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Young Gulper Descended from salamanders, these slick reptilians can be found anywhere swampy and dank, preferring

anywhere swampy and dank, preferring to stay

near water these creatures spend much of their time residing in trees. Hanging upside down by their tails to rest
Level 2, Mutated Amphibian, and recuperate or watch for prey. When on land, young gulpers walk predominantly on two legs, though if speed is
Normal Creature (17 XP) required, they can run on all fours, and easily outrun most humans.


5 4 2 - 3
AMPHIBIOUS: The young gulper can swim and submerge itself in water
for of rounds equal to its body statistic before needing to come up for air.
They suffer no difficulty increase for attacks and movements made
9 9 1

PATIENT PREDATOR: A gulper have an unusual habit of hanging by its

PHYS. DR ENERGY DR RAD. DR POISON DR tail from tree branches. It takes a PER + Survival test with a difficulty of 2
to spot a gulper. If undetected, the gulper can make a sneak attack when
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its unsuspecting prey comes into Close range.


MASSIVE STRENGTH: The young gulper’s strength is concentrated in its

SLAM: BODY + Melee (TN 7) 3 DC Physical damage tails and neck, and it is capable of launching objects as large as a medium

THROW OBJECT: BODY + Guns (TN 5) 4 DC Physical damage, Throwing,

Range M

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BUTCHERY: Scavengers can butcher a dead young gulper with a -

successful END + Survival test with a difficulty of 0. This yields one portion
of gulper meat.

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