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Guideline 9.7. in MSF-OCB Security Framework.

9.7. Attacked while mobile (incl. ambush, robbery and car-jacking)

Threat identification

An attack on an MSF vehicle can happen in various circumstances :

• (1) at a red traffic light or while in a traffic jam, occurring mainly in cities
• (2) by provoking a small accident (bumping into your car) inducing you to stop
and proposing you some help while you are out of your car
• (3) by following you with an other car and suddenly overtaking you and forcing
you to stop
• (4) by setting up a roadblock in order to force the vehicle to stop
• (5) by letting you hear a gunfire close by (not knowing if aimed at you or not)

The aim of the attackers is mostly to rob all your values (private belongings, equipment
on board, drugs, communication material, etc), and sometimes include the theft of the
car itself. It is very exceptional the attacker’s motive is only to frighten or to hurt you.

If the risk of being attacked on the road is considered to be too high, you should stop all

For robberies committed in offices or houses, see “Armed robbery” and refer to “cash
management” for everything related to money transfers.

General preventive measures to minimise the risk

These general preventive measures are applicable in all circumstances, whatever the
attack may occur.

Do :

• Gather general contextual information on road attacks in your area (types of

vehicles targeted, techniques used, specific road portions and timing more at
• Prior any movement, get information from various sources (taxis or commercial
transport, militaries...) on the situation, combining the views from departure and
arrival points
• Establish frequent radio contacts with the base to strictly follow the vehicle
location and to inform any eventual danger along the road
• If appropriate, maximise the identification and the visibility of your vehicle
(stickers, flag, eventually flashing light, etc)
• Use copies of documents instead of originals
• Avoid stopping outside your office or residence. Inform the guards by radio when
approaching the gate
• Teach your drivers to park the vehicles in a well-lighted and busy area. They
should in all circumstances guard their vehicle when parked outside an MSF
Guideline 9.7. in MSF-OCB Security Framework.

• Travel with at least two people per car or with two (or more) cars together in a
convoy (see for “convoy procedures”)
• Sometimes it is advisable a translator accompanies the international staff. Equally
national staff might be more at risk travelling alone, an international staff should
then accompany them at all time
• If you have any doubt, stop at villages or ask along the road regarding security on
the road you are heading to

Do not :

• Do not take a risky road early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Wait at
least a few vehicles used it and informed they arrived safely
• Do not plan unnecessary trips
• Do not follow or be followed by military, UN agency (except if decided to travel in
convoy) or commercial vehicles. Let them go ahead or overtake them rapidly

Reactive measures once confronted with the threat

The best reaction to have will depend on many factors (goal and means used by the
attackers mainly), but these general measures should be applied as a guideline :

• Try to remain as calm as possible. Remember that losing a vehicle or other

belongings is not important compared to saving your life!
• Do not watch the robbers directly in the eyes ; this might irritate them and also
create a suspicion you will try to identify them later with police or army
• Hand over what is demanded without hesitation and follow instructions given by
the attacking people. Do not risk your life for the sake of the car or your
• Don’t make sudden moves and keep your hands in view. Before releasing your
seatbelt or reaching for your documents inform the attackers what you intend to
• If not taking further risk, try to negotiate and persuade them to not harm anyone
• Keep the engine running with the key inside (except if contrary order is given)
• If leaving the vehicle leave the doors open (except if contrary order is given)
• If you are in a group, do not talk among each other, particularly in a language
unknown to the robbers ; this might irritate the besiegers. If you decide however
to do so and according to your best judgement, make sure you are heard only by
the person you are whispering to.
• If it is not a violent assault and you are in a remote area, try to negotiate the use
of the radio to report back to base. Do not report what exactly is going on but
report the location saying you have a problem

Reactive measures after being confronted with the threat

Guideline 9.7. in MSF-OCB Security Framework.

• As soon as the attackers have left and are out of sight, call for help with your
communications means if still any

Specific remarks in case of carjacking

• If it is not a violent assault and you are in a remote area, try to negotiate the use
of the radio to report back to base. Do not report what exactly is going on but
report the location saying you have mechanical problem
• If it is not a violent assault, try to negotiate the removal of the MSF logo

Preventive and reactive measures in specific situations

(1) at red traffic light or in traffic jam

In cities and where / when the risk is considered to be present, lock all your vehicle
doors and leave your windows open only a few centimetres to ensure a proper airing
if needed

(2) by provoking a small accident

If you know this kind of attack already happened, do not stop immediately but inform
the other car’s driver to follow you in a more lit area with more people around

(3) by being followed and then suddenly overtaken and stopped

• Do not start to accelerate (you will just alert the people following you and
increasing the risk of accident)
• Change direction to test your pursuers and see if they are still following you, but
stay in busy parts of town and in places you are familiar with
• Instead of going to your home or base, go to a UN compound or police station

(4) at a roadblock

• If you suspect anything unusual, fear for your security and if there is sufficient
time and space, reverse the vehicle and drive away, but be very careful ; this
action may attract attention and thus draw fire
• Slow down to a halt such as a normal checkpoint. Comply calmly with any
demands made to you. They may only want your vehicle and possessions

(5) by hearing a gunfire close by

If you think it was aimed at you and only in the scope to stop the vehicle : see (4)

If you think it is not aimed at you and it is a crossfire : see “cross fire section”

If you think it was aimed at you with the intention to kill or hurt you : see “cross fire

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