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Synthetic Biology and Metabolic

Engineering in Plants and Microbes

Part A Metabolism in Microbes 1st
Edition Sarah E. O'Connor (Eds.)
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Synthetic Biology – Metabolic Engineering 1st Edition

Huimin Zhao

Microbes in Food and Health 1st Edition Neelam Garg

Microbes and Other Shamanic Beings César E. Giraldo


Chemical Ecology of Insects: Applications and

Associations with Plants and Microbes 1st Edition Jun
Microbes and Enzymes in Soil Health and Bioremediation
Ashok Kumar

Defrosting Ancient Microbes Emerging Genomes in a

Warmer World 1st Edition Scott Rogers (Author)

Biodiversity and Conservation Characterization and

Utilization of Plants Microbes and Natural Resources
for Sustainable Development and Ecosystem Management
1st Edition Jeyabalan Sangeetha

Metabolic Pathway Engineering Michael E. Himmel

Recombinant Microbes for Industrial and Agricultural

Applications First Edition Imanaka



Departments of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental
Biology and Department of Chemistry
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Yale University

Roy and Diana Vagelos Laboratories
Department of Chemistry
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA

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L.M. Alkhalaf
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
M.C. Andorfer
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
L. Bourgeois
Centre for Structural and Functional Genomics, Concordia University, Montreal, QC,
E. Burton
Centre for Structural and Functional Genomics, Concordia University, Montreal, QC,
L. Chang
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
X. Chen
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
R.E. Cobb
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States; Carl R. Woese
Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL,
United States
S.D. Colloms
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
M. Dastmalchi
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
Y.-L. Du
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
S. Edgar
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States
P.J. Facchini
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
E. Fossati
Centre for Structural and Functional Genomics, Concordia University, Montreal, QC,
M. Gajewi
Allgemeine Biochemie, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany
J.M. Gardiner
School of Chemistry, Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom

xii Contributors

N.D. Gold
Centre for Structural and Functional Genomics, Concordia University, Montreal, QC,
J.M. Hagel
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
L. Humphreys
GlaxoSmithKline, Medicines Research Centre, Stevenage, United Kingdom
A. Jervis
Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, SYNBIOCHEM, University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom
J.A. Jones
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, United States; Center for Biotechnology and
Interdisciplinary Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, United States
M.A.G. Koffas
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, United States; Center for Biotechnology and
Interdisciplinary Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, United States
J.C. Lewis
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
J. Li
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
W. Liu
State Key Laboratory of Bioorganic and Natural Products Chemistry, Shanghai Institute
of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai; Huzhou Center of
Bio-Synthetic Innovation, Huzhou, PR China
V.J.J. Martin
Centre for Structural and Functional Genomics, Concordia University, Montreal, QC,
D. Medina-Stacey
School of Chemistry, Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, The University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom
C.A. Merrick
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
J. Micklefield
School of Chemistry; Centre for Synthetic Biology of Fine and Speciality Chemicals
(SYNBIOCHEM), Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, The University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom
D. Milbredt
Allgemeine Biochemie, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany
J.S. Morris
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
Contributors xiii

A. Nı́ Cheallaigh
School of Chemistry, Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom
L. Narcross
Centre for Structural and Functional Genomics, Concordia University, Montreal, QC,
J.E. Paget
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
B. Pang
State Key Laboratory of Bioorganic and Natural Products Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of
Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, PR China
E.P. Patallo
Allgemeine Biochemie, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany
J.T. Payne
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; Stanford University, Stanford, CA,
United States
M.E. Pyne
Centre for Structural and Functional Genomics, Concordia University, Montreal, QC,
C.J. Robinson
School of Chemistry; Centre for Synthetic Biology of Fine and Speciality Chemicals
(SYNBIOCHEM), Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, The University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom
S.J. Rosser
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
K.S. Ryan
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
D. Sardar
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States
E.W. Schmidt
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States
N.S. Scrutton
Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom
G. Stephanopoulos
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States
S. Tait
Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom
xiv Contributors

E. Takano
Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom
Z. Tang
State Key Laboratory of Bioorganic and Natural Products Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of
Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, PR China
M.D. Tianero
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States
H.S. Toogood
Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom
J.W.A. van Dijk
School of Pharmacy, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
K.-H. van Pee
Allgemeine Biochemie, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany
H.A. Vincent
School of Chemistry, Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, The University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom
C.C.C. Wang
School of Pharmacy; Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Y. Wang
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States
C. Wardrope
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
V. Weichold
Allgemeine Biochemie, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany
M.-C. Wu
School of Chemistry, Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, The University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom
H. Zhao
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States; Carl R. Woese
Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL,
United States
G. Zhong
State Key Laboratory of Bioorganic and Natural Products Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of
Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, PR China
K. Zhou
National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Advances in sequencing, bioinformatics, and genome editing now enable us

to access the rich chemistry encoded within the metabolic pathways of plants
and microbes. A major focus in metabolism is the secondary, or specialized,
pathways that produce small, biologically active molecules with applications
in pharmaceutical, agrochemical, or other biotechnological sectors. In recent
years, metabolic engineering/synthetic biology approaches have shown
remarkable promise for the exploitation of these pathways for human use.
In these two volumes, we highlight some of the most important approaches
that have been used to harness microbial and plant metabolic pathways.
In Volume 1, we focus on advances that have been made in microbial-
based systems. The discovery some three decades ago that bacterial special-
ized metabolic pathways are clustered on the genome has greatly facilitated
the identification and characterization of these pathway genes. Coupled
with the fact that bacterial genomes can now be sequenced rapidly and inex-
pensively, the last decade has seen a staggering increase in our knowledge of
bacterial specialized metabolism. Additionally, it is now known that fungal
specialized pathways also cluster on the genome. While fungal genomes are
larger than those from bacteria, these genomes can still can be easily
sequenced, and substantial advances in elucidating fungal metabolism have
been made. Consequently, a wealth of new opportunities in metabolic engi-
neering have been opened. In this volume, we highlight how better produc-
tion of these compounds can be achieved, and how these biosynthetic
enzymes can be engineered to generate new biocatalysts and new products.
We also discuss how microbial species can be manipulated to serve as a host
for reconstitution of plant pathways. The volume concludes with several
representative examples of new tools that allow us to rapidly manipulate
the genetic material of the microbial host.
Volume 2 focuses on the metabolism of plants. Historically, elucidating
plant metabolism has been challenging due to the lack of tightly genome-
clustered pathways that are observed in microbial systems, along with the
large size of plant genomes and transcriptomes. The first set of articles in
this volume describe a variety of strategies to elucidate plant-specialized
metabolism. Notably, the specialized metabolism of plants is controlled
by complex regulatory processes. Furthermore, plant biosynthetic processes
are also complicated by the fact that the metabolic reactions occur in a

xvi Preface

variety of different cell types and subcellular compartments. Therefore,

several articles in this volume also describe efforts to control the regulatory
networks that maintain the levels of metabolism production in plants, along
with methods to understand the mechanisms of transport and localization of
specialized metabolic intermediates. Finally, we highlight emerging tools
to harness plant metabolism: new plant-based expression platforms and
expression tools for production of metabolites are discussed.
Metabolic engineering has progressed rapidly in the last several years.
The advent of genome editing, the ability to sequence complex genomes
quickly and inexpensively, and the successful manipulation of plant and
microbial hosts for more effective pathway reconstitution have collectively
demonstrated that metabolic engineering holds substantial promise for
improving our access to the end products of specialized metabolism.
I note that these two volumes scratch the surface of this field, providing only
a survey of some of the efforts being made in this area. I am deeply indebted
to all of the contributors to this volume who graciously provided their time
and effort to make a contribution to this work.
The John Innes Centre
Department of Biological Chemistry

Directing Biosynthesis: Practical

Supply of Natural and Unnatural
D. Sardar, M.D. Tianero, E.W. Schmidt1
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States
Corresponding author: e-mail address:

1. Introduction 1
2. Discovery of Cyanobactin Pathways 2
3. Elucidating Natural Rules of Engineering in Cyanobactin Pathways 3
4. Heterologous Expression of Cyanobactin Pathways in E. coli 5
5. Optimization for Increased Yield of Cyanobactins in E. coli 9
6. Synthesis of Cyanobactins In Vitro 11
7. Conclusions 16
8. Outlook 18
Acknowledgments 18
References 18

The increasingly rapid accumulation of genomic information is revolutionizing natural
products discovery. However, the translation of sequence data to chemical products
remains a challenge. Here, we detail methods used to circumvent the supply problem
of cyanobactin natural products, both by engineered synthesis in Escherichia coli and by
using purified enzymes in vitro. Such methodologies exploit nature's strategies of com-
binatorial chemistry in the cyanobactin class of RiPP natural products. As a result, it is
possible to synthesize a wide variety of natural and unnatural compounds.

Natural products remain a major component of drug discovery efforts
(Newman & Cragg, 2012), but such efforts are still hindered by the need to
synthesize a sufficient supply and to create analogs. Mimicking biosynthesis
has emerged as a powerful tool to overcome these problems, providing a
tractable alternative to traditional chemical synthesis. The key advance

Methods in Enzymology, Volume 575 # 2016 Elsevier Inc. 1

ISSN 0076-6879 All rights reserved.
2 D. Sardar et al.

that has aided this is the explosion in genomic data, which has allowed con-
necting natural products to their corresponding genes (Walsh & Fischbach,
2010). In turn, rapid gene identification enables heterologous expression of
enzymes to perform total synthesis in vivo or in vitro. Connecting genes to
molecules has thus aided discovery based on sequencing, overcoming
limitations of conventional natural products discovery, which relies on
actual physical isolation of compounds, often from far-reaching locations
of the earth. In addition, assigning genes to specific chemical modifica-
tions allows exploitation of enzyme function to modify nature’s arsenal
of chemistry far beyond, by technologies such as directed evolution
(Renata, Wang, & Arnold, 2015).
This chapter focuses on directing biosynthesis using the cyanobactin bio-
synthetic machinery to engineer synthesis. Cyanobactins are natural prod-
ucts found in marine animals or in relatively slow-growing cyanobacteria.
Due to the rare and variable distribution of the producing organisms, supply
is an issue hindering cyanobactin development. An advantage is that several
cyanobactin pathways are exceptionally broad-substrate tolerant, which
allows cyanobactin enzymes and pathways to be used in the synthesis of
thousands of derivatives. Recent advances enable such synthesis at scale in
Escherichia coli and in vitro using purified enzymes. Later, we describe
methods enabling the practical synthesis and engineering of cyanobactin


The cyanobactins belong to RiPP (ribosomally synthesized and post-
translationally modified peptides) class of natural products and are present in
about 30% of all cyanobacteria (Arnison et al., 2013; Sivonen, Leikoski,
Fewer, & Jokela, 2010). The first cyanobactins, patellamides, were isolated
from marine ascidian animals (Ireland & Scheuer, 1980), and related com-
pounds have also been found in both ascidians and free-living cyanobacteria.
Subsequently, biosynthetic genes for cyanobactins were discovered. A small
sample (several grams) of the ascidian Lissoclinum patella was obtained near
breaking surf on the reef flat above Blue Corner, Palau. Metagenome
sequencing of the marine animal and its symbiotic bacteria led to identifica-
tion of a RiPP pathway, pat in symbiotic cyanobacteria, Prochloron. pat car-
ried a gene encoding the amino acid sequence of patellamide. Heterologous
expression of pat in E. coli confirmed the symbiont Prochloron as the source of
Practical Supply of Natural and Unnatural Cyanobactins 3

the cyanobactin. This was an early application of whole (meta)genome

sequencing to identify a natural product source, leading to successful transfer
of the producing pathway from a noncultivable producer in the ocean to a
model host in the laboratory (Schmidt et al., 2005).
Due to the ribosomal nature of the cyanobactin pathway, subsequent
genome mining efforts were focused on discovery through screening of
homologous sequences, leading to identification of a new cyanobactin,
trichamide (Sudek, Haygood, Youssef, & Schmidt, 2006), heralding the
era of genome-based RiPP discovery. In RiPP pathways, a precursor
peptide is modified by enzymes to yield natural products. In the case of
cyanobactin pathways, further analysis revealed that the precursor peptides
exist as natural combinatorial libraries (Donia et al., 2006; Donia, Ravel, &
Schmidt, 2008). Many more new pathways were discovered in this way by
genome mining (Donia & Schmidt, 2011; Leikoski, Fewer, & Sivonen,
2009; Martins, Leao, Ramos, & Vasconcelos, 2013; Ziemert et al., 2008),
including the noteworthy discovery of a new class of cyanobactins that were
linear with the ends protected by N-terminal prenylation and C-terminal
methylation (Leikoski et al., 2013).
Ascidians contain a wide array of different cyanobactins with different
structures and posttranslational modifications. However, across time and
space in the oceans the ascidian-derived cyanobactin pathways are very
closely related, being nearly 100% gene-sequence identical across their bio-
synthetic pathways. The exception is in precise regions that encode new
sequence variants or new posttranslational modifications. This natural pre-
cision mutation has greatly aided studies of biosynthetic mechanism and
engineering (Donia et al., 2008; Fig. 1). The most conserved genes are
the N- and C-terminal proteases, a feature that can be exploited to discover
new cyanobactin pathways by blast searching (Donia & Schmidt, 2011). By
contrast, more variable regions and enzymes have allowed us to understand
the rules that govern combinatorial biosynthesis (Donia et al., 2006;
Sardar & Schmidt, 2015), which was subsequently exploited for engineering
as described later.


Across multiple cyanobactin pathways, two kinds of genetic recom-
bination events can be observed. First, the precursor peptide substrate is
shuffled. Only a small number of amino acids in the precursor peptide
4 D. Sardar et al.

patA patB patC patD patE patF patOx-patG

truA truB truC truD truE truF1 truF2 truG

pat= O O
patellamide A O trunkamide

Fig. 1 Evolution of cyanobactin pathways in ascidians. The pat and tru cyanobactin
gene clusters are shown, where the precursor peptide gene patE/truE is in black. The
red bars within the precursor peptide gene represent the variable core sequences
that encode the final natural products, whereas the remaining sequence (black)
share >80% identity. The genes flanking the precursor code for posttranslational
enzymes and other functions. Outside the precursor gene, regions in gray are
similar in sequence, whereas the colored segments represent variation in sequence.
The most variability apart from the core sequence corresponds to heterocyclization
(yellow), prenylation (green), and oxidation (blue) posttranslational chemistry (purple
box). This variation translates clearly to structural variability in the pat and tru natural
products as shaded in the same corresponding color as the genes. The pat pathway
products carry both thiazolines and oxazoline/methyloxazolines (yellow circles),
whereas tru products carry only thiazoline (yellow circle). In addition, tru products
are prenylated (green circles) corresponding to presence of the TruF1 prenyl-
transferase that is absent in pat. Similarly, tru products lack oxidation of thiazolines,
since the corresponding oxidase domain (blue) is absent in them, in contrast to pat

(the core sequence) encode the final natural product; these are hypervariable.
By contrast, the core peptide is flanked by highly conserved sequences that
largely serve as recognition sequences (RSs) for enzymes (Sardar, Pierce,
McIntosh, & Schmidt, 2015; Schmidt et al., 2005). Often, multiple copies
of the core or multiple precursors with different cores are present in the same
biosynthetic gene cluster. This results in the observed natural combinatorial
chemistry in the cyanobactins (Donia et al., 2008). Second, the modifying
enzymes are shuffled. New enzymes encoded in a particular cluster directly
Practical Supply of Natural and Unnatural Cyanobactins 5

correspond to new chemistry in the final natural product. For example, the tru
pathway produces prenylated natural products, a feature endowed by the
prenyltransferase TruF1 (Sardar, Lin, & Schmidt, 2015). In contrast, the pat
pathway that lacks prenylated natural product does not carry a functional
TruF1 homolog in its cluster. These principles of nature to introduce new
sequences into the natural peptide backbone (by shuffling precursor peptides)
followed by introducing new chemistry on the peptide scaffold (by shuffling
posttranslational modification enzymes) have been recapitulated in the
laboratory to produce desired novel peptide derivatives.
The question that arises is how do the same posttranslational modifica-
tion enzymes deal with this immense precursor peptide substrate diversity?
The enzymes must be extremely promiscuous. This promiscuity is enabled
by highly conserved sequences within the precursor peptide, the RSs that
serve to guide the posttranslational enzymes (Donia et al., 2008; Sardar,
Pierce, et al., 2015). This enables the core peptides, encoding the natural
product, to vary without losing affinity for the enzyme. This evolutionary
mechanism creates a unique natural engineering strategy that allows synthe-
sis of novel derivatives in the laboratory as detailed later (Fig. 2).


The patellamides were the first cyanobactins to be heterologously
expressed (Long, Dunlap, Battershill, & Jaspars, 2005; Schmidt et al.,
2005). Due to their ribosomal origins, and the unique engineering rules
of the cyanobactin biosynthetic route, specific mutations could be easily
made within the pathway to encode nonnative cyanobactin derivatives
(Donia et al., 2006). For cyanobactin production, we designed an E. coli
expression platform that now uses a pUC-based vector pTru-SD
(Symbion Discovery, Inc.), which carries the tru pathway under control
of the lac promoter. This includes the biosynthetic enzymes TruA (N-
terminal protease), TruB/TruC (hypothetical proteins), TruD
(heterocyclase), TruF1 (prenyltransferase), TruF2 (prenyltransferase of
unknown function), TruG (C-terminal protease/macrocyclase), and the
precursor peptide substrate TruE that encodes the natural products patellins
3 and 2 (patellin 3 ¼ diprenylated cyc-TVPVPTLC* and patellin
2 ¼ diprenylated cyc-TVPTLC*, where C* is thiazoline). A typical expres-
sion experiment involves the following steps (Fig. 3):
6 D. Sardar et al.

Fig. 2 Combinatorial libraries using tru. The tru pathway gene cluster is shown, and
the precursor peptide variant TruE (black) is magnified to its translated amino acid
sequence. Observation of this sequence clearly demarcates the hypervariable regions
(blue) that represent the core encoding the final natural products. In contrast, the rest
of the precursor is highly conserved and correspond to recognition sequences (RSs, red)
that direct specific posttranslational enzymes. This phenomenon of substrate evolution,
wherein the substrates evolve to maintain a balance between variations in the core
(creates diversity) and conservation of the flanking RSs (maintains modification chem-
istry) allows the creation of natural combinatorial libraries.

• Day 1: Transform vector pTru-SD into E. coli DH10β and plate on LB

agar supplemented with ampicillin (50 μg mL1).1
• Day 2: Pick six colonies into six wells in a 24-well plate containing liquid
2xYT medium (3 mL) with ampicillin (50 μg mL1). Grow overnight at
30°C with shaking at 150 rpm.
• Day 3: Pool the cultures. Use the pooled cultures (20 μL of pooled cul-
ture per 6 mL final volume) to inoculate wells in a 24-well plate
(rounded ends). Each well contains 2xYT (6 mL) and ampicillin
(50 μg mL1). In addition, several other media components can be
added (described later as “yield optimizing additives”). Cover each
24-well plate with foil (sealing), and use a sterile needle to poke a small

Note: Other cyanobactin vectors, or even libraries containing multiple cyanobactin precursor variants,
use roughly the same protocol. Some details vary. For example, the yield is much lower with vectors
that are not codon-optimized.
Practical Supply of Natural and Unnatural Cyanobactins 7

Fig. 3 Schematic for heterologous expression in E. coli. There are three basic steps:
(1) transformation of E. coli with the pTru-SD vector that carries the tru pathway. At this
step, the sequence of the precursor can be manipulated to add desired motifs to the
final product; (2) expression in E. coli for an optimum of 5 days. At this step, addition
of cysteine or cysteine with mevalonate results in higher yields of compounds; and
(3) extraction of compounds from the E. coli cell pellet and mass spectrometry-based

hole directly above each well to enable gas exchange. Grow cultures at
30°C with shaking at 150 rpm. Optimum harvest time varies by condi-
tion, but as described here 5 days is usually best.
• Day 8: Harvest the cells by centrifuge using either the 24-well plates or
combined cultures from multiple wells.2 Wash the resulting pellet twice
with either 100 mM NaCl or phosphate-buffered saline. At this stage,
the cell pellets can be extracted immediately or stored at 80°C for later
• To extract cells, resuspend the pellets (fresh or frozen) in acetone
(2–3 mL) and place in a sonicating bath for 30 min. Remove cell debris

Note: The yield is best if cells are grown in individual wells rather than combined in a flask. It is trivial to
aliquot seeded media into multiple wells, which can then be combined and extracted at the end of the
experiment. Because yield is not affected by stacking 24-well plates, this method optimizes use of
shaker space, and the entire volume of a shaking incubator can be occupied. Yield is reasonable in flasks
or in a fermentor under some conditions when using “yield optimizing additives,” but it is still less
reliable than 24-well plates.
8 D. Sardar et al.

by centrifugation, and the acetone extract is processed (later) for further

• Example use 1: The acetone layer is extracted, air-dried, and
resuspended in liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC–MS)
grade methanol, which is directly injected into the HPLC–mass spec-
trometer for analysis.
• Example use 2: The acetone layer is passed through a plug containing
C18 resin, and fractions containing desired cyanobactins are further puri-
fied by HPLC.
• The yield of cyanobactins varies, but is generally 10 μg L1 under
these conditions. “Yield optimizing additives” described later improve
yield by 3000-fold but add complexity.
Over the years, this platform has been extensively optimized to engineer
both for production of derivatives and improve yields. The synthesis of non-
native cyanobactin was reported first in the creation of eptidemnamide, an
analog of the rattlesnake derived anticoagulant eptifibatide. This was
achieved by replacing the core sequence of patellamide precursor peptide
with the eptifibatide sequence designed to carry an amide bond instead of
a disulfide linkage (Donia et al., 2006). This feat was furthered by synthesis
of cyanobactin derivatives containing nonproteinogenic amino acids like
chlorinated and brominated tyrosine residues. Using methodologies devel-
oped by the Schultz group (Young et al., 2011), incorporation of non-
proteinogenic amino acids in the core sequence was carried out (Tianero,
Donia, Young, Schultz, & Schmidt, 2012). Production of patellins 3 and
2 from the parent precursor pTru-SD serves as internal controls of expres-
sion ensuring that the tru pathway is functional. A typical procedure for the
incorporation of unnatural amino acids in cyanobactins is as follows:
• Clone the precursor peptide truE into pRSF vector under the control of
a lac promoter and create mutants replacing the codons of amino acids in
one or multiple positions with the amber stop codon, TAG. Select for
the mutants using kanamycin (50 mg mL1) and purify the plasmids.
• Cotransform the resulting pRSF plasmid containing the truE with TAG
codon(s) with the pTru-SD containing the tru operon and pEvol/
pCNF3 which contains the tRNA/aaRS pair to incorporate the unnat-
ural amino acids into the TAG/stop codon position. Plate in LB agar

pEvol/pCNF plasmid contains arabinose-inducible copy of the aaRS. In our hands, successful incor-
poration of the unnatural amino acids was achieved without induction.
Practical Supply of Natural and Unnatural Cyanobactins 9

containing kanamycin (50 μg mL1), ampicillin (50 μg mL1), and

chloramphenicol (25 μg mL1). Grow at 30°C and 150 rpm overnight.
• Pick colonies and start seed cultures in 2xYT broth containing the three
antibiotics (kanamycin, ampicillin, and chloramphenicol) as described
earlier. After overnight growth, inoculate a fresh 2xYT broth (6 mL)
containing the antibiotics with 20 μL of the pooled seed culture. To this,
add the prepared unnatural amino acid (2 mM) and “yield optimizing
• Grow the cultures for 5 days in a shaking incubator at 30°C and 150 rpm.
Extract the cultures as described earlier and analyze the extracts for both
the cyanobactin(s) containing the unnatural amino acids and patellins
2 and 3.
• This procedure can also be performed using amber mutations within the
tru operon, rather than having a second copy encoding TruE.
In addition to creating nonnative cyanobactin derivatives, recently a tru
pathway library was made in E. coli, revealing an ability to make potentially
millions of compounds. The same method as described earlier was fol-
lowed, and the library helped elucidate rules of core sequence selectivity
and amino acid residue preferences at each position in the core sequence,
leading to creation of >300 new compounds (Ruffner, Schmidt, &
Heemstra, 2015).


Although the strategies described earlier allowed production of both
natural and unnatural cyanobactins in E. coli, a significant gap still existed in
that heterologous expression often led to low compound yield. Although we
had the technological expertise to create combinatorial libraries in the E. coli
factory for drug discovery, downstream applications such as drug develop-
ment were hindered by the yield problem.
Conventional protocols such as transcriptional activation, varying media
conditions, or using different strains led to no significant improvement to
yield (Donia & Schmidt, 2011). We then resorted to a novel metabolite-
directed approach with the hypothesis that certain reagents can affect the
metabolic flux in E. coli, which may result in increased compound yields.
A screen of such metabolites led to the identification of the amino acid cys-
teine (yield optimizing additive), which provided a 150-fold increase in
compound production (Tianero et al., 2016).
10 D. Sardar et al.

The addition of cysteine is identical to that described earlier except

on Day 3:
• Day 3: Pool the cultures. Use the pooled cultures (200 μL of pooled cul-
ture per 6 mL final volume) to inoculate wells in a 24-well plate. Each
well contains 2xYT (6 mL), cysteine (5 mM),4 and ampicillin
(50 μg mL1). Cover with foil, and poke a small hole directly above each
well to enable gas exchange. Cultures are grown at 30°C with shaking at
150 rpm. Harvest after 5 days.
• This condition provides up to about 2 mg L1 of cyanobactins.
Further investigation revealed that hydrogen sulfide, the breakdown prod-
uct of cysteine in E. coli, was the actual mediator of increased cyanobactin
production. The cysteine effect could be recapitulated by introducing
hydrogen sulfide to the media as described later. In addition, the mechanism
of sulfide action has been elucidated (Tianero et al., 2016).
The protocol is identical to that described earlier, except for Day 3:
• Day 3: Pool the cultures. Use the pooled cultures (20 μL of pooled cul-
ture per 6 mL final volume) to inoculate a glass test tube containing
2xYT (6 mL) and ampicillin (50 μg mL1). Place the test tube inside a
50 mL conical Falcon tube containing sodium phosphate buffer pH
8 (0.2 M, 10 mL) and Na2S (10 mM). Seal the Falcon tube with a rubber
cap allowing a little open headspace above the glass culture tube. This
generates low doses of hydrogen sulfide that can diffuse into the culture
tube through the headspace.
• Sulfide can also be applied at other scales and other vessel combinations.
A second metabolite was also identified along with cysteine that could drive
increased compound titers: the isoprene precursor mevalonate, which is
converted into dimethylallylpyrophosphate (DMAPP; Tianero et al.,
2016). Addition of the mev pathway and mevalonate to E. coli cultures
not only increases the degree of prenylated products but also increases total
compound production, although the effect of mevalonate was only pro-
nounced in the presence of cysteine. A typical expression platform involving
mevalonate is as follows:
• Day 1: Transform vector pTru-SD5 and pMBI6 (Martin, Pitera, Withers,
Newman, & Keasling, 2003) carrying the mevalonate pathway into

Note: Optimum cysteine concentration varies between 1 and 20 mM depending upon the exact con-
dition, but 5 mM provides a good, standardized dose that works.
Note: Other cyanobactin-encoding vectors, including those for libraries of compounds or for other
pathways such as pat, are effectively produced in this protocol.
Note: In addition to pMBI (Martin et al., 2003), it is possible to use vectors that encode mevalonate
synthesis from acetate instead, but cyanobactin yields are lower and more variable.
Practical Supply of Natural and Unnatural Cyanobactins 11

E. coli DH10β and plate on LB agar supplemented with ampicillin

(50 μg mL1) and tetracycline (5 μg mL1).
• Day 2: Pick six colonies into six wells in a 24-well plate containing liquid
2xYT medium (3 mL) with ampicillin (50 μg mL1) and tetracycline
(5 μg mL1). Grow overnight at 30°C with shaking at 150 rpm.
• Day 3: Pool the cultures. Use the pooled cultures (20 μL of pooled cul-
ture per 6 mL final volume) to inoculate wells in a 24-well plate
(rounded ends). Each well contains 2xYT (6 mL), cysteine (5 mM),
mevalonate (20 mM)7, ampicillin (50 μg mL1), and tetracycline
(5 μg mL1).
• Cultures are otherwise treated as described earlier. This condition pro-
vides up to about 30 mg L1 of cyanobactins.


In many events, certain sequences exist that can be fully processed
in vitro, yet fail to be produced in E. coli. This can be caused by any number
of reasons, such as toxicity and/or degradation (Sardar, Lin, et al., 2015). In
such cases, having a robust in vitro synthetic platform at hand is necessary for
drug discovery.
Since discovery of the first cyanobactin gene cluster (Schmidt et al.,
2005), a series of biochemical studies characterized representatives of the
most ubiquitous cyanobactin enzymes, including the heterocyclase (TruD
and homologs; Koehnke et al., 2013; McIntosh, Donia, & Schmidt,
2010; McIntosh & Schmidt, 2010; Sardar, Pierce, et al., 2015), the N-ter-
minal and the C-terminal protease/macrocyclase (TruA and TruG homo-
logs; Agarwal, Pierce, McIntosh, Schmidt, & Nair, 2012; Houssen et al.,
2012; Koehnke et al., 2012; Lee, McIntosh, Hathaway, & Schmidt,
2009; McIntosh, Robertson, et al., 2010), and the prenyltransferase
(TruF1 and homologs; McIntosh, Donia, Nair, & Schmidt, 2011; Sardar,
Lin, et al., 2015). An elegant alternative in vitro approach to probing enzyme
activity was recently reported by Goto et al., using a cell-free translation sys-
tem. Interestingly, unprecedented heterocyclic motifs were generated,
including a sequence with tandem thiazoline rings, a feature not observed
in nature (Goto, Ito, Kato, Tsunoda, & Suga, 2014).

Note: In general, the more mevalonate added, the better. However, mevalonate toxicity is apparent
above about 40 mM, so that 20 mM as the upper limit is usually safe. Doubling time of E. coli is delayed
to 400 min in this condition.
12 D. Sardar et al.

Despite extensive exploitation of individual cyanobactin enzymes to cre-

ate unnatural derivatives, the use of a combination of these enzymes for reca-
pitulation of the entire multistep biosynthetic route was achieved only
recently (Sardar, Lin, et al., 2015). A key finding enabling this event was that
the N-terminal protease is inhibited by the reducing agent dithiothreitol
(DTT). This required that if the preceding heterocyclization required
DTT, then the heterocyclized product had to be purified for subsequent
proteolysis. Alternatively, the protease cleavage site could be replaced to
include a commercial protease cleavage site (Houssen et al., 2014), although
this is not advantageous for one-pot synthesis. In addition, certain substrates
that did not carry intramolecular disulfides could be easily processed by the
heterocyclase without the need for reduction, and such substrates could be
used in one-pot reaction schemes that could be modified to the final natural
product carrying up to at least four posttranslational modifications (Sardar,
Lin, et al., 2015). A typical in vitro pathway reconstitution method is
described later (Fig. 4).
The cyanobactin proteins are expressed and purified as follows:
• All expression constructs are cloned into pET-28(b) vector back-
bone within the NdeI and XhoI restriction sites, which maintains an
N-terminal His-tag.
• Day 1: Transform desired construct into BL21(DE3) or R2D-BL21
cells, and plate on LB agar supplemented with kanamycin (50 μg mL1).
Add chloramphenicol (25 μg mL1) if R2D-BL21 cells are used.
• Day 2: Pick 4–5 colonies into LB broth (40 mL) supplemented with
kanamycin (50 μg mL1), with addition of chloramphenicol
(25 μg mL1) if R2D-BL21 cells were used, for an overnight seed
• Day 3: Inoculate either LB or 2xYT media supplemented with the nec-
essary antibiotics as above with the overnight culture from day 2, using
10 mL L1. Incubate at 30°C with shaking at 200–225 rpm, until the
OD600 reaches 0.4–0.6 units. For precursor peptide expression, induce
cultures with IPTG (1 mM) and raise temperature to 37°C for an addi-
tional 3 h. This drives the precursor peptide into the pellet and improves
expression. For expression of enzymes, lower the expression tempera-
ture to 18°C and induce cultures with 0.1 mM IPTG for 18 h. Typically,
6–8 L culture scales are used for each protein.
• After completion of induction time, harvest cells by spinning at
4000 rpm for 10 min. The pellets are collected and stored at 80°C till
processed for purification.
Practical Supply of Natural and Unnatural Cyanobactins 13

Fig. 4 Schematic for in vitro synthesis of cyanobactins. (A) The purified enzymes and
substrate are mixed in a reaction tube under optimum conditions, and the products
detected by mass spectrometry. It is essential to maintain the necessary recognition
sequences (RSs) in the substrate for posttranslational chemistry. (B) A detailed reaction
scheme is shown with each modification step. The representative substrate carries the
trunkamide core sequence, flanked by the required RSs. The heterocyclase ThcD
(directed by RSI) modifies the cysteine residue in the core to thiazoline. This is followed
by N-terminal proteolysis by the protease PatA (directed by RSII). It is helpful to keep the
reaction medium free of reducing agents for PatA action. The subsequent protease/
macrocyclase PatG (directed by RSIII) cleaves off the RSIII and joins the ends to generate
the cyclic product. Further modification of prenylation is appended on the backbone by
the enzyme TruF1.

• All precursor peptides are purified using denaturing conditions and all
enzymes are purified under native conditions using nickel column affin-
ity chromatography, following standard purification protocols. All pro-
teins are aliquoted and flash frozen (the enzymes are stored with 5%
glycerol). The precursor peptides are stable and can be thawed multiple
times or stored at 4°C for long time periods, whereas with the enzymes, a
fresh aliquot is used every time.
A typical in vitro reaction setup is as follows:
• We use the enzyme ThcD from the thc pathway for introducing thia-
zolines. TruD from tru pathway also exhibits the same chemoselectivity
as ThcD (Sardar, Pierce, et al., 2015). Heterocyclization reactions are
set up with enzyme (2 μM), substrate (typically 50–100 μM), MgCl2
14 D. Sardar et al.

(5 mM), DTT (if present, 7.5 mM), and ATP (1 mM) in Tris buffer pH
7.5 (50 mM). If DTT is present, the reaction is purified for subsequent
steps by HPLC. Alternatively, a similar method can be used with PatD
to simultaneously heterocyclize cysteine and serine/threonine.
• The second step after heterocyclization is N-terminal proteolysis. We
use the enzyme PatA from the pat pathway for this purpose. The purified
heterocyclized product is subjected to N-terminal proteolysis with
enzyme (2–5 μM), MgCl2 (5 mM), and CaCl2 (10 mM, this is not nec-
essary and can be left out) in Tris buffer pH 7.5 (50 mM). If no DTT was
used in the previous step, these components can be directly added to the
heterocyclization reaction mix.
• N-terminal proteolysis is followed by C-terminal cleavage in tandem
with macrocyclization. We have used both PatG protease domain (pat
pathway) and TruG full-length construct (tru pathway) for this. Addition
of the C-terminal protease/macrocyclase can be done either with or
without purification of the N-terminal proteolytic product, although
HPLC purification usually yields a cleaner subsequent reaction. The
C-terminal protease/macrocyclase (10–20 μM) is added to the previous
reaction maintaining MgCl2 (5 mM) in Tris buffer pH 7.5 (50 mM).
• In certain pathways, isoprene is appended on the cyclic peptide backbone.
We have used the prenyltransferases TruF1 (a Ser/Thr O-prenyltransferase
from the tru pathway), PagF (a Tyr O-prenyltransferase from the pag
pathway) and LynF (a reverse Tyr O-prenyltransferase from the lyn
pathway). For prenylation, the enzyme (10 μM) is added to the mac-
rocyclization reaction mix with DMAPP (10 mM) as the prenyl donor.
Due to the high cost of commercially available DMAPP, we chemically
synthesize it in the laboratory using previously established protocols
(Davisson et al., 1986; Woodside, Huang, & Poulter, 1988).
• All reactions are carried out at 37°C in a PCR cycler with a heated lid to
prevent evaporation within the reaction tubes. Typically, both the
heterocyclization and N-terminal proteolysis reactions are complete
within 2 h, whereas the C-terminal proteolysis/macrocyclization usually
runs for 24 h or more, and the subsequent prenylation step even longer
and never reaches completion in our hands.
• A one-pot synthetic route to cyanobactin derivatives using the enzymes
ThcD, PatA, and PatG (or TruG) was also reported (Sardar, Lin, et al.,
2015). For one-pot reaction schemes, the same concentrations and
conditions as detailed earlier are maintained in a single reaction tube
for 7.5–10 h.
Practical Supply of Natural and Unnatural Cyanobactins 15

Purification and characterization of reaction intermediates and products is

done as follows:
• If it is desirable to stop the reaction at an earlier time point, boiling for
15 min quenches the reactions. The tubes are then centrifuged briefly to
pellet precipitated material, and the supernatant is analyzed.
• HPLC purification: A semipreparative C18 column is used with a
mobile phase comprising H2O/ACN gradient from 1% to 99% ACN
over 20 min. Note that no acid is used in the HPLC mobile phase since
it renders the thiazoline prone to ring opening. Typically, fractions are
collected every minute, dried under vacuum, and the fractions with UV
absorbance are analyzed by mass spectrometry to detect the desired
species. A 255-nm shoulder in the UV spectrum indicates presence of
thiazoline ring.
• C18 purification: In certain cases, an alternative to HPLC purification is
a rapid purification by C18 resin (Sigma). A small C18 plug is made in a
Pasteur pipette. The resin is equilibrated with 100% ACN followed by
H2O. The reaction solution is added to the resin, which is washed twice
with water, and elutions are collected at 25%, 50%, and 100% ACN.
Typically, the desired products elute at 50% and/or 100% ACN.
• Product characterization: All intermediate and product species are char-
acterized by LC–MS analysis. A C18 or C4 analytical column is used in
all cases, and a C4 column results in negligible column bleed-through in
case of larger peptides >1000 Da mass. A mobile phase of H2O (0.1%
formic acid)/ACN is used, with an ACN gradient of 1–99% over
20 min.
• If reactions are done in large scale, purity of products is further assessed
by NMR spectroscopy. Typically, the cyclic peptides are dissolved in 3:2
D2O/ACN-d3 for best results.
Alternative routes to generate products and derivatives in vitro have also
been reported, such as use of commercial protease cleavage sites in addition
to cyanobactin enzymes (Houssen et al., 2014), use of posttranslational
enzymes fused to substrate leader sequence (Oueis et al., 2015), and use
of an in vitro translation platform (Goto et al., 2014). A unique feature of
cyanobactin RiPP pathways that has enabled in vitro synthesis of
cyanobactin derivatives is their modularity (Sardar, Lin, et al., 2015). This
implies that parts of the pathways can be mixed and matched with parts
of other pathways to create hybrid natural products. Thus, different enzymes
from varied cyanobactin families can successfully process nonnative sub-
strates from other families, or even chimeric substrates that carry cores from
16 D. Sardar et al.

patA patB patC patD patE patF patG H2N O

thcA thcB thcC thcD thcE thcF thcG N
pagA pagB pagC pagE pagF pagG O

Hybrid natural
truA truB truC truD truE truF1 truF2 truG product

Fig. 5 Modularity of cyanobactin pathways. Enzymes and substrates from different

pathways can be mixed and matched to create hybrid natural products for combi-
natorial chemistry. For example, the unnatural cyanobactin shown on the right is
derived from elements belonging to four different pathways pat, thc, pag, and tru.
The specific elements involved from each gene cluster for the creation of this hybrid
are highlighted in red. The cyclic peptide sequence is derived from pagE precursor
sequence INPYLYP (red bar in pagE), wherein the proline is mutated to cysteine to
allow introduction of a heterocycle. The recognition sequences in the precursor sub-
strate were derived from truE (red bars in truE) to direct the enzymes heterocyclase
(thcD, from the thc pathway), the N-terminal protease (patA, from the pat pathway),
and the C-terminal protease/macrocyclase (patG, from the pat pathway). Additional
modification of prenylation was introduced by pagF (from the pag pathway). This
resulted in a derivative of the natural product prenylagaramide B, carrying chemistry
not found in nature such as thiazoline ring (yellow) and double prenylation (blue).

different families. The only requirement necessary to allow such hybridiza-

tion is the maintenance of the conserved RSs that act as docking sites for the
respective posttranslational modification reaction (Fig. 5; Sardar, Pierce,
et al., 2015).

This chapter details the methods that demonstrate the powerful
ability of rerouting biosynthetic routes for synthesis. Since the cyanobac-
tins carry a peptide backbone, research in this area provides tools for the
synthesis of desirable peptide motifs. An advantage of such tools is that
they require simple manipulations at the genetic level for the creation of
derivatives. In contrast, a chemical synthetic route is tedious with com-
plicated scope for combinatorial chemistry. For example, the total synthesis
of trunkamide involves 14 steps (Wipf & Uto, 1999). In contrast, production
Practical Supply of Natural and Unnatural Cyanobactins 17

of trunkamide and derivatives with the use of our optimized E. coli

expression system and in vitro platform requires far lesser effort with
maximized yields.
We have detailed methods for synthesis in vivo and in vitro. Such syn-
thesis is possible based on an understanding of nature’s engineering rules of
modularity in the cyanobactin RiPPs. This has allowed creation of unique
peptide scaffolds, a few examples of which include cyclic peptides with
halogenation, azide functionality, polyketide insertions, and large macrocy-
clic ring size. In addition, pathway hybrids with nonnative patterns of
heterocyclization and prenylation and linear peptides with heterocycles at
unexpected positions are among few of the nonnative chemical motifs that
have been captured in the laboratory, expanding nature’s array of chemistry
using nature’s tools (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6 Representative examples of modified peptide motifs not found in nature created
using the cyanobactin RiPP machinery both in vivo and in vitro. (1) Eptidemnamide that
resembles the rattlesnake derived anticoagulant eptifibatide, (2) macrocyclic peptides
with polyketide insertions, (3) macrocyclic peptides with nonproteinogenic amino acid
insertions, (4) small molecules carrying isoprene units, (5) thiazoline containing cyclic
peptides, (6) linear peptide with the thiazoline heterocycle at desirable positions,
and (7) an unusually large macrocycle of 22 ring size.
18 D. Sardar et al.

Although this chapter is focused primarily on the cyanobactin story,
similar features of promiscuity that allows combinatorial biosynthesis are also
beginning to be observed in other RiPP families (Sardar & Schmidt, 2015).
The most notable of this is the lanthipeptide family of RiPPs, which include
the marine compounds called the prochlorosins (Zhang, Yu, Velasquez, &
van der Donk, 2012). Apart from the cyanobactins and the lanthipeptides, it
is likely that similar stories and strategies will be found among the ubiquitous
and widespread families of RiPPs.

Our work on RiPPs is funded by NIH R01 GM102602.

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Synthetic Biology Approaches

to New Bisindoles
L.M. Alkhalaf1, Y.-L. Du1, K.S. Ryan2
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Corresponding author: e-mail address:

1. Introduction 22
2. Identification of New Bisindole Gene Clusters 25
3. Heterologous Expression 27
3.1 Host Strains Commonly Used 27
3.2 Introduction of the Bisindole Gene Cluster into a Chassis Host 28
4. Mutational Biosynthesis to Generate New Bisindoles 30
5. Mixing Genes from Phylogenetically Related Clusters to Generate New Bisindoles 32
6. Chemical Isolation and Structural Characterization 32
6.1 Strain Growth and Product Extraction 32
6.2 Analysis and Purification 33
6.3 Metabolite Characterization 33
7. Conclusions 34
References 34

Bisindoles are a class of natural products derived from oxidative dimerization of trypto-
phan, and many of these molecules have potential use as anticancer agents. The recent
isolation of new bisindoles and their corresponding gene clusters has greatly expanded
the repertoire of biosynthetic genes available to synthetic biologists. This chapter
describes methods to exploit the biosynthetic pathways leading to bisindoles, using
cladoniamides as a representative example. Specifically, we describe how to identify
and heterologously express gene clusters and how to manipulate pathways in order
to generate new bisindoles. We also discuss methods for cultivating, extracting, purifying,
and characterizing these new metabolites.

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Methods in Enzymology, Volume 575 # 2016 Elsevier Inc. 21

ISSN 0076-6879 All rights reserved.
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Leptestheria,[29] G. O. Sars—Carapace compressed, oblong.
Rostrum with a movable spine; thoracic limbs with
accessory lappet on the exopodite. L. siliqua, G. O. Sars—
Cape Town.
Cyclestheria,[30] G. O. Sars. C. hislopi, Baird—Queensland,
India, East Africa, Brazil.

Sub-Order 2. Cladocera.

The Cladocera are short-bodied Branchiopods, with not more than six
pairs of thoracic limbs. The second antennae are important organs of
locomotion, and are nearly always biramous; the first antennae are small,
at least in the female; the second maxillae are absent in the adult. The
carapace may extend backwards so as to enclose the whole post-cephalic
portion of the body, or may be reduced to a small dorsal brood-pouch,
leaving the body uncovered.
The Cladocera or “Water-fleas” are never of great size; Leptodora
hyalina, the largest, is only about 15 mm. long, while many Lynceidae are
not more than 0·1 or 0·2 mm. in length.
The head is bent downwards in all the Cladocera, so that parts which
are morphologically anterior, such as the median eye and the first
antennae, lie ventral to or even behind the compound eyes and the second
antennae (cf. Fig. 10).
The compound lateral eyes fuse at an early period of embryonic life, so
that they form a single median mass in the adult, over which a fold of
ectoderm grows, to make a chamber over the eye, like that found in the
Limnadiidae, except that it is completely closed. The fused eyes are
generally large and conspicuous; in some deep-water forms the retinular
elements of the dorsal portion are larger than those of the ventral (e.g.
Bythotrephes, Fig. 13). In one or two species which live at very great
depths, or in caves, the eyes are altogether absent.
The appendages of the head are fairly uniform, the most variable being
the first antennae. In the females of many genera the first antennae are
short and immovable, consisting of a single joint, with a terminal bunch
of sensory hairs, and often a long lateral hair, as in Simocephalus (Figs. 9,
10), Daphnia, etc. In the female Moina (Fig. 16) they are movable, as they
are in Ceriodaphnia and some others; in Bosmina (Fig. 22) and many
Lyncodaphniidae they are elongated and imperfectly divided into joints
by rings of spines, while in Macrothrix they are flattened plates. In the
males the first antennae are elongated and mobile (cf. Figs. 11, 19).
The second antennae, the chief
organs of locomotion, are biramous
in all genera except Holopedium;
the number of joints in each ramus,
and the number of the long plumose
hairs with which they are provided,
are remarkably constant in whole
series of genera, and are therefore
useful for purposes of classification.
The creatures row themselves by
quick strokes of these appendages,
the movement being slow and
irregular in the rounder forms, such
as Simocephalus or Daphnia, rapid
and well directed in such elongated
Fig. 9.—Simocephalus vetulus, female.
Ventral view, without the carapace; A1, lacustrine forms as Bythotrephes or
A2, first and second antennae; For, head; Leptodora.
Md, mandible; Te, telson; I-IV, first to The mandibles have no palp; the
fourth thoracic appendages. first maxillae are very small, and the
second maxillae are absent (Fig. 9).
The carapace varies very much. In most genera (the Calyptomera of
Sars) it is a large, backwardly-projecting fold of skin, bent downwards at
the sides so as to form a bivalve shell, enclosing the whole post-cephalic
portion of the body, as in Simocephalus (Fig. 10). The eggs are laid into
the space between the carapace and the dorsal part of the thorax, both the
carapace and the thorax itself being often modified for their protection
and nutrition. In a few forms, the Gymnomera of Sars, the carapace
serves only as a brood-pouch, which is distended when eggs are laid, but
collapses to an inconspicuous appendage at the back of the head when it
is empty (e.g. Leptodora, Fig. 24, Bythotrephes, Fig. 13). In the
Calyptomera the surface of the carapace is frequently provided with a
series of ridges, which may be parallel, rarely branching, as in
Simocephalus; or in two sets which cross nearly at right angles, as in
Daphnia; or so arranged as to form a hexagonal pattern, as in
Ceriodaphnia. In a few forms the whole surface is irregularly covered
with spines or scales. The hinder edge of the carapace is often produced
into a median dorsal spine (Daphnia, Fig. 19), or more rarely there are
two spines, one at each ventro-lateral corner (Scapholeberis, Fig. 20).
Fig. 10.—Simocephalus vetulus, × 30. Side view of female, showing the
arrangement of the principal organs. A.2, Second antenna; C.S,
cervical suture; E, fused compound eyes; H, heart; L, forwardly-
directed gastric caeca; N, dorsal organ.

The cuticle of the carapace is often separated from that of the head by a
cervical suture, as in Simocephalus (Fig. 10, C.S.) and near the line of
demarcation many forms exhibit patches of glandular ectoderm which
seem to be homologous with the dorsal adhesive organs of the
Limnadiidae. The commonest condition is that of a median dorsal pit
(Fig. 10, N.) by means of which the animal can fix itself to foreign objects.
Certain forms may remain for long periods of time attached by the dorsal
organ to plants, or to the sides of an aquarium, the only movement being
a slow vibration of the feet, by which a current of water, sufficiently rapid
for respiratory purposes, is established round it.[31] In Sida crystallina
(Fig. 11) the dorsal organ is represented by three structures; in front there
is a median raised patch (N.m) of columnar ectoderm, containing
concretions like those described in the Branchipodidae, and behind this is
a pair of cup-shaped organs (N.e), with raised margins.
The fold of skin which forms the carapace contains the coils of the
single pair of kidneys, and it forms an important organ of respiration,
partly from the great size of the blood-vessels it contains, and partly from
the presence of red, blue, or brown
respiratory pigments in the tissue of
the skin itself.
In most Cladocera the cuticle of
the carapace is cast at every ecdysis,
with that of other parts of the body;
but in Iliocryptus and a few others it
remains after each moult, giving the
carapace an appearance of “lines of
growth,” like that seen in many
The segmentation of the body
behind the head is obscure, but we
can generally recognise (1) a thorax,
of as many segments as there are
pairs of limbs; (2) an abdomen of
three segments; and (3) a telson.
The thoracic limbs of the
Calyptomera are flattened, and
resemble those of the Phyllopoda; as
a type we may examine the third
thoracic limb of Simocephalus (Fig.
12, C), in which the axis bears a
large setose gnathobase (Gn) on its
inner edge, followed by two small
endites; the terminal process, or
exopodite (Ex) is a large flattened
Fig. 11.—Sida crystallina, male, × 27. plate, with six long plumose hairs on
Oxford. A.1, Elongated first antenna; N.e, its edge. The outer margin of the
paired element of dorsal organ; N.m, axis bears a bract (Br) and an
median element of dorsal organ; Te, epipodite.
testes; ♂, opening of vas deferens.
In Simocephalus, as in the other
Daphniidae, there are five pairs of
thoracic limbs, of which the third and fourth are alike; in the female each
limb of the first pair consists of a jointed axis, with strong biting hairs on
the inner border, and a rudimentary epipodite (Fig. 12, A), the second
limb being more like the third, but with a more prominent gnathobase
and a narrower exopodite (B), while the limbs of the fifth pair have the
gnathobase and the exopodite filamentous (D).
In the Sididae there are six pairs of thoracic limbs, which are nearly
alike in the female; in the Bosminidae there are six pairs, the first two
modified for prehension, the last much reduced.

Fig. 12.—Thoracic limbs of female Simocephalus vetulus. A, The first;

B, the second; C, the third; D, the fifth. Br, Bract; Ep, epipodite; Ex,
exopodite; Gn, gnathobase.
In the male, the first thoracic limb is usually provided with a long
sensory process and a prehensible hook (Figs. 11, 19).
In the Gymnomera the limbs are cylindrical, jointed rods, with a
gnathobase on the inner side in the Polyphemidae, but not in Leptodora.
The number varies from four to six pairs.
The abdomen bears no appendages. The telson is compressed in the
Calyptomera, and is produced into two flattened plates, one on each side
of the anal opening. The backwardly directed margins of these plates are
commonly serrated, and the lower corner of each is produced into a
curved spine, which carries secondary teeth. The number and
arrangement of these teeth, though often extremely variable in the same
species, are used extensively as specific characters. Above the anus the
telson commonly bears two long plumose hairs, which are directed

Fig. 13.—Bythotrephes cederströmii, female, × 20, North Wales, from

a specimen found by A. D. Darbishire. Car, carapace.

In the Gymnomera the telson is not bilaterally compressed, and it may

be produced into a long spine, dorsal to the anus (e.g. Bythotrephes, Fig.
The alimentary canal is extremely simple. The labrum is large, and
forms a chamber above the mouth, into which food is driven by the limbs,
as in the Phyllopoda, food being taken while the animal swims or lies on
its back. The oesophagus runs vertically to join a small stomach, which
bends sharply backwards and passes gradually into an intestine. In the
last segment of the abdomen the intestine joins a short, thin-walled
rectum, provided with radial muscles, by means of which it can be dilated.
The dilatation of the rectum leads to an inhalation of water through the
anus, which may possibly serve as a means of respiration. In the
Daphniidae and Bosminidae there are two forwardly-directed digestive
glands which open into the stomach, and in Eurycercus there is a large
caecum at the junction of the rectum with the intestine. The intestine is
usually straight, but in Lynceidae and in some Lyncodaphniidae it is
coiled (e.g. Peracantha, Fig. 14).
In Leptodora the alimentary canal is altogether remarkable; the
oesophagus is a long and very narrow tube, which runs back through the
whole length of the thorax and joins the mid-gut in the third abdominal
segment. The mid-gut is not differentiated into stomach and intestine; it
has no diverticula of any kind, and runs straight backwards to join the
short rectum a little in front of the anus.
The heart is always short, and
never has more than a single pair of
lateral openings; it is longest in the
Sididae, which show some
approximation to the Phyllopods in
this, as in the slight degree of
difference between their anterior
and posterior thoracic limbs. The
pericardium lies in the one or two
anterior thoracic segments, dorsal
to the gut. From the heart the blood
runs forwards to the dorsal part of
the head, and passes backwards by Fig. 14.—Peracantha truncata, female, ×
three main channels, one entering 100. Oxford.
each side of the carapace, while the
third runs down the body, beneath the alimentary canal to dilate into a
large sinus round the rectum. This ventral blood-channel gives a branch
to each limb, which forms a considerable dilatation in the epipodite, the
blood from the limb returning to the pericardium by a lateral sinus. From
the rectum a large sinus runs forwards to the pericardium along the
dorsal wall of the body. The blood which enters each half of the carapace
is collected in a median vessel and returned through this to the
Those spaces between the viscera which are not filled with blood are
occupied by a peculiar connective tissue, consisting of rounded or
polyhedral cells, charged with drops of a fatty material which is often
brightly coloured.
The reproductive organs are interesting because of the peculiar
phenomena connected with the nutrition of the two kinds of eggs. The
ovaries or testes are epithelial sacs, one on each side of the body, each
continuous with a duct which opens to the exterior behind the last
thoracic limb. In the female, the opening is dorsal (Fig. 10), in the male it
is ventral (Fig. 11). The external opening is usually simple; but in the male
there is sometimes a penis-like process, on which the vas deferens opens
The eggs are of two kinds, the so-called “summer-eggs,” with relatively
little yolk, which develop rapidly without fertilisation, and the so-called
“winter-eggs,” containing much yolk, which require to be fertilised and
then develop slowly.
At one end of the ovary, generally that nearest to the oviduct, there is a
mass of protoplasm, containing nuclei which actively divide; this is the
germarium (Fig. 15, A, B, C). As a result of proliferation in the germarium,
nucleated masses are thrown off into the cavity of the ovary; each such
mass contains four nuclei, and its protoplasm soon becomes divided into
four portions, one round each nucleus, so that four cells are produced. In
the simpler ovaries, such as that of Leptodora (Fig. 15, A), these sets of
four cells are arranged in a linear series within the tube of ovarian
epithelium; in other cases, as in Daphnia, the arrangement is more
irregular. In the normal development of parthenogenetic eggs, one cell
out of each set of four becomes an ovum, the other three feeding it with
yolk and then dying. Weismann[32] has shown that the ovum is always
formed from the third cell of each set, counting from the germarial end,
so that in the ovary of Leptodora drawn in Fig. 15, A, the ova will be
formed from the cells marked E1, E2, E3. At certain times, one or two sets
of germinal cells fail to produce ova; the epithelial wall of the ovary
thickens round these cells, so that they become incompletely separated
from the rest in a so-called “nutrient chamber” (Fig. 15, B, N.C). Germ-
cells enclosed in a nutrient chamber degenerate and are ultimately
devoured by the ovarian epithelium. The significance of these nutrient
chambers is unknown.
Fig. 15.—A, Ovary of a parthenogenetic Leptodora hyalina; B, base of
another ovary of the same species, showing a so-called “nutrient
chamber”; C, ovary of a female Daphnia, showing the formation of a
winter-egg. E, E1–E3, Parthenogenetic egg; Ep, ovarian epithelium; G,
germarium; N.C, nutrient chamber; O.D, oviduct; W, winter-egg; 1, 2,
4, the other three cells of the same group; II, III, two other groups of

The production of a winter-egg is a more complicated process. The

epithelium of the ovarian tube swells up, so that the lumen is nearly
obliterated, and several sets of four germ-cells pass from the germarium
to lie among the swollen epithelial cells. All these groups of germ-cells,
except one, disintegrate and are devoured by the ovarian epithelium, one
cell of the remaining group enlarging to form a winter-egg, fed during its
growth not only by the three cells of its own set but also by the epithelial
cells of the ovarian tube, which have devoured the germ-cells of other
sets. An ovary never contains more than a single winter-egg at the same
time, the number of germ-cells which are devoured during its formation
varying in the different species; the Daphnia drawn in Fig. 15, C, has
produced three groups of germ-cells, of which two (II, III), will die, while
the cell W from the remaining group will develop into an ovum; in Moina,
Weismann finds that as many as a dozen cell-groups may be thrown into
the ovary before the production of a winter-egg, so that only one out of
forty-eight germ-cells survives as an ovum.

Fig. 16.—Sketch of a parthenogenetic Moina rectirostris, × 45, the

brood-pouch being emptied and the side of the carapace removed,
showing the dome of thickened epithelium on the thorax, by which
nutrient material is thrown into the brood-pouch, and the ridge which
fits against the carapace in the natural condition so as to close the

The summer-eggs are always carried until they are hatched by the
parthenogenetic female which produces them. The brood-pouch is the
space between the dorsal wall of the thorax and the carapace. This space
is always more or less perfectly
closed at the sides by the pressure of
the carapace against the body, and
behind by vascular processes from
the abdominal segments (Figs. 10,
16, etc.). The presence of a large
blood-sinus beneath the dorsal wall
of the thorax and in the middle line
of the carapace suggests the
possibility that some special
nutrient substances may pass from
the body of the parent into the Fig. 17.—Moina rectirostris, ♀ , × 40,
brood-chamber, and in some showing the ephippial thickening of the
species the thoracic ectoderm is carapace which precedes the laying of a
specially modified as a placenta. In winter-egg.
Moina (Fig. 16) the dorsal wall of
the thorax is produced into a dome,
covered by a columnar ectoderm, which contains a dilatation of the dorsal
blood-sinus; and in this form it has been shown that the fluid in the
brood-pouch contains dissolved proteids. Associated with the apparatus
for supplying the brood-pouch with nutriment is a special apparatus for
closing it, in the form of a raised ridge, which projects from the back and
sides of the thorax and fits into a groove of the carapace.
A somewhat similar nutrient apparatus exists in the Polyphemidae,
where the edges of the small carapace are fused with the thorax, so that
the brood-pouch is completely closed, and the young can only escape
when the parent casts her cuticle. In some genera of this family (e.g.
Evadne) the young remain in the parental brood-pouch until they are
themselves mature, so that when they are set free they may already bear
parthenogenetic embryos in their own brood-pouches.
The winter-eggs are fertilised in
the same part of the carapace of the
female in which the parthenogenetic
eggs develop, but after fertilisation
they are thrown off from the body of
Fig. 18.—Newly-cast ephippium of the mother, either with or without a
Daphnia, containing two winter-eggs. protective envelope formed from the
cuticle of the carapace. The eggs of
Sida are surrounded by a thin layer
of a sticky substance, and when cast out of the maternal carapace they
adhere to foreign objects, such as water-weeds; those of Polyphemus have
a thick, gelatinous coat; in Leptodora and Bythotrephes the egg secretes a
two-layered chitinous shell. In these forms the cuticle of the parent is not
used as a protection for the winter-eggs, although it is generally, if not
invariably, thrown off when the eggs are laid. In the Lynceidae the cuticle
is moulted in such a way that the winter-eggs remain within it, at least for
a time; the cuticle is occasionally modified before it is thrown off; thus in
Camptocercus macrurus the cuticle of the carapace, in the region of the
brood-pouch, becomes thickened and darkly coloured, forming a fairly
strong case round the eggs. The modification of the cuticle round the
brood-pouch is much more pronounced in the Daphniidae, where it leads
to the formation of a saddle-shaped cuticular box, the “ephippium,” in
which the winter-eggs are enclosed. The ripening of a winter-egg in the
ovary of a Daphnia is accompanied by a great thickening of the cuticle of
the carapace (cf. Fig. 18), so that a strong case is formed in the position of
the brood-pouch. The winter-eggs are laid between the two valves of this
case, and shortly afterwards the parent moults. The eggs are retained
within the ephippium, from which the rest of the cuticle breaks away (Fig.
18). After separation, the ephippium, which contains a single egg (Moina
rectirostris) or usually two (Daphnia, etc.), either sinks to the bottom, as
in Moina, or floats.
The winter-eggs usually go through the early stages of segmentation
within a short time after they are laid, but after this a longer or shorter
period of quiescence occurs, during which the eggs may be dried or frozen
without injury. The sides and floor of a dried-up pond are often crowded
with ephippia, containing winter-eggs which develop quickly when
replaced in water; and the resting-stage of winter-eggs produced in
aquaria can often be materially shortened by drying the ephippia which
contain them, though such desiccation does not appear to be necessary
for development. Under normal conditions large numbers of winter-eggs
remain quiescent through the winter and hatch in the following spring.
The individual developed from a sexually fertilised winter-egg is
invariably a parthenogenetic female: the characters of the succeeding
generations differ in different cases.
In a few forms, of which Moina is the best known, the parthenogenetic
female, produced from a winter-egg, may give rise to males, to sexual
females, and to parthenogenetic females, so that the cycle of forms which
intervene between one winter-egg and the next is short. A sexual female
produces one or two winter-eggs, and if these are fertilised they are
enclosed in an ephippium and cast off; if, however, the eggs when ripe are
not fertilised, they atrophy, and the female produces parthenogenetic
eggs, being thenceforward incapable of forming sexual “winter” eggs. An
accidental absence of males may thus lead to the occurrence of
parthenogenesis in the whole of the second generation. The regular
production of sexual individuals in the second generation from the
winter-egg appears to depend on a variety of circumstances not yet
understood. Mr. G. H. Grosvenor tells me that Moina from the
neighbourhood of Oxford may give rise to several successive generations
of parthenogenetic individuals, when grown in small aquaria.
In the greater number of Daphniidae, the parthenogenetic female,
produced from a winter-egg, gives rise only to parthenogenetic forms, and
it is not until after half a dozen parthenogenetic generations have been
produced that a few sexual forms appear, mixed with the others. Such
sexual forms are fairly common in April or May in this country; they
produce “winter” eggs and then die, the generations which succeed them
through the summer being entirely parthenogenetic. In late autumn
sexual individuals are again produced, giving rise to a plentiful crop of
winter-eggs, but many parthenogenetic females are still found, and some
of these appear to live and to reproduce through the winter.
In Sida, in the Polyphemidae and Leptodoridae, and in most of the
Lynceidae, sexual individuals are produced only once in every year, while
in a few forms which inhabit great lakes the sexual condition occurs so
rarely that it is still unknown.
Weismann[33] has pointed out that the sexual forms, with their property
of producing eggs which can endure desiccation, recur most frequently in
species such as Moina, which inhabit small pools liable to be dried up at
frequent intervals, while the species which produce sexual forms only
once a year are all inhabitants either of great lakes which are never dry, or
of the sea. Many suggestions have been made as to the environmental
stimulus which induces the production of sexual individuals, but nothing
is definitely known upon the subject.
We have said that even in those generations which contain sexual males
and females there are always some parthenogenetic individuals; there is
therefore nothing in the behaviour of Daphniidae, either under natural
conditions or when observed in aquaria, to suggest that there is any
natural or necessary limit to the number of generations which may be
parthenogenetically produced.
The parthenogenetic Daphniidae are extremely sensitive to changes in
their surroundings; small variations in the character and amount of
substances dissolved in the water are often followed by changes in the
length of the posterior spine, in the shape and size of crests on the head,
and in other characters affecting the appearance of the creatures, so that
the determination of species is often a matter of great difficulty. It is
remarkable that the green light which has passed through the leaves of
water-plants appears to have a prejudicial effect upon some species.
Warren has shown that Daphnia magna reproduces more slowly when
exposed to green light, and that individuals grown in this way are more
readily susceptible to injury from the presence of small quantities of salt
(sodium chloride) in the water than individuals which have been exposed
to white light.
The majority of the Cladocera belong to the floating fauna of the fresh
waters and seas; a few are littoral in their habits, clinging to water-weeds
near the shore, a very few live near the bottom at considerable depths, but
the majority belong to that floating fauna to which Haeckel gave the name
of “plankton.” The Crustacea are an important element in the plankton,
whether in fresh waters or in the sea, the two great groups which
contribute most largely to it being the Cladocera and the Copepoda. For
this reason it will be more convenient to discuss the habits and
distribution of individual Cladocera and Copepoda together in a chapter
specially devoted to the characters of pelagic faunas (cf. Chap. VII.). We
will only add to the present chapter a table of the families with a diagnosis
of the British genera.

Summary of Characters of the British Genera.[34]

Tribe I. Calyptomera, Sars.—The post-cephalic portion of the body

enveloped in a free fold or carapace.
A. Six pairs of thoracic feet, the first pair not prehensile (Ctenopoda).
Fam. 1. Sididae: second antennae biramous in both sexes. Sida,
Straus (Fig. 11): second antenna with three joints in the dorsal ramus,
two in the ventral; the rostrum large, the teeth on the telson many.
Latona, Straus: second antenna with two joints in the dorsal ramus,
three in the ventral, the proximal joint of the dorsal ramus provided
with a setose appendage. Daphnella, Baird: second antenna with the
joints as in Latona, but with no setose appendage.
Fam. 2. Holopediidae: second antennae not biramous in the female;
a rudimentary second ramus in the male. Holopedium, Zaddach.
B. Four to five or six pairs of thoracic feet, the anterior pair prehensile
A. Ventral ramus of second antenna with three joints, the dorsal
ramus with four.
Fam. 3. Daphniidae: five pairs of thoracic feet, with a gap between
the fourth and fifth pairs. The stomach with two forwardly-directed

Fig. 19.—Daphnia obtusa, male, × about 50. Oxford. A.1, First

antenna; Th.1, first thoracic appendage.
i. First antennae of female short.
α A median dorsal spine on posterior margin of carapace. Daphnia,
O. F. Müller (Fig. 19): first antennae of female not mobile. The
head separated from the thorax only by a slight constriction or
not at all. Cuticle with a quadrate rhomboid pattern.
Ceriodaphnia, Dana: first antennae of female mobile. The head
separated by a deep depression from the thorax. Cuticle with a
polygonal pattern.
β A pair of ventral spines on posterior margin of carapace.
Scapholeberis, Schoedler (Fig. 20).

Fig. 20.—Scapholeberis mucronata, female,

× 25. Oxford.

γ No spine on posterior margin of carapace. Simocephalus,

Schoedler (Fig. 10, p. 39): the cuticle with a pattern of parallel
branching ridges.
Fig. 21.—Moina rectirostris, female, × 24. Oxford.

ii. First antennae of female long, mobile. Moina, Baird (Figs. 16, 17,
21): median eye absent. Posterior margin of carapace without a
Fam. 4. Bosminidae: feet
equidistant, five or six pairs; the
first antennae of the female
immobile, with sense-hairs
arranged in rings, not forming an
apical tuft. The intestine uncoiled;
no caeca. Bosmina, Baird (Fig. 22).
Fam. 5. Lyncodaphniidae: four,
five, or six pairs of equidistant
thoracic limbs; the first two pairs
prehensile. First antennae of female
Fig. 22.—Bosmina sp., female, × about mobile, with apical sense-hairs.
80. Lake Constance. Intestine coiled or straight.
i. Four pairs of thoracic limbs.
Lathonura, Lilljeborg.
ii. Five pairs of thoracic limbs.
a. The four-jointed ramus of the second antenna with four
swimming hairs. Macrothrix, Baird: the first antennae of the
female flattened, curved. The intestine simple, straight.
Streblocerus, Sars: first antennae of the female very little
flattened, curved
backwards and outwards.
The intestine coiled, the
stomach with two
forwardly-directed caeca.
b. The four-jointed ramus
of the second antenna
with only three swimming
hairs. Drepanothrix, Sars.
iii. Six pairs of thoracic limbs;
the labrum provided with
an appendage.
Acantholeberis, Lilljeborg:
appendage of labrum long,
pointed, and setose.
Intestine without caecum.
Ilyocryptus, Sars:
appendage of the labrum
short, truncated. Intestine Fig. 23.—Acroperus leucocephalus, ×
with a caecum. about 35. Oxford.

B. Both rami of second

antenna three-jointed.
Fam. 6. Lynceidae[35]: five or six equidistant pairs of thoracic
feet. Intestine coiled.
i. Six pairs of thoracic limbs. Head and thorax separated by a
deep depression. Intestine with one caecum, stomach with
two. Female carries many summer-eggs. Eurycercus, Baird.
ii. Five pairs of thoracic limbs. Head and thorax separated by a
slight groove or not at all. Anterior digestive caeca absent.
Female carries only one or two summer-eggs.
A. Body elongate, oval.
a. Head carinate, the eye far from the anterior cephalic
margin. Camptocercus, Baird: body laterally compressed.
Second antennae with seven swimming hairs. Telson more
than half as long as the shell. Acroperus, Baird (Fig. 23):
body compressed. Second antennae with eight swimming
hairs, of which one is very small. Telson less than half as long
as the shell.
b. Head not carinate, the eye near the anterior cephalic
margin. Alonopsis, Sars: terminal claws of telson with three
accessory teeth. Alona, Baird: terminal claws of telson with
one accessory tooth (includes sub-genera Leydigia, Alona,
Harporhynchus, Graptoleberis). Peracantha, Baird (Fig. 14):
terminal claws of telson with two accessory teeth (includes
sub-genera Alonella, Pleuroxus, Peracantha).
B. Body small, spheroidal; the head depressed.
Chydorus, Leach: compound eye present. Monopsilus,
Sars: compound eye absent.
Tribe II. Gymnomera, Sars.—The carapace forms a closed brood-
pouch, which does not cover the body; all the thoracic limbs prehensile.
Fam. 7. Polyphemidae: four pairs of thoracic limbs, provided with a
Fresh-water genera.—Polyphemus, Müller, with no rudimentary
exites on first three thoracic limbs. Bythotrephes, Leydig (Fig. 13),
with no trace of processes on the outer sides of the limbs.
Marine genera.—Evadne, Lovén, the head not separated by a
constriction from the thorax. Podon, Lovén, with deep cervical

Fig. 24.—Leptodora hyalina, × 6. Lake Bassenthwaite. A.1, First

antenna; Car, carapace; I, VI, first and sixth thoracic appendages.

Fam. 8. Leptodoridae: six pairs of thoracic limbs, with no

gnathobase. Only genus, Leptodora, Lilljeborg (Fig. 24), from fresh

Note.—For extra-European Cladocera consult Daday, “Microskopische

Süsswassertiere aus Patagonien und Chili,” Termés Füzetek, xxv., 1902, p. 201; for
Paraguay, Bibliotheca Zoologica, Heft 44; for Ceylon, Termés Füzetek, xxi., 1898; and
for Australia, Sars, Christiania Vidensk. Forhand. 1885, No. 8, and 1888, No. 7; and
Arch. f. Math. og Naturvid. xviii., 1896, No. 3, and xix., 1897, No. 1.—G. W. S.

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