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I think since we just met we should take our time and am sure things will be better

if you really dedicate our self to each other and make this friendship in to a
Great P that we never taught of or ever Dream of,What do you think?So how long
have you been on the dating site, are you having luck there? And what are you
looking for on the dating site?
ANS: Well I'm new to all this internet stuff
AW has only been on the site for today and have not talked to any man from there.
My very close friend of mine got hooked up with a very nice man on there and they
are happily married and have kids ,so she introduced me to the site i decided to
give it a try.
_________________________________________________________________How would you
consider dating online has it been a good or bad experience for you?Ans: Well i am
very new to all this but like everything i know there are advantages and
disadvantages. It gives you the chance to meet different people adopt certain good
lifestyles. I pray I meet a real matured gentleman who is looking for a woman to
settle down with and have a family with. I am not looking for a one night stand if
that was what i was looking for i would go to a bar or club. I want to get to know
someone inside and out and see how best we can make a relationship work.
______________________________________________________I am being honest with you
and I am the type that feel shy to ask something from a man or anyone else. My
parents raised me and taught me how to be independent so I never or hardly ask for
something, but when I ask then I am really in need of that thing . All I want is
someone to be my soul mate and to spend the rest of my life with thats why I put my
profile on the dating site because i do not like meeting people at the bars or

I am being honest with you and I am the type that feel shy to ask something from a
man or anyone else. My parents raised me and taught me how to be independent so I
never or hardly ask for something, but when I ask then I am really in need of that
thing . All I want is someone to be my soul mate and to spend the rest of my life
with thats why I put my profile on the dating site because i do not like meeting
people at the bars or clubs.


I know dear but I’d pay everything to be with the one person my heart truly desires
I’d do whatever to be with that man If he truly wants to be with me, and I know
when tow hearts wants each other even the greatest distance can’t stop two hearts
of being together

________What is your marital status now?Ans : I am very single. I am not seeing
anyone at the moment. I am one man woman and also looking for a one woman man. I
dont have time to juggle 2-3 men. One man is more than enough trouble lol. I dont
have time for swinging, because i would be busy loving and giving my attention to
that one man.
11. Do you have any kids and would you like to have more
kids? ANS: I don't have any kids but i love kids,and that is
the main reason why i'm aspiring to be pediatric nurse because i love kids and i
enjoy working with them. I would love to have kids with the right man.
12: Do you still have the intentions of getting married again?Ans: If I find the
right person it's a possibility. There is nothing more fantastic than having your
best friend as a partner to lean on, love, admire, and share everything with. I am
in no rush, taking it slow and feeling my way around. When the time is right I will
know. I would want to get married if i meet the right man because life is too
short to be all alone. Sometimes it gets too lonely. I want the right man and i
promise to give him a hand to hold, a warm winter night cuddle and can't offer him
the world but I can offer him my arms, my time, my support, my affection and never
ask for more in return than I give. I am not a high maintenance lady. I was raised
from a pooor home. I am a simple lady and i take delight in simple things.
14: How serious are you in getting into any relationship or do you just want
someone to spend some time with?Ans: I am serious and i want to love and to be
loved again. I don't joke about stuff like this when feelings are involved,or play
any head games.i am very serious, at the beginning i was just not sure about the
distance but you have changed my mind. i want someone to spend time with, doing
things together, share everything together and more. I just want one man, in my
life, one I can love, and cherish, and be with. Share my sorrows, and my happiness.
i am very serious, at the beginning i was just not sure about the distance but you
have changed my mind. i want someone to spend time with, doing things together,
share everything together and more. I just want one man, in my life, one I can
love, and cherish, and be with. Share my sorrows, and my happiness.
__________________________________________________________________________ What are
the most important things you are looking for in another partner?Ans:
Character,intelligence,honesty, loyalty and must be able to cope with adversity.
"Chemistry" is important to me in my partner. I am looking for someone who seeks
someone to really explore life together with, and the willingness to work at
making a relationship stronger hold much more weight. Every time i look i feel i
have met that one man but I just get screwed over and thats not what i want but im
looking for a relationship that will last and one that i can have fun with someone
who is honest, loyal, able to share happiness and sadness, similar life goals. When
all these things are there then everything else will fall into place. No secrets, i
am very open-minded and i want the same in a man. A relationship is teamwork and
one person can not do it alone. I have been screwed a few nasty times but never let
it make me bitter, I chalk it up to experience, learn from it and ensure I never
treat people the wrong way I was treated or taken advantage of. I want to have
fun , share happiness, cry together, smile when we achieve the goals we set
together, and most important Love each other whole heatedly.
Pizza _______________

I will also go out to get some groceries if you don’t mind I can order something
for your dinner tonight.. Do you prefer pizza with drink or chicken with drink 17.
what are some of your interest?Ans: I love to read, I have read a lot from
Shakespeare. I like fishin u g,camping,the movies,cooking,wine tasting,bbq,candle
light dinners and also hanging out with friends.
______________________________ 18: what have past relationship thought you?Ans:
I've realized that people change and don't necessarily grow in the same direction.
Going down a different path is OK - it doesn't make one person wrong or the other
right. I've also learned that the important thing in a relationship is honesty -
and without that, you don't have much. I think people are resilient and bounce back
from most relationships.
19: Well Dear I will like you to delete yourself from that dating site if you are
really interested in me,So that we can get a peaceful mind to chat now.
Ans: ________________________________________________________________20: Have you
ever smoked in your lifetime?
21: What do you think about affairs?Ans: Affairs are all about accepting and
understanding one another and disease from hurting the feelings of one another.its
always good making yourselves happy and smiling......keep your mate in hear best
shoe just as it would make her feel better rather than hurting her feelings.and i
would prefer the same from her.
22: Besides love, what other traits have you noticed in couples that have
maintained a successful relationship for many years?Ans: Respect for each other
and also total communication. As long as they talk to each other, the relationship
endures. Even when there are differences, talking can solve problems. As the old
saying goes a problem shared is half solved. Learning what to say, how to say, when
to say things without hurting any ones feeling.

25: If you had three wishes, what would they be?Be very successful in my education
and career, Find love that is find that one man who will love me through thick and
thin. Show me unconditional love. Last but not the least A sickness free world and
also World Peace.
__________________________________________________________________________26: what
are your greatest achievement
27: what do you do for fun?Ans: well i like to go out with
friends,read ,swim,sail,go fishing and camp.
__________________________________________________________________________what is
your favorite foods?Ans:
__________________________________________________________________________29: what
is your idea of a great date?Ans: It could be anything from taking a walk in the
woods, having a picnic, talking, and sharing funny stories to taking a country
drive, seeing a good movie (either at home or the theater), cooking dinner
together, canoeing or kayaking on a peaceful lake, going to an art exhibit or the
symphony, working outside....really, I'm game for about anything, feeling it has to
do with who I'm with, not what I'm doing. If it's the right person, taking the
garbage out together can be really fun!meeting for coffee, seeing a movie or just
taking a walk. Having a dinner together.. Having time to spend talking and getting
to know each other would be a good place to start. I would be open to other ideas
but I would like the first date to be casual and relaxed providing an opportunity
to share with each other about who we are and who we have been.
__________________________________________________________________________30: Are
you a jealous type? ANS: Well no am not a jealous type of
person and i think if a person is jealous there is no trust. I always try to give
my partner the benefit of the doubt even in mind blowing ocassions.( When all odds
are against my partner).

31: Do you control people? ANS: No way i don't

control anybody ,everybody needs his or her own time to decide on what to do and
what not to do. I take people as they are...I have a kind heart and I am sensitive
to everyone's feelings. No one should ever think or even try to change anyone. I
think you can always learn from others because everyone's experiences are all
different. I don't believe in trying to make people do what you want them to do.I
personally like a man to be somewhat of a take-charge person as the head of the
family according to the holy book (Bible). But he also has to have the ability to
ask for help /or accept help when it is offered because it takes 2 to make a
relationship work. He has to admit when he is wrong, make mistakes or doesn't know
an answer. I really can't stand arrogance.______________________________

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