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Assignment 1: Business Process Analysis

Objective: To analyze and propose improvements for a simple business process using basic Business
Process Management (BPM) principles. CLO: CLO2 & CLO3


1. Select a Business Process: Choose a straightforward business process from your daily life or a
common organizational activity. For example, you could choose the process of ordering food
delivery from a restaurant.

2. Describe the Current Process: In a few sentences, describe the selected business process. Start
from the moment you decide to order food until the delivery arrives at your doorstep. Mention
key steps involved, such as selecting items, placing the order, and waiting for delivery.

3. Identify Improvements: List any inefficiencies or challenges you notice in the current process.
These could include long wait times for delivery, confusion about order status, or errors in the
delivered food.

4. Propose Improvements: Based on the identified points, suggest simple, practical improvements
to streamline the process. For instance, you could propose implementing a real-time order
tracking system to provide customers with updates on their delivery status.

5. Explain the Benefits: Describe the potential benefits of implementing your proposed
improvements. Explain how they would enhance the ordering experience for customers, such as
reducing anxiety about delivery times and increasing satisfaction with the service.

Submission Guidelines:

• Submit your assignment as a hand written 3-4 pages document.

• Use clear and concise language.

• Focus on explaining your ideas logically, without the need for technical diagrams or charts.

• Submit your assignment by the specified deadline 4th April 2024.

Evaluation Criteria: Your assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

• Clarity and coherence of your proposed improvements.

• Relevance and practicality of your suggestions for a beginner-level analysis.

Note: This assignment is designed for beginners with no prior experience in BPM. It emphasizes
understanding basic principles and applying them to simple real-world scenarios.

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