictly disallowed or prohibited.

SECTION 4. MUNICIPAL WATERS OF MABINI. Pursuant and subject to the exclusion

clause of Section 4 (58) of RA 8550, otherwise known as the Philippine Fisheries Code
of 1998, the municipal waters of the Municipality of Mabini, Province of Batangas
(with an appropriate total area of 10,540 hectares) are bounded by the general coastline
of the municipality and the lines described as follows:

Point Latitude Longitude Remarks

Beginning at 1 13º 46’30” 120º 57’50” Coastal terminal point
Thence 2 13º 44’29” 120º 59’39”
Thence 3 13º 44’29” 120º 59’48”
Thence 4 13º 43’26” 120º 59’47”
Thence 5 13º 42’36” 120º 59’37”
Thence 6 13º 41’40” 120º 59’34”
Thence 7 13º 41’17” 120º 59’08”
Thence 8 13º 40’42” 120º 56’53”
Thence 9 13º 40’18” 120º 54’40”
Thence 10 13º 41’22” 120º 53’20”
Thence 11 13º 42’03” 120º 51’46”
Thence 12 13º 42’55” 120º 51’28”
Thence 13 13º 46’06” 120º 49’16”
Thence 14 13º 47’40” 120º 48’10”
Thence 15 13º 47’16” 120º 49’28”
Thence 16 13º 47’06” 120º 51’12”
Thence 17 13º 46’54” 120º 52’52”
Thence 18 13º 46’42” 120º 53’48”
Thence 19 13º 45’59” 120º 55’07”
Thence 20 13º 46’03” 120º 55’30” Coastal terminal point
Thence following the
coastline to 1

SECTION 5. DIVISION INTO ZONES – To effective carry out the provision of this
Ordinance, the municipal waters of Mabini, Batangas is hereby divided into the
following zones:
1. Restricted Use_ 1 Zone – covering the three marine sanctuaries, namely: Cathedral
Rock (approximately 15 hectares), Arthur’s Rock (approximately 17 hectares) in
Brgy. Bagalangit and Twin Rocks (approximately 22 hectares) in Brgy. San
Teodoro, as defined by Municipal Ordinance No. 11 series of 1991, amended in
1993, and further amended in 2006, with accumulated total area of approximately
44 hectares.

2. Restricted Use_2 Zone – covering the Municipal Marine Reserve , or the entire
shoreline and reefs 700 meters offshore of both Barangay Bagalangit and San


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Teodoro, as defined by the Municipal Ordinance No. 11 series of 1991, amended in

1993 and further amended in 2006, but excluding the three sanctuaries which is
referred to as within the Restricted Use _ 1 Zone by this Ordinance. The area
includes the following coral reef/dive sites: Andolong, Eagle Point, and Koala, in
Barangay Bagalangit; and White Sand, White House and Dead Palm (also known
as Dead Point or Bebot), in Barangay San Teodoro. The area is approximately 356

3. Restricted Use_ 3 Zone – also known as the major fishing ground in the
Municipality of Mabini, covering the 1,000 meter distance offshore from the
municipality’s shoreline but outside of the Municipal Marine Reserve which is
referred to as the Restricted Use_2 Zone by this Ordinance. The area also includes
the following coral reef/dive sites: Basura and Step in Barangay Mainit; Dilaw in
Barangay Malimatoc II; and Red Rocks in Barangay Malimatoc I the area is
approximately 1,749 hectares.

4. Controlled Use_1 Zone – also known as the navigational lane along the Marican
Strait, covering 500 meters from the municipal water boundaries of both Mabini
and Tingloy, with an estimated average depth of 200 meters, ranging from 100 to
300 meters deep, and with an area of approximately 322 hectares.
5. Controlled Use_2 Zone – also known as the port industry area, located along (a)
Batangas Bay, stretching around 4.8 kilometers, from the shoreline of Barangay San
Juan, Mainaga, Calamias, Bulacan, P. Balibaguhan, Talaga East and Talaga Proper,
covering a range of from 100 to 500 meters offshore within the 50 meters depth
(approximately 156 hectares), and (b) the fish landing port in Barangay Anilao in
Balayan Bay, with dimension of around 400 meters x 500 meters (or 20 hectares),
within the 50 meters depth.

6. Multiple Use Zone – located outside the 1,000 meter buffer along Mabini shore up
to within the limits of Mabini’s municipal waters and the 500 meter buffer along
Maricaban Strait, to which the latter is referred to as the Controlled Use_1 Zone by
this ordinance. The area is approximately 7,897 hectares.

SECTION 6. ZONING MAPS. It is hereby adopted as integral part of this Ordinances as

Annex “A”, the official water use zoning map for the municipal waters of Mabini
as approved by the Local Chief Executive and duly concurred by the Sangguniang
Bayan of Mabini, wherein established are shown and indicated, drawn to the scale
of 1:25,000 meters.


uses and restrictions in the succeeding sections are not exhaustive or all- inclusive.
The Coastal Resources Management Board (CRMB) shall recommend, subject to
the requirements of this Ordinance, to allow other uses not enumerated hereunder,
provided that they are compatible with the uses expressly allowed. Allowance of
further uses shall be based on the intrinsic qualities of the zone and the socio-
economic potential of the area with due regard to the maintenance of the essential
qualities of the said zone.


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principally as a protected habitat for the coral species and reefs and as a spawning
ground for all aquatic flora and fauna and other living resources of the aquatic
environment. Activities related to recreation shall, however, be allowed, but in case
shall extraction of marine species be allowed, except the gathering of shells at knee

1. The following are the allowed uses:

a. SCUBA diving/underwater photography with premium fees.

b. Swimming
c. Snorkeling
d. Gathering of Shells (sihi) at knee depth

2. The following activities are expressly prohibited:

a. Passage of Jetskis
b. Fishing
c. SCUBA spear fishing
d. Collection of Marine flora and fauna
e. Collecting and/or vandalizing of corals (e.g. etching)
f. Putting up of any structures underwater
g. Anchoring (dive boats must use the mooring buoys)
h. Introductory and check-out diving
i. Catching of charismatic species (e.g. dolphins, whales, marine turtles, etc.)
j. Repair of shipping vessels


principally as a marine reserve, acting as buffer to the important sanctuaries, but
where traditional forms of fishing are allowed, except for the traditional spear
fishing which shall be regulated . Activities related to recreation shall, however,
be allowed.

1. The following are the allowed uses:

a. Traditional fishing: hook and line, panteng palutang, pagdudulong, and

paninihi. Traditional spear fishing (mano-mano) is allowed but regulated.
b. Recreation / tourism related: SCUBA diving/underwater photography,
kayaking, wind surfing, snorkeling, swimming and island hopping.

2. The following activities are expressly prohibited:

a. Passage of Jetskis
b. Passage of cargo vessel carrying / ferrying oil and coal are prohibited
c. SCUBA spear fishing
d. Commercial fishing
e. Collection of fishes for aquarium or photography purposes
f. Collecting and/or vandalizing of corals (e.g. etching)
g. Putting up structures underwater


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h. Use of 3-ply fish net, bayakos, bonbon (pa’ayaw), and baklad

i. Repair of shipping vessels

3. The following activities are regulated:

a. Boat speed (including the ferries plying the Mabini-Tingloy route which
may be allowed to pass beyond 500 meters from the shore during bad
weather or in case of emergency).
b. No anchoring in dive sites (dive boats must use mooring buoys)
c. No traditional spear fishing in dive sites during holidays, Saturdays and

principally as the municipality’s major fishing ground, but where activities
related to recreation shall be allowed.

1. The following are the allowed uses:

a. Traditional fishing: pagdidilis, pantehan (palubog at palutang) to catch

tamban, tulingan, galunggung, gulyasan, tangigue, malasugi, manitis, barak,
kanuping, lumahan, etc.; kawil to catch kulapo, kanuping, tangigue,
alangulan, manitis, mulong, etc.; catching of pugita. Traditional spear
fishing (mano-mano) to catch lupo, samaral, kuyog, silva, porak, and other
stone fishes and pagdudulong are allowed but regulated, see below. Use of
bayakos and bonbon (pa’ayaw) are likewise allowed, but in certain areas
b. Recreation / tourism related: SCUBA diving/underwater photography,
kayaking, wind surfing, snorkeling, swimming, island hopping, and dolphin

2. The following activities are prohibited:

a. Commercial fishing
b. High speed jetskis, see regulated below
c. Use of 3-ply net and baklad
d. SCUBA spear fishing
e. Collection of fishes for aquarium or photography purposes
f. Collecting / or vandalizing of corals (e.g. etching)
g. Passage of cargo vessels carrying / ferrying oil and coal
h. Catching of charismatic species (e.g. dolphins, whales, marine turtles, etc.)
i. Repair of shipping vessels.

3. The following activities are regulated:

a. Boat speed (including the ferries plying the Mabini-Tingloy route which
may be allowed to pass 700 meters from the shore and/or 500 meters from
the shore in cases of bad weather or emergency).

b. In pagdudulong, boat banging and shouting are disallowed during night



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c. Bayakos is allowed only in the following areas: Barangay Majuben, San

Jose, Mainit and Gasang.
d. Bonbon (pa’ayaw) is allowed only in the following areas: Barangay Gasang,
Talaga and Saguing.
e. No traditional spear fishing in dive sites during holidays, Saturdays and
f. Jetskis may be allowed access/passage (on a regulated speed) for purpose of
docking to and the designated jetskis areas (i.e. in the multiple use zones),
except in the designated coral reef/dive sites where they are not allowed
access/passage at all times.
g. No anchoring in dive sites (dive boats must use mooring buoys) except in
Basura dive site.


used principally as navigational lane or passage route for large shipping and
cargo vessels across Maricaban Strait.

1. The following are the allowed uses:

a. Passage of shipping vessels: passenger and cargo ships, and ferries.

b. Fishing is allowed but regulated.

2. The following activities are expressly prohibited:

a. Dumping of oil, and other solid and liquid wastes.

b. Commercial fishing
c. Catching charismatic species (e.g. dolphins, whales, marine turtles, etc.)
d. SCUBA spear fishing
e. Collection of fishes for aquarium or photography purposes
f. Collecting and/or vandalizing of corals (e.g. etching)
g. Repair of shipping vessels

3. The following activities are regulated:

a. All vessels passing through the area should reduce speed

b. Fishing is allowed during day time only


used principally for the port industry of the municipality.

1. The following are the allowed uses:

a. Batangas Bay-side – storage; loading and unloading of oil products,

fertilizers and sodium, wheat and by-products, sugar, cereals, coal. Clinker,
gypsum, drilling materials, etc.; afloat repair for vessels; loading and
unloading of passengers and fish catch; and traditional fishing (lambat,
kawil, and traditional spear fishing).
b. Balayan Bay-side (Anilao Port) – loading and unloading of passengers and
fish catch, traditional fishing (lambat, kawil, and traditional spear fishing);
anchorage area during bad weather (habagat season).


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2. The following activities are expressly prohibited:

a. Dumping of oil, and other solid and liquid wastes (garbage) and other
substances especially bilged oil.
b. Use of 3-ply fish net, bonbon (pa’ayaw), and baklad
c. Commercial fishing
d. SCUBA spear fishing
e. Catching of charismatic species (e.g. dolphins, whales, marine turtles, etc.)
f. Collection of fishes for aquarium or photography purposes.
g. Collecting and/or vandalizing of corals (e.g. etching)
h. Repair of shipping vessels


designated for a variety of uses.

1. The following are the allowed uses:

a. Fishing activities: lambat, kawil, traditional spear fishing, also fishing for
giant squid, pelagic and demersal fish species, etc.
b. Recreation / tourism related activities: dolphin / whale watching,
windsurfing, kayaking, SCUBA diving and use of jetski.
c. Route for ferries plying Mabini- Tingloy

2. The following activities are expressly prohibited:

a. Commercial fishing
b. Use of 3-ply net, bayakos, bonbon (pa’ayaw), baklad
c. SCUBA spear fishing
d. Dumping of oil and other wastes including garbage and other substances.
e. Repair of shipping vessels.

The Ordinance is likewise attached and formed part of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and
Zoning Ordinance of the Municipality of Mabini, Batangas.



Based on the policy of the national government agencies on mainstreaming CCA and DRRM
into the local planning activities of the local government units, this chapter is being
incorporated in the CLUP of the Municipal Government of Mabini, Batangas. The Mines and
Geo-Sciences Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (MGB-
DENR) conducted Rapid Field Assessment or Geo-Hazard Assessment in the municipality
sometime in 2013. The reports from said assessment/study conducted served as basis of the
Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan (DRRMP) for the following years.

The Reports identified the hazard, direct cause/origin and location and direct effects/impacts
of the hazard per barangay. The identified hazards are the risks of a specific place. The causes
are considered as the natural and man-made activities. Natural occurrences such as heavy rains,
storm surges and sea level rise that induces flooding and landslides are caused by climate


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change phenomenon. Man-made causes include road construction, cutting of trees and clogging
of waterways.

4.1. Risk Identification and Analysis

4.1.1. Hazard Analysis

Based on the MGB Rapid Field Assessment or Geo-Hazard Assessment the following
hazards are identified and shown in the following tables:

Table No. 67: Hazard Identification: Susceptibility to Rain-Induced Landslide:

By Barangay, Population/Households, Direct Cause/Origin/
Location and Direct Effects/Impact


High Susceptibility to Bagalangit 2,498/490 Due to on-going road Presence of mass movement: landslide,
Rain-Induced Landslide improvement of access tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
road to Sitios Balagbag and sunken or displaced road surfaces
and Parang
Estrella 728/145 Zigzag Road; Road Presence of mass movement: landslide,
Boundary of Estrella tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
and Talaga and sunken or displaced road surfaces

Laurel 1,240/248 Sitio Bulihan Presence of mass movement: landslide,

tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
and sunken or displaced road surfaces

Ligaya 904/180 Location of Brgy. Hall, Presence of mass movement: landslide,

Sitios Maasin, tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
Malagaclac, Seiran and sunken or displaced road surfaces

Mainit 1,094/218 Occurrence due to road Presence of mass movement: landslide,

construction tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
and sunken or displaced road surfaces
Sitio Proper

Sitio Dulong Mainit

Pulong 1,247/249 Zigzag Road Presence of mass movement: landslide,
Anahao tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
and sunken or displaced road surfaces

San 2,086/416 Areas prone to Presence of mass movement: landslide,

Francisco landslides are being tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
mitigated and sunken or displaced road surfaces

San Jose 890/178 Sitio Puntang Kawayan Presence of mass movement: landslide,
(13045’27.2”E tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
120054’53.9”N) has and sunken or displaced road surfaces
vertical wall (10 m
high) specifically at
road bend made of


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moderately fractured
volcanic rocks with
indication of rock falls.
Landslide debris is
noted at the footslope.
San 1,945/388 Brgy. Proper, Sitios Presence of mass movement: landslide,
Teodoro Guitisan, Balanoy tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
Circumferential access and sunken or displaced road surfaces
road are being widened
and improved and some
parts mitigated by way
odf applying riprapping
measures on the road
walls. Rocks are
moderately to highly
fractured and partly
weathered. Top soil
ranges from .03 to .05
meters thick
Solo 2,770/553 Road construction Presence of mass movement: landslide,
contributes to slope tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
failures observed along and sunken or displaced road surfaces
the circumferential road
and placing motorists at
risk. At Sitio Malaya
every rainy season,
landslide materials
cover half of the road.
Possible accumulation
Santo 1,230/245 The barangay Proper is Presence of mass movement: landslide,
Tomas characterized by steeply tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
sloping topography and sunken or displaced road surfaces

Moderate to High Bulacan 1,373/274 Access road frequently Presence of mass movement: landslide,
Susceptibility to Rain- experienced rock falls tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
Induced Landslide along roadside and sunken or displaced road surfaces

Majuben 737/147 Sitio Masikap was rated Presence of mass movement: landslide,
as high in landslide tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
susceptibility. Road and sunken or displaced road surfaces
wall is landslide prone
which is made up of
moderately fractured
volcanic rocks with
layers trend parallel to
Nag-Iba 901/180 Sitio Bukal and Sitio Presence of mass movement: landslide,
Gulod were rated as tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
having moderate to and sunken or displaced road surfaces
high landslide
Pilahan 778/155 East of Brgy. Proper Presence of mass movement: landslide,
Old landslides which tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
resulted from Ondoy and sunken or displaced road surfaces
event have high


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rating.Potential houses
to be affected, 6
Pulang 985/197 Within the Brgy. Proper Presence of mass movement: landslide,
Lupa tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
and sunken or displaced road surfaces

Santo Niño 689/138 Presence of mass movement: landslide,

tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
and sunken or displaced road surfaces

Moderate Susceptibility Calamias 1,141/228 Sitio Ibaba is Presence of mass movement: landslide,
to Rain-Induced characterized by tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
Landslide moderate slopes on low and sunken or displaced road surfaces
hills and ridges with
potential soil creep and
landslide. Road wall is
in the verge of collapse
with bulged portions.
Malimatoc 1,015/203 In Sitios Karsadang Presence of mass movement: landslide,
II Ibaba and Yongyong tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
presence of small and sunken or displaced road surfaces
landslides is noted and
rated as having
moderate to high
landslide susceptibility
Poblacion 1,942/388 Brgy. Proper has rolling Presence of mass movement: landslide,
topography with creep tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
type of mass and sunken or displaced road surfaces
movement. It is
characterized by low to
moderately sloping
Pulong 1,784/356 Sitio Mailayin (quarry Presence of mass movement: landslide,
Niogan area) actively being tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
excavated and resulted and sunken or displaced road surfaces
to steep slope, although
controlled by benching
Low to Moderate Anilao 1,653/330 Extreme weather Brgy. Proper has areas with moderate slopes
Susceptibility to Rain- East disturbance and during intense rainfall, rock fall and soil
Induced Landslide erosion occur

Malimatoc 971/194 Sitio Pulang Bato was Brgy. Proper has areas with moderate slopes
I rated low in landslide and during intense rainfall, rock fall and soil
within the Brgy. Proper, erosion occur
road side was rated
moderate in landslide
San Juan 2,159/434 Presence of mass movement: landslide,
tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
and sunken or displaced road surfaces

Sta. Ana 595/119 Sitio Gulod has 3.0 m Presence of mass movement: landslide,
height of landslide tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
materials and sunken or displaced road surfaces


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Sta. Mesa 1,145/228 Presence of mass movement: landslide,

tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
and sunken or displaced road surfaces

Low to High Mainaga 1,983/396 Proper is situated near Presence of mass movement: landslide,
Susceptibility to Rain- the shoreline protected tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
Induced Landslide by the breakwater and and sunken or displaced road surfaces
seawall. Typhoon
Caloy damaged the
seawall and flooded the
area by .3 to .5 meter
high . Sitio Suntrak is
highly susceptible to
Low Susceptibility to Talaga 1,744/348 Presence of mass movement: landslide,
Rain-Induced Landslide East tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
and sunken or displaced road surfaces

Talaga 1,663/332 Presence of mass movement: landslide,

Proper tension cracks : saturated ground or seeps
and sunken or displaced road surfaces

The other remaining barangays of Anilao Proper, Gasang, Pulong Balibaguhan Saguing
and Sampaguita are not susceptible to rain-induced landslides.

The following table shows the summary of the results of flooding hazard assessment per
MGB Report of Assessment, May, 2013:

Table No. 68: Hazard Identification: Susceptibility to Flooding, Location, Causes

and Impacts



High Susceptibility Anilao East Brgy. Proper/central Observe for rapid

to Flooding portion is located on a increase/decrease in
topographically low area creek/water levels ,
or depression. Anilao East possible
is more of a catchment accompanied by
basin increased turbidity (
soil content)
Ligaya CMAS-Flash Flood Observe for rapid
increase/decrease in
creek/water levels ,
accompanied by
increased turbidity (
soil content)


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Moderate to High Talaga East Typhoon Caloy event- Observe for rapid
Susceptibility to seawall was destroyed increase/decrease in
Flooding beside Bukana creek. creek/water levels ,
Overflowing was caused possibly
by blockage of vegetative accompanied by
debris that resulted to flash increased turbidity (
floods in the area soil content).
Artificial damming of Clearing/declooging
Bukana creek caused by og water bodies
vegetative debris
Moderate Anilao Proper During occurrence of Sitio Tubigan
Susceptibility to extreme weather experienced flash
Flooding disturbances flood in the past with
.3 meters height of
Bulacan Storm surges during high Coastal flooding
tide aggravated by intense during Caloy event
rainfall during extreme (2009) as a
weather disturbance consequence of high
tide and floods from
the northen hilly
portions due to
intense rainfall at ,3
meters height flood
San Teodoro Intense rainfall during Typhoon Reming
extreme weather condition event – Sitio Proper –
that caused increase of flood waters were
water levels in creeks and waist high; houses
waterways thast leads to were affected but no
flooding on ground surface casualty. Brgy. Hall
areas is beside an unnamed
Solo Intense rainfall during Observe for rapid
extreme weather increase/decrease in
disturbance creek/water levels ,
accompanied by
increased turbidity (
soil content) during
intense rainfall
Low to Moderate Bagalangit Drainage line canals Widening/cleaning/cl
Susceptibility to clogged with waste earing of drainage
Flooding materials line canals being


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implemented by the
Brgy. Council
Gasang Typhoon Caloy event- Brgy. Proper/central
storm surges portion experienced
storm surge where
houses and schools
were affected. Sitio
Ligaan was
submerged in water
during the event with
knee high flood
waters. Flooding
occurrence was not
experienced after the
installation of the
Monitor status of
extteme weather
disturbances, sea
level rise, storm
surges and rapid
increase in water
levels possibly
accompanied by
increased turbidity
(soil content)
San Francisco Flash flood (.3 m ) due to Implement flood
poor drainage system control measures
(e.g.) proper
drainage) to improve
the flow of water and
lessen flooding.
Low Susceptibility Calamias Typhoon Ondoy event The narrow coastal
to Flooding area was affected by
coastal flooding and
waves during Ondoy
Identify areas for
sites during and post
occurrence of a
disaster event.


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Pulong Intense rainfall during Surface water flows

Balibaguhan extreme weather condition over the streets.
that causes drainage Implement flood
overflows control measures and
install appropriate
drainage system
Mainaga Typhoon Caloy event Damaged seawall
and flooded the area
by 0.3 to 0.5 m in
storm surge.
Identify areas for
possible evacuation
/relocation sites
during and post
occurrence of a
disaster event.

Mainit Affected by storm surge at Typhoon Caloy event

5.0 meters height of waves destroyed the
currents. basketball court
along the coastal
Identify areas for
possible evacuation
/relocation sites
during and post
occurrence of a
disaster event.
Malimatoc II Whenever there are Develop early
typhoons storm surges warning
occur in the coastal areas system/device for
with a height of 2.o fishermen; constant
meters,howver, no one communications on
permanently reside in the geohazard situation.

Sampaguita Intense rainfall during During an intense

extreme weather rainfall event in the
disturbance which caused past, the Cantarilla
creek waters overflows. Creek at Sitio
Silangan boundary
overflowed and made
the road impassable.
Flash flood occurred
at Sitio Nayon.
Waters came from

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elevated areas.
However, flood
control measures
were done after the
Monitor creek/river
water level possibly
accompanied by
increased turbidity
(soil content) in times
of intense rainfall.
Develop an early

Talaga Proper Storm surge during Storm surge resulted

Typhoon Caloy event at to damaged rfoads
Sitios Palanas, Centro and and houses.
Identify areas for
possible evacuation
sites especially for
those directly
affectged by storm
surge and flooding

Other barangays with low susceptibility to flooding but with no details as to

cause/origin/location and direct effects/impacts are as follows: 1). Laurel, 2). Malimatoc
I, 3). Pulong Niogan, Saguing, San Jose, and Sta. Ana. Barangay not susceptible to
flooding are as follows: 1). Majuben, Nag-Iba, Pilahan, Poblacion, Pulang Lupa, Pulong
Anahao,Sta. Mesa, Sto. Niño, and Sto. Tomas.


The following table presents data of the “elements at risk” of disaster (people, housing
public/private infrastructure and livelihood activity) in the barangays.


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Table No. 69. Vulnerability Assessment Table: Susceptibility to Rain-Induced


VULNERABLE HH/Population Affected Major Livelihood Degree of

BARANGAY/S HH P V Infrastructu Vulnerability
(Elements at (h,m,l) res (high,
Risks) medium,
I. Barangays With High Susceptibility to Rain-Induced Landslide
Bagalangit 654 2,812 H Private Construction, High
Tourism Transportation/
Houses of Storage/Comm
residents, unication,
National/Mu Hotels&
nicipal Restaurants,
Circumferent Wholesale &
ial Road, Retail Trade,
Network of Agriculture:
Barangay Livestock/Poul
Roads, try Raising and
Power Crop Farming
System –
Estrella 158 678 L Houses, Other High
Brgy. Road, Community
Power Social and
Supply, Personal
Barangay Activities,
waterworks Construction,
System- Agriculture:
Spring Livestock/Poul
Development try Raising&
Crop Farming
Laurel 249 1,270 M Houses, Agriculture: High
Brgy. Road, Livestock/Poul
Power try Raising &
Supply, Crop Farming,
Barangay Construction,
Waterworks Wholesale/Ret
System- ail Trade,


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Ligaya 275 1,294 M Houses, Construction, High
Private Hotels &
Tourist Restaurants,
Resorts, Private
MPA, Households
Portion of With
N/M Employed
Circumferent Persons,
ial Road, Agriculture:
Network of Livestock &
Brgy. Roads, Poultry
Power Raising
Mainit 218 1,132 M Houses, Agriculture: High
Private Livestock &
Tourist Poultry
Resorts, Raising,
MPA, Fishing and
Portion of Crop Farming,
N/M Wholesale/Ret
Circumferent ail Trade,
ial Road, Construction,
Network of Hotels &
Brgy. Roads, Restaurants,
Power Other
Supply, Community,
Brgy. Social, and
Waterworks Personal
System- Activities
Pulong Anahao 205 1,289 M Houses, Agriculture: High
Network of Livestock/
Brgy. Roads, Poultry
Power Raising& Crop
Supply, Farming,
Water Wholesale/Ret
Supply ail Trade.


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Storage &
San Francisco 412 1,896 H Industrial Manufacturing, High
and Construction,
Commercial Transportation,
Establishmen Storage&
ts, Houses, Communicatio
Power ns, Wholesale
Supply, & Retail Trade
Water & Vehicle
Supply, Repair, Public
Portion of Administration
the National & Defense,
Highway and Other
Network of Community
Brgy. Roads Social and
Activities and
Electricity, Gas
and Water
San Jose 190 931 L Houses, Construction, High
Private Manufacturing,
Tourist Wholesale &
Resorts, Retail Trade,
Commercial Hotel &
Establishmen Restaurants,
ts, Power Private
Supply, Households
Water With
Supply, Employed
Portion of Persons, Public
the Administration
Nat’l/Mun. and Defense
ial Road,
Network of
Brgy. Roads

San Teodoro 369 1,920 H Houses, Construction, High

Private Agriculture:
Tourists Livestock
Resorts, Raising Crop
Portions of Farming,


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the Fishing &

National/Mu Mining,
nicipal Hotels &
Circumferent restaurants,
ial Road, Wholesale &
Network of Retail Trade &
Brgy. Roads, Vehicle
Power Repair, Private
Supply, Households
Water With
Supply, Employed
Brgy. Persons,
Waterworks Transportation/
System- Storage &
Spring Communicatio
Development ns
Solo 643 2,956 H Houses, Agriculture: High
Commercial Fishing,
Establishmen Livestock &
ts, Poultry
Institutional Raising and
establishmen Crop Farming,
ts, Private Construction,
Tourists Wholesale &
Resorts, , Retail Trade &
Portions of Vehicle
the Repair,
Nat’l/Mun. Transportation/
Circumferent Storage &
ial Road, Communicatio
Network of ns, Other
Brgy. Roads, Community
Power Social &
Supply, Personal
Water Activities,
Supply, Private
Brgy. Households
Waterworks With
System- Employed
Spring Persons, Hotel
Development & Restaurants,
Health and
Social Work
and Education
Sto. Tomas 226 1,222 M Houses, Agriculture:
Livestock & Livestock


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Raising &
Crop farming;
Network of
Brgy. Roads,
With Power
Storage &
Wholesale &
Retail Trade &
Repair, Public
& Defense
II.Barangays With Moderate to High Susceptibility to Rain-Induced Landslide
Bulacan 300 1,380 M Industrial Transportation/ Medium to
Establishmen Storage and High
ts, Houses, Communicatio
Network of ns,
Brgy. Roads, Wholesale&
Pathways, Retail Trade&
Footways, Vehicle
Power Repair,
Supply, Agriculture:
Water Fishing;
Supply Construction,
Social &
Persons, Real
Estate Renting
& Business
Activites and


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and Defense
Majuben 160 688 L Residential Wholesale & Medium to
Houses, Retail Trade High
Private &n Vehicle
Tourists Repair, Public
Resorts, Administration
Portions of & Defense,
the Private
Nat’l/Mun.Ci Households
rcumferential With
Road, Employed
Network of Persons and
Brgy. Roads, Construction
Nag-Iba 171 974 L Residential Agriculture: Medium to
Houses, Livestock & High
Network of Poultry
Brgy. Roads, Raising, Crop
Power Farming;
Supply, Wholesale and
Brgy. Retail Trade &
Waterworks Vehicle
System- Repair,
Spring Construction
Pilahan 126 692 L Residential Construction, Medium to
Houses, Wholesale& High
Network of Retail Trade,
Brgy. Roads, Public
Power Administration
Supply, & Defense and
Brgy. Agriculture:
Waterworks Crop Faming


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Pulang Lupa 253 1,313 M Residential Construction, Medium to

Houses, Transportation/ High
Network of Storage and
Brgy. Roads, Communicatio
Power ns, Private
Supply, Households
Brgy. With
Waterworks Employed
System- Persons
Sto. Niño 127 573 L Residential Manufacturing, Medium to
Houses, Construction, High
Network of Transportation/
Brgy. Roads, Storage and
Power Communicatio
Supply, ns,
Brgy. Wholesale &
Waterworks Retail Trade &
System- Vehicle
Spring Repair,
III. Barangays With Moderate Susceptibility to Rain-Induced Landslide
Calamias 234 1,098 M Industrial Transportation/ Medium
Establishm Storage &
ents, Communicatio
Residential ns,
Houses, Agriculture:
Network of Fishing;
Brgy. Manufacturing,
Roads, Wholesale &
Pathways retail &
& Vehicle
Footways, RepairOther
Power Community
Supply, Social &
Water Personal
Supply Activities
Malimatoc II 227 1,227 M Residential Agriculture: Medium
Houses, Livestock &
Network of Poultry
Brgy. Raising, Crop
Roads, Farming;
Pathways Construction,


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& Other
Footways, Community
Power Social &
Supply, Personal
Brgy. Services,
Waterwork Wholesale &
s-Spring Retail Trade&
Developme Vehicle
nt Repair,
Storage and
Poblacion 360 1,585 H , Central Financial Medium
Business Intermediation,
District, Construction,
Gov’t. & Extra
Private Territorial
Offices, Organization,
Commercia Wholesale &
l and Rural Retail Trade &
Banks, Vehicle
Schools, Repair,
Religious Transportation/
Structures, Storage &
Commercia Communicatio
l ns and Private
Establishm Households
entsReside With
ntial Employed
Houses, Persons
portions of
Network of
and Brgy.


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Pulong Niogan 318 1,366 M Institutiona Manufacturing, Medium
l Bldgs.: Construction,
Hospitals, Transportation/
Schools, Storage &
Religious Communicatio
Centers, ns, Wholesale
Residential & Retail trade
Houses, & Vehicle
Portions of Repair, Public
the Administration
National & Defense,
Highways Education,
& Private
Circumfere Households
n- , With
Network of Employed
IV. Low to Moderate Susceptibility to Rain-Induced Landslide
Anilao East 359 1,686 H Private Wholesale & Low to
Tourist Day Retail Trade & Mdium
Beach Vehicle
Resorts, Repair,
Commercial Transportation/
Establishmen Storage and
ts, Portions Communicatio
of Nat’l ns,
Highways, Hotels &
Elementary Restaurants,
School, Construction,
Residential Agriculture:
Houses, Crop Farming,
Network of Livestock &
Brgy. Roads, Poultry
Pathways & Raising and
Footways, Mining


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Malimatoc I 183 1,008 L Educational Agriculture: Low to
Institutions, Livestock & Medium
Portions of Poultry
the Nat’l and Raising;
Mun. Wholesale &
Circumferent retail Trade &
ial Roads, Vehicle
Network of Repair’
Brgy. Roads, Transportation/
pathways & Storage &
Footways, Communicatio
Residential ns,
Houses, Public
Power Administration
Supply, and Defense;
Brgy. Manufacturing
Waterworks- & Construction
San Juan 452 2,125 H Quarry, Oil Whole sale & Low to
Depot, Retail Trade & Medium
META, Vehicle
Residential Repair,
Houses, Education,
Portions of Transportation
the Nat’l /Storage &
Highways, Communicatio
Network of ns,
Brgy. Roads, Public
Pathways & Administration
Footways, & Defense,
Sta. Ana 129 764 L Residential
Network of
Brgy. Roads,


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Sta. Mesa 252 1,284 M Residential Construction, Low to
Houses, Wholesale & Medium
Network of Retail Trade &
Brgy. Roads, Vehicle
Pathways, Repair,
Footways, transportation,
Water /Storage and
Supply, Communicatio
Power S ns. Private
Persons, Other
social &
Livestock &
V. Low to High Susceptibility to Rain-Induced Landslide
Mainaga 424 1,867 H Industrial Construction, Low to High
Establishmen Manufacturing,
ts, Schools, Transportation/
Potions of Storage &
the Nat’l Communicatio
Highways, ns, Wholesale
Port of & Retail Trade
Mainaga, & Vehicle
Network of Repair,
Brgy. Roads, Electricity, Gas
Pathways & & Water
Footways, SupplyPrivate
Power Households
supply, With
Water Employed
Supply Persons and
Social and


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VI. Low Susceptibility to Rain-Induced Landslide

Talaga East 393 1,810 H Industrial & Wholesale & High
Commercial Retail Trade &
Establishmen Vehicle
ts, Repair,Extre
Resifential Territorial
Houses, Organizations,
Portions of Other
the Nat’l Community
Highways & Social &
Circumferent Personal
ial Roads, Activities,
Networks of Hotels &
Brgy. Roads, Restaurants,
Pathways & Public
Footways, Administration
Power & Defense,
Supply, and
Water Transportation/
Supply Storage &
Talaga Proper 325 1,690 H Residential Construction, Medium
Houses, Extra
Portions of Terrestrial
the Nat’l Organizations,
Highways Wholesale &
and Retail Trade &
Circumferent Vehicle
ial Roads, Repair, Public
Network of Administration
Brgy. Roads, and Defense,
Pathways & Hotel &
Footways, Restaurants




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Management The Municipal Disaster Risk Insufficient No quick No

and Reduction And trainings and response recovery/rehabilita
Coordination Management Council dry-run plan. tion plan. this will,
(MDRRMC) is already exercises for however, depend
organized and functional. readiness in on type and
The Chairman who is the cases of impacts of the
Municipal Mayor directs the disaster disaster occurrence
over-all operation while the occurrence event.
MDRRMC Coordinator event
heads the implementation
of the programs/projects
and activities on DRRM

There is no designated
LDRRM office and LDRRMO
to date. (Note there is now a
An Office of the MDRRMO
and MDRRMO has been

There is no written mutual

commitment between the
LGU and the NGOs, private
institutions and agencies on
coordinated DRRM matters.
DRRM and CCA is
mainstreamed in various
plans (CDP/CLUP), however,
still being mainstreamed in
laws, policies and/or
ordinances being enacted.
Hazard and Risk The MDRRMC and the The
Assessment BDDDRRMC will use the municipal
MGB Geo-Hazard government
Assessment in and
formulating/implementing barangay
disaster councils lack
prevention/mitigation skills,
programs/projects and knowledge,
activities e.g. slope technical
stabilization measures and capacity and
drainage construction and adequate
clearing equipment
to undertake
Early warning systems in hazard
terms of public address analysis. The


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systems must be providedMGB Geo-

in all barangays for Hazard
dissemination of warnings
on disaster event and other
report will
matters guide the
and the
terms of
s activities
Past disastrous events and There is no There is a Prototypes of
disaster management capability need for recovery/rehabilita
processes are not building simulated tion
documented. programs or exercises programs/projects/
trainings and dry runs activities must be
There are no file copies of given to on quick compiled for
damage and loss reports on M/BDRRMC response reference
past disaster events especially in activities
areas of during
Maps on Susceptibility to planning disaster-
Rain-Induced Landslide and (M/BSRRMP occurrence
Flooding Hazards can be Contingency phase for
acquired from MGB-DENR. Planning for preparedne
Emergencies) ss
t and

There is no
programs to
of disaster
Disaster risk reduction Strategic Action
stated only in the DRRMCP Plan for recovery
in the past years, not in any


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other local development and rehabilitation

plan policies and strategies was not yet done.
in the municipal levels
Insufficient funds
There is limited capacity at to complete
the local government to recovery/rehabilita
implement basic risk tion of disaster-
reduction measures such as affected
zoning, building infrastructures,
procedures, environmental especially
impact assessment and barangay
similar measures. waterworks
systems which are
mostly spring

Funds will be re-

allocated for the
purpose in this
Disaster There is a
preparednes need for
s measures simulated
such as exercises
contingency and dry runs
plans, on quick
coordination response
mechanisms, activities
logistics during
capacity and disaster-
stockpiles occurrence
and so forth phase for
are on-going preparedne
formulation ss

There are no
trainings on
teams are


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ssigned and


Table No. 70. Recommendations

Management Further strengthen Trainings, seminar-
and the DRRM Structures workshops, drill
Coordination such as the MDRRMC exercises and dry
and the BSRRMCs. runs must be
attended to
Establish MDRRMO /conducted by the
office with necessary members of the
staffing requirements MDRRMC and the
and logistical support BDRRMC to attain a
subject to availability certain level of
of general funds and awareness,
eligibility knowledge and
requirements readiness to act
accordingly during
Mainstreaming/integ occurrence phase of
ration of DRRM/CCA an event.
into local
development plans Resources for
and PPAs and 100 % capability
of 70 % of development for DRR
L/MDRRMF should be provided
for through
Crafting of a budgetary allocations
Commitment and mobilization of
Document of funds from other
Cooperation and sources
mechanisms for the
involvement of the
NGO’s, private
institutions and
agencies operating
in the municipality
on DRRM matters .
This will be an
agreement between


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the LGU and these

said groups.
Use of the MGB Geo- Technical trainings by
Hazard the members of the
Assessment Report MDRRMC and
for information and BDRRMC on risk
DRRM planning; identification and
Assessment of other
Geo-hazards such as: Acquisition of
susceptibility to equipment
earthquakes, Appropriate for risk
occurrence of identification and
tsunamis, storm analysis.
surges and their
impacts must be
conducted for
information and
input to DRRM
Establishment of Capability building Conduct of Research and
Data Bank or programs or trainings simulated compilation of
Knowledge must be exercises and prototypes of
Management Center conducted/attended dry-runs on programs/projec
on DRRM matters; to by the members of quick ts/activities on
Build-up of data files the MDRRMC and response recovery and
on DRRM, Reports BDRRMC in areas of activities for rehabilitation for
and MDRRMC actions contingency planning readiness post-disaster
during past disasters for emer-gency, skills and occurrence
on the prepared- phase
Installation of public development/enhan- ness during
address systems in cement in times of disaster
every barangay to emergency response occurrence
promote public phase
awareness and as a Development and
mode for early implementation of
warnings on weather IEC programs and
forecasts, plans of projects on
actions to be DRRM/CCA
undertaken in case of participated by the
occurrence and like MDRRMC , BDRRMC
matters and the general


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Acquisition of
Hazards Maps from
Mainstreaming/integration Implementation/completion
of DRRM/CCA on local of the rehabilitation of
development plans such as barangay waterworks
the CLUP, CDP, AIP and all systems-spring development
other policies and projects damaged by the
strategies for development typhoon events and other
of the municipality past disaster-occurrence
Formulation/completion of
Strict implementation of Strategic Action Plan for
the zoning ordinance, Recovery and Rehabilitation
building codes, of Disaster Affected
environmental compliance Individuals/Families/Areas/In
certificates and all other frastructures;
requirements Conduct of damage need
Enhancement of disaster
mitigation and Undertake the necessary
preparedness measures rehabilitation or repair and
for infrastructure systems identify of damaged
through inventory, infrastructures;
vulnerability and risk Identify the needed
assessment of critical assistance and formulate
facilities and infrastucture /implement appropriate

Formulate Action Plan for

disaster –affected areas and
identify/mobilize funding

Identify and provide suitable

relocation sites for affected

Facilitate the
design/construction of
disaster resilient housing;

Close monitoring and/or

tracking approval of
infrastructure projects and


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Institutionalization of Establish system of

early warning information gathering,
systems; reporting and
Formulation of
training modules and Establish system for
conduct of trainings coordinated and efficient
and simulation relief operations,
exercises on disaster evacuation, SRR and camp
preparedness and management;
Provide timely and
Disaster appropriate and
preparedness consolidated needs
measures, risks assessment reports;
contingency planning Identify relief shelters and
, knowledge sites based on standards;
management and Provide medical
training activities, assistance and nutritional
inventory of and water assessment in
resources, stockpiling the evacuated centers;
and prepositioning of
resources and Provide tents and other
establishment of temporary shelters
DRRM Operations facilities;
Center should be Conduct quick damage
undertaken; repairs and road clearing
operations and
Organization/activati immediate restoration of
on of emergency illness;
response teams;
Psychosocial programs
Development of ICS and psychological stress
coordination and debriefings for affected
communication population;
Conduct post damage
need assessment – DANA

Develop and implement a

system for early recovery
to include specific
activities addressing the
needs identified with
utility providers and key


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Design and implement

temporary livelihood
and/or income generating


2.4.1. Disaster Risk Reduction /Climate Change Adaptation (DRR/CCA Organizational

The following are the composition of the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management
Councils (MDRRMC) Units/Team, Staff Elements and Operating Units at the Municipal Level
to wit:
A. Over-All Command Post:

Incident Commander HON. NOEL B. LUISTRO

Municipal Mayor

Deputy Incident Commander: CATALINO C. ARAGO

Disaster Risk Reduction Management
Information Officer:
Chief of Police, Mabini Police Station
Atty. Gerville-Reyes Luistro Municipal Administrator
Mrs. Gerarda G. Silang Municipal Social Welfare and
Development Officer
Dr. Melanio Ramir P. Beloso Municipal Health Officer
Mr. Constancio Ronald D. Castillo Municipal Agriculturist
Engr. Simeon A. Arago Municipal Engineer
Mrs. Mary Irene Michelle O. Alvarez MLGOO-DILG
Mrs. Matdarenda G. Marasigan DepEd District Supervisor
PCI Randy c. Oliquino Chief of Police, Mabini Station
Mr. Jorge Aranas Municipal Fire Marshal
Hon. Esmeraldo C. Mendoza President, Liga ng Barangay


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Leader: PCI Randy C. Oliquino Chief of Police

Members: Hon. Leonardo M. Bantugon SB Committee Chairman,
Public Order and Safety
Hon. Ruben M. Villanueva President, Liga Ng Mga Barangay
Hon. Jerkyll H. Sandoval SB Committee Chairman,
Finance and Appropriations
Hon. Mark Franklin I. Castillo SB Committee Chairman,
Franchise and Public Utilities
Hon. Ruben M. Villanueva SB Committee Chairman,
Barangay Affairs
Atty. Gerville Reyes-Luistro Municipal Administrator
Engr. Simeon A. Arago Municipal Engineer
Mrs. Wilma I. Sandoval President, Local Council of
Ailene P. Fabila Municipal Accountant,
President, Municipal Employees
Multi-Purpose Cooperatives
Leader: Anacetas A. Dalangin Municipal Planning and
Development Coordinator
Members: Hon. Leticia G. Austria SB Committee Chairman,
Senior Citizens and
Social Welfare Services,
Women, Children and
Family Relations
Hon. Rogelio E. Matira SB Committee Chairman
Health and Sanitation, Tourism
And Beautification
Hon. Rolan Richard R. Dieza SB Member
Mary Irene Michelle O. Alvarez MLGOO-DILG
Marieta M. Isla Sangguniang Bayan Secretary
Gerarda G. Silang Municipal Social Welfare and
Development Officer
Dr. Melanio Ramir P. Beloso Municipal Health Officer
Alex Kenny B.Fabila Executive Assistant
Leader: Ailene P. Fabila Municipal Accountant
Members: Hon. Jerkyll H. Sandoval SB Committee Chairman,
Finance and Appropriations
Hon. Rusvin Maramot SB Member
Atty. Gerville Reyes- Luistro Municipal Adminisrator

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Ricardo A. Dimayuga Municipal Treasurer

Belinda M. Gonda Municipal Budget Officer
Charito M. Bilale Municipal Assessor
Nora S. Villanueva Municipal Civil Registrar
1. Communications and Warning Team
Leader: Ruben D. Del Mundo Municipal Market Administrator
Members: Hon. Ruby Jane C.Villanueva SB Member
Mary Irene Michelle O. Alvarez MLGOO-DILG
Matdrarenda Marasigan DepEd District DEPED District Supervisor
Melinda Kucaba President, League of Barangay
Jane Maramot President, League of Barangay
Armando Braña President, League of Barangay
Imelda C. Ilagan President, Municipal Federation
Of Senior Citizens
2. Transportation Team
Leader: Catalino Arago DRRMO
Members: Hon. Jane C. Villanueva SB Member
Hon. Jerkyll H. Sandoval SB Committee Chair on Energy,
Transportation and
Hon. Esmeraldo Mendoza SB Committee Chairman,
Barangay Affairs
Engr. Simeon A. Arago Municipal Engineer
Pedro Apostol President, BATODA Bagalangit
Lamberto Magboo, Jr. Pesident, AETODA
Enrique Manalo President, PLTTODA
Pulang Lupa/Talaga East
Ramir Arago President, BMTODA
Raymundo Magsino President, PATOA,
Pulong Anahao
Manolito Gilera President, ATODA,
Anilao Proper
3. Evacuation Team

Leader: Catalino Arago DRRMO

Members: Hon. Rolan Richard Dieza SB Member
Hon. Esmeraldo Mendza SB Committee Chairman on
Barangay Affairs
PCI Randy C.Oliquino Chief of Police, Mabini Station
Mrs. Matdarenda Marasigan DepEd District Supervisor
Engr. Simeon Arago Municipal Engineer
All Principals and Teachers in All Public Schools
All 34 Punong Barangays


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4. Supply Team

Leader: Ailene P. Fabila Municipal Accountant

Members: Rusvin Maramot SB Member
Gerarda Silang MSWDO
Ricardo A. Dimayuga Municipal Treasurer
Belinda M. Gonda Municipal Budget Officer
Nelda Lozano Personnel Officer, OMAD
5. Relief and Rehabilitation Team
Leader: Gerarda G. Silang MSWDO
Members: Hon. Ruby Jane Villanueva SB Member
Hon. Rusvin Maramot SB Member
Hon. Rolan Richard Dieza SB Member
Engr. Simeon Arago Municipal Engineer
Mary Irene Michelle O. Alvarez MLGOO-DILG
Nora S. Villanueva Municipal Civil Registrar
Angelita Balita President, Municipal Fed., BNS
Edita Somido President, Municipal Fed., DCW
Josielyn Alcayde President, Municipal Fed., BHW
All Members of Volunteer Groups
6. Rescue and Recovery Team
Leader: Constancio Ronald D. Castillo Municipal Agriculturist
Members: Hon. Rolan Richard Dieza SB Member
Hon. Rusvin Maramot SB Member
Hon. Esmeraldo Mendoza SB Member and President, LNB
PCI Randy C. Oliquino Chief of Police, Mabini Station
FOI Jorge I. Aranas Municipal Fire Marshal
Armando Braña President, League of Brgy. Tanod
Joey Aristorenas President, Dive Guides Asso.
Representatives of Private Sectors as Given Notice
7. Medical Team

Leader: Dr. Melanio Ramir P. Beloso Municipal Health Officer

Members: Hon. Rogelio E. Matira SB Committee Chairman, Health
And Sanitation
Hon. Leticia G.Austria SB Committee Chairman, Senior
Citizens and Social Welfare
Services and Women, Children
and Family Relations

Gerarda G. Silang MSWDO

Josieline Alcayde President, Municipal Fed., BHW
All Municipal Health Office Staff
All Barangay Health Workers Volunteers


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8. Security Team

Leader: PCI Randy C. Oliquino Chief of Police, Mabini Station

Members: Hon. Rolan Richard Dieza SB Member

Mary Irene Michelle O. Alvarez MLGOO-DILG
Marieta Isla SB Secretary
Armando Braña President, League of Barangay
All Mabini PNP Station Personnel
All Barangay Tanods in 34 Barangays

9. Damage Control/Analysis/Emergency Engineering Team

Leader: Engr. Simeon A. Arago Municipal Engineer

Members: Hon. Rusvin Maramot SB Member

Hon. RubyJanae C. Villanueva SB Member
Mary Irene Michelle O. Alvarez MLGOO-DILG
Constancio Ronald D. Castillo Municipal Agriculturist
Anacetas A. Dalangin MPDC
Gerarda G. Silang MSWDO

10. Secretariat

Leader: Catalino Arago DRRMO

Members: Jenelyn Villanueva DRRMO Personnel

Shayne Drapeza DRRMO Personnel
Grace Ann M. Brucal DRRMO Personnel
Luis Sandoval DRRMO Personnel
Jorge Sandoval DRRMO Personnel
John Paul S. Albuera DRRMO Personnel

11. Composition/ Groupings/and Location of Incident Command Post

Group No. Incident Command Post and Composition of Groups: Leaders and
Group 1 Incident Command Post: Office of the Mayor
Leaders: Atty. Gerville Reyes-Luistro and Vice-Mayor Jun Villanueva
Members: All Municipal Personnel of the OM, OVM and OMAD
Group II And OSB eaders: Mary Irene Michelle O. Alvarez, Anacetas A. Dalangin
and Marieta Isla
Members: All DILG, OMPDC and OSB Personnel
Group III Incident Command Post: Offices of the Municipal Engineer and Municipal
Leaders: Municipal Engineer and Municipal Accountant
Members: All Municipal Engineering and Accounting Personnel
Group IV Incident Command Post: Office of the MSWDO and MHO


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Leaders: Gerarda Silang and Dr. Melanio Ramir Beloso

Members: All OMSWDO and MHO Personnel
Group V Incident Command Post: Office of the Municipal Agriculturist
Leader: Constancio Ronald D. Castillo
Members: All personnel of the Municipal Agriculturist Office, including
Bantay Dagat and Garbage Collectors
Group VI Incident Command Post: Office of the Municipal Assessor and Municipal
Civil Registry
Leader: Charito M. Bilale and Nora S. Villanueva
Members: All Municipal Assessor Office and Office of the Municipal Civil
Registry Personnel
Group VII Incident Command Post Office of the Municipal Treasurer and Office of the
Municipal Budget Officer
Leaders: Ricardo A.Dimayuga and Belinda M. Gonda
Members: All Municipal Treasurer’s Office and Municipal Budget Office

4.1.2. Functions of the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council


The MDRRMC collaborates, integrates and mobilizes efforts of member-government

offices, civil society organizations, volunteers and the communities for DRM and
it ensures that coordination, guidance and support/assistance to Barangay
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committees (BDRRMCs) are extended.
Along with the reorganization of the Council are well defined system and functions for
implementation of DRRMP. The following are the functions of council and the
sectors/committees it established for DRRM:

1.B.1. Functions of the Council

Section 11, paragraph b) of Republic Act 10121, the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Act of 2010 provides for the functions of the L/MDRRMC, to wit:
(1). Approve, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the L/MDRRMPs
and regularly review and test the plan consistent with other national and local plaaning
(2). Ensure the integration of the disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation
into local development plans, programs, and budget as a strategy for sustainable
development and poverty reduction;

(3). Recommend the implementation of forced or preemptive evacuation of local

residents, if necessary; and

(4). Convene the local council once every three (3) months or as necessary.

Section 12, paragraph c) of the said law further provides for the following functions:


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(1). Design, program, and coordinate disaster risk reduction and management activities
consistent with the National Council standards and guidelines;

(2). Facilitate and support risk assessments and contingency planning activities at the
local level;

(3). Consolidate local disaster risk information which include natural hazards,
vulnerabilities and climate change risks, and maintain a local risk map;

(4). Organize and conduct training, orientation and knowledge management activities
on disaster risk reduction and management at the local level;

(5). Operate a multi-hazard early warning system, linked to disaster risk reduction to
provide accurate and timely advice to national or local emergency response
organizations and to the general public, through diverse mass media, particularly radio,
landline communications, and technologies for communications within rural

(6). Formulate and implement a comprehensive and integrated L/MDRRMP in

accordance with national, regional and provincial framework, and policies on disaster
risk reduction in close coordination with local development councils (LDCs);

(7). Prepare and submit to the local sanggunian through the L/MDRRMC and the LDC
the annual L/MDRRM Plan and Budget , the proposed programming of the L/MDRRM
Fund, other dedicated risk reduction management resources and oth regular funding
sources and budgetary support of the L/MDRRMC and BDRRMC;
(8). Conduct continuous disaster monitoring and mobilize instrumentalities and entities
of the LGU, CSOs, private groups and organized volunteers to utilize their facilities
and resources for the protection and preservation of life and properties during
emergencies in accordance with existing policies and procedures;

(9). Identify, assess and manage the hazards, vulnerabilities and risks that may occur in
the locality;

(10). Disseminate information and raise public awareness about those hazards,
vulnerabilities and risks, thdeir nature, effects, early warning signs and

(11). Identify and implement cost-effective risk reduction measures/strategies;

(12). Maintain a database of human resource, equipment, directories and location of

critical infrastructures and their capacities such as hospitals and evacuation centers;

(13). Develop, strengthen and opearationalize mechanisms for partnership or

networking with the private sectors, CSOs and volunteer groups;


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(14). Take all necessary steps on a continuing basis to maintain, provide, or arrange the
provision of, or to otherwise make available, suitably trained and competent personnel
for effective civil defence and disaster risk reduction and management in the area;

(15).Organize, train, equip and supervise the local emergency repose teams and the
ACDV’s ensuring that humanitarian aid workers are equipped with basic skills to assist
mothers to breastfeed;

(16). Respond to and manage the adverse effects of emergencies and carry out recovery
activities in the affect ted areas, ensuring that there is an efficient mechanism for
immediate delivery of food, shelter, and medical supplies for women and children,
endeavour to create a special place where internally-displaced mothers can find help
with breastfeeding, feed and care for their babies and give support to each other;

(17). within its area, promote and raise public awareness of and compliance with this
Act and legislative provisions relevant to the purpose of this Act;

(18). Serve as the Secretariat and executive arm of the L/MDRRMC.

(19). Coordinate other disaster risk reduction and management activities;

(20). Establish linkage/network with othe LGUs for disaster risk reduction and
emergency response purposes;

(21). Recommend to the Sangguniang Bayan the enactment of local ordinances

consistent with the requirements of this Act;

(22). Implement policies, approved plans and programs of the of the L/MDRRMC
consistent with the policies and guidelines laid down in this Act;

(23). Establish a Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Operations


(24). Prepare and submit, through the L/MDRRMC and the LDC, the report on the
utilization of the L/MDRRM Fund and other Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
resources to the Municipal Accounting Office for submission/copy furnished other
related regional/provincial government offices such as: COA, OCD and DILG;

(25). Act on the other matters that may be assigned and/or authorized.
Notwithstanding the passage of the Administrative Order, LDRRMO functions
remained under the responsibility of the Municipal Mayor as Chairman of the
MDRRMC. The Office of the Mayor serves as the center for disaster related activities
utilizing its resources with some personnel performing multi-tasks to accommodate
those activities


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With the CLUP and ZO for the period 2018 to 2027 being implemented, assessment must be
conducted and instituted. Monitoring, review and evaluation must be done to assess how fully
and how effectively the plans and the ordinance are being carried out. On the whole, the process
is meant to assess the overall impact of the plan to the quality of life of the population.
Basically, monitoring of land use changes and specific program/project implementation is
carried out.

Purposes of monitoring, reviewing and evaluating the CLUP and ZO are the following:

1. To establish/assess the effectiveness of the CLUP as determined by the quality of

life indicators setforth in the vision;

2. To evaluate conformity of land development projects issued permits and clearances

with the approved zoning ordinance;

3. To assess impacts of land development projects issued permits and clearances on

the local economy, environment and on social services;

4. To ensure completion of program or project being implemented through a

systematice and progressive assessment based on timetables, costs and benefits to
target groups or outcome.

Systems and procedures must first be formulated and put in place as prior to the conduct of
monitoring, reviewing and evaluating the CLUP and ZO. These systems and procedures are:
1). Monitoring system and procedures, set of indicators for quality of life assessment; 2).
Monitoring system and procedures for land use changes; 3). Project monitoring schemes (PMS

The conduct of the monitoring, review and evaluation will be headed by the Office of the
Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator ( OMPDC ) with the different departments
involve in the implementation of the plan and zoning ordinance such as Office of the Municipal
Engineer and Office of the Municipal Assessor; created units or offices such as Housing
Office/Unit, Zoning Administration Office/Unit, Urban Affairs Unit, and Urban Poor Unit, if,
any; and organized committees such as Local Zoning Review Committee, Local Zoning Board
of Appeals and Adjudication and Project Monitoring Committee ( PMC ) as members.
Steps in the conduct of monitoring, review and evaluation of the CLUP and ZO are as follows:
1. Organize/create monitoring review and evaluation (MRE) teams. Which are
coordinative in nature and consisting of LGU organic personnel and other
stakeholders, i.e. multi-sectoral teams, barangay level monitoring teams.

2. Develop monitoring systems and procedures, establish indicators and benchmark

data and set frequency of monitoring activities to serve as guide in the following


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2.1.Quality of Life Assessment using the essential elements of the vision adopted.
This can be done through: a). Vision-Reality Gap Analysis, and b) Use of
indicators of well-being consistent with population and development sensitive
planning approach. These indicators of abilities ( “ to be “ ) or capabilities ( “ to
do ) include among others: health ( t5o be healthy ), nutrition ( to be well-
nourished ); education ( to be educated, knowledgeable and skilled ), fertility (
to bear and rear desired number of children ), and migration ( to travel in search
of economic and social opportunities ). For detailed indicators refer to Core
Indicators for Gender Responsive Population and Development (POPDEV)
Planning at the Local Level.

2.2.Land Use Changes, considering land use development clearances and permits
issued by the Zoning Administration Unit under the Office of the MPDC. These
are presented in reports, logbooks of issuances, decision maps and
environmental studies conducted for the purpose. Consultations with
stakeholders can also be conducted to assess community’s reactions on the
particular project or land use change. Decision mapping can be manually done
by indicating in the Zoning Map the approximate location of land development
projects issued clearances and permits using colored mapping pins
corresponding with the color codes of land use categories. This method will
make transparent to stakeholders the real-time monitoring of land use changes.
If a significant number of locational clearance or development permits are non-
conforming or inconsistent with the CLUP/ZO, the LGU may decide to revisit
the effectiveness/responsiveness of the existing CLUP/ZO. Revision of the plan
and rezoning is an option, again.

2.3.Project Implementation Monitoring System/Scheme (PMS) is basically a

systematic design of monitoring a particular project. It is a systematic, timely
and regular gathering of feedback about progress of a project in terms of inputs,
operations and outputs and the timely provision of appropriate support or
intervention, if need be. Actual data is compared with the the plaqn to determine
whether the clearance from funding and support agencies has been sought and
whether there are any deviations from the original plan. These causes of
deviations, if any, are examined and solutions/persons likely to solve the
problem and necessary interpretations are identified.

2.4. Conduct of review and evaluation of action taken and development outcomes
to determine relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. The
intent is to incorporate lessons learnt in the process.

3. Conduct actual monitoring consistent with the developed system and procedures.

3.1.Conduct comparing sessions/consultative workshop on indicator of well-being

for quality of life assessment;

3.2.Conduct decision mapping sessions/consultations/ workshops on the impacts of

land use changes;


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3.3.Conduct project monitoring sessions/consultations/workshops to determine

stages of implementation of program/project.

4. Evaluate results of the monitoring activities.

5. Submit monitoring, review and evaluation reports, findings and recommendations

to the Municipal Mayor, Sangguniang Bayan for consideration and appropriate

Findings and recommendations may lead to: a). revision of strategies or policies
provided for in the CLUP and development control/guidelines in the ZO or at least
revision of the CLUP; and b). repacking or refocusing of programs and projects
including financial aspects.


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