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Volume IIIA – Ship Operations

2. Navigational Operations

2.8.PR_Anchoring in Deep Water

Revision: 1 Revision date: 12-FEB-2013
Document owner: Director Fleet Management Original: 12-FEB-2013
Published by: IMS Manager Page: 1/2


1. Purpose ................................................................................................................................................................ 1
2. Scope ................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3. Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................................... 1
4. Guideline .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
5. Process related documents and literature ............................................................................................................ 2
6. References ........................................................................................................................................................... 2

1. Purpose

To outline the procedure when using the vessel’s anchors.

2. Scope

This applies to all vessels managed by the Company.

3. Responsibilities


The Master is responsible for the implementation of this guideline.

4. Guideline

DEEP WATER is defined as water depth being more than 40 meters.

 Anchoring must be pre-planned in detail and a pre-anchoring meeting must be held to ensure complete
understanding of everyone involved in the anchoring operations.

 The anchorage area must be carefully selected with due regard to all relevant safety considerations
including that of possible underwater obstructions.

 The main engine must be tested astern in a safe area, prior to approaching the anchorage.

 For deep water anchoring, the chief officer must be in-charge of the anchor party. Additional officers
may be present for training purposes only, and if trained to the master’s satisfaction, may supervise
shallow water anchoring in calm weather conditions.

 In deep water, the bosun is to be assisted by a competent seaman. In deep waters this will be an ab / ir
(integrated rating) or an experienced os. Less experienced os’ and other seamen are to be closely

 The anchor must be lowered under power with minimal way on the vessel, to close above the seabed
prior to ‘letting go”.

 As far as possible, depending on circumstances, the vessel must be stopped over ground when the
anchor is ‘let go”.

Volume IIIA – Ship Operations
2. Navigational Operations

2.8.PR_Anchoring in Deep Water

Revision: 1 Revision date: 12-FEB-2013
Document owner: Director Fleet Management Original: 12-FEB-2013
Published by: IMS Manager Page: 2/2

 The cable is to be carefully laid out using wind, tides, currents and engine, as required, until adequate
cable is laid out and the vessel is “brought up”.

 If necessary in the master’s judgment, the anchoring may be carried out under power with the windlass
motor engaged, in which case, the cable must never be allowed to come under heavy strain.

 Due regard should be taken of weather conditions and anchoring avoided in rough seas or heavy

 When anchored, in case of any anticipated deterioration of weather, masters are urged to make an
early departure from anchorage to sea rather than risk damage or difficulties later.

 Masters are reminded that anchoring equipment is designed to lift a certain weight of cable! Anchor
(usually 3 shackles of chain or 2 shackles plus anchor) and anchoring in greater depths may cause
difficulty in heaving anchor. Maker’s manuals are to be consulted for details of vessel’s equipment.

 Major damage and expense has been sustained when vessels have not followed some of the
above recommendations.

5. Process related documents and literature

 2.1.PR_General Instructions / Volume IIIA – Ship Operations / 2.Navagational Operations

 2.2.PR_Management of Bridge & Navigation / Volume IIIA – Ship Operations / 2.Navagational


 2.3.PR_Operation of Bridge & Navigation / Volume IIIA – Ship Operations / 2.Navagational


 2.9.PR_Anchor Watch / Volume IIIA – Ship Operations / 2.Navagational Operations

 2.4.CL_Anchoring and Anchor Watch / Volume V – Forms and Checklists / 2.Navigational Operations

6. References

ISO 9001:2008 6.2.2

ISO 14001:2004 4.4.2
OHSAS (ISO 18001) 4.4.2
ISM Code 5/7
ISPS Code n/a
MLC 2006 n/a


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