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● Introduction to French
● Basic Conversations
Introduction to French
● French evolved from Low Latin and Vulgar Latin into
Gallo-Romance during the first millennium of the
Christian era, and became a legal and administrative
language with the Ordinance of Villers-Cotterêts in 1539.
Thereafter, French continued to spread throughout
France, Europe and the rest of the world
The place of French in Senegal
● Senegal is a unique country in the French-speaking
world. French is the country’s official language,
which means that all government documents are
written in French, children’s education is in French,
and the country is part of La Francophonie.
Basic Conversations/Greetings
● Morning Greetings
● Afternoon Greetings
● Evening/Night Greetings
Basic Conversations/Greetings
● Morning Greetings
Bonjour! Good morning!
Comment allez-vous ? How are you
Please note that ‘comment allez-vous can also be
expressed as ‘comment ca va’.
Basic Conversations/Greetings
● Morning Greetings
Je vais bien merci, et vous? I’m fine thank
you, and you?
Je vais aussi bien, merci I’m also fine, thank
Likewise, the answer to ‘comment ca va’ can also be ‘ca va
bien’. It’s a more informal way of greeting.
Basic Conversations/Greetings
● Afternoon Greetings
Bon après-midi à vous! Have a nice

● Evening Greetings
Bonsoir! Good evening!
Basic Conversations/Greetings
● Night Greetings
Bonne nuit! Have a good night!
Numbers in French
Un = One Cinq = Five
Deux = Two Six = Six
Trois = Three Sept = Seven
Quatre = Four Huit = Eight
Numbers in French
Neuf = Nine
Dix = Ten
A few useful expressions
Merci = Thank you
De rien = Don’t mention it, you’re welcome
Pays = Country
Tu peux me tutoyer = You can use tu for me,
A few useful expressions
Bonjour cheri (masculin) or cherie
(feminine) = Good morning Honey
Mon amour = My love
My Wife = Ma femme
My Husband = Mon mari

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