Thesis Final

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An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the College of Industrial Technology of

Central Bicol State University of Agriculture
Sipocot Camarines Sur

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology
Major in Mechanical Technology


Chapter I

In the recent years, the manufacturing industry has undergone a revolution in terms of

fabrication technology and people been doing innovation with their skills and abilities to cut and

shape metal according to their desire. In the mechanical industry, the development of tube metal

cutting machine for cutting fabrication processes signifies a transformative stride in precision

manufacturing. This research embarks on a comprehensive exploration, unravelling the intricacies

of this cutting-edge technology. The background delves into the historical evolution of tube cutting,

tracing its path from manual methods for fabrication processes. The tube metal cutting machine

emerges as the latest innovation in the field of fabrication processes together with its compact size

and advance cutting capabilities. This kind of machine is revolutionizing the way tubes are cut in

various industries.

According to Edward M Trent, Paul K Wright Butterworth-Heinemann (2000). Metal cutting

is an essential process throughout engineering design and manufacturing industries. To increase

efficiency and reduce costs, it is necessary to improve understanding of the metal cutting process.

Additionally, a material selection and design-based approach is expanded upon to improve

industrial relevance. Metal Cutting provides invaluable information for those engaged in machining,

tool making, and related engineering activities, and it serves as a useful introduction to the subject

for students of metallurgy and engineering. Based on the books of Graham T Smith Springer

Science & Business Media (2008). It is a well acknowledged fact that virtually all our modern-day

components and assemblies rely to some extent on machining operations in their manufacturing

process. Thus, there is clearly a substantive machining requirement which will continue to be of

prime importance for the foreseeable future. Cutting Tool Technology provides a comprehensive

guide to the latest developments in the use of cutting tool technology. The book covers new

machining and tooling topics such as high-speed and hard-part machining, near-dry and dry-

machining strategies, multi-functional tooling, ‘diamond like ‘and ‘atomically modified ‘coatings,
plus many others. A practical handbook completes with troubleshooting tables for common

problems, Cutting Tool Technology is an invaluable reference for researchers, manufacturers, and

users of cutting tools.

In the world of fabrication industries, it is given that the machine tools control the

productivity of development products that need to produce. The development of tube metal cutting

machine for cutting fabrication processes is essential to improve efficiency, productivity, safety,

consistency, and quality. It addresses the specific challenges and requirements of tube cutting in

fabrication, offering a dedicated solution that enhances the overall manufacturing process.

Through developing a tube metal cutting machine can reduce any high cost of money from

both students and instructors even the University rather for purchasing large machine which only

use for cutting metal, tubes, and pipes. It may ensure the student’s safety for using this kind of

development of a tube cutting for cutting fabrication processes to perform their activities and

laboratory project.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims at developing tube metal cutting machine for cutting fabrication processes.

Specifically, it answers the following.

1. What will be the design of the tube cutting machine?

2. What is the level of acceptability of the tube cutting machine as evaluated by the

respondents in terms of:

a. accuracy,

b. durability,

c. efficiency,

d. functionality,

e. safety?

3. Is there a significant difference between on the performance of the machine based on the

evaluation of the respondents?

Objectives of the study

The objectives of this study are to make a development of a tube metal cutting machine to

accelerate as possible effectively for cutting fabrication processes. Furthermore, this study is

intended to.

1. Determine the design of the tube cutting machine.

2. Determine the levels of acceptability of a tube cutter machine in terms of accuracy,

durability, efficiency, functionality, and safety.

3. Compare the significant difference between the performance of the machine based on the

evaluation of the respondents.

Significance of the Study

University. The output of this study can be donated to the University of CBSUA as one of

the innovative products from the College of Industrial Technology.

College of Industrial Technology. This study may be added to the other research studies

made in the College of Industrial Technology and will serve as a reference to the COT students

and instructors. Furthermore, the product developed in this study can be used in the laboratory of

both mechanical and automotive technology.

Mechanical and Automotive Technology students. This study may help the industrial

students to have an idea that there are tools and machines that can be developed and need an

innovation. Through the help of this paper, it will lead to them to develop and create machine tools

with efficiency and functionality.

Mechanical and Automotive Technology Instructors. This study can serve as teaching

aids and the tools can be used for instruction as one of the instructional materials.

Machinist. Through this study, a machinist expert should be able to handle any

development of mini machine that would give efficiency and safety of the machine’s development.

With this paper they can utilize and design it according to their desire.

Cutting Industries. The development of a tube cutting machine for cutting fabrication

processes is significant for cutting manufacturing industry as it enhances efficiency, precision, and

automation. This innovation contributes to increased productivity, low-cost effectiveness, and

improved quality control, offering potential advancements in fabrication technology for industrial


Other researchers. The study of the development of a mini tube cutter machine serves as

a valuable reference for advancing knowledge in precision machining and fabrication. It provides

insights into design principles, automation techniques, and practical applications, offering a

foundation for further research and innovation in related fields. This work contributes to the

collective understanding of specialized machinery development, inspiring future studies in similar

areas of mechanical technology and fabrication processes.

Scope and limitation of the Study

This study encompasses the comprehensive exploration of Development of Tube Cutting

Machine for Cutting Fabrication Processes and its acceptability, functionality, efficiency and safety.

The research took place at Central Bicol State University of Agriculture, located in Brgy. Impig,

Sipocot within the province of Camarines Sur. The researchers designed a survey questionnaire to

gauge the first-hand data with regards in acceptability of Development of a Mini Tube Cutting

Machine for Cutting Fabrication Processes, evaluating its design, functionality, efficiency and

safety among a group of a respondents.

The study involves 30 respondents, including twenty (20) randomly selected students from

1st and 2nd year students in both Mechanical and Automotive major, five (5) random instructors of

Mechanical and Automotive from Central Bicol State University of Agriculture, and lastly five (5)

Machinist Experts from various places here in Sipocot, Camarines Sur.

Theoretical Framework

The researchers used three (3) theories to explain the basis of conducting the study. These

were the Innovation Theory (Call, D. R., & Herber, D. R. 2022),

Innovation Theory, according to (Call, D. R., & Herber, D. R. 2022) the study of innovation

has produced the diffusion of innovation theory, which identifies variables that affect the adoption

rate of innovations. Of these variables, the perceived attributes of the innovation have been shown

to have the most significant impact on the adoption rate of innovations. Shaping the innovation

attributes of relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trial ability, and observability and how

they are perceived can accelerate its adoption rate. This theory has the potential to accelerate the

adoption rate of SE innovations. This theory helps the study to showcase the new development of

tube cutting machine for cutting fabrication processes which significant to the industrial students

especial to automotive and mechanical department and even to the university that holds the higher

growth of technological development.

New product development Theory by Egus Gorbuz (2018), a product which can be a

physical object, or a service should be functional and emotional to satisfy the customer’s need,

and to offer value, be delivered as the way customer demanded. Also, it has to include the specific

elements like providing customer services. New product is the result of a creative and unique idea

that is able to make consumers satisfied. In the process of new product development, it should not

be thought that the change will only be on product physically but also every aspect of the product.

Diffusion of Innovation theory has been successfully applied to explain the new ideas,

processes and technology. (Yu, 2022). It provides utility and value for implementing and evaluating

innovations (Di Benetto, 2015).

This theoretical framework provides a varied lens to provide accurate evidence which help

to uplift the development of a tube cutting machine for cutting fabrication processes which place at

Central Bicol State University of Agriculture, Brgy. Impig, Sipocot, Camarines Sur.

New product
Innovation Theory
Theory (Call, D.
(Eguz Gorbuz
R., & Herber, D. 2018)
R. 2022),


Figure 1. Theoretical Paradigm

Conceptual Framework

The concept of this study is divided into three (3) parts: input, process, and output of the

research. The first part which is input consist of the things that needed for the study. In the next

part, the process is explaining the ways on how to create and develop the machine. And then last,

the output show the final output of the product.

Input. In this part it composes of initial identification of the study’s problem.

Process. In this part, the preparation for constructing, development and evaluation of the

machine happened. This includes planning, designing of the machine, and assisting test survey

questionnaire, validation, administration and retrieval of the survey questionnaire and statistical

tools/ treatment of data of the study.

Output. The output of the study was a mini tube cutter machine for cutting fabrication

processes. This machine was generated by AC motor which more convenient for the safety of the

user in performing fabrication processes.


I. Preparation phase
o Planning and
o Design

II. Developmental
o Fabrication
o Testing
I. Designed of the
tube metal cutting III. Evaluation Phase Tube Metal Cutting
machine. Machine
o Preparation
III. Level of and validation
acceptability of the of the
machine in terms of: questionnaire
o Functionality, o Administration
o Durability, o Retrieval of
o Efficiency and questionnaire
o Safety o Statistical


Figure 2. Conceptual Paradigm

Definition of terms

The following terms were operationally defined to enhance the understanding of this study

within the context of research.

AC Motor. This refers to the electric motor driven by an alternating current. This help to run the

tube cutting machine and function much more effectively.

Cutting Machine. This refers to the machine which give a hand to the user to perform its task. It

is the tools that the researcher used to cut the metal for the development of their product.

Cutting Tools. It is referring to the equipment that the researchers used to perform their tasks in

conducting research.

Development. This encompasses the innovation skill acquisition not only resulting in practical tool

but also contribute to the students, instructors, and university.


Levels of acceptability. This refers to the testing the machine which reflects to the perception of

the machine’s durability, effectiveness, and value for its intended purpose.

Accuracy. It refers how the developed machine give accurate results to the user or operator.

Durability. Refers to the tube cutting machine’s ability to withstand and prolonged its uses

and lifespan.

Efficiency. Refers to the tube cutting machine’s abilities effectively and perform well its


Functionality. It is referring to the capabilities and performance of the developed machine.

Safety. It is pertaining the assurance of developing tube cutting machine free from risk or

hazards. It also refers and emphasize the precautionary method that lessen the possibilities

of hazards, arm, and injury during the laboratory.

Machine. Refers to the technology that help the students to perform their shops and projects that

related to development.

Machining Processes. This refers to the actions or processes that the operator used such drilling,

turning, sawing, cutting, and tapping of the metal used in forming and constructing the machine.

Machinist. This refers to the people whose experts when it come to the developing new

technologies and can decide which the best for making and developing machines or tools for

fabrication processes.

Metal Tubes. This refers to the metal pipes it is either round or tabular that the tube cutting

machine can handle and processed.


Call, D. R., & Herber, D. R. (2022). Applicability of the diffusion of innovation theory

to accelerate model‐based systems engineering adoption. Systems Engineering, 25(6),


Cutting tool technology. (n.d.). Google Books.





Google Books. (n.d.).

Jamwal, A., Agrawal, R., Sharma, M., Dangayach, G., & Gupta, S. (2021). Application

of optimization techniques in metal cutting operations: A bibliometric analysis. Materials

Today: Proceedings, 38, 365–370.

Liang, X., Liang, X., Wang, B., Wang, C., & Cheung, C. F. (2022). Friction behaviours in

the metal cutting process: state of the art and future perspectives. International Journal

of Extreme Manufacturing, 5(1), 012002.

Chapter II

This chapter presents the procedure and construction of Development of tube metal cutting

machine. It includes the research design, research method, and data gathering procedures,

statistical treatment of data, block diagram, and the final design of device.

Research Design

In this study, the researcher used Quantitative and Comparative research and employed

different types of methods in this study. The systematic study of designing, developing, and

producing processes and products that must satisfy the requirements of functionality and

effectiveness of a mini tube cutting machine was linked to the research development method.

Conversely, the experimental method examined the robustness and efficiency of a mini tube

cutting machine. The respondents’ level of acceptability regarding the functionality, durability,

efficiency, and safety of the mini tube cutting machine was assessed using the descriptive-

evaluative method, and the significant among the responses was tested. The data was carefully

analyzed to determine the acceptability levels and spot any discrepancies among the respondents’

Research Method

The respondent of this study, Machinist, Mechanical and Automotive instructor, and

students of CBSUA from the municipality of Sipocot. This study uses random sampling technique

to identify the Machinist Mechanical and Automotive Instructor, and students to participate in this

study. In particular, ten (10) randomly chosen first year and second year enrolled in Industrial

Technology major in Mechanical and Automotive students, five (5) Machinists, and five (5)

Mechanical and Automotive Instructors. This study was conducted at Sipocot, Camarines Sur in

the year 2024.

Table 1. Distribution of the Respondents

Respondents No. of Respondents Percentage %

Machinist 5 17%

Mechanical and 5 17%

Automotive Instructor
1st year Mechanical and 10 33%
Automotive students
2nd year Mechanical 10 33%
and Automotive
Total: 30 100%

In this study, the research instrument used was a survey questionnaire that was validated

by panel members to ensure both the validity of the instrument and the ability of the survey

questionnaire to assist researchers in gathering that accurately data. In addition to the instructions

and measurements used to interpret and determine the frequency range of each data and about

the functionality, durability, efficiency, and safety of the device, the paper included the

respondent’s name, age, and other personal information (respondent’s name and age are

optional). A team of specialists validates the survey questionnaire. Modification and improvement

of the survey questionnaire was taken after validation.

Parts and Components

The materials and supplies utilized to create the mini tube cutting machine were listed

below, along with function, next is table of materials shows the corresponding quantity,

descriptions, and estimated costs.

AC motor. To convert electrical energy into mechanical energy with the use of the electromagnetic


Bearing. To reduce friction and allow for smoother rotation.

Chain. A toothed wheel transmitting power by means of a chain fitted to its edges.

Cutting & Grinding disc. To grind large pieces of material off a work piece from a shallow angle,

cutting wheels typically make narrow, precise cuts at 90-degree angles.

Metals. Used extensively in manufacturing machines for industries, agriculture or farming and

automobiles which include road vehicles, railways, airplanes, rockets etc.

Power supply. To convert electric current from a source to the correct voltage, current, and

frequency to power the load.

Sprocket chain wheel. It allows for simple and controlled rotational movement of larger

equipment and machinery.

Bill of materials

This table shows the cost of materials to be used in this study.

Table 2. Bill of materials

Quantit Unit Specifications Unit Cost Amount

1 Pc. AC Motor (Induction motor) ₱1,348 ₱1,348

2 Pcs Engine Sprocket (15-1511) ₱342 ₱684

1 Pc Chain (motorcycle) ₱275 ₱275

12 Pcs Ball Bearings ₱60 ₱480

1 Pc Grinding Wheel ₱95 ₱95

1 Box Welding rods (6013) ₱179 ₱179

1 Box Tool bit ₱150 ₱150

6 Pcs Bolts and Nuts ₱18 ₱108

5 Pcs Flat bar steel ₱100 ₱500

5 Pcs Tube bar steel ₱70 ₱350

3 Pcs Round shafting metal ₱140 ₱420

2 Pcs Spray paint (black & silver) ₱150 ₱150

₱1500 ₱1500

Total ₱6,089

Tools and Equipment

The instruments employed in the manufacturing process of the product and their respective

functions. These instruments allowed the researchers to efficiently create and sculpt the metals.

Obtaining the precise shapes and forms required to facilitate the easy connection and assembly of

each piece of the equipment that has been manufactured.

Table 3. Tools and Equipment

Equipment Uses

Lathe Machine Used to shape the shafting metal that may use

to connect base together with the bearings.

Grinding Machine Used to drill the metal parts that requires hole for

nutting and connecting parts of the tube cutting


Welding Machine Used to assemble or remove metal parts for

constructing tube cutting machine.

6011 Welding Rods It is used for connecting the other parts of tube

cutting machine.

Hacksaw Used for cutting the round bar, tube bar and flat


Adjustable Wrench Used to turn or loosen a nut or bolt in the tube

cutting machine.

Bolts and Nuts Used to permanently or semi-permanently fasten

materials, usually metal to prevent the loosening

and crushing of machine’s parts.

Steel tape measure Used to measures the upper and down metal

parts of the machine.

Drilling Machine Used to drill holes in hard materials like metal

that need in the lower parts of the tube cutting


Pencil Used for artistic sketching and drawing or dotting

mark some parts of machine that need to cut or

drill to avoid mistakes.

PPE (Personal Used to minimize exposure to hazard while

Protective Equipment) doing or constructing of product.


AC Bearings
Cutting &
MOTOR Grinding

Engine Engine Ball

Sprocket Sprocket Bearings


Figure 3. Block Diagram


20” 12”



Figure 4. Views

of the machine





Data Gathering

The researchers craft a survey questionnaire to evaluate the acceptability of the device

including its design, functionality, durability, efficiency, and safety. For the validity and reliability of

the questions, it will be verified by the thesis adviser and advisory committee. After the approval of

the questionnaire, the researchers may continue for the permission to conduct a survey. At the

time receiving the approval, the survey questionnaire will be distributed to the groups of

respondents. The researchers will pick Twenty (20) respondents randomly to the 1 st and 2nd year

students of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology (BSIT) major in Mechanical Technology

and Automotive Technology of Central Bicol State University of Agriculture – Sipocot (CBSUA-

Sipocot) campus, randomly picked Five (5) instructors from BSIT major in Mechanical Technology

and Automotive Technology at the same campus for another group of respondents, and Five (5)

random mechanic experts from Sipocot, therefore, the researchers will need to gather responses

to the Thirty (30) respondents. The researchers will provide the presentation and demonstration of

the device to the respondents for them to analyze its functionality, durability, efficiency, safety, and

its design. After demonstrating, the respondents will answer the questionnaire by scaling it from 1

to 5 with the verbal interpretation each using Likert Scale.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data gathered were statistically treated with frequency count and percentage technique,

weighted mean and ranking techniques, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of inferential statistics

were used.

Frequency count and percentage technique are used to quantify the number of

respondents as well as their responses.

Weighted mean and ranking technique were used to test the extent utilization of mini

tube cutter. There were three indicators with five sub-categories in this technique, and it was rated

using the Likert Scale of 1 to 5 where: 5 – strongly agree, 4 – agree, 3 – neither, 2 – disagree, 1 –

strongly disagree.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was applied to determine the significant differences among

the evaluation of the respondents.


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