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I'm a kind of woman who gives all her heart when it comes to relationship.

I really
know how to treat a man like the way man need to be treated and respected.

What do you want in a Relationships?

I want a honest, loyal and open communication,I just don't like men who lie and
cheat on their love partners.I dislike cheating and lies..because it makes rela
tionship unsuccessful.

I will always treat my Man with much respect ,care and honest I promise to make my
one and only the most happiest man on earth if only he is willing to accept me as
part of him.❤❤

I promise to be the woman of his dreams because I'm not going,to let’s him down,
since the adage goes..A woman without a man is like a river or a stream without a
source and as relationship are build on trust and with mutual respect I assure him
my whole heart.

Tell me what You would like to do for a perfect date?

I prefer we go out and eat then maybe go to a park where we could walk and talk.
Then see where it goes from there I'm pretty much open to anything really..its fun
to hold hands and walk along the road as well...

Are you a good kisser?

I’m a good kisser just as the french does in but i can't kiss myself

Do you love sex ?

sex is very essential and I would make my man feel like an angel who has never
stepped foot on earth before ..Its been a while for me honestly..

Can I trust you?

Trust is something you give to someone without a doubt, without trust you cant is the center pivot of every relationship it makes a relationship

To love me is to accept me as I am..I want you to trust me and let me do what I

feel is right.

I think we should follow our feeling and what our heart tells us because i do have
a strong feelings for you honestly.


what do you feel for me so far? Do you like or love me?. I really don't want to
force myself on anyone I just want something you like or love me?


I will enjoy spending the rest of my life with you. I love you more than words can
say We will just continue to lean on each other, loving and supporting one another
with all of the love we have, and we will be

just fine.

Today I promise you that I would do anything in my power to make you a great
person, outstanding baby and loving husband. I LOVE YOU BABY!!

I thank God every night since I found you. You came into my life when everything
seemed so dark but you provided the light to find my way. You're always lighting up
my heart with the things say.

I feel so happy just being with you this way.

You're my baby, and will forever be my baby.

You'll always be the love of my life.

- [x] You means the world to me.

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

You are the man I have always wished for. I never thought that I would ever meet
someone as special as you.

I love each and every moment I share with you. my love and admiration for you have
increased so much since we’ve known each other that it still amazes me.

You are more wonderful and lovely in my eyes than you will ever know. You're the
one who makes me feel so important; you're everything to me. You show your love to
me every day.

🙌🏾I thank God that I have found a man like you. Baby you brought me a love I have
never known before.

I could not imagine what my life would be like without you. You have touched my
heart in ways no one could ever comprehend.

I love being with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you

💵Every day I wake up thanking God for you. I truly feel blessed that you have
become a part of my life, and I cannot wait for the day that we can join our lives

I want to lie next to you at night and fall asleep in your arms.

I want to wake to your smile and will kiss you.

I want to share in your joys and sorrows.

I want to be your everything, because you are everything to me. I will love you no
matter what life brings us. You are my soul mate, and I vow to love you all

❤😍❤I love you, baby. I know someday we will meet and spend our lives with each

I have waited for someone like you, and now that I have found you I will never let
you go.
I love you so much You do something to me that no other has, you have made me so
happy, the happiest I've ever been.

You give me the most amazing feelings inside, the feeling of being in deep love
with you. my dream come true... I am so thankful though. In this short time that
we've been together, we have grown so much and

I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

I love you The thought of you in my arms right now sounds so good to me. I just
want you to know how much I love you.

my baby, and will forever be my baby. You will always be the love of my life, and
please never give up, always have faith in yourself and you will gain the greatest
gift of all, the gift of hope and love you

righteously deserve.

I wake up dreaming of our time together. I just cant wait baby Thank you honey for

I pray to God everyday to bless you with everything you deserve. I will love you
until the end of time.

🇺🇸☝I have never trusted anyone the way I trust you.

I just long for holding you tight as we embrace each other with a smiles and
passionate kiss.. i love you.

You mean the world to me I never thought that I would ever meet someone as special
as you.

💳I love each you and every moment I share with you.

Thank you for loving me the way no one can I will always treasure our love and keep
it safe Each passing day has me falling more in love with you I never knew that
love could be so wonderful until I met you.

I will love you no matter what life brings us. You are my soul mate, and I vow to
love you all eternity. I love you, baby.

You are my everything. Thank you for loving me the way no one can. I am so thankful
and blessed that you loved me as much as I loved you, and that you made me your
chosen soulmate Being together, sharing and never being separated.

I love you so much You are an angel that God gave to me to share the years left in
life, and I hope they will be many, many years.

My heart is in your hands and I just hope that you will pamper the heart that I
gave you.

I can’t stop thinking about you. You are always on my mind all the time. I want to
kiss you, to hug you. Sometimes when I lay down on my bed at night i do share tears
looking at your picture.

I am deeply in love with you. I never imagine knowing a person like you who treats
me so well as you treat me You’ve became something necessary for my soul and my
heart because my heart says that I love you.

We will be one person and two hearts in love this will be so great I only think of
you. You are special for me. You have stolen my heart." Thank you because you are
making me very happy.

I love you so much It makes me happy to know I’m going to dedicate my life to
someone so special. I very much like the idea of pleasing you and having you always
on my mind.

I know there's an ocean between us,I really yearn to be with you.Baby there is lot
of distance lies between us,

You always be in my mind and my heart forever and i know very soon i will be in
your arms

I pray for the day we'll be together happily .

Every day I will be thinking about you. When my eyes are closed, when I sing and
dance to a love song, I will be thinking about you. When I go to sleep in the
loneliness of my room and give in to wonderful dreams I will definitely be thinking
about you.You so sweet

I know someday we will meet and spend our lives with each other. I have waited for
someone like you, and now that I have found you I will never let you go. I love you
so much.

There could never be words strong enough to express my love for you. I love you
with my body, soul, and mind. You're my everything. I love you so much

You put a smile on my face Every time i talk to you. I know we are both bonded from

I love you because I have a longing to be close to you and you long to be close to
me. I love snuggling with you in front of a fire and cuddling with you as we watch
TV. I love to be near you. I love holding your

hand on a walk during the day

Thank you for everything, honey. I pray to God every day to bless you with
everything you deserve. I will love you until the end of time.There could never be
words strong enough to express my love for you. I

I love you with my whole heart. I have never trusted anyone the way I trust you.

I knew that you were the perfect match for me. I don't think that there is, or that
there ever could be, anyone better than you out there for me.

You are the most Amazing man I have ever known.You are the one I want to hold for
the rest of my life. In your arms is where I belong

You melt me every time you tell me about the future that you want to spend with me
and how we could show the world the real meaning of being in love with the right

I love you with all my heart baby. You are the best that man i have as a soulmate.
You mean so much to me, and my only desire is to make you as happy as you make me.
With each passing day I fall more in love with you.

I never knew that love could be so wonderful until I met you. You have given me a
new perspective on so many things. I will always treasure our love and keep it
safe. I love you, Baby.

You are everything that I could wish for. I love you so much with all my heart and
that will never change for the rest of my life. I miss you so much my love

You are my life, my heart, and my soul. You are my best friend. You are my one true

Thinking of you fills me with a wonderful feeling. Your love gives me hope that the
best is still ahead.

Today I promise you that I would do anything in my power to make you a great
outstanding father and loving husband. I LOVE YOU!!

- [ ] ============== STATE TO STATE


- [ ] Baby I plan on meeting You in person this weekend and my Uncle checked on the
round trip Price at cheap flight Oair Airlines and that was $627 from here Airport
to your Airport.I feel so bad because My

- [ ] Grandfather have only $200 to help me for my ticket . I wish I could sell my
few stuffs to raise the funds but there is no hope now. I’m pleading with You if
You can try and wire me funds of $427 so I can add to the

- [ ] $200 and get my ticket purchase.I really want to be in your arms and spending
time with You.

- [ ] ============= GOING TO
- [ ] I'm so so worried today honey, I got an email from my grandma in Africa
Ghana. she was admitted to the st. Joseph hospital in Ghana and diagnosed of a
cardiac arrest ailment.I can feel her pain .she asked me to come over to Africa
Ghana and visit her and take care of her at the hospital and also to meet my late
Dad lawyer for my late Dad inheritance of 120 kilos of Gold at a safe keeping
company. I’ve got a lot ticket to leave tomorrow morning at 9:00am at the
Charlotte Douglas International Airport and I have planned on returning back
straight to your location so we can meet in person and spend time together.I hope
you will understand me

============== IN AFRICA===================================================
Hello baby I know you might be so worried why I haven't got you a text or email
when i got here.I did had a good flight less i had some problems with the Ghana
Airport,My bags got mixed up with an unknown
person. I reported to the airport Authority that the bags I was having wasn't my
luggage and a search was done, they couldn't find my luggage after 15 minutes I was
told my bags has already left the airport 5 minutes away.I felt bad because i had
my essential stuffs in the bag including my few dollars, Apple iPad. Ghana really
have poor airport management.. i feel so messed up now.I have to visit my mom at
the hospital first thing tomorrow because it’s dark here baby ..I'm looking forward
to hear back from you safe and be good I love you
I'm so worried today..Cardia doctor had a heart test on my mom and test result was
an Infection with mom heart valve due to her cardiac arrest ailment and is
extremely rare type of a heart disorder. Mom will need an urgent medications and
her recovery treatment costing a funds of $487. Awfully i couldn't get the meds
and her recovery treatment paid to save my mom life because I went to the Bank ATM
to cash some funds with my Visa credit card.I was told that credit card don’t work
here in this country and i cant withdraw cash here because i am in Africa.The mode
of payment here is cash in hand only they don’t issue credit cards here in Africa.I
was so worried and i contacted my bank back home in bank told me they can't
wire me funds here because they will need my signature to access my account.I went
to the consulate to seek for help less they couldn’t help me either...You already
know i lost my luggage too at the airport.I wish not to asked you for help but I
have no hope now than to ask you
for help.I'm here with my eyes teared up now pleading with you to try all the best
you can and loan me with funds and I will use the funds to get my mom
medication and her recovery treatment paid urgently I want my mom to survive this
heart ailment because i don’t want to loose my only mom to this heart
ailment.Honestly I promise to repay you back as soon as i get home in few days
ahead I will never let you down anyway baby, below is my info for the funds

Name:Joyce Elikplim

Zip code:00233



==================SURGERY BILL==============================================
Doctor said Mom heart valve tube is so closed and firmly attached with no space and
blood can't flow through the valve tube to the other heart organs( opitium pum
defect heart) .Doctor Insist that my Mom

undergo a mitral valve repair surgery on the heart valve so she can get easily
blood flow to the heart Organs. I have to raise a funds of $2000 before the cardia
surgeon can get the surgery done.this has to be

done as soon as possible to save mom life.Baby is so sad because credit cards don’t
work here in this country and i feel so hopeless and messed up.I am just pleading
if you can try your best to help me out

with a loan for my Mom Heart mitral valve repair surgery to be done as soon as
possible i will repay you back as soon i get home to meet you.I really want my mom
to survive this baby .

Name:Joyce Oppong

Zip code:00233


============================DISCHARGE BILL===============================

Baby I was given my mom past due bill statement for her to be discharge home and
it costing $1, consist of her recovery room fee and some medics with
intravenous infusion.I am pleading with you if you

can help me get her out of the hospital.I have no hopes than to plead with you with
tear.I pray you try all your best and help us out.

Name:Joyce Oppong

Zip code:00233



==========================FOOD STUFFS BILLS


I went to the mart here to get some canned foods. I was told credit cards don't
work here baby because its Africa and the mode of payment is cash in hand only. i
feel so messed up now and starving now, I am

pleading if you can wire me some funds OF $350 so I can purchase some food and
gas .I’m messed up now.Baby have to try all your best.

Name:Joyce Oppong

Zip code:00233



=========================MY LEG BILLS============================================

Babe i woke this morning and I slip from the staircase.I broke my knee cap and I
feel so much pain.. i have to limp before i can walk a bit. I am in so much pains.I
called the hospital for Doctor appt but awfully

Doctor says i have to raise funds of $315 for my treatment and medications and I
can’t raise the funds of $320 because credit card don’t work here..I am pleading
with you with much tears for you to try all your

best and help me get some pain relief.babe you can try and wire me some funds
through western union or money gramm.
below is my pastor wife information for the transfer.

Name: Joyce Oppong

zip code: 00233

City :Takoradi

Country :Ghana

====================iPhone 6 16GB GOLD=========================================

I planned on having a Time-face call with you..A friend told me about that today
and he had been using this apps to communicate on video calls every time with their
family and friends back home and I have

develop an interest for this Time face call because We will see each other on video
as we talk all day and I figured out i will need a special phone for the video call
because thats the best phone Which works

perfect here on Time Face calls. I tried to check on the phone at the shopping mall
today but I couldn’t purchase the phone here because credit cards don’t works here
in purchasing items,the mode payment

here is cash in hand only. I would like you to check online now on this
phone(iPhone 6 16GB( factory unlocked ) at the Apple store or best buy store and
try all your best if you can purchase and send it to me

here by post office Express shipping with my positive intension of repaying back
your funds when i get home in few weeks.I’m really pleading with you my love and
talking to you on Time face (video call) will

please my heart so much.I promise not to let you down anyway.

Below is my hotel Manager address.please tell post office people you sending your
package on express shipping with a tracking number starting with E.

Henry Boadi

P.o Box 629

Eastern region/koforidua

West Africa/Ghana


Baby I am feeling so anxious today,I went for my return home ticket update and
Awfully the customer care at Royal dutch airline( KLM) told me my ticket was booked
on a one way trip when i was coming here
without a return ticket back home.i thought my work company got me a round ticket
not knowing it was just a one way E -ticket been booked for me when i was coming
here .I was told to book a new ticket

under reservation.Royal dutch airline (KLM) told me the new price and the schedule
of my new ticket home.ticket is costing $1,960 because is a triangular flight a
first class so convenient.I was told i can join the

next available flight home as soon paid funds at counter service at Royal dutch
Airlines. Baby i really want to get home so i can be in your arms and please do all
your best and loan me some funds. below is

my info for the funds transfer.

Name:Joyce oppong

Zip code:00233





With Reference to the law enacted by the country’s Parliament and the Ghana
Immigration board in 1992,its is deemed appropriately and constitutionally accepted
that anyone traveling to the United States must

have an amount of at least $6000 USD depending on the d distance of one’s

destination his Amount of money will not be collected from you,but to show to the
immigration officers during your time of will not be a money that officers will take from you and it
could be in cash which will proof about and securing on your trip to your
destination. this Evaluation are made and taken into

consideration one’ welfare and security.The Hotel Bills,Transportation another

unexpected expenditure which may occur during one’s stay in his/her
destination.This is to assure the Immigration Authority that

the person traveling outside the country can cater for himself/herself in case
there is an accident at the place the place the Passenger is traveling to.

Name:Joyce oppong

Zip code:00233


===============================(GOLD STORY)=====================================
Baby my Late Dad lawyer and mom church pastor came to the house and they showed me
a land document and a 120 kilos metallic gold my late Dad kept at the safe keeping
company when the Ex president of this country was in power.My late Dad was
operating a small land scale and the the land was 100 acres with gold in the Dad hired a small scale gold mining company to mined the gold from his
land. He was earning so much gold daily so he started selling the gold to foreign
investors and he got two friends from DUBAI who used to buy gold from my Dad.this 2
Arab Friends plan a foul death for my Dad by inviting him to a party and they
poisoned him to death with a thought that he is keeping the gold home so they would
get all the gold and get out of the country with it....

God been so good my Dad was smart to keep the gold at safe keeping company.We
couldn’t get the gold earlier because the Ex president of this country was dead
and now that the new president is in power he gave out letters to everyone who has
a worth kept at the safe keeping company to go with his or her lawyer and get the
worth at the safe keeping company because it doesn't belong to country
properties.The lawyer told me that since my Dad is deceased i am the only daughter
for that matter the only child and next of kin to own all my my dad Assets .we will
have to go to the safe keeping company and see the 120 kilos of the gold.

==================CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP====================================
Baby I went with the Lawyer to the safe keeping company...We showed them the
documents and they checked on the serial number of the keeping box. Its was
awesome they told us we still have the gold and

its 120 kilos. I got the chance to see it.

They told us to get a change of owner ship at the court law done before we can get
it home.the Gold documents has to be changed from my deceased Dad name to my name
before we can get it out of the

shipping company.

Awfully the change of ownership documents will cost $2800 for the paper work at the
court of law. they assured as we will get home as soon we get it changed into my

Baby I don’t really have the funds for the change of ownership. I am pleading with
you to try all your best and help me get the ownership done.....

======================KEEPING CHARGES=====================================

Baby we got the change ownership done now but they said my dad hasn’t paid the
monthly charges of since the gold was kept under the keeping company.The gold has
been kept there for 2 years from now so

every month is charge is $100 which is a total of $2,400 for the 2 years. we have
to pay $2,400 for the 2 years monthly charged before we

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